Washington County hatchet. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1895-1896, May 10, 1895, Image 3

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    W A SH IN G T O N
(O I
H artram pf Bros, pay the highest mar-
ket price for all kinds o f grain and have
T h e program o f the state Sunday baled hay and all kinds o f feed for sale
J . W. Baxter o f G ales C reek was in the
school convention, in session this week at their store on Pacific avenue. Orders city Friday,
at Portland, had on it, for W ednesday, delivered anyw here in the city.
Mr. S. A. Long, editor o f the H illsboro
a paper “ In T each in g” b y Prin. H. L.
“ To discontinue an advertisem ent.”
Bates. T he devotional service ot Thurs­ says Jo h n W anam aker, the largest Argus, honored the sanctum wi th his
presence Saturday.
A lw ays welcome.
day m orning was conducted bv Miss advertiser in the world,
“ is like taking
Come again.
N ellie Woods.
dow n your sign. Standing advertisements
Ira E . B radley o f G reenville visited the
F o rty acre fruit ranch to trade for when changed frequently, are better and
cheaper than reading notices. T h ey look H a tc h k t office while in town M onday.
town property by A'. B .Thom as.
A H O l ’T T O W N .
FK I l)\Y ,
A T T H i : 'V A l i m i # v .
Pres. M cClelland returned Saturday
from Condon, Oregon, where he has been 1
attending the annual conference o f the
M id-Columbia Congregational Associa­
A very interesting oration, entitled
“ Destiny o f M an’ ’ , was delivered by
Prin. Bates at chapel on Thursday.
Prof. Perrin and a division o f his e n - 1
II I K l
JO H N SO N . .
S . H. t i l L I M N .
T . J . H A R K I * . Notato P u h ilr .
M e l k i J ohnson
Special Bargains in Tw enty and Forty Acre
Tracts in Washington, Yamhill
and Tillamook counties.
more substantial and business like, and
c. M. Keep, T . S. K eep, Geo. K eep and « "'e rr in g class spent Saturday at Mount
inspire confidence. I would as soon Jo h n W agner started T uesday m orning Scott, where they were engaged in
think o f doing business without clerks via M cN am er stage line for W ilson practical survey work.
as without ad vertisin g.”
Ernest Rands returned M onday night
river 011 a fishing trip.
from his lightning trip to Portland and j
Patronize home industries, particularly
Mr. M itchell o f Vernonia editor o f the Oregon City.
the newspaper that is printed at home.
Nehalem Jou rn al visited the sanctum
Charles Bemo B radley stayed over
I . C. M cN am er’s stage attempted the while in town T uesday attending the Sunday at his home near G reenville.
trip to T illam ook Tuesday but was pre­ district lodge I. O. G. T.
Several young men attended a prayer j
Unless put up by a skillful druggist.
vented by high water at the Wilson river
M iss H attie Stim son o f Portland is in meeting at Cornelius last week.
M r . M i l l e r has had many years ex­
crossing. Mr. M cNam er swam his horse
“ T hat is right, H artley.
the Grove.
across and continued the journey.
perience in filling prescriptions and is
like having the last word. H a -h a -h a !”
D. C. Stew art was kicked b y a pony
J . Adrian M erriman o f H illsboro w as in
Su n day but received slight injury and is
The college correspondent o f the
To insure is sure indem nity in case of
thoroughly competent. A l l reliable p a t­
town Saturday.
Tim es “ is getting his work down to a j
loss. To have sure indem nity in case of
around as usual..
medicines kept in stock. Toilet articles in
W. S. Ingles who has been sick for a I cute. The only m istake in the last issue I
loss is to insure with Scott & Co.
Ice cream and ice cream soda at the
I w as” that the gentlem an did not know |
week and over is about again.
endless variety.
Stationery, too. In price,
A telephone message that B rady, the
Hom e Bakery.
i the difference between the Tim es and \
Messrs. Colstock, W ilson T aylor and
C alifornia train robl>er and murderer,
in quality, the leading
Over in Forest Grove, W ashington
| the Index. “ T his m istake is easily ac- j
had been seen at G reenville put Sh eriff Dobbins, o f H illsboro, were in the city
county, Austin Craig has established an
counted for” as the young man was not j
Ford to a little inconvenience last week. Friday.
excellent jo u rn al and given it the name
j in the best o f humor when he wrote it.
T he report proved unfounded.
Fred PL Raym ond has gotten a new
o f the H a t c h k t . It is a 6-column folio,
The greatest feature o f the com m ence-!
b righ t and new sy, and should receive the
Pigs for sale at C. H . Row e’s, Forest white spring hat.
j ment week will be the academ y gradu-
f o r e s t g r o v e .
warm est support o f the people in that Grove.
! ating exercises on Ju n e 18. The faculty
M. H. Rice returned to the city S atu r­
country.— Florence West.
; has decided to give to each graduate an
Schubert Quartette has been invited
day from Salem where he has been stop­
| opportunity to display his orat orical
B ig stack s o f ties are to lie seen all to G ladstone Park and Prin. Bates has ping for some time.
j ability. Accordingly twenty-two orators
around the Cornelius station and are be­ been especially asked to lak e a leading
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart, o f Streeter, 111 . j are now preparing them selves for this
ing constantly added to, ind icatin g the part in the music.
; are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sm ith.
! grand occasion. To their great sorrow,
early return of the tie-preserving plant.
Advanced.— E very body knows that
V W ell kept horses, handsome harness, at-
W. S. Hudson o f Gaston called at the j no
«-an exceed seven hundred
I I . W. Scott & Co. would like to sugar alw ays advan .es in price in fruit
V tractive and comfortable carriages — are
wor<ls alld >t m ust be delivered
The tim e has come to lay in office W ednesday on his w ay to H illsboro. [ and
correspond with parties having good season.
i in less than five minutes. But don’t
V much pleasanter to ride in, don’t you think
t mber land for sale.
J . K. Berst, a H illsboro meat man was : k ick _ boy8 amj g irls, for D alliel Webster
Caples & Thom as have three tons in town Saturday returning by b icy cle
V so? T h ey cost no more. Ju st go to Jones
is said to have made his famous reply to
Doctor C. L. Large reports the fol­
o f Best G ranulated Sugar they w ill sell and horse,
H ayne in ju st about two minutes. Ask
lowing births. To the wife o f T liad
V for your rig.
Saddle horses that will suit
for less than Portland prices.
Parker, the seventh inst. a son.
W . J . Partlow , W .W . W illiam s, J . H. Cicero and Demosthenes and they will
V you. Our ’bus meets every train. Glad
The Young W om an’s Foreign Mission- Sm ith, L. W. House, J . W . W all, L . E . tell you that all their great orations were
To the wife o f Joseph Vaughn, the
V to have you ride in it. Our stables will take
ary society will give a literary entertain i.ong, Geo. Schulm erich and E. L. Jam es delivered in less than five minutes. It is
seventh inst. a young detective.
ment and supper at the M ethodist | were j n the G rove Satu rd ay night also said that H arvard, Yale, Princeton
V good care of your horses if you choose to
The Independence Am ateur A thletic
and the other great universities compel
church, Frid ay, M ay 17, 8 p. m.
I attending the K . o f P. lodge.
club w ill give a B icycle Tournam ent at
.-. leave them with us while in to w n ...............
all their graduates to “ orate” at their
Bargains in land. E ig h ty acres jo in in g
Talmage race track, Satu rd ay, M ay 23
Adam Beil a n d j . L. Voss were in
at 2 p. in. G old m edals prizes, L. A. \\ . the town o f D illey, 60 under cultivation, Hillsboro W ednesday on business.
all strange that 1 *. U. is adopting this
rules. B. F . Burth is the secretary o f good house, barn and out buildings,
Mr. M anning o f M anning was in the new system. There is nothing more F O R E S T G R O V E .
whom ,further iinform ation m ay be had.
pleasing to an audience than to be con­
o f sm all fruits. L iv in g waiter. All for city last Thursday.
Lost-^rA la d y’ s gold watch, hunting fifty dollars per acre 011 reasonable terms.
Mr. G ra y , Mr. Jac k so n , and Mr. fined for three or four hours in a crowded
case, on/ the streets M onday evenin':
Briggs, o f Dilley, were in the city last auditorium well supplied with carbon
L a n g l e y & S on
Fin d er Njrill receive a liberal rew ard b .
dioxide and listen to a great number of
P'red Sigentholer, son of the creamery
retu rning to the H a TCHKT office.
speakers. Su rely these exercises o f the
man ai Cedar M ill, suffered a badly
H enry Bamford o f H illsid e visited the class o f ’99 will be very interesting, but
Siiptl. Bond reports thirty would-be broken arm recently
I)r. Tam isie ot | n ATCHKT office F rid ay
please take m y advice and brin g with
Is ¡a this exam ination. And still H illsboro set it F rid ay and the patient
Mr. B ew lin g o f near G ales Creek called ™ a lunch and cam ping outfit,
th ey cojme.
:s now getting along nicely.
i t tlie IlATCHBT office w hile in town j 'V . S. Gordon, a form er student o f P.
H un/, sdc B ailey are prepared to offer
M idwifery a specialty. Anaesthetics F rid ay
| U ., was in town Saturday.
the Lihjhest prices for sheep and goat administered and
Prill. Bates was absent from his classes
W illis Ireland o f G reen ville was in the
wool, e ith e r in goods or cash. Be sure without pain by C. L. L arge M. I). oi
I W ednesday and H. A. Rands, ex-assis­
and giw e us a call before selling.
Foresc Grove.
tant professor o f m athem atics, occupied
Th e Country affords, in Great
Hen Ay A . D ougherty, a d ea f mute
Tem Ple and
an<1 H arry ¡B a ll of the chair o f Latin Language and Litera­
R ev. I. D. Driv , the eloquent an,I
and h i» fam ily are cam ped near Corneliu able divine, will giro his renowned ! Sco« * ,ns VulIe>’ were in town 8aturda>' ture.
Variety and at Moderate Prices
Sann I. H irota w ill lecture in the First
h u v in g v jou rn eyed here from Texas. lecture on “ Bob iugersol ami the Devil
Mrs. J . C. Buchanan o f Cornelius
T h ro u g ii the kindness o f R ev. A. Roger- Com bined,” in Forest Grove, Frid ay, visited the G rove Satu rd ay afternoon. Congregational church of H illsboro on
the evening o f M ay 3 1. He also received
we wt ref enabled to get Mr. D oughertys’ May 24, 1895. Fu rther notice next
T. M. Jackso n and a tim ber man from an invitation from the W illam ette V a l­
view s c n this country which are most week.
Portland spent two d a ys last week on ley Chautauqua Association to give
favoral >le. He expects to locate in this
Scott & Co. w ill write your insurance
the head waters o f the T ualatin.
T h ey j short lecture before the assem bly in
Done in A ll Kinds of Dressed Poultry, F a t Hogs,
policies 111 lour o f the strongest C o ’s in j
had to turn back on account o f the deep Ju ly .
Bedrj >om sets in cherry, ash and m aple ! the world.
snow which was seven feet in places.
A warm friend of ■ Fresi,ic " wro.e to * 3 p ™ ’ K Lambs and Veal Calves.
to $ i 3 at B la k e r’s Second i Jam es Lee, livin g near Gaston, was
from H
a few words o f tim ely w arning which
Jim Lee, Mr. G reebler aud Mr. Tease of
H and iM|>re.
taken through the city by deputy sheriffs
Patton V alley went to W ilson R iver last reads as follows: “ Y ou must not be too
An a< ‘sthetic haircut adm inistered, 011 the way to H illsboro W ednesday week oil an elk hunt.
severe on the F — or they w ill pound you
ami w hi -kers am putated without p ay by evening. Money, tools and numerous
with the club o f their vengeance and TELEPHONE, RîSrtfî.“-
Mr. Cox, who has been livin g 011 the tram ple you into the mud o f their
other things evidently stolen were found
R a yin o i id the barber.
Sim Lee ranch in Patton valley, has wrath. ” D i. p i uni serva te. '
hidden on his place.
( utility l a x e s.
Glencoe K n ig h t s to Celebrate.
,ousignout, brother o f those
moved back near
H illsboro
The public recital given by the stu­
lodge K n ig h ts o f P yth ias, now
recciitlj arrested in this county and an
he form erly lived.
dents o f the Conservatory on Tuesday County 1 teasurer Sappington, on the ta x j nearly eleven years old, w ill celebrate
ex-con’ ict, has been convicted at Oregon little homes in Forest Grove, l l/ i acres
So m any o f his friends have congratu­ afternoon was a com plete success. It account, $40,188.86 out o f a total levy o f | their an n iversary W ednesday, M ay 15.
b urglary. H e has a wife and o f land— % acre o f strawberries, good
C ity
Some w
w arrants
arrants have
have been
been j ' Sp eakers from F jlls b o ro and Forest
him 011 leaving th at Leslie Greer was sim ply ‘‘ a dream of loveliness.”
* * 1,493 45 - Some
nine ch ldren.
The F a cu lty gave an inform al
recep- turned in too. Onlv about * 12 has been G rove are to be present and a big supper
must be seen to be appreciated. Onl\ has decided to stay in the G rove a little
T ake .your grain to H artram pf Bros.
tion to some o f their college friends on
gotten on the delinquent tax account, is part o f the program . A ll K n ig h ts in
£175 cash, the balauce on your own w hile longer.
and g 'Mile highest price for it. Baled terms. Only three days to m ake up
M onday night.
The school apportionm ent h a s jio t been good standing are in vited and their ladies
Mrs. M cC lelland has been asked to
hay an rl all kinds ol feed for sale. Or-
made until now so that it m ight be as who can dance esp ecially. A ll is free,
your m ind.—Scott & Co.
ders d< ilivered anyw here in the city.
Tom M adigan 's is the place to get your large as possible.
K n igh ts are requested to wear their
A. L . G eiger intends running a stage school at G earhart Park.
cream ery supplies and tinware o f all
jew els.
H ughes is plann in g to build a
.M ay
this season half way to Tillam ook there
Mr. N orthrup, o f the H illsboro House kinds Roofing and spouting a specialty.
Methodist Church.
house, for next yea r’s use, to put snow in. connecting with Mr. Stilw ell from the
was ill town M onday.
N ext Sabbath is the sixth anniversary
T h e K ilieto n eo p o .
It will
160 acres o f land for *100.
other end. Quick service will be their
o f the organization o f the Epw orth
A representative o f E d iso n travellin g
ith sawdust. The m ayor has
Mrs. T. R itch ie o f G reen ville was in
S c o t t & Co.
League. At 11 a. m. Mr. T. S. Me- with a kinetoscope and e xh ib itin g real-
the city Thursday.
had coi siderable experience, gained in
ith the keeping o f snow an.l j Bargains in land near Forest Grove,
Daniel, o f Portland and president o f the istic view s o f C arm en cita, the serpentine
Open Secret.
Mrs. M elki Johnson is quite sick.
•ail be done here. Itisea sierg o t- i 1 large and small tracts, for any purpose
It is better to be happy chan to be Pori land District Le ague, will address dance and lik e “ e d u c a tio n a l," as he
and at an y price. I f you want to buy
Senator D olph’s daughter, Mrs. R ic h ­ rich and better to go to C ap les & the congregation. In the evening the called them , scenes, struck town Tues­
ten thi rn ice, more convenient in m any
we have what will suit you, only tell us ard N ixon, and maid are at Mrs. G re g g ’s
w ays 11 p i if it w ill keep well, soon every j
Thom as for your shoes than pay higher pastor will preach and follow ing the ser­ day. A fter rentin g a h all for three days
your wants. I f you had rather sell, the for a few w eeks’ visit.
w ill be having his snowhouse.
prices for poorer shoes elsewhere. Ask mon will l>e the installation o f the newly and b illing the c ity the exhibition was
one liei
I easiest and quickest way is to put your
ready for business. H ow ever when m ar­
Dr. W ard aud Mrs. G reg g drove to to see Selz, Schw ab & C o ’ s L a d ie s’ E n ­ elected Epw orth officers.
40 ?ci s, 25 bottom land under culti- property on our list.—Scott & Co., F o r­
shal Striplin cam e alon g to collect the
rest easily placed so. Three est Grove.
$5 a <tay license fee which the city taxes
Hillsboro * Deeatrick S k ule.
Bottom and Top Notch Shoes.
fourth.1 [o f a m ile from depot. A ll under
Messrs. J . F . Loyd
and Fran k
I Tuesday
night prom inent society such businesses which take m oney aw ay
fence, ^Living water. Price $40 per
M iss M innie and Zula W arren visited
Edm onds, o f G reenville, called at the
C ity Map.
people rendered the “ D eestrick S k u le ” without any returns, the kinetoscope de­
friends in the G rove the first o f the week.
F irst the m anager
H a t c h e t office Thursday.
L. C. W alker has finished a number o f in a m anner very acceptable to the large cided to m ove on.
L a n g ley & S on .
Mrs. Richard West o f G reenville is handsome blue print m aps o f Forest assem blage at the Opera House. The tried to convince the city officials th at
The -1
very sick.
Grove. The plat is 3x4 feet, nam es the various parts were all well put on and they did not kt.ow what they were about
give till Inter-State M ilk m aid convention o f Beil & G ray or Abbott & Roe.
hut finally he cam e to the conclusion
We buy cheap and sell cheap, sell a streets, locates boundaries and is drawn the affair was as it deserved to be a
H enry Ham ilton, W. S. Ingles and C.
that they had a pretty good idea o f it.
in the i| ar future. It w ill be o f great
! C. Chipm an expect to go to Southern heap and keep forever at it and here is are indicated, donation claim lim its
---------------- —
the secret o f our success. A nim ble
Forest Grove party o f the Buxton Oregon by wagon soon,
T w o W ay».
sixpence is better than a slow shilling. shown and the num bering o f tlie blocks
W ho buys the cheapest, the m erchant
Com pany
has returned.
j ots
College addition going fast Bargains that are bargains go quick, given. Such a
Lum bei in g
T h irty or more G rove friends o f Mr.
Theodol e W irt7. and Andrew Shoch came at j IOO to j , j 0 per lot. Call soon or and the price goes back into new goods G rove has long needed. The map is a ami Mrs. Gates, J r ., join ed by a dozen that gets his goods on lo n g tim e or
liack f J •iday, and H arry Crosley, Robert best will be taken.
to be again turned into cash. Caples & credit to Mr. W alker and the Grove. from elsewhere, surprised them at their the m erchant that buys for cash? W hich
L a n g l e y & S on .
one can sell you the cheapest, the one
The maps are to be had for five dollars
H artrai lipf am» D avid W irtz Saturday.
pleasant home north o f the city, Satu rd ay
that sells to everyb od y on tim e or the
I. O. G . T. District lodge met here
ins w ishing teeth extracted pain-
one who sells for cash? Y o u certainly
A Poor Jo k e .
iould go to I)r. Large. He will
M usic ill ( ’» lie g e .
ran save money by bu ying at Caples &
Indian W ar Veterans of 1855 and 1856
W ith next fall the U n iversity author- o f the evening was lunch at a table Thom as' Cash Store.
iter chloroform , ether or the
-paration at either dentist’s No | wiH learn som ething to their interest by caused some one to thi nk the college ites will make another change to keep in fifteen feet long and ju st loaded down
buildings were on fire and so he turned the front rank with Am erican colieges. with good things.
| to the patient i f not satisfactory, callin g on J . I. K n ight, H illsb o .o , Or.
A Good Time Coining.
in an alarm .
N ext day the H a TCHKT was also sur
The same liberality which was shown in
Iiington Co., O r., has thirteen
T h e M i l l e r Pharm acy makes a specialty
The recent raise in wages in Penn­
the opening o f so m any elective courses prised with a platter heaped high with
and cheese factories. T hey are of com pounding prescriptions, which are
The Indies Hall.
in advance o f an y other school on this sam ples o f the various delicacies. We sylvan ia indicates a condition which th e
ng institutions. Cheese and but- put up with the utmost care and filled
people o f thia region would lik e to see
The fine four story building known as Northwest coast has prompted the school are ju st recovering from our surprise.
ade in each d a iry, and all o f from the purest material.
Am ong those from the G rove were: here. But Oregon in reality has little
Ladies H all, a picture of which is shown to allow music to be taken as the elective
Prospects are
The W illam ette Association o f Congre- in connection with the article on Pacific in the literary course. W ith previous Mrs. L aura W ells, Mr. W illiam Gordon, cause for com plaint.
la v e gained a reputation for
fgo o d butter and cheese. Am ong gationalists w ill meet in Forest Grove
brighter here than elsew here and never
University, serves as a home for the allow ances this w ill adm it o f the credit Mr. J . E . Kirkw ood, Miss E lla H o y t .J.
has business become so dull as it was
\ ir ie s there is not one that lias M ay 20 and 2 1.
institution. In the present crowded o f two hours a week through the entire B. Beal, Mr. Beaucham p, Mr. Fran k
last year. T w en ty three vessels are now
vantage that the
W oodland
Married—Sunday afternoon in Port­ state o f the school some classes have college course. Three hours o f music Gordon, Miss L am a H oyt, Joh n Strait,
has T hey have not got as
on their w ay to Portland to he loaded
land bv the R ev.
Thos. Boyd, Bertha been obliged to recite on the lower floor including practice will be considered the Mr. W illiam Robb, Mrs. Em m a Chan­ with wheat. Su rely this w ill relieve the
a ring for the cows, and not as
dler, Mr. H arrv Bond, Mr H askell, Miss W illam ette V alle y a little and com m er­
Lam bert, daughter o f Mrs. M. Menden- o f this building and some rooms have equivalent o f two hours,
tv land; it costs those daries just
hall to Edward J . Boos. Mr. E . Men- been devoted to the C onservatory o f
The method o f instruction is such Kinm a Gordon, Miss Orel! Beal, Miss cial travelers now report business good
| much to get th eir product into
denhull was l>est man ami Miss Lena Music. The opening o f Marsh H all at that in mental discipline and culture it Em m a G ilpin, Mr. Arthur Caples, Mias in this region, especially in Forest,Gro\e.
|k e t. W ith all these disadvan
Bmjs bridesmaid.
Relatives ami a few the lieginning o f the fall term w ill afford is is a fair equivalent to other college L ola Venen, Mr. Jam es Robb, Miss E lla
The photo-engraving o f M ayor Hughes
hev are successful, and every
T d ’irvb u ain ess invited guests were present. Mr. George abundant room for all classes and w ill studies. Pacific U n iversity in this is G onion, Miss Ida Heltzell, Mr. Joh n in this issue is from the art department
at there is in
ami his fam ily drove down Sunday relieve the C o n se rv a to ry from its p resen t fo llo w in g the lead o f som e ol the prim ipal
of the H a TCHKT Printery. Sam ples an
ner gets it.—W oodland, W ash.,
prices at our office.
Brown and Mr. W illiam Hartrampf.
eastern universities.
and returned the next d ay.
j cram ped quarter*. ■
T his m orning a young man named
E lm er Pom eroy, livin g at New Astoria
was found drowned in a setnet on the
south side of the governm ent je tty at
Fort Stephens. He m ust have gone out
during the night and fallen from his
skiff. T he young m an was a nephew of
K. J . F o rd , o f New A storia. H is parents
live at Cornelius, Or., where the body
w ill be sent for burial.— M onday Su...
P r ig s
are dangerous
Meats, Sausages,
Fish and Poultry
A General Shipping Business,
Wholesale and Retail,