» * 3 * . HüADABLE RELIABLE R E P U B L íC A r S I.O O n Y e a r Have Yoi S u b s c r ib o i? - 2500 COPIES OF TH IS ISSUE W OULDN’T IT PAY YOU TO ADVERTISE? County Hatchet "IV e 'll hew to the line, lei the chips f a il where th °y may.' YO L. I , N o . .**. r / G TOi’Y. I » .V i I -f- I I K I - .i O N . / FO REST ! A I.K H T HOOK A N D L A D D E R CO. N o. i . — Aaron W ells, p re sid e n t. H orace S te w a rt, vice- p re sid e n t. C. O. Roe, se c re ta ry . E . B. Sapp tn g- to u . tre a su re r. K. B. Sa p p in g to ti, ch ief. II. B. Jo h n so n , fo rem an . H . H. C la rk , ist assista n t. J o e B a ile y , 2nd a ssista n t. ( ¿ R O Y E , O R E G O N , F R I D A Y , A F R I I. CHILI) AM» SILVER AS MONEY. F o r e s t C r o v e , A p r i l 24 , 18 9 5 . i<», 1 S D 5 . (TTY COUNCIL Minutes of adjourned meet tig of the Common Council of the ci .y of Forest Grove, held at ‘.he counci, chamber, April 22. 1895. The Common Council m t pursuant to adjournment. Roll call si owed the following in attendance: Co tnciluien Large, Stewart, McNamtr, Sn ith and Walker, anti the Mayor. Absent, Coun- cilinen Sappington and' Recorde Wells. Councilman Walker was desigi ated to act as recorder pro tern. The reading of the minutes of ,he last meeting was omitted li the matter of sale of a hors? taken up by the Marshal tht* following r solu­ tion introduced by Coituciluien V, *ker was adopted: Resolved, that whereas a certain i >»rse , , ^ , .. . - , has been taken up bv ‘ be marshal, uid whereas it appears to the satisfactic r. of the Common Council that due noti< e of the taking up and impounding has b sn given; it also appearing to the Council that all the proceedings therein hi ve been strictly in conformity with the requirements of Ordinance No. 51, there­ fore il is ordered that the Marshal be instructed to sell the same at pubi c outcry, at the city pound, at the hour of to a. m., April 23, 1895. T H R E E C EN TS A CO PY. CORXKIJITM . IN FRATERNAL CIRCLES. Many Im provem ents—A New Store— Happening:? Among the Lodges of W ashington County. Factory to Open up Soon. To t h e E d ito r : W ill. 1*. Lorcl I was much please«! with the conserva­ A new loilge of the Degree o f Honor, The H a t c h et is lieing favorably re­ F O R E S T (»R O V E P R K E T H O U G H T l.IB K A KV s t « .c . . H a rrt n K. K in ca id No. 3 1, was instituted at Sunny view last I'h f ip M etsch am a n d re a d in g ro o m is op en e v e ry T h u rsd a y and tive views expressed mi the editorial of ceived at Cornelius. F r id a y aftern o o n an d e v e n in g M rs. A. E. B a r­ ablitf iasirUfCtion Irw in / i»rint " r week with sixty-one chart*, r members. your last paper on the financial questions W. HL U c d i k e r, lib ra ria n . The present fine weather is stimulat­ Chns. ' . W o lv erto u of the day. You have, it seems to me, ftr m e C o t ri J K S. Uean A new camp of Woodmen was recently ing our citizens to clean and otherwise FO REST GRO VE F IR E D EPA RTM EN T. taken the liappv medium between the ( . A. M oore instituted at Silverton. fix up their places. ' lu d ?.. P '.l h IV M tln T .. 4 m . M „ cO rH e A L A R M S ;— G kkiirai . A larm -R a p id ta p p in g impossible theories of the single gold /> it j ä h y - ‘ifth U is t r i d ........ V N. B a rre tt o f th e b e ll. T h e location o f th e file w ill be In d i­ A new lodge of Odd F'ellows was insti­ J . Keim is putting up a new* dwelling cated b y th e n u m b e r o f lu ll ta p s g ive n b etw een standard advocates, and the numerous tw o g e n e ra l a la r m s —c o rresp o n d in g to th e n u m ­ house on the lots in front of the M. F«. tuted at Gold Hill last week and another views of the populist. The populists b e r o f w a rd s w h o se lim its a re g iv e n below . W A S H I NGT'ON' F O I ' T Y C all fo r d r ill—T h re e tap s, p au se, th re e tap s, having in my opinion this one advan­ one will be to-night at Condon. church. p a u se , th re e taps. B . P. C o rn e liu s C a ll fo r m e e tin g —F iv e tap s. tage that they arc advocating no impos­ J u d g e ................... Several new lodges of Good Templars Cornelius boasts of the best roads in l) Tessoner C o m m i siou era W A R D L IM IT S . sibility, while our single gold standard c;. T o dd the county. If you don’t believe it have been instituted this mouth. K i'. G oodin C le r k ............................. friends are, and both are equally danger­ F ir s t w ard N orth o f P acific a v e n u e an d east . I*. Fo rd watch the Forest Grove horsemen speed S h e r i If................................... o f C o lle g e W ay. The grand lodge of Oregon, I. O. G. T., . E •. Mi C orn iick Her o rd e r ................. Secon d w a rd —N orth o f P acific a v e n u e an d ous in that they compel an artificial paper their horses over them any morning or will convene at Forest Grove on Tues­ j y . s ij p iu g to u Tr ca !-. ii >*.' be tw e e n C o lle g e W ay an d H street. currency based on credit instead of coin. * 1 '.ivf il. W ilcox A sse-ssor.......................... evening. T h ird w ard N a v lo r’ s add ition W. 1 Bond day, June 4. The local lodge is making Sc h o o l S u p e rin te n d e n t F o u rth w ard B etw een P acific a ve n u e and T h e r\ o! b o t h t h e single gold stand L. h- W ilkes p u rv e y o r. Secon d u veil a t south . A Forest Grove man was lotiged over extensive preparations to receive the W 1 * W oods C o ro n o F ifth w a rd —B etw ee n Second a v e n u e an d South ar«l advocate and of the populist is for night one night last week by the city of grand-lodge officers and ilelegates who Par'v ad d itio n . an elastic currency, which is just the S ix th w ard -Sou th P a rk add ition . J Cornelius. The charge was drunk and will assemble 011 that occasion from all C I T Y O F F O R E S T Ul(< VI thing not needed and not to be desired. parts of the state. It is expected that disorderly. As to the question whether gold is suf­ | at least 125 officers and delegates will be MAYOR. ficient to carry on the business of the Old mother Neep has been seriously H on. S. I l . /V -S . present. The reports this year will show country there seems to be but one res­ ill. | a fair increas? in membership arrd a COI* NOI í , V ponse, and that is in the negative, there F. h . s . 1.. Roderick Clark is also on the sick list. much better financial standing than must therefore be some means of increas­ li. L. Stv »Van, ing the circulation. The advocates of Cornelius is to have a new store. The I heretofore.—The Sun. Cieo. L . SmitVs, C. L- L a rg e , gold alone think this should be done by pr«>prietor is a gentleman from the F^ast According to press dispatches the T . C. SitN a u ie ” , paper increased or diminished at the will and is putting in a stock of general mer­ 1 Ancient Order of Foresters in England L . C. W alk er. chandise in the Weidewitch building. of the bankers. ; has $26,000,000 on hand and a member­ R ec order . That this scheme should meet the The factory is expected to start up ship of 888,000. There is a lotlge of A a ro n W ells. hearty approval of the banks is i.anily to next week under the management of i Foresters at Hillsboro. T hkahfkkr , be ao ihrrei. at, it would hardly be ¿11 tile m a t t e r - f Ordinance No. 68. Goodin, Lind and Friday. To-day seventy-six years ago in the J . C. G re e t. Ordinance No. 68, entitled “ An Ordi­ human nature to suppose otherwise and Seven Stars hotel in Baltimore five Odd Y* ARSII ai , nance to repeal Ordinance No. 37” was 111 this I thin k the bunkers are no more Fellows met together and constituted J o b a S trip Jiu . selfish than other classes, but I think it repotted by the ordinance committee the first American lo«lge. Now* American . F ir.* W arden K. A. Savi i*'igton would be very unsafe to p ace the power a,ltI was rea Smith, Walker, five; absent, I am compelled to dissent from the views N'amer, ¡> ■ 1 A,».»ru,; liam Story, and Geo. Best, started for the wherever eivilizatiin lias gone. By of tile gold advocates who practically Sappington, No. 6, and the ordinance ................................. C lerk .»«iron W e l l s ......... gold mines of Southern Oregon last proclamation of the Grand Sire this day S u p t. o f S c h o o ls ' advocate a currency based not on gold passed to its third reading, and on roll T . J . T h o rp . A . M but on liat and credit. cal1 was passed by the following vote: Saturday morning. Success to the boys, i*» observed wherever Odd Fellows are found as a day of thanksgiving and re­ Dun*« h D ir e c t o r y . The list and sub-treasury schemes of Ayes, Large, Stewart, McNamer, Smith Mrs. Helen D. Harford, of the W. C. joicing for the marvelous grow th of the tilt populist party are similarly weak as and Walker, live; No. 6 absent, Sapping- T. U., lectured to a good audience last order. Washington county has three C(>N<; R E « iA T I O N A L C I ll'R C H . Friday evening upon the subject of tem­ they propose a purely arbitrary basis for ton. subordinate and tw'o Rebekah lodges, A . R oc . k k s , P a s t o r . perance. the circulation which would ultimately In the matter of Ordinance No. 69. S e rv ic e s e v e ry S u n d a y :.t 11 a. in. a n d 8 p. in. and one branch of patriarchal Odd S u n la y school a fte r m o rn in g serv ice . drive gold and silver out as a basis. The Ordinance No. 69, entitled “ An Ordi­ W. F. Rolston, proprietor of the Far­ Fellowship — Washington encampment So cia l m e e tin g s e v e ry T h u rs d a y e v e n in g at arguments of the populist’ are just as nance to restrain breachv and vicious mers hotel, is building an addition to 8 o 'c lo c k . at Hillsboro. V o; n g p eople'll m e e tin g o n e h o u r b e fo re S u n ­ much directed against the use of silver cows from running at large,” etc., was his barn, when completed he will have d a y e ve n in g s -rvice Simonides ltwlge, No. 39, K. of P., Strung«.-!....re n 'v.v.ys c o rd ia lly w elcom ed , as gold. Their views are not like the reported by the ordinance committee one of the finest barns in the county. •/ meets in its castle hall, Cornelius, every single standard advocates impossible i an(| the same proceeilings were had as M E T H O D IS T E P IS C O P A L C H U R C H . Mrs. T. W. Thompson has been quite Saturday evening. Visiting brothers <*uM wish they were— but owing to tht: in Ordinance No. 68. R ev D. A. W at 1 i kk , P astor . sick the last week. welcomed. W. W. Marsh, C. C.; J . T. S e rv ic e s ivet\ S tt« 4 a> .it 11 a. 111. an d 8:301». 11 . fact tliut their currency would be ai bi- S u n ia y sclw y', :.*t il. ¡5 • m. J u n io r le a g u e e v e ry Charlie Danfield is fast recovering Dorrien, K. of R. & S. irariiy fixed by legislation, makes an in the matter oi Ordinance No. 70. S u n d a y at .ip . in. E p w o rth le ag u e at 6:30 p. m. Ordinance No. 70, entitled “ A special from his sickness under the care of Dr. S u n d a y . IfLa):*r im .l in e * ¡30 p. in., T h u rs d a y . elastic currency subject to manipulation Glencoe lodge, No. 22, K . of]*., meets C H R IS T IA N C H U R C H . in the hands of schemers, and all the Ordinance to grade and improve certain J . W. Morrow. in its castle hall, Glencoe, every alternate streets, avenues and road” was reported Regular wrvic« i verv St udav “I »1 »• »« »in’, fv \ ' 1)1 D .'I K . 1 •> history of legislation shows that the William Kertsoit, road su p erviso r, is Saturday. Visiting brothers welcome«* 7:30 . 1 1 , at . 0 . 1 m. 1«?\ W elif, stipi. 11 1*1 ..V aver sell i icktin* Thursday -art..' •~eii 1 f 11 j r > i n t 1 ( u 1 m n , . probabilities are tiiat the legislation will by the ordinance committee and was improving the roads wherever needed. F«N^K v*s* U. C.; J . S. Jackson, K . of read first time, then second time by title, in g a t , 30 p. m . S r. Y . I*. 0 . E . S s tld a y e v e n ­ be in the interests ol’the moneyed classes in g a t 0:30 kj. 111. J r . Y . P. 8. C. K. e u il i.i; j & S. ^ 1 - »’/-«/*• when, on motion of Stewart, it was re­ a iie m o -'ti at 4 p. in. S y lv ia E d w a rd s , p re sid e n t j Everybody is cleaning up their front \ and not in the Interest c*f the country at T h e pul» . a re c o rd ia d y in vite d to a ll the.,«.- committed to ordinance committee to be yards. Everything looks like Gastoii j The I. O.^G. T was increased in ni n ice tin g s. large. In opposition to these the advocates of amended so as to include a portion of would make some good improvements I her in Forest G ro^ S aT u rd ay nigh. *7 B A P T I S T CHUR«. I. the ad, P a s t o r . S e rv ic e s or th e first an 1 th ird S u n d a y o f th e .111 unchanging basis in the full free coin­ College Way, Fifth avenue, and any Grandmother Gilpin is still quite sick. Alma Brown, Maud Stout, Messrs. Treve m o n th at th r u su al a M h io ou a r. Jones, Clyde Stout, John Beal and age of both gold and silver as neater an other street or part of a street designated by street committee. Oscar M. Griium has sold his 20 acre Austin Craig. unvarying standard of values than any ir p o f F o r e s t d r o v e . 1 1 -d r other sclum c yet pujius «1 and one On motion of Walker it was voted that place to Mrs. Myrtle Bates, consideration F.lfa Harrison was elected by Forest W. H , CROSI.KV, P. M. W. S. IN G L E S’ . . . Mr. Grimm will undoubtedly which will furnish us wuii a stable, utie- the street committee be instructed to $500. Grove lo«lge, 1 . O. G. T., as fraternal del­ ARRIVAL A>*j> DKFARTl'Ki: OK MAILS. move to town. lastic currency. procure the necessary blank tin on which T A B L E S A K E GOOD. egate to the W. C. T. V . convention T o a n d from P o rtla n d an d n il p o in ts: D ep a rts Of ionise then- are plenty o f objectors Mr. Brown, the painter, proposes to paint 6:25 a. in. At riv e s ,9:3° a - »«• I)r. Cole, of Forest Grove, and Dr. which meets here this week. Hall convenient and free from objection­ T o C o rv a llis , S a lefti.an d a ll p o in ts on th e W est to this scheme among men whose ability gratuitously, the names of the steets in Morrow, of this place, performed a sur­ S id e : D ep a rts 8:2s a. ill- A r r iv e s 4:30 p . 111. able features. Fourteen candidates are expected to In­ and disinterestedness is unquestioned, this 1 itv, and that when completed they gical operation on Mr. McIntosh’s T o G re e n v ille , M an n in g , B u x to n an d V e rn o n ia : U p - s t a i r s - - I n g les B lo c k . A r r iv e s 12 nt. D e p a rts 1 p. m. ans;o» is that June 19. Already Capt. H. L Wells, A H L O D G E , No. 44, the temporary effect of free coinage e ets in Od : F e llo w s h a ll Our neighbor, V. A. Billion, U buying Alvi" Haines 8,1,1 S ' G Mor* * n ll8ve secretary of the state league, has been id th ird W e d n e sd a y o f Next the H atch KT office, would be to produce a scarcity of gold, notified of the election of 250 ilelegates, ami shipping potatoes to Portland. l'ntert''1 ,nto 8 co-partnership in the mill- V isitin g m e m b ers w el- ing business. The mill, on Gales creek, conte. ty ryan t, N. (i. A lic e Mc- but it is hard to say. The decreased use and he expects fully three times that N a 111 er. R e F o rest G ro ve . Mr. Carstens, from Carstens mill, is in three miles from the Grove and ¡¿oyan ls o f gold thereby entailed would cheapen number will be reported during the its relative value so that it is quite p«»ssi- month that will intervene before the our city this morning trying to sell a bill from the school, has had new machinery H O f 4 k () O K LODC#E. No. 30, A . F . an d of lumber to Mays & Sons. of the best and latest kind put into it m e e ts in its h 11 th e T h u rs d a y ble that no such result would follow as JOHNSON’S b e fo re th e fu ll m oon o f each meeting. He has ma«le arrangements C has. H in es, W. M. G eo. in any free coinage scheme the debt pay­ with the Southern Pacific for a rate of The K. of P. lodge ia going to give an 8,1,1 **“ th' ful1 roller Pr« *a a , with a B r ig g n / 'S *’ L IV E R Y ST A B L E . ing power o f silver would equal that of one and one third fare for the round entertainment of some kind in the near ‘ 8p8C,tV ° f th,rty ,,8rr'•1,, 8 ^ The are about future. The committee in charge will aee co,,tract’ whlch » “ »igned Monday G R O V E L O D G E . No. n o . I. ’ Bus to Station. Rigs of all Kinds. gold, and as most of the people . . . , trip f ° r who attend the meeting, f . . m e e ts e v e ry S a tu rd a y in I. O. equally with creditors and debtors, the ... A , . ... . . .. ni? ht' re,^,,,re,, the n,i11 to rea,1y all. V isitin g m e m b e rs in v ite d . 1 - either as delegates or visitors. At the that it will 1 * a complete «.cceaa. F O R E S T G R O V E , OK. Ju ly i. The contractor is Nathan Rog- I S. B a k e r. C . T E d ith F lo w e r. absolute debtor and crealtor class being time the ticket to ,.ortian(1 j , purehMfd Through the kindness of knight G. T. ,.rs, of Portland, a brother of Rev. A. small, it u possible for the change to be th(. llaser ahould for a certifica,e Hollister this community was supplied Rogers of this citv. made with but little movement in either J V E C A M P . No. 98, W oodm en o f FO RES from the ticket seller. At Portland this with the last issue of the Washington Mr. Morgan ami family will move to 4 * in Oild F e llo w s h a ll e v e ry first th e W o rk metal. p a y . V isitin g n e ig h b o rs in v ite d . and th ird certificate should lie presented to Secre­ County H a t c h e t , a neat, nice and spicy nie house on the mill property this week, S. G . M o rg a n . C lerk . L. C. W a l k e r . H. H. C lai tary Wells to be countersigne«! and that news paper. Haines will remain in town some Tim e to clean house, entitles the holder to purchase a return J. B A jn iH W S PO ST. No. 6, G . A . R.. The farmers are busy finishing their rime yct* T'lle H*te is one of the old- .nie h a ll th e first an d th ird W ed- m e e ts in replace that rickety ticket at one third the regular rate. la c k m o n th . E lia s S m ith . P. C, n e sd a v * spring seeding, and planting potatoes. es* *n county, having been used as a Adj. Cleaning up around the building has This should assure a large attendance of furniture, lay a new O. K. l>o V . . . mill site for nearly fifty years. A new The women folks are taking advantage u *.t a capacity of r about i been going on for some little time and a delegates anil other republicans interes- floor covering, put on some * K warehouse with io,- _ LOILXÌE. No. it , I), o f H ., m e e ts C O L l'M _« barrels . will soon be . built, , lu in Odd F T ;cs h a ll, th e th ird T u e s d a y o f each of our late-style wall paper, great improvement is to be noticed. The te«l in the welfare of the party. Every of , the fine weather to do their soring ! ooo f he race Kd. B u x to n . C. o f H M r a .J . T. m o n th . 1 cleaning. place nears a more cheerful air an«l club in this county should be fully rep- is being overhauled ami the whole pro­ S h a n n o n .fp , buy some stylish curtains. gives promise of being habitable at no resented. The Secretary is preparing a A number of our young people attended perty put in goo«l condition so that with dhi . ph I j I F .M P LK . N o . 7. K ath b o n e S is te rs , Tim e to see Smith about it distant day. The interior arrangement U Republican leagu e Register, which will the Catholic Church F.aster Sunday. ample water power ami under efficient .nic h a ll th e secon d and fo u rth m e e ts in better seen now that the rough plaster- contain a history of the republican party and see how cheaply uf each m o n th . V isitin g m e n i­ W ednesda There was a social dance at Mays' management the mill opens with every li. Mrs. S o p h ie S m ith , M. K. C. b e t a w eb ing coats have shut «iff the rooms from in Oregon an«l the names of all active you can purchase— h M .o fR . a n d C . M rs. <#eo. Hall last Friday, all there enjoyed them­ advantage for turning out first class one another and its convenience,specially republicans who have worked fa t -Its work. all on account of the J llrtW S PO ST. No. i l . W om en s in the point of good lighting, is easily success or are now participating in its selves. u eets t k e secon d an d fo u rth times.......................... apparent. A force of about fifteen men councils. The volume will be a large one, a c k m o n th in Odd F e llo w s h a ll, « 'e y , P re s. M rs. M ry a K. Cireer. GEO . SM ITH Hull N e w t Ill thr ChnrfhfN. - - Fein WIT G i a n . is busy arouml the place, part plastering some 25«) pages, and will contain several Methodist Church. Preaching by the Saturday afternoon on the Campus and the rest washing off the stone work, thousand names, many of them being We give special attention to R E P U B L IC A N C L U B F o r th e As soon as the interior finishing is the active republicans o f this county, grounds the Cactus nine defeated the pastor at the usual hour. By request the UNDERTAKING. ,f R e p u b lica n in te re sts h e re an«l ready, probably in a week or so, a doz- including all delegates to the state league Boys Brigade, 18 to 9. Our devil, who morning discourse will be addressed to tin g s on ca ll. G en . T . J . T h o rp , -tin C ra ig , secretan *. K . P . B R O W N , en carpenters will be put at work. The meetings, the state convention, state and witnessed the game, reports that “ they the youth and children, topic, “ Life’s iron work is being painted, glazing county central committees, etc. It will sopped it to 'em hot and heavy.” The Golden M orning.” Topic in the even­ . . T h r C a r rfftfr« * P a i n t e r . . Special going on and the cement floor nearly lie the roll of honor of the republican Boys Brigaile expect to play in Hillsboro . ing, “ »Signs of the Times.” party in Oregon. a week from Saturday. » music by choir aud orchestra. F O R E S T G R O V E . finished. WARD’S DRUG STORE Having Changed Hands, All ( M s Will B p Sold At Cost For tin* Next Thirty Bays to Reduce the Stock. Patent Medicines Excepted. Look at Our Brices < n Stationery and Toilet Articles. (Ml I 1 1 I ! G A ST O N . I ( IS P o st O111 C ivic SocietieM. M E /tT GLKNCOE. % Morgan Haines Flouring Mill. & S i’RiNiw T im e The New ('«»liege Building. J .V . rV-