Washington County hatchet. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1895-1896, April 12, 1895, Image 2

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    V .
W A tilN N C T O N C O I \T Y
II A T C H K T , F i t I D A V , \ F i t I I . I i . IH Î I5 .
G a le * C ity .
itliout a warship upon the .<a, ami that the hard tim es are favorable times
Joh n IU isle r K sq ., Supt. o f highways,
ithou l an army upon land and at a for this. Prompt action would ;;ivc us
W ednesday night the
fire com pany
Ju m e wit« n treason st ilked and p ro claim pure water in abundance by summer met in the council chamber thirty-four *s ont‘ o f our enterprising republican
members in attendance. The apparatus, citizens, possessing push characteristic
ed itself, without rebuke in the capitol tim e; delay has no argum ents in its
< <>¿..listing of a truck with extension lad- ° 1 u Pennsylvanian.
o f the nation,
ders, axes, pike poles, hook and lan-
Haines & Crosby, proprietors o f the
Upon assum ing power ami respom ibil- !
t« rn .—all painted, polished and nickel
H aines &: Targe m ill, will be
ram m ed in the approved fire depart found busy preparing for summer trade.
ity the Republican party clutched the
1 Ui chairm an o f Board visits the
W d body o f the Goddess o f Uilrerty
The M cK in ley Club has a mem bership 1»:n it style—had been housed tempera -J
n iy in the ^ .m n a ium near the H a V c i i - *-'hoo\ and finds reports to be false,
ly li e sprang to her feet with the flag, ; of over 350, but still there are those who
i t oflfice and m any people had visited :L ^iellce
sa>’s: “ lie Honest.
$• the land ami the sea, nay the should be in it who are not. I fv o u be- and longed for an opportunity to take Chief 01 Police suvs that people will
le earth, with the glory o f her p .e - !ic ve ^ v^od governm ent and are j,0ld o f the rope and hear the bells ting swallow their teeth.
L * Til Republican
....... party not only n iendly Jo the V * t interests o f 01 . while they speeded down the sidewalk. ' The turkey gobbles when the anvil is
rsh lied countless legion n defens of ountry yi>ut nam e ftttt -4 to ippear o The opportunity didn’ t come last night | struck.
Haviiiu; ( hanged
All Goods Will
Bo Sold At Cost
For the Next
Thirty Bays to
Reduce tin1 Stock,
Patent Mediciii(‘s
Look at Our
Prices on
Stationery and
. . . and Decorator.
MA 1 US 0 X & Ql'IMBY Mil
Bo You Plat Billiards?
O rganisation now however. Business took up the entire
evening although President Wells expe­
dited matters as much as possible. An
, so tin Hiplied and magnifu d the j country in*»’96 Washington county
| assessment o f two bits apiece made
o f th is nation that tht 1 .* < f it- do her pnrtA .
' Treasurer Bappington happy until it wes 11' I R S T
suggested he be put ui.der bonds—not
Iration is marked and recognized
j ta keep the peace but to carefully guaid
h u rsm
Snow .
v-nexatnpU d prosperity.
! the treasure.
V the period o f Republican ad-
Band Boys riast Appearance In
Ijfe o f this nation but so developed the mem lit rsMp roll.
am i
industrie* o f tb*
W A R D 'S D R U G S T O R E
means thy.t in the r< demption o f our
tion a new generation o f men had
F. S. B arnes ,
F o r e st G r o v e , O r .
T h e ir a w U a ifo riu s,
Hillsboro sir. els were thronged Satur­
h . n o L s T u n i.
T h at’s all the H a t c h k t w ill cost you
t• ■ * L .* y.e.vo \
yOwu experiences, institute either day. ai.< •
lor one year. And you needn’ t mind its ;
or comparisons between the blood ol W ashington county horseflesh being siver, w e’ ll
it jo - t the same. V lO llSC I t l l I l t ( T , ( 1 1 * 1 1 1 1 1 0 1
and incidentally to listen to the s\v ' t
ition o f prosperity inaugurated
A ll set up and pnnted at home, neither
ains discoursed by the G rove band !
■ patent” inside nor out and not filled
111 * Republican party and those o f the aK(
1 observe their gay apparel, 'j in
wuh “ plate” . We are a county papci All Work Guaranteed.
remote past inai ;;m ated by the j hai-d le . -., twenty pieces strong, jo u rn ­
and snail be glad to have your assistance
al tic [> arty which had sunk thi.-. ;> cd to Hillsboro eaiiy and, getting old
.11 covering our field. News items w ill j
o f . : f(.tt “ -.le! H Ileptlis o f iK : - »
tbv city, ' atm in afoot ill cp. n e gratefully ret eived.
1 . . . . . .
ranks four abreast, colors living, am ai
to their long prepara- , ,
I the blare o f trumpets and the glam or of
and unprovoked
a ,. suits.
», . •
1 wanton
tilt ir spotless
ana m aud new
At the H ead o f S c o r n s V alley,
on the life o f this nation.
There wen about fifteen horses in tlu .nil .lisci.iitimi- sending tut-
| ¿css we* hear
you to the eoutruiy. j
:otnpar:tlively young men, show, very kan ’ ome anim als too, but
ju st renieuiI k r that there is in» law ai-
All (iradrs of Lumber.
thorough knowledge o f the true j U uy \v « ren t in it with the band. Oui
[ lowing a publisher to collect for
Sai -f.uthm (Timranteed.
boys played well, acted well ami looked
o f modern Dem ocracy, cast
sending his paper when you haven’ t
well. I f anyone wants to see what
Easy Terms.
ncc on its idt in jir ^ ciass uniformed brass band shouh. : ordered it or when sent longer than or-1
i dered, even if you do take the paper ; .
! jv-in:iiigurated the reign o f that i.e like they had better call around.
I OJ v sro x , O r .
A. P ÄTEB, Prop.
irom the post ©thee.
;5 bsc closing r.dmini: tia.tion is j The boys have a good selection and va-
^hat distinguishing dye which ; n tt-v o f ,,a,sic aml are artistic p la y tis
as they deserve to be for they liav
W o rk lo r I he W a rd e n .
•iger deceive the voun « or the
, ,
(■LAUK’S fjihlAMKRV.
worked hard.
Now that we have f.ood apparatus for
,n t,1,btrs
Incoherent | T J lle
o f uw
the spectators com
,,v- * )Kra, w,-
ii.vu v»i
u m batting
o aaiug nrc
i m v n wm 1.1 rn rp n n
tire ana
and a guoa
good com pany to i
ir-> '• ■■
"1 ••
that U >
the afotnutid ap paiato* the next
r i r t ü j ö l « I ! . lb l\ .
H all convenient and free from objection­
able features.
1 :
lo w to i*« : ..... th ey are not N c W H c im iU tO l* N O W H n n
Alaba, cotnpcsing :i 1 rg.c and
or ,n al.oun. tin- animala w in \\uro cui. with werk.
A city onlin-
U p - stairs - - I n g les B lock .
ifc c to r la the rank» o f m odem
ftom in front o f W illiam , .v mue moke*
luty oi ht fire ward-
itiu i M f i k W .lilt C ii.
H ughes’ livery stable to SchulmericU t. en to exam ine all lluc.. and iiave the j
woo have not yet surren-
S o n 's corner.
defective or duugexous ones nxed. Now !
m an hood, their love oi | The .'onrii's.ps our band received fror . . • good time io attend to it. R igh t in j
E ;A -T
o f country to the leaders o f a \ the H illsboro people are gratefully
die business center of the city are a i
Bought of J. H. Rhode
Bakery Goods
Democracy we shall addre.s: mem be rod. The ladies o f the grange number. I f our chim neys are dangerous |
os from time to tim e in tb - I
gfw ao us in their liospi we wdi m ake Uttui safe. U-t the w ardtu |
Fresh and Clean
is always tender aud
! conic and exam ine them and let him see I
they m ay see the* necessity o f
j every one else s too.
good. He has a first-
those national principles
Choice and Good
ght out and perfected our
cìa::. Butcher Shop,
W in n e rs A g a in .
rffal liberty, o f a return to
A ll K inds
A CmnpMp and Convenient. Print
Before h a lf a Uiousand people, Satur-
handling only the be$t,
?»policy which developed the
ing Establisinncnt.
, day afternoon, on tile H illsboro grounds,
p n the stage who could not, out
S ’ rJ,“ S
W. s. INlJLES’ . . .
ami industrial condition o f
} inspiring
sentim ent_
them with new
dtute the be'rfi guarantees for
o f national, state and
V atk b w ants .
A re You Thirsty?
X o more than a silken pocket book j me ro rc st G rove base ball nine proved
Soda, Orange Cider, etc.
can be made out o f a fem inine porker’ ; its superiority on the diam ond over the
;iurieu4 ar
. an a bani_be m:;ui • ir ' ,aill-v v':‘**a * At 2:30,011 call cl Jpin»- :
Sandwiches, Cakes
! into a good printery.
A ° ° L the contt. i Ovtoan v»itii Forest j
o ro v e ac Lnc
tile bat.
In its new building the H a t c h t :' \ lji*°ve
liat. Xhere they <lid wch. ;
r. v i . d v it : i X g c n ; a p a x d g o o i
pn-'-se;: cs the best pr.ntin g house o n t h e ! W
‘ v hen
'1L*:1 they
taey went
went into lire iiciu • it.* j
.. .V..S and i'v.ikcr, • .u cry , C. Brad fey, ¿ l o l l b i U ’ k ?h H o m e B a k e r y
west ^ide outside o f Portland. From
Fo rest Grove
|.the time tb • ground was raked off*pre­ nortsiop, v. Downs, first base, F . Hob-
paratory to beginning operations its fu­ :u rk , second base, R . Fancer, third bast*, !
ture occupancy was kept in mind and F . Ca.d fl’, center, H . Bond, riglit, A.
Aro Vo»i Hungry?
c..pi, ., i a,
ii.:a; 11.; wi.s ;,ood. Kt-;
1 water works question is every endeavor made to lit it and mak
sihi, score 21 10 13, in favor o f Forest
An it convenient for that use. F in n founda­
tions, broad windows to admit, an a- Grove.
¡he m atter who was recently
I blindatine o f light b y day and pow er­
has supplied the needed in- ful electric lamp* for r ig h t use, lofty
th at everything can be ceilings that t! * printers m ay not swelter
I{. P. Brown the carriage painter wdi
i 1» summer, am ple room, office separate etter street signs for Forest G rove i f t. e
ty will provide the names and the 1..1
: Forest G rove is a beauti- j from com posing room so tliat the editor
i receiving visitors m ight not interfere at h.» rtióp at the B oo; building. Our
w.’y situated, prosperous city, desirable
I with the w ork o f getting oui the papei— c ny ha*> grown large enough to throw
v try way to reside in except tluit all tiles, have liven looked out lor in its aside country village ways and put 0*1
repu! - water is lacking, and that one defect const ruction.
vilified airs. Scraps from any o f the
.sons which ju .tiI, . means dust, fire, disease possibly, and j There w ill be a chair for you in the .tuners would fu iu s h tiic m aterial and
r and its contini j 1 an yw ay discom fort and expense. Ade- editor’s sanctum and a warm welcome t would be inexpensive.
Our fire de-
from the editor for you w¡relieve; you partment could n.:d the way aiound eas­
ntion o f the govei n - ; , .ll;l^L. water supply means lessened i 11 -
r ay find it com in ert to drop in. 'i Ii ier if our avenues were labeled.
ji\ we espouse with n u an ce rates, handsome lawns, iiicx- latch string is alw ays out and we are a l - !
7and with pleasure, pensive power for light niacl.Lu \ \ , ways at home whether you want print - j
'Mie New B au d O rc h e stra .
•jny has no rival who attractions for prospective residents, ing or advertising or m erely want to
W rU, ist violin st and leader,
ta.k over matters political or social.
point to any errors or com fort for everybody.
i . r ia • 1 is, 2nd s .o liai, t.
Our building is a two and a h alf story
cd by that pnttv which
And this is the w ay it can be gotten.
J . J . Wirtz, clarion«:t.
frame structine on the north side o f liu
rith the application of W ithin three months from the <lav the
L. C .T .ie e r, -oruet,
Congregational square
and painted!
V. . Hai i , siivi cornet.
praffected in any visible contract is closed a resjxm siblecom pany ! black itU red trim m ings in allusion to
Joining a definite form.
fortune o f our great w ill have water from Roderick springs the absence o! all color in our narratior ^
party 1 distribute«! bv iron pipes through the ! o f facts called news items and to our j
being generally read. You can 't miss
w hen the credit o f the streets o f Forest G rove ready for use.
! the place.
B y telephone we are
11k to a degree unparalleled a wjh take its pay in siv per cent. no. 15.
option o f our constitution, tw enty-year city bonds, to be issued at
/ power
when the
w arring |t;ic tim e o f com pleting the plant and
In aring interest fiom that date, hare- j
Bible Society Meeting,
'Be A\ asiiingioti Co Bible society held
p arty had humiliated every trucAmericun ing uiidei $ * m ko .
It is evi.l ut the its annual meeting .11 tiie Christian
church last Sunday evening, so regular
citizen in a sale o f bonda under Jam es interest w ill be jd ju o ; that as it is a
- « vices wet« disp maed with in the
Buchanan bearing 12 |>cr cent interest, gravity line there will be no opciat- churches and all join ed in the Bible
..... s
p a yab le in gold coin and o n ly a # limited
am ount o f our national securities could
the country, industries which the free
men o f the nation relied upon fttr trend,
had been marked for slaughter and
paraly/.ed hy tiie constant agretsive
. ,
and vigorous warfare upon every me a*-
ure deaignctl to foster free lalx>r ami to
add to the security o f capital em ployed
in m anufarturr ami trade. It accepted
ing expense other than getting a man meeting. I'rin. Bates, who also conduct-
once a month to see the head o f the line c«l a jo in t meeting o f all the Y . P. S. C. 1..
, ....
, . u t,.l. t l.
II. < i..r . .11 local branches before the* service, presid-
n l. A fter prayer and si r. pture-1. . on 1),
.................. ..
ton ..ml tl it w s onl 1: u
Kev. M issis. K..p rs amt \\ utters. Miss
ary cm.su-.ntr* at f t a month would t .onion. Aaron W ells and L. C. W alter
surely covet this outlny.
I.awns and rt -peelivt ly treated o f the Hilde ill lit» r-
pi ink li 1 _, bathroom servile■, “ tn 'e m th -s ta te and among the Indt.i-s
turning stnall turbines o f one-half to
K oiheer» made th n r report* aud
then the following were elected for ibis
three or lour hoise power t«» run sau-
,, '
year: l*nn. Bates, president; Aaron
.,a «2t m ills, printing presses, coffee mill* W ells
n ‘. .iry \V. W. Breeden,
m«l other light m achinery, are uses to urer; C. \V. M iller, d jv
i; o y . A fu r
^ r 1 i»_t!Ai* water could U put i mt would Gu otTering the ^»cicty aejourne«!.
power when the pro-alnvery lV*mo«*ratic
partv had organised a gigantic rebellion
fut^TTor meeting the bonds at m aturity,
M n d .in a rk c t. . . ti . . I t ’ iHt n,|. ..lin t. 1. ■
. . __
. , , •
It acceptrd power w lun the industries o f
^.»«»ney t o t s u b iis h n dnki
on a war footing uitstirpM * d in the his-
F ire hydrants on this line would throw
tory o f the world and under conditions
and circum stances which were unfavor-
* ,lt,e am i one-half inch stream sixtv*aive
feet straight up in the air—higher than
able to the successful perpetuity o f the
our highest building, m aking our lire
uttfoti ami preservation o f constitutional apparatus effective against the flames
Our city fath« rs, who have proved
It accepted power when the
nation o f the earth predicted them selves
By Ja n . 1st next, mail w ill he deliv­
ered in W ashington Co. at another sta­
Rondaville, named in honor o f
our fellow citizen, the county m ’ ihk .I
superintetulenl, is to be l<x ate«i* three
«Dies from Forest G rove near I.ousig-
nant lake in the ncighborlunxl o f Da-
to the interests o f '
x' ' ' '
l' '
‘ ‘Pl*iv 1
colony ami ha» bright prospects ot be-
destruction and overthrow o f Forest d ro v e , sliouhl g iy u this n u tter
G. I*. WciT. 1, trombone.
H arry Croslcy, bass.
Mrs. J . H. JY irtz, pianist.
Our (liibliiug Offer.
T hk
W a s h in g t o n C o i n t v H a t c h k ;
and The W eekly Oregonian
$2.00 a year in advance.
W a s h in g t o n
C o u n t y H a t c h k ;
and The W eekly Sun
a year in advainc.
W a s h in g t o n
C o u n t y
H atch ut
and The Ouctii o f Fashion
m cntiily—The best I.adh s
Fashion Journal published
$1.2 5 a year in advance
n t i n n s.
s. ci. 1 1 r c . 1 1 1 s.
H A It I ) \V A
R E ,
Avvinili tmil ImjileiiKMits.
at rock bottom prioes.
Call and see him .
Next the H atchet off
F orest G rovi
( oiifectioner
1 ¡an
Hus to Station.
o f all Kin<ls.
S pbing T ime
Time to clean hous-,
replace that ticket}
furniture, lay a new
floor cover!: g, put on : tui
of our late-style wall p.tpj
buy some stylish curtaiiiP-
Time to see Smith about it ,
and see how cheaply
you can purchase—
all on account of the J
We beg to announce to the farmers
and builders o f Columbia, W ashington
and Y c-in hi 11 counties, that we are non
prepared to furnish them with the latest
and most im proved patterns o f m echan­
ics’ and farm ers’ tools, building, shelf
■ printers Lnk.
and heavy hardware, stoves aud tinware,
In b.isincss open w ide your eyes,
buggy harness, paints, oils, lime, plaster
«'.el new ideas and advertise.
.ml cement, all o f which we will sell at
I f you don’t advertise your goods no- prices that defy competition,
0 2 0 . SM ITH
- F o r e s t G rovt K-
’«»dy els«* will.
O liv e r '^ W eir p h r .s .^ w c .d
We give special atte ntion to
\Wiat you sav a1 »out your good« to the spring toot h harrow . together with the j
man tl
eorn«s in to yo u r store, if said Planet Jr . garden tools, expanding culti-
in the H a t c h e t , w ill make more men vators and horse hoes.
We also continue to handle the Rain 1 ^» !*• B R O W N ,
come in to buv.
wagon ml tht Racine hacks, which w?
ii? .* *-»>ld fi: tk.e j-»st twenty ve:«rs witli
• . T h e C a r r ia g e P a in te r
so much satisfaction to ourselves an.I
M B IT K\ KR out I K TO YOU?
customers, . ad which have proved to be s hop, Boo* B uilding, f o h k s t (•B o vp *
DM it ever reenr to you, my t>oy,
____;rpasaed b v anv sim ilar goods ever
..........•! thro-thh.«o»M of «rife.
' rouglit to Oregon.' We will also have
Thai the men who the gn a test wealth enjoy
p a c ific w a g o n , a wagon mannfac-
And the nianieat sort o f life,
i tured for the Pacific coast trade, which
A re men who have brain* an 1 enttrprisc,
; we w ill sell on its merits.
A d v e rtisc d in th e H atch e t.
Gt i.'.gi V.'.-ishin^tan, s.« hi*Lory ¿ays,
Refrained from tellin g lies—
IU- t'wnr l ! j>utent medicine,
Aud did not advertise!
And the courage to dare a : i ! do
Whose motto is alw ays t-> adeertiae—
Did it ever occur to you ?
Did it ever occur to you that Hood,
An ! Ucccham and such as they,
W ere people who thorouKhlv understood
How to make their bufinrss pay ?
Di t >ou ever aboi>t their fortunes think,
l>i-l you ever believe they knew
T h t magical power o f printers’ in k—
Did it ever occur to you ?
Dill it ever occur to you. at times.
That "tu c k " was another name
F er the skill that draw - n dollars and dimes.
Crestimr a bumn.
tame ?
It ’s the men who hustle, am! strive, and think
T o whom profits inrtit accrue.
And their «Tcatest helpe r is printers' ink—
Did it ever occur to you ?
- / v * * * t 'a*.
I 1 n harvesting machinery, we will
handle the Deeting and McCortiiick self
biodi rs and mowers, and will pi u ^
tlicir past r.-p’.itation for good work, and ^ r l U(.t_r lu S , G l i l S S W a r e a i l d j
•sth e lu g lu st stage o f perfection yet
Stoneware T a b l e a m i
attained in the manufacture o f harvest-
^ \
¡tut I» --h in e rj.
P o ck et C u tle ry , S p o o n
is w. do dtrt'ct with tht* fac-
tones in the F a st, and ■l with the oi, , -t B r o o m s , M o p S t i c k s ,
and most extensive house in Portiami.
V. f'«
K ii H av
Vl m i tr ic
! that o f K n app , Burrell I &
Co., who t.
; anticipated the wants o f the farmers and i
-applie«l them with the best lines o f ag-
ricultural implements for the last quar­
ter o f a century, we feel confident that
wr* can furnish an y article or repairs r e - 1
fjuired, on the shortest notice and m o st,
favorable tonus o f any house on the
v est side.
Butter Moulds, Ladle
•••••'. Wood and Willo^r
W are of all kinds, Fisl
ing Tackle and all Kind
of Seeds.
Tea aud Coffee a Specialty