Broad-axe. (Eugene, Lane County, Or.) 189?-19??, February 28, 1900, Image 4

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February 10, 0
When we have, worked off tlit
n.-itter f county expenditures sti
JnN OI4 Mil.
KJifHr .1 ... present under cm i.lvratiou whi.h vit u rhamel Scti.duloua in
We herewith wnd a few items 'go to make up our present county cxucine! Is thi a modern
from this place for puhlioMion.H.i.; ,luii.Vn' nr U it' u wild
lesayou wo to fit bestow.them in the i tilato. the ro. kcrushei-busincss, mi.I . in1Hbit.d hv savage
waste luskct.
At this time we are enjoyirg
lit f prosperity, nwjng to logging
th.t is riein: drtfe here. Thrre
will I e-rtrtwejfn nine nnd ten-million
f-"t of saw dogs cut in thi
locali J .histpring.
Thu Trent .Lumber Companx
nt.pplate moving their Haw mill
on Little Fall creek at an carl,
A. P. Hyland has returned fron
J.ewiloti Idaho w.iere he has bee.
visiting the U-dside of his daughter
" who is sick with fever.
Malheur Iatlin has returned
home frum.a vitit to Creswell.
About Tvelve-hundrtd cords o
Wxl is being ent, to be run dowi
the river to Eugene.
Farming is raiher slow here, ar.o
many fields will he allowed to yol
rnteer ..wing to lack of profits ti
the (farmer.
A child nf Mr. and Mrs. Frenk
Warners ' died suddenly Pridat
night, from what cnue we an
un.ible to learn.
.Mr. Upniever of I i.-l.u rg paid
Kdwarda logging camp a visit lasi I
Thursday. A Rkim bi.kan.
Contrary tA our rule not t'
pubtifh communications, in t!u
absence of a knowledge of the muni
of the real author we publish' tin
above, n ml hot our friend will
continue to w rile, but will furnish
US his real mime, though not for
publication En.'
..I. .w . - .1. . i . I I...
w tne memo.,, pur.uc., uy hUtiH.iUlrrly ,..
t .e court in road work. In iew . ,i . . 1 ,,ii l ,, i,,.
1 statement ' of ' the
! ....
... tin. rwuuwi r. wf .. ;,,,,.,
I otter to tie consistent, should giv?. , .-.,.., :,. .,,.
nn iieioii.-u riiiiemeiu oi me . ..... , . , ,,..;,... .k.
, cal nliili.itions t lust causing then
number of days worked on the . . . .
. ' I greut eople to Uy uown cn
, , ; , ' . , in di tiam td the laws ami civil-,
hand, and how they were em,doved,iii4l.( -(J uU , W:,r,
and ,. aid, and whether stru t ac aiij ,rilth,.r, ,m, Mv orll, it,j was kept with l'vi.rt . f . "h ottnUTrL
mil as to wneiner Kiev were re-, to show in each i n'. twice
i.ivr ' they exiH-ndcd l lie
, enperber
o o
o o '
but we will sell you
your Stiiplii's at llio
lowest tlx u re Hisiblo
ami lellow-mtliiil'. " ivi""
a.iarvliistii: elresioll from
i iiitiii
: this
moi.ey . . .. - .-nuKlionn editor who
.hat canie in to thfir . hands.' .. . , , . . . , , i, . ;
. ... evideiitlv deiiifiits to slilbls-r HI
r roui ' .(r?-ii iii.h1 aiioni. mv
-et'ords of the derks office 'lis kept
the sluu.s and gutte-s of Astofia:
1 The LiIIiiil' nf tiiM'iM-1 is thels'i l
y Jennings and L.-enrein lhill u.. b done for thai
respects a ... .ss of ii.explu-.iblecon-! tht similar ex
nion which mav never In. un-. i ... i .. : ...... n. t
pn !.oos iiavti i-i-ii iMi'iiiitiii,
.veiled. Tl(e (Jllard
assurance th V. it
.-ours J of time do it
will In
ran in
ictting the oile know all tht
an I uVci rt .ii. ed Jroin these
'eoords, a Il.Ti Uik, th-ui
hich there is no one in the coon
try ii ore competent to perform
iroifi its known inlimary wiih l he
rotinc wotk of Hie iliffvrenl .lepurt
me. its of the c ninty a l-nioilr iti on
ii.voluntarilv emitted from the
cankerous and Vclioinoua dcpUs
d a lunatie's iflVnsive thnntlikej
a hot rn k fn in vohnno, but not J
from a sane man A human that i
Hew Line of
In E t A B L E S
Just ITCtHVt'tl lt
would U'V soh l.titK would
lob his own grave for ll.o pftc
id a drink f whiskey.
We regret to announce the death
of J. M. SM.rcs of neiir Cobuig
All rritfeiilleniaiily Assault, i
We notice our contemporary, the,
Free Press nf Mnif.ird, lu'iken un-1
iu-t and fa Ire iiiMiilmtion con-.
r.iiii( Horrace Mann, the proent
ediior of the Mrdford - Eiujuirer,
aying ho has ro politics, but " is
ther- for the dollnr, etc. Ve wirh
to state it has been our jdeallre to
knoiv Mr! Mann loi.j; and fnvoinbly '
and also lh:l there is no citien .f
Lane ct nnty w here he has re.i.ed
fof years, but will indorse what wej
The Matkct.
Wheat .".So.
Kggs I Me.
Mutter o'urf per roll.
I'ork v tlresel. ' .'. . '
Mutton 2..r0 per In ad.
Ucef '.Ur Ic on l"H.t.
Hops .riM Jc.
i'ot;itH-s 10c pi-r bushel.
Ten mills make one cent.
Ten cents dim.
Ten dimes on dollnr.
One one drunk.
One drunk ten I
In the piutoiTRlic bnchon.
)L xv .nriii;i!iioun o
Cor Seventh and Willamette St.
When you want EllgenB PhfltO C
fi'tMIHtt, Unrjr illt rtrlr,
mi . tifiiDhr, Minir'iil f Jtial
uiotn kt lit tlrl ilw Uru
iote 19
ONK il.Htr iMtnh of ili n rw l.nk
r'iirr of M iih mil WUUnirtt
lrrat. I'lilrian nwri'(iiB
riiixMtritll ! aiiy hour l U
dy r in hi -
Cor. Willnmctto Sc. 7th
(l p Stairs.)
of .our I'n. Almiyn i'iiT
of Vtf ItiHr and upTj Jul
Photos 50 ot Doa and
.iv of Mr. Mann. Mr. Mannt" a.
who ilie. ol heart tailure I liursil.iy, I ,.1,llH,(itent do"iocrat, an 1 we assuie
afVrr lecer .l .iv illness. j o"r frien.l of the i'ress that be will
Mr. S.res w;.s one of natures , u ar w lf,r , llt hj,.e.,, ,
ri"hle en, a pioneer of 147, n:.d ! re'publican. or democrat to its di-1
was known ujort favorably throngh-j comliture if il jm rMts in its grips'
r.i.t the country. Mut a t-hort tin e, p.r(.,,n:1i as-anlts on h:ir..
liijo Mr.. Spores was n -ur nfli.v , ' ., . TT1
iiiid tn nil -i in r ini-M w n In pimnI ! . . . ..
-------II---- - IKCIl
lie.ilth nnd bid fair to live tnanv
htruek W'th
r.txn:n td t:. ha a at: 1
ton FAH.M rnorKiiTV ix
iH rrp!i lie.eii, mi rrr.
; homeitead, nil unde. ft nee; two
I g.iod livingstreaius of water, good K
house with c.llar, stono
I.OOIvl II lilt 10
Von mtti mir
II ) nil t nil t irtlf
w Vi wmt 1
Hf" hN k i hi
Von mti mir W atrh ( tnrt
I hctli 1 Ihmkk fc iHt
f u U-,eniv o; ,, . . , rie ,M,r cow n u
ii. - - i
- i t he erli-ni .l a i nv to renew llieir -E r . i . . :i. i-
.. snen ii) leel Ioiie, ci ru crio, uriui-
-Wlll.malt. t- BmU Ilk and 9th. -
iears slll ough he was we Ulieve. ,l)(,(.rillin, nni,.y niI F0,
i niinsi i iiiLiniis iiiij tii" n mi r; mi ..i. .. t a. : . . t. i v
in his6-.ll. y,..r. Ho leaves a wife . ,. ' ...... "r vnnar., .......r,, M qj.
, , , , . ! ' " ' ' icfhoiiso with 10 tons or ice; a so
iirMiiiiin linn o. nnv i irw nin i ntir
Ho! Evervont
'Who Eats
Meet, sinnaa,
. r.rn mt Maran r
- JtRllklni Urpi a al
Iro-rU.. Hatrfc-r akaa.
Wka Im rain, fare r It
la sr.). t ail at Ik. .am. ala ai
KMtaM. j
Alex. Pattersd
friend swcctlv reiHi ? i.i the
world of the '-just iii.ido 'n'ect
I . tjtj 11 I
corrs s. .i iikiiie nvs scre wn in . , , n
prisriiy" to hit us to the. ,. ..... ,0m nrrvn Ul3ilLUU
I A . . . I
amount sent. 11 von warn 10 maKf. . ... .... i 1 .
1 1 - 1 iieau in sine can it rnmj e"t 011
Mroihtr F. M. Nighswander.ofjtJ"- Broail-Axe to shine in rk ' , 2r, I,,.,,! 'hnrsw, 30 l.ewl cnt
ee7 I ,. ., l, ;. I,,.!,.,! TI.U
(ili imd i, has repesitedly eo.i.pUih
fi "f net getting the Tsrimd-Axe
regularly.' -Accordingly niail t
bis iiddress a bundle for ditribu-4
pi ices, furnish the oil.
- Il is sid by the latest news ' is sitmied 1 1 miles fiom Chndroni ! '
from South Africa that the English ' a city of ()00 in Davia county. I
-('Al l. on -
Julius Goldsmith
1 . . . . ; . . . t .t 1 ..... ..... .1. ...:..
. r ,,, ... " ' in Id irruii conn for Ijiii uuiilv. Hialr ul
lion strongly wrapi-ed with three , but tee. Kverv vi.-torr earned bv n the state. For further rartl.Hl-1 onuen.
i .: 1. : .1 - . ! '11. t
j nriifii arms in 1111 cimicnt is aj lars impure 01
j nail drawn in the colli 11 of Liberty, j IlAHBAt'oii A Kissimifh.
1 and carta a tigma upon the stand Over Mi Clung.
S., , m , . . . a iihtp rniiuiiiniiiii rii'i miRwrr iiiFniri
llii.iusnker of this clt V wishes m auu 1 . ..i n 1.1 i4.n mr ii ..
uripjiers it'id piiinlv addref-u.-d
Viilli his came, N'te, eity, countv
siiidU. S. A. If the' MA fails to
Mullll. A ltl, .lal 0 1 1 rr.
fllaa II I'Mtl, ilrln Unl.
Tn SiIm II IV iTl. ilrli-nilmit klmrr nainr'l
l-Hubbles transfe
M S. HUBBLE, Prop. "
A (jeneral transfo
Business Done.
r i'H viinfit-iT-r "I V in .;iuivii n.i ip
Nighswander let drive again. Thef.,r a'andiiitt bv without iifferiiiffi
,1 ...!. Iii.n...v tr., ilrvl in -.r In ih ' "ll" 1 Miwal lorai
imvp pt1llll.1i rt.iirt mil miiiMir mi" 1
1. : -iinr iiri-M-rii-i-ii
I.II I nf liw tiiti.Hitn,
We have 1 u in-rons complaints nnd
Wn W ih to my that we t;ike g"eal
:.ife and pains in ado reusing and
lu r.ling the p iier. The sirtoflice
bundles are wrupped twice with
strong paper nnd therefore cannot
Lrek and get lost in ibo mails.
Such complaint are very annoy-
(iive us th citizens ticket 11
r -sr lot f new men, who can go
bj .rethe nple wilh 110 t;rounds
(. r nbjertions lo any one and see
hv rt-suj; vllMii tw-j.,
. un nr i4iir inr imhi ni 1.1 hip ., , .
in i f.-r . t iii im..iicii,,i, j llnpgnge transferred to any par
in. mil h 4riiMl ul inn. ! l , . ... . ,
.im ni iii the cltv. l lano ami boils.
wrsi.ier cannot breiik and it slimilil !..n j much n. a nroteKt. atito CorresMhl, at once, with
r ' 1 . .. . I vprka fnim III ilm Ml 0i lint nil.illrall Pimll jrl ......u U-.. L' . ! M- d P r.lll tk'll.1 lArvUfl I...- . .... 1 .. ...
.. 1, i kuiiiii 1. 11- t. v . r. 1 iirin'imiiiri. iaiii.iiii. m i " ..... iiiia iiimmnii.. phiii nm in in imii riium . .. .
Ii 1 . . ... 1 1.1..... 1711. .1.1 ..1 i.ii.r. lui.Bdiii. holtl furniture movinir a
! iirmr to 1H 7. lie lias an oner to ' 1... ,1.1.. j .i.ii..h.h. i-i. ...... n . -o. .1.. I -
Tho di.liculty in our. "M.ind 1 ... . . . . u,.,,,.,.! " f . ""'"r! i1"1 " I ip.-cnilty.
Kmpirc" is nt A lull, while
fiercer part of the conflict " .i .iii. iiw riuiv, i inn in u, ii iiier a mtiKiT piiii i-iiin.
... 1 1 I, ,. 1 : iiUtiil thr ttlHltillrr III aiMt.v liiMitiln
; a copy of tlm IsHik, "harly Indian j h ti-n-i .r.. ..r m ia p.hi.i.i.imi
IL 1 un r. . ir
in 11
theater of tho trouble has been rilns are
transferred to Congress. 1 I Hend name of captain and company
ti :.. r.: :n - without delay.
1 un nni i.i 4 iiit, run fin
with aotne rsverce. to the Moers.
The losses to Hritlnin to the present
is pivi 1. si over 11,001.
I, ,, 1 . . I Thl lit IkiihIii ill mairtiifitnr 111. ..Ulltiv I I
Oregon, W IllOW Sol Vet- , ,,,liilin n. ill.inll.l l.r luirirr
r ul so inleri'Hled in thin 1 "ll '' ". ... . I"i 0" '! j
,re a imi imert-i. u 111 tin-. ,..,., .., nill,rrh.l w l,rl.u.l
lamaiifriintnin and omii.nv 1 "'' i.0.r...l I' iilf I.i lh n.iirt
He good to yourself and good to
your friends. When you treat a
friend to whiskey, give the
Th Nicitraugua canal projection
i id to l killed again, bv the
inllncnriM.f rail road coloration. . yon. rt-ld by C. Ilodes, Kiigeno,
uud hipping avndii ttcf. Oregrn. f
tnnv nni iniiitlii.i. ami MI.
llil Hiimmoii I I'.itillpl.wl lif nri1f nf Una
r. o r.,i,. cum, ) 1.1,. ,1 iji.,. p..iiiit. ..n-- , m,, , ABy onr m,
"' kil II.. Hi- II. . -Ul irf ,.wth ,Bd aia-onitoa nl y i.vaaiHra l
January A II Iwu. I K HAhliAl nil , .,tompy ,, CMt o,Un trr. mcrf
AOoriM- I.m I'luli.lifT. ol aim. "I.nw to OMaj
l eiMn' ai . .n r-.HFt. liia .
1 " . 1 ihron.h a ailrvitianl l mi our ai4
1 I e.!!!!! ira out lltrmisil u rlv p
li-, wnnaiii cnarg, m in. ririNT mn
a IMnMrl4 ana alilr.y rlrmialr fuu
ronau.lra lr MaaiifaclHfr. ati4 lairfainr.
vail luraampKautiy rail. AiMta,
1 lffaf illaniri'i t
JIARPKU whiskey 1. the fftiA t HfTl ( (V ( ) W 1
rag for your friends and for I Ii I
' M..I.M. UMM 11 . IvrhlNll .1 .1 iH.M.Hk . .1.1
lUHaM wraHM uf latrrhinb al ir jniw.Hi. aila
ainaa a in 10 oat rana mbwimb, ail. wi
k t AtaJli AivVitO. ilaHaj.r, Hit, . Ilal.f,