Broad-axe. (Eugene, Lane County, Or.) 189?-19??, February 28, 1900, Image 2

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Snif Mur r Eh! Oh! rotten
In his statement of the financial
runt.iuK.D vKiN'ru.vs nv
J. F. Amis
imm't-HiwIliii tS NrCLt-aa Hi'iuuau.
C . Wiu.tams d EttiMta .Tirr
lllorkade Itnlulniiir.
We are inclined t the opinion
that the quarantine recently eslah-
condition of the county he admit i the smallpox district in
i.m uanuiue io in. fiivi,, ami t1M ,,!,., ,M.rli..ii uf the count rv'
claims thiit li'.I.UW of current;.,, t present conducted ii,..tiiil ,
taxes applicable to payiient of to but Intl.., if anything. We'
county warrant should count. .1 .nlcB this statement be a use we ice i
... ..... i.. ;...i..i.....i: I . ....
..... ..- ...... ,,nrtie , twn nlmost dallv from
, - ..... . wnicn n says aouni leave me ; ,hat tcnlity ,, f H aru
r,r.tih. Kn. oron lwomiiu;'l indebtedno of the county j,, val.a ,.jr frtll'
,w.ifi,i.ti to Ih only .-)),UK). I badly marked. We notice Mr.
"-"v-wKimiM ATwr ""' ! Th- " ,l",'rr way to pet out of, rWV H-aiey of I'.i vole one ..f Hie
I .... :. i. :.. . " .
Hrf iu' "1 :.. u. u if jui;U uiu nherifM ai.i.ninted to uard
blockade, who n il
Iri month
a ar ihre momha
(Invariably tn aJraif I
iin,!.lcbt it occurs to us. It is
like tin: A. IS and I-ones 1 fl,-; iltt ine f
isju. ami i ney have got together ..ry badlv scared in. with thi!
. i
smallpox in il discrete form"-
rlms-iv "Iin kiiimII jHx all ritfht
A Blue Mark
Denotes that your surcrip-
tion has expired. watch
for a blue "s" opposite your name
on the paper. Your suhtwxiptior.
will expire with tbe nest beue if
marked. Please renew or give i.o
tice that you wish it continued.
and screed to rai.e l-VO wilhin
the nel year and pay on the debt,
and lwnw they hive done this,
si. ii ply agreed to pay that much
on their debt, the debt ia already
J .iit here ia a hat bother nail
It it having to rai that money
on 1 23.5 mitts Ievy7This is here
the shoe pinches. It ia not mi
much the ability we have to meet
al :akes oneaiilul cirk." And
w ho say. Holland the other deputy j
sheriff out there haa now taken the
disease, j
A more effective measure to
sui.pres and iirevent the sneend 1
T r
of i Ida epideiiiic should le adopt cd !
at once
In the report referred
rhown tha warrants to the arcount
cf $74,000 had been drawn in
payment of the courthouse, furni
ture, etc; '!! 100 for present own
crahlp liat" and "14000 for rink
rmahers and engines." Here ij
just where the people would like I
t H l .iltffl lift rfmltt A tnivr more I
a k a i f . ; of Lane county
me inuimy, o.u tue aniouni oi uie roiiinllmei.!,, rv
.. i c.i.m;... Im ........ '
We would much rtther Mr. Potter Axe, ...,e of the old Mand by , i.pu
would give a, detailed itemised hill ipn u) Orcyi.n, is working miRht
ofaoiuo ijiiewtiorable cbiiina that ' and main for union of the reform
nave (one :o insae up our hi- forces. In point of v. ara. Editor
ucuieuuri. I .1 lllln U llie lileat lien m.niu r n,,.f
in Oregon, mid an writer : anume
I the moat orrieinul and forcibl".'
.ieuior.1 r.iimiirer. fr
today to read coin-, Hre r Mann, a A gn at author
I ti't piwjtr.i. i.f thm I... mil 'lir.. nf OIICeglKl 1)1 111 1 1 1 1 1 ili!' F liiit
itemised IhII of expehdit'trea that ! , ik...,..i. c :, .. . .1
1 . i former county admimitralin. with , wnieli, llirootli v il
It ATftiU Sothlnff.
hat does it avail the taxpayer'. I
the court the people may
belter preared to form a jut ver
dict. AVbatate'the items that go
tn make up the 171,000, cost
cowrlhouse? Why did the
cruaber coet the county 91.000
Itow nera tliey bought, by private
contract or by bids for furnishing
.them at the lowest figures? What
were the terms of the purchase?
Were there any rivute consiJera
fKKia such as ft proviso that the
fserson who sold the crusher to the
. .. . i .ij i... . .
oran.j hiiuiiiu lev a certain icrMiii ,. , , ,
J ' ilrnuliM fo the fer:il rmititv
bate the warrant given iii pa vuient I . , . , , it
i t-m liiiUl I liui muni, 1
I tlit present one, if one ia i-cen to be! fri-keynea, ti.rew a lot of hi nu.
I more extravagant than the otheritera uiiimnHript, the rem It of veuis;
" land haa bien guilty of more wrong-i"' hard toil into the fire, which
u ,,wi" lh'" vlWT it h j '"u,nJ " "Eido, little thou i
. committed like o'ViiKes, though knowest'what tliou Last done,"!
dJlering oi-.iy in .leieea of guilt? j "r ' Jlafin, little thou kn.m .
He that wilfully offenda in thejt what thou hast done," lut
Wa-t In duti. a -a an ollicial isjthon makest glad the heart of tin
morally guilty of all.
A great leak to the public trean-
lUryis in the fact that laith the
J present court and Judge Kick' a l
j ministration allowed too many
ine oidext newspajH-r
Oregon." Fart.
man in
An American Internal
"IIUtST I'li'dic ownership oTiublic'franchiscs. Thu values
created byjthe comiiitinity ehoiil.l la-lor g to the room uniiyT
SKt'ON l Ih-stru. tion of criminal IruM. No tuotiopoliiation of
the national reaouic.s by In lis private combinations more puw
rrfnl limn the people's govi.riiinent. J f "
'IHIH)A graduated intome tax. Every cituen to contribute to
the supHirt of the givenuueiit according to hit means and tint ac
cording to his nwesiti'-s.
FOl'll I'll Election f -enaiors by I he rope. The si nale now
U'int; the private piop. rlv of corporatioiii. and hot-ren, to ! inniie
truly reprtscntalive, and the i-t.ile legihlaturen to be rviliemrd from
recurring s. and.ili'. V
FIFTH N itionul, (ate mid mnmeipul inprovrnn r of the puldic
school sysl.-ui. As the duties of i iti. nidiip ire Im.iIi 'general and
local, every govri niiu nt lsth general and l"i l hhoiiUI do to share
t.fwatd fittii'K every individual 10 i-ifiriii tlieui.
SIXTH I'urrem v r form. All tin- nation'- iu" m y to be iMied
bv the nalHlnV govcr.ment and its supply to ;egiilat'd by tlo
peoide and not by I lie ban''.
SEVENTH No I'rot. i ti"ii f.r opirrsi e trut. Organisations
""iwcrfut eiioll(t to ..ppress the - fier'ple are -le longer "intaul
19!iMt 1 t 1ii.
HIKErr I.Etilsl.ATlMN Lawmaking t.y the voters.
THE INITIATIVE The proposal of lav by a rrentage of the
voters, which uitisl then go ! lh lieferelidutn.
THE KEFEKENIH'.M -Th. v..U at the polls of a law
thioiih iht Initiative or on any law passed by a Uwiu.iVing body
iliie reference, is p-ut!oncd for by ft pe. entagf of the voters.
THE IMPERATIVE MAN HATE Whenever a . public, official ,
shall lie denied dishonest, in..ouiti lit or negligent of his duties
the voters shad have the right to retire him and tlei-l one of their
choice Tlit jeopl alone are sovereign.
' .
wAsaaeaaaii aaaasMee!ss!sssjlse s'sr sa sif m HfiiiM iawaiSi a H
4 f
New , Goods Arrive
Weekly so vou can
have a new Stock' to g
m s 1 - - . fa
ueieci iromi ui an -Prices
always the Lowest.
The (Jola Standard lilll rMxa
The SenaU1. '
I'rovisiona of the measure:
that the least you could buy the
nup for? Did the County contract
privately for the map, or did it let
the contract to the lowest bidder?
nup svi ssss wriiiiii. vis-ii 1 1 1 iiiivmriii i . . i
..r th. eru,he,? Then, further to., ll.UCh. the Th. bill, .. it passed, consist, of
. . . ,.. ..... : county court or Linn allow the , ten sictions. It provides that the
the people would like a lilt It more , . jut i . . ... . .
lihL; ,h preaent ownership list T. m T " "-
item of 210J for tint map. as h " P , h'T " .nt.-t.nlh- fine shft.l Is, ,he stand-
! toe iMrftuir of th:tf. rMr.ll -f i .i . '
- -.- i . won hi tniuo nnu mai nil
forms of I'liilcl Slates money shall
be maintained al a parity with it,
and that treasury notes and green
backs shall be redeemable in gold.
The secretary of the treasury is to
s.t apart a fund of $1.10,000,000 in
gold (or thu redemption of these
note and to maintain Ihia fund at
a figure not UloW 100,:00,000; he
Is empowered to sell bonds of the
United Stales interest at
three er cent. It shall also be the
duty of the secretary ol the treas
ury, aa fast as standard silver dol
lars are coined, to require an eiiual
amount of treasury notes and 'to
issue silver certificates against the
silver to coined. Under certain
provisions, too, gold certificates
shall be issued against the gold
held in the tr.ns.ury.
Any national bank, by deposit
ing with the United Slates bonds of
this country, shall be permitted to
forma most of the work himself
ri thin tl.e lime prescribed by law
which saves robably as much its
a thousand a Year. So
Hive u, more ..ghtOIr Potter! , wliU Ja,, Vifk nd hu cnimu).
I'L. . i I . i .1 . . i
. . . Isioners mv have managed affairs
iuai o:nmz tip. jour faithful! . .. .,
I niorc economically than the pres-
assistance in tht investigation mav ... . . . , , . ,
. - , ent have managed, the fact remains
prevent an investigation bv a,,, . , . . ,
' that a comparison of the doings o?
thorough lv competent expert at . .. , . ,u .
1 the respective courts show that
the instance or a mass of taxpay- j neither showing avails nothinj
ere id the CUnty. j morn than that each is not til to
11 '' j be trusted ngaii,.
It is really astonishing, if not S!mrrimms
exceeding! cheeky, just at present! Wa have not heard from the
to aee how solicitvus r-publictft 'editor of the brass Nugget since we
papers are for the velfare of the peppered him with ging-r! Oar
jopuliet party I They do not hesi-l me are kicking, hoaevert Thry
say oaV apology to them was un-sslisfsotorv!
late to advise without charge the
party a bat is beet -f..r them now,
jest al the opening nf another gen
eral election, when they have not
but few month sine derided
and ft Wised It tor all that ia ridicii-
li us and ii.ean.
awa-avva4 y.'ajsTWgisasj
fflHE Public wiil please take ro- ft
A tioe thai I am at the same old JL r
stand tm Eighth street, Eugene, Or. X
M with a variety of goods too limner
d onus to mention.
iyssrwTt tout t'is.'vs seme
x x hayh rmiir pbiwM
t IIAMIMON Drills, '
(lAltDEN CITY I'hivr nml HnrroM-a
I. 18!HtflS.28C.S7 wercexpended
m, roads and bridges, no mrsu
amount in the makeup of ronntv
Tliey now Ull tis.eXiM-ndituret its the year. We are
that we snould by every coAndera- j n. t prepare.! ai present to say what j '",uf circulaiing n.i'.es to the fce
lion of policy and htnr refuse t.ij a a spttnt for like ruirjes from j value of the bonds ilepoiieil, no
unite wllh other rH.-rm forces in a January 1 lH'J'J to December of the M"k heing allowed to issue circu
riMtinio.i i (Tort In overthrow I ha,; en me year, but we Iwliere much ' notes in excess ! tbe amount
parly who policy thev l.itUrly J more was uml, including the ;- PR'J capital stock of the and believe will b.- disss- j amounts laid oat f -r rock criisheis l"k-
troualo therei BbLc. Fiicliacurrej,,nrtetc. This huld W l.aiked; According tn he provisions of
Is transparently insulting and will' L,tn, as where vest sune are ex- thU ,u'' Wildcat bank of
aosib.e .pic. 1 renders I.
--j ! - - i.u.i, iirrv vdi are ex-' nai m ni. wi
ill in still lowering those en, M ,,- the tuples a-ents a 1 )Vldca cit , ht Wildcat river
I, the eetimation cf( a.strict acunti,,, should always T.'JL I? fuSC
slO.e l.Mlc. 'rrndrral i
Have the wagon yon want tue new
Notice of Plsal Sttlmat
Ktal. M Sli-4i Jvitkln, rtn rmmA :
Kiair li Iterahr Ihsl I V i4 S
Jsnklw. itn-nlnrs nf ssld aaUl. have Sl4
llM-lr Mmint fnr Snul MUlrtnvnl nf M eolal
I. a M.MMUr Ih Mh ! m Marrh. lis M tm
N'rlnrl In III hfrtttwm Imm Im H iif h II.HI
R I. tnor, rrmnt y m4 wf I.h evHH.)r, lur
SMrlStf viiKettw.. ! I lis Mine
o. n. ist asis. saj..i.s
AImmimi sm ssisie. luraMa.
NOTICE TO CREDITORS. nf IMm rtur. Kutkri, wmwil
Mr U Ssivlit MTnlhal ImIh M.ilkr) h Iws
ill araanlal iwiilrl nl h ralalf ( rl
w Maya, nmwl, I., th llmnffaMt
K O PiMIrr, xMinir Inla .4 nm
tm All ean.Hia karin rla.Hia aaalii.l aal.l
rataM ar nrrrhf knISl Hi rnwi l lh aa.
Mt tnaaaaaulrla al lh la nStr nto.. N lari
In KiiaMa, .Nn, Miihinala mnnilia In.m Ii
SalM Ik la niMI, alia In navaiar. iHirhrif,
. . Ul.".ta Ml I.KaV
nroa hortuts a..u.
All; M aaiaav,