Broad-axe. (Eugene, Lane County, Or.) 189?-19??, February 28, 1900, Image 1

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NO 41.
Intcrestim: Letter . lANTI-TItUST CONFERENCE Silver Siftinin'
Till: I'LA TFOflM.
r run i (.rants Pas8,,,,,v" t'" . H-y "ftim American
.: ,i iri. r T.:!.-....i.ii- ..... ! Tl'r--J!""ftb M.iitr..Kt
., ..... ' ' i . ,' . ... ,, , , Icoufcreiioe held, at Chicagu I -jrtiKhKAti. l-. th. opinion ..Mh National i Ilm.J. R. S-.ttrel
the. hditor: lour numerous re-; priiiciph iutilled In us front birth . . ... ....... . 1 i " Truat .'..ifc-reweat nm-... rei-m- .... ....
for the - never could ir. bome. great , 'V'' : 7' i . u, 1 : .) 1 1, ivjo tiir j ,..; Mo,al.ty ..Id lll.llic.
Starvation and honesty
liv in the rinie house.
thut what u
Utp ti "h rn pond''
.. .. . . . .. . . . . .-1
Uroini-a line inn rriucUtitiy 1 unii urogresmve nation ami an in-1 . , ! ! c.n.i.t of mrH.riinn, and natural pr
dcfr-rrel through prenire c.f hui- dm-triil power among tne nations . , " " ' ... --ir..ii,,,. i,.i,,ed ,,-ui ,.ri,ti,. p
, . 1 . r 1 toniNhina progress. 'The con ler-. the abolition otthn it ni.,; ami
lie in (tin h e that a few leisure ol the ritrlh. j If' toner, Th i..Uii prime oi ii.
nenw iiMudt Ml to my ..t. Iluij Well llmthir Ami, enough of """V" ' 7"""'nl mrn iff i'r, th. .nxe-i
, . ,. , . , . ii .. . ... , . . , 1 from all portions of tlie country, 1 wum mum i-imhi rmiiiiiMi ii nw
! irw ( romrulleq r Iru.U. tlx lallrd
. nilr(r of muiuiiin;r tl uane of pr
f inotir, ami Iriiallurd prli llri liiri'Wut
l In rt.a' rnrnhip ol rllwia ar pulrnt
t f.,n ...... 1.... it.... ..r ii.- 1 tu.l.tirv n.r (n f ii
...... I la.-- 1 1 . .' imong b"ia mav I nmu:
if" ft - " ...My .nr...- ... ....i-.w ... iiit . m IVIWi
tiou 1 tht llait-f of time" n! tliAt fioin C'lmrllon K liu hJ m
jir ra-uii,i(( (I rrolutionn J- no fjK-rif i'h-u in. r ami Filiiio
M. L lrkwNl, J. p. Alt(Hl.
Ry JudgO William, F. t. Mntlt( ' tu t.iii. au.l maintaining tm.u
hip .nut to in ui'It. I criMily .iLinrr- clmrm ti-r thu vpar r two. 1 0mu M. wifr Jonn r. roiy, .lB).th
ci.iic y.iur kiii'l iiiviiMti in to wri( : !( to thitik our x-n door
for tli- i iicr uikI fi l u riii tliatjm.d t'Simiiaioii jiolicy ulniclit.
mi think tn V otV;ilii,; M'rilihling I . C. VrUKXXA.
i tturlliv of .i iiii-tt 111 the'iiim 1 ' '
..f ho Mo ,1.1 u.Jv.m .,r the 1 , Jn,,e r lM,rt f .he m.
ul..' rutin-. It h iP civ-n 11m r. ul ; I""1" ''lin of the Imnnrinl
1 1 iri ij r to ri'ii'l from iim li tune ic,,,,,,lli"n "' .'"f" ith jof Te; C. C. Matthew of New thai h.v,t ,., 1 pB!,i ,d
Flrsi Tha. cunnM talm ini.Mtl.1.
Urol fO Kre! Witllnllll', Thoinoa I,. . uwlrr lh por ul eminent domain, ormhrr
Johiixiii, K Juilse Win. l'retiti-fi, : -r 1 mcr.teTpiitH.t. i.ut
....... . " .. .' "t v X pVlull)u.nraiu.. oalrrcd
William I. Black, Mayor Carter iurk w uiiwr Uruniiui r prnnm;
llurri. Ouv. Le, Jav I). Miller. ' uk'" '"'"'""'." "uwun ih 11.
, i ." rih n. Irlruiiun ayaUfni of Ihr Cnllxl Hiatca
Ur. Oeor eheritian, T. Carl .Jiel- ja ..IJnil. .4 in l-nal-mr H bartiacnt and
linir. ohUn Fr.ueo.- K.W. HII..I "'li o,r.ti.,n.. ,
i(itn ucirai nil mramm
e of the tax,.ayexi. ,""M,y,'"r r,v,,ri" ihe it-ruJ of , Jerny, Aleiamler IItnar, S. II
rou.ilv ...! voU'rihi iJ'lK-''i. i a jinul.le nTtirV.?, Helen M. (...iiRir, K. H
- " ! 11 . 1 . . I. 1 1 . ....
gKiice are nior-
r 111 nt
IlunI time, low fes and en
forced idlenen makes inouniiiif 11
heaven aod a juhilee in tell
When a pron lorrown national
hunk notes he romiea to fivr inter-t-t
on another fellow' promUe 1 1
jiay money.
Your employer asks you to vo '
his ticket IwcaUM he give yoa
employment and he think roa a-i
ungrateful wretch if yVu Jo' po,
!ul he would think il the height
your :ih!e defence
ri.-lit. in l.i in-
-ont,,io.1y.vey..ftlied.-'"Ur" WI,K" ""!' ''"". l" j Finley of Ohio:. II. 8. .. Chaffee,
tr:i.M iMuth iHed i ir i..linirr,I"",r.v ""I1 ,.v'r. ""d form a ien. Weaver .f Iowa: 'and Jerry
h..rt..,.he Omaha platform. Vt.t;,'"'" I'l frm the eye of the .Simpson at Kan
th. ro re eome'thinE in nhi.-h ! I """t '.to lh, my.teri. o the j L-
ci t ar.e with vim hut 1 ae,ord;",,"wlv ",,a. K'K-r. Itntj rtrikeil, ti,.t thi. deolara-
ietioii and ," t-J""ir - re,-,rt w, ti.e tij, f
; nuurr nhow Unit the
.11 ib.i u... hav. .1., w,i.h, I., .hrrrtir "f fMftmonce if yon ake 1 him
.1v.l .,ri,run. may afjulr r..tiln. ol to Vole Ihe silver ticket On th
llc.rcu...,.um1,u..l cr..W . ., , g mu j ,,t y,, hi,, weItl .
to von ho,,. .t v of eon vi, t ion and , " " 1""" ,.f principle, are at.-.ut the
nekn..He.Ue riitlil t.Mll-!,,Bur" w,,w "" r'"yin. pA
way ee thi.-K. na other ,f, (debtrune.H h. f 1 HU , .89.
tliein. Ihe wliirlitfia o time aiiil 1 .. , tir'
. . . . . T' clton of (jrant raaa in the I
..e ,or,u, ... war ..ring uii M ..j,,,, in .e j jTalk aa yoa will for a i,.Kle H'l
manv ur, ip1 riieiamor.nioar in , , . . . , ,
. . , .. . , Jretenl death of a Mr. Johnson . of ,
the opinion niul ullair otiiier.. i .,..1,.' . , , 1
, , .. .. I'i'it it v m iniiver.i)l v i-ondemnetl.
nil 1 Ihe lite V.iir Mlllpam llnd . . " ,
. ... Ihe ciri'iiiiitanre4 in the matter
1 .'..mii 111. ... m 11 ill. 4 ,11 ,
""ki '!.... ,1,.., t.. , .; r
l.l M
f Itlt'
, : ileeent lilKil hy ritiien of the
to 11. i;ut Hint in 1 r l.i I w.m com
mitted to three lMlllpN who li-
1 to Ih- ihen-. For thin tliei-e
r. . , Ikn.ff ... .1... t
jl M'V. .1,1.1 V ill V b Ul)(l'll
d'kfmnda of the hour. Think it
nd-trd. hut after ail luhor and
provlnetH ol' laVir are the only
ue r-tand inl for inonet.irv cireu-
fition. The wealth of a country i
tvir., are lii.exi'i l-iloii i liie rule. 1 . . . . . . ,1,. i,- f ;i
' ' 1 iihi-er ni-cl- et, und wa ii-nied even le lia-m ol it imniey.
ii ie 01 1110 remiiii. 01 iiu- .jiuiiikii-
A'tierii-an war w.m to re in-ite tin"
ration ,ind iii'pire the peuple with
1 . . . - 1
liiiiiiniiil.'.t nl rlut im, toieli an Ii.ih
I'atLjji'eii wittienei ainee our revo-
1 ... : . t . . 1 r .. .1 :.. .1 .-
iiiiioiiiiry iiiiiiri I'-uni 11 ni-Hiiiri- , . ,. .. .
1 , 1 , I tiiidertamliii that they ere to
ill uoiiie Him I'niiiiirv. u nil" ii.i . . ..
ii'imi" inr nil, n iiiru
To make two mr men: D-
prireone of hi honet earninfi
ind give it another without jnl
,niii.ensniion. The one will b
come deiiM rt;: the other arrocaiitr
' "". ' ,,rrr .r...ietv
liainiis urin liaid $.'() with the 1... "
- IIVII 1 n .-1..
had the i fT. et Jo nhlilente. party
tln-V did
ii -rii i 1 1 n iii 11 1 li, iiroh.ilily to etreiv '
Tuird-Tnai Hi larilTaiial no lunxrbm j
p:iijrl tu lntiraml bntlrraa lruta, but llial !
iiuzrru .hall plar till Ih Ira Iim all arllclr.
Ihaalu( a ilrh In tli I nltcl li U eon
IroUc I l.y irn.l.
Kourlli ThalemiiirrM lake immediate tep.
undi-r he power nf einlneot dumalii or ntber.
aiMi a. may lie nr-emed Hie mure .ipi11eiil, liul t . ,, payli. Ui. )u. value ol a.ler-1 ,ul"11 r lnty ore J"tl WOrl HOtlll V
el il-rl nroilivr ttrlieium val.iea ol any prop-1 itnd the dei'il'a Je3t friend. -erly
taki'ti or rouomiiet. to take, n, nj j
iperaie the Interna! rail hitrhaava now oper-1 The dollar t llftt IK the har-'eft t 1
a.e.11., private raoo. ..r raUwa, rorD.rat.on. j cnrn , v lunt,.t in,l8try and eaBK-'.
And. alirrra. Hi pulltieal pnaerol Uie lra-u 1 . '
lie in llielr ireiticiit pipreaenialum in au.l eon I to get hy difhonesl eieculatifXI ii w tVeou.end .rraJ d " proa Ie lit y"' dollar ."
tnea.i,irfn oT ihe ..i.irra k .own a. Imeri 1
l-i.lallin. to maae irnri-rnmt-nl ori mire vl
I., Thorn., .l.TTer-.n A'.r.h.m l.h.roln. a Tlt' n ,H,rll b:,b e"1' "
i ivernuieiil i.l Ihe peoilr lor the penl.le li'l l) . erjdll t-ilnllt bark tO tj.e antel ill
I :li - ari Ir. I ln'irm il. I 1 1. ' fn I nr. Im him I . .t
j ii heritage on the earth. But
Witthingon's hirth day wa oh-1 (ijl-Sirap av the National ;tlnt is only tidditionai.eviileiii lo
-'")'' rcily with 'eoii.inj:.,,,,.. llH.r;, vi tle populist-; l,UVe that Mn'rP ignorant w Mil.-.
Iy i. fUJlCllMOI oil 1 ; 1 . , , 1 ;. . 1. V I I ll ls hllVtO l"J Wise,- 111 lW
. I w hich nu t at LukoIii lira.-ka 1
Vears the nmc child loan in I. in...
'last week had a row. (.1 ; !e-l r;i 1 T . .. . ' , , , , ,
! ''hie supplication before the land
h.mld.have hee-i there and P . .......opolist artd U-gVtli rU.wcrii.e t i
'thrown out over tiic tr insome" ae j ,j8 u.r.ns Jl(r' 1K.rmi8si0II t., May 011
! Allen wanted done in Hie case 'f i e., r,
home of the kicker, y lilstrap ! ' LH,rihl; men in America gu
knows hmv it i hiuirelf, ns Te went !t n,e ltl,tl U()X t create n
, through a himil.-tr exp-rienv at the ! cause, ui.d then K on a elriU
M Utii convention in ISDf., when;,,, fitf lhc l:lll rfjVcU u th ,
:i iusioiiisi KmktU-vnn over Hie ,liev rr....te I If ,i... ,:ii
If whut , (iilrtmp ail in his
Tl.lira Citizen in 'U.")-'.)t uhont ihe
lim oud to weakou part v inilueiure , .. . ., , ! repuldican party 1v.11 true the-t. is
. . the germ of finallpox an they. ... ,
i mu. h 1.0 thut even tun P l-tih- . ' what he sav now ahout ll true?
went. ,
lican pirty h- hat dominated the a If (iil-tri tidstrajietl t i rv
country for i.eiuly forty yrara is ' wv fr.(.4 ,-.,. ,.itil . l-ly inclmlin,: ni who trusted
Kr.s.tly di.i.l.d in Kciiiunent in , f . , , ' hini at D.iksd.ile in Washirutoii
reiiiM to h ,t eor to pursue in j ft ..,,.,.;,. ,.,,,- jn , ;,. in ST-IM, why uM he be trust.d ,
tin- -oiiniiK lliU'l'Kl' "0- iirl , i... i-.i. IIOW I II J ..1 IIU COU III V I In L'llll 7 ... .
r......of piot.ition and Me,,,.!.,,.; "- ' - . railing niMea,! Trrt,,e tra.ison.e v.,. t aUri!i thi Cill!M. thefe ,iu
' 11 1 ' . I I' cmnosel IH p.irt of populists. 1" "t the repuhhfiina of Lar.O -.i,:..i. j,,,.,,,!,.,! ii,," i , . , .
ftone t. repu i Cm nil eess sure 1 v . ' . ' ' . ' i.i... ... . t '' " ""irs !, iw no ha-l effect to strike against.
. .. 1 '. Nw it. occur to the Mroiid-Axe, i county hard ti . fjr some one to ,i,M ,.llv..,., . fr, ,i, n
"-?' that a ".leni.N-ratio cluh" i a mis- run their orjtin when they pk vipi,.,r
liMmtedju the parly platform ,n ; ( (.r for (( duU , ! p ,, t X jH.pulist who wa, kicked '
the rampaicn of l'.H. audi doH , - . .... ,.. ,lf ,,, ,llrl4. : Tan you learn in "oil Jog new
.. . , , .
Very liiin-h if liryan mid oilier!
democratic jeaders iir.i ever aide to
revive Ihe free Mlvcr mul sixletn to
one issue ii);. tin. 'The populi-ts i
never did consider the silver tpie- j
tiou a vital issue, although inci-j
dently it was of some im
n illustrating tlpj priucij
iiialciidl i in.niiilerial in the t rot
I'ornia as unworthy of confidence. 'Arj,"" or t,i"1 -VOJ ever knmv
What do we hear from- theTTe M V"y t,,.ref,,r,n i,(il5f? r jcitien and pioneer t-f I.u.e county
not deiii minate your clnh "a citi
zen's cluh," or a Hr n cltih? This
woiilil In- more in consonance with I ....i.i:...,. r ,i. :.u . vou cv.-r known stream to list-
.i i.iiv .i ii.- ,. ini; .ii.llMV l.ltll ll'l-i"
lie trend of the spirit of the time. ,.,,.,.,., H.l((.r,m.nt' ,- .j ' its sourtv? Drdid yon ever
Why not all reformer in the ; , , , f ., - . . see .a man strong cnoucji to lift
porli.ii-e!C,"",IV ""i0 "15r-van cUl,,l,?"!and rihaldry and ahuse of every ' li"'lf off the Cround hy t!,o slrp
pie th .t ; All run a Kryan Hag OMe , biMiar otKn his mouth in of hU Uwt'! I' you wa.:t to f. el
Tiiisolnce is pleaded to ncknowl
edne a i iillTlnusilav ..f II C IVrkiu
ol ( i rants I'asg retuniii'i from a
liiisiuesi trip, to Saiem, a former
'. rpivriif In nnltiM tliril nwtnff
tiou of muiey- or the inediiim of .... ., .... , . .
' 'to ill health Miss June has severed
.The war cry of the propKs party
if the organization U not already
dead through its own folly) should
her relations with the lrain
iprolcstiiis against infernal ll..-it.ln" fu" ,"r''' 'mrns' duplet j
ery, nnd hnh handed roi ln-rv?
I).i we hear ar.v or.c of them
Watchman, Mrssrs. Miller 1 nnd , conueinning tne parly, ami
Mires taking her place. We fer- i I"1'1' remedy for the wronirs
veullv hom. for Miss Jones' sneedv ; ,h:,t l'rl.v ha perpetrated? IV.
lie the Initiative and Uclereiiduni I return to good health, and hid her j ,fe ",1,r H"v "lie tn0 leaders of
the cure-all and only remedy for ' a reirretful farewell. . the party talking annul .that2,(X-
,(),IKHI session of ihe lust lecislatute.
all the politit il evil in which tmr
represeiitntive syntem of govern
ment is mihject. Willi this ac-ccmpli-hed,
all parties will disap
jieur from the political arena ami
tho people Iho n-it wivervign will
Tie Chandler News of Okln
h inn of Fehruary Iftlh has mre
than a column and a half of "m
litical notes," in four line para
grupl a devoted to Hrynn. without
ouco show ing its hand politically.
and tij mill state tax levy? Or,
do wo hear of any one of them in
Lane county complaining ahout
tho condition of things here? Rath
er do we not hear them justifying
and approving of it?
i "oh wont.! a.nne tine the cifl t-i mve u,.
' Thai .a t.iiehl Hvn-ini'lii'i .1, oilier, ii.
just look at .(i.t.iistrap.-trutt-ing
along main street with a cignr
oute in his mouth.
The plutocrat say k is letter for
lahor to lie overworked and under
paid than to he underworked tind
not paid at all. In this they may
be right, hut, strange to say, thy
never npply that principle to
themselves, for they are d'n satis
tied even when thty get all tho pay
and do no work.
wiuely nntl luoratie ,;nown
throusihout the Ftate. It is always
a plvai:re t- us to n ft t M r Ter
kins who we rega'd as an idvul oij
time Orego:ian of whom unfortu
nately for our country there are
hut few left. Tho letter published
in thi Issue from Mr I'trkina will
U read with interest.
f Chickens and Egg.
1 1 have at my ranch throe mile
west of Kugene sume thoroi.elihreil
white Wyaiidott cnckeicls and sit
ting cf cgs ot tlirt sr.nie hivl t f
hen whic'n I will sell to iiny-n
on npplication within tl.o next two
months. I,. !. IIiv-sman.
Overton't for w nl ar;er, oils
nnd paints