flf.!tl h tli M I AND IlKXEW - rile? u ahort, ncwity ilcma of your ! mctive iicighlmrhood. All i inn- Hid it a t loitn fur tlm .IroadAxe d. 0 11 I.I reach ti4 l-v Tlmri'tl.iv. ! Indian War Veterans The rcnrt of Senator (lalliiigcr o.. Senator M.llri.lr'H Indian war Veteran hill mntaiiia it nmn'of r of vcry inti-rcating Mat menu and bring, to light eouiP fact that are '' not generally known. Thin hi, I it will lie mailed provide not only for the aiirvivora of the I ntlian wnranf Orctf.Mi ami WaohiiiKton , Ir.Mii I S. 1 to IH.V5 ami the CtyiiHe war on the i'a.-iti.! foaxt in S7-I) tl llMM Lwi. .1.1 i I ... I that thu M-imiou roll, kIiouM thi lull pnn, would Im kwrlletl to the- ektiiiMled hy the c , 11 , ik. i. .1 , -r ' 1 "'u''!" ' t in the f urt raient ol aUnu 7:tl),tK)) nt thU : ix-HMonn, the avt-raite iH n-i..nnl.!-1 honw. Chairman Zumwalt prm!.! litne, although the rtini. not rnrried ) i 'IkI e.tnnot exl.-ml hi yon.l aU.ut I'tter-in at ftH-ri-hy line lull Would iletrtaxe r.iplilly, ! wven yam henrc." Many of tlo'M l,r- A eninmitiee n at apint. d oainut.ithe preal lapm of time . Mine uiiM-t of tli.-e wr o urr il. 1 For example, thrr are hut llve.: M!J and I I'. and 1 a- . t 1 pur vi wr m 1 iib rs'iiuiH'tn h ar l . HI7 IS and l.'O idowa. Of,rjthe ...orejuM. ,inre ,t im lu.h , 1.' .1 - 1.. 11 lil.........: ..t . . 1 rnrr nr inrr aid uui ll Mir-1 -ivom and, 107 . widoMii. Two 1 1 .....U-.l ... t 1...... 1... . .. ' tirvivv the ahinn war. with I. ul ! !. ' .l..w, and 111 eiirvn or i( j tin' Cayuae war are no alive and' t ut M widowr. There are manv . a . l inor furvivirn nml wi.Iiiwm i( ihr , nitM iti)rrgnn ntul nt-hi tilmi tlian an v of thtf niiicr ilifliruhici Ami hrno thi luiiiaM) aar vetiifti.r ' 1 of liMe ai ftnt. Would ih-rivel I the Krtuteat liei.elit i-hotild Senator Mi-Bride a hill nam. 1 hrre are 1 H'onnlulit v to mi v that I he a c . . .1... .. .. . . . J.i;i'J urvivor nnd l.tiu wntowci 1.1 ; then l.i'tcr wara. j In its reH.rt on the hill thecom iniltee aya: a. "Tli 9 hmt of thene war otvurri d I foUyyear ago and the c-l imafd ! age of the mirvivors i fixed at ! viarp, while the en.lninted age ol Tde smllh A tnighty man is he - but he la not mighty enoKh to tlefy diAe. It la a pltllul trnng to llie taronK man hr on k b t low, ma niu.-lra incltiiikr awav . 1 t w tm.it.ira wtlh maUrutl l. -rr oi.iMttiir.ar. i.n.hua ai.tl ih linOrr .I.Ktur.' nro iiuii? a Kikir." . aartlaa Ui t U viMf.uatfKCa.KS. w - ffuen mr yp. ana wr r 'Ai r.r'Wra;; ami I liatl w-rr MM In lit lark. 1. I . .. . . . I. Sd",WJiJVU,r ,",.r,i,4 W,, 1,ttl -""''.vjJ Znnwalt, Jamea Calvert. Lit of lr. Itr.cr 0.4.H-. Mnltral lllworrrv anU brforr I Had l.i.Uhr.l taking Ihr Ant two b.4llr I ail wy n.urh brllrr I ennllnurd tik.na; Ihr ' nnlidnr ami by Ihr Haw the dab buttle itaa (one I waa . writ man. Dr. Ilerce'a Trolden Metllcal Diarwery cleansra Uie blood of the tmiaiiDa which .1.- rurr. ol til. atom. , curca rliaraara ot the atom- . ch and orxani of ilijrcatlon and nutri- Hon. ami ennl.Ica the proper aaaimilation 1 ll U . il-.f. (.In.. m....lr wa ainr, aa aa f,t ........ makinff tnexlirine, nwklnK ixmnti linn r';:' - " whiaky Dor alcohol la any form. ffi-Mfr I TOR STOMACH Ifflili BLOOD , Seminoln eurvivora i 1M year. Of the ini ftimnlili-MTvi.T of them. pioneer men ni.d a-ildicr we deem i. uiiiiiri-miiirv to r.-fr. lliatorv recognizee Ida rctili they have achieved. In the South u-id Yt ''" J have) endured tint greateaf 1""'VhIi.mi, aacriliie nncl aufferinj- u" l" '' Irg. ly, if not it- a;lirry,i0 ac.juir.ition .f tl. vital ! i empire of the Pacific Xrihwrit. I ' ll having been the nolicy of the' gnver.-wnent and the uniform chiim' ;'l' legil.lio that irv,c,. ,. ! ; "inn aliould Ih granted at the' . ... . : ex piration of 40 veur follow im the war for which audi penanm ! ! hit v l-cn granted, it will Im m-pii 1 ' 'hat thij ri xt. h not? Ui 11 ! reached n to 11 U the ar incut ion-1 the .ri-M'iil hill. H to 1 fonio ov-r 77 yurn have elaifi the l pulifts unl Jt ino:rali. .'h ince the war. Moot f ,n- (.1.1 l'' r to nti((c h '..hi i l.rinp Mirvivor are in needv circiin (.t in- i ",u " ''lien' tirkt t for tin- e". while all are in ohl ng.., a'ml ali ' d men wi re omittt d Iroin th- len-ioiiuii? Mirviv.ir.oi I il.au f... il.;. i. .in ,"' inviii i 1 1 I- 1 " r" ..."." " uii" rn uui'i;.'ii 111- o'-n war prior to IVili. T.y, 1 i.e 1. in- LMini't. i.f 1 1... I.i'l t,.. il... ........,..! oi the interior ilcnartiix nt.1' , Ow in Jim liiinlpr: "It ii 1p.11 iv i.nriior: 'It w fimi it 1 f'ii 11 1 . J I Kilvrl will l-o tlie i Mioli-t ! . vutiuiiitiit tr cixinty JtHii, utur lie him a certain uso tn whi li i... nt iv:i iii:t the (utility rck - iruflur.'' a. I h Itroad-Axe takr the re- me i.egiirr I without loiiiul- ation nn.f untrue. The-ditor if, !U,e ' '"" Axe ha knoarn J E Kll rt for near.v ! years, nn I vr Tn "'' ' "uuKh aequaintcd ... : I. I.!-. ...!:.:...! . . V I een.impma mil u-Pim vitiiw u Piiv 1 1 1 it 1 jiim II. luil li.-v it q ive any one ground for n.i vf ing he will In a candidate for i"m"lv J1"1 l-"'-'". ticket or liny other 1 art v ticket. Ucan cay however that we , ""- ' -Mr hl.U-it one cu. tin. tick-, t with a platform on ,,f ollr cui'.lv f..inniii.iiiiirr lf.Hl.i.h ..;,.. 1 . ,"" ' " wnna inany anuve. ' ul extravagant -xi.eii.lituri would not lar nracticcd :m Tins Ixeo I . . rmlre ..ing ll.e j 1 '' ' "'-r ll,. , rcc,,t rfKiii(e. j and w hen all were ready to do liravjr uleiiKe to We are not prepaied to ay w hat , toiue practical work, the old veter InTr' K'OW" ' Mr K,,U'rt ,,uM d" H'c"r.ak !,, popuhn .1. E. Yarnell, ,.a u his eriiMher, hut wo think he would 1 , , . , .convert :l into a jug aty, rather I .. ., 10011 I'm IV 1.1 "lll'll nav U lllf Potler-llail-v iri.i l,.v.. it t . .. . , 'Miai ( ni'M-hine whirli has fci Vfd im nn . . 1 . . . I .... I ' I t I t u rn uioiiMtlMl 11 un'iniiirrt ii.ntT iirn ,rr..l I........ j incurred lo very little piirpoci - ,eCflll lie H llll'HI.1 1. 1 ai Ill, ll,... ... rt'CUrilllV. j Vo will -end tli paper to clul . f live new ., flrr 92.U to t il, .....i..r..... ... " " r.r... .nee, iroill ""v Itnitil after the prce ideliliiil elei t on! itgwt M.v,,,.,, ., ,, 1 .MUke ll OUr filth. l'd 1 i in vuur itaim-f". Kt'Torni' r? - will needthe llmad-Axe in their jbu aineKa through thu coming cnui I lnign. 1 Thonma Jenkini- who lirr.1 fl1 ytk a fi ur milt-, n.iithnt of Ft gene d, d of tMnMi::it on at Sana llo.-a C.if 11.1,1 h.ri Friday. SATURDAY'S MEETING. , CITIZEN'S TICKET CDE3 AMD REFORMERS OF LANE Will UNITE , the Taap.ni Saturday wuh a g.yl d f'r "' l"T""r- 1 Xw ",r W:" l:l1 "f ' 1 '"'" fntmi-nl. l.cpreaeht.iMve n . n from all part, of the fount v am in rcponee to the call for met-iiio , ,,, .,(1l,;ifcl ,R '. Xatioiw. I lie union centra con,- ".,iU,' 1 nl t1"' cUv ,J-,M "' ''-kin n chairman nul M. !"!- 'I'" " ieerelaiy 111.1l a-m(J a reMilulioii raiding u coitiii.it lit o " 'f'f'T w illi a like coimiiilt. 1 June election. ',"rl,,, U'degatea amonR tin,- ; ' prtt inrif 1: pnneiiiai.vea the county i-onvention. 'ri... a r:iim in a i ton ii meiu wa t,,rd upon the vote raM f..r Van- ' .. . ! :.. is... . ' 1 . .1. ii.ii 111 i.fioir one ill- . ... f... ..,.-., ,. . g no lor tcry twenty vote or a 1 I....1:.... .1 f :.. . 1 ... 1 w hit h in the uuen f.nt lmv. . . 1..1.I I rr ri - r- - ..f d.I.gatra in tin. convention of!" : - M- Kl.thuhiastic mhvi hea Were hutk lv J A j rr,.u ....... " I. N. MarUiuel.. Into f Vein ii-ka ira, ... u v. j. t. lui !.urlin, J. W. 'U "hvclt r, ltiteof Y.vwhil. couutv . Jowix nitr. Juu f JoKcnhiiif !c.ui.lv and IWrne Watch of Cot - " av:- t.r.ve, (i. V. Wrider and olln r. all on t!i i-amc cul i.et of a 1 1 1 plan nt ui.itin the ii form for the coiuini; cuuinaicn. foniH1 . evcri ' wcic a t-oily of un-11 toother w ho , were n.oro hainioniuu. in henti-1 , 111. nt, aid 11,0m ciithur-iattic in! .. pur,K.. lean were nresent at this huh tm.' It Wnu in.lf .... .,.....- . -Q. mw - aaMi A V I ; . no in. vline and an old faMiioned Vl .-.'ii political lovc-fesn-t , Every ,,.lr advocated drop- 1 i.iin f. r llo-i.r..4. 1.1 i.,..!- .. ! mid inn I v ticket and favored I . ' ...... 1. . ... . . an htaml upon wuhout ref, rente ' to hi forimr nrtdi lections. i All. r tl... . I ..f il I.I........... I ...v ........ en-i. ! wont, iin-l in the mx.k of time 1 ' came h rnurd and moved that hi 1 ... , C.HU III 1 1 lltl ol IX he .M.i.i.i..!... II.. C, 1:1 . . VOIMll I III lilt. U l.'llllllll (tTH I rOII I V IIIIIWlttlM from the uiiioi. tmj ileint llOVrUtlO til!'tH d 1 1 Ulul II t4Lrvi'il t(. lo Ijiivh I iir l.i'wv'-.wilhoiitrWf.iuTui: I'ATrNt RKtom.. .1 1 mi ii 1 1 iir it if ;tt lit lliw roil hi v .. . . ' 'c.iivention, which wa ndopted. I In ini.nm. .. II... .......1... : ... t .. . 1,1, vru I (I l llt I . j Lakin, John Waller, 1 X liar- i i t it .. i uin.j,'ii nun 1.11 rattcrs-ou wire ' M.Hlilltwl on aaid co.nmitiet, which w: Blwl cinn.itta ,.f the.., dm jaud democratic parlies in Eugene Keliruarv 1 " tthHt . . rt-oruaryi., I.W l.i t, Htrnl tllMlll a lit tit ,.ffl confer and f future npt ru- , a- ' a VI a l 1 tu.n- All wero ihiw ready to adjourn, but not until John Cogswell, who i 00 years of age, unwe and pro- ' ' lot Rryan and M"n ' "' '" t''-n, t.ik. t" hich w.i giv.n with a ia..iit gf.tui.l. Nollrf. I Aft.r the 14th of Fel.ratry the Lroud-Axe will reawi to clul. will. ' any paper until further notice- uuiiope ourineiKU win refn:in U r thN and net nivnr.lmtrK- iiiki.i. not to Jo o might lead 10 mi":n 'h-r-tandinj und confuxion. Mean- iii .u nt n uur irienus vt itcnu 111 lln-ir r.-newalH promptly. Uigether with every new nhicriler possible. ' Man Wanted. II --I 1 1 1 hup inut ein'ii acren ni lanu ; to rlvar of oak grutn and m'tt-h to i I-l the aame on contract .ntract to aome Call at my 1 r.-Mponibie jajron. Call at my li nr.- four luile went of Eupcne. an.: examine the premises. For f ir:her information apply att.iiaj I'leaae Take Notlrf Thia papt-r w ill renae to I nent to rnir ..... nti.r il.. r the time for whi,h it i. paid, and! -iKi.irm.Ta may cave !lime'.'t-ft and the K.stiiiastr trouhlc l.y imeinliering thi. llcr m iii niMrMrm. Tith . .. . . . , iu I. ir MT.r-'i Blir'l MIRI II f IIMIirn. .Ifl rlZ:, r......i.. .ia!..,i 1,1. . .. ...1 ...r .V ayi'lf.r...rv. in... thr in.nr ul. ..f -rin. -k 1..., 1... f( i ,.,, trt ,t.r .!" .... mwnni m.mi..ni I.t miI.1 rrp.in.li.lt : '''i,..1'.!. ) .J T".':l:v.''.-.. . j ... maw, r.xn-u.iv iur"l.'l r.IR.f NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT- of Alli K i;ear iltPM-Mwavl C..i.m ni-r-i.) yittMi that Nina K .irrr. - -tY-. b nf. ft M.i,.mf.M Af Mlt1 rtntr. ai h.-rwl.t EhPii that Nina K nirrr. m1iihu- ! aiTiriil i an.iai m t ii.iiit-i 1 ni -will rlir, MM I llllr i ?v l"vn,',' at ..... in tiir K ,,,,,t,r ,'n,""' J'UV fr hrii.K i Jlii to thr Mine. . N,NA r -.i:t: j ' "Komi.k b imiiirim. 1 Altrnrv, '' " A.luin.ifttnii.ii envunwe OUlUIUWfliJ. In It.c llirmi Court f Ijini- Cimntj , :. t i.rrx,..,. ""' K ,v"1- i-t-iftrr. it l-r.n. .i,i,.i.i.i. Tos.i.. 11 iv.rt. .irtrmuni n.mivk ' IV Till' VlUlf nv Tl.l-.r.r.. b....... , 1 ' '.. ..l 'u . ,,,r , ..nu-.r-.i,. ' rtlil a btn 1 1 iwl yiMi mi or 4t.rr ur la: in d the ! ZT7, !..',': '.al'." ':':''-!!."':.; i..L.a fi..,i .h.d... ... . ...... 1 ' tlitp a. 1111. tint... .uiitt nrl !.! ol imi'.i-,-.!.,.., j ZTXX"!. ttXZ ,ZV?X " 1 '",".""r ,w" T"". "0".-i K attlx-ar ai ' aiiaiiir '. I'Ullit the lilainitn 111 mtilv i.. ul I o..n .i t Mtir rvlii'f rai f,ir in Mhi complilri .-. tt i.5npuii,n?T"! .lu-i an 1 ..i.ir. ...a l..r ih-rr.- 1 rit.V,.f ..it ml.i.rrl.ll I. '.'..v V lvrl ..! ' ,i T . -V 7 .7-". 1 - T . twn"n Ii 1. imniM la i..ii.II..-nI lr nrl. r t.f lfni I l. " l-.MI.-r. .',M.I )'..lc- 1 I l."e .'.... ttv. .'I.-. I ? ""U-.i rh.n.i.r. ti.., 11,. n-h .' .( Jiiar .U, I N 11 1. i:t-., 11 Allori.-r 1... I'l-uiil-.f. Our icr rctiii urti it wc tail. Aannr vM.i't kruh and tloclislion of anv nir.-nti. n ,a nT"l,:lt.TT"? ' PViuU.-t c,,i,inrf the paieatalnl.t of ttimr. "!:.. Miriall"U.iy Ol ILIlIir. " Si.tWf XO (Jl'l.l'lt lairtii" aviit upon tcinrif. I.tr.i M-cmctt , 1,',P fc:xiti-d ut .ileal our cTctiw. Ktlrnti toLftt (Mil Ihtmi t'i rs-e.tvi : cir' r.Hri.n iBkrn 0111 inrtHic ' cvtwincti nv aiaiiuioiutr-. nua itivi.-, , r-4lrxWrKe. VICTOR J. EVANS . CO. .Palraf Atlrnrr,) I ttiaaa aWiUlng. WAHINGTON. . C ma I LIT '"""i i COPYRIGHTS. rat t fnT.tt a rATrNT? mr a I CelTi. ""TSf u V "' ot.a-nn. t.t., ; Ml A- 4 ., aho h.rr t ,4 n. a: .ll Aira rviwirftc m in nat.ot auitfva. 1 vtt.p'i. IhwrtMliaMMiiil A Ha.al.rk , in. raiuiHa noni'i I'rtr.la a-n.. titr. n Cv tut. thmn ami fr.. l i.:ii aaacJu Miila uur.i lU.-v.w .l ra MnM Jproal ao.r. ittih. ,.,.nr Aiairrl. a.. v. ir Mnl,l ; if-U. i'l.'lv . w r"M . tor uv-mnr ' sm .r . a .nw, e-. .r. .,.-.: r ...rtr.f .-I t.v. .'-t.': l "" 4'';'',," 01 IVHWIf w. ,, ,Iaj r.t el- .'(. , .-.-h., 1 flla. rhn t.a.r'it wl.., . . lai". .. at fr. . ! .. .-.-. ,.f , r',, ,ti:.,.r S ... ..u, 1 . , ei'.n .1. - rt ?s n w in m PROFESSIONAL CARDS; E " MIPWOHTH ATTORNEV-AT-LAW. j vqk, oatuoa. T "H-t Ki ATTORXEV AT LAW. Office Over Fimt National Hank. (rur.xz, oaroox. . llfcLMUH W.THIIMHt(. CHAM. A. HAfcKY ' I m. wmnmw ATTORN EYSAT-LAW. j amoe In Firat National Bank lMg. l"'Bi-tice mall tha rourta. V' U H"v"ctt ' ATTORXEY-AT-LA W Oflii e One-half blo. k aouth ot f luic- nian Hlk. " . ' w c: hale I T t-E JroT5l H lNoKl(.N .iTTORXEYS.AT-I.A W f; P..n. I i.d MMinui Bkk t Kt'UKHK, ..kn.i.it. ATTOIt.NKY A COCNSF.LOR AT I.A'.V ..... I "pwvmt i u.,r 1 ! ri'T.ii uaiiuoa riven 1.. l.; , """"' n.iirra in prute.14. . . .. . . a. . ' V- WIS ATTORXEY-AT-LA W Kl I.EXE, 0HF.60X. j 1. Trr.N ATTOIt XE Y-AT-LA V. "d-ttira wft of Latis County Rank :rr.SE, okecon . V !l :ClAtv;ll ,-. M. Kij-mNgkr JJA:2AUSH A KISSINGER. )ivj;ct snrl Vntam D..Vi; r,, ui.u luiaij rUJIIt. . I " ' i T"-n.tlv .i,. rarrf.il'r .t r ! :. I'lM'tuv lu .l,r..,ui. .,1 .Mi. . t' ' ;.o c U.it-k. Cor. ..I Will.m,-!. .tti. u,. i.irp. KoomiNu. 1. " -l lii:.l- OKI-A.OX, Jfl. : t MAhKLLT "ti :. a nukiii ..n-.H.NKYs-Vr-LAW I'. : f ill all tlia (Monti ot !, . VV iit'' D R. F. P. r.lcKENNEY ' allention to all fprrifif. love at.,1 el,.. t)!r..v, : Cl.Ul.tV .- 1 and 2 over Lane K. . , IIri .i.ix. I) it it i.. vt h i imxiiai Dentist. ()regnn. 'K''liiii.ri atorr. o.: '. ' . .l JOEL WARE I U. S. C3:i!.,:!SC)3NER. orricK in ..f i : ;.i,vs ni iM....u. ' olMliON. i::;, ;-. Final I ri o,. r I 1 I Innif. . ,) 1 """ "" '" ' and Can t,..,tM pc-iHy. SO Yr tr- .'i ,-;-i:, e in tl.itt livt. I . T l. .il mt, li lt , it 1. v IT . .., .. ... . . LUtd. 1.... 4. ...'.1