Broad-axe. (Eugene, Lane County, Or.) 189?-19??, February 14, 1900, Image 2

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miBLiwiitD v:isiciuY nv
J. F. Amis
unnr -lUww I t Jl.Vuna 111 iuib,
Co Wliuum AKt Kiumtn .rrr
The Marl j ml Dead.
(.Joebel died at" the hand of nu
aatiin, a mayrter to hi convic
lion of dot v. Hi death will I
llryan mid the Orejjnnlan.
Should Hryan U the democratic
candidate the tiopuliHt ofOrqgon
will certain! v May with him ''and
deplored by hi many friend ! vote for him. Thi cannot U-Vaid
throughout the nation. The m mint-r
of hi taking off will be con
demned bv .ill who have a moitv
- ..of reepect for the law id in
.t . iMitulion of our country. nd have
K.W-I M tlM Kuc. lmrn fuatoaie " . .
lclwailBUW ! a uue ene 01 appreciation lor ine
Tm mnr jef - -
yraii a jnlha -
tct Ikra Month ...
(luraxlaWy In a,ine I
jit i tru-, "jiity 'tis 'ti true ' that
m tint. tun ami tu
A Blue Mark
of any other man who ronhl re.
neve the ihmorralic nnmioation.
Hryan .iccupie mi unique position
He ran get 'n democrat.! vote
and, the siulit vole o( the Went
and South, and no other. man can. j
I honor of American ninnhood. Y t, J The diinniltv of the filtration fort
the republican lie in the apparent j
probability tint inauv of I tie mul-f
litud of ileiutM-rtu w)h voletl fur r
McKiniey in iS'Mi inay , vote for!
Hryan thi year. The caite are I
'lumerou and somewhat complex.
they lie partly in 'he event of I
(he time and partly in the general .
stimate of the character of Me- j
vinley and of hi administration, t
tut thereat no man who tan
i.iitcd the deuiier.t and xpuliU
f thi state and of the Wl a
llryuu ' can, nnd it may prove to,
! a hard a task to keep him fntn
carrying 0.-riii "a it was fur
vear ago -- Oiegniiiun.
The alxiVH st:ltc clenrly our
v'eiw on the tihjcct, and we rrgrtl
to have noticed ;i fi-iv insolated
-xcepiin on the part of some of
t:r eoph'n party ixihang w ho
. l:ot ceui to (avor MIIM-ol tine
Hryan. We Ulieve Hrvuli Ihej
available man fur llie i(rciih-itcy,
nd ran see no other 111:111 in the""
i'nited St.te who will do a tiiil' h
f elected, in bringing ;i Untitle
treat ref'rin deluaiitlcd bv pop- j
jler who jutify, or at haft al-
I tempi 10 palliate ma crime 01
j (.ioebel anamination. Scot of th
! Oregon iati may be mentioned a
jone of thoe. He attempt to cho
I that liiH'll'a death wa the legiti
I male result of hi own wrorfcfui
-- . " 1 act, hvervthiiig Scott ha aiu
Denotes that your ' ubcrip; 1 , . J . , tl.llt:ll,,
tiu has expired. teh ; .... .. ...
for a blue "X" opvxisite vour nme a,lJ lahono-him and throw con
on the ianer. Your euhwriiitior. llnuely by wholeile upon tlx
... .... . .......
f will rxnire with the next lrrilu 11 Ineiul 01 tioetwl ' throuulioiit tin
"marked. Plenm renew or give uo- slMt0 of Kentucky, and place then,
tioe that you wieh it continued. igo fjf 'M Uf) u Mv ,n Bn
S"!?1"""-j light In-fore the world.
Wheat is 3S rent. ork 5 ct Gih-Ih-I doutle hud hi fault-dres-i.
eic 1 1 cl. butter 40 and , like other people,- w hile on tin
60 ct per roll. O.its SO cU
other hand he will
. uiurr liaiiu lie nui 11 iiunii in
! history a the rtjual of any living;
man in Kentucky, a a party lend
:er, lawrer and statesman, a friend
1 to the ople, a tine palriot, uml
moral. Ami tllese an
Galley Foots!
T It :ii ..r. .n
All HHUillCf riilI rrrii n, ; ..yj.
ftrtifla 1,11 llifl lup f I KlMkl. f . . , ... . .
.- . ' iraii uiai pcttu, nor any 01 in
Hug, iio 1 laminar 10 onr re.m- 1 M; tra,ia,.eri M, fr 4 we in,;
erg. The finger that M.ned that 1 noli,,i t.iU1 ..if..f. Could i
production, ore now utifT. and cold ! r ,lit frien J l.M.k into the moral
in death, hiving !-cu preftred for ,trtnjilIR ;if Mr cott. aimm th..e
thepttir by the author jut 'jc-jwn have kjtu.o hiu-here in Ore the atU-k of which he dieil. go,,t t!iey wou1 ft nillinj ,u,
T!e .aPT r.M n t received nl Hii . cmt-mp't and fcom f..r the man
o!Ticeuntil a few d;iy ince, henj A cIlllilrifiim v( Scott, with (hu
ll wa minded in Pith a private I Lili Wolli,i f.nd the former an ex
note from the author. 1 rarefully j r,.vellU(. t.llM.,ri acv-wiint
f..Ue l. just a he it l-r -lh t;vt.rl. .,..., wer .i.,,.. , matter? VII. the Broad-Axe w ill
the' pre. The Mibj-rt f the coin- i j,,,, jj( 7,(3(10 h hen he wa removed, tell you bye and bye. Then again
inundation ian, lmKrtar.t .pne,!wIlije iUl would piar the l"ve you noticed how our l of () j
and deserving of the f'"ns l" -n-, gVernor of a great Male with 110 ecrctaiy of the Imard of r. gei.t;
ideralion of -very citizen of Or-; i.i,.,,,;), oifainst hi morjl di'ne with hi patronage?
egon. The criticism offered by j ,-haracter. When we think of thoe thing we ,
the nut nor are Severe hut true 1 - - . ' I are made to thank our atar that
' our bread and butter do not de-
Have You .Noticed?
Header, have voii noticed how
completely our poulit nlwriff and
treaii'er ignoro the I!road-Axe
w ith the otlicial crumb 1 1 -y have
at their dis-ixmal.' What' the
An American Internal
HITtr --I'lihlio ownership f public fr,inchie. The value
1 . r- ao d Jilie community tdmuld belong t" the eomii unity.
SKv,iNI?-llru.lion criminal lrul. No mouuoliation nf
t'.n i.aiiotittl r.s.. urce .y lawlriM private combination more ow
erl'il than the people' government. r
I II Hit A graduated incoiue tux. Kvcry citien to contribtile to
;h. stipooit if tlio gvernmenl ccording to hi mean aiid not at
"ndini; to hi iiiH-eitn.
KOl'll I'll KU-ctioii of eeliatori by the piople. The eiiate now
U-iuu the pi i vet- pio rlv of corporation and Un-se. to I
trill v t. pi vM-nl .tiv. , uud the elate legislature to be redeemed from
re. or, i.ig ei'i mini -. .
r II 1 11 Viti o al, Male uiul miinicip! i'liprov.-mert of the public
.fiiwii It in A the dtllie of i It uenship i.reU'lh getieialaud
ItH-ni. i-ver' 'ov i mni lil U'th general and ha-al should do to ehilre .
ttuvard H'tii'g every individual l erlorni hem.
MXTH --t'm u ni v n f.-rm. All tin- nation' m-n.-y Iw iue.
1V lh - na'i oi' government and it cupply to l regulated by tho
people : d o U by the banl.
SKVI-.M'I! No rroteclioii for opprive trut. Orgitiintion
jHoveilul enon;h to oppn-r the peplc are no h.nger 'inlaul
inilusirie"." '
lil4t I jn-iMlut
DIIil'.CT l.i:ill.TI(N Lawmaking by the ol.r.
THK IMTIATI V K The ofa law by a -rrrenlagr of I he
vofre, whi'-h must then g t-- lh riefereiiduin.
- THK UK.KKKKNni'M -The votrt at the polls of a law proponed
th.ough the Initiative or 00 any law pad by n Unmaking ldy
whose reference i wlllioncd for by it e;ient.ig of the Voters,
Til K I.M I'KUATIVK MAN l.TK Whenever a public oth. ial
shall U ihi ined dishonest, iiicompet 'it or liegligent of hi duVie
the voter shatl have the right to p lire him and tlec( one of their
elmter Th- J1 alone are novereigu.
S J Uoy Goods Arrive
3 Woekiv so you can;,
s have a now Stock' tot
Select from! at an
time. Prices always the Lowest.
New bottlers.
And at 01. e time in the hhtorv of
Orejon would helm-led find j rr the few mntiig consul-j n,j u,n tl(,.w .mr(i,.ilr f ri-Til
wouhi ctrsign wie panic inn- eraMe activity lias occurred in real four" for if it ilnl, we should go!
cerned In obliquity. W hat ex"iie 'f ht.,(e transaction. A cla cd 1 hungry nnd go about with w indowe
ea.i I oflere.1 for the body or men j e ,jt c((nie -nlo l0 co(ntv 1 i the gable end of our pant. .
w ho elected Joe Simon to the I . i. .11. lhside thi, our fodder i not
. , ho have Ixtught farm in the let ....
senate w ho wa a ninnlr nl triet 0 lupplicdu t'lim the public, hay-
M.teenate at th. time he v. :. l'Jilie nnl paid S..nI price for I n((w An(, .f ,lr(m(,.A)u.
rimr. runiic will plene lake io- p
i (ice that I am at the ame old
. I, ..III. w I ...! I'll.,..,,., lir t
s n t - .
ha a list of loinl friend who
uprfirt it and are not slow to
mark the action of particular pop
ulist who they have luljcd to
i ojlice.
oflV .
elected a U. S. senator? And what j them. We ire glad to hole the
language i4ai severe in condemn- fact that recently Mer. Ilum-
jition of such iictiou? The Consti- phrey, forrm rly of Kentucky, bu:
tutinn rare: 1 ! recently from Missouri, are among
1 . .
"No senator . or reonentaSive 1 tliose rnentione.1. one ol w nom
shall, during t!ie time (r which he! Umght l-oni Dr. Harri K.0 acre
may have ta-en ehcteil, I ligihle1 th chl McCormack donation plio-e II i 1 tat.-d that the I'eudletou
many office, the election to which : l ine three mile west of Kngene, I nr have requeued the court to di
H vested in tho legislative norm- j paying $10 svf ncre for ame, w hile j continue the prnctiie of a)ipiiiting
blv'el.;. S-e Se. IJO, Art. 4 Con-'the other bought J0 acre from counsel to defend det tiluli crimi-
Rlitution ..f Oregon. "' B. K. Mulkey three mile north ofcjmil. It will m remcmlH-red by j
Simon wa a memter of the leg-; Irving, paying therefor $27.."K) per ' readerb of the l!road-Axe that wej
i-l iture at the time he wa elected acre. Thews titi:iaclions are a few 1 opHsed thi custom n used by
U. S. eenator. The olli.e of U. S. 'only of like character which have j Judge FuHeilon, and that eevcral
eer.ator i one of emolument, eic. j transpired in Line county recently, j exhaustive article w ritten by a
Yet he w as dieted senator ami ' In thi connection it may be men-1 lawyer ap"ared 111 thi pajier at
doubtless a our r"rrcj,nndent ! tinned that Durties have beer. llie name lime on the same subject
ay the party and partisan co.'.ri,' scouring the count,-y inqut of ever the signaturo of 'Juniu"but
w uld declare Simon eritithd t hi 'every available acre of timber I anil j w huh ilid bin little good except to
cause Kullciloii to reduce the fee
he ul lowed the attorney for defend
ing the criminal. We await with
Home iutvrist ihe action of the
judeof the l'ciidlclon court.
We have some choice farm nnd
town lot os s.ilo at reaaoiiabh
1. 1 in, il. quire at tin
4 htm
wuh a variety ot giHi.l tisi ntnner- tj
A otiUN to mention.
lmjrvr i ys .1V y r
sent and the m. uilx r who oi'-d ; in the county, ami from appear-
for him probably fe 1 no cm p. n- i """ 7 " "1 ';,r distan
. ". .Iwhen all our available tinil'r will
s uloiisi l lonstlcnce for l".,itlng 1,11 t .- 1 1 1
. , ' lc gobbled up bv timber-hind yu
their oath, in tiiAl inMa.-.e nv ,ljt.1(e9 ar Kasp-rn b.ndhhark.
more than they felt when lhey ?5 !
voted to pa the (iinilc suffrage l What irulucement i there for
amendment protiiioii, akhoog!i ,' new coiner to our citr to invest
4ine or moro of the m-mix-r voting I (heir money and live aniorg 11
f r measure .ie ! .. -toi ol 1 jili a '(H mill tax lew atarine
X IIA'H ltiiT Jovs
Hem r r'rf.i:n Wiitroim
triIAHIt.N Drill-
jAltli: CITY Plowx mill IIiii-i-oivm
Ki lit H.VI.K IIY
1 I.101IT HTliKl.T :ioi.t
Have tho wagon you want ti.e new
J 1 viniiy.
'. th.-m i. tiie face?
Notice of Fiaal Settlement.
!! o;ls).hsn Jnikina, ArtfrA-
Sie la lirrvliv (Ivpii lhl J V h4 11
Jnitlna. lsentnr .if ptl. bv fllr-l
llirlr rmitit fur final rltlemrnl ill aaH lt
ai.n x f mt ll,r Mh Mar r Marrh. Iviai al iru
Kataf nf Wrlrnms liar. Mnllrr. ni nmrti
lie la hrrrhf (Uriitlipit l.,il Mnlket naa l-n
itiilv t.,inl,-l raiH-uOU ,( Ihr r.i.i, ,,f V ,1 -
ma Maa Miliary, ilera., l.v Ihr llininral'ln
r i-BiiiT. r.iiniit lunr .f IJoia ...iv.or
fa. All nvnHMtn lia liia
V rlaima aaalti.a !,!
J-..l'.,ifr.e...ii.iy ju. k. el Iim. ennni), l..r in Ki.reV wlll.i.i. sn.rMI,. fr..,.,o
heHrlnKul,Jee(i,Mia In ih m
fire, tl ! lll:l.
Allil,, lu. '.
j v jrxr?v i
llal ,. ifsaiiill V. lilt llir lif-,..p,r, n,rl,l,
, LOI ' A Ml .KI