v BR "HEW To THE LINK. LET THE mil' FALL WHEIiE THEY MAY.' VOL IV El GENE. LANE COUNTY, ORE. WEDNESDAY. FKBRl'ARY 14. 1900 NO. '39 x TAXPAYER AGAIN. 'Some Prosperity . y"y?" Jn(lg(? I in Tho south. Constitutional Amendments J, jWk Address Inli 15 n)n lilt AUIUot r n, u, Ki,r,irv of kub.-i... u...:iv r. ' TAXPAYER TALIS THESE DAYS r ' : Mni Kii- oner to nun 1 1 ni ihn oro-; III I.AI.l.t.l IOIITkl.ll.." jr. I tv. ii., . . . -'.-.wr....t . '" le: j-,ei:eing is U. .i i i .i .i a , ,f. .the dutv of i in - chare! with 1 1. ,mny cool tiit? MM"!-, check the enthusiasm njul d.prcs the buoy;) . . I her Kmi U Mrtviiiiifi' I... i. ir,.v. f r...:.. ...T : .1 ....... T"u'" " -""ic "" lw ,"'"k ........... ... . . . hi ii-iinir puuinyi.ir in inn imic u uirv nui p unr uur P aie mi - ......... . .1 . STAY WITH IT, DON'T I.KAVi;. cling in the S.utli and im wide. .... , an .aeeuuutii.;: t the taxpayer . . .... . hlilnhiiii fur n fi'ir m. mi., .1 11 nn nitnim ru ft... iiijit,,..! . ........ ...... . ..Y . t ... . . iiH.iku ri-i in !( man. 1 Ik l-tter in " 1 , ipiiw.oivr, -sum expt nuiinre. thereiore on ie- itti iti half of the county curt I hereny submit u statement of substantial ly the cost lit' the new courthouse. A coiitrat't was entered into for it rebuild in;; inder plans an J Till: (OfXTUY, HUNT (id TO SOl'TH AM KMC A TO KSi'AI'K TAXES IXN'T. . , .. - 1 1 . 1 ... ... ... ititfc r.f, ir rti. 11 lo ihr t.Il r.Miu lr niM-ne...eiit. I hrv lt-LMM.ituie c.umot iiinenil a const i- iuuum ffirim. : without getting over tlie I rare :inu lv ever re.nl tlju Constitution, ;inl ic"u,lty court lor the sum I I4,i , .dated nt Su tu u.rr.v i I !, (.eorgia, niffcrchce or cut ciintiou rectitude of republic-uit l-gif lalion Jiii.uarv.-t. It rc.ls: proviso,,.. . j Th.y sy U,i ,un. ry is greatly u hir,KuUr ,hnl lhc r,.liubli c(lllje u, lIu, COIK. ilin ti,;ll Ignor. : iii)rwvi:J utiii u the war. I'luTc i :tllM .,llP v in c..ii:rc hihI in our ' am'e ami ii.ti-hi-jenre nre vnoiiv- Kiln r: .The ti..iyi r i noa to Mr (tt. u ; . ..j .... , .,, i.i, ,.,, ti.tion, or attempt to ainen.1 one. Nt one voter in five ha prolul. i ncation approve.! l.V ih liievl Hie Tii-.ivi'fl 1.1X evir levoil ill I. .me cojiilv nul in t r 1 i n c-i I v Uvo-hor-c ploai ..v... l . . 1 1 .iiovev uiiiiro- w . - . 1 rM i,i . .1 .. . 1 . . .11 li.inm.., U'urM .....Id f r.m r. unj ...... ,. ... . , , . vioiiiuuiuu! Kpini ct'iier.-iMr a noi one repuoiicau in a lluiuauw 1 ' y .'M inilln mi irertv ' thin city , - ' 11 . Wl n M t,L. worJii.ff of the I.k u-' h:.s much r.Mt f-.r the ConMitu during eonstruciioii in sevemp.ir- f .r all p.irpo... If tl.i- ..i-piei-Mve ,,r,,, r l" ""vc furt.v ir"1 " ''".v In" , ,,,,-e.t inle.iuV.I ti U aiii. n.k'i. ' tion or a ia- if it oUiru. t the tas wan nr.vo:iry the (Huplu rlmulil 'r. 1 oi ton j,tornn here .,rk IJ',,, coiintitutu.iia! atremlmefit way to the .iccoin!.lUlmMit. of hi p.iy il without 11 in u nil nr. If not. In.uri a ilav iui-1 i.av a foreman were promised mid ' pnemd lv the or hi partv'n x-neuie Approval ahey have n right timou,plaiii nu.l ,. ,jir flr tivelve hour work. --veiiteeiilh hiennial I. -gMative un- of party meiiMireii i all t'l it is it- j I'aintir.g, clock, etc., is as lollowi.: Iioul.l iimke Ui.ir e-.iiiplaint felt. , XV((i);n niiik(( (r((i)) f if(v ,.,.,, winhly of' Oregon in lS'.i:t. In 'pnred of a id 111 to be a stalwart j . iP Now let tu me what -i fleot thi ; 4. ; . '.l'X the 1 coda t lira pBi-'.l then . ' repuMiean voter! Il is r ouaht ehmnte from woiKlert to ff.Mve tax will have 01, ihe . ' ,,'r0e,V"rK- again hut did not j-rt.vide for their to l-e (liu-tii-iT M over thej eel l.u.I.lio tip of ti.mcilr nnd countv."" "ot a,K" "' """''-Mitiini-Moi. lo lhei-..ple.' The ' reeurdu of rei.uhircau t-ona refe ? Vanit door rrartie. etc, ticulare and -the increased cost f thee charges tpether with the purchase of furniture, fixture-,. HI It len.l P. etri.ti rge iho "tat eXe,ltr labor for a ; next legitalun- in 18U7 did not i.r- and lei!i!atiirn, and fee the mani jtr inger to invent hi money in living. jje would Klarve on the ' ganiie, o did nothing legislative fet lotitemjit or j.ulpablc ignor- 1 Win ther 1 thixe l.ti-e j'upanlizcd : ance exiiiliited by them, for the or nullilied the act of former leg-: rotitit'.itioii8 they are fworn to j.roMTty in tin 1 ity? TTi u ,f. pav and grub- Among tin lirft tiling that a man fainting Window shadv Clock coinplcle Cmmi?$ion a. jier enn tr.ict to architei-J for dni8, 8ecifieatioii.e, and of personal sujier vision? Furniture and Jncidei ttuU. v 525 00 400 tX) 100 o. 200 00 500 0 ) 600 00. 300 00 Total . 17 600) The present building should ao- wi ,m to know liei'iire purchiifing luoh i the Hat.-ineiit of an eve iIatures will rob.tl. I y have to be ' support, protwt and lU fcnd. It property, 1 the niue plm ed uixui utne of the romlitioim in (..-or- determined bv the iadicial depart- 1 mav be a sweeping assertion to fav pn.lierty,, the rate of interest ..n. Hi '! I or pro--rity howler mc:.t of the state, lint thin m far ' that a legislature ,irjured itel"f money (inn the tnx h vie.l. When ; mnch proierny there? Those ' H pi-torv; mid if lrgislative i.eg-, when it electeil one of it memlieis I he learn theee fatl, that n Unit ; 'prote.ted'' cottt'm factory, com. l-t r ntupidity inralidate thoej I. S. eimtor; hut charity eug le'erinin.n hi tsure. When he bine with their Yankee machinery .roMIe.l amendment- it d.e not 1 gests that its inemlr knew not flirtU the t..x high a it i n,,w, ;Ui 're rofperou .doubtle-, but liow jC. ncern vou ami roe! ' juhalthev were .'jinp. 11' w rtich mill within the corMrate limit ' i il with thn thouiand of oj era-1 Hut the nUive it not oil the evi- men get over or anuind their oath of the citv, pro.hue low, wheat lei. tivei there? A firt-chih .trative denee of icnorance or th-recartl of and Jee. "50 mid Art. 4 of t?ie Con- ih.iu .'! rent r bushel in ijet Ift "I'.e dollar for tatlve hour mid : constitutional infonnntion and'oh j rtitution, I fhall let them explain, jcomodate the cc u'nty .w:.t room to all produce low! Wl.cn h add l"iird hiinnelf. S if he nnvr fifty ,M,.rv.ince diplnytl by Oregon w leg-' And they may also explain if transact the publjf bti?jne for tho to thi otti.r iieeeary expemli- 'tut a day he must live cl.we. viator: for we find that the tigh-1 they can how ttiey chanced tojnet forty yea .-s ai least, with tin turen on pnblio institution to up. , Then what alont hi clothe ami ( ttf nth biennial aseinb.y proposed to miss Section 2 of Article 17 (only expense of occasional paint port, hi w.ll ftoon see that he will family if he i mi unfortunate a to mid paed the ft male i uffrage ! Jheu thev toik an an oath to sup-i mg. Every official hsu a well likely not g. t off short of 40 mill, i '"'ve one? How pro. t ru i he? , uinendment without rrgard to the ' part the constitution of Oregon. j lighted, f v.-ntilated room. Buil l I think by thi time lie will eon- ( Kven a ten cent advance on hi ; plain word of Si-e. II, Art. XVII I Cotiinion d.ct ncy, one would j ing heated throughout with a hot elude llul this i not a goou place wage would be greatfuliy nteirmi !f tho Const ttition, that wa sought think, would prevent common men ! water system, radiator in every for him P invent. i which has iteen extemltsl to factory . (t be ninende.1. which provided in I from exposing their ignorance and 1 room. Five large fireproof nulti j ha mis in the orth ami paraded by plain language that when to or hardin.nl in such a manner, but J The circuit couit has a seating prosperity Khreckers a act deserv more aineiidnieiit ar ending be- j possibly they didn't know they j capacity of over liOO; two larg-j Hut we mav ask what evil effect will thi enormous lax have on our city ami county? Aak Ihe : '"15 ira'se of the etnplovers aiiilit , f,re the legishittire or the ople. ' were exjising themselves to eon-1 fpacions jury rtninis, witness room tempt and ridicule. May be they i and a circuit court library. Last, farmer. "W" Ihi tax effect iist akai.le ngn of pioM rity no .ther amcmliiieut or amend your business?" He answers; !The women, tN, the render w ill,eri shall le proosed. It reads: "Materially so. My aJ Msvss. n,,,i,-e ' eituse f.rr (hanking j .-lf two or Ilicrw amendment cd high, my wheat low probably I MfK,"''.v for ihe protection they (),,, HUi(lmt(ei, in g:K.j, lna. the elector shall vote for euch of such amend- ll.at.t t ' in al)i.t Ihe same pr-iMirtion." neni nv mo .MciMiuey i-eague in ; separately and while an IIUI lit us ask the merchant; -"K-ne snoun see to inn.u use:iln,,niinit.nt tir U11,endments which en nign, my w neat tow prohat.lv 1 -i i shall lie su less than ct of pnnl ucl ion, hop's ! K'1 nd tl,e rHi r ity lh.it they J 1Mr th;ll th, low, fruit low and other pnlu. t '"I1 No the next meeting :,r ngllin!lt had never reaJ the Constitution! I but not by any means the least, Or il they hsd, it didn't conform jis a fine S day Seth Thomas elite'.;, to the republican platform or re- located 100 feet high in the larg.j publican licy, so was not worthy . tower, nnd it strikes out the merry of their respect. Klaxta cumtux? .chimes hjurlv on the magnificent Will fur stat.' authorities ' shut j 1200 pound bell donated to th their eve and try to submit the county by the city of Albany. "What effect, docs it have on vtur I1"!'' who "r8 traveling through j ..hall have been agreed upon brUufffg amendment to the voters There are many people in who? business?" , the South should not write such one hjuhitive assembly shall ,be;in J"e. W0f Oues they will; judgement this buililing compare "Much ever way. Jt cnt down f my sales; I have lowered tho price ugly lel'ers to Oregon to rind tlieir waiting the action of a legislative ' they don't know any Utter Or if : .. . I . ........ 1 ..... . I .i j . i. .i :i l I " p"pi"-j aembly, or of the electors no ad-; yey n nn uieywi.i prouaoiy ;dilioiiHl amendment or amend- hold the net of a oungling legisla llnpiit f l.j. .uut mA..lr all lli.l . ..... " " I ...... l.ll I.. . I i tl" ft .1 I llieiiis Diiuii i'c I'li'inipru. remains of W istar Hawthorne and . 1 1 favorable with any court house in the valley. There i also one feat ure of its building in which the ;ture, in which Joseph' Simon was eourt, in common with all other r.i mv giNtds. us my farmer custtv iner' income is less, and to must I m ; iriuu mi. 11 inini iiivi lie nun i ..1 , ', 1 suffef with him. He is the hub. It t- n..... ..: .". mltiht Hon here and depend chief boss, as more important and ! '"ke much saiufaition, and I V ( 1 1 I 1 1 V I " II n VIP lllltt WI ir.-'l, j " 1 11ir am tnej so we nee this extrnva- 0w ct.ieU.lv ea(l f tj,e cilv. These the newspapers and the in- binding than the Constitution. It ( "MnHtttrj ui,ru. mum- " . 1 aa ' . . . . . clsit'i.i.,n u 1..11.I f, nriit (hat mil1 - : 1 tt-llicencc of the ih e to iliswvir u.w:. i . -im-u".. y !, vu ttiiiiK ib nut 11- hum iiKitrtii 1 is n tjucoin'ii in una vie it'iin succumla d to disease at Manila l l"e e"uempi, tne average rcpuou ganc wiilT tho eo pie's money in order to run our county, schools ..... ( v,irt lies nnv nf thtt r.rof-mpwt can otlicial evinces lor constitution- - . ' .i;..r. ..1,1 tbuis hum o.. ai oi.servuncis and city is turlful to nearly all ' hile .trving t,eir country as sol-: lines of business." . I,; 1 n.j. lji... k....- 1.... ' i rityl SuVmrne wVl?U ,end"v for and restored t.j i erience nnd observation jsideriug unconstitutional proceed- y of prospTrity. The'luo government to their parent "w how much dependence enn jnp(l M1, j failures of legislative en 11 arises, who does this i nnd friends to be buried almost on j h Jplacinl in such agencies when j nct,uent, but there are republican mainsand buried then, with the r question as to the validity of the j man mtj not miss the road to ' . ...... i i: ...... l. . and requirements. 'amendments are legal or not, con a.. .aa . Ult;iR Rim I HTl iVi"Tl0 Vt- I nut we are mill we nrt having great prosH' nut this rrv uuestion then : 4 ."v. 1 .1 . . ... . 1 nA .. ... ..t.lt.Ki.iA I..L-..a 1 ....srr.M., ,...rsp r, vrriii.iuy ,,, very spot or eartli that Rnew -i i 1 - curt, to bridge over republican he producer, when wheat am. hops , (1 tLl.ir infancy. Their com- "J d.scussing the pros and cons . ,1,. , B, .....fl , the principle products are at the!.. . !,f woman fuffrsge. without a hint -hasms, so the ftl orwaxf.i.ing present price but little, if nnv. -- - . - alpove the cost of production. rnsperity it there in any is at the other end. Hut suppose, we admit tho claim to lie true does that justify extravagant use of the people' n.or cj ? Certainty not. t Taxiavkk, i honor of war. While, we cannot I pntposed amendment. And.the fleet the departed we can offer our I people I Why they hare been told drej-esl sympathy lor their gnel j thev are Intelligent- stricken ((inula. parents relative and they believe they arc and have republican success over the Con stitution, over the language and spirit of our onee blessed' institution! of the levy ot lSS, and not one warra-it stamped, nor one cent of interest paid by the county. 1 will submit the ccst of pur chase of the poor-farm and erecting of its substantial building next week. Geo. l BaSto.n. Say now what about Uiat women suffrage vuendment propsition to the constitution to le voted on at the June election? Does that proposition to amend the eonstU tution, come before the people con stitutionally 1