Broad-axe. (Eugene, Lane County, Or.) 189?-19??, January 17, 1900, Image 1

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to i:k
NO. V5
VOL IV . El :,
1 . .
Tiik" Catmiiim -Tiik ItoAMO uv
Tiusri r Takn im tiik Con
Miir i: iik tHi; S'rwt i a r n k n u
Stuit t Finish.
Mlrui trullurl ItU-L. )
Agrianl to it promise of last
week the Si.uiiii rr"U!iK it e.tih
ethitn. of afdir .relating tfit
mismanagement of din Oregon
iUto ii.,ue u - 1 1 1 1 1 . till" Iivoh
:ilnl welfare of a tlii.titjiid unfur
luiruet urn etniceriie . bii,I inni
n.u.h IK.. .nvHt,,-
tioii enliHiltnct 14 (rf:t ttinr" of the
t5t reveuum, tlu'e i iw iii r ur
.rMT. Tim Sentinel no t
'foll.ll fe ii,; in the nutter. All
It ix -looki lip after it the ii,t,-l.-l n
lh ljxi.iytr and th! m lfarr of
tho u.if..rtiin:lt. For lr I'liinf
we entrruin nu ill will. Tli-re i-
jxtsitivrly no aiuuiuiv The
uwiit-r of (hit i-r nevei npf.Ii. il
to him f .r a; wn rti never turned
loan hv him. They never ake.
any favor of him: h.-nee w re n-
filed rionn. Tim writer hn ln
more n ix-ij'inint.iiKv
wilh, him. Weill not "haVB it in
ur mm nor the i.o.iril, r.r for
r I t . . .
any menilier f the ho:ird. Hut we
tl i knmv of corrupt pr.rticc nt
thiit initituti'in thnt have foil ai d
tre HI '.'i; .n.i.tvlr.' t'.c
tnelit of Ori'L'tin I. IK t'l.oii ten. .ii I
thotitnn.1t of tlollnrt
II.. I
nr desire to ston the l.-.tkt - to
alt.l- ll.i4 rorruntioi. and
money t i the 4,t"o' i n herd," V-
hav cited rire'iint.(tii-i th it are
lucked lv alH l.tvitt and have
ur.d tint iMMrd to invontiatd.
T.ire thev do il?
If they do il will be t- heap ... j
pral-e up..,, Ine man lee.nent o. the
iiistiUMion under their adiniiiistra-1.
ei : . - .. t ... : . i I
..,er ,B .. .,,sun mu .or ine
iiewtniM-r critieism instituted by
thit papr list tnmmer I'ni-io J
would have been retained at mip
eriuteiidenl for four
"" """""'
are li.ete rriti.-iMiut. Uur an. wer
it in the altove.
Having no desire to ho' eenta
tinnal or invade the field of the
yellow jilirimlt, tint p:K-r hat
carefully avoided ihe moral (im
moral would he I ho prier word)
at,(x tof the Cane.- That there it
uu iniiiioral aide to it it well
known. Hoiu-Kt, innocent, virtu
out women employed there have
come nilli lur in their even and
recited storied of hate propoMnU.
Hut A:i it i not our mission to re
form the world or even bring into
the controversy the nuiuen .f pure
women we hav- left that part of
the investigation for the Imard.
Howayrr a more a,uetics were
promited the following may be
answered by the board or Supt
In the promotion of employe at
publio institutijn like the asy
lum is it proper to advance certain
par tie juit because Kugene chan-
( lo I (I
lei faithfe.1
I il just lY
the good thilv
inslHIK O (j ri. fur .i
unfortunate r
ol IV ine' fauui
over older,
.? ,
i (; lo keep all
n -family? F..r,w """Id be to
virv day I "enlal anguish?
: i.Iih of their
. A member
i..H the ill., to-.
It rrn.s, ft rivail forever in
Oregon? Two of lb f ii. rinUn-
dent's l uij-lit. r- r- porters. Thev
wo-lc when tliev i.l.Mse itn.i I.K.k to
him nlone or.l. r anJ lea'v.t of
n I cilice.
WouM it le riht nr,.l ,r"ier for
-ui-r.i.l.,.l...l. .. mM.t.l-
' . t. . i .
lion like nil lo n-ivl lehcai i.-t
Uuifhl ami j iiid f.r hv the st ite tn:sUy f"""' rer.oninff.
Illlllg etllpl.yet with 'hit" itilli- llVC deK-Ved Umi it
fliun ittn or to leml hook fr-.iii the
prjstnidilir.iry willithu
soliltj llltpli:ile4lts?
haute per-
Would it Im rk'lit In en.i l..e
rel itive a cariKijttr, knowiii); that
lie is no meclniiiie and tben l.i.t
him ttt work on the nw . u inK at nrlielen ielongina to the i4te liave
?.'.."id a tl.i', w hile a regular em jirely been returned tiat Were
"p..v at f VI n month (.t htone man- tnx'ked for "hipment.
on) w..rk oii.thii wing improve-1 SNA1 SHOTS,
ment at hit w..t, while ftij Ifr, U ft rflry f tI)0 )UnV re.
.i day it paid the n'h.r in im.ih. c,.i,,tl, , atierttK at the aijluin are
employed thereon? ,1s mich favor- ' ,iCIIinir. Tl.ere it a blank line for
j Ilium honest'.'
U hen the cmployen of nj iunti-
tution are trounled lit their own
.!.:.. !. . . i .. . . ..
' B s - it ur rj;ui ti vt riani
Cdiltiea" thev
required pr
w it to lie wondered Unit
it to lie
Ill-oil me lir Uliure l-l n uiiukiiiv
r - -.
.... )... r..l Irn.. I, lalW Kil ua.
c..( . . . v .v . . n ...... n
'irt 1,18
of abuses and
jtherebv clear their and
at the tune time rerve the Mate a t
y.Mi. piirt)se? j
UaviiiR r.-etivM no re.jutnte at
in mr imi.vm. tiir in in. i
- a I " ..a It al. . !'
how about Vniiderwall and St
Joh o yTIX
.... .. .
I me r consent wouiti u im riglit l"T
til... .r., ..!..., .. l..... ik.
. ..,.,,. . ,,
. ployed at the ex(i'nte of ihe rentier
make A tine iron bedstead from
j material belonginp to the t:ite
1 for the i-liiii rinteniieiit and lobe
MVeii awav fr
liken awav from the inst.tulion
when he departs?
Would u think it manly to
tell a living infane rontiimptive an
ll a di
old fofa and rocking ?hair furni
ture that w.nt obi before it came to
Salem Kugcne at a "blank''
price, the insane man N'ing co
erced into signing a receipt for tit Liana lllal lMetllflH
1.. I....1 . ,1,.. ..f- ...d
going lo die and didn't need or
couldn't uto either unfa 'or rocking
chair? Was not thit man's name
John Hanson?
And thnt box of tea. How
about it?
In the management of an asy
lum is it projier for the state's
seamstresses to do the family sew
ing for the superintendent, or for
the iisylnm tailor to make clothes
for the superintendent!
Suppose an asylum superinten
dent should order the supervisor to
compel the iniane patient, to sign
receipts in blank, thus giving
value not
cu'h rvit-
received, and later on tl
or' conscience tl.nuld t him,
e lor lut
in upon
ap rvixor
it n i -on-
i a-eumplinn that the
' ailjuiiicsi limn wini
s-iienee and, who In
' y '" "signalun
'demented mortals who
Sltlil t til,
old or shoes
an inii-lit
furnichei! them for lleir gooiJ
'money thu higi.ed away
Iii the intereft i.f jtuti
e it "iH to
; I" hoped etn...y-n
; r.rrv.nK o,h orueniinai
lV kl'W
'r iruii'in wm ijb iiirnim ine
r 1 . ti i . i
' ,".,!-i,r. 'd
. hn au-Mtie
' they fet I intire
irt in r.iKHig '
ting fiver
' i ...... . .i
nit- t-AiPini); iiuosi-n ainocg iit'-iti-
't Keti.
In f. t th.y nn dtiini; fo.
J:ot lst of all our in.jnity f.t al -
ready home fruit a qtike few -
) iit.,,.K where thn iiulintil ' t.i
I... -
i nn' in i-iin ni name aao maKet
' . . . i . .
j a n-raw l onlv
out to T.iti. iMmm
c ...
i --. pt.
... .laa.lax.l
. -
' -
Ian ay their Money V
' .. , .... .
ai'in-ire ( hen ten and
... ... .lfAr.l
11 i uniu rirtiii a rewar.i oi iisj
ui .
It n 1I red lor ituormntmn leiouiB
r . . . .1-
! -
! a" Inm'
. -Viial
from Kupene ay
lm-ntMto it happy there thump.
I; .n;.ebiiw
! '"a - 'ii
;in the iirivate aiiittrium.
Did Kuykrndall go to Portland a rii-pr tti-nmer. MCtHtlnnanietl to
the boat bv an atvlum attend, nL1'-!l5 ,nfn n!l t"'d- Cul 1Ilrc'
while rnilroatl faie to Central
Point wa chargedf
Did . Vanderwall really hare
inoiiee n( hit mi ll and bllV hit own . .
"... .
ticket to Baker Citv hde the
: . .... . ...!'
receipt racKt i wat nuikn. i
upon hun agruntt hit-will?
Olficors Workinn on the Case
tiunr! ef Jan 11,
Cottage tirove, Or., Jan. 10.
Miss Winnie Thome, who ditip-
Ird Suiulav niElit. r.turne.1
homo on Tuesday morning s over
land in a uiO't wretched and shame
ful condition. Her Mory and ex
perience as told is one of the worst
crimes ever icrpetratcd in the
She say that as she was on her
way to Iuhem from church servi
ces here, the south-bound freight
train was jvst this tide of I.athem
taking wood. Jutt before the
train tarted two men caught her
nd put ber on a flatcar, she not
knowing what transpired .till '.he
train got nearly to Cmnstock, w hen
sho was put in a boxcar. lltwci -
' there and ltel.i'g, fur turn
j tliariK-fi.lt1 y mi'iifol her. The box-
er win btcked and she was kept
there until about noon the ncxtdar,
I a In n two strung.! men let her iml.
jShe went to a ami cot M ine-
thing to ent and ai-ertaiiied where
, her uncle lived, un two miles
(J of fxir,li-Iiire. 1'i-tii n-nchinptliera cli
US el veil Mme WoU uml wa
lintuglil hi:;k to the i-tation andjdtr an calc tree, the jury eittin"
i urnicliej a ticket for' Cottage'
M; Miller took her honte
who ill.trotii the etutiou. When ronriiB
ine itn.ire j-lmp
lit tit rit'or b'i ! nir tvd.a m- a m
. . . i . . ... i
eir j..l.!gr.v ed and had uothiua to lite for.
Ilut I'titv i Sherifi Witlier nnd l'r.Mrlil ir.i
- e an round reiormer wnoe niMorv
j AUornr-y HurriK, ..f EugeW, raineji, ,,art anl par9Vrf Oregon's
i up and lire iuresti(;;iling tn east..
i .t : .. .. ... . .i. .. .i.. '
, ,i iuvin;iii riuifj. m.i. inu racr
I is fully h had at reported. Three;
1 warrnntt were aworu uut, and ite
j herifl and coiictatle left on thin s tritin lor K;scburp.
w here fuiher di velepmenu will
lie uuide.
Our llrarrs of Manila.
H.-re in just a little foretaste of
how .hinn are carried on an J.-
tailed by Henry Little Manila
wtrre-pomleiit of :he Chieapo Tri
hone, an given in the Pullic of
('hicugo It appears that a Fil-
. . tiii . u i
itpno Mulitr had U-en not while
J.vl.JlLl N.D i jbisll lie ('-Hi Ol
dd Hsres' sharp shooter,
ir.lll'.'l llrt li.-atl lie nve snoolert.
... e. ... 1 ... 1 1 . I. . 1 1 .. I .. .1 I
, IMf UUIICl lltllt !. Till It IV PIIWW el.
j Ht five bullet h(.leslaiii
; f..t of .t ITr' mm il
i .. .... i. .i
; (. ol H-.ire't tmuight r,-3i something
i to Im if P.iit.
nl '
j turned out, Cd Hn
ire n - ""?" -
. . , i
were nmre than t-hdrpsliooters at
., , ,. .,, .
I the foIl'int will show:
S, w i ' ti i r i
tveu ti ueaitiil oiiu ni kni vo. ' . 1 1 , . .
j Lane enuntv expended for all pur
II are, mime of whose men had shot I p,,W!, J., year.
the Filippino, how n.anv men in r-z
i.:. .i... ' ! COUNTY NOTES
After learning from the .r.djutant j
that hi the regiment thre were
answered lilt general:
"Then, general,"' iaid Col Hsrt
"we have l.'J Id sharpshooters.''
'And how many poKer player
i hive you,
colonel?" pureuetl the
l weli-M nti.iiire.l. sir.
..w,,tV mit(tr ,vith .,ie
ol.ier . nskeil li.o P,,,rr;" -
"Steliginus or stricken blind.'' I
Nothing, sir," said '.lie colonel,
''only poker it rot their game.
They dioot craps."
The general went out on . the
road that night and looked at the', " . ., ... - .,,
, . . ... ... forstaet.. mills: eonntv S mil!;
dead insurgent, with live bullet. , , . ... " ..,
. , , , ' , , .. , school o nulls; courthouse i mill.-;
Imles throuch I.' head. Ihenhe . . . . - , ...
, . ' ,. , ., ro..d nnd nvk crusher 2.2 mill.-,
went back to his mess nr.d said: . , .., , .,,
, ., , . . , . '. Ihecitv Jew will inn , the mill
-t.entlemen, if that Th-rty -third i llp t ninls to vrr1er,v
can play jx.ker and craps like they,1 owners in the city.
can shoot they are djrgerou."i
The mess looucd sadly ami know
ingly nt one another.
"They can, general," was re-
marked. In all the American
traditions of British rntlianisin
during our revolution, what rival
shall you find to that?"'
Cowardly rutiians could do no
Tlio . First Court.
Judgr- lloise on Turn-lay afu-r-
( noon held the firxt term of circir
court in the in w court bona. It
was u'.mt the firKt judge to ho. I
circuit court in the old court hoti.
, Previops to thnt he used to hM
court in tlm ronnd court houe. er
aJmont ny oM place. Atonetiit
'he reinf mltf-r ri.nrt IJ-Iixt t.l .....
on a loe. JJefore heinir circi i
ljuJSe Mr Iloire win dUtrict at-
1 (,,,,,,. j .. ,i.. ...... j
..- j , uiti nan iuua?i t
1 t ui .. ik-.i n i....
, Inanv pl,..asARt ttunni!i.eniX t
. n t ...
u-u oi earjv criurts. 1'eoUea l'rr-
; Jujf. j;.., in A 0.nH au.
' t. t ' ' m .
j Jjjiy-jAj,
T VorM is msking it o h .t
;',r '!,BW f"r ' embezzlement
of t,-,e Jirxeeds of the CUrtim
i house mIp for the benefit of th
. Standard Oil Hank, that the pa
; I ic u-nuiids hii resignaUon.
Wf hear il Ktate .' on the tr et
tlint t: ami A P A' of the
1 K fuhliran party are whettinc
' th( i' 'Kinvea to cut and tlnh
' I'-'oiiier A C Jenninp if he geti
on the ticket for county judge.
. , , " " .
i Tl:e tas lew ft Mari-n count v
. , . ,.
I t . i . . . . ..... ... s .m .... .
I - - .....
.General enuntv fund : 1 0. 4
I fund 4,'
Indigent fohliir'i! fund.
'Scalp bounty fund "
i r J
Thi; levv will rai on a valuation
:7or', - t..M..i! ...
TI, ail... I t 4 mrr - t,l o. viiiivii la i'.
- ',
run roiintv cxpenditurei'. Thw
- '
' Amount i noire .'JQ,000 less than
Sti'd raining as we go to pre?
A ef bte New York
.Wet klv 1 rtbme tor free liistribu-
tion at this .2ice.
! The Steamer citv of Eugene it
..gain on the river, and "doitg
business at the old ?Uind."
i A in. 'in bv the name of Rupert.
acetl i. bout CO j"ear was found
lead in hiscalin near Junction
' fit v Mo:id.iv
Patterson, the accomplice in the
! Winnie Th-rne case was located
in Albany Monday, aid sheriff
Withers h.i rone after him.
Within the past weeks we have
had nn unusual glut of rain. The
river has leen booming, gettini;
up to the lfij feet aove loit water
mark, presenting the appearance
of a yonn sea, in the Isj'toin
across the bridge north of the rieer.
(ireat ijuautities of driTt has liee.l
going down fur stveisl da) a.