tm l0 B R 0 M D - - It, I ...... "incw to i :r: link, lt.t iwrcuin fall wiikre they may. VOL IV EUOENE. LAE COUNTY, ORE. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 10. 1900 NO. H BUCKLEY TO TIE FRONT THE POLITICAL FORECAST ' G'ttlnq Rt,dy forth Kray.JTu Jtrrthrrt Organiting lit form dub .Yi( Faroriug Erpr iruion. Muni a It'Jvnn Administration j in rally Blachley, Or. Jan. I. 1900. As this is the beginning of the week, the ginning of the month, the Urginning of the rir and last though not Uast. the be- ginning of the nineteenth century it lhoo-ve every American citizen of the United Stat to -put hi or her ahouhler to thwherl ami be pin to push onward anil upward. Politically spciking we have got to rhtan ut corrupt ofTirial avii.e of (he ninety ring known to hitUiry from municipalities to the' national oapilal. II we the email j wage earner and farmer do not do something to help ourrVlve no J one eh will. High Urift and high ta ten will drive u to. C pi to 1 of thii date. . I know you the wall, and under the present j have a hard fight and .the management they will get higher masse of the people of thit county initead of lower. - ( .. land atate should trip you. T. If aecreUry of the treasury Gage ' " ahouldcall in a few more million! ' The L1 M c Huston, dollar' worth of londa liefore the fThe following additional aket?h are due in order to help an me of hi. it hanker th -.,.. ,.r tK. , . ir I rineville. . Oregon will be rend people must tufTer. wilb much inU,t u furnlphH1 We aregoing toorganiiea reform "veral " regarding CUy Hue cluu out here i a Uw .e,y. a..aa t., V."'""?"" gei oumeivea in narneaa reanv iir . .. . t m aa ready for , the fray. We will nitoteexpan- .ton..rnot f.eo Iha' Philippine Mand. to the United , Flat, ao that a .landing army cl T. fram fifty to one . hundred thona- j and mn to be placed there fpr! and national ruin. I But we tar let them govern them-! aelvea under our protection and tell other nation to keep away, and they will keep away, t?o, you bet. We will favor the unlimited r.niM nf ailtiAe a& thm rlin nf Ifi to 1 and favor W J Bryan f the,,,nlh" a.n propnetor of the pt preaideni of the United 8uiet,,r""i 1 rS believing he will bring about .he , eountr M 3 T:lberow of Cro,;k nectar, refor. needed to lift lb. "" ZT1" P6P burden from our thould.ra. " s ''vinK "llh lh" Mr Kditor we would like " ?nkt r,v'r nMr Forl i i li 1 be with hw other young men by know through yoor valuah'e paper' , , . ' how th. delegate, to th. democrat-! the " !,,f Dubbln "d McCo (c cx,l,nty convention, will U; n left the Crow train, fitted up a apportioned. We want to . come wtou lor for ,n well represented, for w. want no!u' S"k,, nd h mora of the Thorn Trnirat in eon. I umblt "ver. to the U lllametU greaawhodld nothing but draw hi wagea. Bat we will favor the ailvtr-tongued Larken BUyeu. The holidaya paaaed off quietly out here; 8anta Claut did not for fat UR but cam thit way with a bountiful tupply of all the goodrfcn" " .i ... .v.. vi 'in Linn county near Waahlngton and pretty thing that beloaga to the human family. C II Baughman ilnUhed a very tMoaaaful term of achoal Ult Fri day and left Toeedev for hit home M Pleaaant Grove. Italah Blater anad. hia rrgnlar butioeaa trip to Junction City thit weak.- The Ouard't printed Hit of the aolid taxpayer, .and copied by the Janollon City Timet la "not alto- grther satisfactory , as it left oil tha taxpayer a of the turnout Lak? creek valley. . Mrs Motley Ifaberland a-id daughter Elsie visited Mti William Blachley last week. Married, at the residence of the bridegroom' father, A P Slater, January 1, 1900, Mr Aa M Slater and Miaa Pearl A Jackaon, W W Post, justice of the eac, cfliciat- After the tervicrt a fine wed upper ..waa awaiting the c'nK guest which included a large circle of rrlativea and friend. Mr Editor, in conclusu.n I want to tay in behalf of your valuable paer, the Broad -Axe. the paper 'or the people, thut long may it live and that ita rircuUtiin may rrach every household - in the land for no rational man should be without the Axe, to it tan help ita editor hue and cut every corrupt rirgftrr out of the courthouse and ' "he I ate II C Huston furniahed u" b brother, Knot Huston of wa vvai t nwivu eaa vt M 1 threat 1 .. .... .. H C Hutton aPUired hi tchool in ' ,Neu 'W"Wp "l"r i"0" r Col,,r tInd,M- Io moved with hi. , -rent to county, Iowa where ne re- J0'"?1 lJul ho",l,m. V'nf 10 Lincoln county. Miatouri, where I he remained until the apring of '52 : when he ttarted aero, the plaint in the Crow train. Andrew Crow, loog a resident of Lane county, but finding it impobl. to aoo wiey leu ineir improvieea boat and walked to the Oregon trail. Here he fell in with the Miller train, King Milter being the oaptatn. With King Miller and ..i : i I 1-.- i .v. e.ii butte, where he remained daring th wlnUr of '52-53, running Oal lagher'a aawmill. In the spring of '61 ha want to Yrehw, California to try the mine, not Kkic ho oollnok, and on paatldg thmttfh Lane eoonty he aaw the Amerioan Bottom, then the most inviting ptaoe he ever aaw. He retnroed ia the autaaa of '53 and looated hia donation alaim whert ha em after lived aad dlad. HALF. HOLCiKAPHS Hate, Or Jin. rt, 'I'JOO. Editor Hn. id-Axe: I hive waited a Ion tune in aiVnee And vow uieyle you will ec"H- me fur bortihaHiiig your aat.cMm with a ftr line lltlt my new Ifnie. in v.ry bre.vt H which, there in any ymj 'tl.y will Atiee a ign when tney t'utik -f moving over the roinlj of' Oregon in winter. I l-ve bwn over a month moving i r ".jree it-king the. beat daya I ci'iiM finii and aeveral day uiy judgiu-it titled and nae quently got drench i with rain. Hut I am now a remanent nxUire on Klk Prairie whure I have a very lioe little home. Come up next aummer Mr Ami aee me and e oonvinced, a id we will caUh aoaie trout and iiave a good tim. I think I have rtrucV one of the beat neighborhoods I ever taw. Up to the front in mo t everything. I attended a acbl exhibition at our erhool houae th" other nieht and it excelled auy'.ng of the kiud 1 ever taw in trie country. Miaa Millie Howari the teacher. Two of George llale'a daughter! receivvl diploma a graduates of Ute . public achool ;coure. Miaa Nettie Halt at the organ and Kane Hale and Thorn aaTaybr with .linUsa x ellcntrtiivio. Sinoa'tbA' bJijaye tet inT tn people have .bad several eocial gathering..- 1 pminiee to give you item ofuner now eiuce X am Tr eated. W. P Publle Servant tome IliciJ. The W.thington Pot of IVot ;r, ber 12 containa an invoice of tt:e article! of furniture lurnuued i r the vice president' room, a partial ; list with other items ot which t print as follows: li.r ulk mohair Kkadlira carpet. AalHa MahooAr iWl Mahuvaay Itbrary talU lvtiMrt Two rural ftruuah ran Two balta bru. laea curtalaa Naavulllan allk vat vat aonlen But, after all theee oottly dei.r and tables and curtains and ou.. ; ... things, are thrown into the h. o bv thecrownint: item of extrnva gance. Upon the mahogany di sk of the Vioe President is a silvir inkstand. It ia massive, ariiic, elegant It ought to be. The tax payers of the United States p?ul for that single inkstand upon ti e Vioe President'a detk the sum of one thousand dollars. There are other items in thii report of expenditures which afforit food for thought. For inataace, it ouat the Senate $136 for lemous for lemonade during one week in J one but it may have been a pretty h: t week while the sUtementjthat at the same time 5,700 empty bottles, which had oonUinad lithia watsr, were re turned, ahows that the 8ehatirs must have had aa . almost ' un quenchable , thirst, i During the bhstard laat winter the Senate spent 100 lor tarriagea. Cmk, Tat ealnora hi Ori-pl about, five thousand, dug out flV 700,000 in gold laat year. With thii about 13,000 each, tbey ought I be in pretty good eircumaunce. clter paying their grab and cloth ing bill ard the Watherman. This is pretty good pay for work ing eight hnurt! That is what (hey would have got had the mine been public property, but aa P. it, thrc m much irerty and dittrett tliere, while thoae who are doing nothinf got nearly all that ' gold. But U.ea the worker believe that Ui plan net can be bought and told, and that tao who do not own any of it have no right to be on it. What fooliehne. the peo ple can be educated to 1 1 . ? " . . She has surtedfor her home at Kugene, where her parent reeide. j Mr Ctair Hinkson waa a gueet of Mr La. Rue laat Sunday. .. Mr Henry Hinkson of this place has beea to Eugene to apend the holidatf, and to visit his glgter Mies Kelt lliokaeta, hot re- twrnsd; Mrs W II Pierce baa returned home at last after her long stay in Eugene. Small-pox is getting near us, it :i at Mr Vorria Johnaona aeveral j miltt frotl; ' Mr 1IoPellofJ and fjtmiI i rAVt arrived. Fuirview school house had a narrow escape from fire a short t lue ago. The cause of the fire waa the defect in the flue causing the fire to drop down on the ceiling ; r ' S But Mr a small bole in the root. W U Pierce who was cut- i ti-is tawloirs near by came and nut , (lUt lne fire , Mrs A G Post who is suffering .from asthma ia quite poorly again. I Cold are frjnent, and every i '-"'y are barkirg. Mr William Sutherland ami wife, are still at Ulentenia. Their r turn is expected soon. X Mr W H Pierce was a meat of Mrs P 8 La Kue, lust Sunday. Miss Bertha Sergentand Beatrice s..ler were the goests of Mrs A U iyst, last Sunday. Mr Watt has returned from Etitftne, and reports the roads al aim t impassible. Mr W II Pierce has Lotton blackberry bushes in bloom, and -.allhoie he will have a good crop, '. They' have" commented logging acatn at the Happy Camp wo are informed. N Mr Henry Hinkson had another accident while logging. Ho alipped eff of a log, striking a ' knot on n othsr, hurting hia aid quite bad- .on ,uu ,. at ,S ia not prei-j, whelt Q w, ,w ty m.ich like onttbing fiah on thlie ; wok1 tftd prodoce. bnt hares Appeal to Ra.n. U10 much CJkn he lvt for u? Alma I torn. tea" get 3.5 or 37 cenu for a buaiw-l January 4 1900. lf wheat and can buy abirut or.' Ld Broad-Axe: land a half pounds of coffee in rr The rain still continues to poar.ilurn fcr nii ubel of weat. Ci--Mis. Sergeot's school has closed fetndin ""."hing he buy. fter a pleaaant Urm of two month. "V0, T"ut hj8her t,,ai1 "hat be lrt but ia alright again. Mr ? S La Rue and family were h.viied to p;n New Year hi Mr W II Pierce. Mr F H L k je hat etard hia taw mill, and : a. ing. . Mr Sutherland , and boys working on the roaJ, but are up are ex- pected to get tbroush toon. Roar AN OLD SORE EYE TU "oiu-hoKt" Tupo and Srrond . Afxxtl to the Broad-A if. Proaperitv has arrived! Yes I See it ' hat evervlhins tieriiiin uuin,!that it has. The1 fanner, have ;"V VTW Jhe people of the raral r?itrict are not entirely foolish as some of the newipapera teem 'to think. When the farmer gets 1 per bu ahel for hia what and 20 oents a ' ' v .chis j puun'i i . I " ouiwrr. , tuao Tvn da,(or ten hoare worii (notatteen as' at present) and is not burdened froia liiTee lck in the uioming till ten o'ciwa at nihtwiih taxes, an don't have to juggle with hen fruit to pay oh' bi newspaper bill thtn he'll know he's )roffperous without be ing told so by some wise editor ...... a..,. . . You can see prosperity and :ts effects on the streets of Lugene, on Saturdays when tie prwerou farmer come in to trade. They! prveent a general prosperous appearance-'- aome so prosperous t'.iat tbey can't buy an o7rtci t or au umbrella to turn tbe aoaking rain. Ah! ha! Wha'dye Ut us for? Line up tberel Git a move Yf! whtn old "proep" arrive we wili touch him for a jingle and we will put on more vulgat agonv than a sick cat with nine tails and walk? foxier than a Njnth stret editor. I'd prefer a gold cane with an iory -head and a pair of "gold glims" to rubber at the girls through aa they pass along. - -. Hush you beasts, you prosperity howlara oouldent buy a chicken coop; you couldea't smell the rut on a pocket book. . Whenever you go to a dog show, you aee it gratis for a pufl in yoor n-t edition. ' And whenever yea travel the rail road oenntany give you a tree pats, Bufo I paid to falsify the truth and nobody blamee 700; , you Ulk,for moneyand vmi talk in. the iatereat of those who have hired you. ' The next man yon hear ahooting prosperity don't be lieve him tell him he a lunatic. I'll see you kltr. 1