V BROMD-HXE "UKW TO THK LINE, LKT THK CHIPS ?ALL WHKUK TIIKY MAY.' VOL. IV El'GENE. LANE COUNTY, ORE. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 13. 1899. NO. 3a Items of Interest ' Uaa For Eirge Ki, like corn, are used for oth er purposes than for Jnnd. Thry re only good (or food jiile fresh, or comparatively so, and when they ! their virtu, they con- tinu.- pood for rome markets, mn of whirh arr .-Kilitii ve and olhrte of a lMi)tii nature. Nin-tv million doii-ua of i i..fA v- V..rk ;.. 'i lis, whii'h iIih'n hot includr innnr that wrre brought to thr city from iirar-ly point and were tmt rtgia trrrd dv freight, rxprrss or Strain- boat ompanies. The average prior for thr year waa not far frJftn 20 ornt per dozen, making thri; V-Iu M,(KKVH). It bits oftrn brrn asked what licromes of thr crarked j. i-itt and the culls and , rrjectrd rjc from Iota that are handled and assorted by packrra. Thry arrfiit thrown away. Many of thr c racked egga are food and aome are alight ly alale. linkers, confectioners and cheap reataurauU ak for thews at a discount from nurkit rales. It ia claimed that ' one hinruil Grin in New York buys fcfir thousand doaen egga) titer week, or more than HqO.OOU doitns r year. t Calico printers buy from fire to eight million doseus ayaar in New York, and are estimated to uae 40,000,000 d ore us a year in the United Slater, mostly bought in New KngUnd 'marketa. Coffre roasters, manufacturers of photo graph supplies, rrackrr and biacuil inakrra and the chemical trade are erlimaU'd to una in tha United statra KO.f.H W.0O0 doirna a yrarJ1"" it comra The makrra of patent fond prepar ations, tanner. liqu.r refiner and dye Pianufacturra nmP'a great many in tbrir Imxinrra.. 8nme of thrrnj rxpiira na good rjj(t a there rrrhilu aomo can ue them when they are at their wurat, and if there were aoote way to get all the alale rggx that are void for frerh onra uneil only for tha purpocra for which thry are attll n, whnt a hlenin( it would be to pomont who want frrah egg, but do not I way a gtt Uem. Twenty million dollara' worth of eg fa we.e rxr- ted . Uul year, and the amount wiit from the United Slates makra it amall ahow in compariron with thrwe arnl from Canada or Krauce and Germany to Kngland. Kvrr sine we. can rrmember winter haa followed autumn with wonderful regularity. Sometimes the severity of the weather has been much greater' than at others, but any of the winter weather we have in northern latitudes is too evwre for fowls that roost In trees, - i- i j . Hit i Pnultrj can bt profitable only ben imide romfortald-. . fn sum-1 xji T the loiidilions arr ruch that tlirjr ran serk comfort. If thr sdn U too hut thry fiivl thr shsiK If hungry they hunt weaae and bvp For Farmers. and are happy. They rat, drink ami lay eggs, hut when they arc shivering with the rold and nsvr no means of i banning thr condi tions, thry are bouid to do all thry ran to krrp "warm, aril thry refute " '"T rggs or even thrive. . inter weather baa put a ( lin k on the li-e, hut thry are only trmixirarily jaholishrd, for Uiey will ln on hucid ! the return of si.-ing, smve ii. il IiIchkI tiirtv 1 N" H hr a good time to look ove' tho poultry houe and sec I where il cm m tnioln Utter f..r j wintrr. A glass here and another ' there, where thry have teen broken out, will work woinlrra. A glass wlU ',l l'1" sunshine and keep !ut the cold," but hr panr of glass that it ronapieuoua by ita ahrncr will let iu both. Doors can fitted to "hut cloaer and lighter, windows made clean, wonta whitrwaidird and given a good wanhingof ker oerne, and if no tarred apcr ia put on tha inside of the house a good coat of whilwaah may be benefit ial Whitewash a ill work wondere in a poultry houar. The tendency on farma ia to lei arjch things go until after tb corn ia huaked and in tha crib, and by that time aoeae very oold weather haa com and fowls have made themarlvva ready to ahul up ahop and go on a at'lkr, and roinetimr when thry grt in thia frame of mind, thry are difficult to turn from it. Better fix up the house a little before the bury corn husk ing time begina, and have every thing in readiness for cold weather Corvallls Times: The wheat market prrrenU a curious aspect The price in Corvallia is 44; in I Albany 40. No wheal ia ofrring in the local market and local millers arr buying abroad, the Cor vallia flouring mills having pur chaed a 6000 htirhrl lot nt some point down thr rivrr yesterday. For shipping puritorm w4irtt is only worth 40 cent in Corvallia. Tiik Guard and Krgistrr take much ponce in publishing lo thr world the lists of "heavy" and "substantial" taxpayers of tin county without once Sraking of the light and unsubstantial - tax payers of the county. Well, it is not necessary to notice thr xor, for the Havior says "The poor we have with us always." Howrvrr, The tluard pnblishrs three col umns of the condition of some of the poor taxpayers by advertising for sale their lands ' and homes, which of oourse is to raise 1 their ,rti"n ,,f " " hW !! to niert In some Miewsnre tlw 1 00.fr K) iniMtilirss 4 thr connfy. Ti fcerj rcr with T.r Ouard the Rrg it r should publish Qie deUnqueiil Us 1UU - - -- i. 4 CITY OiVKERHHIl. rrniu Tba Afl m luunn. v I'ndir private ownership, Sacra mrnto, Calif., (Mipulalion 3.",0i)() pava $123 prr annum rent for euch stmt arc. Water er nl. Under publij ownership Tvn, Kansas, population 45,000 - p:iy 5.73 for the same arvfee' which includes 5 percent for interest and deprrcialion charges. Coal $2.00 K-r ton. Under privatr ownership Dallas, Tex us, population .V),01X) pays $10) er annum rent for each I ret I arc. ('Nil $3.73 per ton. Under public ownership, Oalves- ton Texae, populaliou t0,000 pays $H4.73 which includes 5 torrent interest and depreciation of pUnt. Coal $4 per ton. a , Under private ownership Chit lii'othe, Ohio, population 15000 pays $75 per annum for the light of each street arc. Coal $2 iier ton. UnJer public ownership Atmeda California, population 15,000 pays $56.08 for the same service which includes 5 percent for Interest and depreciation plant Coal $6.25 per ton. (Hix dollara and twenty 6 re cents per ton.) Under private ownership of elec tric lights. Ely ria, Ohio, population 10,000 pays $75 per jear per street arc. Coal per ton $1.40. Under city owneship Columbos. Indiana, population 10,000 pays "9.42 for ths same service includ ing 5 percent interest end depreci ation charge. Coal per ion $1.69. Under private ownership the citixena of Bessi miner, Michigan, pay $1.00 prr month for incan descent electric lighls. Under public ownership thr cit itens vf Stanton, Michigan, pay fifty cents for the same service. The citixens of Greenville, Mich igan believe in the private owner ship idea and xy a corporation $1.00 per month for each inrande scrnt light thry use. The company utilizes water power. People, living in Marshall, Mich igan, practice city ownership and pay the munieilfty thirty-eight ee-nta mr the same service- that (ireenville citixens,-pay $1.00 for. The citjr plant at Marshal iajun by water power. Citixens of Calcaska, Michigan, patronise a private company in purchasing electric lighta and an tiur4ndece.it ligb. costs them $2.50 per month. At Houth Haver. Michigan, the municipality owns the electric plant and furnishes the same service to citixens for thirty-fire cent per lamp per month. The elect rlo. lighting plant at MuskriroK, Mrbicau, is owned by a orporstio wbu h charter $1.00 prt niuwtk prr Incaiidvsceiit light. At Thrre Onks, Michigan, the city owns the pla.nl and charges thirty-five for the same service. I k A private company furnishes consumers of electric lighting at I nutwood City, Michigan, with in candescent lighta at $1 each per mouth. At Shelby, Michigan, the city owna the plant and an inrande eornt light costs thirty cents per month. But thrn Ironwood pro- I pie have money to throw at the uirofc. ' Fairmjn, Michigan, is served with electric lights by a corpor I aLlon wlorh rhsrfrf Iv.titv.fit. oenta er incadrscrnt light er month. That is the lowest charge Disde in the slate by a private company Wyandotte Michigan owns a municipal plant and furnishes in candescent lighta at a cost of 1$ 2-8 cents per light per month. That is the lowest charge in the state made by either a public or private plant. The public plants average 80.4 percent lower charges than th private ones do Oak Hill Items. December 8, 1899. Mr Amborfer and J W Neat sowed wheat 'Wednesday It la rather damp weather for plowing. We. wonder: why Norman and Jo McFall do not fet.ee their grain they sowed on the sod. Grandma Powell ia in very poor health now. , Mr Mallelte U tiling up Leslie Haggard's house to move into soon, ss Mr Lucas will nit rent , him his bousa any longer. Mr Hurisons moved into their new house last Friday, which they built on the land they bought of Frsnk Heminway. Mr Traxler's Sunday school. had about 40 attendant l.it Sunday. MrBcstwiok took his boy Hurvey to town 40 go to school. We un der stand that be is baching with some neighbor boys in Eoge.ie. Mrs Mary Neat was visiting at her mother Wedneadny. Wm well's are to have a nice dinner, and a general good time Chriatmaa. Mr Wm Be nett lias cone to the coast tp' work on a steamboat. There was some talk of organ ting a debating society in this neighborhood a short time ago .but it' does not serin to materialise. I Miss Edith Hssrard was a sural of the Nevt girls Monday. Sambo. The Stste Journal ht speaking of the president's message says: "His, (the president's) position fon the money qteeiioA, forced by the pow er behind the throne, will not sat iafy anybody who u honestly In favor' of bimrttaTbiru ami ' reel 'sound honest exmney'. CLIPPED tmm The I'spltal Jmiraal. Thr Roberts agitation will liesr good fruit. All pretences s-ide, the Roler ts case will finally be divided in h.rtory not on the basia of his guilt or innocence, but from the basis of the rtal aggregate mor ality of nation. The Corvalli Times well savs: "But Robrrts and Clark, and I'latt and llanna, are not the only sinners in congress. The place H full of bribetakers, specuUurs, id Iraflickers ir. frer.chists and votes." Tin announced Herman.-Mr Bride alliance erfectly natural Hermann allowed bis name to U used as a Free Silver Republic can U-s ll-y te defeat Dolph and sent a slates manlike-telegram to Senator -A that all pledgee made in his name would be fulfilled. Tb U he wa a party to McBride's secret candi dacy no one can now doubt His reward was a high office after fa had fallen down (or the congress ional renoiuinatiori, where he again showed the cloven foot of an un improved and supposed to be ex tinct breed of office-seeker by tele graphing that ha would accept th DomliaUon oo any old platform tbatiheooovsotlon tew fit to make. Nothing ia too rank or discolored to be touched by our Binger. Off' the same block with Mi-Bride they must stand and fall together. They are for Sound Money ami Expansion all -they can get of it. And history fails to reveal a jb loo rotten or an appropriation of public plunder too large to turn their stomsches. Republicanism i to them a sacred but perpetual op portunity to gorge. "Competent authorities state tljjt on the average it lakes a ton of shot lo kill a mn. For instamr, it has been estimated that ia th. Crimean war the British a..it French troops red between theiu the enormous amount of 45,000,000 projectiles resulting in the death of only 51,000 Russians, while on their side the Cur's ' adherent killed s.ms 46,000 of the allies witli an exienditure of over $0,000,00 I projectiles, thus representing i death for every 1,087 sboti firs-1. The Amertonn civil wr return which where got out with very great care, showed that the lor to both the Federals and Confed.r ates was about 1 percent cf th forces engaged, to bring about which involved the expenditure of nearly 2,200 weight of ammuni tion per nan." Sun ford Ky Dem ocrat. The Antelope Herald says tb road between that town and I'rii w ville ia impassable for freight teams and that a lot of freight tur the latter place is lying over at the former place unable to Cnllle 1W i4wiliai:i the higWt prir. iin. lis the Chtewgw saark U.