Broad-axe. (Eugene, Lane County, Or.) 189?-19??, November 22, 1899, Image 1

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NO. 28-
ruoM tin: wikks.
Manila, Nov II. Tim I ti i -!
Stuli'H cruiser It'ni.trt, which
lllfll arullill I It" IU'r'lll'-rn j
cwl "f l.tiiii, was w recked on a-
rf .fl lU northwest coartTuieday
Novemb. r 7. j
All imi hoard were wiAe.L i
Saikm, Nov in. Tin" fiin'iilioue of
II. I'tiffi-y, 2J mill ruuiheast o(
Sttli ui was . dffWuyt"! ' ly f i rs last
night.u"The loss is almul 1,'KW and
the insurance. 70. Tim lire orig
inated from a defective lluc.
the l'.M.t-lii.U-li from f-r,Mo.;CorpH.u)to;i;;ri'i;i'l'','J 'iwoo'lTiv.! Jol.uL of an eye. Itl,H
Ji-nm .Moor", livina -ix
lliilen Houtli of here, m found ill J
bed today with the t" of hiri head,
.... . . I
i-illief iiiown (.ii wan cun oriieat I
tn in wilo-a lul. An adult 'in'T' . . . ,
Tax receipt- on hand
ciiifr ifu, u-viitit'u tie mi i in an u.i
ST. I ai In,' Nov 1 1). jl'i-PUi
the l'ot l)iria'.i-.h frotu IVxter, Mi.
W'ijlmm Muff waotnken from the
oounf- jail Ht liliHtintWU Jlay and
li.inp.-.! I.y a nioh of ult-trt UK) men.
Huff, who wa cliare.1 with tne
niur.h r of Andrew Melton, north
of here Ut wi-ek, khomol remark-
hie nerve, frt. injt the moh and ait
MTtiii that In wan not afraid.
The l:l!ii4 coitrt home haa "ju-t
heen compli'U'tl, aUml sm h an one
n- the I-ano eotinty i-ourt Iioiihc.
The -aiiie ' nri'lietcc-t pl.tniuil it
And it wart built and ftirni-hed
after the ft y l" of the I.ane county
court tioii-e. The 1 u I la court
hoile coiti.leLt-d and funnelled cot
:I7.7(K about half what the I.ane
county curt hon. cost. s
Raker Citv Uiaiiihlican: There
wa.nothinpHial.r:ul:piri.,t..Uyjr(:u.h-a COl,UllX)000 bv New
in the Ftnalipox -ase in the city
nL 11 1 : n
inepaV.. n,"urea,. oo.ugve.i.ui.
tlieir ultimate m-overv m consiuer
od but a matter of a fet d y. A
great many isiple are iK'ing vac-
t ... 1 .... 1 .-I.: ...1 .
,B"r u" , .K 1
c.utionstogu;ud aK1u.,.t the eon -
tigkm. Raker not the only
town in whiohUis , diseased ,a pre -
VkieiH. 11 is siaieo 111:11 me oinea-e
i epidemic throughout the United
Slate but ha not shown in a mal-
Igaut form anywhere.
. Burglar stole $100 from Tom
Burgee atore in Rukeoven, Friday
night, A young man named -Row-mn,
of Grass Valley, has been
Treated on suspicion of having
ctrnmilled the burglary, though
ou'.y 60 ccnU was found on him.
Wnrtirr Rrnw.-i, I.. II. PotUr ai d
A. "lt'flT -ilif iininill' it () i t-
, 1 lv i ln (miiity court to examine
' tl.i. L. r.llV I.....L - ..'...,r....I m. (..I.
w. w. w mif its. mik'hik, ik.
Original mil .. l.VJj'.S 33
sheriff iim. IK'S col lift t- ' i
l"9 2S
I.i rtira.k. l-J.S delin- .
' -0
M5-VJS7 22
Tuni'-d over to treasurer
priori., w ir, lsao.jiii.avjoo
. .
- J V,ure, -
oil di lmueiil
IIS ml
'.H.V),07 0-J
amoi nt fmiiixzlkii.
n..u .... i i v ... c
i wj'j
, -' I
Showing a -hortage of 2,271 4i
which Sheriff Withera ha , turned
over to the treasurer, thus making
up all of Day' ttoaling.
; i'.arinu 100,000.00 mark '
The MW(kmniTt(eV'reiKrU thejf,,rm ,u Th 'rn w
following nummary of the
dchiednet of the county:
July 1 19'JM nit onUandine p?r 1
loriuer reitori luubi '
1 .. . j v. ,
f am 1
Amt ifcued from July 1
lh:)S to Nov 7 1SS9J
from clerk, record. . .. 12,5,915,11
175,'i24 81
Cancelled and filed ith
ch ik July 1 1893 to
Nov 7, IStf'J . .
80.S2S 48
A mou nt
outtanding I
I Nov 7 ISM 191.79' 3.V!of Henry Day, deputy sheriff ot
i Ninety four thou-and, neve.i j I",,e c.untv. Rut the fact that
j hundred,.!.! uinety-Bix dollar-.iuul the P,,P,,lirtt "h'Tiff, Mr Withers,
1 thirty three cent on the 7th of I I'ut "P OJt of lw-ket every
I the month is what the county owed !otM.'1 ,,f ,,,e ,'t,,,, numey ar.d that
at 'that time. This amount will
Jinnirv 1 iQ tn ii,. 1
j'.'v""' J --t "' ,
, ,
pileins ui
debt against tho county at the
rate ..f thnusandi' a month,
This will no surprise renders ofjby an employe in his ollice who
-the Rnud-Ax.-.n-it ha asserted
1 .vcra,''limr8 , ,t lKfore the year
I Ht .,,,. M.ollK1 in
, , ,,x,a00. What amount
of this has gone into somebody's -
ixxket as a ' graft" is unknown,!
aad -in-all probubilitv will not be
know n. Rut of 0110 thing people
w ho are well informed in this mat
ter are certain and that is that
ten thousand' of dollars would
not cover the amount.
The tax levy for Benton county
for the oomiog year is 161 mills.
, . Clarence Johnum was arr'tt'-d at
Morii' Friday fur attempting tx-nt-lj
a check fur l.! lc:.ririK tit- f .iimi!
iti.'iture nf Scott A. Oo , of .ra-s
i Valley. . On exaiti.talion fit- w.irl
h-t. to the graijd jury .! Lui,d
r l"1""- U
U'.,.i:.,i'. M.....I ... i
appear our t it I .It thin week.
Tl,i paper,'. a printed ht (iirard.
Kan-itH, ntl i the ablet alvnate
of H'i.t!iNifi in the United State.
It is 20 .-f-i.ti r year when Inker.
ill r 111 fm i if I u enf v. (i e. ..t
t . leader: Mr- Hick.nn'
I.;,. i .......... i t., i
"". ,ri''' , ' "
Siilhvan. fouirnt a tlirw rooinl
tl. witl, , lirj? h,wk Util wp(.k
ie-on:l, lionori ere evenly divided
l-tit in the tltird hel-to tlie hawk I
wat flattencil out.
I he Dalli-s Itemuer Kayf: The
Icoht if the new court hou-e at
tlieDariea fooU Up all tohl :7,
3,73i 70 , -?,.).'' Ju,t half what thj court
, i houf e of La tie county to-t, and
he Dalle curt house i- t-aid to 1 I
'ijviat in- 911 resiwci. 10 me court 1
houe of Lti e. So much for the
j (ll!.j(.8 ujanagemeut of ourc.unty
; court,
Corvalli Time-: In the freeze
Lo.netime aRo, corn or. the college
not yet matured, having only ad-
vaneed In the rorea of rijening
to about the ro.if'.in-ear stago.
111 U.ftL I II! VAlll nf tl a ffr.tvan r..r.
lor lood ItliriMiseK. Sel-pn hni 11 ere !
fed 011 it foi a week. They w.r
f- -rward, and j
Uoed a gain of 42 pounds, or
nearly onij pound each er dav,
thua establishing the value of
frozen corn em a food stuff.
Rosfhur- Review: The Plain
j dealer is endeavoring to make pol-
itieal capitnl out of the defalcation
the taxpayers lost nothing what
ever makes the attempt -imply
riiiu'iiiou. 1 lie an.ur proves only
x . . -
one Ulllli? , th
j un"m Parl-V honest man
sheriff, and that he was awindled
tetrayea Ins conhdenee.
Prosperity has -truek Eugene
sure. As evioenee we notice Uol.
Straight, Hon T li Hendrivks, and
I D Driver, now wear bran
Hplintertierd new- fme-eilk "tove
pipe hats. And now if our worthy
county treasurer, and Mr Dodd
of Springfield will only bring
their' out from where, they hid
them when the bank panic of '93
came on the Enqene Register can
peak with more certainty to
"McKinley pro-parity."
Whenl 41 rent- it t 'he mill.
Dr Low-sopth iaii, with J-ie Lufky.
Overfth'a fur wail pu'itr, o;li
and . 4 in I.
Wood r.intcd at
the Eugene
l'h.t Studio.
liii ycle tire). at Matlock it
Sundrie-, leoairinp, et-, at Mk'
lock k MiCUn.diai.V, '
Iiuy un X-liay Hulky plow and
le haj.j.v. S.,M by McCUnaL-ii
St Siinj.iion.
S.-e our clubbing lid and -: ure
jour winter'o reading on inort fa
vorable term.
X X I.ivs (ianr- plow, the U-t
on earth S. them at llcCiaiiahan
A Siinp.onV.
The new Pitt lever harrow ne. r
break- or low--a toot hi K-e them at
F L Chambers.
Money to patent pood idea mar
be KeeuT'd by our aid, a. Id re the
' Patent IUxjbrd," Paltimore, Md.
Pure Whickey H.irjr Perfect
Whiiikey HarpT every boltie su-r-
anleed HarjT. Sold by C IIodet
Kugene Orceop
A complete ?Uck of bugpief,
cpring farin wagon on hand; alio
'some goof bargnina in -e;i.ndhand
Impgiea, etc at F L Chamliera.
The third carload of Bain "rac
ona udd thlt year hy F L Chum
beraepeak for lie 4f ea !. Vi-v.i
pop br;t of tiit 'ijair." Buy
no other.
Superior -toves and rargee need
.n fnrliier r'. immti datum than
! to state there are hundreds of them
f tWfct,o.,,n hu
"r. then.
at F I, Chambers.
Other plows which are n the
market claim to be as good as the
Oliver but none of them claim to
lie any. better. A carload of Oli
vers just received at F L Chambers
The time is uowt here for the
farmer to begin sowing his fill
wheat, but he should not do so
until he" gets one of ihose "Monitor''
drills or seeder at F L Chamber.
The rain !is over; so now if you
are going fishing buy your fishing
material of F L Chambers. His
prices are riftht and his stock is
It is a well know n feet that all
classes of hardware hare advanced
very materially in price, but F L
Chambers had a large nod selected ' TrV
i-toek, bought U f.'re the auvam-e
which he is now giving his cus
toiners the Iw notit of.
If any one knows anything of
Jim Vi. ks," anold iuan w ho
stutters badly, and will write to
Mr. Anna E. Marple of Hay-Stack
P.O., Crook Co., Oregon, informing Jri -
her of Wicks' whereabouts he V'jT;"
greatly oblige her, who is the widow . ' , v
i Marple, deceased, who
was a soldier in tho Rogue river
wrof 1853-6. . . v