) r- a .5 ' iV , A- r1 ' ei; - V' " EUGENE BOAD-AXE. rwhitshat Everp WeeWesear. EUGBNE OREGON. IDE Ml (if 1 1M Ctt tatlve taikw ef the leap art a Btfywligi ef the Fkrt Weak Call rna the TWIagnph Mnuk Captain Geary, who tu kille.1 at Malabon, October 16, waa a aativa e4 Oregon. Boar kM at Ladysmith are ettt maud at between 900 and 1.000 killed and wounded. . Oregoa aalmoa egg r bring sent to Australian waters whefe thej are ex- 'pected to thrive. England haa call! out mora and within 10 days man to replace tha captured forcea will aail air souta Africa. The itata will par the lowana' (area noma. Three special sleeping kratna and subsistence will ba lur- cnahed them. . "Tha Pulhnan-Wagner Company haa ao palled ita strings that aren indepen dent railway line will turn their sleep ing carl over to the combine. " 1 Cable adricee to tha war department indieata that General Young' column -la pawning on toward San Joae, though progress la difficult on account of wet ather. " ' The Washington regiment haa been mnstered oat. About 300 men, includ ing the Seattle companiei, left by steamer for borne. The others go north by rail. Although all regiments hare their full quota, recruiting will be continued for the Philippines. Men will t beaded each month to fill recencies by j casualties and dischargee. Colonel Wholley, of the Waahlngrton volunteer In fan try, has been appointed major of mm Forty-first volunteer in fantry and has been ordered to join that regiment for service in the Philip pines, v.- A party of students from the Univer city of Chicago will go to .the Ken tucky mountains, where the recent feuds have occurred, to study simple frontier life as retained by the moan tainiera. . Lima, Pern, dispatch says Da rand's revolutionary forces are being closely -panned by - the government troops, and according to official dia- patehes, the situation of the..leader ot ' Pern's latest revolution seems to be peeoanoas. 1 An elastic bank note currency with the gold standard enacted into law Is what Secretary Gage will ask for in his annual retort. He .will recommend ' enactment of a law for the issue ot bank notes against deposits of bonds and green hacks, and allowing banks to issue notes against their assets under " a certain MaWrictiona, ml, m -roe recaperatire powers of the Boers . i are regarded with . wonder, by the British. The Peruvian cocoa crop is a failure. The plants were damaged by insects and the price has already doubled. A professional ' baseball league fot 1900, to include Seattle, Tacoma, Port land and Vancouver, E. C, is now oc the tapis. . A'dmlral Schley will go to South Africa in command of the Sooth At lantic squadron to protect American interests daring the progress of the war. -, Interesting experiments of Marconi's system on warships resulted in wire .less telegraph messages being success tally transmitted over 19 mile of space. - 'Professor Arthur McGlff ert, of Union seminary. New Yorkrefums to quietly resign from tha fYesbyterian ministry, and another heresy trial seems Inert table.. , 1 The president, it Is said, considers ' that the Germans and British caused . the- trouble at Samoa and that they ' should pay the greater portion of tha 'damage. At Kamloops, B. C. John Hsyes is to be tried for murder. He is accused by the confession of his sister of hav ing killed her husband, she acting as accomplice. Dwight L. Townsend, founder of the Postal Telegraph Company, United Lines Telegraph Company and the fam ous Uavemeyer sugar factory, is dead at New York. In his message President McKinley will ask for an appropriation for a commission to ba appointed to invest!' gate the commercial and industrial con dition of the Chinees empire. The Aberdeen Packing Company's cannery at ralrtiaven, Wash., war borned.- All machinery and stuck, la cludlrg 15,000 cases of canned salmon, wjqt up in smoke; loss, f 160,000. . Ciptain Leary, the naval governor of the island of Guam, in tbo Laid rones. was forced to adopt heroic measures to enforce his administration. The friar were hostile to his orders so he invited them to leave. William Waldorf Astor has paid 408.8W taxes in New York this year. A bust of ex Speaker Reed is being exeoated la bronta for the Maine legis lature. George F. Edmunds has presented 1,500 volumes of standard book to tht high achool library in Burlington, Vt Mrs. D. M. Rice, of Aptos, Cel., It the olest daughter of American parent bora U that state. She la but 61 yean old. l ' The Illinois Central Railroad Com rany subscribed $60,000 towards thf 6,000,00 stock fund of the St. Louk world' fair. John O'Brien, the oldest member o the Kew York stock exchange and c ember of the oldest banking hone to Wall street William and John O'Bries Sa dead. Jimmy Logaa, a notorious bank robW, died la the county elnuhoaa ta Philadelphia, aged 61 year. II had spent 10 years la prison in several i sad a oa time was worth $300. LATER news. Tha British think they inflicted terri ble loss on the Boers In Thereday' fighting. - Ex-Preaident Harriam haa returnetl to the United Statee after an attended trip abroad. Puerto Cabelld has surrendered to General Castro and the officials ot the de facto government. Halt a million dollars' worth ot property was destroyed by fire in Kan sas City. The Washington boys are bAne. They were greeted everywhere wlfh en thusiastic demonstrations. The general belief in Iiondon Is tltst the Boers are now waiting for more guns from Pretoria before attacking Ledysmith. Eastern Oregon Is experiencing it first labor strike. Fifty miners of the Bonansa mine near Baker City, are out for snorter hours. Ot the Coeur d'Alene rioters tried. in Muecow tor cnnnpirucy against the United States, 10 were found guilty and three were acquitted. The ship Charles E. Moody, long overdue at Honolulu, has at last ar rived. She was 190 days in making the passage from Norfolk navy yard. Boer are said to have Issued letter of marque in Europe and the United Statee, and British commerce may suffer, even if the transports do not. In hi annual report United SUtet treasurer suggests the impounding of re deemed treasury notes and think banks should increase their circulaton. England has sent 10,000 rounds of lyddite shells to South Africa. Ac cording to estimates, a single shell 01 this kind falling into a compact body will kill 300 men. John R. McLean, Democratic candi date for governor of Ohio, has given out an address, through the press it which he predict that "llanna it beaten." ' The most Important expedition of th fall campaign chasing Aguinaldo it now on, and it ia predicted that tht rebel capital will soon be untenable foi the insurgents. Marconi will not operate with tht signal corps of the United State, but will return to England in connection with the use of the wireless system ol telegraphy in South Africa. Nicaragua wants some of Costs Rica's coast territory. The govern ment has completely routed the Insur gents and dealt a death blow to the re volutionary movement in Peru. The Shamrock has sailed for home. yice-President Hobart's days of pub lic service are said to be over. A lone highwayman. held up six peo ple at cne time near Pendleton, Or. It was reported in London that on ot the troopships - which sailed lor tht Cape last week had been lost at sea. " The Russian minister of finance as serts that his country is better in con diuoa than either France or England. The disaster to the British at Lady smith waa ceased by "mules runnit away with ail the reserve ammuaitJoi. The reoeipta for the Jeffriee-Sharkey prizefight In New York were the largest for any sporting or dramatic event in history. The transport Hancock sine her remodeling at San Francisco can lay claim to being the finest troopship in the world. One ot the greatest financial combi nations of the century is now forming It will control all the telephones and telegraph line. Inspector-General Breckinridge of the United States army, is in San Francisco, where he will remain aom time on official business. Announcement is made at San Fran cisco that the Pacific Coast Biscuit Company is a go. It is otherwiM known a the cracker trust. - - Germany cannot trade for England'! interest in Ssmoa without the ap proval and consent of Uncle Sam. Negotiation to that end are now on. Wireless telegraphy 1 to be used in the Samoaa. It costs much leas and will be more practicable than the cable system, ia view of the coral growth in the ea Senator Allison say President Mc Kinley hat no authority to order with drawal of the army ami navy from the Philippine. It would require a spe cial act of tuugiess to do this. President Bchurman, of the Philip pine commission, say that w did not acquire entire control of the sultan of Bulu's domain In the war with Spain and we have only an external protec torate. The international commercial con gress ia their - reaoltitkms - adopted .- at Philadelphia favor lasting peace among nations, assimilation ot trade-mark laws, parcel post system, international bureau of statistic and lxiter-ocoanic canal. General Funaton, of the Twentieth Kansas, was charged in the San Fran cisco Monitor, a Catholic paper, with taking two magnificent chalices from Philippine churches. He has brought suit against that paper and against Archbishop Ireland for criminal libel. A charter has been in sued by the state department of Pennsylvania tc the Sharon Steel Companv, of Sharon, with a capital of $3,000,000. Steps are being taken ia Hartford, Conn., for the erection of a free library building in mAnory of Noah Webster, the lexicographer. Dr. Mary E. Mother is the only wo man doctor alowed to practice in the Yukon district and the only homeopath ia the entire Northwest territory. Louisiana sugar cane crop will be short. A Kew York genealogist traces Ad mtral Dewey' ancestry beck to King Alfred the Great through both lines. There are 426 college in America, with propel ty estimated at $260,000, nnn Rinnl. with Im nnnnnn -nt Leland Stanford, Jr., with $11,600,000, are the richest. Jamas Anderanfi. over Ad mcm til age, a grand army man and formerly ncn, naa ueen arrestexi tor annoy lug Mis Helen Gould. He insists that she U his wlie. Summary of Its Investiga tions in the Islands. ' EMPTY CLAIMS OF FILIPINOS Uevejr Ma4a He rnalm AgalaaUs A HUtvrjr ( Kvsats That rrseseee the SaaaUh War. . v Washington, Nov. 4. In accordance with the nndervtanding reached at the conference at the White House yester day, the Philippine coimuieton sub mitted to the president the preliminary report which it had promised to pre pare. The report appears to be a romact summary of conditions on the lidaudt as the commission left them; of the hi torical events which preceded the Sanih war and led to the original Filipino insurrection; of the exchange between Admiral Dewey and the other American commanders and the insur gents, the breaking out and pnyrvtMi of the present insurrection, and finally a statement of the capacity of the Fili pinos for self-government. A notable feature of the report ia a memorandum by Admiral Dewey, explanatory of his relations with Aguinaldo. The commiiwion tells briefly how it conducted the tank in trusted to it, hearing statements from all clauses of people in Manila as to the c inability of the Filipinos for self -government, the habits and customs ol the people, and alsotheeetablixhmentof municipal governments In many towns. All this matter la to be included in the final Wlrt- Hlatorr thk Idaads. Turning to the history, of the Inlands, the commiiwion attaches a little impor tance to the divers rebellions which had preceded that of 189tf. At to this movement it declares It was in no eenae sn attempt to win Independence, but solely to obtain relief from' intoler able sbuxes. To sustain this statement the commlsxion quotes from an insur gent proclamat on showing that what was demanded waa the expuUion ol the friars and the restitution to the people of their lands, with a division of the Episcopal sees between Spanish and native priests. It was also de manded that the Filipino have parlia mentary representation, freedom of the press, religious toleration, economic autonomy and laws siuilar to those of pain. The abolition of the power of banishment was demanded, with a legal equality for all persons in law and equality in pay between Spanish and native civil servants. The commission declares that these demands had good ground; that on pa per thKpanijih. system. ul coveruuitnt was tolerable, but in practice every Sanish governor' did what he saw fit, and the evil deeds of men in the gov ernment were hidden from Spain by strict press censorship. Allusion is made to the powerful Katipunan so ciety, patterned on the Masonic order, and mainly made up of Tagals, as a powerful revolutionary force. The war begun in 1496 was termin ated by the treaty of Biac-Na-Itate. The Filipinos were numerous, but is sessed only aliout 800 small arms. The Spanish felt that it would require 100, 000 men to capture their stronghold, and concluded to resort to the use of money. 1 The arrangement was not acceptable to the people. The promise were never carried out. Spanish abuses be gan afresh, in Manila alone more than two 200 men being executed. Hence rporadio revolutions occurred, though they possessed nothing like the strength of the oilginal movement. .The insur gent lacked arms, ammunition and leaden. The treaty had ended the war, which, withthe exception of an unimportant outbreak in Cebu, had been confined to Luxon, Spain bov reignty in the islands never having been questioned and the thought of in dependence never having been enter tained. The report then tell how General Angustini came to Manila as governor' general at this juncture, and war broke out between Spain and the United States. Angustini sought to secure the support of the Filpinos to defend Spain against America, promising them autonomy, but the Filipinos did not trust him. Then came the first of May and the destruction of the Spanish fleet by Dewey, with the resulting oss of prestige to Spain. Then in June, Agui naldo came. Klatlaa With AgalaaUa. On this point the commission says "The following memorandum on thti subject ha been furnished the com mission by Admiral Dewey: em. " 'Memorandum of relations with Aguinaldo; - Ou April 24,- IHVH,-the following cipher dispatch waa received at Hong Kong from b. Spencer Pratt, United State consul-general at binga pore: Aguinaldo, Insurgent leader, here. Will come to Hong Kong, ar range with commodore for general co operation insurgent Manila il desired, Telegraph. PRATT.' " " 'On tha same day Commodore Dewer teleeraDbed Mr. Pratt: 'Tell Aguinaldo com soon a possible." The OiikMl teak a raashar. San' Francisco, Nov. 4. The whal ing bark Charles A, Morgan, which ar rived today from Japanese waters, bring the story of the inking of a Japanese sealing schooner by the Kas ian gunboat Alexis. The schooner, which carried a crew of tl men, was caught poaching on Russian sealing presence. Three of her men were picked up by the Russian' boats, bat the rest were drowned. vuauMMU, iH"- - - " - -- launching of the British first-class bat tleship Venerable here today, was ac companied by scones of unusual enthus iasm. The christening was performed by Mrs. Joseph Chamberlain (formerly Mis Endloott, of Washington), who waa feoeompenied by her hasband. They received a great ovation. I Richmond, Ind., Nor. 4. One of the men Interested la the project to form a threshing machine trust has made known tha fact that tha plan ot tha projector bar failed. aecesslty for haste being- due to th fact thai th squadron bad beam .notified by th Hong Koug government to leave those water by the' following day. Ilia squadron left lloCJ'-Kittig oa the mornlug of the 16th, aud Mir bay on the 17th. Aguinaldo did not leave Singeiore until the IBth, and so did not arrive in Hong Knag tn time to have a ' conference with the comuio dore.' 1 "It had been rejorwd to the commo dore a early aa March 1 by the I'ulted State consul at Manila and others, that the Filiipnoe had broken out iu insurrection against ths, Spanish author ity in the vlciulty of Mauila, and on March 0 Mr. Wll'am hud tele- gmphAl: 'Five thousand reliels armed in camp uear city. lAiyat to ut iu caso of war.' ( Upon the arrival of the squadron at Mauila It was found there was no in surrection to ieak of, and it was ac cordingly decided to allow Aguinaldo to come to'i'avite oa board the McVul- loch. He arrived, VI th IS of his staff. on May 19, and immediately came ou tioard the Olywpla to call on the commander-in-chief, after which he was allowed to land at Cavtte and organsie an army. This was done with the purpose ot strengthening the United States forces and weakening those of the enemy. No alliance ot any kind was entered Into with Aguinaldo, nor wits any promise of Independence made to him. then or af.-er.x other time." Firm Idea t ladBilave. The commission's report then rap idly sketches events now historical. It tells in sulwtanceelow the Filipino at tacked the Spanish, and how tieueral Anderson arrived, and Agulualdo, at his request, removed from Cavlte to Bacoor. Tile report states that Aguinaldo wished to attack the Americana when they landed at Paranaque, but was de terred by lack of arm and ammuni tion. From that, point on there was a growing friction between the Filipino and the Americas; troop. A brief chapter tells of the lack ol success atteudii g the effort mad at this time by lieiterl Merritt, through a commission, to arrive at a mutual un derstanding with Aguinaldo as to the intention, purples and desires of the Filipino people.! ThtJ Oalbrvah. This brings tae story up to the out break on the Iveuing of February 4, with the attack upon the American troops followi the action of the' Ne braska sentinel The oominieeiou, in concluding thti chapter, says: "After the landing of our troops, Aguinaldo made up his mind that It would l nece -nary to fight the Ameri cans, and after the making of the treaty of peacy at Paris his determina tion waa tr Jjfthenod. He did not only openly d-i-'are that he Intended to tight the Anucans, tut be excited everybody, tad especially the military, by "claiming 1riupeudVuce and "It " Is doubtful whether he hnd - the power to check or control the army at the time hostilities brfsce out. - Deplorable at war is, the one in which we are now engaged was a ns voidable. We were attcked by bold, adventurous and en thusiastic army. No alternative was left to ev'.Jijf)onilntous retreat. "It is not to lie conceived that any American had sanctioned the surrender of Manila to the insurgents. Our ol ligation to other nations and to the friendly Filipino and to ourselves and our Hag demanded that force should be met with force. Whatever the future of the Philippine may be, there i no course opqp to us now except the prose cution of the war until the insurgents are reduced to submission. The com mission is" of the opinion that there ha lieen no time since the destruction of the Spanish squadron by Admral Dewey when it was possible to withdraw our forces from the islands, either with honor to ourselves or with safety to the Inhabitants." "Should our power, by any fatality, he withdrawn the commission believes the government of the Philippine would speedily lapse into anarchy, which would excuse, if it did not ne cessitate, the invtervention of other powers, and the eventual division of the islands among them. Only through American occupation, therefore, is the idea of a free government and . united Philippine commonwealth at all con ceivable. GOVERNOR GEER PROCLAIMS Nevemher SO a nr of TheaksaJvlar Thlags U Hm Thsakral for. Salem, Nov. 3 Governor (ieer today proclaimed November 80 a day of gen eral thanksgiving. The proclamation among other thing contain the fol lowing: '"u . "The year just drawing to a close has been one of general happiness ami contentment. The earth has given forth abundance of its proudcta, for which in all cases better coransatioa has been received than in former year. Our tailoring classes are more generally employed at wagea more nearly satis- fctnry than at any previous time for a generation. "The mandate of spreading civilise' tion are calling upon a a a great na tlon, to carry forward the banner of prog rets and enlightenment, and th task is being performed with willing nest and enthusiasm that do credit to our recognition of duty that we could not shirk if w jrould and would not if we could." , DImsm Was Mere Deadly. Washington, Nor. 4. A recapitula tion of the ' casualties in action and deaths in the . regular and volunteer arimes Isstween May 1, 1H98, and June 80, 1H99, contained ia the annual re port of the adjutant-general of the army shows a grand total of 10,076 men. The casualty list alone aggre gates 8.464, ot whom 86 officers and 468 enlisted men ware killed and 197 officers and 1,764 enlisted mea wounded. Fr a List ef User Piiteasrt. Washington, Nov. 4. The British government has asked that the Boer government permit Mr. McOiib, United States cnnsal tf Pretoria, to transmit each week a list of the British prisoners in Pretoria, with a ttate ment of their codltioo, Caetra tnrkmd Tmmwim CfctbelU Caracas, Nov. 4. fleneral ('astro, leader of the revnlathsa in Venezuela, has formally blockaded Puerto Calwllo. the only port not occupied by Castro'i foroaa, with two cruiaVrs. Commerce with that purt has bee stopped. Boers Moving1 to the South Past Ladysmith. MOVE ENVELOPED IN MYSTERY , r- 1 Apparently MvhmIIm Mure H. ilH ! the. North suit K.rtkml ths h'si-lrlllik l.frH. I'reparalluat. Iiondon, Nov. 8. The Dnily Mat'. publishes the following lir-t h from Ladysmith, dst.nl Wednesday nioru lug: "Matters today are qulot Die lloers are apparently mounting n-.oro heavy guns to the north ami northeast. which are likely to gle us trouble. A ltoer contingent. 1 . 5iki strong, la clear ly visible from Die .camp, streaming away to the south. The inhabitants of Ladysmith continue to leuta the town." lrMa ut l.atlysmllh. Ivondon, Nov. 4.--Titer Is very little fresh lutelllgeuce UmIu.v, but it Is be lieved that the Delagoa bay cable route, if not already restored, speedily will le, thus giving quicker communi cation with the Cape. The situation Is still hopeful. The accounts that coutinue to arriv , re garding the fighting ou Fariuhr's (arm only confirm Its serious nature and the narrow eeca)ie tieneral bite had. On thisMoiut, the Morning IVst remarks: " ' "Nothing tells such a tale of battle as the list ol the missing. When the missing exceed the killed. It is safe to write defeat across the story, Iwause missing meant abandonment or surrender. " It now appears as If it were only the arrival of the natal contingent from the' Powerful whichr prevented a worse disaster. It seems thst when It waa seen that retirement was imperatite. two Natal cavalrymen volunteered to convoy a diptch across the lloer lines to Major Adye, ordering him to retire, but the risk wut considered too great, and flag signaling , was employed in- ttcad. The distance waa too great aud I the ground too rough lor cat airy to go to hit assistance. Accordting to dispatches filed Tuea Jay, defensive works were U-ing con structed on the hills around Lady smith, and It waa etpectisl there that the big naval gum would be mounted the following day. The lloert were threatening to attack tha town in force Wedtiesday and Thursday, and the women, children and other Don-coiiil-atsnta were being tent by train to the south, t-adyamllh It provisioned for two mouth'. shelllsa; f Mrkit. London, Nov. 8 The aacial corre spondence Of the tlally Malt," at Mafe king, under date of Octolwr J V says: "tieueral Cronje'e Ismilwrdment of Mafeking wat monotonous The l!ourt fired ti shells, but did no harm, the whole town, even the ladies, laughing at the affair. He threaten to bring 40-pounder from Pretoria. Crunje isri he is sorry for the women 'a take that he shelled the town. Fifteen hun dred of his command bate siuce de parted to the southward. Small parties of our garrison Issue ("th nightlv and harrasa lloer outputs. .'I hear that the Daily Mail's oorrespoudent at IinLaatl la a prisoner In the hands ol the Boert." Juallr Waa Main. EUenaburg. Wash., Nov. 6. Hheriff Brown came in on a late train last night from C'leelum with the man ha arrested for the Khemke robbery. Wil liam Rhemke was with him, carrying the recovered jewelry. The fellow was "sweated" after his arrest, and finally directed Khemke to a cinder pile. where it was found. It is beliuewd all was recovered except one wat. The prisoner, who says hit name it John Herman, admitted his guilt almost lin mediately and told all about the affair. He went before Judge Davidson in chambers, pleaded guilty and was sen' tenced to 10 years in the peuitentiary, sentence being passed within 50 hour after the crime was committed. WhslUjr Will tUtara la Manila. San Francisco, Nov. 2. Colonel John H. Wbolley, of the Washington volunteers, will not accomny his reg iment home when It It mustered out. Upon receipt of the new of his ap pointment as major ot volunteers today be called his men together and made a ech thanking them for their gallant service at the front, and expressing re' gret that he was not permitted to make the journey north. Hie commander then presented to company II the bras tights taken from two Krupp gum rap tured at Santa Ana, - February ft. la honor ot 28 men who graduated at Whitman -college.-Walfa-Walla.Tth Institution will In presented with th bell captured at Pasig, Msrch 7. Th bell was part of the church chimes. Alabama Tawa Raraed. Thomasville, Ala., Nov. 8. A dlsat trout fire started about 1 1 o'clock last night in tha office of N. II. Boy lea Urge store, and by 1 o'clock every business' house in town, except the Morning Star Company and J, P. Tur ner ft Sons, was burned, a The total loss is estimated at $150,000. - "ttelalaa tha Helt7 Ringside, Coney Island Sporting Club, New York, Nov. 8. Jaine J Jeffrie retain the championship of the world. Referee George Slier giving him the decttlon at the end of the Ifith round over Sailor Tom Sharkey, at the Coney island Sporting Club tonight, It was one of the most marvelous battles that has ever taken place, and the greatest crowd that ever gathered In the Coney Island club house wit nessed the desperate struggle for premacy. Casualties at Farqaar'a Fares. London, Nov. 8. The list of casual tie among the non-com missioned offi cer and men at Farquhar' farm showt the (iloucestera lost 80 killed and SS wounded; the fu si lien 10 killed and 41 wounded, and the Tenth mountain bat tery two wounded, before they urrea dcred. There is an animated controversy In San Francisco over the fact that th new city hall, planned to cost SI, B00, 000, represents up to date a municipal Investment of over f 5,000,000, but not completed. GALE ON THE LAKES. Many Vessel Itep.itted In Trtmltls tins Hetluua ll..lr. Chicago, Nov. 0 The uoitheaat gale, w hich list Ueu raging for oer 4H hours anil brought the Hrt allow of ths s'asou to this locality, still continues. I.tfn saxeta at various lake points have Usui kept bus watching (or aud aid ing tessela ill distress. Tha following vessels were reported as being Introull at various points: ' Schooner William II. Ihiuhem, ashore near St. Joseph, Mich ; steamer, nuine unknown, ashore near Ikils IUs.no InUud, tclusiiier hate Lyons, attainted near Cathead; schooner Elgin, put lu st Milwaukee, leaking liadly. The tliH't of sheltered vessels In ( hi- ctKo hsrlsir last utght was reaiited aa I'lvatly increased. Over 1140 Iswts hste I -cell reported til shelter during the but two data, which males all un usually large list. The schiMUter rigged yacht fhlqulta. with a diad mail supiswed U be D. S Wsy, the owner ami captain, lashed to the rigging, went ashore iu the gale three mlbw east of Miller's Mat loll, tid. It Is believed thaUall the crew .ml wcugvrs hate stii.IumI. liar meiits loulid lu the cabiu iudicatel that at least one woman was among the uulortutiate tiartv on the yacht. Where the vessel belonged wat not as- t-crtaiuotl last night, but It wat thought it waa from some Michigan port. The dead man lashed to the rigging w as apparently AO years ot age. u his left temple was a deep cut, prob ably caused by a falling s)iar. The siguature ". S. Way" waa found on a number ol p'ra and effects tn the cabin. The name 11 S. V ev" was found i Iso on the silterware. In the cabin was found a woman's complete wardrobe. n the cabin there wat a fully equipped amatour photographer's outfit and among other things a large liuni ber of pictures. The supplies had all been tught In I'harlt'voit, Mich T)u ('hiqulta was first seen by Albert Sabinake, a flshermau, who lives on the sliorv a mile from Miller's, aa he was listking (or driftwissl tu the morn ing. At that tlvie he saw Dili o the crew ou the de. k. A s.jusd from the South Chicago life savers Is patrolling the tcli lu aearch ol the missing bodies. INSURGENTS FIGHT HARD. Hut l.awltMi aeallsrs Them la All IM rrllNS Ihslr t at airy Usme. Washington, Nov. 8. The war de partment hat received the fullowtug cablegram: "Manila m Novemlier I, Lieuten ant Slaveus and IN meu reeoniMiltered In McArtlmr'e (rout, and struck 40 or more Insurgents. Tliey immediately attacked and dispersed them, killing three and woindmg a Uuuiber. No ca-ualitli-s. " VesterdayTTirTivrbiu'a advance t Aliago, he struck the enemy Isith west and south of the city. lUtsou't Mara liebe ni'Uts, rvcoiiiidtrtug south struck the Insurgents tn ambush Lieutenant Ttoutelle waa killed and one scout wouawted. Ilataun routed the en . s I" .'-'t seven dead In tile thickiJT "Yestenlar, Ilell. of the Thirty sixth volunteers, with regiment and irup ul the Fourth cavalry, cleared the country of all armed insurgents ' (mm Floriila lllanca to a considerable distanee lie yond I'nrac, pursuing them Into the mountains, capturing nineol their cav alry ("Tees, several guns' considerable property, killing, wounding and rap turing a numlier nf the enemy. The Insurgents' cavalry ot that section is practically destroyed. Itell't casual ties were one man killed and twu wounded. OTIS." A llewer Keaalea. Tacoma, Nov. 8. A. M. Dewey, special agent of the government depart ment of latsir, haa annouuoed here that all members of the .Dewey family re lated to Admiral Dewey would hold s reunion st the Waldorf Astoria hotel In New York In January or February. Dewey, who It a cousin of the Admiral haa been one of the prime movers In the plan for reunion. He says accept ance have lieen received from all parts of the country, indicating that 1,600 Deweys will gather in New York to meet the admiral and his bride. Over 100 Deweys from the Pacific coast will be present. Admiral Dewey has been requested to fix the dae of the reuulon. Will Xfove ta fUatlls. San Francisco, Nov. 6. The Call Sara that on January I San Francisco will cease to be the shipping aud gen erul business center ol the Pacific Coast steamship Company, and all ol the local interests of that concern wilU le moved to Seattle. Although no puyiajjinnouncenieiit of the fact hat been yet made, it has become known that Ctaidall, l'erklns Co., which firm Mor year wa tha compnny'i agents and managers, have lieen de prived of the agency and it closing up its bonk aa rapidly as possible In order that the formal transfer of the business msy take place on or before the ap pointed date. The change is due to the fact that the (treat Northern Railway Com pany, with headquarters In Seattle, hat secured a controlling interest in the steamship company. Mobarfa Withdrawal. New York, Nov. 4. A special to the Herald from Washington says: Vice-President Hobart's announce ment, through members of hi family, of hi retirement from public life will make it necessary for the republican national convention to choose another running mate for Presldnet McKinley, should the president be renominated next year. It will alto necessitate the choice of a president pro tern for the senate, to preside over its deliberations until a new vice-president take ollloa, The A4vaase Fares. Manila, Nov. 6. Chase' troop of the Third cavalry and Rivers' troop vf the Fourth cavalry swam the river and Nurrounded the garrison at Ilonga bon, entering the town. The enemy escaped. Six rifle and a quantity ol ammunition were captured. Castner' scouts had a klrimah with th insurgent near Align, kill ins; five. Carpenter at Nashville, Tenn., and Iron molder of Marion, Ind., ar or ganlxing, end expert to affiliate wltb their retpectiv national organisations. I Fall Campatjrn Under Vv In tho Islands. HOT CHASE AFTlrl AGUINALDO rise mt Taaprla mm """ all la t'e-Opetels WUIaLaaul '' -Kad hssl apclas. Manila, Nov. 7. Thlt evening a fleet ( tranaporta and gutilts left MsnlU for the most Imisirtaut en'.htioii ol tho autumn rauipaigii. Ita deaitna tion It snpMsml to 1st liagupaii, or m other iiortliern port, tieueral Weaton oominaiidt, with a brigade con sisting of the Thirteenth Infantry, the Thirty-third Infantry, two guiitoftho Mith artillery ami two galluigt. I lie tranaairta Sheridau, ErailcimM de licit aud Altec carry the tnaipa, with llin guutsiat Helena aa escort. A dla atch tioat was aeut ahead to arrange a reuMcivoui with tint I'ulted Mulct i-rulter Charletttiu and the warslupt that are patrolling the northeru coast ol I.USOU. It It assumed here that the purpose of the expedition la to move down the Dagupau. Manila rallmail towards Tar lac, lu order to prevent Agulnaldo'a forcet making another base farther, amth. laguian ami Apatrrl are tlin ttrongludda of the Insurgents, lu tho north. It haa la-en Die uiiautmoua opinion ol military eirta that laguiaii should be made a beae of operatloiia, but suftl t li'Ut trtsia have heretofore Ut'll tack- Ing. With tivneralt S licaton, Mac Arthur aud I-awtoti moving un Tarlao from three dlrectlont, ami ths moun tain! hemming In the other able, the Inaurgelita' capital will asm la-come untenable. Aguinaldo may attempt to alii ft hit headiUartert to the rich totsic- 00 country at the northern end of tha lalau.l. It will be dllticult lor the luaurgeutt to eaeape. MHtuld. tbe acheduled os'ratlona suceel, organ 1 ted Insurrection on a large scale ahoubi bejal an eud early lieit aprlng.aTthough guerrtla warfare is likely to cm nine hr a long time. No one anicttea that the lnaurgeuta will make many hard latltlet. Mauila. Nov. 7. 10 15 A. M Two columiia of lieuirala Mac Vrtliur'a dtt I llou yesterday tak Msgallng, ahout si inllcs uortheast of Angeles. Colonel Smith, with two battailous of the hev enteeuth iufautry, two guns of the First artillery, and a body of engineers, advanced Irom Angelet. , M)or tl'ltnen. wtTh a tttali pf tb BcV- euteentb infantry ami twu tnssptol JUie Fourth cavalry, moved from Calulut. Colonel Smith killed 11 Insurgents, wounded 12H and captured 50, at well , at taking a lot H tnsorjren transprrta- ';z tion. Major D'Hricn killetl 4W limirg enla, wounded many aud took i.'H pria onert. The Americans had ll.uieu wounded. ., Hirni i at tiff. London,' Nov. 7. TTie warnllife has latued Uie following aiiliouuct'iiiclit: W rHoiiial cffiiti haa receiwd In formation to the effect that the llritlsli troope have withdrawn Irom Colenan'. and have concentrated further south, but we have no newa of any engage ment In that uelghtsirlsaal." ' The evacuation of Coleiiao It un doubtedly a moat tertnua matter for tl.e jlrltlah In Natal, as It rait only teettiiiw to the complete Investment of Ijtdy smlth by the lloert, but makes the relief of (ieueral Sir lieorge Stewart White an extremely difficult uueratioii. Tsa Mmm t'UHt triad. Moscow, Id., Nov. 7. The 'jury which hat been out in the Coeur d'Alene miners' trial brought in a ver dict at 1 1 a. m. today.' TTie jurymen filed Into the courtnairo and the verdict was delivered by Foreman ' "fackfr. Tea of the defendants were found guilty and three not gulty. Hie coiivicted men are: IVnuia O'ltonrke.,. Arthur Wallace, Henry Maronl, John I.uuclu nettl, C. R. Iturrea, Franclt Itutler. :. Ablnola, P. F. O'Dotinelt, Mike Msl vey, Loins Kalla. Thiwe who were acquitted are: F. W. tiarrett, Fred Shaw, W. V. Itundren. Under the atatubw the penalty for conspiracy against the United States and a delsy ol the malls Is a one of not less than f 1,000 nor more thau 1 10,000, or not to exceed two years Imprison ment, or both line and Imprisonment, Hoys Mearh llama. Tacoma, Nov. 7. Coinpanlet A, C, I, K and L, of the First Washington regiment, arrived today. Company F went direct home from - Portland to Dayton, and company , nf Vancouver, stmMtd at its home. l!oniwnles A snd L, of Spokane, went to Spokane at 7 o'clock Uintght, while the Walla Walla, Tacuma and -Yakima oompauUa will- attend the Seattle celelrration, the Tactima company going over In the morning, and the other two leaving late tonight. The First Washington regiment band accotnimiiied the com paniea coming north by rail, and ilia banded here, the mi inls-rt going to their homes. A banquet and reception were ten dered the companies here today, and a parade of military and civic, societies escorted the companies to the lwnqtiet halls. lletween 80,000 and 50,000 people cheered the returned volunteers at the depot and along the line of march. ' I.lvaa I.esl la a rtra. New York, Ncrv. 8. Fire today gutted the seven-story lmlldlng at V4, V8 and Mott street, occupied prin cipally by the Manhattan Ited ft Spring Company, aud it it believed caused the death of three persons. Michael dun lin, an engineer, waa killed, and Charles Smith and a youth named. Roger are missing. . i Wstra mt Ballls. London, Nov. 7. Th Time pub lishes a dispatch from l'letermaritt burg, dated November 8, which says: "The dutch resident here have re ceived new ot a sanguinary battle fought yesterdsy, probably between 1adysmith and Colonso. A Inrge num ber of the IWrert were killed, many Wing relatives of Natal Dutch resld ing in this place. The English resi dents have no knowledgeVf any engage ment." " Last year ' the income tux yftfdcd Groat Britain a menu of J3,500,OOO,