Broad-axe. (Eugene, Lane County, Or.) 189?-19??, May 24, 1899, Image 4

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    ' a,..
O t
J A.
ui J.;t j
l J. a,.
. JU-I1 LL
i .
' t;
W Kn il.afh mmra a
TlM dot of trn; rnrrrl.
4 J raaAUB-a aatkuilua kr lindt.
II clwd.
tic In BlwaTt
anrnkirf i af ataaa n nil
if iS (m tra-
inr mroncn
abtrk kr raa
f fdr likrpy
i4 tear
aBiat tetlmwi
-aaslat. Ut
1 loaka fur weak plc
. and brokrn doora
shirk ran M raauy
Datrrrroaoam. WaB
i's iror aaa
cnry braia la
rakra aad be
come ancrrtaia.
Ikra Ik door to
his vitality grow
akaky and then ia aa opeaiaf fot U pi"
a-taHor la rnlrt ,
It ia coaaxMlT faU ooflr aV of
tkia or Ik at panic ata am1 an. Tha trath
ta tbey coamtitattoBal arrakpraa.
V laora people rralirrd thi thry vuuld
aaArrataad why th ttJ "Gvfdra Medi
cal Dawrrery " inrrawi ky. Or. ft V
ritm of Itaffalo. N Y . carra ao many
TVkjrjtT I '"' r" Tw hi onchtil,
andkimHrJ affrrtiont oT the air paanafra.
It fiT thoroufh abardaot cxmatiUitianal
vitality. It fiv lhi and Waod
auclnc ercana, whrrrronMuiiplion aaually
txciu. pwr to do Ska work oaatplrtrly
ao that BO poBonooaMT-B ' '
cirralatioa to Sutra aa Iht lacf d rilai
IM akaaal tOaTafcr eSBrvSasM aatw4aAarsV
its fliCwrf mmt p r mmaJ to try
fW tmdrdkCiM ptvtmfiBB in irrnivawt'i
.ami amti ai aa.w
aa aa-'aaancua rt
aWrrBBtrry. aaa la a
ya 1 kma aa ar lax I w bttirr tar
. t took natakontaadf ' afaM Hca
DkKownr' aad In of ' Pasrn rmrr1iaB.
aa4. nally. 1 hara aot M aU la yaia I
kccakmrTtkaalkavtia twty ycara. -
Dr. Pictcc'a Cotamon Sraaa atrdicai Ad
ycr. a wi iUataurd bopk, vill be
arat ftr kj BffcrUt (haptaaarr kkit
cai Aaaociatiaa tot trane-ecat aampa,ao
ay the coat of ataillnff only, or a am atio-Ti--"l
deth-beaad volume for 31 atampa.
U 21
in Kin
, r. -on
- The foloIrig-coJumimrcatiou it
clipped from th "Newton WeeVlj
3Smal,"-of Kadsx", art nMy m-
ducted. conservative paper. Thro
ttat court ey of )dr Roee o4 thi
citr, "reare permiiietf to publrsh
the articV, whicii we oompifod 10
the thoughtful contideration of our
" ' " t -- I f
t -Tlvs o'iostion of orershaJowinR
imporunoe today is wbeibea. we
ebafl kave a 3erjcrtio republic,
Uf i fepabliean -smpirev -From' a
Itepnhjliqt.n empire, frorn. imperial-1
urn, ;t is oni one step to. u.tesar
and Aapeleoo. A hundred years h
ana more ago, mo ininera gave 10
the world a government, "conceived
ia iioariT. -dv aeuioaieu ; vo ui
prepositiou Uiat all men are created i
t KHnlJ and for eefenty-fire years
thetaAjr a atcadjf grawth in' dem
ocratKliSea -practice, -a ,'
Bat there came a change. The
material glory and grandeur of the
perl aaqcecding Ihe ""civil 7?r
fostefI"a forgeirulncss" of thefm
plirity of the early nep Hblic. r Jr.-atead-of
Jeep devotion to feace,
purity ymd true democracy, there
came a thirst for power and an itch
-for territorial extension that was
mis-nimed plnotisniV':Aadi to-
- ail, me IUJH.WH j m aa.a a aaiir i acre
ns dea!Kp along the lites ol pest eat
ufpertM' oT "fcfcg npatrfctft,
while he who prates about the
blessings, of owning np new terri
L torr to trade, about "duty and
.iny," about trk9wUiWmnV1anwrdrrr9000pilejand5,(X0,
len," and the "inevitable ruler feet of lumber will soon be plaeed
of the Aigla-Jfaxon,4 tha taa a witb local lumber mills. '
1 1 ! !.'' '
who lauds war and glories in its
iauas war anu gioncs in us
bloodshed, ii before our
Amencanr A i Alf
Mr. EJitor, is it not strange that i
our H0sVrsA effect jre"r
shippers, never quote the words f , ' . i
. ur..; . . T A , , the eutire feoutnern Pacififtv.tem.
- rrr naaiiaimiiii..,Bi)r,rOUa. aiiJois
,r5 (M0?0'0 jUPt ft jtheir
poaitionf They 'simply cannot.
, ,To be a thovoofth-going imiicrialiRt,
j,, one, "must baniah -from rand tW
Pastas atii sa4 f aatyendence', WaA4
" u inrton'a - farewell addrera. tM
- . . i a
JakMoIave iunqital utterances. ' As
well send with them U oblivion
the bill of rights " (
How is .imperialism jostitct?
iiauo iuiiuvi iub uar. wc are i
told. A ftapVraWtfod, datigned
to catch the . ui wary., ..History
hows that VbVUag lolsowa trade.
Comaaaraa Waasa-the way and after
WiHkhment asks protection of
' the flag. iJheaoonomio oriUv pre
..eedes "the -portica! nrl'Tt Men
arrailisaWlof. bajctd ,bcara'goveiTf
ment began.
Sid Uli7iV4narMfaVd(tiny.', This
is only another way of patting i
..exploded theological docma. Ve
f determine destiny by doing our
4.Mijj.U 1 oot . deter rrjned irre
tocably for , us.. Puck says (and
Pock- never) intends to be taken
' aertooily) that "the Filipino war i
? but aa incident in our assumption,
providentially , ordained, . of au
thority aver tha islands. But
tkia ls but ao expreaaion of a widely
prevailing view. And what a view I
Aaourdjng , to this, instead of
JUeavsnly Father that loves the
..whole world, ws have a god aboot
1 an a par with the old nations gods
1 Moab, rhilistia and Isreal. A
god that has an especial iulereH in
i portion'of North Atrerk-a, and i
ikihirtg ft. tbfe balance of tlveyrld
to go to the devtl. " -
. .Then, we are told of the gloriouis.
ly civiliain influeiui f iho Tiititb
C lonial illcy. ' Oorfathers dtda I
m it. How aii we childrtn. ha e
gmwnl Hare thee iinperiali
birgoKen rkaev'- Lucknow" and
BOnker Hill? Have they forgotten
(Uncock, Adams; Taine, Franklin
ak t 1 II t
ana jeneonr LogicaiiT, am
I realm Via the , political
Pantheon of the imperialist wowld
be Clive, Haliii, Lord North and !
Wevlorllfil "manifetst dektiuy"
to follow ui-h ideal t I
I am rick of i.Ue canting hypiK-!
risy and pietistic phrasing indulged I
in by Fome initll-lxrd:UiiuuUrial
juu abcnjtjhisUaiholy war opin
ing, of pirt unities for .niiwiiyiary
Ibck. Tiank ot (t! These fanut
ical les'.ot, with t!ie fame r'piiit
a the folloafert ormfTreWFin,
the middle ao anxKma to;
bare thacroto airiej to distant
landV kJ -"ley .would foreake;
every priTreiplw ' A th4 Christian
gorpel to p-i-ih.,,Tiuuk,,af
the murder of old men, women and
childreu, in order to open the wav j
, . V , - , , , r, ...
lor IQ Rwpei oi peacei ienoia
tae wee mng cy ot a loving 1 nrisi:
HowbeaufifL jjp'o'qCteq plate the
scene of the "elf-sacrificing herald
of the cross following the legione of
0tL, atilaaiid thefroiui ul 4betr
little farnivhl leso their
home, the groans of "their loved
opes and ,the ..despUjion of their
na'tive larld, already courged for
three' Ccctrnea by opramars
lash, telling the Filipinos the story
of the Prince' of IVace, and that all.
had me, ' ' 5utilehip, bullet,
missionaries and Imnchise grabber,
that "they mjght tve life Ibtcugh
Uiml" What sort of life is it that
will, a clothe' ilaelf iritBi . pious
verbiage and sanction eb mon
tfpoi"inju6tice?T"I hiv'frine righj
to -peak freely, for I have given
the years of my manhood to the
aerriceof the Christ, and I will not
iUutlv see his name prostituted to
the service of such aearful wrong.
I would seeUis gospel obeyed to
the euda of the earttvbut juatioe
and merejritre fundament.tlof His
fah'a and must be ao boao;?' 1
VtRSorr J. Rose
; 1 1 .-. r
A'carfoad if Urlht, Ms, any
old thing went to Portlaud re
cehtly Irom. Junction. Who would
eat beef in Portland?
At the l'ast tern 6f the county
court for Lake county, lfi9 coyote
and 14 wildcat scalps were certified
The Ttjllafcatte ditrfclonfer
e(W it trafethoaftf tfsconal
cturcfi'SoutSrwillHlhrtd 'at
Harrifcburg, Or., May 24 to 28. '
It is reported at Marshfield that
of ,W. W Rocse
Hanschildt, in East
extf'destroyed by fire
voga. Los, $2; .iWjHstAarmaakr.S
Jtme-'tntrr stiaaiag , aha harrooms
located at stations on property
.... . . ''I
ownea uy, ue company and con
ducted. 'Under lease from them.
tt rUill clarfhe balroom
H. E. Allen, who was arretted
for t!i arsotr 6f "a'JBildins; in
Grants Pass, was found guilty by
the luW'Juir SPaMitday ahd on
Monday wis Beiitendtfi to a terra
ol Un ia 'lho P"itentiary,
and was taken to Salem the samel
evening. Town Talk.. J
The latest fienres on the Fit
.. . . . .?
asDijtaaLavaiUUiMrir islands
g&itL VJt jbs 13J.0O0
square miles, about equal to LNew
IOCS. So j' .wojjld ecerafrqrd the
refftcd ooati thst bevey' has
erhaps inavetjtently blown ene
ot Urauk ft iba jsiap. ..
'Sunday evening about 9 o'clock
at.Loetice. Oy.,t Hod at-A Hunter,
an early settler and one of the
most prominent men in Wallowa
county,. 'was shot Kpd. fniftanlly
killed by Mrs C R Elliott, a near
nelglbpr. "t i0" "then '5ommittd
suicide by taking poison. There
has been a fend .of long standing
over ' family affairs between the
Hunters and Elliott,' whose fam
ilies are intermarried, a son of the
murdered man having married the
daughter of Mrs Elliott.
York- Pennsylvania and .
Te nvmW. tiven byOTne,
raphers was formerly as high
lVJta la J
. Fancy
and Staple
- Groceries. '
Willamette" Stmi."-
Eugene Photo Co:
Cor. Willamette it 7th St.
(i tair..) 4. v
j The O'ul litUoUe GoJUty I
f c Ziw (V Almty
$ the latM'tMiU vkfy-ji'ua.
Photos 60c Dos and Up.
.wanted: . .
KellaMe man tut manaser (l Vitfiif
' to open in this vlcnrtiy.
It yoat reoorj in O K. her ia a fitoi
,ir. Kiuaiy aa
Uii paMM
when writing.
A. T. MOKRIH, Cirinnxti, 0.
Uiuatrated tatalotue 4 ceaa poaUl
Pure :. Brandy al
, For sale at FifUi .and BJair
treet Eugene. 'heri I say pure
brandy, L mean it conUii.s no
drug or poiaon except what the
fruit contains. Already, put up in
quart, hall gallon, vand gallon
packnge at To cents per (jUart and
?2.50 per gallon. '
, . .. Made "by.
I. M. PS-ancis
cai i owrarn a ramtrt rat a
a-rnn aaaww and aa Boaaa ayaaMav wmm ka
M ISM A: CO.. wtKTfcaTa Bad aaajBrattr tmmf
aiTMrNmsa to Um ralit bwow. Oiaiaiajiia
toon. atrtcary aiilaiu-V A Haaabaak la.
forwaamw eooefnuflt ratraia aad ao ta aa
lata lama pnt rra& aiao a
MB tram.. .
Fatanu taaaa taroarB Haaa a Ca. raBav
aclauiba Hrlr.llfle aaaartcaM. an4
a Hiaaaat ul.' bafna um aMi ru.
to taa Baair. 1-M aataaaM Jaai.
t Mr. iaian::y UiawraraJ. a Vyfax taa
avwanaaa of aar anaanar rart la laa
if tat garni. i aaat fraa.
aaaanaj aanuav axiaaacr, uu a rwr. aura
anaMa, -tS arata. Krary dub W WRafaa kaaa
tirnJ Btataa. aa anlora. and aboaoaraaaa of aa
ki . wna aiaaa, aaaMlne ImllOan io aboa IM
aoaat Ofalaar and acr a.-oln a, Aodraaa
aiL'as a Coubb kaaa. aa ai . i naai
WilJiam McKinlcy
Ict 1 icauicnt
Garrett A Hobart ' Vice-Preaiilent
Jehn Haw .. Secretory -ot talc
Lyman I Oa)re ' - recreiarjr i Treajarj
Slid!".- Argr
, rtra4ar jf aJ r
i A HiUhcock Beer
reUry of te InWrior
. ljwln D Lonn. , " aWcretaty fNavy
James K IV ikon . fary of AgriOiltar
Jeha W (Jrregs Aitofney General
C B Smith Poatf&ailaT General
Met BW W follfcf . T k Chtal oatice
p-Vij natoo
FjoarTph Simon' J " 3
Thot II Tongae CongresamaA 1st Dli
LUI U rilL. .1 Cu,rum.n'Mlnill
. Cooktrefma.a(J Diet
a B-4jarner
fT Donbir" 'fletie'iiy uf-titete
C8 MoeV 1 T,&U&a.
r-. - tvj-.--
V K n viacsoarn
Auuraej uensrai
PAaMoors rJ 1 ,.,.4 T-
W tt Bnll Clerk Hoax d SiaSool ladCi5w
CO Batllnaer , . U S District JUU
ZoatU Houser S Marshal
t) M Donne CollertofTrfu ReJniis
Johnfttll c" V 8 DistuAttarney
TWttsmntod-' ' r-H Jsdge
Geo-M Brown1" ;lkraaWaiiaJ Asteraer
V. S. U0 OaCBSBtataPto.
J II Booth 1teclsar
f a ss as rni'tvy "
William Koykendal j
r TVn.r... I -
St aVT aWS tjl J a
j iw presuaui i vpa
F M (traataia
- ..a ar
rr r trray
EBtsw'''W CVark
W W WitUsrs . t Kbanff
A 8 rattarsob ft
Tress ot er
fMtrsa H Miner-
D A Barton
EOraaer - )
Henry EJwarJsl
W'V&uley J .
(School H opt
Cointy Judge
V i
ki'ak'ss city.
WIUlsiTj KrrykeodaU
B V Dorti
' IteoorJsr
CHy Attorney
City Msrshal
K H tktpaorth
; B tUiWs
I L flmpson
OCroner '
W"W" Oil.nrn
Vf II Haines
fro Kialirr
W II Liickey
Jerry Horn
A I. Money
B Mumuiy
Hired Cvai missions
r , . . . ... ' ,
' - . i ; .
Bean Spray rumps,
Host r
Spmy Pumps
on the Earth.
F. L. Chambers
Bedsteads - J, JUTt M.. , '
Woven Wire ' Matresase . . . j
Excelsor Woo) ' toa "Mctreases
Bed Lounges.".
Cane-Seat Chairs. . A
Cane-Scat Rockers
' . a
Ingsaiu all-wool Carpet
Kitchen Household Treasures.
Window Shades..
a .
: -The Browl-Axd vill henceforth bo pub
lished on TVedncslay8 of each week at
'. r, .-ftf !i," - .
; ROOM 4
Corner 6f WillametU'1 &nd
Look Mmt for - sign
etaunding: "at lho foot
ing up to the.'jtacond.'.fl vrhcrc you will
d.isogiYcyou a
hand and tafceyoury
Only Sj.OO per year,
or 25 rents for three
8lnea asrchasl n the lUcord WS fisva
second In ao paper p tibia) had la Xsiatia
atlrerfialnf. aediaaa, Baaiaaaa aartias
loia solas elaeahers. Eavaolsllf saoald
place, consoll aa fot tartns. if 19 tbs
Um waft lnfSito wr rstwdtroa Ws.
lesdlns teJorm ssaasaraa abkk are saiuUnt tt.a pobllo aitad. VTe shall ataks it
a aelall la t oard tls InUreets ST the
continue lo puhlian a live. Independent,
Kivctfae Bread AssaUutl,
til EM.
...9 50
.... s? oo
. . . 00
. . 7 oe
.... 1 50
. S t.)
, 40c
Eighth Streets, Eugens, Oregon
- "Broad-Axe" al wayg
of the stairway lead
'friendly shake of the
subscription which is
50 cents for sixmonths
months invariably in
boas Ada list of sabserlbers s thl
whk nakts the Broad Ass a Brat elaas
ehonlJ ataks a aota of this sad see as ds
those havlaa ratal advsrtiastnsnU to
policy of Um Broaa Ass, Uiat ws tMak Is
Ws shall eontlnas to asvarats all the
Usparer as in tta past. In fact we shell
tearless newspaper
bubsciibe (or H sad
Iho Great
LIQUID tLKCTIIIOITrilkallaa.alnHI' fwrf ula lu.lanH ratwwad
krnuaikriiikailralltt kixaiut. Itrulm. Hllir J.iliria. Ilaadark. Tiatkaaoa, I'ala la Slda
or l.lml, ( Mi.irarlxl MuarUa, 1'alu In l'hl, Lama Hack. Luutlu Drlailra.
Tli t . iil-t Kianirlrli) auriiaaaM all ollirr raiaatliaa In ilia maliii aoatl It m mail uear.
Ilhrumail.m ami Nruralgla. alaa fr Hmiwiw. a..n Tlirnal, klilT Swk. Blank Oniih. t'ul4a7
llnmrhllla. laiiiBinla. A.lluaa. 1 imrull HrralMu( IiiH.ii h.. n, m at airrarialtut BalM
ln.laill aiowl. All;, Cum oltMtli.t, wh.lh.r ul IB iMUf, Slmaac'orV
rutMri. i.) a i'W atiiiimn..
KoilaKif auual. II tor Iturua, Hial.ta. Kruiliiu,
ur Kara. I'kllUla ua aaj M.n rai'l
Inlamally-Koaalt "a)lalnla raliarad
BluaMrli. Ilrartlaint, Suraatrr i..a.Haini. 1'taiiln. a l I...I. ia Slorl.iia. alao rub hl.matk k
(arnall, la lliaar muii'laliiaa altli in I lijl lli II V.
II kill. Ilia (arni. l ilw.'lliiia r-irlnr Malaria, all llu. i.f rrtrraaml llakikaHa. II
braoaaaa.l fvtlMai thariaia. outlug .Sarii.
rir lu atoiu.
ri'R Hollar, and (' ITTI K- I'or l uu. H.rlllnra. riruiara. Mr.laa, Strain, I liuuiu. SstS i
aau. l.all.. (rarkpnlTl.. ami HrratrhM, foatrarUuua villi Muai'lra, 'tak Woun.U. Srlw
hall. ara Tkraai. Il.i.ur, ISilir. MiUI.., I ul l .il. I'l.luia ai4 Tuamri. . tun. Sllnu.
Blu(nau.liialalnt.rarl) alaa.-. A -lr I Igl ll) M.l:Tlt-IT V la aaannlaax HIB
iBr ilirtaia. l rat'n arnar. rnM.lnt ihn art. a(rrtt UKiroiajiiiy na li t haad or arpMr a
ptacaof Saunrl aaluratiM auk II.
, No Family should bo Without It. v "
lrlMrSO tMiinl iMl.OO pr lloitlo.
Trial Size 25 Cts.'
Sold bj Agents Only. Dr. W HJEIdrid. Chicago, III.
I. W. DOYLE, Acent for Laos Cotirriy.
Wt pakllik a law vrilltraira at
wtll.kntMB aaaala In Iteatlriai.
Ily at l.acma
SttKant. Orrgnn. Afrll M. wax
Tkla a Id rrruly llial I kaa Ul t.lvll ll j
Kl.M rr.H ll Y ail.l l..un. II all II..I l
lr U antl I ran rrruintnriul II lo an) una in
naad ol ninllraral.t. ' A S. I'ATTMlxoN
Irtns,arr"tl. Mar v KB
Tkl. I. in rrrtllr Ikal I luxa uar.1 l.lul ll
kLk1Hi ITV, au-l u.l Ilia l rrt)ilnr.(
thai It I. rrruinua;lill ! I. a. .4lllrly
woiiM B4 to alihoul II II I aoul I ri ll
I'M ASMS tl Ctrl
IjitOrippo find C11 Cure
Wilt cure eM in ttia lisad, I.a Cilpi
and lulluauxa' Try a troa and ta t on
V; iiainiractui'ii
IV I'll II 11 114
ol 1 loisMoli'oltl
Ycrrington's Ninth
New' Goods Arrive
Weekly so you can
have a new Stock1 to
Delect from at any
time. Prices always the Lowest."
at. miH'.PS'Jtkiaaaaa araa aa snsaticsia a i saaaransaagarwanikl
. on 8th St. Eusene. Ore. -; ;
KiCriiX. .with ! laritity&f Goods !'
- ti Ktncrous to oention. .. . ; ,; 1
Burg's Variety Store.
If You Will
lor pain; Internal or
t'hailiiua. lnal luiaa ur HiImi.. Itoatart Tail
In a Ira inliim.., rurrn lamia, laaiai, Soar'
ali i l li).lrl llIIHy. lv .Irrnitli, lun and
'"tiir trrr'. Afr .
TuUhiilittl Ma) l'nirrrn.
I l.aia l.iuli-l I I i I III riTKM'ITYTaa at
miaul l- r inr.liia aal kradkrfc
anlaula4 In al io lori.iam.n.r II v
llirr.. A SI WlUH'llllllV.
r.iitrn. rrua. Mar 71. 1
I la ..( Myt IU 1 1 1HK ITV t.r Ibraa
)un .'lU II (."K rrrtBiaa.14. .
I M MIA I AHT 4.riT.
Street Drug
Tb8 public will plete
tak. notice that I am
still it the OLD STAND
XJl. X3.J
Your Egejs
Butter to
& Son
, Yon will rrrieve the lilfhasl mr
ket pries lor ttirin in caali or good at
the lowest market price, acrompanled
with courteous treatment and good will.