Broad-axe. (Eugene, Lane County, Or.) 189?-19??, May 24, 1899, Image 3

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AYSvaaatajtag ntN la Ihla Sapf
will waa. b a. ara. a aaallaa
rUI Ian bar wun hl. i-r alll irnMUli
laaal a4ariaawM4a at 1 1 nMi Hr iiim lor
lull iMSVftltHI, IIM
i aa rliai v4 lut IumI
ITor t .
Julius Goldsmith
..' JUnOtlSa. Orll.
A Bluo Mark
Dtinotca thai roar subecrlp
tion haa expired. Watch
for a blue "x" oij.or.te your name
on uia )r.
MOTE. The data oito your
' Mima wi lh iiaixr signifies th
", fur which you have paid
v jijb unfit a i iu.n. nnie ua
abort, newsy Items of your ree
tractive neixhliorliooda. All com-
wartlrUoiin for the Hriad-Aie
should reach ua by Thursday.
Mo communlAa.tiona putdinhod un
lata aoromamrd by wrilrr'a
ram.- Not nereaaary lor publi
cation we want to know who.
That's all.
Local Lines.
Iticycle tirea 14.50 at Matlock A
How it tha now bioycle or
dinance? Beat plow on earth The Oliver.
T L. Cit ambkr haa them.
Fly hooka 1 5c a doieu at Matlock
A McClanahan'a.
riray material all ready mixed
at low prioea at K. L Chamiiku.
Bring your rhitteiu bark to the
Itackct Store.
Wood wanted 'at the Kugene
l'boto Studio.
Pitta Orchard cultivator fod
aid low price at F. I-
Dont fail to call at The Hotel
Kugetie next wock and have your
yea teated for f ta-s by the old
reliable eyesight -specialist, Dr.
Bpray your trees and you can
have good applet and food prior.
Bean Hpray . pump makea tight
work so them at F. L. Ciiambkrs.
Racket Store wants all your
ehittein hark, read our Instruction
la thie paper for peeling and
Eev Champ Richardaon went to
Oakland Fridiy to bt gone over
Sunday preaching. .
The Cuban remind ua of the
dead serpent warmed into life.
They art atriking at their ben
factor. Poettsaster Roney of Ooahen was
doing basinet in Kugene Fa turd ay
ad favored thia offloe with a busi
ness call ( .
What kave our buiinoaa men of
the city to say ;, to Mr Nigh wan
der 'a requeat fft help In construe
tlag Um road tu the bay city T
Anether hanging-bee- will take
pJaoe in Jackson, county nest
Friday, one "Lawrence" being the
victim for tha murder of a man in
box car few months since.
If Um ponoil-puaher of the Drain
Watchman be a lady, how is it that
he it an editor? Are the words
"lady" and "editor" synonymous
In meaning? And would an editor
dressed in skirta be a lady?
TV Inns AmmAln..r nf I
council ot Portland wai broken
.a a a a . a
me Kner aay by electing one
8tory mayor. Whether thia man
it more than one atory high re
main's to be eeen.
And now it has happened to Sen
ator Peffers of Kantas, whlakert and
II, a tt always it with tuch an
Imalr The "tow that was washed
clean hat returned to its wallowing
in the mire," and the "dog to hit
vomit U the manger" -Peffors hat
Tfooe back to the republican party.
We regret to tUle that the
correspondent "Occasional," r of
Hayi creek, Wat too late fnr last
week't issue. The matter being
not applloable to the present Imua
la not published. We hope "Oc
casional' will continue her favor,
at the wellda a lively pen.
Mr. J., A. McOollom of Ottumna
Iowa, it' a visitor Sn our , city.
He informs the Broad-Axe that
hit family will arrive here within
short time, and that he purposes
settling among us. Mr. McCot
lorn - is formerly of Maynville
Kentucky, and thi Is a euflkietttj
passport, ire think to a position
yt rttjM-ctabilit hi any country.)
One Of ntlf mr.R of Feathers aid
l'alnt Trlea to Falit Xltch
r II, OrrgoD Red.
Mltchell.Or. May IS, 18OT.
Your humble correspondent from
MitoheJt believea iu the motto ' hew
to the line, let the chip fall where
they may."
Tito weather ia very cold here.
Hherpaltearing it in full blast since
my last letter.
A riflle of excitement has passed
over the usually Ulte village of
MitchelrW Home miscreant told
tioie "flre-waW to acme thinly
braves from the Columbia river
which Ciuaed quite a disturbance.
One gentleman of "feathers and
paint" dashed through town on hia
warhorse with the blood-curdling
yell of a Hitting Bull, which scared
the women and children out of
their wlla, but Martha! Vat Carroll
with his . Uatling-gun, aaalated by
Mug Puett armed with rocks, four
shots from the gun and a well
directed volley from Puetl'a bat
tery which took effect in the back
of the head of the manly brave,
caused him with a death-whoop to
fall backward from hia war-poneyl
Carroll aoon had him in the city
Jail, Since the Indian . haa got
aober he hat washed off . the war
alnt and smoked the pipe of peace
with' hi while brother. It Is said
thia morning that he has given
away the parties that gave hi m
the "fire-witcr." There is a prob
ability of some gentleman law
breaker taking a sojourn on Mc-
Krai's Island. Wa hoi it will be
probed to the bott m. Colie.ita.
The Broad-Axe entered anon ita
fourth year thia week. The laat
number waa the best ever iasued.
Our' oateemed contemporary has
always been considered by the
Uroad-Axe as hiving good judg
ment, and ita remnrks above con
firm that opiuion. If our paper
improves with age aa the Register
intimates it ia doing we thall
surely grow up to the full stature
tif manhood bye and bye. Won
der, Chester, if tho reprentative
of the Guard haa learned with all
his experience aa an ex-preaident
of the Oregon Pre Association,
to observe the oommoa ameni
ties of a newspaper editor? Mean
time accept thanks. (
Charlie A Potterf aged ten years
died at hia home at Dead wood ICth
of May last.
' We regret to hear of the 'serious
(liners of Mrs Isaac Zumwalt living
near Irving. Mrs Zumwalt ia 75
yean of age, and resident ef the
county 49 years.
The I10O0 bonus has been raised
to bring the Kxcelsior plant to Eu
gene. This will give employment
to several laborei. besides in
crease the demand for probably
1000 cords of wood annually.
What about the bicycle path to
the coast? If you want it now ia
the time to show it by lending a
hand to those who propose to
apend this summer in opining the
Qlentena and Wildoat road.
The Capitol Journal taya Gov
ernoi Lord will not make much
capital out of hia refusal to accept
an offloe tendered htm by McKInley
as he it not skillful at "holding up"
the party or exceeding; skillful aa a
letter writer for the prose. Wonder
if Geor feeltthis thirst of Hoftr's
We are getting all out of patience
with those war howling expansion
lata. We are perfectly willing that
they expend their own blood and
treasure in war of conquest
against a weak and helpbjst Jnople
struggling for the priories boon of
free government, but an for the
Broad-Axe it haa neither blood nor
money to expend - in tuch a cause
although we once took part in a
war of conquest against a weak
sister republic. ' i :
a msreary will surely destroy the sense
of smell aad comidetelr derante the
whole ayatera when entering It Hirens-h
the mucous snrfaaea. Soch srtlcles
ahonld never be nal except on are
auritiona from rvputahle phyaMana. aa
Ids damairs they will do la tan fold to
the good you can aoaalbly derive from
litem. Hall's Catarrh Care, ruarMitae
Inred by t. i. Chenoy A Co., Toledo,
O., contains no mrcnrv, and la taken
Internally, acting dlroeily pen Ilia
blond and mucosa aurlaoea of of the
avKieiik la huvlmr lliti'a r.i.rrU
tinre be sure voa got Die sennlne. It Is
taksw bitmnaliy aad mads in Toledo,
OIho hv F. J . Cheney A Co. Teallnaoa
ula tree.
He'd n drotslaU, prUo Mc per bottle.
11 ill 1'euiily t ula aroUaa bctV
Will begin on
Owing to the Isteneas of the season, I have decided to make a Special
Kale of my entire stock of goads. 8paee will not permit to quote prices
on every article, but following are few to give you an idea of what
you can save:
Ladloe' aaatf letee' Shoe-
Lallea $1.00 winced to
Ladles Z.60 rxluct to
Ladiaa 10 redaced to
Ladles I M reduced to
M laer 11.71 reduced lo
MUms M reduced lo
MIhms I II redm-ed to
II tt
Meat suxd Boys Shoo.
12.60 man's shoo at 12.0
t.00 men's altoea at IM
l.M raaa'a alto at
I.2S maa'a aim at l.Ot
1.76 boy'a atoa at ........ 1 46
l.M boy'aaKooa at - I.JJ
Mea'a aad Soy Olothias.
Men's all ool,hUc,f. J, now le.M
Mana all wool, black, reg f 10: now.
Mens all wool, gray and brown, refr--
M OO now 6.28
Men's mixed tray - and brow a rcg
M .00 now - -- -- - - . . , . 8.SA
Ikiva all wool brova rrg 17.60 wow a.M
Doys mixed brown rec M OO, bow l.M
Dreas floods, Bilks, Corseta, Gloves, and Motions: also Swiasea, Dinte.
ties, White Gcodt, Uinghamt, Percale, Calico, eta, are Included ia tki
sale. ,
Some Whys.
Yhr do our town officials not
enforce the law against the gam
bling dens that are running day
and night in the city?
Why do our county and state
officials not discharge their duly
in this respect?
Why are not perrons who move
in high circles of society allowed
to practice gross Immoralities in
on day in the city and yet escape
theexpoaure which their conduct
Why do not City Attorney
Stevens and Deputy District At
torney Harris get a move on and
show themselves "workmen that
needelh not to be ashamed?"
Why should the Broad-Axe bold
its peace jn face of these things
even though the other papers of
the city are aa silent as the grave,
and shut their eyes to them?
Local Brief.
Take a dollars worth of
Shelton Jenkins waa in
get tome of
Go in and get tome of A. V.
Peter'e cheap bargains before they
are all 'gone
Hold on there. .Come In and
renew your subscription to the
Axe. '
ptill talking peaoein Manila but
Hent are worth $4 per doten,
and egg, are 12 cents per dosen.
Butter at 20 cent per roll.
Ben Rush left for his home at
Grants Pass Monday evening.
Mist Millie Howard, daughter t
Rev James Howard, of Hale, Ore
gon, is very low with consumption.
Dawson wa wiped out by fire
April 26 by drunken woman
UBsettirur a lamp. Lose estimated
at 91.000,000.
Commissioner McGuire'i body
was found a few days ago floating
on the water. Utile below .where
he waa drowned ia the Umpqua.
Rev James Howard preached at
&encr Croak Baptist church Sura
day. We understand a protracted
eftort will be oomnMacod Vatre the
first Thursday ia June.
K. T. nammlteaine in Monday'
and secured the Ax, and Ore
gonlan for another year. Mr.
Hsmmit hal stood by the Broad
Axe from Ita first number to its
The Rambler and Ideal club
run to Junction will take place
next Sunday May 28, providing
it does not rain. Thia exourtion
haa been postponed twice on ac
count of rain, and it it hoped
the boys' will not be disappointed
next Sanday,
Wood is coming Into town
rapidly now, sinoe the roadt have
dried up. It is selling at from 3
for body Ar to 14 for grub oak:
though thit-price will not last
long. Wertotloe Hollan MoCollum
living four mil west of town
ontues in occasionally on a load of
wood he constituting about half
th' w eight of a card himself.
May 10,1899.
LitaeUeV UlaAorwMr.
Oar M eawt aieevoleas, sw It mil.
Oer tt cat stoeveleaa, wow It cwu
Oar M caat siMVelas, mow II easts
Oar la real aleevekaa, stew lOoaata
Our M Mat, sleeves, sow t erals
Oat M seat, tleevea. new SI mta
Oar tt eeat, aleevaa, aow II crats
Qmt Ua
Maa'sMewatHbeoJaww - - - a
Mea'asOMBtsUIbrtctM now - - - 4i
Maa's yt eeat ribbed, sw - - - - M
Ilea's elaattt MeHae, ar - - Si
sfsa's mm Mattaa, aow - 1
LadUM Skirt Waleta,
White Pleoe, recalar 1 now . ft JO
rbh ladiaa Liaee reg 1M sww Lie
White ladiaa Liaea reg tlM aow IM
Blast blae srl reg l aow tt
Assorted color rega'ar eta aow .41
Church Jfotioes.
fli-at Jirlalas Ctans-l
Moaroa L. In, ran.
fnaehlai trtty Suadtj at II a. m. aad 14S
p.m. SttnUay Srkoot , tt, i. m. Jaataf Sv
cirtf ml CkrltUma KjUmtm. a Y. MCI
IA Mldwnk trrric. Tlluiadjir, 7.JS.
ThapuMIW corduuy larlt4 toanaa4 mu
mwiiw. All M-ftU In. Tb. charch map
yota b, ala.Ury aaautlMnlMa.
C?. T. Chnroh.
rrwwhlBC at tha CamWrUaA rraakrWrtaa
arra Inc. umail aa4 tkiti Sabtwtaa la tab
ataalb, IUt C A .Wsotey, artlac pernor. Toa
ara rortflall, Invllvd aiuii4 tbaaa aaU .
Wa ara anaara ta SU an eroara Sw )aa
ark o aaar, daarrlpUa at aa lav ra4aa aa caa
aa aa la Ua rtty. Wa aa. aada UU ar-
raagaawt to iat aa alataM aallf aa,UaMaa
ay ear aatraaa tor wark Wtkla aart. Rataaila,
aaal, at Ikla lltl artta ,aar er4an aad wt
will aaralaa mmm SUa wtm aaataaai. Sto
Ia Um Clrcalt Caartaf tW ala al OrafM, lor
taaoaoaty at Laa.
MaUa X SuieJUaaS. ruiaUt,
ralli A sulrklaad. Maadaaa.
Ta falia A SrtcUa4,
I " karab, miIM aaaaar ta taa
aaara aatniad aaan aa4
la aaaiaatraa a. at iilin ia U-t a taa
.i it, aa imm mwnm par ia. aaancar
Uoa af HHaaaaiaiM. vaarb aarto mt Ubm la
la laaaraar tor laa aaaltt-
at at
aatra araaaa Oaaa 4ata
a IM MMtadM at
Ula aaaiMMaa. aald a rat 4aaa aabltralUa aa
laa Ua MU Sa al May, law aa la laat a at
aaaltrauaa aaiaa laatlat aay a Jaaa. Mat;
a-a jw m araaaiaaa taatwra. Ban laaa
aaa aaaaai aaM
aaaa a aat4 raal
m aiilata Saa talaur vtU
irttorOMi aailat praraSAar la
to-wiat aaa La- ,..i.ia.a
aM raaaaiw.
a. axaakaa aUiaUa aa4
IvaSaaaaar ataaaaaa ad ta t al-ia.
an i m aiTaii a wmm rat ma aa
raataraf aaM ailaar rklMraa. to-vlli
Iawajaa. ran atrtttauk aa Kuar Swirk
aa aa4 aacfc alaar raUal aa a aatlaata as
TtaiaaiiiiMa MMtokaS aaoar af
O rattar. mat )uaa at Laa. raaaT. Ora
iw. ami a auaaaa in aaaayaf aar.laj
t . , u uarrv ti a.
AWimal tor ataaaiie;
MU to Ue mile.
XsT McClarvahan anthorlaet
soaa tost he will pay for the
nexT tea days 14 par doeen for
Money to patent good ideas may
be secured by our aid, address the
"Pateal Record," Baltimore. Ma.
W. Bandert wsnU . 60 TONS of
CnitTIM BARK IsssoediaUly
and will pay the highest prioe ' la
cash for Verne at hit store on WiK
bittiotte street, Eoteoe, Crretrn.
, itjM inMerrftal.
Dead weed, S. D, May It. A
vela of gold carrying 1 10,000 lo
the ton haa been discovered on a
ranch near Custer City. The tela
Is 14 inchea wide, and haa been
uncovered for a distance of 15 feet
It it the finest quarti that haa been
discovered in that vicinity.
Slialatr Seaward.
Tillamook, Or., May 19. No
cause can be given for the mysterH
ous moving of a large number of
arret of land toward the beach at
the sand rplU The land ia moving
every day, throwing up the rocks
on the beach as it gradually makes
Its descent. Theodore fcUei nil bet's
runoraer resort, which was worth
15000, js practically destroyed.
The house has been moved between
SO aod 70 fast toward the beach, j
J2 a. sairwsBTM,
Will practice la all tbe carta of lb.
at .aaa, oaaooa.
OflSee Over first Natloeal Bank.' easooii.
lmcs w. rnoiirsosi cha. a. HAaiv
rJaOaWSOn a SBasaars
OIKc. la yirat NatWmal Saak Bldg.
rractaoe ia all the eo.rU.
Osxo--Oa-kalf block soetb at Chris-
sasa Wk.
jjaa a aoaTwM
aa an tha amti af Va Herat
Saa Sailian CaarlaT
OBc Over LaaeCoaMy Bank.
soqkxe, oaxooii.
L arxvxna
I doors wast of Lane County Bank
up staira.
ki'gexz, omxoox
YyaLTo a kaklrt
Will practice ia all the carts oi tbe
stale. . .
Ere sk a Oaio.
Oivessyaelal alUnllon te all syodttc
aad chroaic dlaiaaaa.
Orric s la Room X 1 aod 2, over
LaneCoaatr Bank.
Evvsas, Oawoox."
H c acsttaftr, aw m,
Payio-M)eUeal Payal-
SVca-Saaltaa klft. arf Oaar
tXaiaaa, Oragam. '
a a kwiLUNaasi
Eugene Oregon.
Office Ovar SfcCleaga store.
S pa.ia,i.. t )
. aari.a k t
la a urn
08burn& DeLanov8
OM baat aarU at Ura K.W Baak, Car. tlk
WUlaaatto Sta.
gJIggrTTVsVdjsaffl l"TCs
tWtaJafpjaft ai M) sVCMal of Ita fty CJT sail It L
Lend for Ccle.
117 acres of Timber Land for
taie, Bftsated five milos west of
llsalm, ea the Long Tent river
ad twenty tailee bom Eugene,
Oregon. Will be sold ea reason
able tense.
' Par further information enquire
of Jaavee Heour. of Eureae.
Ckoap land for sale three tailee
front EtrftBo. Eatjalrs at this
See. 4
Eighth Btnel
hwtMwi ta. i ISrttaa feat to
aarttae ana, luv ar abaat aaan
tairmta. aaava ar arar aajrvlaarna w
arar. n-a aaaa rja aal af yaatf
naaa tor aaw, aa aar Vtai ta tot aa
pMiarmtM wrim
barnaiilhlwaiarai va. aaa-' Ht
aaall klada'al
wOatiiai a ara
-4'rartiartaM a
Waahln MarVVM.
4 naaf Mher NHMa, br kS
rtrMlaataaW rrrraa.
last clatH ttroat-
rirrt Saar waM at Iroa VaaaOlf
D. l Ittkii 1
Instrtictions . for Feelixig
and Ijryinjg
(Vaa all tka amaaa IS trat Ww aatflag.
Om laaa aava. ---
aaaaf. inHf bark .III eat aa batajM.
Hrr UM bark la Um rba4a. Da aat mamtm
MatnawaiMBaaBNn. park ar btaak tmm aa.ab bark wB aa kot
rtraaaialaam. Da aa ka) II at t Dry a aa OmM wlHsaaa akaal
raUawaatf ataaa Saaak hato rtaall ataaa at Maa. aa a-aH niki.
taa bark Iraateaaitoaaa a4 aa4aa4 auar Uada af bark. aa. baa Ska jaaakak akrralai
hark .a ba barajIM.- H al b eaMfaUjr laaawaa b taa. aa a bat. fcaaM WHa bars to .
I saw wbat Stattaa bark la. Cat
taaraM Ua rawf. aaara, bark M Ika Uat af Um
W la rbwaasblt Sry. - araak taa hark
rtaaattoraUMbark.hhUaaaaar lat4aaa;ll1Jlat Aark V in a. Aiw raa aaat
SaautrfuttraMRkiaataflMtatlaibawiai, tkefatiaaT lalniaMia wtta
Pa Frank
Those who have eoon
our Elegant o?oclt of
ProeMance it tho Largest and Most Beautiful ;
ever abown ia Lane county. A carefully
selected stock and -. -
XSIfrHtla Street, Etmon. '
' $40-
For the brt wheel ever bnllt. '
AaI3eBV eaV asV
- ' , -- i
Next to the "Rambler" in quality and price la the
Fitted with G Ac J Tiire
ao,25,30, ,
0-aOT-l-lAA feHaxaa gOM-tlBakal, Ossg
Matlock & Mc Clan ah an
Repairing, Sundries, etc.
Next door to Fisher & Watkin's
Eugene, Oregon
Tho Griffin HarBivareCo
Have the wagon
you want the new
Lour m Bimn lm
w kvaaJia aatraoa.
s at tMaVa wfafl.
BsD. f AIN'.VrOOrWVOOtalOrrt
r.W 6t)iOWH. CaeMae
W W fesOWa Ikest
. aabaVtt, .a.fXraa.' w.a.saw.
k. A. Vaara, r . fMUraat, t. . aaaaia
A Doaataj Baaai.a
TraaatM oaj r.T.raa. Vrrat
fWatta 1aaaA m mI .Hia. afa .ii
fai ato airran( turataaa etellaaaa la aiA
tat. ir.a rnaatrtra.
Jai' aaaa f aaaaana.
nia ariMf i.mII a. aa ini .I..ijj.
taaara. CollacUaaj raU .utprea) a ma
rVal Ika hark aaT taa Iraak katave I
- - -------- . - -
... . )
ra. bark tar aararal bwawa aar jaiWajia saa :
IAa bark al laaat aaa Uoi Iraai taa aaial aa aa
traa. Da M attaaiBtta bfaaA IAa bark
Urtoatoaaa rraa -- - -f ta aaa law laaa.
& Son
Can aad aaa U.
Cash -$40
Hftri irtd
Slorolass GaJ TiftI
look Hjaiais.
aa aaat yawWaafc pnajtS
lral WfAsB lfsjtBsT s'aW'wJ aVsBaaVagea
Xaal1- ajaa. Sa a ij W -TwAaSi
Wat. Ilia. iiiani.W.kaaa
AmirtaAaw a aaa ba
aaOraw aaaa,
tkaif aa IM ca.aaaat a
Waa aaaa ri Ca. SSeaa ear
to 1Mb Vati as save aaaa a aaa I
oosaa st
Men. Pattcixon.
t o. t. cor;n-sicrif. .
orricx ixoao rxLUws acma,
xvskxs, oatoo v
IIosDestead Fillage, rinal .Preoa
and Con tee t a Specialty; SO
Yetrx'experlener In tKia
lion given la every -
esse and--aatisfsetion