Broad-axe. (Eugene, Lane County, Or.) 189?-19??, May 24, 1899, Image 2

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tT. F." Amis
oanca-Raa I la nu MoOi-ca, Wriuiiaa,
Cos. isKirara Snaaiv
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HtllWnli ". . - M
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(tavattaUr la aTa 1
.WEDNESDAY MAY 24, 1399.
History ef America Copper
- headism Repeats, itseir.
under the aive hiding ap
m .m. - a, m a
pears on the outside ofhis issue
letter f.oui .oparCTnS. Loomitt,
which appearedin the daily Ore
. MUa vt recent date. Wo ib
itah this production' niainljr ia
Order toot or readers may be
apprised of the true sentiments of
ha old bloody shirt war howling
expansionist of tha prsent time.
It ia to ba hoped however that
there oro but few men remaining
who . enterUiq similar views to
Mr. Loeraie. Indeed if 1a to be
. hoped thai Mr. Loo mis is the only
minimm viwwu iu wrc vviiu wuu
a : ' :: z .l. 1 1
hohls a fcderal office who would
have little enough seoee, and dis
jcretioa to promntgat such sen-,-Cimeute,
even though his heart
Lai bored them. Certain It is (hat
there are bat lew men holding an
-appointment under Mr. McKinley
but what ' would hare better sease
than to fall, iato so' pediculous
oaitton as this "Dr. Loom is."
.And are are at -a loss to account!
for a aaotire that he could hare
" ' had is writing that letter. From
any etaad point ao other conclusion
can be dram other .than that Dr.
Loomis arrote it in order to bring
himself 'prominently before the
public in defense of Mr. McKinley's
war policy to whom he ia indebted
for toe appointment he Kulds.
.Possibly, the "Dr." wished to pa
rade hi civil war record. At any
rata yoa observe that ha opens hts
... . . -. .
, seller , wiin staling mat lie wens
.. to Springfield to get a commission.
. He doct'at aay what kind of com
mission it waa he received, but we
lis re .been informed that it wat
4 not- a commission whore dutiea
, carried him to the front' where
t tbero waa fighting to be done
t that hi official duties pertained
v omoro to those of a hoc pital ftew
ji.ajed than to that of an army ser-
freon. Bat we would by no means
t impeach Mr. Loom is' prowess, or
' courage.' How could we in the
- face of his published letter?
You see from fts tone that he go(
anad at Springfield 3ft years ago,
.' ewid that he ia mad yet hat he
hopes the "miserable dirty cowards
sua all dead." But yoa will notice
. that he, the Dr, goes after their
pr ay. m
Space of time or distance has no
effect on the doctor's atriotijnj,
ardor or bravery. Thirty-six years
hts not cooled his' anger, nor has
' 2000 miles intervening between
' htm end his enemy molified his
" opIrKof revenge.
Bot ws have not much more
... ; 0fo, tiaao or patience to waste on
,' IfrLsoaiis.' We will only repeat
that w; hope there are few men
like Mr Leomia left. We hope that
111 parties la ewery section -of or
loaWrj' will do what they can to
cultivate and ' encourage the "Era
-of fJood-fceliaf . that seems to
have oet la and which has made
wch rapid growth since Major Mo-
JClnfey ot the example by word
and deed by his speeches to con
federate and lances and . by pro
moting aaesi like Leo and Wheeler
to high aad responsible offices
Bit It avast bo coufeesed that
thore la a bm11 element of men in
the country whose daily avocation
consist ta drawing their pensions
and naontiag the bloody shirt who
will cease only with death ia keep
ing before the world the fact that
they like Mr Loom is were la the
"war for the Union." And it
doosol matter now, it seems 'as to
-what kind of warfare these an
tlqnatod "old veU" were in, Just so
. they war killing some "Johney,"
or "soothers sympathiser." Wo
saw four of this kind all to
flethor on the street corner a day or
. so since, and pausing them one of
thorn yelled out "We are four jay
hawkera,nono repealing"! am a jay
hawker and do not deny it."
It la needkrs to hope that people
, - -
ike these will ever ttai-c to tiilJ
war and rw their pensions as
lMig aa they live. They arrogate
to themselves the honor of saviiig
the country, and they will never
consent to help McKinley care for
the graves of the confodeiato dead.
They tf-ould rather denounce, them
wih lr Iioomis as "cowards" and
da'tardr, and carry that sentiment
t -ery living -American cilisen
today whether repullican( democrat
or populist who oppose the colonial
policy nl the administration.;
But for the benefit of our bloody
shirt rote, including Dr Loorais
and those jay hawkers into whose
hands these prevents may come, we
will re-publish an editorial from
the Daily Oregon ian of as far back
as July 26, 1S93, showing what it
thought about the civil war and
those who participated. -
It will be noticed that the Ore
goniau was some six years in ad
vance of McKinley in advocacy of
"bridging over tb bloody ehosm."
The Oregonian said in its issue
of July 6, 1893;. . , .
"CompUiass come from old sol
diers In all parte of tho country
that their pension have been
suspended. There is little patience
with these - complaint, -'"Isn't it
about time that "dirty nigger war"
waa forgotteu? Nobody now knows
for certain who was right anyhow,
or what side was the right side.
It seems to bo about time to sit
IdaKrn on the complaining old pen
Isjjlners, : and let the country have
peace." -
You see the Oregonian which is
standard authority, says that the
war that Loomis and Yates ware
engaged in so xealously was a
dirty nigger war and should be
forgotten." And then adds this
signiScant sentence: "Nobody
knows for certain who was right
anyhow, or what sTde waa the right
The Oregonian never" uttered a
truer and bigger sentence than that.
r Concluding we here re-publish a
portion of an article which was
published in the Broad-Axe of
Juue 8, 1S95, in regard to this
same Dr Loomis,- which will give
more fully our estimate of him:
"This individual by dint of cheek
and thejreport that he had held
some kind of federal appointment
under Harrison,. which office was s
sinecure oftJ.0-rer day, a year or
so back, appearing in Eugene, wa-
recti reu mu respeciaoie socteiy.
Especially (did the republicans at
once' take j him up, and through
their influence he was selected to
deliver the 4th of July address last
year. Ana subsequently from time
to time, A rough his importunate
egotism - nd - self conceit ho has
been brought forward to perform
some small office, such astnaking
reception' speeches to important
personages visiting our city' from
ab.-oad. This seemed' to give the
fellow encouragement until he
really began to imagine he was a
grett orator and a politician, unit!
finally at tho republican speaking
Saturday night be got an oppor
tunity to show to a demonstration
that he was simply a despicable
blackguard, not entitled to the
notice of any respectable person.
We certainly think any man who
would stand op before sn audience
of ladies and geLtlemen, such as
Loomis stood before on Saturday
night and ose the language he did
in wholesale personal abuse of the
people composing tha people's
party language not fit to be beard
by aay bat, the beerahop bruiser
cextily forfeits any claim to rec
ognition as a gentlemsn, and we
are glad ferknow every fair minded
person who heard him condemns
Col Yon. a ExpaiuIo.
Lieutenant Col. Yoran in a re
cent communication published in
the Oregonian says the Filipino
Islands are wonderfully rich, and
is worth having; but intimates
that it by no means will bo an
easy job to reduce the country from
its present status to a properly
"civilised Amei iran colony."
' There's the trouble. . Has Uncle
Sam left the Western continent
in search of rich and desirable
spots of earth fn tho Eastern
hemisphere, to capture it from its'
people, under pretense of purchase
from some European' monarchy 1
And if so, where's tho sense, or
justice of each proceeding, and
where will it end? .
A Cuban revolt. The Cuban
army is incensed against, Gen.
Brooks. The situation becomes
alarming,- is the latest news from
Cnha. i
liiipurialUtu Demount ratrd.
"The PrvaiJent at Hot Springs"
is the title of a paragraph printed
on the outside of this paper which
the ltroad Axe thinks deserves
more than a paaing notice, at this
time when, imperialism and anti
republican ideaa are Upcoming so
prevalent. The stiff, strides our
president and other high offlclaia
are making in departing from the
old land marks of a simple democ-
: ' ..
down to Lincoln are much to v
regreiiea as snowing tnat we as a
people are fast tending to a con
dition, as a nation, which fostered,
will soon have undermined and
detroyed the spirit, if not the forni
of free government. One factor
more than anything elr, which is
producing this slate of affairs is
seen in a certain element, of the
newspapers of the day, which make
it a specialty to bask in the shadow
of high oftieinMoir, and like
hired lackeys, detail to the world
every movement of those U deairef
to flatter.
And it is to be regretted that
frail humanity is as a genafal rule
susceptible to flattery. And so far
aa our observation has gone we
think President McKinley has . the
buuipof self-esteem more largely
developed than was possessed by
any of hik predecessors. ,
Reading carefully the account of
the president's visit to the not
Springs of Virginia and one must
feel humiliated and disgusted aa a
free cititen of the land of Washing
ton, Jefferson, Jackson. Lincoln.
Look at it-'. "During the mornicg
he once strolled through the cor
ridors to the hotel JofficA. After a
nap and luncheon he .enjoyed a
social chat with Secretary Gage.
A few minutes were given (a
gracious condescension) to Senator
Fairbanks. A few minutes were
given to Secretary Cortelyou etc
and later put on a short sack coat
and a Derby ht tall ought to
wear short sack coats and Derby
hats now) he started for a walk
with Secretary Gage on his right,
and Senator Fairbanks on his left,
and as they went along, his strides
were long, his disposition jovial"
etc, etc. . , . t
The Car of Russia or Queen
Victoria were ieer noticed in so
fulsome terms Jf Toadyism, ard no
potentate ever seemed to enjoy
more too praise of a paid syco
phant. - McKinley may be consid
ered an emperor by the natives of
our colonial possessions, but we
insist that he be only president in
these United States.
Some Advice to the Taiptyer.
Work 313 days in the year and
at the end of that time see if you
hare cleared np and laid by enough
to pay your taxes and have enough
left to get yourself nd family a
decent suit of clothes, khen think
of the public expenditures in every
branch of government, (ronv mu
nicipality, county, state and nation
and of the high salaries and high
living of all grades of official life
from the president down to the
coroner, and then. throw this paper
aside as a calamity howling popu-J
lisuc sneet lor teirrag jrqs so. Do
this and your over-worked wife
and children mutt bless you for' It
Do this, Sir, and then please go
before jour mirror, and look in,
and the sight you will behold
ought to convince yoa that all the
asses and fools in the world are
not yet dfc&d. Like the lamb, lick
the" hand that smites you. Bear
your back to the partylash, and
say "(iod'sav he Queen with
very blow.Pay your faxes, vote er
straight and kick the Broad-Axe,
role for expansion, vote for whip,
ping the world, keep np tho war.
War is nothing. It only costs the
good red blood of our youth and
plenty '6f money. .War. mokes
heroes. War made Alexander,
Napoleon, Nelsop, Grant, .Dewey
war rooants the shoulders of many
of our ambitious people with the
gorgeous show of military prowess,
war has developed a Cromwell, and
beheaded a king of Britain war
may develop another Cromwell
even in America, and whom he
might behead wt know not. Slay
with it our imperialistic kicker,
and if you are so bfihd a not to
see it, your children may live to
see it, Oht do kick our paper for
telling you so but pay your taxes
and vote for your party.- Inde
pendence in politics is a diagtacc
yoa know.
When a person borrows national
bank notes, he promises to pay
interest on another fellow's 'prom
he ti pny money.
Hermann Hotshot v,
..'., May 21, 1800.
V)' tit's logging camp - starts up
tomorrow. He expects to run two
teams and two' sots of hands.
Who ia Mrs Mary SwabT . Ther
is a letter in the nermann post-
office' addressed to1 "Mrs Marv
Swab, Helnman, Oregon. There,
is no such oflice in Oregon,
There isV great scarcity of
change In this section of Uie coun-
Wonder if some of out gold
r - f
nd a rd ' friends don t- begin to .
think it would be a good thing tol
have a liUM more of that debased
silver coined? -
A Mr Rogers from somewhere
near Lorane who bought the Jim
Cohen place here, was iu last week
to look at hi purchase. He also
took a look at several other places
in the interest of other parties who
wish to locate here.
Andrew Gibson had a little cx
citsment with a bear a few days
ago. Ho caught one in a cribtrap
andj thought it would be a good'
ehanoe to train his doga. He shot
it through both front feet andjuw
and then opened the door to let the
dog do tho rest. As, soon as the
sear saw the open door, sip, theie
waa a black streak of bear and dogs
going t the liottom of the canyon;
there tha bear stopped long enough
to knock out one of the dogu.
Andrew waa making tracks , that
way as fast as be could with his
last cartridje1u his gW He soon
saw his bear climbing a big logon
the other sido of the canyon and
knowing if was hia last shot he
waited for a'good chance and mar).
ag-d to fetch- him. He , says next
time he breaks a bear's log he'll
kill it fin,".. . ,t
rrank and Smith Taylor wha
are in Company C, Second Oregon
volunteers in the Philippines, have
sent their mother,' Mrs J L Taylor,
of this place, relies and curiositiea
enough to stock a small - museum.
Among them are two Mauser cart
ridge, a nail from the flagship of
the Spanish squadron,, sunk in
Manila bay,- fourteen different
pieces of money, a bronie plate
containing tie Spanish coat-of-arma,
somo smokeless pwdefome
poroeUiu spoons, the bottom of
which are shaptd like the bottom of
a saucer, some shells and seeds in
describable and almost innumer
able. . A letter from O S Phelps of
the same eorasiny who has been
sick for soma time and who has
lately been suffering from a stroke
of paralysis, says hs is improving
and hopes ta be able to come home
with the regiment but when will
that be T '
Thero hts probably been more
chlttim bark peeled on Indian creek
than any where else on tho - Pacific
coast, and to those who have re
duced the; business to a sience,
some of P. Fnnk dr Son's instruc
tions cause something of . j fpiU
First one prrt'on can scrape f be
moss "off t f ,more bark, after ' it is
peeled thrift three can before it is
peeled. Then dont be afraid to
handle your bark get it out to dry
just as soon at yoa can; letting it
lay for some time after peeling, as
they recommend that will color it.
Dry It in fte suh just as quick aa
yoa can ; bang it on tho fence, over
the clothesline or polos anywhere
to get the full heat of the sun; but
be sure to hang it. so the inside of
the bark is underneath and will not
be exposed to the dew or rain. It
is moisture and slow drying that
colors it hot the son. Bark dried
ia this way retains much more sub
stance, if heavier after it is thor
oughly dry, t nan' if dried' In the
shade. 4 know, for I nave peeled
tons and tons. . One reascn is, I
built sheds to dry it In only to find
that they were a damage. Twelve
year's experience peeling will ex
plode all of that shade theory
about drying.
We are told that the caucus
ommittee of the national house of
representatives have agreed upon a
finance bill, but are keeping it a
profound secret until it is submit
ted to the members of the senate
who art to oonfer with them. Is it
a fact that the people are not to be
trusted with a knowledge of what
their servants are doing for them?
Our cOrrenpondcnt oino
knottv questions along with ' his
vsry interesting items, which the
liroad-Axe will not attempt to an
swer. Our correspondent will '
(Jesse remember that it is a grent
deal easier to ask questions touch,
ins the doing oi this administra
tion than it is to answer. heci
ally is this no regarding the doings
of the EAldbug hankers. We are
gill, b'uvvr, to know that
people, of whom our rnrrrioiidoiil
is one, are looking iulo llu'se things.
It ia s hopeful Mgn. Another thing
wt will sa v here, and that in, if our
scribe at Hermann don't gef his
scalp taken by tlmt man who had
that scrap with that bear, or by
that old tentlcnian who luxl that
tuoale with that old now which he
tied to hia hoiv'a tail a fow weeks
ago, we thai!' Ui relieved f much
aoxk'ty on his account: That's all.
-Ed. .. ' , .
II. C. lYrahia" Letter.
Grants Pass, May 20, ISM.
Editor llroad-Ase:
Traveling around through south
ern Oregon and .northern California
continually as I am iit connection
with my profession I have a
splendid opportunity to study the
boundlcas resources of this favored
locality and observe nature in her
multifarious and endless forms and
while going from ono locality to
another and parsing over precipi
tous and towering pine clad moun
tains and descending into deep and
'""SB! gorges traversed by treiuh
ereus and ' impetuoua mountain
streams resonant with rebounding
cataracts I often loose niyct'lf in
the "continuous woods" iu jensive
thought and stop to commune with
nature in hr various inanifcta
tior.s and lorget the devious ways
of man. My pantheistic) views
ImJ me to believe that the study
of nature is the true and only way
to commune with and to worship
God. He "glows in tho stars,
blossoms in the tries," blushes in
the rosebud, sparkles in the dew
drop, flashes in the lightening,
peals in the thunder, - murmurs iu
the brooklet, sigh in the sephyr,
roars in the cataract, tints the ruin
bow and enchants the silent glen
with all theso tokcrtl of his handi
work in the material world. Why
should we look to graceless lealots
(or modes of faith so long aa w
know our liyea sre ia the right?
We should so live and ait our
part thai w hen the call is sounded
lor our Ueiariuro tiiut we can
approach the great destroyer death
with an abiding LiiUi that wo hall
receive our just deserts. When on
a trip recently to the coast 1 stood
on the promdlHory near Crescent
City, the burial place of the victims
of the illfated steamship Brother
Jonathan, and pensively, gated out
on that boundless ocean swelling
in alii majesty and power, and
thoughts of friends and loved ones
on the opposite shore ten thousand
miles away fighting to defvud their
country's flag, I was painlully re
minded of the iui potency of man as
compared to the elements. All
inordinate and selfish desires died
within me aa I thought of that
fatal day in July 31 year ago,
when 221 human beings were cast
upon thTmerciless waves to perish
and sink down to fathomless depths
to rest on mossy beds of coral and
become the food of devouring
worms and fishes.
a.. - J
Mirth XeaatgA.
May 20, '9.
Our mail service is now in
creased to twice a week. The first
trip today will be carried by some
one employed by Mr. Kli Bangs.
No drouth in this vicinity yet,
and bat few warm days. Health
Our school is being tanght by
Mrs. Taylor-Vineent, ,of near
Mr. Prathcr has just finished
shearing his sheep.
Mr. Editor I want to enter
what I consider a grave " charge
against the county assessor. He
assessed my improvements at t!t0,
and my land, (which is fall land)
at a little over two dollars per
acre, and the same kind of R. R.
land at from 60 to C2J cents ter
acre.. . '
It seems to me that if I pay
tax on my improvements, I should
only pay what the raw land is
worth aa land tax. But I feel
safe in saying that with few ex
ceptions, our county officials will
favor the rich, and let the poor pay
the'freight. He could swear that a
certain piece of property was worth
only $4000, when it was worth
$6000, but if I were to do such
a thing, I would bo in tht pen in
a short lime, and be considered
one of the meanest men in the
Wo begin to hear of some one
in Fugcne who killed their baby.
bnp piiouiu do hung tho same as
Rranton. The scaffold should have
been lot alone for future use.
Mr. Ed. when f e cherries are
ripe como over a nl sample them
I and we wilt have
some cherry
Qcto Ni 0.
N. Ed.
j pie.
It a go l!rcr.-f
Oak Hill IlcniH.
May 17. IfW
Miss Bertha Fields United her
parents at Fern Itidgo Sunday.
Johnnie Powell Is visiting at
Mctyrnack Corner.
Mr Bower's children are suffering
with the mumps, '
Mr and Mrs O W Powell, sr,
spent Surday at H Kompp's.
Mr Trsxler ami family spent
Sunday visiting at Mr Lucas',
Quite a number of our pevpls
went to Eugene Friday, May l'-'th.
A nice drove of sheep in feeding
on the McKall farm now. It is
supposed Mr McKall has bought
Chas Powell snd family Wt Sun
day morning for Iebnnoii where
they will visit relatives a week
or so.
Clms Koinj.p and Gilliam Kitcli
eh made a business trip to J W
Neet's Monday evening.
Mr John Portor of MwHt Home
waa visiting relative here laat
Misses Edith and Elsie Haggnrd
and Cynthia Noel will leave for
Fall Creik tomorrow where they
will spend a d.iy or so.
llev Abbett preached a good scr
oti at Fir Hutte Suiulny and will
preach there again the fourth Sun
day in June.
M,rs Klla Kompp wh has been
visiting her parents11 in Marion
county has returned home,
health is slightly improved.
- Our school ma'am, Miaa llonien
way, got thrown from her horso
while going to school yesterday
morning but not hurt toriouply.
Mr Roy Hills of Eugono was a
I guest at J W .Neet's last Sunday,
j He sure and take tho right road
next time Uoy.
' R.v Kylo of Salem will preach
at the Fir Hutte school honae on the
levrn,g vt UlB n7tb lnil MlJ t ,he
Oak Hill school house on the 2Mb
at 11 a. in. " Samiu. .
Letter From Lone Rock.
' May 14, IS99.
Editor Broad-Axe: '
I notice the ''blue X" on the
wrapper of my last paper. You
will find enclosed a depreciated
silver dollar for which you may
send me the Broad-A is a year. I
need it in my business.
Sheepsheanng is in full progress
here now. Yearlings are selling
for $2 with a 10 percent cut This
does not include fleece. .
The weather here at pfesent is
cold and windy, with squall ol
snow. Tlrj hiTl tops are white this
Every thing in the gsrden line is
late. Indications are that the
fruit is all killed. Grain shows the
effect of the oold weather.
Sheep are shearing light.. Good
yearlings only shear six to seven
pounds. There Is no sale for wool,
and tariff men are looking rather
blue. They all complain- about
the price of barbed wire which sells
for four cents since the combine.
Send me the Axe. II G Havu.
Mr Hayes' letter has a healthy
ring. We wish others were as
prompt as Mr Hayes. He ie wise
and understands what his business
demands the Broad-Axe and it
shall be sent along. We invite Mr
Haves to a nook lit our correspond-
ent a corner.
.Where the carcaa is there also
may the vultures be found,-so also
do tho treasury looters gather about
where the people's money is kopt.
By what right did the county
court divide up the $250 reward
offered for the arrest of uranton i
it did, allowing the deputy, Day,
$150 of tho roward, when the
county already had him hired by
the month to do just such jrbs as
arresting law-breakers?
We notice Commissioner Bailey
swiped in the nice little snra of $48
for his last month's sorvloo. This
would bo for 10 days rcrvice last
month. What was he doing?
Where's the result of his work?
Perhaps he charges the county for
the time he takes up before his
glaxs in training those Pcffers-lika
whiskers of his.
S. It. Friendly has stood the
test in Eugcno for a niturUr of
a century and he has proven to
be one of the best men f r the
farmers extanR ' He buys your
wheat, oats hops, wool, chitlini
hark,' ami always rays the top
price. Ste him before dealing
IUhiblrr I'no. ,
' We will have the Rambler and
Ideal club run to Junction Hun
day May 28th providing it does
not rain. We still intend to have
the free dinner, baseball game ele.
The Rambler base-hull team will
play the Junction team In the
afternoon. The start will be made
from our store at 9:30 a. m.
Matmx k A McClaxabmk. -
, Mlftffllanroaa,
J. C. Jenlngs of Irving was in
the city Monday.
We notice J. It. Hill of Junction,
a.. . t tfcaa
about lue courthouse Monday.
Gowgo Smi'h of Coburg waa in
Eugene Suturday and like sensible
business man subscribed for the '
Aae, George con hew now,
Sheriff Withers and deputise are
out in the Northern part of tho
county serving papers on parties
preparatory to the Juno term of
circuit court which will ovovttie
the 20th of June.
Business at tha Eugene creamery
is legliiing to look up. We notice
milk wagons coming in from tha.
farms in all directions laden with .
milk. This industry should be
Sin Diego, May 10. Special to
the Tribune from Ash Fork, Ariao
na. revs the business portion of
Jerome, Arisona, a city of 35,000
inhabitants, was entirely wiped owt
by fire today.
The Steamboat City of Eugene
on her last trip up last Salorday
ji st 'below tlie mouth of Mcken
tie broke her capctnn in trying to
line over a rune, ami nau to uia
charge her cargo at Harrisburg.
She went on to Portland today
where she will get a new capstan,
and return with a full load. This
accident will . account for the
failure of tha, bunt excursion
Sunday. .
Our war howling proclivities ex
tsnd only to subduing the Filipinos
and then recognising titoir inds-
emlence making a treaty guaran
teeing such indepndetrce from in
terfcrence by other iMtiona, and
securing eu:h commercial advan
tage aa our intercuts demand atd
a full indemnity for what we paid
Spain for the Islands toawthor with
the cost of tho war. This is tho
extent of oar patriotism in that
relation. If this be treason, Oft ye
exiwmiionist, make tho most of it
and gird on your aocuotermenta and
hie yourself to the front, and ttasa
standing back and clapping your
bands and crying "sick em."
When our patrons, come in town
for anything they may have
noticed advertised in the Axe.
do not fail to call en tho proper
parties for it and you wont -arise
It. The man who advertise in
tho paper that circulate In the
country wants your patronage.
But the man who adverUsee only
in tho Daily or course only ex
peels tho patronage of town'e peo
ple as tho Daily only circulates
in the town. Go to tboee who
you see advertise in the Axe for
what you want and tell them you
saw their ad. in our paper, and
this will Insure good treatment.
for no fakir or hidebound skin
flint ever appears In oar paper.
Thia paper Is not built that way.
City Coaaellf.
City councils ore sometimes like
juries, of which it has often been
said: "God alone knows what they
will do." They too, are often like
other corporations, destitute of
souls; and are equally destitute, of
any sense, of justice and being
"Kobed In a little brief authority
plays such fantastio trlvkf before
high heaven, as make the angels
Will oar city council make the
application? If it can not do this,
ask the widow Hnddleson, Peter
Johnson, Ssm Jackson and other
on Eighth street and the people
fronting the county road 4 leading,
out to the Blair place and they can
make the application from tore ex
perience. But lest they should not
make the matter clear, just consult
old men and women, children and
strangers who do not give the side
walk to bicyclists and thoy will
explain the matter clearly.
A man may bo born a poet but
no man is born .a tramp. The
tramp is a child cf society, the vie
tltn of cruel conditions imposed
upon him by social robbtra. We
make laws to punish th tramp but
we never puni-h the tramp-maker.
iet the ray will como when !ulor
will rise in its might and hold the
tnunp-inster rejnnlble for tho
tiAiup and punish liitu accoidingly