THE DROAD'AXE.J rtlalaa salve l lata paae will oao kaooaaaaplla. How. fntU tarOMt m till papa will imbliab lal lriia i m at ,. nut BimlllL tfcO U1M a rkatMiMl lot ImmaJ pot lll.t 4nniMHiw. F02 CIGARS aa TOBjSlCCO Julius Goldsmith ana Junotlaa. Orgn. X A Blue Mark Denote UmI your sulMK-riif tion baa eipiml. Watrb for a Mut oppomto your name on the wr. XOTIS. "Til data niHiiiila ymir mime on tha Ax r ii;iiifit. (he time firr which yoj havw iaid. tOMlt'XICATIUXN. Write us ahurtf newsy item nt your res MH'tive url(hlMirhCTU. All coin lnui ionium (or tii Jlrund-Ase should riwJi by Thuraday. No cowatiinit-alions ixiMlhl un less aet-Omjisnied by writer's name. Not tienrv for uhli ration w wut to know who. n. Local Lines. i ilk7clAlifTtU..7)t Malkxkdr MeClanalianV Fly hooks .Sc 4 dotcu afMallock A McClanahan's. Brat plow an erth The OUtrer. T L. OajAvtBias haa them. IlHng yoar chtttem bark to t)ie Ilarket Wore. Wood wanted at the Eugene I'huto SrHudrn. - ' I'itta Orchard cultivators Rood ltd low -nets al V. L Ciianhkbs. Hfray your tree and you can ht9 f xxl apples and good price, lean Hpray raip ma Ires light work tbeu at F. I Cmambkhm. Racket Store tnli all your -)iittem bark, rrsd our instruction in this jwtjxr (or tiding and drying. 8iray material all ready mixed at low prior at '. L. CrtAbuiAM, Editor Morebrad waa a pleasant caller at this oflice Monday. See the aunouiicenieut of A. V. Tetera special aale in this issue. Home grrat bargains are offerd in thia sare. Sunday waa an ideal May-day calm clear and acre ne Monday it rained down in a gratia mist. tleo H. Prater, the foakdryman, liad tb misfortune today ta have the firtt joint on the first and second finger of the right hand mashed and the bouts broken. . Ir I W llama went tn Cuttace Irtvre Hatuiday in answer to a telephone menage saying that hia aister Mr l U iUughraan waa badly injured by being thrown front norae. HheriffKL Matlock of ltrftner, .-uorrow county I reey ill at hia home in that city ami letter nay . . . . a. - . ne cannot live to exceed a week. He ie a liana otrttnty boy being a brother of Hon J D Matlock. Klmar Roberta who was reocntly wouudad in aha Fillpine war wriUa to Lia pareuta in Eugene, of dale April 27, that he wai ahot whila lying down, the ball rntering the right breaat and coming out between the two lower j riba on - the aame ride, and that he I waa nearly well. , ' Talking with Mr Ed Whitney of Eugene yeaterday who haa a brother in Co C 2nd Oregon (n Filipino, who aaid hia brother waa all right and in gootV fcealth but wearery anxloua to return.. Mr Whitney feel indignant at tha ad niimStration for holding the Ore gon troop for enrice . for which they did not enlist, and aaya it i nil bosh about the troop not want ing to oome home until auch time aa Alger and McKinler aee fit to let them oome, Mr Whitney and arery one having ftiands In Fili pino w hire heard eipren them aoWea pay that wanting to eome homa ia tha burden of th letter reoulred hrre. . iohn P Callawaf had tha mis fortune to get a span rt horses drowned -in the mill rax above Falrmount Monday. Jt appears h waa attempting to croaa the airawm and tha ttam attemptlmg turn around got into deep water and drowneil, Callaway aavlnj hlraecK, by swimming mhore. A . t f a a . . third nore wad tiod to the nind art of the wagon by a roj-e, which broke and freed tlt creature wl;i -h swam horc. Tka War. After a sort, w hare tried to keep our readers poatad aa to the war in Filipino allien ha been in nrogresa now ainca the 4th day of February; and now at thia writing we are lad ot announce that peace ia in a .fair way of son aumatlotu Tlit Filipinos, aa every body ktiewliave been lieaten. The reault from th preaant outlook ia the complete subjection of Insur gent and their aubmlaalon to rurh forms of gowrtiment aa the administration may dictate, which in all reapecta will b similar to .hat which haa obtainrd for a hundred year in regard t our territories in the United Plate. Whether tha arrangement will be permanent wilt depend ujon Congress. The Incident of th war in which we have Ixcn engaged since the outhrenlt but a short year since may tver be written... Its general result have amased the werld. Have ntiiWu-il ourwlves, Tiie achievements of our navy will msko the imtiojs ot the world resptN-t and fear us. The valor f our soldier on land under any and all circumstance, place u at tlio ld of every modern nation vn earth for all that ia required for an invincible army. We hope aod pray that whit winged j-ao may again over spread the land and that our soldier citizens who have survived may hastily return to their home and friends and lay down their anua never again to pick theta Up, and to resume their wonted places in our goodly land. These I can offord to rest. We wirh to inform subucriber to -the Record thai we regret in some inula nevs they have failed to receive the Uroad Ax a per our agreement to furnish it in plaoe of the Kccord. This has Iwa in con- seipienc of confusion in trans ferring names etc, and in no instance has been intentional. We Mill gladly correct the matter when informed. Another thing we wish toatate that we do not lend out papers to any after the e firation of their subscription With any view of running a bill on any one. So if you get a apcr from this office which is not paid for by yon, it ha en ordered and paid for by a friend, or is sent to you as a sample copy and aa aa in vitation to subscribe. From authentic accounts the recent case of ed action and child murder in Eugene ia not the only case of seduction, and Consequent child birth that haa happened lately in Eugene the difference being that in the latter case the girl went abroad to be confined, and when well enough to retnrn home did so bringing her babe home with the true affection of a moth;. Th libertines who ac complished the ruin ot thoa girl escaping however. A Salem boy, writing of Chap lsin Wm. 8. Gilbert, of the seoond Oregons, tells of hts Work during Dailies in a way that leaves no wonderment at his Unquestioned popularity with tbe rank and fil. The writer states that the hap lain carried water to our boya in tin trenchee, and was Constantly exposed to tho burning sun and the ballet of tha Insurgent At one time when it seemed im- possible to secur water he found an old well, and - going to tha bottom stood in water waist deep for several hours, handing' ap the liquid by use of bucket and a long role. Ilia actions sak for themselves, and he ts th favorite of th entire regiment. Cobarf Sawmill Learnt The Booth Keller Lumber Com pany Saturday closed up the lease of the Ooburg sawmill owned by I C Goodale for the terra of twelve months with tha option of pur chasing the same at any time, at an agreed prioe, during th life of th leaso. This nropertv i a valuable one on account of it adaptability tor holding logs safely during the winter months. It i estimated that with a moderata expense, 10.000.000 feet can be stowed in the pond. Tiie Uooth-Xtlly Company take possession of the mill June 1st, and will immediately operate the pres ent mill to ita greatest capacity. In the meantime they will purchase new motive power, and all otbsf machinery necessary to do first clasa and rapid work. Logging contract will be let at once. . In a few day we hope to be able to chronicle more enterprise of the company, It ia a groat thing that nieli representing to much otpiul have Lx.UJ in Lane wuuiity. QPRINQ AND SUMMER DALE AT JL "V PETERS Will begin on" May 10. 1899. Owing to the htsnsasof th season, I have dide4 to make a Special Hale of my entire stock of good. Hpac will not permit to quote price on very article, but fllomiog are a few to give you an ide of what you can sav: 1 l4iV mud M Uawa' Shoe- failles S 00 rHttred to 17.4.1 Latilae 2 ao redaee to I tT Ladlas 00 redasedta ' LMtle I SO raJuced to l.r. MlasM l 7 reauowl l f 1. 41 MI-ms t 4 rlM! q 115 Mlseas lralu.Jta ...... 1 01 Men and Boy Shows, I2.M sssa'e shuaa at 1. 00 man' sliaea at 1.6 men's stmrs at t.JS asa's strs st 1.73 boy tboes at IM tray's sl.ues at- X lira l.ea l. an let I 45 i.n Men's and Box's Clothlns. atsn's sll Ill, now fM Mens all wool, blask, r( 10. now Hens all wool, fray and browo, reg. IS 00 new - - A.2S Men's miied gray ana Ttrowa reg IS.00 aow ... afi Bovs all wool brewa reg r.M aow i-26 Isoya ralsad brown sx IS SO, wo I N Dress (!oods, Silks, CotmU, Glove, arui Motions; alo 8wie, Dime tie, White Good, Gingham, Parcai, Calico, cto, are included ia thia A V PETERS EUGENE. OREGON. 8a ens. la th (Ireult rrt ut tfcc st.u of Ongon, lot llMiConnly IUtm. MdlnS BSIrtrkljul, l-UiaU; rxtt A SUiHImmI, To SVIIi A BtrtrkUnd, o(ro1Dt aboT I ma sAMc ormit stati or oaroos mi rm hmhy rriir ta mfrr la tb iworalltlxl nnirt aiwt mwrrlh raaiplalnl aa or iKrv in I. I oajr rl tha Uom nrrlM la IU ordrr Mr rnUlra Uau of UiiiuaoMt. ohlr arrtaa nt Uara otna aotka fraw aala of Srat pubUraUuu ol IhW tulaiaona. MM Im daaf auMlralloa ho lai tha ink aa al Ma. It aa lb. da o( Suallrallan balaa b llal daj of Jun. law: and yua arau4lSad iballf fau fall la au apprar and aiiovrr amid euaaalalni tba plalau aa ill aaHr a aaidoaort lor lb nlw p)aJ tot la aaid raaaHatnl, In-wU Ttlot In Marr1a VODUwt nom ailailnt IMni ptainOa and oHaadanl ha loravar diaaolvad and tbat alain. U bav dacraa of dltorea and fu th. r.r. mnti tualadr nf oatd ailaor rblldraa, to all Krrd SiHrklaad, t an Btrltklaod aud Kah' llfflrk biad, and ub vtb roUaf aa la auiiaMa aa Tm nnmn ta thSnr1 ,y ceW ot Una K rttvr. r.ant lutlo nl lin. muhi rB, dated al i.u(ua Uia 4tb daj nf Mar, lot. t. i.. i r. o, Allaraar lor taiail'. Mony to patent food idea may be secured by our aid, address the 'Talent Kuoord," Baltimore, Md. CHITTIM BARK. VT. Bandera want 60 TONS ot CHITTIM DARK immediately and will pay Ue highest price in cash for same at hia store on Wil lamette street, Eugene, Oregon. "vt or Ohio, City ar Tolido,) Lt'CAS Coi-ktv. f " raK J. Chsmkv make oath that lie ia the seaior partnat of the firm of V. , Otisiv A Co., dolii- bnainsss in tha City of Toledo, County and State afore said, and that said Sera will par tt sum of ONK 1IITM)KED DOLLARS lor each and everv caaa of f 'a tank n,.t eanaot be cured by tire use of HtLt't I ata a it tea. FRAKK 1. ClltNEY. Sworn to before me, and abcribd In my presence, this 61 U day of Decem ber, A. D. 1IH8. tt A. W, OLKA80K, Kotary Tullc. Hall's CsUrrb Car Is taken IntarwalW and acta directly oa tha blood and tndroua surfaces ot th system, 8end tor test iroonials, frets - J. CHENEY A CO., Toldo,'o. old by Prtts-ghtte, T3c - Hall' Family Pills are the bear. WANTED-AN IDFA? $40- Cash -$40' lor tho boajt vhool oyer bttllt 1899 Kent to the "RambWr" In quality and prioe U the ' "Ideal" Vittod Avitli & Ac J Wive FRED T. MERRILL OYCLE CO loa-lOrlOtMlll etUA St ltrtlaAt1, Ottfg I 1 .,-. . I - Matlook & McO lar'aLan Rolmlring, Sundries, etc ' Next door to Fisher & Watkin's Eugene, Orec&n Latlles UacUrwe Our 60 c4 savaleas, ao IS raota. Uar ZS cant wow IS caota Our at cant sisaosias, aaa II raata . Oar IS rant sleeveless, aw lOcetita Oar M vent, lavs, mow M cent Our SO era I, alser, aow St cant Our!Snt,Jaaiwa, now Iteeat Gemta' Uaidarwar- Mea'saOoaatrlbtwIaaw - - - 41 MSB's 60 ceat albrlacsn wow - - 41 Msn's 4 cant ribbed, now 31 Mea's 4cot Marlao, aow - - - - 21 Msa's n aenl Mariao, now .... 19 Xdl Skirt Walata. Wblt fkiu, resolsr 1,0 aow 11.20 Wliil Iudlsn linen reg tt.M bow 1.24 White Indian Liaoa re II.M bow l.Oi Black A blue pereals reg 12J now 1.04 AaaoHaa colons' regular h$ eta now .41 Chnrwh Jtotle. rifwt Ortriatttna Ookh-oIa WaaYas b Bfws, ttmt. rvosehto fTj Snadar al 11 a. M. aod ?: P. oi. sabOoy Stboal S. a. av ; a alar So- rtetrof hrtMlan BdaaTot, t. T.MC.I It. MMrksarTM.Tbandar.T:3S. To publllc cordially taTlto lo Ulead oar ornrteo. AU oraU Ira. To rkarck U ponod by Toluuiory c trlbudrnn. -. 1. Chnroh. nrarhln( al tha CaatborUa frMhrtoriaa rbarrh Son, cecoad ood UIH Sobbotb. la OOrb rnuBU. Ht C A WosUr. actlas aoor. Yo or oofllallT laWaj ta taaaa arrrlaaa. NOTICE. W ar now pntparrd I Sll all ardors w Job wori or arary nrampUon at aj low rata aa raa b done la th rtt. W Kara aaw Ibla ar. raogomant to rooal an aliao.1 daily applltalloa by otir patrou. for a ark of Ibt oort. Itrrnftw apply al thU ode wtib root ordr aa wa waiaaretlia aam Sllod with Brain, la potch aod al rooaonafc urma. Land for Oalo. 32? acres of Timber Land for sale. Situated five miles west of Llmira, on th Long' Tom river and twenty mile from Eugen, Oregon. . Will be sold on reason able term. For further information enquire of James Houig, of Eugene. . ft Aa rr ..'i)Di, Cheap land for sale three mil from Kugtne, Eneuire at this office. Notlci ! Ibe 1ubiie; E J McClanahan authorise us lo say that he will pay for the nett ten day a $4 per dosen for chickens. WHEN YOU Dead of av km , rropnotarT tt ad laa. raaey TallM rtrlaa. Hoopa. Brwok pJOMlrK Juet aaytbirgk t ia a . .i.t llaaa WANT - Xkfltorrw - oa Denr aorta al oka HtW Batik, tr. tU Wlllamotaa Sto. aaWrrUp'i en-oi itTtlr. fS11y ra pound at KB) knot o tb da) ot kt(hl. - Fitted wltl special Hur trtii tili Tires V? . Btaaarot PROFtaIONlL C1RDH: p m. smirwaava. . ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Will trnbrtia ia aft tW rawrt of lb flat. sr)K8, aaiao. BItIRt ATTORKEY AT LAW. OfcVa Over First SaUawal aak. st ens, aaadvoa. Hti aiv w. TBoarao caaa a. aaanT rjwssrwar. a ssaawv ATT0RSEY8-AT-I.AV. OAes-4a Flrat VatWnal Baadt Btdg. Praetic ia all Uk eawrts. r. wwwcarTa ATTORNEY AT-LAW, Ofiro Owa-balf Block aowth wf Cart maa 61k. ' wcsjaTe omsi v ATTORNEYS-AT-I.AW. Boom I oo s-Ckrbnaaa Soock ci-osMK, imrooa. j:a. . wwsittta ATTOBREY k COUSSELOK-AT-lJtW WI1I arortle la all tb eoorta sftaa So oat Jadlrtal Matiirl and la lb Sot'Soioa Coon at tba nolo, aporlot ottcatloa ta ta.-. Uoaa aa aMtbora la arikaw b. a. avwaaia ATTORNEY. ATLAW. Otfica Orr Laa Coturtj Bsak. Kl'GKKC, OBEOOa. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. S doora waat of Lama Ceaaty Baak up ivair. jcwi j j waltosj a AtaacLBT YyAE.TW.4 a BSAatKLBT ATTOKNEY8-AT-LAW Will Brwctlo ia all live cowrt of tb tale. F.rocxc Oata. QR. E.D.McKSNNEY Glee stelal altention to all specific and chronic diasaaas. a. Orrtc in Room No 1 awd 2, orsr Lana Coonty Baak. Ectiajia, Oataox. jj c. arasLEEsr, at. at. dfltwaio-McMlleal Pltarsi. elam amd Sovrr;oa. , OtSro Skalioa BUt. . Ooar fkr. iBacoaaj Oroooo. fja a L. WkLXXVOHBY Dentist, Xugeue Orrgon. Office Otae MeClanga stare. Tho . Eighth Bimt Oooptr to taakts a N's. t ratUb kot tor rtittlnf ait. any or aboai oau: eorrou, baau or otbor ooaaublo far atork. noa taao St oVt ot yoar Mat tor mm, bat boy Slat R for a d biarbtn ao kp tb aa I auk a. all kladaeT Cooporwara oiooarark Woablag Mi iaa otbor tbl Woablaa Marar n auayatbor tblSSai tos all MaaaMSa rut(. A Wark WarrVteHl last Klctrt ttrwat lfrtt r work 1 Iraa rouadry oiiaaaaaiLBaawuaauia E ,PACIFICR.n. R0 ft w Pullman Blecptna Cars Elegant Tourist Dining Gars St. Paul . Mtnnaapoits Duluth rargo Grand rdrka Crookaton Wlnnlpaaj Helena and Butte). TO ThrdUtrh Tickets to Chicago s Washington Philadelphia New York Boaton and all , folnta Eaat and 8outh. rot tnSaia.ttna tiata OaMta bMLa aa n.aan salt aa at onto n. mcmUrphiy O aural Aat, liia. Oaor-batboa (Ucl. oa , A. D. CHARLTON tit. Oral, raw ArfUt. . Mi'i.r. tt Car. I-f! 8 n 5 it.. ritua ei.tioi. i Instrtictionc for IPcclirio i and IDryinfl r rVaanwaVMrfAWrW saatra. tSsst Ska tark ? boory. inkkykaat wrM a Wknfki Dry SW bar la mm rt. tVi at aaaaW wstutMiSMSoUSbttrk. liUaaMira)kkoitt WkaaTMaaBttaf rrtfiolaaiai. MMMUpl oot. Iwy n ootua oad rMaa Hl.k lata araaH pioxra aa U raa bo wall a bars fro from anaat oa woo ood otaor fctad ml hark. oort od ba boafbt. II win W eanrlaUy laapm by , SS 1 Saga aaagas Ibal kaB to loayaatalkaowwrfctAliat-elaaafcartl. WoraaS Ibaawaftt. aooraa bar al too Soak at Mm aatU a I taaroashJy dry. Brook lb kotrll ap Da aot kara taa aark aita la aop or laolaa ap; taa bar oar IBs Wot lot It a p too otilpa loo rail a poo. P Frank Knrrone, Those who have soon our Elegant stock of ta-loOoa?KmWlo f Pronotmc It the Larreat and Uoat Ireantlful eret ahown ia Lane oounty. A carefully elected stock and STRICTLY TIP TO DATE! Call THE OVERTON 'Vei a, XSifflttlk Street, Hatioreiitoa, J R SLOAN One DeorWcntof Lanes Hall on West Elcchth Gtreet Ht opatiad b tiunttare itoet and ofara lor aals Raatle KockVag Cbatta, Veateff Tables and Flawwr Itaads, aad Will aaeltatajra Uta sakaa at Baost raaaeriabra fata for farsa praaat-a. If haa a aaw deaartar ia Xaatse work that asaat be eaaa ta ba appreciated. KHr9 km a rail ak rWOk kis rao aae, ISB-M. :v The Griffin Hardware Co t Have the wagon you want the new STOUGHTON GRITFIN HARDWARE CO. iialsaatt. GO TO OOOKIE tifvwaaltM aVi cWraiHa saaw nraomra, t irr okaiMrkxa oWrca Xatc kraar. EUGENE Loin asd Sivdjqs Baxi. r Ktarcc imimn. tztti, pli t), $U,00Q. W ttOWft 'restderrt, a. D. WAtW.Vlaarrraaraant i.w oeswaN. CasKUe W W srOwa Aett oaeksae zsixuscrrozusi w, asavtw, B. a. KtSS, a. a. tAiaa. r t. Boatawa, w, a. BSewa. I. . Baaata A I Baahlaa Baataoae Traat4 ) I'atsrtkM Tstssi Mratta Uaaod on MmmI atHa. to t.k-k ftoboii aloa TCbaaa raroJoBod arallaaia Bk a forrlrS roantrtr. rwtorart MM oo Hon fiolla. tfvr. ioaciiuasal m jrviuoa S oWrTAW. Tklsa 1 tas hart Sat taroroj asaoa saaj aMltAjat raa aa wM tows IS wta otraa wfcaa Wraaa. Cat lb barb at laost Was. SW aak oabMBOt ta asaat qfc araaa aaa-aaM bS It will got ast M aa wo. lorba wlda. rati & Son Oregon. . At.,' aa aa N. LEADING PAINT AND WALLPAPER MAK. LOOK HE2Xel2 If" Toawa II Taawa Taa waat yaat Waatk Ctaaaa. Toa oul not Woo) BooolMd. Toa waat a Ha I Sot Tbooooa k-Ba Toa,M,wanl GoTufao Mliat Ptal woo ana aaotaooa JOE LUCIotrH Ut tkataata. llUtT. Ho! Everyone t Who Eata . ataas atattaa, rWaaraaaaaaar arfcttaai aaw Ms a rist aaaoa Batoa aaa f aar aa tha Ckoaaat v wava stoa rat Cast ta Bait. Ctall at tAV a a BBaa attataat. ail! teuton. tS-M JOEL WARD 1. 1. ccr-:?m. ortica nt om ratXowa smadna. ttuxt, ratoot. HotBeateac! fllinga, final Prewft and Cooteaks a Speeialtjr- t9 Yaiweorteiwa la tkla Una. rwsowal tUa, Ueta ftwa ia rrary ; 4 utisfacties IWUVseat