HXE $0 $$$$$$ G $ $ $ THI I'MlfLn FAf IK. ''J THE BROADAXE,-. J ! la H (Inlrk rrf l.lnk. , I. , the broad-axb; ? i :vH r HKW TO TI1K LINK, LET TOR CHIPS FALL WUKKE THEY MA IV ..: ': ... . JVU. . - BR G MO T . - - - - L ' V ' r T. VOL. IV Philosophy and (CoNriNUH).) . Til LAW or klt'HANtuy. Tho Vital fuel to tunn U that exchange imy take place. Hi exUtrnro In organist! sooivty do jfiiU Uhii Ihi. H-lllng and ' Inlying mean lif.i. To exchange lila product in man's natural right. Man U barred ir. hi ability to enjoy Ufa in proportion to the citcul to which tli in right Id inter fered with. Tim slave who i ' bwughs and old in denied by law the right to sell and 'buy. Bawd In thi right lira the. prineipl" wl-.ii'h we call the Uw of exejiange and which tiny m stated thu: Every limn has a right to exchange . Lit product on at a tiiue. To nliiHMa that ihii Uw in not true implie that man must 1 by two or ly tlircvs, or according to) some preSvritod rule. Wire ex changes direct, that in n mailer of barter, tho priuciplo would ' he Mr If evident. Macau') if men were forced to accumulate a fixed amount Wore they were allowed l. ex change, thia would provo a hard ship, which would lie inereasej ly thu greater difticulty in finding a cuatonier for that amount. The requirement would act m i restraint upon trade. . : Now, while the uao of uionev has -.1 I . I. i . . r ha not changed tho - nature of thing", nor destroyed the principles of direct exchange. If from any caueo nur budineioi ia done in violation of the Inw of exchangee, evil nrudeault. Now it can be ahown that a scarcity of money, piece doe operate a, a prescribed rule in doing huxinctt. 'lxhok MDMr'rnm Iet ui anaume that the volume of money i large and that the piece are all ten dollar, and one hundred dollar, piece. With V . lafge volume of money prices would 1m high. Theae pieceit, however, wowld not enable a to do bunincm. Produot valued at lea than ten ' Tnllaa rotlld nnt tnnv Mtn r 11 t i . iiuinv'i mo iouud 01 uusiiicks, ii.iiiiltlo n4.i,-v J mult 17V Mil UM1UIII b1 III ieila ' dollaf Iota. Thing valued at a cent tuut be Bold in lota of one thousand ; those valued at one dol lar must be aold in, lots f ten. . This U unavoidable, beet use the money piece only represent ten or ' Lundred dollar valuea. It ia eon- . trary ia reason or experience to auppoae that all men at all limes eoald produce these accumulations. If we Imagine that men ran do business under such a strain, it ' must be under the following con ditions): With such money, incn must buy ia tun-dollar lot. Sev eral men may combine leaser values to produce the required amount in orders to sell. They must now jointly find ono man who has the ten-dollar piece, and who want that particular accumulation. Suppose the do. Now the ten- " dollar piece can be hold only by one man. His forced partners xuusl UepenU on liuu. Ho holds thw rnnney. A scarcity of money pieces does not only lump the products, but it also binds the producers. Tho . money is in too few hands. With such money eocicty must be com. posed of lords and tenants. This illustration discloses the fore and tho tendoncv of a scarcity of money pieces. It brings out the relation that exists between 1 tho Money pieces and exchanges. It shows the effect of a yiolntion of the law of exchanges. ' KCjUmMUtM IlKTWEKS MoMCY AND ' ' KXOII AN'OKS. y As exchanges are effected throuah the use of money it is evident that very exchange rixpiires the pres ence of a certain, amount of money. ii me money pieces aro comjiutcnt to represent any and all values, and are In sufftcicut number to enablo every exchangeable thing to exchange against a like value, then th. law 'of exchanges Is satisfied and there exists an equilibrium between tho number of money piooes and the number of ex changes. Ti...i .....i. -..:i:i..: 1 ... i.,..M.v..u. ciivnu.i Physics, of Money. exixt in not an axMimj tiun, though we may not he able to stati the number of "exchange. We do know that noma piece are in dlspcnsible and that there is a limit below which their number cannot fall, or no limit cxtiila; in which cane we may reduce the number to aero. Hufch a conclusion would be absurd. Oar Itnya At Xatabon. A. II. Hart ha received a copy of tho Freedom,-ofMiuiile, of Marcu 'Ji, one day lemt than a mouth in reaching hnre, in ahlch me Miiowmg iiro'ia umio i given the Oregon regimunt: lu tho buttle of Mlulxm on Saturday, March l!.r)lti, the Second On-goii rcgimnt U. H. V. t.iok un active and leading part, and dixpl.iycd courugo, valor und en- i durance of the highest ordur j For yo.tr to como th')work of ithii rvimont lit .Saturday will I lc Miinlcd out ai an example of whitt can lu achinvvd by volun teer. No veterans of Wcllinutoti or NaMksm or Li rant could h ive done butter. No one can poinibly conceive the huroic bravery of tho Second Oregon on this occasion utile ha has walked over the i i insurgunt trenched, one after another; through the thicken and jungte; over, open strctchm whore . for ''.H tr.l. ft... 1.,1-if ) i rain of bulleU; and up to the final insurgent lines which con futed really of a fort with stone lMp holes. This is not exog- geration. It ts not hl I the truth. Tho whole truth concerning the work of this regiment will not be written No oua saw it all, and deceptions of those rushes through fields where the air was fairly charged with p ulsing lead would hardly bo believed. Why was the regiment not annihilated? (tod only knows. There is an old vying that it takes a ton of lead to kill a soldier. The natives are phenomenally poor marksmen.' Thia fact and af.ivoring providenun saved the Oregons, as it did other regiments from destruction. The insurgent with repeating Mausers threw torrents of leaden hail at our lines at random some bullets must find a victim. Col. Summers shouKl bo prood of his regiment; the Eighth Army Corps should be proud of- this record; and. the rood people of the great state of Oregon can words express how they feel? People of Oregon, your sons hare this day proved thai their blood is like that shed at Thermopylae and Hunker's Hill,' the blood of heroes. Co. I in chirgo of Lieut Phil ips, is the lucky company of the regiment. Thia company fought its way to the north to a river, a, distance of nearly - two miles. It had its share of the work of the day and the only causualty was the wound received byCorp.. O&ntcnbein. The colonel compHwwtwJ th boys upon their superabundance of good luck. Young llnghea Seen. Corvallis, May 2. County Clerk Walters has received a letter which possibly throws light on the reocnt disappearance of Frank L Hughe from his home in lobster precinct. Tho Idler was written by William M Case, Chaniporg, Or, and is as follows : "A boy about 14 years old ap plied to me this morning for work. Ho said his name was Hughes. Hi two front teeth are rather wider than usual, and aro prom inent. Ho said he lived near Albany." The letter has been sent by Clerk Wattcra to tho father of the missing boy. If a servant in Germany falls sick, her mistress is not allowed to discharge her, but must pay forty seven cents a day for her hospital expenses until she is perfectly well. 1 v' ' " 10 f a m jnth with board. EUGENE, LANE COUNTY, OltE. -WEDNESDAY, MAY. 10, SHOT IN THE LEO. lie had lnld J)own lo Shoot Hheii bit by a Bullet Manila, 1. I. March 28, 18V9. Dear Mother: Today I am writing from the division hospital ward No. 2 with a wound in the leg. The Third battalion waa relieved from the waterworks and joined the rest of the regiment iu the city on the night of March 23; add camped on the txach in sight of the battleship Oregon, when on tho 2 1th o took np our march to Malaban, campibg near Cm 11 rea n nntil after dark we went and relieved the Twentieth Kansas Iruui their trenches where lor a month they had fkpt, eat and done guard duly, hvery lime a man's head got alxve the trenches tho insurgunU would tako a shot. In some places they hud thrown up intreiK hiueiitn within 200 yards of us. They kept khfoling at us all night, and eotiu times it would s-cm like they were thooting nsils, and barb ire. We knew in the morning that we were going to ad vance aiid every one was eager for the (raw Ah toon as it began to gi'l ii.tyiigtit wu tiegan pumping canubstcr and shrapnel into their trenches, when afier about an hour of heavy thooling, we got orders to advance, -and the Oregon regiment leiltx-d out of their trenches and went afy the black devils. The line was a mile long and it was a pretty sight to see the charge. Tho natives had built trenches about 3 yards behind each other clear into Malaban, ai.d they were such that American l oops would nover have retreated from. We charged their trvnebos one by one a:id never stopped until we, had driven iiiem out. lhe air was alive with bullets, and aa they were stronger in front of our lines uian any oiace ciao 11 is a wonder that half of the regiment were not killed. We crossed sloughs wading under our arms. The nee roe made a dcscrstc bUud iotheir fourth trench, and wo wore laying in an open field' ah joting at them 700 yard. We had them eomo over a mile and it was the first time I had laid down to shout when I col wounded. The bullet went in 'about three inches above the right knee and came out about six inches below it, fracturing the knee-cap and mak ing a very painful wound. In the meantime Chandler, Craw ford, Roberts and Mount had been wounded. I lay on the firing line about fifteen minute when I was carried about 200 hundred yards to the rear under a tree. .Hut be fore I left the line the Third came up and relieved our bovs and the poor fellows had hardly laid down when one on my right was killed, and one near my left wounded. I was finally carried on a stretcher to Caloceau where I received treat ment from a surgeon. At last I wits put on a train and taken to Manila where we were loaded on a launch and taken to the hospital, reaching there about five hours after 1 was wounded. I am now roeoiviMg - stood - traatsMnt, there being several lady nurses here. Up till today ray leg has pained me a good deal but I am resting very well today. (I will send you a paper and you can seo( what it says about our charge.) , I never thought of getting shot until after I was hit There was another . fight yetierday and G9 wounded and 12 dead were biought in last night. It will probably be three months before I get out of here and then I think 1 am Rood for a discharge. Roberts was shot through tho body, Chandler in the face, Crawford on the head and Mount in tho arm. All getting along nicely. Our reg iment lost 9 killed, 47 wounded. I received three letters the night before the fight and will answer them when I get better. J. E. Snodgrasb. . Letters dropped in the postofHo at Taris ars dcliverod in Berlin in an hour and a half, and some times within thirtv-five minutes. The distance between the cities is ;umiie. ins letters are carnea through pneumatic tubes. There is one roan back from Alaska filled with deep disgust for everything north of the 4'Jih parallel, and be makes no boast about it. His naroe it J J Parker, of Upper Albino, who left Portland but December for the Atliu coun try, but got no further than fckag- way, where he was stricken with pneumonia, aod came near dying, but not before ho had bocoms em bittered against the Canadian au thorities . on account, of their persecution and proscription o' Americans who Vre try'rg, tit j,ryspcct anywhere near-the line, j) Americans. lie says, nave lewer'i rights on Uritiah soil than a China-' man Las in the United States, and kq takes no stock in the proposed Anglo-American alliance in foreign affairs, while such cou tempt 14 exhibited for the rights of Amer icans in the Atlin country. He predicts bcrious trouble along Por cupine creek, whjerj Canadian offi cials aro collecting all forts of poll taxes and duties from Americans, even on soil clearly under ine shadow of the 8tar4 and utries. On his re'.um home, Mr Parker had for a fullow-passengtr on the steamer City of .Seattle, ex-Gold Comuiifsioner K;iwcctt of Dawson, who told him 80 percent of the res idents of the Klondike were Buffer ing from scurry; that the deth rate was 10 to 12 per day, and thai not one claim in 500 was paying anything. Mr Parker is a well- known mining man, and he avers that he can find better mines al most within sight of Portland in his own American country, where the government begrudges no man, citizen or alien, me lruus 01 111s honeHt toil. He will stay iu God's country in the future, and advises every one else to do the fame. Clippings. The month ends with the usual Tepublican announcement of wages raised hero and there. The factories- aro not identified. They never are. These stories have an ancient and fiihliko smell. We were promised prosperity when the republicans adopted the gold plank at St Louis, when McKinley was nomiuated, when he was elected, when he was inaugurated, when Congress met and when it ad journed. It is not here yet. It will not be here. It is harder for the poor man to make both ends meet than it was two years ago. It Will be harder two years hence than now. " Money is dearer. La bor ia cheaper. Steadily the worker gets loss for his work. That condition is inevitable under the gold standard. It exists "in Europe. It exists here. There is, in one of tho buildings of Chicago, an organisation known as the Re publicans Workmen's League. It is legging for Zina R Carter for mayor. The workingman Can take my word for it that if he will stick to the republican ' party, it will reduce him to the condition of the European laborerlnside of twenty years to a dead moral certainty. 1 can see no more reason why. a workingman thould bo a repub lican than why a trust thief should be a democrat. Watchman. It is a remarkable thing that the men who are now declaring that destiny is solely responsible for whatever happens to the United States were yesterday dancing about and shouting that the future of this country depended wholly upon the protective tariff. Tho Tepublican manngeis and tho trusts have concluded that it will bo necessary to Insert a strong anti-trust plank In the republican platform for 1900. Look out for It. Satan's title to the kingdoms of earth that he proffered to the Savior of mankind if he would bow down and worship him was about as good as Spain's title to the Philippines, for which McKinley paid twenty millions of dollars. If we give our consent to the creation of a standing army for the purpose of exploiting weaker na- jtions, can w complain if orgar.ired wcaitn turn that army upon our- selves and deprive us of our lib- rrliet when the ' opportune time arrives? Every trust v the United States will role the republican ticket in VMM), yet in that year we' will hear the republican stomp orators screeching - themselves hoarse in denunciation of trot's ia order to induce the people to vote the same ticket that th uuaU m support ing. The trusts cannot bo beateo in that way. The only way that the trusts can be beaten is to elect th candidates that the trusts are opposing, , Correttioa. We hear it slated that the editor of this paper Is censured as the author of a communication that appeared in the Broad-Axe of April 19, under heading: "Circulating a Petition," over signature of "A Citixen." Now it is sufficient to say that wo never write anything for our paper under cover of a ficticious name or correspondent but always as matter that may appear as editorial. And further we do not in any way hold ourselves respon sible tor what our correspondents may write, . wishing to give each one the widest range to discuss freely all subject of public concern and holding them responsible to themselves for their own utter ances. In the case mentioned we slate that we are not the author of the communication referred to, that the author was a Udy and would not gfte a snap of her finger to have her name concealed, and that so far as personal allusions are j concerned she wrote the communi canon wnen nut lew peraons bad signed the petition and therefore no one who signed it. subsequently has any right toapply to him or herself what was said. And further it may mitigate the offense if offense there were to state that at the time the said com munication was penned by the Iidy, that herhusband and two uncles ha signed the petition and she knew it. And the lady au thorizes the editor to say she has no retraction or apology to make whatever, disclaiming any inten tion of reflecting personally on any one individual. And we now say that on looking over that communication we find nothing to condemn, but much to commend. - News Kotrs. The wife of George D Milton suicided Wednesday morning at Walla Walla, being found in an irrigating ditch with flatirons tied around her neck. Sickness and despondency were the canst. Mary Ellen Lease, the once great populist orator, Is now an expan sionist and believes in - swiping everything that is loose at both ends. She declares that Bryan is a selfish demagogue and that she would not make another speech for him to save hi life; but then Mary Ellen was always a little ertrava gant in her use of the English language. Bcrtlo Burkhart," son of Frank Burkhart, stole 25 teet of garden hose from Fred Dawson at Albany a few days ago and sold it to a merchant. He confessed to slash ing the. Shirley company's ward robe a night or two ago and one morning stole Lyle PuiBhaw's bi cycle and was About to sell it when caught. The police undertook to arrest him but be took leg ball and decamped, lis is pretty badly wanted and will be dealt with when caught. Tho Oregon volunteers now in the Philippines ar not whining to come home, but are anxiously pushing to the front, ready to do battlo for their country. .They ars not the snivelling cowards that some Oregon people would make believe. They went to the Philip pines toxflght for their country and they have so far dona nobly and they are willing to remain there as long as this country has an, enemy in the Islands, if need be. The Oregon boy are all right bat they are not scrambling to get cut of the service until they csn be spared or their places filled by regulars. 1899. WANT THEM TO 4U1T. j Strange Aivlte to h Offerer' Soldiers It Face of a Foe. -- Coanaairstttfa taTha Oraf More than 10 days ago it was annoanoed that General Otis would begin the embarkation of the ml a nicer at Manila for home about the 6th of May, and that they would all probably be at home by the end of July. This appeared to be official, and most people considered that Ui oV the end of the matter, acd stopped the discussion of the fubjct, and sat down to await the homecoming. But since that date there has been' an argument or suggestion made every day in the papers of some reason why the boys should be retained in the Philipines. And Governor Goer has triumphantly announced that no more appli cations for their return have been made to him. Is this to prepare theVpublic mind for some great disappointment in store? Is some new subterfuge to be found for violating the contract with the boys? A man writes, in your paper today, that he has a boy in the regular army, and would have us understand that his boy is as good as the volunteers, and as dear to his - parents." This probably i all true; but his boy has a contract to perform with the" government; onr boys have not. The- government should re spect its contract, just as it re quires private individuals - to re spect theirs. No one is asking that man's boy be discharged against his will before his time is out, and it is not fair that he should ask that our boys be retained their will after their time is out. I find there are two classes of patriots in this country one is of the Artemus Ward kind, willing to Sacrifice all their wife's relations and their neighbors' boys for the good of the cause, while the other class appear willing to sacrifice even their own sons upon the alter of partisan politics. They are atraid ine administration will be "scord"; most people, however, think the administration ought to be scored a little, without regard to politics. I imagine if some of these people who are so anxious about the honor of the regiment had their boys in the Philipines they would not be so afraid of seditious mothers' meetings in the Armory. There is nothing to prevent en listment now; there ia a recruiting office at Third and Stark streets, and the boys in the Philipines can re-enlist for six 'months and get a bounty of $500 for so doing. Let people appeal to their own sons, instead of undertaking to say what should be done with other peoples' boys. The boys in the war have well earned the option to come home or stay. ' If thsy refuse to re-enlist and claim the bounty, will any one contend that ' the government should retain them by force, withoutrc-nlist-ment andwithout bounty? The strongest argument I have heard against expansion is the fact that not more than 7 percent of the volunteers can be tempted by the enormous bounty offered to remain in the service. The "white man's burden" is evidently not popular with the boys who have been there and known something about it. No one has applied recently to the governor I suppose for the reason that people thought the matter was all settled, or it might be for the reason that he is said to he quite artful in dodging delegations who go to meet him for that purpese. II. B XirnoLAs. It will be news to tho fathers and mothers of soldiers ut the front that they are sacrificing them on the alter of partisanship. Tho only reason we print this most unpatriotic letter is in1 order that those ' who are anxious to go on record as urging our boys to drop their guns and run away have the oppoitunity. When the volunteers are replaced by regulars v. t r n o iwu anu wvuiru vi. vrrgou NO -62:? "--Tfi- wnt their retsseiat - lo cucmU its rightful turrt. Ta-rfon volunteers' . then(tJretCt.w4tX coming home somwday, and their gratitude" wnf hoP'fc) fcThos who implABwd thesa" Co1v their daly-whtU-a foreif v -) In arms,. against their country's flag. , Kev.E. A. Harris lala. Chief of Police tf. a tee' W re ceived a letter from Rev' l; H. Appleyard, of lEainehin. & C, stating that Rev. K. A". Harris.' tho eloping Albany, minister, has drifted op the cost.j9fbal blacw and was living there: wfth Mies Lear, whom he repreeentecf aV his wife. Rev, Mr. Appleyard4 fetter was written to ascertain IfShey were married. Harris Is book keeper for a mercantile, housa and claims that he is divorced from his wife in the East, which is not iru. Chief Lee will write Appleyard the facts. to Rev: Mr. A Stockton Tragedy. A peculiar tragedy came to xaght at Stockton, Cel., Monday -when the bodies of Mrs William Hick man and Mrs II A II assail, clasped ' in lovirg embrace, were foorid in a room of a lodging-house a bullet having ended' the life of tach. Mra Hassall had been tnorbiArr irw f.tun a.1 Mm Uu.Im.iI tw some months, acd hut night Mrs Haasail told Mrs Hickman that she was going to start for Lottdosi Tuesday, and begged Mrs fickmaxt to spend the night with heft Xff Hickman consented, and taf itU-' lives becoming, alarmed1 ". tWf . . t . M n ., .WW. ' avwg- ing-houss -and discovered lam bodies. Mrs HarsaU had killed Mrs Hickman and then herself. Mrs Hassall cams frovft 1 London, England, ' and called homlf a duchess, claiming that her hwsband is a duke. ' She became -so shadly infatuated with Mrs Hickman that her husband left-" her,' test the couple were about to bo Meoskiled. Mr Hassall is the chief ranger of the Order of Foresters In Btosktou, and is supposed to be well-to-do, but he has been workimr in a restaurant there for som time. Medical men aro of the opinio u that Mrs Hassall was insane; Albert Speech. 3 Secretary Alger began hi Speech ith a refers nee to the atrbKxdes of the Pilgrim forefathers'" to se cure "equal righto and 'religious freedom to an," and ' alluojed to the nerve deeds of the 'patriot?, ancestors of the med of tho society which furnished 'tonight's 'enter tainment, but he soon' turned the attention of his auditors ''to the more recent war ' with ' Spain. The secretary spoke at somlngth of the trials of hi 'department in equipping the great ' army so hurriedlv,and expressed bis grati ficatiou that ultimately "battles were fought and ' victories ' won without the loss of a gun. or a prtlur " rViniiniiTn lift aaulr "Supposing they had si' little beef spoiled, what of it? . If they had had no beef at all they would have had more than General Joe Wheeler and I had in tho' other - 1' .... . war. Lleht and Water Kate . . & The Eugen Guard reports that the Lane county court having un der consideration thA. matter of lighting the hew court lte asd supplying water from the' Eug Elecllic Light company, said tho Eugene Water oompapy ' eotered into a contract wDh each of said companies as , follows: .V to" gene Electric Light company is to furnish the county Jight for tho court house by meter, oeric for the term of five yearsj .for which the county fs to pay sI(J yClectrio Light company at fhersif ef thrco fifths of a cent rjer.hvaf fur oarh 16 candle power .Jighjj,', "Tr laid Eugene' Vkt ...cpmparjx furnish Vatef for said bufjedng for the term of fire yearww sneter Jservleo, for which thtfowowsy is to I taf Mia WsAM cBSSsaSMraai the rate of 20 csnts pac us1t)ousnd ' .n,..,. - fiivu.. - 1