"1 HE BROAD-AXE. AltrrillJ r Ma Hfr III li Mt ItllUU II MM a Illlll filllliv lliiM tr Will (MililUli r fl.lt rl mm m mi lit' I , (-i hut- liif Hull, lllf Kill).' ill I'ltMlt ! l.tt )m 4l ll lilt For CIGAR5--TOBACCO- Julius (ioldsniil ll tuini nnrt Jincllo... Oioon. f A UltlO M.irk A Hltio Mark A.M.iiiin( Hi. ir i 1'iriin t IioIium i ............ i . . - ... i ' m v i ii..ii l-.Mir f ji oxer 1 1.- '.Hole II. lit V'lir MlliM TIIi- tion b.w ixt.ir.d. Wubh i . .... lor II .III.' np.a.r lti mi tlie .u.i r. your name .(Ti:. Il. .!.,(.. ,.,...-it v,1((r i.i.,.,....,. il t; ..i.ne f.,r ttln.l, v.. baxe ,,..i.l. roVnil viri iiMVw " 1 "'. ,:VJ. 1 STU" - rnon. iiewv II. lint ol volir r 1 ... .,1.....! It' I .ill. Oil.- I ii.ui.i. at!..'.!' f ,r lb.' I'.i.,:i'I-.ti. : . . t . . . flioiitd ie,.. J, Ik ,y 'I l.or-lav. rvo I'.iiiiiiiiiiii.'.itioim ,ll,jir, nil- 1 l.'Ml lir.',llj,., , ,y H r,,.r' 1 Inline. Not II.. . .S.U V for ,ii.. ; rat. on -we ant to Lln.w nlio. Tbat'H nil. I Local Lines. I.oval it.'HM tx aree llii.1 week, r.ale.l Imy i if 5) .er tun linker "it v. ll.t plow on rirlh Tho i Uivrr. ' V I., t'll Wf ;n ;- h it them. Wood wuiited at tho I'ltoto Sludio. Eugene I'illa Or.bar.l culii vntora 'K.'l and low prirra at K. I.. Ciiamiii:r4 Editor Freeman of. the Run. Ii and K .nxfM.f S. i.ttl-,' Washiiijilon, Wan a vi-itor lad Friday. Spray liuit. i in 1 all ready mixed t low pri.-r at F. I,, fn m i.kiik. Hpray your tre.- and you r.in " liave j;.hmI api'I. "and h pri.-e" IW.ui Spray pump make igiit ork are them at F. !.. fit amiii.i.m. IVaring at the C. . Church fUn a.cond nixl third Sabbath in each mon ill Rev. i . Wool. y, acting paator. You are eordialiy invited to attend Uie rervic-.-a. Tho Aao thm e k is cliart'cr than any two rtfge.l sword, and ', I vlm.-.t a di.v. rurr of the ihonghts 1 nnd intentions ..f men." It is hot! U,ut jy Veara ago, and herapar Jlandlo with rare. 1 anee among m.Kh-rn built craft Is A list prepared by the ftiitlmri-' tie at a.-.hiii);t.in of the casaul tiea in Manila Miifo. l-Vl.runrv Ith totho -TSth f Manh shows 1 .'.7 killnl and Sill wounded. w. . . o.-Mii-r oi (onaviiie. railt'il . . " ' T 1 j-t 1 .ft.' I I ' ii ii n iiiik oiiu-e .-'.uiir.l.iv aim renewed IiTa suliM-ripiiiui and informs us that ho limt deeded over bis hotel lna rty and several lots m S..da.nn,i i licensed for 50 passengers. - villc to the Mineral springs College Slut cainn down in command of ..... . . I. i t ... . .t .. ii.- J ill 1. 1 a i place. A- luiiiiiiirenl tilt. Wo want to speak an encourag ing word for each and every one of our huii..-! men who adverti.-o tlieis buinej's in the Rroad-Axe Tlieareafetof liberal, a.reeable. j relul.le ni.-i. i,..t a bit "stuck tip ' ftUiut them who the more you know of lli.-ui tho U-tter you will liko th.-m. Soo their ads in our . paper and givo them a trial. will liud our Words truo. Wo iiotien that bhcrid Pay nnd IVputy Withers are carrying out their agreement with tho (Jilard nnd Cottnjje Crovo Ixad. r in tho Matter of what legal publication they h.ivo at their disposal. The Guard gets nixiut nine-tenths of tho work, while the Leader gets tho other tenth just eiuugh to keep down a kick. The (iunid is able to givo a more liberal divy. Wo take un large epaco on the Outsido of this issue this week with letter from C. It. IVrkins of the navy, in order to givo some idea of the part the navy is -n"oi ining in the struggle, at Filipino, which has not hitherto U-en to our knowledge. Mr. IVrkius is a native Lano county boy. ' Tho veteran . r-oMcr . Jack Cogs well of loaburg informs us that he lias leased his farm on MuKehiio to Dutch Henry for tho term of five years and sold his stock and closed out his business and will in the future spend his liniu in seek ing comfort and ease. Wu rather regret t spare Mr Cogswell ftotn the list of biisinsi-s men in tho .' coun ty prominently among whom ho lias been for alxiut 50 years. Mr Cogswell is we believe S.' years of ago. M r Cvswell did not forgut til r-nrw his Eub-cilption while in and hi d tl t Dpi i lo fiiu d. A NiTMt! lf DfNOUIIuil. ' Tl.e funnily wound MuriliiO ni.l , j'r,,f. I. II. Il.ul.-y ,f Corm-ll 'X Mal.ili pr.-milsa pi. tun. of .IcsoU-j peril,. e,.t station, in A recent lion. Kniolte is pinliriK from Jkih- l.ujl. iiu, ,im u n the rulj- t of dn-di ..f axn lif.n, and iIhi ri-iiniii.s apn,yin md r this iti-iiiry. Tim of tnc- itiol fence lorn liy hhi.ip-p;,.f. M icor. lias given slr.ing.i re m l a 1.1 t. U aciii nvi-ry where. j t-).r:iii .g. In very many Jlii- l-' la-ral i iii'M'itraiK'n of llll' I'o'iim v in in if it li.nl In ii Wi pi liy u cyoloiitj. '1 Iid 'T'li'Ih are Jstr.twi v,iih Intuitu ill .....thing ;,li...,,i in Hint u.,l.l ,y t. ,;, ,. .(oi.otk..ott-ttl.yiTohar.lil.il.-, toil and trjuble' i ; l'lliptnu. Ihenly r"n.s m- , tirr w.r , y t,Mtif.( lory I Wo arc wed. '; ,,':,',,',,K I".''1'"' f-w f-.l,1,.r-ri.-ii.u-iiii Isn:i; but U.iail.i-a What's the uw to kirk and nigh? nun uru i ... oi. an. i liiiiri.i lo ,.F..M.e. Ti.-y em,,, j and i i .. r s . : i ..l?f ir-iij- nil liny, l.llnl ' : nr.) living on lliM' iier-wiiy of our tliem :'"'J'1'-t"ve;i,un .oitio. . f t!i''ir l..tilii. Tim .,tfn of tlie r.bin.. rrr in tl, b.iI.e-, rl.ll tTrili.-lmI larkinKl wl.il.. Ihm, .Ir.-.Nof l.iK,,rot., Ik, Been bur.l V !M-.lrrl.ii,Kf.,rf.Nl. Ito.liert of .bud Fili.'inoa are ftruiid. d in tl.o rli:ill...T of riveri or reniiiii: in tlie jnnyle, w her! they iraul.il to .lie or H'.r. left in I .... k of the l,,rrie.lly r- treating nruiy Thi'He b.Hiir,. give forth a horrible odor, but there in no time lit -ient to bury them. Th .nhabitanu who lbnl fn.m Maul.,,, and Meyeaneyan left in .,...! .i... ...i.i - 'i-oldi. r f .tin, 1 f rend money mid j YaluuliLa. iiuJ -iu tho ruotnH v te trl",l, ' "nt "titer pr.-pert y ; ot valte. IliH a the c in inoM of the hoim-H do. rtcd. They . r.. not i,,,,l, ,t...l bv our ..l.ii.TN but Cliine.-p, who flipped Utwei n the nrmi.a. are lootinir when th.-v cnu, nnd baro takrn )o.iesi ion f s, r.over which they fev.-r.il lious. s, ,over which thev . . nave rnict i i.ineM1 llaga, noun ol, whr. It w re torn lnwn. Our Meuinlioat i The strainer Citv of Kllijeno is now below al Portland where she s.if.lv landed ri.iturdnv with M. ! tons of freight from Eugene. The litllo rrafl ruoiived li indM.iiio write- .t in.'.. 1 ....I. .... ..r II.....,..... i . . if i. a .a "The Eugene is unlike anything j tlial-haa- yet ttj'liefMl tnr ihe u-.n ,i he is built on the pi an of the firt strarnrrs tha ert. : ,,,,, ,.,. Mi-i..;.,,,! riv. r somewhat unique. She whs built by the Eugeno Transfer Company, whi -Ii is romjMise.l of ritiiens of 1 1.atio county, and will be operated I"" tlio upper Willamette river, over all, with 21 ! Sue i 1 o 1 feet e . . i .-.. . ... f.-.-t U-iim, nnd, like iii.taln S'otl s Ohio, ulii. h ie uliglillv rwemlle, , , , .' nhe can run on a heavy daw. , She, upi Uy all tlie down river rityi'" v,,r" "" -.. para where she made brief s tops. I St" ud compare the figures qtiottnl. Th Oh-goniun of the 3rd says!,rvou flre riln or lM"r oIJ or .f her: . yo'i'-S it is your interest to buy , will carry over KX tons of fieicht,'ne .lrra.!..l dla.aao tlmt si.-nea i 1 .v M"1"" V r'unin, an uuiiimcr on ,Tne iiiiitueiie. ' Tins Muiilclpiil Lh'Ctlon. The municipal election in Eugene Monday was quite a spirited affair just cimtigh to bring out a full vote. The race fir mayor ami recorder was most hotly contested, carriages K-ing brought into ie.iuiilioif to bring in tlie laiy, tho halt and the blind to the h1Is, The result as we havo been able to make it is an fullows: unsr WAmi kok mayon. Harris H5 Fisher. ; 03 KIRST WAUI FOK KWOIM , IKirrls.: 122 Simpson 113 llltsT WAUI KOR COf.Nlll.MAS. Luckey, 12ft Kays... 83 HKCOMi WAHI) K0I MAYOlt. Harris lWi Fisher... W SK.VNh IVAltli-KOK RKVOHPKR. Dorris 20 majority SECOND WAUD KOK IMU.NVII.M AN. James Abram elected without opposition. TiiiRn wARi'--'ri;)R mayor. Harris 153 Fisher ! 132 TIIIUII WARD-Foil IIECORPKII. Dorris 1.7) Simpson 137 TIIIRIt WARU - toil t-Ot'NCII.MAS. White ,..159 Sanders. . . . .121 The total vols cast was 717. The government enaghoat Ma t hoi ma is expected up tho river in about ten days to work tin on the liver lctwecii here and ILttrisburg Dor SifH)iiii; l')f in t inn jf iiii (I'i iiipiI t. do no i llravtly push through every trial go !. )!( ill. ii j-.M h on i, fay ; j Hhfiw your grill . "Utnn riiraviiiv ixtv. then? Ccr- This li f. ! but a bubble. . ti.it.lv; tlio mm... oi tilling him ., l.. ,,.,( . f i. i t ,n n ...1 , ' p- ' - ....j... mm..y fui.L'i hln.til'l U- killi-il. That Mir.iviiii; iif.va i" i.m nil ilctuoi.- f ! ti at. il at il - lli.it fti'l'1'5 worniH. I.. nt r a ter t i I Jei h iiik wiL.ito it-iu raiernniei h mm jH iii uiigiii , jj.,, j.,H. MiU.,u often fa'l, ; b.it ,t s .,t follow llmt market in i. a niii.fi...... 'I'l,,. m(, l w a v in l n. ike .1 u rule to fjiray tv-ry- f1 al We from Manila Huh ' cl.i,.K ev.ry'year un.l thf,, tobreaV ! '"ornrng ruling that Elmer Rob- ' tlie rule 1...., one in .,, that l,e!"-. ' WM "-'I"" "Vcrvljr unbinulioi. of tireu.oH.i.re ' i aurh thai cjirayinj in not, nwca- i fary. j "Thin ineanH that tins- fruit : f,. r.,., r i.,..v.f i.,nk.t iI.a rr..i...Tu and tne ,.ri-i,.l.- and'then ,M,ly : then, an .ircumla.,..-e9 demand, . i .. i. , A a nib-, the belt, r the m-uK of .. , , ,. tntaviiiK, the ln-ttrr lias hu 1 orator ron-eived of hi, own 1-xnl ' ..roblen,,. If Um, fruit KrowV M - . . ,?.... f.. .. ..... r.-.,,,,v liud liiii.B'.lf t. raying ..le nnd tnrH and .iiiiiuen everv vear. and . be w ill m more likely to do the Fame- for plum', Rraj.es and straw iKTrion. I J Thin ofiiee has received from Ex- Sei rtlary of State Kim-aid bin , "''""al Report fur the years lS'J"- ' ls''s- T"" "w i" a niolcl vol-i ...... i.. I.;.. .i:.. i..i -..-.. :..l . ""'""'H l.' rs'T"""' "-ri.H ii.in In ,'l.lilii. to tin uu.il matter ituident to t'.to m-cre- tary's ret ort, this report contains ; an I'itoit.n of runs t valuable early ( )r. i'oii liinlnrv l.ii Ii it of much ' interest. We thank Mr. Kiucaid.l " . i I. Frank it Sin of tho Ninth Stre t Rackit Store make a change :.. .l .... al;. a ll.,.ia a. .. ana-k 0 t. iaa 1c- economically Five Thousand HonifKecke rs. St. Raul, Minn., March 21. The holm-seekers' half-fare rate on thej transcontinental" lines went into! t-ffect today and the Northern Fa- ' cifio ml the .rent Northern f re , compelled to double, their facilities j in or-l.-r t. hanule tlie crowd. -ot less than 5tVs) people tiok vantage of the low rates. tliK) hKWAKl) I KM. i , rr. ..... . Tlie rea.lera i.f Una sner ill lie ,.,,... arll .. . . H. c al,le to m n,at i fnturrl- me in all iti ft.ifrn, and i Hall's Cutanli t'uie Is tl.o only .itlve euro known to tlie tnediral fiatertiity. Calaiil. beini: a eoitatititUonal iliaeaae, re..iiiea a eon alittttionul treutineiit. Hall's i'atirli fine Is taken Inlerinilly, nctinc direi-tlv "I"'" '''""I and imuvin finraeia l Z: tl, ,tu,nt strenKtlt by L.tiMinx np tl.c constitution and siating nsiure In do- inj; Its work. Tlie propnetors have so tn.tcb faitl. in it curative powers, tlist tt.ey olTer line llunilrc l ullars fur any raae tlmt It fails to cure, lend for lift of testimon'iul. A.l.lresa. F.J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo. O. "oil. t.y Prues'sta, TV. Hall's Family 1'ilU are the best. WlNTm.aU lnr Wbratblr,k of auto klmiklA thlrvf to Data d 1 1 Prnlrrl jrourMcaa i thar may wl yourtacaa . tnay maf 'riu John WKDitkit' A.tomfij-a, WaatUastoo. viae affcr. brnitf Ton woalin. writ ji.n PUllN A O).. Tau-nt Aitornnra, . it. v.. r mat; sijaw priae ancr. - 140 For tlo bout Avliool over lntlt. 1QQQ Kcxt to tho "i:ambletw in quality nd price is tho "Ideal" liUoil -witli O Sc .T Tires 20, isias, ii:jo. FRED T. MERRILL CYCLE CO. . lOiVIO? HH-lll HlxtU ft -rortlasktl, Oreg Matlock & McClanahan Hcpairiug, Sundries, etc. Next door to Fisher & AVatkin's . Eugene. Oregon Mood Art Ire. Il does no ft A to cr,"'l''e Not a bit When rospU tale a tumble .Aii'l re "nit." Smear your features with a smile, Wear it, brother, ail the a bile, Itissaid; I i-.. i .....i i.. J V V- I UHn i V J I a. I I ' IlilJ. We II l happy by and by Wbea 'r tiead! The Tug. Klmcr Kobrrtt Kufe. March 31. A cablegram was re- 1 1 "j,,rrd a flW B ofe- A few night einee oplo along I!ii;l,th r-treet and at far out a ,our rejmrtcr nisde inquif1 were j di"tcrJ-J h' di"r;,ef,!,y C0":lucl of i , '"J .alio irwii ! w n yevs en uruna . " . ' " returning home to the foothills cut . ,,. , , , r",M,Wl- "'n,T ,Ber J'T T"" - 8 ' trn "S lJ'C , f"'wS around enolot-urw up the ctrecl an they prjcee led on Uieir way. Thefe young cu'j.rita are j conducting Ihenmdvcs In a similar manner to that pursued by :not L ",y " so IXVL' navc ennc'1 ,n iM i pen, or ut thf end of a roDe under the gallows. I arenU look out for your loya. We idinll name these hoya in the Broad-Axe if they repeat thia thing again. I j)v tt;. Ileiiderson will make week's an ann-juneemeiit in next i issue. It will pay you to watch for it. Land for Sale. I ! 327 acres of Timlr Ind for sale. Situated 6ve miles weet of i Klmim ff.t tim I.nnrv Tnm vivtiv r.lmira, on the Iong lom rirer iid twenty milts from Eugene, Oregon. Will be sold oil reason able terms. For further information enquire t T it... a ir 4-Ul jaillLS UUIUII. Ol. UKCUC 2-2i-3m. ChcftP loml for a,e thre mile from Eugene. Enquire at this p"'l'(' Eugene Photo Co. Cor. Willamette k 7th St. (I'p Stairs.) Tht (Ml MiabU Gallery r Lmt Co. Alwy uhrati n the t'.mrt and vp to-datt riijtojrtij,Ler$. Photos 50o Doa- and Up. i TTT"I T1T tlM "f? Vl T 1 I II I trii ot fit -r'iT.rirT atrrl, MMt can', ranrr T.-llfl tlrtiele-i, hrta. Rrn.ll S ln.rt-"' - ..i.l anrtl. ifk. I lu I 1'la-a WANT I) i-ii ifNtorc (o lo Osburriifc DeLano's Otic lmr north ol tha Xoa Bank, for. Slh WllUi-iriir Ma. (ajrrhili'lan rtMrrlllnft rarrtullr com fHin.:r.l ai any bvur ol lb da) or ulsQt-I1JJ-.IL v Cash -$40 Fitted with spe.it! a9 Heavy tretd G & J Tires Uloyolo PROFESSIONAL CARDS: P m. nairwoRTH A TTO H N E Y-A T- L A W. Will jirclitj In all tlie c0urt of tli Hlalo. rinicxR, oaroow. Ml I. tit ATTOriNEY AT LAW. .,. - - .... ;(nr Over FTrxt National Itank. Ki.rKt. trl"H. NKI.Mi a W. 1IIMIN I HA A. IIAKOT T ATT011SKYSAT-LAW. OfTire In Flrt National Tank EMf- htacllee in alt the court. c. wooiHjorit ATtOItNP:Y-AT-I.AV, Ofr.ce On-U'.f blo k aoutU of Chrla innti lilk. 57 ii Ail. I ii u soatos ir AI.K tk NonTOH ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. Boom I and J- -'hrlmn tilurk ten .:, orr.joa. QW. at. wcuMia ATTOl'.N E Y A COUNHF.Lon-AT T.A W Will raMlr In all (). rouru oftht aAcnn4 JuJIrUI l-talrtrt ani In tft CntirruM I cm ol lha aiatr. Rreil Hti..l.m flvra la l4lr. lion. nd matter In pfViaiv KO. A. ItOKUIS ATTORNEY-ATLAW. OlTice Over Ijioe County Iiank. KUIir.VE, OHKttOA'. T ATTORNEY -AT-LAW.. 3 d.iora wsH of Lane County Bank up nairs. FX..ENE, OHEOOS ! JCK.E 1 1 walto Uyai.TJi . Mi K t MABKLEt StAHKLET ATTOItSEYS AT-LAW Will practic. in all th. courts of the stale. Et'OKxe Oam. DR E.D.McKENNEY Gives special attention to all specific and chronic diseases. OrrtxE in Kootns No 1 and J, over Lane County Bank. EtaaxK. Obkjos. J-J C. HULELI, M. IK - Phrio-Modical Physi clsin and Surgeon. OBIca akaltooElk. opt.. Ooard ollca. Ruiroa. orrcon. D ft L ILL.A,01 4.IIBX Dentist. Eugene Oregon. OfflceOver fcClungs atora. . . awaqsasasas; I) R. I akin rrv. Eightti Street Cooper In muklit No. 1 Cuttlnf Pos frT rut time lraw, hay or heaf oat; rrnii, or other vcc'thl 'o' Ptork. lHn I Miiti v.!.f out ! yonr lair l'r one. hut hxa 9 for ctHt-l tntrhine nH t.p lb (fiS to V.iiy Miivihinc el you uc4' H iakr ll k'aitilsol Ou-kI: r t xp?rwar t'loihenrai k VVaxhiiiK Machine nil many otlivr thin io all - In Jo v( ew ftlvlu, All Work WrirrAjiM. urn Cait Elgth Atreet KlMl door wot o( lroa roaadrr l PACIFIC n. R. Pullman Sleeping Cars Elegant Tourist TO Dining Cars Sleeping Cars St. Paul Minneapolis) Duluth Fargo Grand ForkA CroOkstort Winnipeg Helena and Batte. ThroUth Tickets to Chicago Wsshinutnn Vhtladelphla VewYork Boston and all Points East and South. For lnrnattnn, tlnrc ranla, na and ttt-ket aall .a or tito R. McMURPHEY Gamral Atfrt, F.a(aa OSIaa Slwhoa tlack, ovpa Uaare CSfcca. OR A. D. CHARLTON Ala Cant. IV. A. t. Momwa Si.Car.'n.nw rsnrus rnicvii. $5.00 Suits P. FRANK & SON. J R SLOAN One DcorWcstof Lanes Hall on West Eighth Street I!ai op?nJ a frimitans store am! offen T.blea and Flower Stand., and will excl.anK. tt.e same at (mart reaaonabl. raU for farm prclnce. . He has a new departure in Kuatic arork- K.i ... be appreciatcJ. Give biro a call and look wnnow W ixTDO"W WINDOW WINDOW SHADES W.bave the verv latest shades la for your self. Tf ices will siit Jon. L A OVERTON'S Paint and Wallpaper Store. Eighth Street, 3 doors west of Postoffloa, Eacama. W Ilrvvo Hintely , ReceivedaCnrload of ' i fJejyel Stoves Ranges " . ' Consiisting of- 20 STYLES and SIZES of HEATERS 15 " " " CAST COOKS and RANGES 8 " " rt " STEEL RANGES. IhfJa.' L,W awUr I. tk. Sm. call m9 GRIFFIN HAUBWAItE CO. tUlf.QSlf. GOTO-l J. IW. HOWE It jtw want th. Bct ClothtB( la Orcgoa Mad I" Mtaauca, rrr oitaravtecd rUCBA ARE (UOaTT. EUGENE Loin akd Savings Bin. r El'SJCMB OME.S. Capital, piid up, $50,000. W t BROWN, PraaldAnt. B. O. PAIN. Vice Pr.aldeftt F.W OABUMN. Caahl.r W w Brown ami cashier t. w, eaarni, a. a. ms a. . . fA.aa. 1 1. toaiSank. w. I. aaowa. J. a. aakkia A.(Xa.ral Btaahlac Raalaaaa -fraaaactaA N I'sr.raM. T.iai Vaft laattad an tin?ttml etltaa a tha I a I tad tain,: a Ian airhanaw liirnlabad aailall I. ail forrlaa cmtmrtca. fnicraal paid on Urn dannatta. Klra-pffwn vanli for tha atoraaa of aalnarita raprra. fottmlpaa matv. eoi tavfl ana. ton. Suits .00 Buy Tho Doct. Thi cut ahowa the itjU hikI rhang f oor 15 Wool Solta. They ramadu tight and will pleaM jrou. Men' wriol Sulfa, 15; miU for. large man; flim rt.enj thort men, youthf, boya. In fact for tTery one, at price that talk. Our auita for large men btY come in, no "boy'a nicea in them. 15, 7fl I12JS0. One price to all. Caah. for m1 rinmin T?r.(n. i-a-. his foods over. f-22-0. SHADES SHADES SHADES window shades. Oivt ns a call asmI se IF! Voa want yoar Waleti Claanad. You want turn W&th B.n.irf Tou aanl a Ho. I aath Tkomaa a-ta Bnua clock Cheap. Ton want Ocntilm StlT.r-r1al W ara aad Sa baorat Jaweirj. Ikta Sto- JOE LUCKEY .TTT1"1 U SuaAAtA. 1M2 9SV. Ho! Everyone WhoEat8 w.n a ! rra Baraa a ATlaa K ASSA rrat-claaa Saitktr AAatv t'kfaf ata ih. ( kraaMli ka. t'.t raitl ar t.ftell. rail at (Aw aaMa IA lia.4 a.ttklit, " 4 Alex. Patterson. lass JOEL WARE U. S. COIISIOIER. orrics in odd rxLLovt' atiuaa . KVaCNB, OtraOR. ' ' Homestead Filing, Final ? Trfft and Contest a Ppeclalty. Xf) Yeart'eiperitMA la this . linn. Pararmal atlan ' ti'on given In erery , , sse Ahd ?tisfation GaarttWed.