4' From Herat v , February U.' 1SD3. '- W hive In I sums awful co'.d i: waaihsr h-r. It froi. ha-der kir.m Ie?.rs.iwit here by half. Tli I .11 it Vu. 8 iiv.he Jeep." 1 nt everyone lout m.ire or 1 o: tit -ir p tU during the f.cvz Tit -re is k J iua ty coiu4Utniiit of Ivin tiider thj we.tther. We are now at wrk fii the ro J . wiiuli . U t run 3 miles op the . c:jk. Tot it J.oks t-lar a if rfr gin to ni ike slow progress, at least until ih wpatlier m ttic. It i raining to h-rd ire had lo light the lamps to see how Ut tl' , at le.ut t see how to write, it b ing so dark. A. T. F. ' We are at a loss to know what the a.erige newspaper of Oregon wll da for item of uewaaith which ,to fill ihtir ctl ur.M , aince thj l g'.shiture tdjournei. It ill te bil on the pa pern but gW on ihe late member of that body and Loir lady clt-rke wilL . bVFCRSTITICs RUUS Tut RACC ! .. CPAOLE TO CRAVE. ra v (u ee 1 , SrMt'sMy CCY RIGHTS. vncuiumn .occmciire i.' ,. A 1 lV.v 1J V 1 1 i .1 I.O 1 1 f.4 at utitive. delirala . feMiura lo ne . nr. hradrd for trivi J of Ira at mar, of. fence, la thi re. street the world has Made err at etrMc. Never! he le, worn- ea UU (uirrr (Villi Waer and turtureaoirr ! form, mil (at a a offence : whatever, wrr a little isrnor- t p iblT. a Uule artlrtt. The axwuaa and disease oi lkediMiactlyfciaiaetaii.ahcikerah t without ifatir a:urv, ami from Ih rtneallrwtthsK-kbradsvhe. She h pain last dc.'ail in cenoaotiou with blf ttnrla m tbe bs what she eaM"atitrhr,'ia the . their power and It.fijfius .rathe guld ride a4 hoint i tuB motit.t cf lit u ta Alt fceiinw. eapeneiwva buratat and drag.tat ooua , , . . I tr-!l.l I inn Kliliitni MnlimMilt twill and poor, young aii old, tciu to t'jeir ivo. To tao arerac Cbinaxtg Us rajlg'.oi. afJBsan arfco aalfec trtrn araak Alt Batlnri aud I nr.illj Mattera III re"tt I'oatrotlrd l T:il r . Ian tnttura. r. Mi!.'h Makra Brae t Ita klatUh Uetatrra. NnMN In th( wVta e rrlil l nnw 1 cortrrllcd ty rijv r:itiou uoti.cn tha. tba Oliiuoao. Ihcy cutir luo tvviy a- rf a ruimnian 1.1V, aud tbuir iiida : :uf id un r. s:iug Ibao that i f bU rt , liciuo. lie vauf.ot ciota band fvo- atasatiaaa. Ske pecoiaeii nu . nrrroi aad akiaandrat. she aerlecu her koane. aad at aetalaat itk hetr fcuaaaata. ir the, rK, oaanaWa the average akniciia. lUere u aot 1 gjaV real caaae at her trouble. He will attribute her had frelino aa awnnch, laavr. heart or tuanat aaabk. X ataia in la thia cooui txMl ikaald cuetaah aaeae ctuacat aud akill ml aaaniiliat arba tua had a aridv expen aka. XX. V. V. hem, as thirty vxin chjcf )eaiattiBff ahyaaciaa e the tavalitU' SY.l W 7S?c?.Saff IS ! W "hlCb CinC' hU. H1 ! a cicro ecpat:to 1 actor iu Lu tuudo c! life, to ba followed cr diutarded at will, tut co tree a act Uau darts tt act ocbcrwUo tjaa In acvordinco with the itiict crcccnis of thoaa (ciiilaai able vhyakaaaa, amcribcd for m&ar tboa tend of v-oaaea. lie haa iaveatad a aruu. dawfal aardirfe&c ffbr aihitf araaaca, kaoara aa Dr. rwree'a Faxoritc Pirarriptioa. It ha atood the teat o thirty yean. It acta drrrctly cm the delkaat aaat tawartaat of traaa ceaccraed in wifehood aad another bond, asaktnc tare Uioaf aad wU. It aAara takaaiaiaooa. heala ajVctatioa. aootcea jiaia aad tones aad build up the nerves. It traaAirot weak, aervoa vAta ca iota healthy, hanpy wives aad smother w 1 wsa an tavstid for ovr a year with chaer of hfr " write M-. C SmKh. Ott Cm-caJe C.. Muat. " ttd pm acraa ike aa oi m atonsch aid ancli eitieme weatitru I hiJ' r:k I kuk oik tuitle I rrrws rltia ti-at 11,icowTy and fivt o hi - fa varitc rrcacripuoa sad sis caiuel) well." I onTA!N A PATEXTf rar a , HqW He . t A: t' . .! r hd art;,rir t la tl:, t.? ,if:r.-iA. Caim'Jl" -a. t- -.- tttiu:? Haadbaak at la, i rtTV'". ti .n.7 rstf it arvi b w cb, i,;-i;t. mt-rt ff. Ala eaSAHjos C a&sctaa tci tt "1 ciwilfle hoka .m (rrs, t"2n:a ucca thnvwa V:as A Os, leaHva fTrvuiaotifvicdem. leattae Aatrtcaa aod ltd ara torontil wl.k'T Miib4 vvbtte ana rut o4 to tae tcruui-. Ttii tUadid papee. IilM sn.uadir uiaairaiM. aaa dt b im 1 j riraaoativa ot any cmwusx nta iaa Knew He l)ti.- Wasn't j codoactrd with Cbinasw eutcrtaiotnents j ULunr panj aa mu nwai waaasi wm ixpcruLcwJ Is uccr foig-otteo. It ooa aista cf tVom 40 to M distinct ooarsat slU cccnpiea tha (raster pcrtioa of a day. Daring tba waele of tbaaa rapaatt au j DotwiihitakJiag tba coalcTarlct of dibe errctl tb iatitcd gaest rs taio 11m sails plate tbroogboct 1 The czplaaatiou cf tbts ttnuBccottom ti ao cli proTirb, which has cow brou a ' lapcrftitiou, tijst "be who Uiaagre the pistes kills tbe tccsw!o." Cbiace i ruTcrls explain seyrral of ; tbe tcpcrf.itijns uotiot t uitb regard to v.omeu. It it cousiderl uuluikr frr a 1 trooia t.i cnx wi:h the t u;!.lrrs of ' fc-.icru or i;tlicr c0ii.ee lionuj its rroc : ticn, ar.il to nvrid any pvssitijiit v of oue ' e Pumps Bean Spray rump?, Spray Pumps u the Earth. V -."Hi- Ilitrilwiiro, Farm HtOVK, Machinery H'liivrnro McCormack Binders and Mowers.' ltllfflH 1111(1 Wiitfoii.., llOalt CJ O0(l4 lit IjOVt'OMt 4 Corner Ninth and Oak Streets. F. L Chambers II AS THKM. eoj cjifl- B3 arau. bbi eofa U&i&ya bliuua. aaonuur. u a, -ti oaou. mmr- ataMr a A tuaioa. ta eofam. and Tl Hiani, liiiM iwa ahouwraph at Bra kaioatsui aaoWtas t H at JU loas. 1 AtsnsDwsw ' J. U. GREEN & SON, Dealers In Fancy ancflS taple Groceries. Willamette Street X2uuiio, Oregon, i "Beacon's CONFECTIONERY and CIGAR STORE- I traviu!. iut t!ii rrviuiarl nil a-'rrrsbos Topefca Journal: Thomas I', tro csrctully gn.irdcd Ly w'atcbmeD. Gr'eham, president of the board ' aJ fenc-"'J arand tbe pro, . .. , , poeed toildic: as soou as, its louuda of manacers of the - Potlge - Ctly ' ni , UiX" Soldiers Home, tol J a Journal re-, Tho explanation cf thia is tbe saving, porter List week a torv abont ,n " Women tail iii ith woo.1. and destt ,,. , lives ta the bouse ever wboeo-fennaa- Old oMierr.amel John.Clark,.,i00.. woman bas walked. '-Tb-re is nrhn rim nr hnint? hiirini ulim I a f imilar horror of tha fair sex iuterfer- He had hn ill a lono rim with ' iaS with any pnLlio matter ef nations! j B , luiertst cr iu any Lcsiucss transs:liona typhoid ferer, and at Inst lapsed where tLva sre concerned. "Women tio into a romatore tate and was pro-1 knots. " says the Chinese proverb. "Let nonnceddead. Burial robes were ' ibt" I"" h!'C placed upon him and he was ten- trolopcrsaud profcesiooal fortune tellers ; IdfirJj4Jdiiiaa.Jia5lict-aaax:tt"9 CCUsallciVIliesejiacTpo mtCTmenton ih followm dar. tDi ia t!)t ,1TBOt iimgtmiamtt no ! Daring the night Clark regained flail interment can take place. This ac- i h'n tensea and row nn in his nar-' eonau for ,n nnbnried coi- , - Has which are seen abont lbs eennrry row prison. He upset the coffin districts ia CJi-ca . focetime5tbec-ffln arid was sent sprawling on the floor. ia temporarily de;c4i:ed ia a temple or In consternation one of the at ' ke th toow cf the heir of tbe d , , , . , ceaaed. Aidocs tbe poor as often as not tenaanU rushed mto tne room ana ; j, j, CcnTejei to tome toeiiered spot retrexted, declaring he had Men end covered with a mat -a ghoet. Then other attendants I !n. co? ci, ix2' fc' M " cfane. Stimnlanta we: quickly that all cbjecticua to final bcrial are ra- applied, the liuiba and body o moved, tbe funeral takes place nmiJ re- i Clark wu rubbed with alcohol. ' icis (Dd txc lb" .- cf propitiation generally prcicribed by lie soon opened Hi eyes. AR- r. ajtrUcgeis Is the pt tcae cf sums stcne careful attention and r.ursinj he " f icr c' which an elaborate , . j ..:i l j. . n. ritual of prayer and racnCca is tuax'.e. recorered .ent .rely, and today tells . w H lht ls weaUb7 tht baildilIg ths story of his narrow escape from tf a pagoda is attested, in connection being buried" alive. ' ' with which tLe lutrccuart lurtauo teller Mr, , .. ' doubtless rwips a large commission, r. Gnsham has talked wttb Ibe icie. of anpentitioa to Clark about this strange experience. which we Trill call attention forces 01 "Tell me" Mid tJriyham lo t0 P108 cbui anioag the tl civilized BROAD-AXE PROSPECTUS r- ED. DAVIS, " Proprietor. bStLSB ! Tahaeeo, Fn ra, f ruit, Malta, Camay, and kaaakrra' rprllr,. 'kptekt,inVM,,ta"J0,rwitolife, '-how did vou fir-t know and rtjara ari l li1c a aix-riallr of raav.',ai I ' tandlea. Al a iiiie I'.ae if I'l.-w. rnr. InSl Kayine C arl., an 1 ili-lk-ioua Smta Water. The Uroad-Axc will henceforth be pub lished on Wednesdays Of caeli week at YEBINQTON'S ' IG ri i itiitl Cold ;Jur Will mr ruld in tlie l a l. I.s Oil and liifliteiiis' Try a Ikji mul be ioji vIikvI. ' . "W jiinmiflrtA't'ii4 ii full Ull' f II tIIM4llO III -J llltl lW. Ycrringt on's Ninth Street Dru r Store. ti $40- Cash - $40 howl w IkM'I V?I Irllilt. 'Fins wia1 '899 QosSSsC VaC? Uloyoloa Next to the "KaniMer" in tpislily and price is llio jpeciil V r Heavy treii G & J Tires Ideal Clark one dar since the dead came First Ioor Wotl oi H'ivej's Uutk, Mb it. 11 12iPtf. WANTED. vou were a.ive.' "W hen I Appeared, to mysilf.'" said Clark, "to be dyinp, the ex perience was a rery plraeant one. I seemed to be entirely free from trouble and to le pasfine into a new realm. " AVhen I lfran to re- I found mr- RellaMe man fur manager of hrsac! cRice I wibli lo otcn in this vicinity If yoisr re-onl i O K bere is a nuo.l;COrer Coreeiooanes s npemrt;. ivinaiy mention ui.s paper when wiiting. A. T. MORRIS, Ctneinnnat't, 0.' and brutal nations. One of there tnprr atitiens is tbat tbe sod of a dying pcr- e on takes potfetr.n cf tbe led aud room iu which tbe imslid is 17 Kg. To obvl ate rur.h a ccrse as Ibis tho relatives of 1 the dyiDg rersru, ns soca as tbfy per-', ceivo Lis end approacbiug. forcibly ra- j move blni from bis bed and rlice bint j almost naked npon a beard. If by cbsucoa, a man should espira in bis Led, it, to- . I :.w -II . I M : J . k. . 1 Kiioer whs ai ma ismiiura au iu, i room, most be burned and many atone- 1 tnents effered tefore the room ia eonsid- I red fit for habitation again. ROOM 4 Ce Tl'tirttateil calalcgco 4 rente postage THE7 8 ELL THEM3ELYE8 1 nv a.vvjs. j r-rr v 'm 'a self in what seemed to bo a coffin I e aio lununian toe., are but .1 at once knew that I was not children. If a child sickous and dies to- ! dead because my feet were zvl J ton tba ag of 19 years, ita last mo-J and I wa hmierv " ' men is are nasieuea 07 i.ie coiriDia , anu i w lllllipry. ' mak, nf (ti nrpnl Ko lnnu aa linna "I don't understand what you is possitlo the parcLta do their ntmcst mean,' vaid Griham. 1 10 save their ctihl. but as soon a tbe j "I kni-w" ret.lied Clark ...t... ; doctors abandon hope tbe child ia strip 1 kiif-w, replied ciar. mat ped nakeJ 0E(1 F,a(xd .E3iu. tu. 0Qltty if I were in heaven I would not j door of tho bouse, Wbeu tbe end haa 1 be hungrr, and if I were in hell eoma, the cor?e ia thrown out into tbe airvvi. w vw pitacva u j vj aua passing dead cart " Tbe reason for Ibis brutality ia tbla: If a family loses a child before it baa grown to mnturity, ita parenta rtfnaa to regard it aa their oJipring, but rather a some evil spirit who baa worked ita way into their bom la order to triog i - OVEn trCLXTlvJO'S STORE Corner of Willamette and Eighth Streets, Eugene, Oregon my feet would not be 'old." I - L - Jfff. Darin fast Spech. "Men in whose hands the desti-, Dies of our southland lie, for love I' r i Vtir.- y7V frtrm. In tvn rolorw. rwt'h t-tt in ir't), will b maA aJO-tflCiVtirl TirVHlti-Ortntof lh fo'liWt'iuTi'1t, l-M A I. L H 1 w. u-r rt-w : r.'-ftl dtt buttd n-d C m r tncumtvL In. hlTniXi ic wr ttw 1T nutaureni; mi pt-r t ntr.rKi. IV in BCTTONfW r fctrsMjcd: fc ni err UKHjaransl. OrWihiMrtit om ani r31MniKlsi ttara fbt IhvcntHstrafjm. F.rty word lutl; tl Afnt Wantd Cvfywhtr. ri wo nam mi nnnnm, u Look out for siffn MBroad-Axo" always staanding at the foot of tho stairway lead 'fher,ibre.kmyi up to the second floor where you will t U you.. few wordasa respectful & . -J nnu us 10 give you a lrienuiy biiuko oi mo liand and take your subscription which is w av only 81. 00 per year, 50 cents for six months or 25 -ents for three months invariably in advance. admonition. The past i dt-.id- lct it bury its dead, its hopes and : , i va a .1 . THE BIMETALLIC ASSOC'fl. , rrrth Avwa. r Yrk. rt. r. Pure Brandy For sale ' at Fifth and Blair .rfCllEagene.. When I say pure brandy, I mean it contains no j rug or poison except what the r-y rruitxjutaioa.'.. Already put(upln fcTllTf, lintf f .llon, and galloft lt'a Bllii Par Her, lira Wirkliaa You aud yoor bos- bAnrt and Mr and Mr ITnildlnv imiii its aptrntion; before yoti lit the to lj very good friends. future a future full of golden' Mrs. bimj letoo Yes. You are, Mr .a.. . .. .i: a'Kiciny r.i;ii i mea to vo eiipiixwi. future expanding. Mrl. vll:UiI11r!nl , dflli : Bm,r,. nil stand why tbat fart thould make yon i isij'iy each other ! society now. ' Alra llinmt.tnnW.il . f nrm t prornef, a national glory, before i which i20, i2.5, :io. FRED T. MERRILL CYCLE CO. lr-lr-tM-lll Hlalls Ht lrtlnl, Ore'ix Matlock & McClanahari Repairing, Sundries, etc. Next door to Fisher & Watkin's ' Eugene. Oregon Our f.lohawk Brand of Spices and Baking Powder arc Guaranteed Absolutely Pure and full Weight. Your Money Back if not Satisfied the world hll stand nm.izcd, t - ' I I. 1 ...!S 1 I I J - v j can"! apeak for faitn. but be married a rancor, all Litter aoctional feelir.g, . woman who ia at least five year older and P take your places in the ranks of I hi consummation t'.evtutly to -be desired a re united country." "That was timely, wise and oatriotic deliverance, worthy to stand with tbe belt efforts of any of tho leaders of men who Lave figured in our history." ' tliao I am and not half as good looklne, I If I do asy it myself. Yon don't know what a comfortable feeling takes poe- Frotn all account the cold snap J? j.lcJJige el 7 fents per quart ar.d ; his 'damaged young fruit lrre. session et ras when we are together and I ace bim glancing flrvt la her direction hud then in tnlaa. Cleveland Leader. fQbllo libraries rpud vast aema et money to make their collections eora plrte. In tba Coatoa Poblle library Is a collection of worka relatlug to Bhakakv paara which coat &0,0oa ,e .tj" In y) Per gallon. Made by . I. M. Francis rroni ,1'lunJ . fur 6.ilu tLrvo inilc l?Une. ITii'pMiro at this con'tdcrably. In amne inctancia we bear of parliea pulling up lliv tree preparatory to putting out other tieea. The -croyw Lava not been damaged. The eourthouss cluck improv ing sionly. It ran now be heard toMrikc ncross four ltk, mid i does not Lave to be regulated often- er than once every 44 hours. That clovk is all right. It get olil up at r5 dfgrccs ll'w icro. Winncpt'g. th:tt ' fines pnrrbastng Ibe llerrtd bare a bona fide )M of ennserlbera we think second In nn paper pnblislietl hi Kegewe wlilrh Hiakrs lire Brtmd Ale a Irst clasa advertising medium. Hoaines partttw diuitlil made a mtle of Ibis and sea na be foie going els a bare. Kspeelallr ahoeld Ihnae bating Irgsl advertisements to plare, ron.olt oa fur terais. Aa to ll avhey of lbs ttnaid Aae, that s Hunk is Congsrsftnan Ellis is Led fit t f ; ' known to seed rapeiltion bare. WeeJ,l eonliaua to advei-ats all lltr griI.,.lV.-l,i,.Klo,1. His mm. R,,,Jllin.elormmear..wbkbar. .it.lin,tU W. .I..M .... II . , . , .. 1 n iftljltv lo guard lite Interests A lliu tnapsyer n in tlm (,kf. In fm-t aunliall ert li ali-uipntc Iw.v will, pmuuio- j l,ll,illllIt! ,"u pui.i;,,, B live, iu.lr(.. udent, k.Ht-. newspHper. L-uhectibt. orithhd OrttJTZ && SON $13.00 Will buy a3-Piece Bedroom t Set with 24X20 Bevel Glass AT DAY & HEDERSON'S T1IK rURMTURK DKALE118 AJtl) UNDKUTAKERS Cor. 7th mul Wlllimiotto H(tuot. ii.i.uit.