Broad-axe. (Eugene, Lane County, Or.) 189?-19??, February 15, 1899, Image 4

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    iMaiaavi.. , ., n raWJaV
r ...
1 (
1 r -
I t'
I i
ff.--.nt tti ft:.!;.- I.fV, Pol'. S. Pors the.
pa-t week this city risexrericx.ccd j
several 'of weather. Last J
Frida) and Saturday over a f.Ht cf J
tanow fell. Then followed a period
of 10 dce be!w rero weather.
. Last night and toil iv the hcaviett
now storm in year preraihd.
about 13 iaclu f now beir$ lid
ded to that already covering the
arroutid. Tkii crciitui: it I raining.
glri "t-rauny(, tCK-paoiie at u to.-,
ejtraph a'-rviom arc much delay, d.
Frni L- dv:.r.o, C"K, "'conic re
Tiiirt of a heavy bUnaru, :ii) l rail-.
frttlwCrilH! Ir Wie IT.n-u-.iAi. a.
ontaina 16 clunv u Lo.ue,
not a avlbblc of -"patent nit.d.-." T wh fee ecu arot crd cmnot
Kverf tVP is handled 1' iw a uiivtttttuTT iw: hcn h i
1 " . i i .,' f:-ui of .t:H-.r.iv btcaw Vt
tvp., aild It taes IH li'.-.a" W..I K f.rc-i.f cf.--. hi vat: .xJJ a cc-.-unaot urrres
j . ;, t l. ,.,.,.. ni-,1 w.'l "i' hi -.1 -i no rr.. ii I'.vt llifvs
to d it.. LfHi. -iir I'ty, -r ...ei vi a ,h.lUlilII au. ,.,4,. OT , B,jWtcj
compare it with anv ?-:.luv:5:i f lio tc?- 4"c :" of ten.? i Pict-ir.
1 A m: rhi proTipt! hcc.N tueiu. iin . re
in the State, and fee if von t. the nht rcn.cJv. wili nJilif-
one wah to mmh
live matter fr the
"See our i-luhbihg rati in aiic'.htir
? V
r a3v2Tv;ijiwd
CAT f OBTPC A t TIVTt' rar
frinLrt aoaarr in i an l.crtrt ci-BkiL tu ru
-tlans fmcttr g m- it': A nvHrtw f In.
formawttt cr4t-m:ss i'ntriii Unj bow u ctv
4Mb tbcai ent 9 aimi vuaoi nectju
'tel vxl iu tno- m
tBNul n cetn m A lrplilkc Amerirmu. avn4
tin r fcwi tt atS v uif. in pj( i:c w-Ui-
t ywt u tK invi:ir. T.u .-r'rtUt tM,c
wd weekly. e;cn;; .il3:rjitf4.iA in
Utk t circincHi cf h e.; .v tn Uw
Bat)4iiui Etl'.uoc.iDv'.tijlT. .Jv & tc.t. t nc V
rwu. cam, t-rcry bjN r cor.:4:rj
Mim wit piw. n:b;i. m. Y-.:r to 114
, Dealers la
and Simple
--""Willamette - Sffeet -
ED. PAYIS, - Proprietor.
frail, Harm, ranlr.
ad uki rO Mipplir,. '
t M Is Mock t&claadiui brands of To!.cr- '
and C1(W and make A ierti.!:r rf ;i.oi-oln:e
Candle. Atae nie line o P.. Tnr.
Clarlnf Cerda, and m-Iieieti -!a Water.
Flrat Door Weat of Hover Bluck. Mb it.
Tteltal.l. man for ma:iai:er r,f l.rancli
MlirflaiKli to "tn 111 thin virmiiy.
If yonr iwottl m O K rr m a l-'mI
openirf. Kindly nieuti !! th'.s ier
when Wiitinc
A. T. MORRIS, Cincir.nniti, ' O.
Illuatiateil t atal'V'ie 4 rents - a' (9
VKtXrtOtW tArr'. WCTTCTS e' the r.borm.
. la ncri . ( wi n i ii rn. i. win n ant
ani rwkl ntx.n r.A of t f'. 1-wlnapr.;
iTlriiirir tii-r- rMMMmi i
uiMtrNt-.(3t r
I tn. BIT ITIXV .5C r" ' ' '
per H 11 BrTTO8
aVM.rkm B7.ii nef hundred: tr.i lf wr I . -r-w ' . I
ala) Mfaxrtoi Everywhere.
BMaaflBtaatsaaef Cam, IS oenu.
S rifth Ave-a. New York. K. Y.
1-Lie lirandy
; rklU AU UIiUy .
Ft aale at Fif.h and Blair
J 4 Vn W 8 1 E rj ii'i f n . it cnreo.- per eent
XfmV iY :i rii k' hi . hionc'.tSit. throat nd binir ai
UJ ii2Sicv? P. rr-nedv tor nerkwn
treete, Eugene. When I ray pvre ' ,. jlist Cant ,land jour pa
brandy, I mean it contairs no jH.r jr.pger too much repub
irug:x t.ion exteff what Mlkza ,Uut ut -
.It .
emt iviiitlir.f Alri'.(lv I lit 11 11 ! I.
...... .. i - -
quart, mil gallon, nt d palhrn
.....Ir,,.. at 7.-. ..aula , ee ;,n rL a...l
1 n n
3.00 per gallon.
-. - Madoby
yr -f7
A. iai X UlUUS
l-nw. i....d for a.iett senile
' V...... a at tl.ia
f e- ,
P'-iw,'-'-'vj- " la
TMaeaae i rrrit rtkI trtiwiieim:.
Maacvet : ! upos it hrre m i rate.
out over it calm auiace w ithout a t joir,;U
of iljncrr It 1irt hi tVvt it a.i.auce
nd recede alinatl '.STfuV.r but .ill t'uc
Nine ii wiit mi. ai in.-' Fru e.l Dl-u.
if noihT.: bid baritn i. . it tjj otcn dar tnen.rtoi a c-.tji .'1.1 in !h
I.Min or ohk f&:a. ira.ap :ic! ir;,t be c n.
a-uIUa. KnniBiscr'
1 ii-.i u?tk t. cr
. - V. - 1 .. - . . . .
rio- tc ur Sc not h to
!h them nd th. he u th 1
of wiurupt.n. mr retn-oui ui-Tt!eT. t-r
Ane othrf 1 iacl maUilv Hnt fi imhmnn I
n mscCi.-ittt Pr. Pifw ti
'1 m-.!icmc for ni and women mho uf-
i't in th.T. It Trtpre the lot ppe f
tite. facititniM ti e Bo cf tiMive juu-e. I
t:,-.rtr. the lici. punfir. M1 enrtche
lile WooJ nd tone anj bnil.U op "e i
faction, at d
i priMUar
Editors have fuuuy times -wuki
their patron.. To hor the read-1
,r the Lind of kick cutl, quihTT;, . r ,,,, ,Rt,.mJt wi(h
hV ai:d qualms and few Ve. the j ,,,,, olt F,.i.ri:arv ,;th.
we get we s.ia.l notice a low at
r: mroni t.y way oi answer. .
Ihrc is No. 1 from MN F'.hrl ;
J-'MpK'Toii .f -Ca.Imx of Fi'bruary :
; 1 : . x- - 1 t 1 . t-. 1 1 ;
.1 v !iie!i t-;ivs:
i..,..... 1.., 1 .!... 1
,iii!-'r f r two weik. a;.J v.:id,
iik-r t- .hv.o v ..ini''-.hi!: it.'
iXiu- rrod-Axe has bousht out tlv
eCord. .m i will nupply '.he Record !
: f'.:l..-r:r.T. f .r the : :'-.v l.r.W :
el ?.ai ;e!;ti ju;..c.ion
; I-. 2.r-,.d,: ' ri
'.rc l-e.i.
I sc l.r ;h nv;:ri'' cf IS
tliat yo. hid hoiiiht out t!ie
; I.-.-e riarid the Broad-Asc.
! be !-. t t.) ail Did np ("ui fcri'.ier-
' l.av voc ?'lr.! Ihc p-."7 ! I 1.
t ve.-i unv yt.
II. .. Bern:.
lt.-Ir. not r.-c
?d the
Li -ju-As-' it is ii it h wilful i'a
(.1 . ur.-. Ti;
r.n.-;i; e -r
eia!; tne w-.irs
u- !: ' r'.prcr.t
to ;f;!.C lUfCrd
uj.t n t:.c j v.-lI
t- n ay
i .-.,:t ,i .
'a-u l" ",m ,,u"
o-.r p".tr
i very
l.rc t
t-rif.t:.i! b.tve
W.l .1 V
r : j; I : . 1 1.
s friT.d. r.nd all
"ii; I: e tln.e. '
No. 3 fn a J. A. Roberts "of
! w-. -:.. .r. '.1 i. -. .. v i -
. i.iM.j.i.c .i..o;.ta u.ejt.Mmaucr
! f that J l.iCV Jit.u is the tcirt ol
' communication ccmn.cnlv rcctivvc
! hy &!1 i, ttal..ifj.!r,fi;t.'
wc trfrviic, nr.d tthi'di
l- te eMawi-i.r.i' to lerm ijmt.-
an U! 07:1. Ion of a
portion f , the huti'tan famlir:
: Th 1 c .-'.rfiSt. r of i- ritield Kiy
I I e ' e. .-.i t , i, f
j:..r:n 3"0-.l t.i.:t
ir j a per address I Vj J. A. Rub . j
is ,...t taken ont lut n main J
1 -ad in this office. You will p'.eac I
d!s,..ntii- the wme. Itea.nrj
Iw tt want the rao'-r 1 .n?er."
I-i r-?!!:.-, C iil fav that we ! foil .wins anccJte cf, Olocel 7 jm '
, j Sumter: fc'ouit-.r wa gr"t big giant t
!'" ''' '-'i-;e a' r "q.'rf. fellow. hh .voice like a T f og i
nivl thank Mr. R'.bi-rts for request- i ij&rn. iti Ktid bis "bclUr" oonld be j
'ii.sus t d'-t t-n'.iiiue, f ns much ! tearrt for railea. On one orr cirion wbeft I
r" . . ii' be was off on a foray the Tories came !
.,, ;i, re th.,M; ., our bwka Jifl. Vr.v .,,:
J(,l uhen aekedtopay then re -
fi-e to take the pofn-r out of. the
vili.v; ..riitnii K asareafon that
r . , . ... , ,.
ih y doiot want it any longer
At. I nl trte lulr Ud f r our
..per M.rth i2 ying for
h- ln-if we su-ii.ded. we
etttred No rentier 12. 1S93 Mr.
.1 .ii l.a Indthe paper now
..iiiv three iiion tin fr wntch he
-.i-m JJ
We hot Mr. Roberts!
will find it c.'iivi r.ient to
l)iisiiit?i with ns aoon. .
o re .ds;
Xo 4 re.ds;
J.!wr, February 3, '98.
'"Amis i r? n, please atop my
ran uinpnn.
' wo arc sorrv he cannot stand our
. , UJ fa
. ,.?. '..... , .r.r.i
i no . u nwi. .. ...
But whv Mr. Hinaon cant etmd
,h- Bmad-Axe on account of his
r .LUhhcamsm we cannot onder
41 n"7 noit eTrr, ma.
,iha Broa t Axa has criticised too j
e.frly tmr county ofKcials or '
oi:r lcpi1atr. Jf th; be hi oW '
jis tiir. o iv truly n.ity fur hiiu.
Wo will inform Mr. llinson that
w or no, running re publicac
paper, nor a democratic paper, nor
a populist papervbut an -indepen
lent I s.-.' .i-lluk'-tilii? a!l i .
...... j-,.. ...jx. ... ft - ........
good in every party, and there is '
wiik good in U, while we oppoee
what it wrong wherever found.
Here comes So. 5 also from
Jasper. It haa a different ting.
For olivine reaioua we withold!
the a.nluV naive, but will mv he!
w a
republican of high standing;
n hi c tiiuiutiity, ha held a re
sponsible otlic which he
it ed ih Ii vi. r to hititelf Rt d
. ..U.. .........
..u.i i.' iu- .ii...
'I autcrihed for the Br Axe
(of toneof the .fa.iii!y) and
rvad'it recniarly. Pf rome woi!
like the "Ax" an wo-ild ujt think V
i f doing wuhent it"
j Now c:npa;c .the nbor withj
; Fred Ui;ir)i:i j-o-.i who know the two
: men, r.nd ivhTtl one come the I
neurtat to Ti;ni2 in your juJg-
i ih rM-iiiiiti. .if a I.inrnln
lu PubluRn' or
Jt'fferson Dem
. - - .
. , ,
v'fc' v wv. ww s
- ,
ti.- v. i t nx. j
uc -urn.r. . li -u uiuim
, , , . . - , , ..
Careful estimates i the Tili-
pin.i l.'sos in tht- Wttle at Manila!
of February 5. al 'AW dead ar.di
300 winded.
T)l(, - T..ri,,t -..,;-:..
Vnit drove thecneuiv La.-k without!
Uir.a n...
At liidiaiiopuHs.
InJianapv, Feb S. Thcre-ia
cinch fi:l.ri:ig!ii the povr quar
! ter of the i!"v .n .ve ot the ;
t-vcre cold weathvr Dregonian. 1
.Mrs John Oon.
J. hn Coon, died at her home
try,.';-. Wedne'ilay
:c l.avcs a husband!
a:ul ti-.ree chi:-!rt-n.
A Cm Nmral Duel.
Henceforward to im Nelson 'a wrda I
; abent bi own meat dfrrerato aevtion
,tbcro wa no ninaturpriog. there r-a
- cul; Uownri b; Ciuda. " aa j
wa Joiw' tni;ces!iocaMo tn rit na
- baaJler cf i.ipn itwa 'iiTrrrichi fipht-
( tn? fod'x-acoe t lLa Oict cx::.:io and
, l:.J:v; 11 t.aatLC:-r that wes tiiisbat- .
tie. Vhcu tani :u ccnf-i'r', ii;r.;ri' r-
JArftke IUr.J.U..e'.'.tvM,?...?v-r tae
Au.crisca I'i-ivcs, taou-t i tbta af
a lio:cnco, vru trill pr-;t, tut u ;r
luavi. r ciiraritr la" ia ttic fH
, tiso two "aertd. s. It: K.i.arl was a
; very cil bin. m'Mi, nrr r uwaat fit.
her tint eommiMioa. ThefipM bitherW .
luteiy engrKd te .- k.-:!n . ' fo
iattfr, tb arTbMT! I-tw.-c cunnorU i
: were (till cl.iseJ, itad from the atiip ;
. toucj.icg cou!,i net te ojv-r6il. Tucjr i
j were thcreTcre b'.cwu eff, and toe CLt .
went cn. ' '
"A oovtty in uavai roiabat wuai
-0 re,.,,rte1 t0 Kacy w itc-vti bat!
. lo tew almirr,'! fit3'.2'!y wrn Lira-!
! '" ,' Ji' ihe m 01
fw rM te,0 tbaTrerwtive fliin. m
' eortl-lc ihf mc:i to lcod" tLat l, tl.e
staves c f the ramnier cf one iliip cn- .
tered tho cf the other at tut tun
ren I dug loaded. "We lt'ja:ne to
I tWolcr? and etc" ret'.e1 Peaw.-.n.
. m . 1...JI t
tr.w ninzziti ci or pan. i- o' ni- i
each Otter" Fides." an d evt-:i fn, ly ti.a
, tretimr.ny r.f tii( liec'.tcjiil eu the l-)Wftr
i tf the Ettapis, bir gnu could I
80 ??5a?.ir- '
' Ar An.. n( tI. Reroi..i..
Scnitor Eats cf Tetucasea told the
at the ibot
, coo Id be put after the Toriea. He orer -
cok them on the third day d bwtm
aUmt nntil mMnigbt. Then be deploy.
j td bli Iorcci M0Iltld the camp and told
them to awaitbl. ctders toflre. Hewa.
' dfc
tbat fairly made tbe earth tremble:
I "lf?.d?,WB' ffn,. Molljt"
; and Molly. reeocnlzniR those etentoriaa
t ,,. fn rB urT farn. and after
tbe latt "Ty down, Mollyl" caruatha
OOB!n',DO" r"."n" P C"B- """"
recapiuxca vnouoi unit.
Mast Ilare Beea a Bnataa Mam.
"Here If a rtory," aaya the Kenoebeo
(Me.) Joomal, "tuey are telling on a
trolley con doctor In the employ of aa
eastern Maine company. Tbere being a
slifebt wait. certain member of the
era which Is not ronsiilcred eligible for
enlistment and may therefore be aat on
with in.pnnity gr.t tbe benefit cf bla
' 15
I Mrn.
"The Woman Are yon going to tbe
, 0QK,T
"The Condnctor No, madam.
Tbe Woman-I this oar g'.ln3 to
"The Conductor No, madnm
"The Woman Well
la tbl
, ha ear to take to go to tbe liaugor
I,e Condnctor-It U. It
, p,ct m, oor,
sue tioor.
She cumbered In. and the i21.lo
roiled on."
nnn O. T'-.vmn;.
SpTaV FnillTTS
' i
F. L Chaml
Tlio Broad-Axe-will
Hshed on Wednesdays
OVER irCl-.XJ2srOvB
Corner of Willamette and
Look out for sign
1 , It . 1 1 i U
, find US tO glVC V0U H rriCnUlV SIiaKO OI tne
I w
la,,! ,..! fnlfO VOlir RllhfiOrilition which 18
Haml ailQ laKC yOUr BUUSCnpilUU W1UUI lO
$1.00 per year, 60 cents for sixmonths
., ''.'VI
() 2t) "Cntfl for tllTCC aTlOaltalS lllVariaDiy IH
j ...
' rtflvr.n.,rt
u'"u '
haatnc (ha Record e hie
Pine parch
ecotiu lo no paper pnbliabed In Eugene which make the Broad Aae a Brat claee
adv.rti.intf medium. Boelneee partiee ahortVd make a note of title and aee a be-
to tot. -lauere. Eapectallr ahoold
. ......
pltee, connnlt na tor rerma. ai w in. pwrcr .-..''-
too well known to need repetition here. WeaJiall contlnoe to advocate all the
t....iin- .irm meaaare wlikli are agilatlnt tlfe public mind. We shall make It
i -- a . . . . ...
aiwal.y to guard IM inwreet. ...
continue to pobliab a lire, inoepenoem,
8v tli Broad-." a in...
'henceforth be pub.
of each Aveek at
Eighth treeta, Eugene, Oregon
MBroadAXo" aWayi
of the stairway lead-
floOf Wht3It YOU Will
a bona flde flat of aobacrlblra we think
those baring legal edrerUsewiaote lo
i: - .... B-A II..I a. H...1 U
. . , n
...payer a. in "'-"-"
ieriee naw.papvr. 0.niv,.D1,
Farm Machinery
McCormack Binders and Muaoro,
1 liutriri nni 'VMirfi
Corner Ninth and Onk StroOft.
Ia5 rl pfvi i (1 Orlx !!it
- Will rtire eeW
an.l InHteirta
tfTiill Uti
yerrinfftoTft's Ninth
. -we- Hto owa - U Or - t
NeVt to th" -Jtaiiibl-'r" in '.inai.ty :i'id .;.-.! U tli
-Ideal" ' -
liiiM."vii lr 4 V .1 'riiw
4i20, S:5."
10.5-IO?.ltl-Htil!i !-( Io. t-il, foC
Matlock & McClanali&n
Ri'pairin, Sundries vtc.
Next door to Fisher & Wat kin n
Our Rflohawk
Sp.ces and Baking PoWbttll
arc Guaranteed Absolutely.
Turk and full AVkioiit.
Your Money Back M not rVtSaffed
& $13.00
1 l
Will buy a
. . Set
24)(20 Bevel Glaso
Obr. 7ilt iiiitl Wllljimotte Htr'eeta
In Iii.I,?a iIi
Try bua'aud ba can
Street lfnff Stom
Eucene. Ofepon
Brand of
3-Piece Bedroom '