Broad-axe. (Eugene, Lane County, Or.) 189?-19??, February 15, 1899, Image 2

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-1 '
Amis' 6k Son,
iaxiia iss Mivm: Bciunx;.
2m. Williams .so Kia- jrsrtr.
" T
rid rlu rami mstt.r
Ff rT
Tot .1 ( b:!
f jr (T.-t ii ' ith
Xirr!' It in SUn.-S )
.V3XEIV.Y FEU. 13.
: ; 1 ; - ;
Some Scripture Comnnnled to
Dr. PHvcr.
Words ef Solomon: H -cles'ates.
chapur 10, verse 12' to 15: "The
word '( a wise man's, mouth n:e
gracious: or ("giacc" i: Hi bivn )
hut the lipj of a fjjl wiil mull nv T
up hiaisclf. The beginning of' the
word of his mouth is foo'.i-hi
an I tht c: i of his u!i inii-.-hie-vio-js
rniUiif.. A fiol is also i'uli
of words. A sun tell r.'.
- ahall be; and what liaU 1m ufu-r
him, who inn te'l hiui? Tl.e 1
bourofthu fu-.lii!i we:irioth cvcrr
one of theoi, tciu?e bt kcj'vrt!i
not how to g i to the city."
Now we do not e.iv that Dr.
Driver is t big a fool t
ti nd
way t the city, lulwc';
every other word of the
scripture tits 4hi:n f.iit'af ally.
the senator will never it i.i t!-...t
light. - . , -
Treasurer Tatter-sou.
Treafcrer Fattersoi', aU!.ii:!i
the toorvtt paid otli.-isl in thu
.county and the h:iri?n wiTicd
man abut ths courih i.iie. co:.:cs
about ns near tiiiitii " the r qi.ii
meuU of an all round man you,.
will meet at any time i.lace.
Speaking of the fubry of l is:
ofSoe which is $4l.0o pr iu n;h ne
aid, ''I cannot . afford to vat me.iu
I tnust fed inv h.-.iin at the ex
pens j f my ioni.-;i, ani tx'c-' pi
peri insteil of titef. " lL'f ..rj
tha Orejaia.i, the Sui Fr la.-U.'j
Ex iminer, t'le; an J th?
Ml.ourri VVo.ld, wli'.oli cU.ui-j
"aeverarduirars'," a'T'or"'w!Ti.-!'aW
absolutely iodisp.nsible t my
god health; while b-ef. itho-u
the parers would caa.-e 'nie to f .-
ish meutally If not!iy
Yoa aro Sot tiu JaJe.
The Cottage Grove Nugt o:
Friday, in coaimei ting on the far,
of the coJi.'eJr-i a and ba;iti?ai o
the murderer ' Cli iJa Rr.iat a
would DiaVe cvt ry (.-iiiner, ar.d v. t
are all sinni-r, rejuiee tin t llr
Howaiu, fditor of the Xi: - t. is
not to be the final i.f a!!.
Ilo-.iard uoui i even d?ny ltrai.
the poor .r.c!r.t:cn if "h
during l-ic few briif hour of
left ti ftiin. He wttuld dost r5y tlio
reau't of the tea -ti'.r.j of hi spirit
ual ad vicrs and blot ou: . tv-.ry
"ray yf hiijie; and at o ie pil.- c-.:ils
of a. - on U.-a i:- h : i i, vhi
yet living. Pj-b a pi rito ii ii.k
Coin.virt wit!i th; be ie; and ca-: oin
of thi Indian who t'.av? hi victim
il living an I ere aat his bo ly
and lauphs at las cry f. r rrrcy.
Friend Howard, if the Great J a i
liefnre who.n all must appor. are
Tvvsessed of cu'.-h attrih-j-.t-s as y u
bare Fhumi V'i;i ;.w, II if
without the eletuejH of an-rev
cannot be ratiflled, even th oa-'a
the the sinner make rec(irip:-iite
pays up but such a being would
not be a God but a devil. The
followingls the article rcferre J to:
Cottage Grove Nugget: "CUudc
""7;" Vu 'UUT w
John A Linn, the circumstances of
... ,
nuicu every man, woman anu
.... ... . , ...
iit hi in Ihia Aniiiilu is i.i,iti
vmiiu iu aiso ii;uii T ii- liliiu.liil
with, has been bapiited, RcV
Patterson of the Divinity tchool
officiating, assisted by Kevs Rose
nd Matlock. Does this siirnii'y '
that Claude Brarton, whose hands
. ...
re deeply stained with the crimson ;
blood of a fellow man, is tleai.t-d
from his sins, tins of the tnih;iest
magnitude that the Great Father
.will reach out at.d down tl him.
nd lift this leptile. this human
nake, this m.inster. whoso very
ml if hi bs sul-p ie,jed lias
been saturated in vice ami crime
f m " boyh xid, trembling with
brutish cowardice, up into ever
tj. -1 a
laat ng life and seat hln. within ,
w BQiretrDiso. mstaronei.
. ' : . "
We it announce 1 that Chirly I
- n. 11 . 1 . , . 1
ciwn woo was me nominee lori
ij. . . ., .. , . I
041? finterpris. !f, wonder 1
w$ defeated. 8erycd him ri-hl. I
Direct l.t'iUtlJii. i
AooirriOMs, or t;i
Lav. ma:::n
- ioxor :.v.
Tj ra ileal i r.rn r.-i funhcr !
coura -:.ient nstM vine uih
tinned ni'.ecii.m it tin- uimv.
to then if d::ci l !iMT7):i. Ii
D'l'f'j!. f.''lMl'iS h.iVe l.'.h. .'.
,i ' rsrTT. .', l-.-.o:v .;-.
Tivttt of rid a.'.iru.-'. ioa iva
be f 'tkv.vtfj out. O t!i tai.l, th.-iv
if.;".. Is ft ; Ulio-i a' ti'sici-.t lo
i ur'. ilur. It is the ;w..ih;!o:i '
tin Jawro ii;-.i: nva ;.-.v.
r.a a j .
tl.V lll.'.t
: ' liuv.i-j'.
f.iviT.'.Ve u
ilk! !'
.It Ull,
. un-.i
iciiiwiV'r txV.i of t'ViSi'iiu' v.:
l.a:i:.u; i:i.a rui., r.:i t
cxtrnv.ijMiur, j.' iy, t-.i-j.ti-i t fVs .-y j.'t ! '.
i iv.i Si. f.-ii.i;-:;
ii.ll.iftio'o. T. i.V ot ;'ir. i :i I. :'.
. t p ..t:.u. r-.l
ii.t .
rr.r.c. :
r.-.-ip i.-ij!
h. tt'o: .
ni'.i :;
, i .
tallied, i.iviui.i o-.-iior
;,s for
radii.-..'. u-rk v. . i.i;i o- ii..
How, r.My ii-;i-'i;!y oe stt-n.
. "i'h- Nt iv lJiijt'..i-.-I i nn l!i.c'.j
iis o;v:i use.-; it tiiai.ajv'j iu iov-.ii
.h.w!e, . bridges, po.;.-.-,
j ui'l.v- .g a-i 1 q py. '
In fiaiilar affair tlic S.ii v. :u-
illtil.e All.-:toti.'US. . t'lf
P.iw'i;k c.M-i a tfi-..l -a :y i, to
iiVvin.1 to i..uv-i ot I J.t' .-. ,i
TiirVfihaat the r-nin'r-. j:r-sn-!-
s.r.-a vi!.
itMil r jairi-t t-x-.eraai i
it i o-L' in its c il l.--
other C'mr.:i:t.:i:e-j t .o
n.oa joht;:.ti h.-r.d-. Il i-ir;'ah-ful
of tl: h"iae rul t :ii.,i; h.
t "r J r iu '.'stlf-y..- ( rr.aie: :.
gov e ra :r.'. nt i inci .T. s i. i
riHTe ta in th? rn in -at of
wl at arewh ihv pa'.e li.trt--t.
The j'!itico f lopping oil- fr -.-a
goy ri.lncr.t i ll m-'t'ers ir.t thf
commo:) affairs-cf th'-eit:.xi-n tht-a
l?i'i-in:5 orparcnt. . The bn.ractrr .
Of Miff flAn in flt nmr.uiniln
, B . Ant- rr .
O 1 -
'truaed wiih men who truly re! rc-
.r. , .
sent the citizens. I he rr.tre u-raa-
,...:.., 11 t. a. i. -i
g"gae is eeon W"1I known. Lnhcry
1 4 . V, ... 4 . - l
:, TJie foll'vVf parti-,
ip l'
fen. PuH'.ic is(ies, usa.ill re-,
iltinjJ , bul lora, n,atterlI
. .,-..., .i:
re for
iiitt lilil-L 1 1.1 1 k 'la tl II' . lii il.--.
T. M ).,,., .i..!,,kJ,.i ;.. !.
1 . '- .. r ..
: raeue. lar-o no itics. ul?. not t ie
r- a ' - - - (
.oliti.'lan. but the riz-r.
f . . J.1 S
above 1 ao..v- ..L-ii;.. g a-i i ivat.r a p. v. ,
2it la Maaiar affair the SaU o :u- ' ' L t-,;' (
T;:V.:1..V. .1- U....t.... i .. 1 ? ' ; . .-.V i. . l f t 1. !:l i.i -U-"'a"'
: , - V . . . i- f T .... i . I -t-ii .iaa
i..;.:ii;ec-, i 1 I-. a;. a coaa;;-. . 'i. ;ori, . .u. .o.i. '
fvltU t-r tijcu.s.-'.v.s q-;.i.a. v :' hi- !.-. a pr.';r'.et.r a:; ! edit -r of
prcir.b.tio!-. li.-.-::e, and' aei- the j:ip-.-r h'.ao- I it Ja!y, -i;--.-:
Cj a-.-! tor. vi Li- t i e-v- "'A'it.i th:-1 i-1-'.'.-- t C-.-lie. '!'
p ;..i.u ai. 1 of :.; p.l'.I::' i..'iT-'i f; 'f V:'il Trr'TTTitTir-r i -y-'-.r
r.Vf:..i-r.t. Ti-.-.. hi i.ur- rt-t!r. fr. a th f.e'.d of Vf2 -a
ui- i.-.ii..i:n?i.;.i'..1;i, ; ... .;!. .- . o 0 ..i , i . t ' 0 1 A
it become a coaiidet'e" t"otiiiiii;T.::v.' i' "f L rrno n i -- t'.',. ,.-. "t ..1 out .
, ... t : I ' i
I.i tl .e.- word, with u'a-vt Iiwis- 1 year and a hal; 4 iii .
a.: .. -; : !... . , .. . i': . .....;,tui, ..i ;-, im-.-
w- - - " 1 ' " ---nt-tl?n
iiiE l r.t Ithl 3 - T l.CxL Uif " ' la.lV he '.i t
.. t:i : - i --n' aa t t:u L i- " .
.iUVEHMt.N7. . . T .T..C.-C J a1' 1
. s ,a .:;r.,;l :a y .;,: o: a.. It , ,
..;.,! .. vi-A- 1 -lir.r:-.. I , , . ..... , . . ' .-r the i.-'l.i'l
I..IC. li i.. ... i.. i .....i .-. a... ..... .... ...... ....i. -
- ....... .i .. .. , - i.i. . . . ,
thU-o.:r.t:y,.t!io jt'.arit.j -i ;,7 ;-. -f..c l'n'r. wh i-t ihli-'n-d i''"1"',',
:he- -:.?a.-.i!lv ,il..,e f..r,;,tf r,,'f. ,.nv .orviog ii. t''l'"T " U'1
ul''ve ,h'; f-r-lir..l froa t'- n. -.a . I : t .f , , .." " "
'.I'ndc-r -th. isir.oi-' c-.ii.-.i..h:.i!.,:. ;'hc .-per Ii-.;. 4 lour Uul.-e.
wh-!e' co-aa:.!.!.'.::- ranv t.;vt t ,
a?a;:: c .v, alt:-t?, U-': o-i i p.y , r.-ial ai rai.
. -,r . . . . . h:re -dnui; t..e i.iot w- 1. 1. "... . . . i . . ,
,. "l r..; !.:, i'..,:- ' - , . ''" cxt:..:::. a:.a:e.u...y..-..!. ui.ur,liS v, ,ui
, " .' . .". t!i (.":;: ' r aV.-r- r;u t'a u . i n -1 , t;, ...,:.;.(,
. . . ' t .. o-nrv s in i - w z.ft on !u- r.'.i
I.-a.-p',If t r,:i us .c.. i...- ... . . .
...... to.- Oi,. j -i 2 ; i-';r ...1
oppo.-t .: v f -r t.o- i-.-jna.---c ! . . .
. , f i - . - i.-.j;..'- t:o- -tt.i. ,.-i 1 :i -.l.r.,- ..;
twav fr j.t-a :- ri-. ii. i:.: ., . .
, 2 r at J.l-it-t tv t.b l:fe .- r .;z of
I-i. v..!-- a a he..;.: -r ri-oi
r. , , . . t .c .;;.i,iiU:; ;ti-!.;'i.;.- ':: i:; -
iw- . ,. . V ( a fi.-.v I ii. It li--..ii i-i.ii,
i oi ' W','- . ' -ia-;on the 7ta, and th-.- irrt.'.?!.-!' i.
, , . biro u-t:,i,:r.. and- or.i.r. a;.,l i-ir.; la-Mi ,-ana o.if-ais ,.'v. a f f i rv'.-r t . nr,..
. . . ,' K it.-.-r are til ed iv.ta n :' r. A wsol UK o..t.r -t .n-e.
:;..i-.-c-- ii: t..- r v.;.i. (a tav '.t.-i-r ' , . ,, , , .
, . . la i.-Ji :;-i mi. v v. - i. :, .. ! iA : - n a 1 .
. .'i -t a iv .-of.; ; j; i r -a. ,i-t ...-s, .n-.' veir i
t r t: ' .:..' v i. . .i.i- - - s . r . - .. .:.. -. I ' it i
.t . . ' - i-.-u.: ot t..i.-e pa
. . Il.ll... .t.l I ..... J i. ..... J.I' I ' : . '..IT 1 l.j . J LP i . . . J.
!.-1 c
; li'-a?;)!!, every orjft f. in mr - h,t - " 1 jKnea up
leven the c..r..rvaf,ve to ni l in ; 1 as it has beer, the nam, of th-.. j
'eetalilishirg local self povcrnm.-n. ' ,,Lc? f " nv"r (,rty X-rs '""V'1 A Vonn BusIneM Man.
1 But the radical, l.-.king farther l!'e voting pre anct wh polling
than the conservative, will -ee f.,r lacc , t!" re- Thl ' ,!' h'K'1 an'i ' Saturday John Lamberty, aged pportunities. In local c ,n,' ?rou'i'l, ore an'1 l"y .nlaiut six years, ami of John Lam
self government with direct 1. gi- C :llfvj r.tain an I the two nn- ; u-nv, f we-t 7th etrect, came
lation, every possibility f-r hiaf"r,",e l'lace n,,hl"a 11,,f? ,,J j striding it . our oflice ami handed
th ii st ilisl sk, 11 1- a 1 . ft rs . 4: t 1
rul.i ijff liiPl '-nil "fajj; ri, JI V 1
U ' ;v,.,i. Ifn .tlrione h.-al-'
. )on ,n -ftnother; ,, utev,.P'
political nroiect are aftainaUc .
. . . , ,-' . . , ,
, ., . , .11 ' 1 - .........
philosophy may le c inverted by.l,ran conL'rejS for services rcn- !
co-work'-r, from der- d." j
l',c"ry to fa?t. Th 'm-e on, if his I hy not" D.i ut his sorfices 1
philosophy is practicable, the field decree pay?
..iiiiiii bm.ii . v. ..... r........ . .
-V .V ?
T-hat 3DLi'ciy Dollar.
ir to be n t i
;i ki.ld .
li. um v I'l'n-e .ii'iliv r it in. iy iviui tiiiuorrmt ;
It my f.'iu ' ...! otlit i s, it tuny omuo 1'iviii y oil,
T!-.- i'vtr i:u' t:t:d t-ilvr ttoliiir;
1VV I'i 'ii-Aj V ij.t nilxriit-r j-rcft at it to view !!
T!. rc-ii" J silver I -r I hull i n troaMirV,
r.rl'io: I'Xjornis o 1 1 a li lm inc wiili , v
1 .-!i:i;t it t!i' ti. tir.'c !iti ti!.iM:o ;,avurt,
.! ) I.t it 1 'I'.ny
ru:.: i'.i f.i: ;:
f t . !' i il"
j ,.;
r i ,:; : . :.
!i .in
ill V( II,-
i'.;. e . n
A W .l'l
! 1
V N Mill.
hv I !
v i ;
If a
' 1!
: t'.-i
; : ' -
' .v f. ' n
ihi .i;''
i'.ovi'vl, pr
r.-. .:.!
t . i p i: -'
th.- i
t'i iriiu-;;.l
.f t!i a. if
rty iO.-1.'
ij-v.ri r. U..v ) Ivil nflf.
vt r-t-a -at a-id d.ft 1.'.; .a'i a
'Jura t- n Tiai'-r: 1) llr:
Ar.", of Eu.-eii' , r '.-ap-'tii n- tio
'.Hlk ar. u'ly in.prive i in i;c;.r
it : now a t. -.. mi,1.
'tii'iins a. or-.1 e u .ty
1" ria'rly. If ,ir--r'' A'i-.i-i:;
th:. Ii'-k t::' i -f.i.-t of
rn. I
t -ao
I; i
a w irihy
; luav the
Ih-'.a 1 Axe fliKM."
T.i ia'i-i '-J.-er' Mor-.-lioa 1 taia'.i3
plenty It - is oar intcn-
t pletv
ti j:i Ij ktc;i ui
this vrv lick.
U. ...1 : i. .
r, , ... .... ... ..... ,
. llltt 1.IUU1 .'l.Oi'iitT.14
(,ulth9 jaai r M m-h'-ad
., .
too ean.-Xla!!) tvr sta :e hi
111 111
.i .... .,
the pursar o: Vi: I ar.ilhi.i, a-
" '
er -.s lipj bar at
tnat cla. of
v.r,,;.,. 1
I d'j li 1 1, urii.z u
braalv ''-fur t '
st auaciie's e'aW wIksi we oii j-j so
,-k. Well, it d ait m .tier now. 1
Junction Tunen: A petition is
circulation prayu.g th.'.l the,
. . . ..fii,.-i.. .. a ... : . 1
sii-'nv wi yii.-ii 1;; 1 null 4 pi'lOj
iil-toric n.,m, li -Ilf uutan. This ;
ll'itiln 14 f?P.,i 1 fl 1 i I ll.n s.u.i. !
o-""1-' I
O.-o'ia City Herald: '-G-n. Jilia ,
M. Palnwr. wh . -vas the gold d'.-ni-1"
?',rt, - t,.,',"J.'.,.r',r ,.resuleney
" lJ-i ''' am tne republic ins
,,.,, ia n iii.nii.,iw. htf a r 01 1I1. 1
i:.:.-'it pro. -.:;':! fivtfit lai .-.iVi ' '
'v'.- tv l .. , .. 1 . - . ri,., ; t .,
..." .. ill imw t.i. iviv :.-r tar itr
. ' " . . r: its :n iy. .v; by s.on, be 4..:v.ti-.. N,
- Fruia l ur h.h;;w. .i-iKtm- ha.
iv-1 - I
r;.. r . -.-.v.,-1 :., ::i, there's !! do.:
. . lit '., ov r t.i 'i.. .-. O -ram mi;I L-t ir...-lvl
c ... . is. . . l..o '. vOMian ;
if nr -, '. J ai.-vi '. J I ( .- t ill..
r ' iiroid-Axc f 1.0A
the- face f the de-Mar
ci ilvr plccents it l, uew
v n- ion r 1 it .
'!. it iouol dvlhr.
I nV.'.l! Oll.V li:.unl.
l il.(
l.',- m 1 I'.iiy be I'i.r.'.i
lf i.-ir.! vi'ilvivi j'vii v
: s
H i.'.'i it .. i ;
h- l!i.i!v.i,;',
il I it t. '.! .'
- : - v. 's y jl ; ? v. v, v
T'i pn.v v f t!'..- .Ui-r-KniJ-.'
: fl.'O lir !IIIIM1:i. ou can
.;i.c i; ii" I t!ii' Axo fir fl ;o
mo imdot wav t-
he V
if. i'ii i;':inv all t!ic
oiiii r jiiining iiiterefta in
Tin- iab rip:; vi to the Weekly
o'.l -.11
a.. in ih ?;.,.ii per tiauuiu.
in nave it ana tao axo tir
iisrontcit at the
!. v. fnv in iVnn
i a-ka. Pi lean re,
f. rni.i. No mater-
incurred the l.i-t
oo, Hfjit bar;'
f ours
t il r.-po.-t t
c- in a'.l cii'.iceii.e:.!
w ; III the ii.-.:r.-- at.- in M mil.i ;,-.. -t
rM'i .i irv t a.-;r. jiate 2i'ii. I i ! I
-..lit i.i;;: n a: ol hlte-MX cnnrtiil
la a. if.'.io i-'l if.eht oaifer a
P e..'.t-oV lif.'ii. Mi.-Mt!. t
- 4
eiiii-tiM nu n
1 .,i,.,.,;t,. , ,..ij
ri.': .. if their, i a-y .,w , uudetstouJ.noiv. We will . state! . H & 15'J by Maxwell of Tilla-J from Florida to Canada aro suffer
roo.I sj.crviv.r to r.p- 'however that we have .said that j miH.k To incoqiorate Port of'in from (J10 rffiits of the cold
Ho.t -if Wjiauv
We sive ll!.
p, liiii'-h Inv for
pervior ii t!nve
i-itv of ll'-l ntv
v Tl.iv :,:i aro
a.os ii lli v will
'.iv i ut of tttir
.aiei.t wo an
r fivor-
ra 'a t Hi
r. a'iii.j.'
ri. iim lon-i-l-
11 int. D. mi
Ase .11. 1 lilhcr ti
'os i.ia t-r the
'.:ij;.-'iiaa cr a'.l
1 i o. a'-'.ions c . la". .
Wtikly Or,-;
of tlurc
II-re are oor t no -, wa'ch i ill
hjl 1 (j od for .. i 1 y i iiiely days.
Look th.':n over ;ind uvil your-
t. o;i
To. Tan
r Miiii;! v i I r
O uiid fjr the
imv s.'oure a
Ii: nrd'T that
p ij-i-r 1'r mi Wa
,2.,;, Citv that
.. '
; th .nmghiy reh u.l and without reierreu 10 suriiig events nave ta
aa f' as aalTi vocato of th Hi-, ken place at Manila in' which he
in -.ilie rtindar.I, e arc prepared doubtless has taken a prominent
t 1 f -i.-ni-h the Itond-Axe and the! part as an under officer on the
Silver ICiiifc'ht-Woi .hman to one j Monadnock, which as is shown by
al ii '.-s (r on" year, for $1.35. the dispatches took a prominent
Th.- pr:".-j of ttie" Silver Kn:ght- I'r in tn8 lialtle which have
vVatchman sincly is $1.') per i o en going on the last week in
aua.'im. Vhe Oxonian as al! Fhilippino. We feel assured that
know is a Pt.nindi gold f.indard ; Charlton Perkins has aquitted
paper' whilu the Silver Knight-. himself for god conduct mont
C i just as strong for(
the while iin t d, so that the most ;
fn.-ti'k-oii" m ay find his particular
. . . '
view repreoiit'.-'i in ine naper we'
re r a conjunct ion wun our,",r"' " "" 'i . on
"'J "'I' Crond-Axe,
,th'.' KniKl,t .'Hid Oregoniaii will bo
1 - 1:. .1.:-
,,,-.. M, !
8ufi-crile at onco and
a f
us Sunn' com. Mi-in-i 'Va. wants lo
P:,y for his
pajicr." Wo said:
wants to renew?
Your father
ie nodding his head enid
We took the money, wrote
, , . , , , ., .
Johnnie a re?c1pt, handed it to
him and J,,h,,.ie stride,! out with
the air of a business man, which
Le is.
-' - J"il.lLLllJk . X .
J .. . . I I
3 lorrrrtinu.
rVTi'ral panic bavi iulormej us
tliMt ime of our frirnd(?) are
Virculatiiitf the report that we hay
. cbargt'.l wii J, intend to rhnrgiJ our
old i-uhiii'rihera for th two vrars
; iliut wo were tpeiuk'J in ndJitum
j ti tlio tiino tboy were in arrears
i with us at tl.C time we o-asvd
I puhlicatioa and that ive
' I'r.oing t. put snvh awount in the
t h:itnl of an lUti-niov fur collection.
I Now it scums alniOFl'uiiiU'i'ittiurv
t. ilc'iuiwiice this report as an ah
t:rd f.ili!i,id, and that all such'ftr.w aro put in cirviil.ition
'fitupiy In prijndioo tlio peoulo
' ii;:iii-.vt tlio Axe.
Hv rcfuciice f the first insue .f
.Miis fiptr of NovemU-r 12. i.w
it tti.l be tct'ix what our course
bo fwivurd
our former
It this: "The Uroad-Axe
will In- cnt tn tiiose iv!ie term of
! mli.-vni tum had not extiircd until
i.ii!y aid, and ti ff tv Ksmple tinpirs
, will ho .ciit to thiinc who are in
jiirn-ar with us. And we eon-
: tidi nti i'.ly lmjie those .ow ing
us will Sind in the little amount
at oaev, and renew their sub- ington To amend charter of llils-n-iiption.
After giving due time i bom.
the papor will cease M bo sent to H It 'J7, by Whitney ol Linn
t!i ) w ho fail to pay up .m. will To amend the charter of Albany.
licim-forth adhere ahiolattly toi
tlie prepay system.' t
T! !u 1. . l...,. i.. .
'".' t in ii nir. .iiirLT nr.
have pursued, except that w hen To rncorpurate the town ol t'anyon
man 1 f our old subscribers came. City.
in promptly ui.d renewed by hand-j S II I'Ju. by Fulton of Chtsnp-T
inn in a dollar, they were given a To constitute Wach of Clatiop
.receipt for what they were behind 'county a public highway.
oa suh.-riptuni b. fore sipeusion,
, and for a year's subscription, car-!
rem ih'-ui to 1st January l'.HXi.
Thi.s we have ilortf, and will con -
tinae'to do with every one who ilL
tv-itif lowani ami iroew they slisll
hive -th paper until ' Januery 1
aial receipt iu full for!
..... .. .
p:ic arrears, tais aucni to 10
J."'!" 'aa; y nanus. m our tHksjjjiiamoo.: ami proviUe f.r tlie im
who have taken the paper since improvement of Hoquarton slough. coUf.tryT-II wotilrl nil -otir-paper-tir,t
-.started March IS!M, and j S II ICS byj Paly ot Lake -To ; were wo to saie in detail Sll ac-Lav,-
not paid uui thing at all. ' incoriMr.ile the town of f.ukeview. four t of the suffering of the peopta
And we intended to close up ! H II P'.'J bv McOueen of Linn 'rom th intense cold thalhaa
i Ja
ncciiuiita in some way
;.4 to have all
' -paper
aa-ount . c i.iretl that we could
thenceforth go ahead mi lite prepay
lMtejn. Si we ask our friend not
t'.' p-iy any attention to nny rrjmrt
h-ird that may b'l derogatory to !
ih.? P..-.M I Axe. - It his somej
I'Jiends who would, not shed any -
teas ovrr its grave, and thee a re j
the kind of friednds that'the Sa-
' .-:..r ,.( .....a. 1. . 1 ; .1 .. ...i ...
' """ K"v joinine fort Mevens. -
,..,,... ...... I.:., .j,'
him. llut if the Jews and Judas1
had been friei.ds to Christ, Christ j
would have bfeu unworthy. i
( liarlton It. IVjiun.
We aru in reeeint of some rprv
i'Uere:tir.g 'correspondence fiom I "
Mr. Charlton IJ. Perkins of the! S H 212 by Mirrow of Morrow
Navy at Manila, to his Father To incorrnrate the city of Heppner.
II. C. Perkins of Grants. Pass.! II IJ 220 by Young of Clatsop
w hich J present crowded con-i To incorporate the city of Warren-
dition of th'i
parer prevents us
fiom tiublL-hing. Will give it
space in tl 3 near future. Since
Charlton wrote the corresjionrlenre
ji...- 1
admiraole. The young roan has
".w io'n 111 tne navy, some tnree
years, and has made astonishing
. .I-...,. I ...1 .1 : t .. .
i''"n,c!- "" "') imuicr, uui
, . .... . .
j oping special literary qualifications
' '"tart
both aa a soldier and a
talented writer. Charlton', num-
- ..,.n...;i,n - . .A
jhcre in Kugerc are glad to hear
Wl 1113 U T.llll,Clll: Ilk 41IIU IKUIUUblUII
I 1 ... ,
in his chosen avocation.
1 .s
lion. j. ii. uray was in our
office Monday, and we are pleased
to say that ho is hale and hearty
jaltljough aging, Mr. Gray is a
pioneer of '53, and is known to
all old settlers of tho county, as
having bee 1 1 county treasurer for
many years tnd a prominent
citizen of the Pi ale.
Recent reports from the Heppner
country announce that the recent
enow there has disappered and
the ranges were covered with a new
coat of green grass.
The Legislatare.
Progress if Leitlslation
State Cspitol.
at The
Bills approved by the governor:
Ml l.bypufur I'f Wnsoo To
authorize the town f Antelope to
borrow 'lXK) to build ' waterworka
S II 7, by I'roebstetof Umatilla
To.incorpornto the city of 1'cndle-
II li 22, by U.-eder of Umatilla
To auicpd the chatter of tonn of
Aditms. 1
II It 39, by Hill of Multnoinnh
To rcculate pilolace on Coluiubia
land Willrtinette river.
11 V' J'"" "
Ttf 'r"te 4',,itf,f state biologi.t
williuut snUry
S H f.g, by Herd of Poliglas To
reduce salaries of Pguglas county
ollhers. . '
11 It 74, by Maxwell of Tilla
uiiHik To incorporate Nehalem.
8 D 76, by Hariuon ot Josephine
To provide that summaries only
! of county arstsment rolls be trans
' milled U secretary of stale.
15 l,y "atterson ofah-
S, 11 100. bv Paly of Itenton T
iuc.poric me io .. u,
: .. . . . . I - IV II 1.
C 11 11.1 I... M......X ..( i
i. I ill. iit .i.wvi ...I'livn
S It loj, by Harmon of Josephine
l'o amend the charter of (Srants
; Ml 15'J, by looitey of Marion
- To aulhoriie Jefferson institute fo
: tell out to the school district.
f S II l.VJ by Unmnrll ofClm-ka-!
mas To amend charter of Oregon
, l ilv.
j To incorporate Cottage Grove.
bookT' H n 170 by 'Whitney of Linnl. causing loeul-lite irota.
To amend charter of Tangent. jfn-rring and. in some iusUncea
S It 174 (substitute for S H I) bv ; from starvation,
judiciary' committee To provide! The thermometer hss gone dowa
clerical aid for judges of the su -
prcmc court.
( U 1 S I by Wilson of Douglas
To incorporate Drain.
H p, 1S5 by Curtis of Clstsop
-ro incoriMrate . New Astoria, nd-
S II 189 by Mulkey of Polk-To
amend charter of Monmouth.
H B IM by r.lackaby " '
Malheur To incorp3rate the city
of Ontario
ITD:!! by Maxwell of Tilla-i
i mode To incorporate the town of
II B 281 by Gordney of Wallo
wa To incorporate the city of
II II 28e by Fherwtn of Linn
' To amend charter o fGold Hill.
II B 29.J by ttherwin of Jack
sonTo regulate and fix the salary
of the assessor of Jackson county.
H B 818 by Topping of Coo
To incorporate the town of Marsh
field. (Continued Next Week.)
New Goodo Arrive
Weekly oo 1 vou can
have a hew Ctock to
Celect from at any
time. Prices alwavo theLowoot.
Tks putlis
Burg's Variety Store.
Sinew the 4tlof Fibmary tb
war in PLUippijio has routiiiuad.
Success has followed our oldiert
in every engagement 0 course.
But little loss of our forces has tw
le recorded. Our loss in killed up
lo Sunday th l'.'ih, Kubruary waa
boul75,and some I'M acre wounded
while th. loss killed and wounded
of lb insurgent was anywhere be
tween 51K.H) and 7600 up to Buttd.y.
It seems that the insurgent had
broken up into bands, taken to tbet
jungles and brush and were pick
mg oir, our troops by wsharp
shooters, which has caused sonic,
anxiety ul Washington. Onr navy
has destroyed nearly every towa
and villingo within reach of its
guns, llo 1 lo is the next object of
attack, which may occur at any
moment. Hero is massed It Is
said a Urge army of insur
gents well prepared for- resist
anre. Fortunately for Oregon
troop, they have not from
somo reason been called vu to par
licipate iu any engaguutent yet ut
importance. '
The heal there now Is more to b
dreaded than the enemy. Many
of our soldiers Saturday, wbll U
action succumed to the 'beat and
had to be sent .to the hospital.
'some dying. Add to this email
I- .1.. .
pox is spreauing ium m iiw.
f. n. .,..1.
dearly for our whistle, bvfor w
close up this war on the other side
of the globe. 1
Hie Weal tier.
The jieople of Western Oregon
ought to U tbe hsp lest people ia
the world. If we vslue a good and
healthful climate, together with all
the resources necessary to supply
people with comfort of life, this
thould be the case.
While we write these line, th
I lp'e of our country from east or
; . 1 . . ' . 1 .... .1... A11....11. ......
" -" '
ja" mi' w-p.
settled down on the country
'Ih - Iow xero in Texas and all over
jibe south the cold ha. been un
. usually severe. Account. of freese
ling to death in almn.1 all th
middle west and in the north
am given.
. i.- : .. 11 . .1
r.iminwii-iim iTuuuiir.
li- ...... n .1.. .l.l I
r-""rf" "
down to 40 degree below sera
Yet friHu.all oareounts at hand now
4 1 lie? 1 iss i sheep and cattle in that
pirt of Oregon will not be aa great
as it was feared it would lie, while
the loss nf lioroea in Union, Baker,
Wallowa, Malheur, Harney, Crook,
Gilliam, Morrow and Umatilla will
reach it U said 200,000. But w
re glad to be able to slat that
every indication is that the storm
King has spent his fury and haa
left in his wake marks of death
and destruction not to be forgotten
by this generation.
If tbe Broad-Axe is properly in
formed the people of Lane county .
will breathe a breath of relief when
th . present legislature adjourns
"Sign I die." There hss besn too
much Driver Moody Curtis
Will iamaon and petty coat clerk
ship and grafting at Salem, to
make th demise of that outfit
regretted. "Come home sonni."
"Come home if you dare and meet
the. appalling, countenanoat of
those who sent you there."
.' 1
will plsssa
t:ii nstict thst I o
still at ths OLD STAXJ ill
cn 8th St Eusens. O
tilh t uriety cf Gccii Tor Etror.
too trrr.:rcus to cer.tlcn. .
V n.