Broad-axe. (Eugene, Lane County, Or.) 189?-19??, February 08, 1899, Image 1

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o o n 7T n TT
thi raot-Lavs ras-su, 4
ntm t the Li a Bwrr thaw. I
u a u n u
VOL. Ill
NO. 39.
- The liime of Familiarity.
In their strife for mental rjual i
iy with men, women have uninten
tionally broken down a lino reserve
til litun nrr which previously lent
them an uir of uiysli ry, of super
iority, in thn " best at-use, than
which no t'lf liM'lll in morn success
ful in liotvling a iuuh'm interest,
love, and respect The y.iting
riiUMa who reeta
tnrtturn oecr
a a a
alio would In a fiench
Mouiu nibbed off.
livery day I liecomo more ror.-vim-ad
that at the root of the in
crejjHig evidences of widespread
Marital - unhappincsa wouhl lie
found the familiarity that breeds
s-ou tempt. When a boy ebbs a tree
for green apple or cherries, which
ever he prefers, he constantly see
a better one higher up beyond Lis
rfach, until ho nearly breaks bin
lieck to gel thn unn out of hie, partly Indd.n by foliage.
And so man's ideal woman hang
at the tip t of the lre of know I
edge. If the. ideal drops into his
hand he throws it to the ground
wa w-ntthless ni.d begins to rlltllb
Again. Would it le icasonahic t
think, u(ur w.ukitie hard f ir
cherriea, that he would value th-in
long if h nto a iur(. it of lh to?
The (irc-nlraf rorn tMitideul e,f.
Tho West last wick says thai;
"Mr. Willful cut his finger nhil
dressing an old dcvrkiii." Well,
if Mr. W'ill. ut will t ut his fing.-r,
who can prevent it? Willctit
ut Will finger if he likes. The
Grcenleaf eorrceK.utdeut is unnec
essarily excited. - -
What h! ay alniut the church
at l)eadwMMl remind u of coiiic
th(nf u on the door of a
rhrirrh houw back in th mount
ain of Kentucky half a crntury
ago, which road: "Stinc (Mine here
to t-ike a walk, mini" come- hen to
lauch ami Ulk, mtiuv cotuc lire a
fault to cover, Home come here
to meet a lover, nomei-ouie here t
loxe and m I, but few come hero
to wornhip (jod."
.The aboye Is not uttered in dia
Mgcinint of tho jmmj1o of Dead
wood forjwe prcaumo thoy are on
an avergo with other localities
and average, now tdayi ia pretty
Col, the Hroad-Axe thinks.
Kefuira Needed iladlj.
U would appear from statement
given In the papers that we arf
retrograding in the matter of the
treatment of prisoners in tho pen
ftmtlary, as alao in the trrntmnnl
of the inmates of the hpill fur
the iiiKitucfaiwt the im-litulion of
tb reform rhod of the State.
Aii liauncr at ugly and disgraul
reports are afloat. Jut now a
streak of indignation is agitating
the public mind over the con
duct of superintendent of the
-petitWnttary f.'llbert for brutally
flogging Charles Williams and
,s3rg 'Johnson for tlm grave
riat4f trying to eca the prison
walls and gain their libertiesl Oh!
it is such a crime for a jui
want freedom fromi
that B.W-
tar Stkl t Km Ariiai 'la m
ni rU In 1!M telik .JTS:-n?fJT,lJr I11'
ideas of the spirit of the age. These
KXr prisoners have ' no business
to trr to eene prison lifo even
though dumb animals of the for
est d imvlf of the air when im
prisoned will crave their freedom.
"Man's ihumanlty to man makes
countless thousands mourn."
On Sunday, an unknown man
attacked the 14-year-old daughter
wf 0. 1. Morris, of Turner, while
ha was in a stubble field, round
ing up cows. Tho man jumped
from behind a clump of brush,
threw the girl on the ground, took
off one of her shoes and ordered
her to skip. Mr. Morris heard
the scrennis of his daughter, and
ran to- her rescue, bnt the assailant
was nowhere to be found.
The 'show storm of February 1,
was general all over the Villain
Ua valley. ,
With f fur Exchanges.'
Jtcmij of JukiuLJL.'lipped From
Our Kxchuiii" From Over
Thi but". ,
Ki I Hiteil .laiel FnnUr J. If.
Sinter died at his limine at La
iruiule, , Or, January 'iili" after
several week's coiiAiiemenl.
K nator blater's uams is a home-
word in Oregon and hix
II kniwii..o reoiure
tea at awf liamU.
ul teat' Jim Maters nub".
I lie itrunis rasa Uewey naye:
The editor of this paper is mkui to
buy a uhirt. htrauge uii ex
iravagunt as it may seem we nr.
determined to do so, and with thin
end in view wo wish flm dealem to
-oil. mil bids. 'I he contract will I e
awarded to llio lowect hi I ler.
(juulity and stylu don't cnunt.
Any old thing will do. Send in
your bidn at once.
The llroad-Axe Fends conpratu
latioiiH to tin' pfo-ile of Cuttage
n. . . . . . s .
i.rovo on the pracefiil adjitinent
"f pt hcal differences, and we
feel now that when we go to that
thriving ci.y n hull iot havo to
regulate our th'ttights and W'jrdt to
suit th! fenttliienti of its iifoplr
neeoriling to the boundry lines ofhe city :ouneil in swvial (-eHsinn
io iiiMilivl parii ui aviMl ly
nUuie was oidy one. There's a
t'riht future for t'ottage (irove.
A.irill Itohe. the founder of
l"M-burg, is s riotirly ill.
When the pfJ-ofTiiv nt I'nUlcv,
l-ake ciiinty, was rollM-d in 1 S'.ltJ,
one of the men implicated in the
ntTair made liiK escape. The name
of this man was Jidiu Hilton, nud
no clue to his n hrrciilsiuts' wax
ever obtained until a fe.w' days
ince, when lie was located at
lloiso City, Idaho. He was plac. d
under nrret ,and confessed hi
crime. A iwt-ollioe insiclr will
be sent to at once, arm-d
sitli a copy ol the indictment
found ngiinst Hilton and other
papers necissary tj st'euro his
return here.
Tho resolution submitting the
issue of woman suffrage a second
time to thn voters of tho statu in
tho form of a c. institutional amend
ment passed both houses Jan 31
by all but a unanimous vote. It
was a good naturcd concession to,
a Hrsoual apjieal from Mrs. Duni
way, who has U-en-very active in
the lobby -, during the past ten
days. A similar resolution paed
at the lOf I regular ' legislative
H'nsion, and the promised amend
ment will Ik submittal t the next
general election. S
( I un rd :Th r Ixiy sua med H Foster
Hoscoo Wilson, and Jackson,
aged in the early teens started out
last Tuesday to lvome Under ter
rors, but were nipped iu the hud.
They broke tulo the ..residence of
Mr. Millor. rosiding haai the rivor
bridge and stole two jars of fruit,
(ioing' across the' -fiver they pro
ceeded tofnt tho J&une. The boys
next broke into the hen house of
an old tnwn -named l)nri, residing
across the river and stole some
ohickens, Miirli they brought to
town and sold to I. U. Stevens for
l,fi. Mnrshel Stiles arrested the
roster boy, who was brought be-
intermoir and fined
able to pay the
ss commit us to the
The other two boys
are now being sought by the con
stable and will bo tried upon be
ing apprehended.
' Antelope Herald: The spring
weather templed the fire company
out for drill on Inst Monday, tho
ground having been too muddy for
tho past two wcks for effective
drill. An exciting and amusing
incident of tho drill was a fierce
water flghl between two of the hose
crews. Charlio WalUso and Del
Howell at ono nossle and Charlie
llrown and Al Ksping at aiu'ither
pressed' up to within ten steps of
each other and played the steady
Inch stream with relentless vigor,
levelled straight at each other. It
took grit and endurance to stand
the steady treating of tho cold
Stream of water and each side dis
played llioto (jaalitrea in unlimited
quantities until the esplaln culled
About Senator Stewart.
W e it brrited about in some
'l.trtTM that Senator Ste v irt of
J Nevada since his re-eh lion oWen
hi aunwx to Southern pacific R.
K. influence, and Ihitt he i that
corporation s attorney
- . .
e iiiinK .Mr. Mewsrl s cliarartcr
s nn hotioriihli- iiisn, ftlefnnn,
and life long defender of -the 'right'
of the people is iiN. w-ll known
throughout .this nation to need
any defense.
Tlw Senator's fame is secure snd
his idate in the hi-torv of the
natioi Hxed where neither jhe
tongue of-,-Iaiid'r can reach nor
the progress of ages caii t-flect.
His re-election to succeed him
self as I.' nited Slates S iiuUt is a
crowning honor to a well rounded
life of public Hcrvlee to which but
few men have attained in our
country. And thcthnfts of ribald
ry which his "honest inonef"'
trnducers nil! h-ivo aU.ut as much
ir.'ct ns a rubU-r pointed arrow
would have if directed agaiiiHt a
wall of oii -masonry.
Short In III-- Arrounls.
North Yakima, Wash. Jan 30.
Saturday-night-listened to the
report of un exjs rt who had ex
amined i!ih city' treasurer's books,
and found a t-li-u'.auW of alxiut
f)0l, t(Si f vihi. ! has be n
ttken ;;!, January 1. The bal-iinc-
ext"inls b.v:!j over n K-rio 1 of
three or four years. City Trea-urer
i'rca.-ry this uiorning turned over
iK-rsonal iro,s rty to the umouut of
lix), nckuowledging the use of
f0K) of the city's money, but
j denying a knowledge of the bal-
' - "IM.' . . - 1. .11.. I
u.-e. i mrc wm piooauiy oe no
The shortage discovered by the
experts up to taniglit is ttbout
;!lKX. but it is claimed the whole
-horiage is $r,t'4.)(). Of this amount
KKKI is chargeable to ex-('ity
Clerk Voorhcc?, and $HXK), Trosey
claims, wns a sal.Hiu license paid
in by Thomas Lund and returned
to' nini. Presscy admits u sliort
age of fX) or $000, and claims to
have paid warrants, which cannot
now Ih found, with the balance.
Careless bookkeeping seems to have
been the causo of the shortage.
Pressey hns turned over to the citv
his store book accounts and a
.iiantity of hay, which he vahns
at 2W, and says it is all his
Adtlre to Young: Mfti.
"Topich" in the Tulare. Register
has the following to say to young
men: "Yoniiit man. you are pur
suing a mistaken pdicy. When
vou have borrowed five dollars ' of
an acquaintance, which you intend
never to pay back, vou account!
yourself live dollars ahead, but
you are not. You have knocked
another prop out from under your
own underpinning. Ar.d when a
nun. limit of any sort has trusted
you, and you do not pay tho debt
or try to, you are not the gainer
by the transaction. You have
caused your discredit to be recorded
in another man's black list. This
man will tell others that you are
not good and others will not
trust you, and, before you know it,
every -man's hand will eem to ba
against you. You will not have a
friend whose friendship will be
worth anything to you. In other
words, you have squandered your
patrimony at I he threshold of your
adult lifej for tho best capital a
young man csn have to enter
business with is an unblemished
credit, a reputation for paying his
bills. Tho business world is not
overly exacting in its standards.
You can do a great many wicked
things' if you want to and still
preserve your standing if you onlv
pay your bills. Paying bills
covers a multitude of sins in the
business world, but though vou
were as exemplary in your conduct
as a holiness disciple, you will be
as devoid of real friouds as a pole-'
cat uyou owe everybody and pay
nobody. This is not meant for
any particular person. It U
meant foiagood many of Ihem."
Tim lultlv And IttfiVie,", .'nm
la tne Le-rMitture.
I A hill is before the legislature
j for a general law providing that
; in any eounly upon five eight, of
thn voUrsrHULKjiiioj -the countv
judge fi csjl an eltion in which
. .
: the choice ofTounty M-at
is Ui le
titled by a majority vote; and
j is so settled, th! ijuestion shall I
raised again for ten years. Here
I i exactly an Midilimtioii of the
principle of direct legislation by
tho people. Jfive eigtiM of the
voters (which is too high 2h ercent
of the voters is enough)' may in
itiate the movement by jietitou to
the county judge wh- shall call the
election to which the .piention r
fered whose decision shall be final.'
There is no question but that the
Swiss system of law making is
growing in favor, and that it will
le generally adopt! .on there is
nodoubty Let them inforui them
selves on this great and vital sub
ject, and (hen th-y will hasten to
put it principles into practice!
oeration. .
Rr-Apportionuieut Hill passed.
Sa!em, Jan 27. The,, re appor
tionment nil J whieh - pnssrd the
houe yesterday passed the senate
after a debate consuming the w hole
morning sc-sxion, and after two
attempts to postpone and thn-e at
temots to 'amend hid been lot
Tne final vote was I'l ayes, uwt-'
1 alwent. I).ly'of Lake filed a pro
test. The bill has now parsed both
houses and goes to the governor for
his , signature. Following is the
ap-xirtionment by districts that is
now proposed: '
I. inn ....
Marion, Linn .
Lane ,
. l
5 Douglas
.. uu ..srpUioe. i ,
Ox'S and Curry I
Jackson 1
Khmath,Lakf,Crook, Wasco 1
H'rit" 1 1
Lincoln,, Yamhill 1 !
1 ,
Yamhill 1 j
Clackamas 1(
Washington 1
Colnmbia.Multnomih, Wash. I
Clackamas, Multnomah 1
Multnomah 5 '
Clatsop j
Wasco and Sherman . 1 :
GranMiiliiam, Sherm., Wasol
ii .,,i . c t i r v: i
Morrow', Umatilla, Union.
Union and Wallowa
Itakcr, Harney; Malheur.
Dis. Counties. No.
1 Marion. . . . . . .' 5
2 Linn. , . . . 3
3 Lane ; 3
4 Douglas 2
j 5 Coos t
j 6 Coos and Curry..., 1
7 Josephine 1
8 Jackson 2
I 9 Jackson, DjuUs ,
1 10 Penton f
jll Polk 1
12 Polk and Lincoln 1
13 Yamhill 2
14 Yamhill ad Tillamook 1
15 Washington 3
1C Clackamas
17 Clackamas and Multnomah. . 1
IS Multnomah 12
19 Clatsop f.2
20 Columbia .1
21 Wasco,Cro..k, Klamath.Lrike 3
22 Umatilla and Morrow 1
23 Umatilla 2
24 Union and Wallowa ...
25 Union. .;. 1
2ll Raker 1
27 Malheur and Harney
2i C.rant,Gilliam,Sherm Wasco 3
Total. ,
Arthur Hughes, aged 22, wanted
at Steelville, Mo., ior raje, was ar
rested Tuesday by Sheriff K. L.
Stephens at Glide, 18 miles from
Rombnrg H the mountains of
North Umpqiia river. He was
lodged in jail at Roseburg, and
will bu takcu tu Missouri soou. '
Da by Ik Fatally LurnVd
Ang.e Martelle, a -baby five
months old, died st the residence
of M Croni, 6.1 Fifth street, yeUr -
oy uneriioon, irom ourns received
run'juy. hi a lire wMcli destroyed i thr.-e year previous. While such
the home of her parents at .Cape,a bill will undoubtedly be a good
Horn. The child was one of four (thing for future generations it isa
CJiiloren who were resautd. from
the flames by the heroism of their
mother. The others escaped withjocrat.
but slight injuries, and it was; Thaca
hoped that Angie might recover,
but her frail baby life was n t
vigorous enough to endure such of the one who uses them eVcessive
terriblo suffering, and in spite of' Iy than anon the user. Canitol
medical assihtance, which the dis
tracted parents came to Portland
to seek, she became weaker-atad
weaker till she died.
The Martewe live on a farm I
near inpe Horn. N ashington.
The father of the family came to!
i ortuna Mjndar mornine. and
(, and wtiilo the
mother was at the barn fc-ding
the chickens, the house took fire,
Mrs Martelle was attracted by the
glare, and remembering that her
fo;:r helpless children were alone
in the house, ahe ni.baH f iK
door, but was driven back by the
litaL With the energy of despair,
she f-hatttred a window in another
part of the house, and crawling
through it rescued her two larger
children, who were endeavoring to
escape by the door. The two
i. .. i . . .... .
naoiesi, nowerer, iiaa muacn in
their terror in a closet, and Mralof h,s own l're-ione, lika, the
Martelle grod about for some lone w.vot on the moonlight night
lime in the blinding smoke before
she 'was able to find "them."-Their
piteous cries finally enabled her to
locate their wherealwuts, and at
the risk of her own life bhe ran
iinto the closet, which by this time
was hlazintf -..',! Ar.A
.-. r ... .
, them forth into the open air.
lj A glance at Angle showed- th(ftTmia crtirnbs at hii disposal,
1 her bums were serious, and though
the little one had not the gift of
speech she told of her aconv in a
i ..,.. . -
language wmcn the mother un
derstood. and which w rung he!
heart. As soon as possible as.-isi-
artce was summoned, and thi
child was brought to Portland.
where everything possible was
done to alleviate her sufferings till
the end mercifully ended them.
The Philipine question 'is assum
gigantic proportions, not only
in "gress, but in Europe. Ger-
ni.iny and Spain it is thought, will
recogniie the independence of the
1'hilipines, in which case it is stat-
eJ thaUJreat Brii'wn will recognise
1 thi sovereignty of the United States
in tin' Pliilipines ai'd at this wri
j ing. Friday, the dispatclies say that
j hostiliiies betwevu the United
1 Slates troohs, and the insurgents ut
30 Ilo llo and Manila may occur with-
'ir.Oi Tl.:.. :.. .11:.: . ..I
t.i iivuip. Ainn 111 uuuuion 10 '
the fact that small pox is liable to
break out among our troops, uvike
,the situation critical and alarming.
Keeping1 111$ Hedges.
Pursuant to my promise made
and. published in the Rostburg
Review on the 15lh day of Sep
tember, A D, 1893, to the citiiens
of our county, I have this 2Sth day
of January, 1SS9, made th nec
essary arrangements with the Fiist1
National bank of Roseburg, for
the payment of $ 300 to the county,
pending the result of the action of
tho present legislature relative to
the salary bill how before that
hotly, My salary remaining un
changed during my term of office,
the bank is requested to turn over
tho money to the county. Other
wise I reserro tho full right to
cancel the foregoing agreement.
J. F. Gazlky,
County Clerk.
I hereby certify that this
arrangement was duly mad
ss 1 1
above stalet?, 011 SaturJay, Jan-
.. . nt . ii
uury ic-wii. 1
Pres. 1st Nat. Rank.
William Stocker died at his
homo near Drain a, few days ago.
He was suffering wiih the measels .
and while somewhat delirious went j
out of the house in his sti cking
feci and bathed his hce iu ' cold '.
w,ter . I
A Freak Hill.
One of the freak hills is that of
Fordney, requiring an affidavit be
1 fore marriage that the husband
has iut smoked a cigarette
, a ciKareian or
I freak and doesn't help
': cigarette cause a
-bill as the
, fatal in its effeetoi'
Yes, and it is just luch old fogy-
IjiIv nAnll ! il .i I 1 1
- - vna. exmuiiea dv
trio Albany Democrat in the
paragraph above as prevents the
onward progress of the car of re
form at present. v
i rnn.ritim h iiiTtl
J v. ,..,.. Illgj UPtt Uilli
!u,e about the neck of the people
j who are striving to get out of the
old ruts.
The howling, ranting, populistic
'n Pu"her of the consolidated
1 Broad-Axe finds fault with the
Register this paper do--'lno
not onen uu a rabid fire aii, V
ujKn every man who is in olBce
mmply because be is an office
holder. The editor of the liroad
Axe in nearly all quebtions mana
ges to get on the opposite side
from the majority, and to use one
' noWlfi to keeP himself company
He has forgotten his good reso
lutions; but let him bark. We
will all live on just tha ime.
There's no dancer of the Register
evcr per.H'2 up a ramd fire
atiacii on any man w
any man who is an cflice
holder," if said office holder ha
and the Register can get those
crumbs by keeping still, ns is no
the case. And finlike the Broad
Axe the Register seems to indicate
that in order to be in the right;
it is only necessary to go with the
majority, if that is where
''Ward's ducks went ' hellwards,"
the place where such chickens as
the youth of the Register would go
rather than not go with the major
ity. But if he went there who
would miss him?
Circuit Court Cases,
The following cases have been
filed in the circuit court of Lane
J M Horn rsRD and T Brown;
to recover money. Judgment is
.asked for $120 and costs.
Thomas J Johnson vs Katie
Johnson; suit in equity for divorce.
The comoUint that theUt,. t 1. ... .
conide were married May
111 Nebraska. The issue ol tan!
marriage are Karl and Pearl John-'"
l son, twin b.y, nearly four years
1 old
Desertion is relied upon.
A Mysterious Affair.
A mysterious case in East Salem
has been brought to the notice of
the chief of police. The home of
R. L. Colvin has been ransacked de8rc bt received under the Stat-
four times within tho past lwolute sentence of imprisonment
years, everything moyeable, incVJ-fahard lbor.
ing jewelry, brie.vbrjr.-" ""'VJV Taosstng, tha
etc., being takeiL- ' '--'
pi see S
nient, umseiv
a place of conceTT""
found, during the temple
sence of the family.
Nothing na.
ever licen missed after a search of :
the house has been made. Al-
though a careful watch has been
kept, the trespasser has never been
seen. The work was first charged
to boys in the neighborhood, but
it is now thought that the guilty
peisoo it nn adult. The poline
expect to socui-A evidence to conect
some person wiih the crime.
Recent accounts
from the Pa-
country appear somewhat
; premature: "Farming oerauons
! are in active progress iu the country
jSoulh and West of Colfax, and
1 last week hundreds of acres were
' ldoar.1 fi.r mrin .uai) : n V...M
plowed for spring seeding,
r" n the Alkali flat com
r iiui-
country are
seeding, and many are well along
w'th sowing their spring grain.
Squirrels are out by hundreds, the
crunr,-!r, bw,r81the ma,k of.rin,
tne hills are becomiiih green, and
farmers are busy with their spring
Coaaty Hewa.
Died Jap Evans, an old sittlsr
of the Mohawk valley, in this
county, died at his home Feb 1,
aged 53 years. Mr Kvans wai
born in Sangamon county, Illinois
and came to Oregon in 1584.
settling' in ths valley where ha
'IS J'Swas married.
, t , in cugene. b, m
f I. W . M
U and Miss Susie Abbott wen
united in the holy bonds ot
matrimony. Of coarse Rev J f
Abbott nerformeJ tha
(that made tbeoa one ia heart aad
soul, no change of name being
Campbell & Walker this week
sold their hops consisting of some
li t bales to h S Jmith of Eugena.
is we believe closes up the ho
business- for this season in Lane
county. The price paid we believe
was 15 cents per pound.
Harold Stevenson, 18 years W
on of R. 0 JStevenson, waa killed
by a falling tree Tuesday night.
C"dent happened five mi lea
i wes' oi this city.
Will it be Bolltt
W W Oglesby, Robert Clow ,
G F Skipworth of Junction, Feb i
filed the following articles of in
corporation in the county clerk's
office: J
r list me name oi said corpora
tion shall be Tte Cottage Grove
and Bohemia Rail Road Company
and its duration is i..dtiiiia,
"SecondThat the purpose for
which it is formed are to construct,
build, mainuin and operate a
railroad and to secure the rfgl.t of
way for the same.
Third That the principal office
of said corporation shall be al
Junction City, Oregon. "
Fourth The amount of tha
capital stock of said company of
corporation shall be $500,000.
Fifth The amount of e.ich share
of such capital stock shall be $100.
Sixth The terminus of said
railroad shall be at the' Bohemia
Mines, Lane county, Oregon.
Jiews Notes.
Thomas II Clark who kept a
8 shoemaker shop on Fifth street
Vancouver, B C was founJ dead ia
his chair last Tuesday. His death
" supposed to have resulted froim
j heart failure.
Two men were drown in Yonng'a
bay a few days ago and another
was txrwl nnlv unJ T-
' .har e of the A,drew y ' .
r . "u"B"ta,
1 nuiaiii aiiiiinia. ' m. naivvtMaai
Jim nil ' tl A at i aw
UIB raan ea-'u' ana Light
Aufcust Baer were the two whe
were drowned.
C. C. Cunningham, murderer of
Oliver C. Young, was scnleuccd
Tuesday by Judge Lowell, in the
State circuit court. Having been
jConyicted of murder in the second
laussing ndvocatea a
income lax levied by the federal
government and an inheritanna
levied by states.
'Sixteen to 0ne.n
Oregoninn: Sixteen to one haJ ,
driven ten able douiocraU out of
the United SUtes senate. . They
are Falkner, Gorman, Gray, Mitch
ell, Turpie, Mills, Smith, Roach,
White, Murphey." .
Yes, an.) sixteen to ore has
driven two able republicans out of
the United states senate. . They
are J. N. Dolph, and J. II. Mitch
ell. Soott is alwars phighting
. t. , . (
The Dalles ,Time-M.mnti neer
says spring has stolen anUiena In
that locality, and they are revel
ing in arrnnat snmrnr'
that Thursday, was tha warme-t
j J i h'J had for forty eicl.l
j years, lhi mean temperature UinJ