Broad-axe. (Eugene, Lane County, Or.) 189?-19??, February 01, 1899, Image 4

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    ' ppt r rnoe-au i
lion, arc tikcn, !
death will lurk
ia rTctT bcnito 1
11 dKlhe font. ,
atetia of hu j
V band, wife antl I
r rkiulnra alike. I
If the fcusiMad'
ie an ambitious
man, the
ehaocea art
"T? (that ''!
OTt i worry and
ii ic iaam.
cient time to
frit, cat and
air p. At int
be may f c 1 1
ty Ic il (
bat tricing til (
cQect from hi i
tndiiontion. !
Then be will !
aorJfrohada-b.Vaof annrtite. loa. ,
dSitV"'" flrJS'-l. I
aorta" fecTinf. ff ibca canditiona arr ;
nrtlectcd. almot aajr acrioo malady may
Ptrrcc a Ooldea Urdioal Dtaconty ia the !
brt mnUcine for haidwcrl;r.: rtra. It
riwaedu to the app.trmakca duration .
liver and potifi.a ind ea'riohra the blood.
It ia the rrcat Mood - maker and Cch-
bander. It carra ) prr ceat. of a I cawa
?IillfJi!",' bronct"1' ,hro"
AU mo fraqatntly, deatli dog the foot-
atrpa of tbe tlr, in the cuic of weaknraa
ad diaeaae of the delicate and imtonnt
onjaaf that bear the bntdena of wifehood
And nulerailv. There t hn n n f a il i n miv
or atworaera m tata mature. it ta in.
nwi riTOnw netcnuoa. n acu at- ,
anakinr them atrottir. hea.thy anavtfforoaa. ,
Jt ota for wifehood and motherhood.
They are aold at all atedirine acorea. ' '
. Conaw aarl rhUdhoad death lwka la 4
ornery eoraer for ibea fbaaile innocent I
Tbe aaotaer ran only protect her hahea by .
acouinnc -nue practical medical knout 1
Dr. fierce 'a Common Senae Medienl '
' l"ZVx Sr . 1
one -cvnt
A etrr enst of aa.f.'7i.' M..V. a
Dr. R. V. rivree, Buffalo, V. Clo.a
. liodtac 31 atumps.
" -..'-t iv- . . .-. vxt: e to
. . . i;.-. 1 V ' I , - fx
711 1 1 -
jiliffl-p.i.'-. c. .. . - .vein..'
f'"r.ion "-ir.
lanian ti i
l-nteiH -Vlkea l ' .c-. j ;-rV C. T.-e.v
apeoial "(it'i ii- t'i; . 1 .ei ;ra a. i.i 4
1 k.ti hru .-:ut'r d
n r-it 1...' T. ,;i.:-.i:J
lacerl t:p, e 'rtl '. t.iiM'iat.'J. Lii.
larrrvt CTTva au.4 :( - errli!e .:; -i tio
-T rortn-na tT-r-
nui niai u. cwuia, a- ; ;u.r:4ji i-
-1 ho
ail .SN AC0 Nl
IXul-jfj In
and Stap'e
-4r , k
.Uiijainstte Street
Z' 25
Ar-J , -" t V
m 4
! read bo left crlv 1,,:0. EiJi la-J.-UltS;OI10t
Ol'Oon. ttaaccs cr.t:.l li i..cti:;l'cd ir.0. Cuucly,
, - i ? but ctia cth-r i tv r;Lv cf note.
l -
ED. DAVIS, ' Proprietor.
-MikALaa ia
"Toexieeas Ciatara,
; rrwlt, Satta, rataalr.
Kaatker Oaanliea.
1 keep in atork thleadlnf bran 1. ol ToWeo
and Clean and make a aperUlty'ol t'borvlata 1
candies. A'aa a ok Hue M Pipea, furam,
narlni cartseM oel'.eioiu Ia Water.
Flfsl Heor eat of ItoTejr'a Block, th 8t
kb. ia man lor "nager ei nrancn
nwri ..en io ..pen in una vicinity.
, U you- record
opeuinK- Kii
when writing.
opening. Kindly mention thia paper
A. T. MORRIS, Cincinnati, 0.
Illustrated catalogue 4 cenu poetage
CPXW1T1 t.rrr. ixrmxn rf the.horaam.
bla. lu rVH . iv. 'th Oaf In r'ftl .4 sent
Boaa pall upon rr ;i.t ,f i !.'. '(.. ne rrt.. : -K v..i-r,uill.t: (Mat
M llmuud. I , I 1. ) 0 rfl.SJ I'-r nn '
fey h.lodn-1; v p r m .p.!. 1 in i.fW.:
li J!i iy doa.: ; iy h.n..ini: y.' '. t iih-.ih
Or.WltwnMtt iaa..fti.w na 1 ili nn.M;la taeia Fat
thaetvHluetl.a.' ot l.-rtrv ..1.1 uktaxU (be waul.
S.tma liwunt aa pmrerfuL
Afieetta Wsmtei CvarrAherw. lanaiaaaaf lMOaoua, k cata
3 Fiftli Aveeio., New York. N. Y.
Pure Brandy
Foritent' fifth ' and
trceU, Euger. When I ay j ure
brandy,. I mean it contain no
drug or poisoo exeei.t wfmt tlie
fruit contains. 'Alroady j.nt I'
quart,' lih IE 'jsllon, and pailon
packages at 73 cents per ejuart and
12.60 per gsllon.
. Madel.y
I. II. Francis
i i ',..! :
A liter tot lo tarrlraa'i tv.lre ! It
!. Atiri-t Datk- III WliU h
! PriT Thai I. Ih Ca.ra uf 1 heir
Makera Marriaare Wai 1'
The admiral ion of out Anii-rii-an coua-'fi
Ina ft their couutry it a rratainout
characteristic of tltoir d.iilv lifts i ii.l
wow years aso Xlr. gnulorn drwiiv.t
that in detitb. aa in Iiia hi Iwwlv ahmilil
nnvlaini l.a dIatv n th. i.t-..1.I Irt I t.i
tl , " V -
AI,uuui)tD lallTfllesur AEa&,si,
in letam for whink ha waa. Itv an vx
tremely aricntino rroott t t forltl in
to . .u (S-uNhu-M .Win
into leather DI fnun it have m drctU
mad. Two of the moat rnitable horn
MickX nd with Iktfa a Mr. Wamn
S imuaun td whom San horn lift tlia ra
maindorof Ilia property waa-onewr
'th JD" a fH of
j Oddkw hill and at anorise beat on tb
, drnm, Um parcbmuit of which had been '
tnaJo oot of tbo taautor'a in. the i
: Pt Urrtug strain Of 'aaokMOoo-
; dla.
A somewhat similar boijarat waa
made by m German In I8S7. Uodiad in
i uwuui auuu; wi wui uuivm ion
mi txxiy anoola re) orcmaiea nna the
forwmrl to tl innan conitl
. . . , ,.
W Tork. who waa to deli Tar thciu
to tb captain Cf tho atoamahip KJba
Wheat ia nidaeau, the captain Wll to
- j v,ii
rlmrt IW""t OTaa bimaelf ia
nan tic ul eoctwiio, and, aacmdlnf; with
the fautTal urn to tha topaiaat. to acat-
the aJbea to the font wiuda of heaT-
ra. awav huuuirwisi otwo saitn
fnlly carried out,
. Qito nt poculior were' the direction
for the f aucral of a Mr. wchn -Underwood.
Iia Willi.! that lie w.ta to. be
buried in a rn cM'ia wi:h a copy cf
Horace v.udir ji.j lieud tud tif Milton
n j dor l! f.ot, iv Uri'tk tofUmeut in
1 bit r:f.--t tivil na.l a n ia!l Horace in
, hi loft Six fricmls, v.'lio WtN Dot lo
Tt at r:ourniDgi wcra to follow him to
, th (Hore tttid there ta fius j vee of
; t)iu twentieth oi'.j uf the sevjud bock of
j Horace. After tbi they wtra to "ub
3 ohcerftil glas and thick no raoru tf
Jehu L'ndorwuod."
Wills nay also be admitted aa eri
' rienpo cf tho iiiixcd lle?.icgi cf the
!::artimcuial rtete. A collcmaa wrote,
"i give and p. .noatii to tho wont of
trcr:'!, !-r-ui 1 unit rtn:iatcly married,
4i Liuii ba'il'ri n, ,v v.hich will toy her
a j j'.'.l for t j: 5 -r. " -
A i;!oefJ- UcftU-r, ilyinj feme t:n
rcar a.: lv't the t. hi.!.i c.5 bi.-; rst.tto to
Lis two nottr4, and tbu cau.. ibis tx-
Tv 1 o.Li. Milan f r c.
.'. uia and li-.iv-
. L;-.3.a!vt ta t-j tasn rr a nfr f 1J m;l
hati :-.r.'!h :. to Ivy ln.r 0, 1 , t fcjsd
kcrcLivf to vit-p ia attor ioy ri cca.?."
' iA ir. f jiv l;;rki'L.--n i. ;-;t':id
: to ,hj wi!t s-.m tf ".'. vOt), "on
, octttiitu t-.t; citirtafe.-s to
tn-j Us.ji a C :..y fra'ctit!?, f-r
tLo t a j ;.tr. fi.j irJi :;.y i!..ui.', ia
I cc::..ut .-;a b.r . :-t r. wita I L-w
. n a a M l:ui.v i-1jo i ; tu'i
1h. !oc m.'
' An-.thtrhusfLaadaratrdt'ir.t fcer-u'.d
i have lull Lis widow l(i,00) it ahe bad
'alJtwtJlii to tis 2 rf?pt.i-i-ia
' ic-vci lut pjF!i-.aJwaya .oucini
. plavic and riiu!..; "hra t: ftird to
A hi -i wif 1,000, ti be
; inctcased to J.;4.0vU 1 r ni.loJ tLt tbu
wcreavfidiw'a t3?a!!.Tbijdath. Pbo
: accepted tbo larier arjout, were too
1 cap for tix coitus, and (ben pat it c
1 A lawsuit fcllowed, bat tbe judge biM
1 . 1 . . . 1 . . 1 .j 1 1 . ...
; that the testator chcald have inserted
I " " - - -
I Ih. J -. n.. l.jrjrf
wv. -.--j. wt
in favov of th widow, who t hj ifciv aft
er re-entered thenateof matriincny.
Thni the hncband'a livtla plan for pre-
renting tttowiiWw toArrying u&u fall-
Bnttnetnost cnriooi will which the
writer haa ever come acrosa if that of
VL Zaieaky, a Polish landlord, who died
in 1889. leaving property valued at j f " ""
100,000 ruble. IiUwill waainoloatU in larcliy, an.l leads to a i rtraliz. d
an fjovelcna bfjfng the wrdi, "To Be i g.jVtrnm( i;t of fotre, resting on a
Opened After My Death." Inside this' , ,. ' "
waa another envelopa, "To Be Opened iauJiiis army.
Six Week After My Death." When thia t I'sttrv or inU.ret-t upon money
ttm,JaA paaaed. the aeoond envelope ! w,ich"is one an-1 tlte ratoo tliii cl
( wal opM . third uncovered.
. Qpgg Qe Tear Aftef Mr Death."
t deariCTnd ' ' tLe v.oroi-J-CJotl htmi con
tha same went on nntil 1894. when the 'Jetting it. ''Jtioit vh.llt not 1-im1
ctnalwiU waa diaoovered and read.
j It waa qolta aa ecoentzio in its dispoai-
i in lis uiapoai-
tionaaa the diraotiona atbrhl tnita!it " "-J ...uiuit,uu ov tiiu
opening. Tha teatator boqneatbed half , Mosaic law; and fur many yt .iM
his fortune to noh of bis Iwira ai had Uler Christ established the new
tb aU-rgeMt BQaDtMC of biMfiMaw Xb i . - T. , (
rertof tlieiteawaetobeplacedln!orJer of l'',n"' nV P" u t"
a bank and ahnodred raare after his churcli who was known to j.tir-ue
1 Ti10 nocainu-
TV, h. iaoa .a a -
oent oomptmod Inter rat, thfi to, 000 ra-
bla. will have awadlad into 6,000,000
rublea, Bwt what will this be among so
many rtaerwnrtacUT Hrmehold Words.
Miss D. Angelina, why don't Ton
marry Ltentennt.t Y.f '
MiM A. Firrt, becanee he has no
brains and h can'ttide, daneeor play
tennifL What could we do with him
"Bat he swims beautifully."
"Ob, yes; but one can't keep one's
husband in an aquarium, yon know.' -London
Tit. Pm Wlfa.
I a a m . . . - .
John Benry, it Isn't any good. I
know, that keeps yo down town so
I late, when yon ought to be at home
I with me and the children." ,
(Shrugging hia shoulders. )
so it tjui mal y penae,' my dear.1
-auni sriBnti ewear ai yoor wue Bi
Utin. "-Chicago Tribune.
. ,
WtMiJ 1 rnin.,
t.coi.ia.w.n . v u.m oi;(f our county ju.lge it f.juivolent
lll- H'''vllJI HII'l f II j Hi I '111 i till; lllie
tiiornii.,. atr.king ii.ocufToai awitJaJ
" .nty.M.v.-ntlianJ t. streets, !,.
la.a I.IIH.I4 1V.IIII..I mwi iiiiiK
boituin. fl'i lect b'-li.w. The ii.otf car
was .v.'itntr..-I. Tl iii'doriuan and
ewnJnt;tur jum, . I an 1 '.v. c l ihiii live,
tji Yoitv
Th. In:
I.;! '!!: .1 ;
i !. in. t. ),
w.n rs-
7,:' r
i :'.r
'lij.i'.'.it.l" 1V ;t
f v t.- luiiu.- ( I'.ir
i! ii I i-t o-.;ir!.l t'.t 1
,.;0ver. axe. '1'. !n (usr. t..! -,l 1
, ( .
1 ! u:. : t.i (lives u:ie
it t!i:.-.. i ,! I u v. i v v.-n-i
. i .V.
,u'4 if-ttii1-; ijiti t Itr fT'itm-.,
ol lVitith ivi::iuitve Mini itfii.I!n;
lin.iiioial tii.-tivt-s t;t i:'.'.- i;
, j . Me of ;
l-'it fu. :t. tii'y iti I't'.vi
Vi'.iri aii i;s
i M in-;!, ii, its lui.k .
; ! ( 1 1 i-:vi nl t. lnvv
ta. .!t: ..f . n !ir.i'tioa' h.s
'i1 ov- r t'u' v'.ivl (if ,
J'tr. I
ivn niv.i:
i,), t io. i,itit t-f l! p.uoi lv :u; I i-rii
I . .
Alr.tli.tnt-l.ivoohi vi :v.-i'.1 U j
au inti:j;.iu iii. iul a ?li..i t titu.
.".-v!, th:l l.t
vorv niuol; till tviuiiuc Unto
wis mora! virfno . uiul i-;it 1 i 't Hi.i
.1 . , . .
o!'.o'.i;;:i ;i!iiot j; me tvnui
'.sos io tH'i 1 t'tit.ilc ottr JH-n
lu lions.
Mr. (Itu'i ujio;! liis il.Mth l.i-l
are t'oiu an.l '
! am coirs:."
of M.
I.HW 1'1'Bl '." lii'il !.' liffli's
of I'oii.p-. y.- t'.iv. I'.!,
1' .iti tu r r..j a iot.i:
itsg tiir nvr. - M iry
;lt llu i... t
:it.-.J H:l!ih
t'.o' . ....! i' r,
Anroitirtto. it lira t M tho' li:;l.t rwoiiii-n
iv r? ryvoltir.i: l.-aa1e t'l- y hatl 1.0
brctii, r.'i'Ji. 1! in lnr corfusf.i i.;
nor.i!K'e ttiiii the' i:.-..;:, ' '!iv
don't thiy i:.t tvikeV V!.iti '.,.it-
IB w tl III : Vi.l ll'i . 1 1 .. y
I vl
tl.ii'.ger, nt'o.l v.-vote itr his
'' Jt.lliiu'r ii' 1 .irticn hat';
tv,! t: :' Vt t tlioy ikd n.ovi.l
f ).::!.!. uioti" ui h'.
C'!io.iii I, with cut
... ':
a. I I lor
!. v.
, sai I: "'."; 1 .1- n.t.ii - j
iVi.a! v.tu t:..-.'-.' r '.in J '.! -a i-i':
Uj. a.ivi t f I .... t.ii to C"
vi ..; t.K. to fo I
ka - -. ji.i ui.e u ua 1 1 ooi 1:1... I
.. . t
I1I..0 t:.:".- r ro .irri..4
V . - 1 1
1 ti a :... to ; a.i u ('.; a . ii ,
ji'.o-.riir- .ir'h .:! : v ': .-:.y in j
tiie i ;. o.i ii- L'H ;'o..i ...t.,u i.'oli iv .s !
I r.,,t .i . i.l-:i.i..ii: .. L. . .i.c uri-
l'.i-rat;o t aruf.o say il.e ,
sec -ml (. r.t'o'.i t'f Ix.ok '"wa 1
-8 ;
'i!.. i.T.i -t.i .tI, tiie fwit
ooi.i ty-?'.in, ti.e tv;i.. t.ciu
v:iv jr, - tu- .iu'i;ui; ui.-t . .rev 1
1 n.ttiiot.l tl-o!1 v (!'- ti
' in!:- J . j'aj tr
.-t.t.i.IirJ. not tUs rrrrn.- of tiate:--tn
.-;T: it i-tlviv.irj of e'aiHiitip,
..r ct'-. 1.,. v.i ... .1...;-
" ' . ' ..1'.... . I I I I'll ' l.elllll lliull
. 1 .
..... ,, j...,. , .- a.v....
s a .-ted .i iii;ile of a coiifi-
d'ng ' "i !r. Th-y are traitors t
i tLa,..u:,H form f Sovcma,ent.
an cLih t for the go!. I t-..iti.lari to
: jtile tip c..'.loal fcirt unei, ii'.tr.ith-
' g'.ar.din" it i the
; . . ... .
i 1133 tw eavi.emntil by the b. tier
; -'"-iJ " n. n .if-s
thy hrotlttr's money upon u-ury."
T, . . ..:.,, i :i :..rt .1.
;0r defend Lbs practice of usury was
! Mil'ltel t expulciotl. It
Kil.ii. l l ; .-u if nl
w. wroiiK Hon iti. wr.,.lg now,
From no i.rocetia of reasonin:: can
vc lhatil i, any t, arer
right now, than it wn. when Chrit
drove the niuti. y changers out of
tLe Unii-
Kxainiiif.lioii of Iaiie.
We notice that the practice of
countv ii'dire in a maioritv of tin-
. .V t i . . i
I ill t-it ItASl . Ill A linrl ! 41ia naii.
t.'uu.l' rr.i iiiv t U S ' ' I lilt. . Anill
nintion ol the jialu ni H ronijiowl
!of only one hvician and the lif
,,,.. ',i ,i., , !.i..,.
j the o(!ici r thus raving the nd
tiitional anil uniienry expense
Lf one phyn-tian. Why will not
! our county jude follow suit? One
i.IiI.i.-ibii 14 f.ll Ir.M I iv ei..iiiro
j The judge in hi lirrct ioti may xall
I iii pliyitieiaiis, which in tho euso
. a . , , . . .
.:t. ravintt he hha 11 ttr.ll two tdiVH-
win II to making
-uy.ds at the county expense.
Chen ;i land fof nale, three miles
j from Eunta'-1. Eii'iuireallhis ollice.
Sjiray rumps,
Spray rumps
on the Karlh.
F. L. Chambers
J , ' "
The roail-Ao will
'"J!";i;.Jj'ilK'(l on Wediicsflays'
Corner of Willamette and Eighth Str.ttn, Eugene, Or-smi
Look out for sign
8taanding at the foot
i.fy ,,n 0 fi,0 second
o 1
ii ml us to give you a
!. , .
hellld Uiul take J'Olir
!()nJy g j ()()
or 2i -ents for three
Plnce pnrrli.aina the llcror.1 we have
aetoml Io no .n,.r published in KtiihO
a ... .
advertirmg me. Him.
Ituaineas . attics
KapeclaUr ...u... ..K,,e .,.v.n. ...verliM-mrnta M
.Ue, consult as for tenna. As Io the polii-y of the llrt.s.1 Ae, that wo Hunk i
I lo)) W) (w . , reD..jol, here. We sl.all to advocate all tl.e
leading it-form meaatirea wl.ii h are agUlin the ptt'i.hc niin.l. We almll make il
a x..iultv to guard Il.e intereats o( the
. ,.iitiliniiM -.1. In.ld.u..l.nt
give llie Broad An a trial'.
1 II! 1.
riciHH'fortli be pub-
Ol each week at
of the "stairway lead-
floor where Von will
friendly wiuke ol the
t a 1 H
fiUUSCript 1011 W llUJl IS
fiOCCIltsfor six IllOIlf llS
months invariably in
a bona fide lint ol sul.srribers we think
wltirh makes the liroad Ae a fiisl ctaKS
nlmttl.l make a rot oi tins sn.i nn t
taapayer as in the part. In (net we shall
fi.arhiaa I.A a. a l.a INr . Hl.l.alil.M for it
1 1 urilvnri, Nltvi, M'Jiovfiro
Farm Machinery
1 .
McCormauk Binders and Mowers.
..I 5 11 irti"irs
I a! - I tf.aOOtll-4 III Iitfl( l'fllKIM,
CpitiKT N h .Hi ami Oak Streets.
S 31 i l'i
W ll on-.. -,.! I in t'... hra l, l.a 1iI.mi
.111 I I- l'oi,i...i l'ii a I- (in. I bo (tin
i- I.
inn it 11 .fiotnj'o
. fill I li n
of BStisiIill
"a i 'llltIiJ.
Yerrintim's Ninth
1:1 ' i t:.
Si .. 1 1i.1m1
N xt to tin- "Kaiiililft" in ijii.ilitv and prii-e i tlio
. "IdeaT
i mh.mI uiiii ; aV .1 tih'm
MSO, H.z2.e .:.
!. ! 10illi Mixlh J"t I'ortlusisl. Orrg
Matlock & McClanahan
Ili p.iirin, Stmdries. ete.
Next door to Tisher & AVatkin's
Eune, OreRon
Our il-'oliawk
Sric Ksnnd KiNfj Ponvdeu
ar(.ruarante( (1 'Absolutely
Pi ni: and full Vi-:ioinv
Voiir M.uioy :,t.k if imt Satieffed
Will buy
24X20 Bevel Glass
Cm'. 7lli uiul Williuiiotte Htroolt.
null W n jfiiM.
Street Drug Store.
... 3
ail -
Fitted with
Htm tret.
uioyuio G & J vTtrts
Brand of
a3-Piece Bedroom