Broad-axe. (Eugene, Lane County, Or.) 189?-19??, February 01, 1899, Image 1

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    I IT
- AS
I'HII'lHU'LK'ltl'trKU, J
I la It.. Qui. k r.Vi I.WU.
AXniXTMt riTt t 01M
1 VK
4 " - - TTi X
ii-'v '. tim: u.i. i.i.t t:j;: J i
lil l L TIIICV MAY."
i;i:(;knj:; lank county, ohk. avki.nksday, fjuskuaiiy -i, 1899.
NO. 38,
I- V '. ? . 1 I
tot'- g .
i TV Vs JJ . 13
.1. SIS. , ' M. '.X.
Central Lf Objects to Ike
ftvMnc oil Skulls in '
Havana, Jail WJ. tlere-TsI Kite
liugh in command o( IIavhiiii
iroviiioi, haa irdorrdlhe' ie f
liiit corps, nl the rcifucnt of the
-hlt( surgeon, w it t keen fiuiuiin
Uun and hone in llirir1 tent,
'i'he soldier hate leeii taking
klill ami or.. hoit. front lli
ilea noar iueniad.m an I ; I'
cemeteries,' Ibo" Cuban cusVam
iN'iiift to rrnt rrare fr 4 V"r "r
. ff mh IV thaimtttri wf
CTim-trrii-a, aixl il.i.n Uijr uj. ilu -
Ih.ii. and thriu ..ufi.lfl
, l in- ure hi i in- 1 1 1 in1 1 up unci l jl -
ft "
!. I I - II ..V.
Tl... ..t.. ..I .1... II . I I . . 1 ...
-ii in i ai t.n.ii.n m l" MU' vi.irii-r-.
. w 1 .
' K i
I. 1 II..' ..i ...
i" i ""j n i" i iv, j" ii rj; li" li u
lt th i" rirl'ir, ho
tlie dtiuli r ir :iu "li:
-i luit
X Thiillliu- Sluht
Willi") IMMlh I'll iT.lf
nil the ii'it i. ht.i!.. in I hi
.f t))- Niai'i-i r i . . r, tt'.- Vi
f if
nt i it'n-r i il l. "i In ri
nn I of Svi,.! "i'.t
V. !!. M
.1 i:v
J..ifk U...n (r,- n.'jil
njovini; I hi- ri-Ai v ( tin- t-r;
liair fli ik-:.i... I hey l.i i; 1
great ', a '. vs:- :i ''.'J v
the aift run nt .i the i r.
llllllilli- ; rh 'U!id U.ii;,nL; u. Cf. ..
uu tl Srttir.i
i of tlie-ij M-n".ir.-..i. --m :
n had oulv )..;. .i i ii.n ;
-l.lhiis l-le jent ill ii ll.r
the IwiTil-niel .."ri . i. .. li,.
iver. Tko m ,ir il... .1 f .n
mill I eafety, but urK.'.ir out
toWltrd lJu" C liter wrte .1 Mill,' . I
-if una'! bovii. th.-y . ;i
fairly Ht.irtr.l f ir ihe fl; ie u.
Kreat bridfi' a a I fr-Vii il-
latenill.'i. 'J lieil it hm H!-.,e .I I li.
for I if. l(lt th... yoilns tei . iiliiiil.!).,,,!
Wild tdjoulft, I'mally r-m-hid
It waa feen then that nil
i-Ji'i J I
three ,ri.:i! bad r -ached jdaeeof limn tins ba'l!e -ty t-i tin world
wafety. tne ai a man tint fir and- i-lie will .uttnfif ninl nni-i
roui the New York Hide. The roiitiniie mi to il.i, for mum l, in
vthcie were a man and a woman 'justice and o..i. m.j..ii immii.-I tv
Who Were iVi-ing acrntM the ice j vail iiiiint 1 l.t"1 l.u of .! 1114 I
toward the fmmdian eide. Tin- the rights of bumai.ity.
Innil licnr tliu ew ntK
kept Ilia courage we!.
IIU eye
were directed toward the iUvl nrcb
tinder wl.Hl. he wot,M if ti H,li(.h Uu. Us, lU),, tllI1.M
ir-e continued to move down, the . MiMhl ,,V).rv ,.,.rtfV.
river.' Onward it wet, and j.t ,)tr ,imc ,,if ,Mfl' Iiri..-,;,.
he rtcl.e,I the budge he b a,.l mM 1.(,11,,i,i,)llH (lf (llir .;.,
from the ice and caught the arch1. ... . , , .- . ....
na it ri.ics not far nut from tin
hutment. The man and woman
mado record! time ineannliile and
afelyreach.J theCnna.liH,, .oro.
ice . pi.c., , . R"'.Hj(..,,riM,M,1 tH-adv.n-ato of
uuuuk mo aoiiiiiK'ui oi inr ii iiht ' .1 M . i ... . i . i ,
... ' the poi'plc V caiife unit richtu mid
wteel arch, and it m rumored that'. . , ... ,., ., . - .
... . . . . hirers into iiiildio life the trueht
(he utrui'turo has been injured, but
this cannot be , verified. The
atcamer docks 011 enrh rido of the
i.a uwn uii vm M i tj
river have been wrocked, and thei. , ,
. . . .. 1 . , I ..1 . Iv bincei Into public hie men who
cu nan piivu uji ciuni 10 iiiu 111
clineil railway "ouilding in the
gorg", so that it is in danger.
... .
Slrnart In Ke-Mrrlrd.
Carson, Nov., Jan 24. The
senate met today and voted for a
United HalcH keiinlor. William
M. rteWnrt was placed in nomina
tion; A. C. CleVlbllid was ph;rcd
in noniiiuitioii by Senator Collins,
and Senator Klauigaii nominated
V, W. Williauis. Stuwiirl received
ni no votes, , Clevi land three and
Willinins tan. Ill tin) aascmbly,
Jtcwiirt received Io, Williams
Clu Vila lid il, Mason .'1 III id Wimi.1
bum 1. 1
The surprise of the day was the
willlil in til uf New Un lit from ll.i)
J. W. Shaw ninl l.olio liony
Were arrested l.n-1 Mombiy by
HIierifT MeKini.oii. They will b
held in the eoujify jail hero, nwait- i
ine the rriv il .,f ..iVie. ri .' ,1
Neviubi, where they arc a.
train robU'iy. - Ii.n ney
I Unit, Jan lt.
- n --
, .
Vail, v
Mlvdun of I br Church.
We give Ik l"W u clipping Irom
the Hun Krunriwn Kiamiticr eon
tjkiiiinit xlriu'lH (rxu a htiikih
ilvlivcred in New Ynk some lime
hinoe by l!cv.Thoina J. Puecv,
riotor of Si. Loi'V. -bur. h ..Ww
Yirk, which wu think should
rernnnm nd ilm-lf to the set-ion
f every rhurch or-
jrniuf aliir in Ihin nutioii
"An a priest of tV.ii Catholic
Chur h. I say to you from 'tilts
put pit th:it the- plccci'l condition
I (lie IMMir III Will I lilt""! Mf
("hurrli in Um rnlt.1 Stm
j load !' t... rtuaii-it:itin f
' j,, f(uni .,n..,ll
cru,m: i-lav. r- la tlur li mu-t
1 B,
oil. lUe CalinJl-M
'i i i. fl
lrfi'1 an tlii I'tnaiii lii.ttm ! the
,. ,i . . i .11
iMirl.liitf rla... he ami IS oir'n-.-t lun
L iiikI.i'
l.iw. t. t I he
k rifht
l.i llmt lit e h-rn
the i.tti-rvt
ki'vnnl ol one of
m rin ni, ever1
li !.M I. ! fi urn I he it'.it of
I'.ith.ih'? Cluii. !i. I he !-..ii'k
,- lh- l!-v I nlhi i I ii'' .
I;:uy, rc ii .-I l...e'M ( hurvh,
i'l 1 : " -1 Tlir
lr. r t'n-
h. ..u ... W.i . the
..Ji; l
i 'it. ; vtz- rm .1 i;T. .t.
f tl..
i t;'.- i l, i n .r;r. t
i li e r t r i m vi
).,. !..
i'l. i i.i.i.
. 1 t . ' i . : '
I . . .T.t'
,i : . ,i
:i i I nit
TT-r- i 'I d
: i . '
" IJ-e
...led 1 1 , , : I , i
I I-
r.f 1 1
!l ! I
1 ear
l, t-.u
tin-i . -1 i.-. ,i. :
-th..t li.-- I 1
i r 1 1-1 1 I i nc; i i
i .'ill '. I'M i (
T. a-'.-.l t ..
1 1.,
II. i !.!,.!
I l'.r i!. I-,; '
! CI.
.'h i i .i m l.i id
I . h, I di Hi
pe. Tl,
' ',,i, iil.d by
ni. mi iti'Mi th:.'li' h-
In r I !
ill the w h
' urn Id,
ll.l l!li i.i i :Vi li l iel.l .i
''l-lverv ci-in ration . i.' ti. worVdV.
i ,.:", ............. i i
III l.'l ) I I . IIIJ.'IILI I Hi tilJ. :;!- - -
I....I...I lir.,!,!..!.. I I l,r Klllllt Mil (if
I iiavi iM'toui. .ie-iiinic nun uu-
j U-araiile. 'Ihe mas of the
peopV ro in. r-v-lt the world over,
Mini iiiiImii Llirt I' uf tThrinl.
, , C f jWUt)
ami Ix't men of the land, who ran
not ninl w ill not lie ur h .-cd by
1 1 II' t
will pass just laws, based 011 the
Ten t'onimainlnii ills, the revolt of
tho.peoplo now befoie .. the world
will Kwing into 11 most disastrous
revolution. ,
"With the blrssing nf (Jod, the
day is dawning, I h.iicve, when
none shall U wi le to become rich
if all are Hot eomfm t.thlu, ami no
nnui r-hnll biN-ome p.nir without
all others birmniiig likewise ini
iivei isbetl." Snn Praiu iseo Week
ly Mxiimiiier.
Our licfsl.ilurc.
'uii it be possible the present
legislature will legislate some inure
'VolumissiAns" into being? Alml-i-U
11 .lozeii of the present coin-tuis-ioin
-y-we,' 11 ml for once
iieipiit y.iilrM lvcs like men
Hut what uu be ixiicikd ,,f
lin n wb.. will li!l th-di- erj., .j
STl-t !.'. if it"
I l ! hy I.tiImTVIii
"I'Ii i- i'i
t!i. i I ..f -ilil.
jiT i.i'ori lt.!i.. ll .t 1. t ..!(tliitrllv 1 1 fur A It It al.ia I K I li a erui
?,""" ' ir.oui
' '"' t':',,,", "s ,,"'.v ''"I "irti -
, a i ,i. . . ..
iiit. i mi, a .' .inn t -1
'iiiei.l of the extr.i
inur Cr
! ,V"',t ' "' ' vl" ' ,,f '!'c n
j who c iiiiiiaiii t.. practice U.j del k
J1.U0 .vandal .' VriK!0- ll''"i4
Olberman's Last
Hope the Governor
JudrnBl In III ('' Ainrimd
of hi niminn trt tier, in iKmln-i
millilv hl aunmr ..;! t..m r
ti'i tlivguvpTitnr'rfcH K a, . Krai..--:. f.r M.-mihi -:
(U jwlniiriit tle low. r curt inin-t-, thin- wil! mi,;
l.iNCaaewa afTirii.wl -Jjt the mi -
ifrnM euurt lawt raturday. Tle
a)maJ aa Irom a jrJ nifit of dm
.i;i ui r.- n..
13 Kller(on, jJf. The
' hul limi oowtieUd in tli -
first drfn. The nwrd containixl
"CnniI of orrr tt
lk i.lWinal one relinl m-m at
the liearin related U the actiuii of
the trial court ifi overrulinc the!
drfriKlant'a challenge of iunrn
lladley and Currv. fr actual hi.ia,
' f Hpi-i iiiiaouinluet
of the
ijuit a.d Jut y doting -ihv wigria
'ol t lie trial. The opinion aaya re-
Kr.linR theai) eonteiitimiK :
'We hare however in view of
confluence of an affirniance,
t tl
ex.rninel with care all the asuign-
i i
nieiim oi error ann are riear tnat
th judgment inurt le affiriiied.1
It ivaa allegil thiit during the I
..i .-i i i-i .i '
ir.n- of the trial and while tlw) .
c!..ii'g argument for the t.tHewasi, nr-.,r,i,.l ,Ke f.r-i , 1,. -e in
b. ,,; nm.le tL iudee retire! f1SmC,. !l . , J . . ..
tueei.iirtMoni and the trial I'r -
e.-eh-d ... I.ia nl.,We. The uin.
A.n mv;
"If the reeurd ditrlo-ed th it the'
aih (! fnct- upon which thi-i ob-
. . 1
J.-. l.uu i h,iM-i wen- true we mi-.uM
I... I hiitate to revlre (lie jodi;.
lm l.t f.T it i-' clear t
At tie r-1". in h.-4
. , . . -
I im:I)mi:( tl..-i,i.--nv ..f I ;
. . " . . .
Rli.J II i." '.i: T:-'.iI.i: J .' -jiii
'j.'il.lil tint he l,'.l be. i-iblv '
' ( . I ..,,!:.
i i I 'i,' durintr 1!
l-ii ertir
) r..;.r
trial i:rvh..h II.- .
i- it Mike. l'.iit th.
11. I huw I !,e I'.i, ;s i:j
:. .ii j r, i; ,t
id - the lt:1,.l.i .1 In
II e iM.,.:i:, t ,,l tlir J ul My, ! ,, ii
. I .!! h 11, V III. i.-J. r::ii!:ci
e nn.
w tela
niipht u iili pr.i; 1 a-ty I
111. d
llli.'ol.lli't of Jbe jll! ."
St.Ln Garmeiits Foua 1.
Wcarinjt Airel of Portland Co;-
iii at t'l !.-,. n Hi .ieh
i '
t Slll'Tllt" l.illtMtl.l .if PI ...,,,,.,.
i iH verv anxioui, to I, am iheownc-
I of n lot of wearing :iiparel, evidnit-
Ily t-.I.-n (mm mUap, f l.rt-
; UtldvH ,t CLit . , ,H.:lo!j ,,v ,V(,,.
... ., "
mn um rva-iiie. inur lerer. in .1
j rtvciit visit Sheriti l.inville found
I in a grove U-tweett the tlninc;
I bolli.. anil tin. ItenMi lli.i f.tlK.u-ii.
! .ni,,, f w,.arin pppar,.l which
he Udiuvcs U'lor.g to Portlanders
One red shawl.
. One bathing suit, outing flannel,
One pair blue flannel drawers.
Ono lady's blouse, blue cordurov.
T-.,.i- ft 11....1.: :"
0 fi
One child's dress, blue cotton
KiskIs. trimmed in white lace
One child's red Uinnct,
One child's
white jH.lka dot.
One outing fli
One child s dnss blue with1
. .-ii 1
l.-cm-.l d
if. . Vud he
r are e.iti-
1 1. : :i 1.!'
I. T ...
One ouUng flannel . , , , '
a ii.. i... ;. ,. i The inmates ilo the work and the
' Ono flannel bathiuc mi it, blue.
vno naiinei uaiiiiiij; nun, uiue.
One pair flannel drawers naitof
bathing suit.
" . ,i
Three children's capes, gray
flannel with blue figure resembling
letter S, worked In goods.
One gentleman' overcoat
Two children's nightshirts cot
ton flannel, pink,
Ijidy'a dress waist with brow n
embossed check and brown plush
Lady's red flannel wraper.
Child's blue otitting flannel skirt.
The articles were found in a
, coff.v sack and were pnibably left
in their hiding place by Willard
; having been bleached to such
," n.iv.. woiun nnve .H'cn uie
- .. ..b ...... . .......ii i .. .i. ..
n in'iMn ( . V; r i in
, r:'' l"l ny aniclr "d such weight
j '" '"fi it for any lungth of
ilin'c '
At th" Ul" lit r
nf tlii- M:ni'"'r'
MAiiih ilwrii t' (I-
j Cv rntiii'it liiii i
r.r t,!i! niuni i
wur, i
T i '!!
: m .1 1 1 t'
i . . : i
IIHir milivn r.
, )-jiit ti'j.irt' rn
' tt It l lnl Iir I''
!,v"" 'Hiiic;ti.i th-t -i tii.
I IM'Xt 't T tl -1 HT I. l.ii! S ifJ
aii !i
1 un.l. rUk. r and h kuI i.! -,
"lln .HV-t-- ...;i,i. J , tJ
I P",r",",'", w ''" w "i"'" ; r' "
' t .m.m.ii.i. un-iii tii- i,in:iin . .f
I l,w l'i " " t ''l U..t
1 l"'in ' l:Mt-r tl.- -r. i: .f
j,1"r,H4 J ,11ir,,T '' -r' 1,11,1
' y tl lir-t r-,-
' tranrirl tu thiv i.-.intrr.
1 h-'
Jt1 xjrt uiihrMLiri" .mil
wwlJe i .htaii; L i-!
j,' - "1 "fd Toni'li thi'
i" ''.itia the U u-t ! hi V j ra. ti-,
!'hli LMi ar.ivnl ( Die ri-j
j i-4-" ;., '' -
a-ill I w fviv-.ft In 1j!..i"t.l,
Will M.'cj) In
' - i-.' t"! kiuiu I nn letfi-mure 1,11 a ouiv
and they will U in.meliaj.Iy -i,t;, r(ua. It mu-t incuUte .
by ei.rt to. their lm..,w. i,r..., of ...remment that u ill
The Sphere ef Moin m.
tt'. k... f..'i,.i .,,rvt ,...1
angereu av me., ,eii
l . i '.i .
tlipoanllv td-r.o:nen,-a!sUle--ittecraa rnu&l oe jtaceu .
j though they wer not entitle I 'to
iiiiic'lHins oi mtn inn an m li'mii'M
' .,4ri uf (aixl in the ' evoiioiuv of
'.'.. u.. ,'
l:. ', 1 :
III Jim J.ueu, iiv rw
not good for him to be il'Mf; and
1 ,, ... i ..- , . .
ttbe - hrit man f buppuieM wa
. ... .
co:nilole until Wotnan wrt sulnrJ
v,l a, a member of th it V-fl ....
- IV ei
K and mt.-v -he Im- .;d
., -l ecin tVmo t r.-.,;;,-;i :.
rei-'tiona in l.te. X'o.ld mat. cx -
I I'
' p l to j.r i-.r .. any hjnor.bie won nl a.lvo-.te
i.f I. , ,,, ii- 1
t!,..,-Mhl-i.iii.i the wjfei.f b- I -
u.tlife; , ... ,,,, ,. rif ,- . i;ii
on. .-inl l:ie in. tin r i I li: - . i . i , . : .-1 1 1
li'..iu p.irtHii' Willi l.ini i"
h j iir-uii. ulr.cii n.i- ! r i:-
l.j . :!.. I..ijiim .d'niir c i i.
i:i i:i ii V.i mi: y .' Many, and mo-;
if tin- i-.r..; til I. :i r i.i'.e, a.:
In-' me' i " '- f i La.-;..:'''lioii-r-rt
vt-r-! T-r i-iT'i in Tr
th'.i-,- in win -'i I h I--., i: y-ii'l I
by 111 aJi:oa..Jl.i-. w l'c.
That viii-v wliieh lir-t fell 1:1
Mld-liKC l.H'li it n i 1 1 ilC I. .:s. I
man, -tv:nd-i cpiait v a
win II lai-id ill ile;ii'Ul:Cil. ui!.
Ti.e ri I'-i.'.iij: .t:v4' " 'pfiTt'x in. itiil.:
elii . - ii em i :: -in -oi i '.v of pill ,"
1 '
v ..:.:vrin'... i .lie
'I ;ii.l: ;ii .'ll;
The i;, ir,';e b:i:id
lis iii:i,;ic ' toiie!i,
-.: r
p. .'.i Ll Tcr"";
the Jli.--.
-nolht- bv
fcvrr.d brow ,.f -tir.-iicu bninanlly.
can wield the inn mi-.'htier than )
the sword. 1 or "the han.l that
r.n s t h.v i .idle sv;-.c
Viiec of l.aiiir.
ti.e v. iii"' I
A' Monumental Stel
ll lUUUUUlCUiai DLtcI
The Times off Portland irii.ts
the following interview:
f.iy, fmm nioiictiii ...n-idera-
tijnS I would rather li - 'suiieriil -
I, , .
.trndel.tof th
0 reform soh.i il than
president of theoe V-nltc! States,'
remarked lcjre.-i,iilative t . J
Curtis, of Astoti.1, at llu l'ukiiif
'There is a graft
i.t,.i,llii,.,nlft ...ll I 'I I. a.. ......
I ...... ....... ...... iiini'r nir
I a I...... Til , ....... Ift. ... I H ......1........
. . . , ,
. . .
.ii.rro is an ami an
asMstaui; a stoker and an assist
ant, for example. The assistants,
boys committed lo the iiittrsiinii.
., , , , ,
lrforni the labor, the principals
U. , , -
raw the lay receive the giHd,
k i i ii ai i i C
iiniu iav.iw.. iilbiivu irijlll U1U IUA
"Tim pay-roll, remember, does
not forget these 'assistants.' Hut
the boys who perform the labor
never cee a dollar for their toil.
Their chean board and chianer
clothing are their compensation.
! Then who gets the m.Tnev for their
j Who gits tint miv of
', a a ! .a .. a .. n- .
; sMs,a.,, lllai ,s ai
,,,tioii that must be answered, i
i mi i tttiin in iiiph iii i un r..t.ii
a 1 -
I want to ki.ow why the hbite pays
f ,r tho work of ihe lads. They are
Lent lo the ach.vl to cure hswf
Juror j ii
for tin;
1 t t-uTU llifi-V
h'-.'l I . Of ihf. fcUfifTlfl-
'ihr r cf irif i wi cortii
I ) ini'i). 'It im a gifiniic Dwindle j
iii-ui thi: i.i !!., ami i if in? vokfl
ui,'l ,U.iU au myiiii.lii!H tint'
I. --... in a,.,ir.7i,rulwi will . 1 ma,e city wnh or lh I0,fW0 Uhaht
r. 1 t -...third. j.n Btiitecorernnjentin th Uni- Unla Miy ffmm 4 fcf-f
'1 iM i.ti -.. the i-ufS: f.dt 'wtat' C-ift;t.n;.mUleil-;.a(!1wllIl(,tlti which ,
hH,i' and n...ic and 'a.M,'.-j """ Mi U,pk lr ust be ,p,,rored ty tei,U.
r.f ioi.-.lj- a .:xu.Uj,l,-8. Th : tat4.-tce,t beware. itttw Cndw thn Vw 'fitoekton, rn i tjli.wJ with isirailKr! fhe eiginhcanoe .f tl.ri fact ud!ft.n r Anrle. ud Oak
fr;niP. It is an ntrociwi!! i-U-al
''Th n thcr; U the schxd (or lite ,
j l 'ii.d i! imuaij-ii and 1 1 H.TVJuit.
J'r' C'liufiirt.ihJ.: j.lare to iiw at, !
h: J.'. h two inmate . have a
v,.i. !, v.,u l.fdl n vait-t to fpre.
1 f -i-y ti. U tho v tKxj.aier
' 'M hi-tu-'if luxuriatii.R
in l.r....d . im-iid-.w ,f tin; nit
vuli-t, uit'i Imlf n valet to f.ire.
raiil- tlovi r if Le uuld afTord
t!.i- r'y!e. J -nld nut mind a
f. w j'.in. hes of moh lif; myi, the .
i-i iti of o-irs-, to d the liuidat-,
ii.g i'T if... Ij!.
(K.r tale innlitntiono
xU'rt - IZlhe'rMl "t the f.r-Jiiiiig
i i ' .. i -i. i 1...'
L-ive the tax-nayer a for
ii life. He has been held ui Uhik ;
! "d often enoufh. -Tlw barnacle
lniifl lie r.-iiioveil inmi in. inn oil
. . . . :
j " . . ." .r .
"Pon th
and receive a
' thorough cbaning. It in eo foul
! thu w,.,d naintln, faila to metur. !
i i i
tliC montroeityit has become, j
n(1 ,ft
'.;M1i.s..i -rr.i I
,nl.u.u, .
( roisan. of the reform school, net
income greater than that of Prw-lone
;.)..a fL."l IfUaMA Av 1
U'tfiU MrK inter. He n no ex-
,cof r ulertaiiiing to meet All
th.ifl.h that dnn into Ins rrit m:
hi-own meat. He occupies a kid ! rarr,-v "V"""-
Ueand prunelU boat ttion,;1 wi" '
. uiaa due."'
U Mr. Curtis was eailed awayJ
, r.;tljilK hi,n as he wjwkeji
1 .. h 1 ,
l". E. Grace, senator
!nm lJ,iker county
;.-ur:.s i, m .bad earned," Mning Corp,)r,tion8; io eleven, no laws
r.u, remarked. "As one of thejforthe incurrence of debts except-,-.-!
. !ve committee t that lias ( itIg Buch M 6pecifiei ia th con
Mi d the state m-mtu-' ,,,5 and noe3reeM of .caal
-. Ii.'.m.. .to Salem buiigbt ! jcfic.;.s. ivonj . stJnoUi-d .m.
'ilin ii
: ! .i-.
He hi-
ien anoui i the acerbate raluation of the tax
,1 1 .. eyes and e.ars Uo ppi1,K.rty, Without the Ref
ill the time, and crolujum miaoia cannot sell its
of which be is tt '.i.te canal: Minnwta eannoti
.1 ! l".V weoki".
'r. c been .H"ll
.e L'otiitiiilitv,
i.iemU.r, is bal.le to nwke some : illteWJ,t or principal of the Minne"--artJini
revelations in it report." , u r;li!roa,j . North Carolina can
0;! r monibers of il.e committee 1 not estenJ the sUte credit to aid
; . iMoro reticent, but admitted !3n,: .... or Cl(,liri,,5on. eci,t-
;!.at the expenses t-f the
munitions for tin? cinnng two
v. ii-i;ilil lie l.irjclv reilueed
;uul ..K.My would
(bid or jliMiKiion.
Tl.. rtt ,.r..t, l,d I,..,., .-1, ft
! "!tJ1,';VlailiU l'f
l:it...ts:.ddetiue1exivj.ti.i broadi
i.u jiie, me oiuicsoi man 10 man.
Tl... .1. ....... . 1 ... ...
powi r. There are but few among1
. them who dare maintain the eanse
f labor n-ainst the. pew-holler,
. . 1
Whore b the minister that preaolie
......(..,, 1 urn "'hi in ?".i,iiiie uueu ruaiea, especially in me
an-, as a ilass cowed by c:tpital audi West, were foundhy MV'. Obcrbolt-
and where is the religious paper! right to tix by vote of the "citizens
I'iT i,lll.!;.l,... a..rn,A. ,.n l.-.i!j .,f I. 1... I ... ft 1. . . 1
! Child labor, Wo:na,,LalK.r.lVo.solso usuallv of county lines
.. ... ... .... . ..- '
......,.-... .1 r.iiM-.i.- v.. .....o v.,
.' '' ""I"'""! t v.-nnw...,
me 1'iiiuu oi v apiiaiisia lowuru
TL - I .... - f .1 .... I! i . T I .
'Ii. . ..4 I. . 1
i ' '"',r ''"i"".
i,rvtend to deal with theso ouestioiis
: . . .
i u - ln Kulu'ru,8 geueraiiues
,' and vain i latitudes.
li it anv wonder thit lalorers
are lit.,,ated from the church?
I .. - . . ,. .
The apathy of Christian icople
... . v.,;': . .,..,
ins a., laiati wv s v in iu n uriimi -
' ,, .,, . . ,
: nblc. The masses are being robbed
on every hand, but where is the
ifchurch or minister whose voioe is
uplifted In protest? t
The church oannot longer shirk responsibility. Men are al
ready asking Whom she is to serve,
Rev. Charles Vail.
1 .a . i . a .
tviaentiy inewiioroi uie
Grants Pass Dewey bat "struck lie.'
m. . a. . . ... . .
i nn i n at. i nil ina ai ivy r ii m
j feel himself able to put on a shirt
is uudisputed stidsncs of that
Direct legislation.
JTli R.ATtnJiini In !-UrJs Citiar,
Ccmnlies, ttc
r" a-wareofthe mdranoe
.Saim Kt-ATendaro, are seen a ben
Ioikj 'nidHtii he r.ul;ert matter of
a 6Ufe eoruMitut.). Nowadays.
a eoiistifjtiofi 05tialfy limiu'any rowr of vein. Landr. thea
'a legiflature to a short hienniaf ,
a leg:? Jiure lo a short Uenm&I
Vkwoii anj define in detail what
laas the l-i.-lature may and may
. rot 1-aM. In fa.;t, then, in ad-j-t-
ing a coiii-titution onoe in ten or
twenty yer?, the voters of a state
dcQlc ujion atdiui.ilile Initiation.
Ttus they themselves are the reaj !
legiybtors. Among the mat'.rn ;
'xt " entirely to legitures.
,,ul nw coumnnly dealt with in I
t lit i nna u r a i k. r. .1. . I
1 " -' - k, .
! Prohitig or reKuUtii.g the liU'rf
'traffic; pmhibitinff or chartering
lotteries; Uttern.tning tax rate-;
founding and looming tt dio
"J other Ute nistituliiif; etab
li. l t . . f .-. . . . . i:
" r ; vjj imirnrw, in
.u. ..I.L.. ..n:, , .
"'6 v. Pu, .al?r
rng up railroau and other cor-
poration regulation?; and dtnmngl
the relations of husband, and
. , ... ,. , ,.
',VN oebtora and creditors,
In . Hoe wUh all this u a tendency
w'y eiKlineaL In nearly aJ I
TO lnw D,aer
hKh U" reeenUy rerised
. . . . 1 1 . 1 ii
waavt iuwuiio, vud till it: hi
Thyeh. V
" "" . , "
. ihiiitii -a-ws nicno, now vne con-
sent 4 owe ie onnaidarao aottcwml
r eto . .-t u
1 fifteen states, until submitted
. . . .
to a popalax vote, no law changing
to a popaUr vote, no law changing
the location of the capital is valid;
in seven, no laws entablUhinir bank
-or n oilier! 5ll feveral, no rate of assessment
state a!vropri-;t.XOeediHg a figure proportionate to
1 r I -
, ing to help certain railroads un
fished i 1S76.
With the Ref-
1 ir end u m, Colorado may adopt
woman Ftifferiic; and create s debt
I for public, buildings; Texas may
iMx a location fur a college for col
jored votith: Wvominjs mav decide
I nn tl,A u.ta r,,v i.j .1.1. .. ...... it
Numerous important examples of
tie Keteremluiu in local matters in
I .t. . t.. ;. . 1 . - .,
-er. There nre niaiV' ciiunrv. citv.
i.iniwVi., an,l ..l.,.,l .);.i-;I r...
endums. NinU'en state constitu
tions guarantee to counties the
llAllllll 1.11 Lilt! (TI)llllIV H M i .1
hiuimuii.. oi couniies, ana iiko mat-
o i
rx veral western ttatcs leave
..... . . .
vote ot tfie counties as to
when, thev vhall doni. t.i.nd,;,.
i . - - -
, ortainaaiion, with town jnectini;?;
se veral states permit their cities to
decide when they shall also be0f those ol'dcers than otherwise.
counties.. As iif the state, there
are debt and tax matters that may
be raised on only bvihe ..ii,t.
of cilies, boroughs, counties, or
ihooldistr'cls. Without the Ref
erenduin, no tnunicipality in Pen-
sylvini. may contract an aggregate
debt beyond 2 percent of the assess -
cd valuation, of iu taiabh, nron -
erty : no monicinalitiM in .in
other states may incur in any year
an indebtedness beyond their reve
nues; no loual governments ia ths
nSW StalSS fifth W'aat m.e Mia;
anv loans e)auMr in ik.c
sutsa may azoeed car Lain limits in
tax rates. With ths Referendum,
certain Southsru communities may
mau cat bo r luprovaoBaota, and
other CTanjUB.tiei my sxtead thslsmiy McClurs.'
I I'vl credit to railroad, water traM
rpocUlion, and itwHar crporilioe
The prohibition of the llqwr ta&
neea ia alc.l or covnty W ie
left to a popnlar rote; iiM ,'dt "Ti
caP.ptionw Utke oommM. form
or ilejerendana. lm Califo: ma any
In the elate Wantdngton, citiee C
20,f)rX) may make their oww cfcarV
n without the leralaXHtw havinf
,8Uch iU
i In fact
f-ni9 to
eyCh cities maJm their owa Uwa.
fact, the vj Unlt4 Clatea.
have eeeu nwch of thtr
rend am as little Switteriaud.
Hut the effect of the, pntctioe hat
leeu largely lost in th great-site -of
thiii country and in the luoee
1U.J unysteoiixed character of the
inttituuon a known here."
Worn a i Jcffrar
I A Tm Pper
1 WUinit abject of reform,
and eecially the subject womii
uffrase should have a fair -hearing
we give place to the letter of Mr.
Dunr.iaay, written to the Capital
. 2 . In V W
.L" ,Js
. r.Mox. .
'er,t effort u made to tt.s-
lead the patrioUc press and mem
bers of the legislature as to the
legal status of the equal suffrage
amendment now before the twe
houses for ratification, it becomes .
my duty to etate the status of said
amendments for which I reepectful
ly ask space ia your colamns.
Said amendment was "proposed",
in the senate in 1895 by Hon. L
L. Patterson in the regular way
awd. was adopfcad ia, both. hnu by
a very lsrge vote. It waa and it
in the company of two other pro
posed" amendments against which
no aconstitutionalw objection ii
While the officers and member
of the eiual suffrage association
are watching this amendment with
a solicitude that is natural, they do
not fear open and honorable oppo
sition. They desire especially to
place the same before the people
at the next general election and as
women now hare . no voice in the
legislature they know of no better
way to reach fair understanding
of this whole matter than by candid
statements of fact through the pub
lic press.
Respectfully youra for liberty! Scott DCMrrwAt.
What member of the MuitnomiH
delegation will put iu mil la
aliolish the office of county record
cr for Multnomah county a per
f.-il nlu ofRee. eostine r:
1 .
.; thettlmriegPrcierk of the
Lircuil court and cletit of the
' - fmm l.rVM a mt
each altogether extratagant sal
aries lo 12500 a year each, which
would be ample pay, and even
larger than in most lines of private
bueinesa for eqaal ' or hI(hC
(service? Oregonian.
' The Broad-Axe makes a gM
i V ',JTl .X 1 to
,mh will never introduce a Dill TO
.... - ..
- I .. T .ill,,.. tlrti-.
i rwi lie? mo paim j v.. nwn.
, .
Why? Hecause judging ths
preset.t by the past, the Multno-
intMduce ii bill lo raise the talaris
IHed. Friday, Jan 20, 1890, at
the home of her son-in-law, Palmer
I Ai'er a ' mile h,,!,t wl l0n
I Mr s?r4n S McClure, aged 7
j J1"? 4 24 Mrt
i M'luro ' in Kentucky
jAus' 27. 1819- ith t
i 1'iiients to Missouri at an aa-ly
i ge- CW Oregon and
se ttled with hsr first husband, Mr
Benson, on a claim 2 milee north
of Eugene where the lived until
her death. After the death f her
, first husband she was man I al to
Vincent McClure, who died in
1883. There were scarcely .any old
pioneer family in, ths tioiiiliy of
Kagene who wsre more esteemed
than "Undo Vinly" and 'Ani.