Broad-axe. (Eugene, Lane County, Or.) 189?-19??, January 03, 1899, Image 1

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and m
NO. 3
' - ii .- -
Th Currrnrj Dili.
The provision n( the currency
Kill nA tbnlins lfrir Arr n 1 1
and which will pa arid It-corn".
y imnwl-j
jir. by the Lincoln County
tuvky Democrat, re publish,
and k t it tweful perusal:'
TWa Lwwer Hons nf Conr re,
last MestsUy, after a week's debate, I
vi vote nt UK) to 1 50 iard the
lauciai Din prepare.! or a com-
rtfM fliirintf I Kj. r.Wj.aa T f iirn.
pow : l, v csianiikit Ilia single
.rold. standard; 2, to mlte every
twini. nauahla in volt! ' A tii rAim
r-.- - L,
all crecn bark in fold and keep
thern Im-kep tip in the vault- of
th treasury; 4, to redeem all treas
law is thus truthfully WmtMl-l&t,
ury nous in gold; S, to make all jtbf ernuuin of a sub-treasury in
debt now that hnll rvrry . ly of the UoiUxl Htatea
hereafter be contracted payable in j ribove 1' '',0lJ0 population and di
g'ifj; 6, to make a new division nf j rn t ih-iu to loan to an otm at A
the trrnurv aud put into it t"M,-1 r iit a tnoch lrgsl - trader
0)0,000 of our prrtMsnl circulntion, Krwnhack ae they might be able to
e. a t keep it out of the ircul-a j eecure with undoubted eeeurity,
tioii amonn the penile; 7, U make 'only whenever the banka refuna to
ilvcr coin rrdueinaLle in (fnld, K,
to coiiin)l the (vTri-tary nf the
Trea-nrv to keep I "). XW.OOO ad
ditionai in the general fund; 9, to(
authoriio the Secretary of Treasury
to ineue 20 yeara gold bond at his
dircretioti, principal and iiiteret
payable in gold, and enable biro
to -hut up in the treaaurv - M0, -
OOO.tXW: 10, to direct the ISeVretary i whenever they chooee.
of the Treasury to retire treasury I ' i""
notce when he coin any mall I Boys Stay With The Farm,
ilvcr piece; 11, to dc-troy ll j The inerhaiit end-avore to con
rilvcr ri-rtincalca "Uive f m that duct hie luinincen in ruch a niannir
eilvcr c:ni le unci only in enuill ' that bin on will lieonie a rartner
tra:iaclionn; 12, t erniit National i d contiiitie the firm mime even
Hnnkn to or(t;niie in towns of 2,(KX)i after hia demire, (nvnune of the
and lcn with only 2."i,(r K which j value that attache to a Ion wUb
will obliterate all private bank ; i linhcl bueineea enterprine. I'r.ti
l:?, to authorixe all national Unkajuch epint nrmeate the businen
to inuo their billn to the full value , occupation of farming It will not
oftlieir bond, inntead of 00 per-! be ccordcl the confidence and
cent us now; ' 14, to rctliuo linen ' rcepeH which it ought to merit,
from 1 percent, to 1-10 erccnt out How tnany youiift Uiya wliohave circulnlion. It require the. havn reared u:i-th farm ahere er-
entire national debt to U aid in
gold that u contracted to tie low in the i'oot,. ps of the succe
in green liauk, silver or gold, and' ful father, become enthused with
redeem and retiree from rircula-j the idea of going to the city and
tion V0 M.tKK) of trennury notes getting a Hition that wem to
hikI grecu bucks and give the en- them inoiu dignified than being a
tire paiier money iMie into the
A nf f lm nfiliAiittl tiunlia
the cxpanxioii and contraction
tne paper currency is put entire
ly into their hand and the suc
ce or failure of every limine in
Lincoln county is put at their
tneroy. As a harbinger of the
general effect of the bill when it
become a law, aa it probably will,
there was a pania on tho New York
stock exchange and money ruled
at 125 percent, while two of the
supHNed strongest firms failed on
the very dsy this bill of abomi
nation paused the Houe It puis
the business ol the country st the
mercy of the money power. 1
Wlnt is the money power? It
is a combination of overgrown
hankers and bond and stock own
ers of Europe and the United
States, whosrethe mibject of no
government on tarih but by means
f overgrown Health rule the na
and dicUU the policy of par
t if. This till is undoubtedly the
f th is money power. If we
. r'-rv a uartinan. desiring nothinr
,!,,. ,.turt, ,, the Democratic
r (l"lo power at . en
vAtr;1, then " wt oou
y eoet to th
could with the
Uif '.blicans no greater ears than
to father this bill an make it Into
U, end though It may give them
l-o n .Mions of camrjaicn fund, it
i'l rnrlainly eend them to'giaat
k- i!.-t the urifl alMaahteUoa of
!-." u ' the Whig to privaU
If Congrrun would conult the
nit !' of the wealth produeere
r( t ie Huiu-d Hlaten, it woakl di
rrrt the unlimited coinage of iilver,
loan at tit ie rate; add retire all
national bank circulation and, pay
all U S Uii.dn a they becowe doe,
burn Ihein and ienue no mora that
are not taxable. This would ee
tablish the baning value of toon-
ey and take from the money power
the ability to create a panio at
wtll and grind Talnea tu powder
'ery advantage i given them to fol-
Don't be foolish ; "things are not
what they seem" not one out uf
twerty makes a success.
Take the advice of one who ha
beeu through the mill, though we
are not whollv to blame. k
We remcmlier when a boy livirg
ou the farm with plenty and to
spare, proHpeoti were , bright, there
wnre cattle ihorses, swine, iiirm,
machinery of every description,
good houses and barn's; but father
became of the opinion that he could
do better, that farming wn not
bis calling. The (all sale was held;
old Prince was sold the old horse
w used to ride to the postoflice,
and Billy and the old milch cow.
Cherry, and all the rest of the
hprses snd cattle, and as they were
'driver and. taken away by , their
variotin new owncito, the tears
trickled down our young cheeks
There wn .,;, pet being
snatched from How we long
for the old frn .boma today, and
(he return of things as they need
to he. Put alas, .to the city we
weot, to make an easy living and
ear frnd clothe all the time, with
a salary that .- Seemed as tbouth
hundreds could b tared np by the
J .V- - ' i ' .
(uu vi u year.
Months pat ' atttl years found un
where wa began salary at the
end of th month, and a struggle
to "snake tonga : buckle meet," a(
the and of th next.
Boy stay with fb farm. From
th Western Farmkrd Stock Jour
nal, Cbtllkooth, Mo.
Th Hon as k Holpmata.
The poaltry bsjeirvee is getting
to b a great and gTind business.
Many men, srstoen and even
children a well aa same of our
grandest and most noted people of
the United 6 tales are interested
in tba poaltry bwsines. This is
a fait index of what the poultry
indastry now amtmnt to, and
what it will be iir the future. It
is not nly a gveat pleaaura to
breed fin pooltryV vat it is such
a great help to the many poor and
tb farmer is general. This elaea
of people are by fat th moat num
erous, and their gfwtest bleesing
of help 1 the gvod titlkT hen, 'for
iu many rases she hss kept the
wolf of want from the door of the
poor. Her daily product is gather
ed day after day, until the basket
it 6 lied, then it is sent to the
ntore and exchanged for the hard
necessities, of life. The good hen
is accountable for so much good
eke has done in many ways for the
jHKir, dtid in many CAee she helpod
ruitiA 1 Ku im.tntM 1 1 1 ik. J
.. . 6.6. . ...
mers niuumrrf. anu paid nn lase.i , ....
, , ,. , , , . ' ., .V" exaggerationl ,'lhe statement
nnil his doctor bill., ttc. Did she v.. . . . ,
. ,,. i., ha8 betn disproed a thousand
get credit for ail this goodf Ifear',- T, . ., . .
... " times. It doesn t take monev to
not in all .case. har in rr.anvL., . T.
. , run a mwspaper. It can rnn
jh is left to roost in the tree the'
, . , . '. -'I
year around at the mercy of what-
ever might happen her. If she
comes off witli her comb and feet I
frozen to an unmerciful extent, it
is only a chicken, no matter how
much good she ha done for you
or the poor. Even though she is
comrielkd to sleep out of doors in
some tree, exposed to' the cold dis
agreeable weather or winter, she
will do all she can for you, and i
Jjjl8Pry n,l domestic all day long
jubi me ah me cold winter
ow upon un ,ei us--, re thniw,iuin ofchanKe thal
be resolved to discard this eldjdl ,h. husinens-kind words and
I I B Ii lillliil ma Btil xe n ....1 i
3 , y'""" ""
Man ueiier cars oi our poor dome
tic fowl. Give them Rood, warm
quarters and shelter them from the
cold snd stormy bliiiard. snd
give them proper feed and care,
and see what they will do for us
in return. We would ask all
readers and breeders who are in
earnest and want to do well with
poultry to heed this advice, .and
whatevei you do give the poor hen
creuu lorwnatsrte has done for
vMI trr a Vi a i1a,.,un. ! rMl
limes we are anked what variety
of poultry is the lest. This is a
hard question to answer, as ' there
are en many cood varieties, and
what would suit you bent would
not suit someone else at all, so it
all dvpendn on what variety yon
fancy, and if it is eggs or meat you
want, or both. If for all meat, yorj
don't want the Leghorns or Ham
burg; if for eggs, you don't want
the Brahma. If for both egg
and meat, I would not advis(biibVr
of the above, but the Plymouth
Rock, the Wyandotte or the Indian
Game would do better. Howerer, BrJt0' ht it -auadiag owa b j
oiy answer is, always get th van- ii.neM "hich for the lat sever.!
ety you fancy the moat; bnt what
ever variety that may be, let u- be
a thoroughbred of some good stand
ard kind, Every farmer and every
one who raises poultry cxrold just
as well hare a nice fine flock of
up-to date thoroughbred poultry
as to have a flock of old-time
wournout .mongrels.
Coyotts are. being slaughtered at
a rapid rate in Baker county
and scarcely a day passes that one
or more scalpe is not brought in to
the county court. Deputy Clerk
Chord now has a box fell waiting
for the meeting of the county oourtt
wnena vojtiyrx wiiiMpahi
for each scalp. One was brought
in yesterday and brings the total
number of scalps, since the meeting
of the court November last, up to
150. The court will meet in about
two weeks, when the bills of the
scalp hunters will lie. liquidated.
Baker City Republican.
Rannlnir a Newspaper.
"It takes money to run a news-
,pipcr an exchan Wh,t
witnnut money
It is not a bush
It is, a charitable
ness venture.
institution, a begging concern, a
highway robtier. A iiewspu?r is
a child c f the air, a creature of a
dream. It can go on and on, when
any other concern would be in the
hands of a receiver and wound up.
It takes wind to run a news
paper ; it takes gall to ran a news
paper. It lakes a'scintillaling im
agination, a white Bbirt and a rail-
read nass to keep a newspaper
luiiuing. nui money who ever
! originated the ides? Kind word
complimentary tickets. When
I wo an ediim aim money watch
him. He w.H t-e p.iying his bi!J,i
and dis-gracirg hia profession.
Never give money to an editor
make him trade it out. He likos
to wap. Send your job work Out
of town and let outniders infer that
you are doing business in a jim
crow town. Wnen your friend
di flood the ed.tor with beautitul
! thoughts in
resoJutionsof nniwi
mm cams oi tmsnks. Thev make
jSUchspiey reading and you feU
proud of your little locl-pap.
PUnd the editor off as long a
possible and if he ha the temer
ity to dura yoo, stop your paper.
But don't gie hitrrviuoney. H i
will get the paper out somehow,
Don't wony aliout him: he'll iir
. . - ir t
on. The Iml loves a Cneerul
giver and he'lf tatecare ofth
editor. Needles Eye,'i. '
8aHlkle V. J. Bryan.
newspapers and politician
are busy from one end d( the coaa- ,
try to the other in lambasting j.-
moiiins aa consisiea in aanuri
in Missouri and Texas.
The reader of . the Broad-Axe
will remember 'be account it gav
of Bryaa's hitot -in Taty county,
Missouri last fall in which he
killed a deer and a turkey.
Now comes the following account
of Bryan's success as a sportsmaa:
"Austin, Texas, ' Dec 28. lie
William J Bryan was the central
figure in a big panther hunt in lie
mountains near this city. Son-
thing like 500 sportsmen headel
by Mr Bryan and ex -Governor
Hogg left the city yesterday for
the scene of the proposed huut.
Tbey returned In the evening wit'.i
a Jive panther in their possession,
having captured the animal during
the dy." Bryan I Bryan 1 Tbci
hatt chen the better part. Lit
free silver and trusts and com
bines atone. Turn your eagle eye
from toward Washington. ltemi;i
around the hunters cmp fire, and
eat yonr venison and turkey; and
skin your panther and sleep on it-
hi:Ie nights, and ad that wul
do this lime." Ed
A Kansas printer recently tried
his hand at fanning, but cooMn't
make things work and is cow back
at the case. He had a wrong front
team a mule . and ' a howo-and
this would not justify. He said
the farmer fired him after tie bod
"pied" three or four "columns" of
potatoes. He showed his limited
experience by asking farmer's wiio
if fhe wanted the hens to set lead
ed or solid. -
Eat NoKTiintLn, MasnDoe 22.
Dwight L Moody, the great
evangelist, i dead. Several weeks
sao while holding meetings in the
M'est he broke dewn, and became
seriously ill nf heart trouble. He.
was gradually moved home ard
failed steadily until t her end camo
PtTHASY, Mo., whioh has a pop
ulation of 2,000, was threatened
with a s .loon under the "block
law." The local WCTU ciren
laled a petition for local option
election which was presented to
the county court. The election
took plsoe on December 9 and
local option won by t52 majority.
Uniorj Signal.
The Vew York World gives th
total losses of the British" to date
a. T.'lOO, and the total Kngliah
army a culled out at 172.509.
. - - - -a - f