Broad-axe. (Eugene, Lane County, Or.) 189?-19??, December 03, 1898, Image 4

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    k?M Ttsae M4 Mm?.
- It if delightful weather to breath
froth, lavlforetln air, bat Use ear of
lumbago, or ale BC Jacob Oil matt
take car of It and ear it promptly.
It htm time and niooey., t
Wham Hi OmJJ
"Dom yoor husband ver go to
ehnroh, Mr. Badger"
"Oh. yea, be goe qalt regulsily In
tbe winter time."
"Why doe ho go tn th winter tim
and not et other tim?"
"Wall, yon m, ho generally ha the
qoluty When th weather U raw and
think h I gxting to die. "Chicago
Evnlng New.
The Best
Mvdlolne M6ney Can Buy
It Hood' 6rsapf Jla. It eunuint more
curative power, J prepared with greater
ear by educated and eiperienred rbar
marlsha. It ba th greatest tale and
effects th greatest curve. It 1 th medi
cine yon thou Id take to purify roar binod
end niak yon rue If strong and healthy be
fore ootder weather come. .
Hood's Sarsaparilla
hU by all doslers. Mes, II. (Vet Row)'.
Hood'a Plllaro Indigestion. S&eeota,
A rrlaelple of Life Illmstratod.
Thor or 'oertain plant the dod
der, tor inttanee, which begin' Ufa with
tb beet Intention, ctrik tro root
into the oil, and really appear a it
they meant to be Independent for lite.
Hut alter arportlng themselve ror a
brief period they III enrlon socking
din into th tm and branohe of ad
jacent plant. And after a littl ex
perimenting the epiphyte finally cease
to do anything for It own support,
thenceforth drawing all It (nppliee
ready made from the ap of It boat.
In this paiaaitlc (tale It ha no need
for organ of nutrition of it own and
natnr take them away. Thence
forth tb dodder I a plant without a
froot, without a twig, without leaf,
and having item o atelees a to be
inadequate to bear. It owa weight.
Prof, llrummood. I
Jrpaa Ceyloo
EngLsh Breakfast
Ooloag Ideal Blend
An Inch of rain falling upon an area
of on to, a re mile I equivalent to
nearly 17.600.000 gallons, weighing
14S.S50.00O pound, or 64,844 tone.
The atability of th aolar ayatem
demonttrateJ by Laplace from Sew
ton' law of attraction, i shown by M.
H. Polo oar to be a mistakes inference,
overlooking the modern conception of
When com lug to Pen Francisco go to
Drookiyn Hotel, ZS-212 liush street,
American or European plan. Room and
board t LOO. to 11.60 per day ; rooms SO cent
to $1.00 per day; tingle meal 2S cent.
Free coacih. Cbaa. Montgomery
Coroninm, known hypotbetfcally at
a oonttitnent of the inn, hat'fcren dlt
covered by Professor Kattni, M Padna,
in roloanic etnissians. It I a ga ap
parently muoh lighter than hydrogen.
Ko household is complete without a bot
tle of the famous Jesse Moore Whiskey. It
it a pore and wholesome stimulant rec
ommended by all physician iKm't ne
glect this necessity.
Porlsogh Leave mt Aimsw.
With th return of the volunteers
from aotlve doty tb term "furlough"
and "leav of absence" hav been em
ployed frequently, and la many in
stance improperly. A fnrlongb it a
permission given by a commissioned
officer to an enlisted man or noncom
missioned offiosr to bo absent from
duty for a certain length of time.
Leav of absence is th term need when
a like permission Is given to a com
missioned officer by hi superior. New
York Tribune.
If i mil ii ty .
Chocolate, I
celebrated for nor
than a century as a
deUcloaa, nutrition, f
and flesh-forming
oeveraga, ass our Q
well -know g
Yellow Label f
on th froat of every
package, and our
trade-mark,l . Belle S
Cboco1atlre,"oa the V
Dorcateeter, Mate.
Is It Wrong?
Get K Eight
Keey It Right,
! ewrnu don. Thro
will nek yea feel better. Oct it Brass
a1stf aay wholsssls 4rng boost, sr
Stewart A Hslais Prog Co, ssrtla.
aTMLTTM tliriUtllll MlPfttU.
swat tot CeaaJogwe,
nil i n::x cd. vzrzzxz
irwi' 'ii tin
, r " 'b
' 1 Is ttlii-" t I
Ores. Mistake M Caster Capitalist
la Kssleetlat to Heat,' Cp Itoslr.
bl tllolag lavesessMts.
On of tb great mistake mad by
Eastern capitalist I to seek only for
developed mine to purchase, asyt th
Mining World. A a general thing,
owner of mine which can be worked
at a substantial profit have no need to
look for purchasers, and are not apt to
look for them. It is for this reason
that those who came to th West lot
mine are disappointed; that, while
they are offered partly developed or
opened properties, the paying or going
mine are not then for sale, eioept at
what tboy consider high price. Alter
, man or company ha prospected,
opened and brought to a producing
point a good mine. It i worth a much
to them a any one. and the owners at
unwilling to tell except at a good profit,
in fact, such properties are teMom
offered for sale. People have to hunt
them up. and then bare hard work to
get a bond on them, the owner gen
erally preferring to keep on working.
Thor at great numbers of "colng"
mines, with th necceaary machinery.
In the TTset, but the owner do not let
them be "peddled" around lor pro
moteit to bargain wllb. y- .
i)ltr Caeasee Rasas.
The Tacoma smelter It to be th
largest on the Paolfie coast. Three
hundred thousand dollar will be ex
pended at once In inoreatinrg itt capa
city and the roorganiaod company which
now ownt the tmelter bat unlimited
capital at Itt command. The smelter
is to be controlled by th Bunker Bill.
Sullivan mine at Waniner, Idaho, th
largeet and richest mine In the Coeur
d'Alen district: the Alaska-Tread-well,
Alaska-Mexican, and Alaska
United State at Douglaa Island, thre
of tb largest mine in the Xorth.
Back of theee properlie it th wealth
of a a Mills and other New York
capitalist, and the Exploration Com
pany, of London, dominated by th
ltothschildd. Henry Bratoober, 'the
Rothschilds' confidential agent and one
of the shrewdest mining men in tbe
country, is a stockholder in the new
coropany! W. B. Ko.t, of Taooia,
continue at its manager.
laerease ef 0ld.
The year of 1993 showt a big Increase
In tb production of gold throughout
th world. Tho total it estimated at
1276,000,000, divided at follows:
South Africa $ 76,000.000
Australia... 65,000.000
United Statee 60.000.000
Russia : .. 30,000.000
Other countries 45.000.000
Total . i;5.000,000
The output of tbe Klondike, incln.led
in tb above, f estimated at f 18,000,
000. The Klondike data it most inter
esting. The exact figures, as they have
come to the directors of the United
State mint, are f 10,035,170. Of this
f 5.0707000 was handled by the assay
office at Seattle, and $4.95,370 an
turned in for coinage at the San Fran
cisco mint.
a a Important Deal.
An Important mining deal bat been
consummated at Eureka, Cat. ilostnn
mine, in the northern part of linm
bolJt county, owned by J. J. Moaton,
refer Ilamner. Jacob Kahlke, J. L.
Colllton and Air. E. Welty, compris
ing - 8,000 acre of - placer mining
ground, hat been told to Charles Foote,
of Chicago, tor f 145.000. Foot ha
already commenced development work
with a force of 36 men, and will begin
bydiaolicking early next year.
Irao Wsrkt Consolidated.
A meeting of the stockholder of th
Union iron works was beld last week
for tbe purpose of increasing the capital
ttock and for the purpose of ratifying
tb consolidation of that company with
tb Eeid Machine Company, at Ppo
kane. Tnre new brick buildings have
been recently erected and several thou
sand dollars', worth of machinery
added. Tb company ha severs I
month' work ahead and contracts ar
piling op rapidly.
as) Works Sold.,
Tb Find ley toap works, of Van
couver, B. C, have been purchased by
tlia Royal Crown Soap Company, of
Winnipeg. This company now prac
tically controls the trade of the North
weat, and ba a capital stock of (350,
000. The new owner contempts!
erecting a new building which will be
folly equipped with modern machinery
and a thoroughly effloient tuff will be
Acre la Orogoa.
From east to weet Oregon is 870
miles aero, tod 370 miles across from
north to south, giving It an area of 0A,.
000 square mile. The acreage I great
er than that of all the New England
stales, Weat Virginia and Delaware
added, of greater than the aggregate
of New fork, Pennsylvania and Dela
ware, at . Iowa and . Ohio, or Illinois
and Loaislsns, or of th total area of
England, Scotland and Wale.
hlpraoat or 4 Oslo.
Ik A. Porter, of Lewlston, Idaho, Is
arranging to ship 38 carloads of apple
nln to Minnesota, seven to Grand
Fork. K. D., and twelve to Omaha.
Mr. Porter received aa order from
Philip Armour, th millionaire, for a
special hlpmQtof apple.
olssoa oeoa Closed.
Tba Columbia river Salmon canneries
have closed their fall season with a
pack estimated tl 1 16,000 case. Tb
amoont of fall salmon put up is the
largest la th history of th Columllm,
and th (trices paid were among the
best. Tlia anting pack on tb Colum
bia reached 383,500 cases and th total
tor tb year la tlia placed at 489,600.
In all tb camp of Baker City gold
folds develo,mnt of quarts propertei
I active.
Th scarcity of wttei for mining
purpose was not confined to Oregon
alon. Th comparative drouth which
prevailed during tbe past year out
dsvs tha Atitruit nf sviLl in (California
folly S3 per oent. and that aut I eon-
eqoently not In tb race with Colo
raVs wbi placet mining It a second
ary Industry.
Portland bos factories have received"
evetal order front British Colombia
this Seaana for bran bole. Tb mills
lo tb province wer not able to supply
tba loo I demand, although they bsv
ba tanning on foil tim lately
Maoe Move IHMiffov Ii
Thosa Thee la
Assort I'orS,
Washington, Nov. I. Dr. D. F.
Salmon, ablet of th bureau of animal
industry, In bis-report to the aeoretaty
of agriculture for the fiscal year ended
Jon 30, 1898, date that during th
year meat Inspection was In operation
at 135 anattoira, as against 138 tot tb
previous year, and In 85 elites, at
against 83 in I89T. The number of
animal inspected be lor slaughter
nurabeted 61,885.8!3. Ol these ,,
S87 were cattle, 10,038,887 wer sh.-ep,
488.199 calves, and 81,610.676 hogs,
howlng a total gain over 1897 of
9.035.391. At the time of alangbter
81,1 16,833 animals wets lnspeete.1, and
63,663 wer rejected and 91.608 car
cassed and 48,189 part ot farcasae
wer condemned. Tb meat Intpaotlon
tamp wat affixed to 14,683,780 pack'
age of mutton and beet and pork prod
uct, ot which 874,131 contained in let o-
tacopicallv examined pork.
In connection with th examination
ot Imports tiom Uertnanr, It ws lonnd
that. German toy and oolored good
wer poisonous, and all highly painted
Uerman toyt may be regaided at very
dangeront to children who may tuck oft
tb paint or twallw th piece thtt
may be chipped off.
The study ot tuberculosis, wt'.h ref
erence to both men and animals, has
been continued, and report received
Indicate that In Incipient stage ot th
disease th setum I ot considerable
value. Thlt division contemplates be
ginning Investigation relative to Texat
fever, anthrax and other diseases.
The division of pathology has contin
ued tbe experiment ot dipping cattle
with a view to destroying the ticks
which spread the infection ot Texas
fever, and a substance hat been found
In which the cattle miy be Immersed
without suffering any serious injury,
and which will destroy all the ticks on
an animal In a tingle dipping.
In making recommendation! for the
fiscal year ending June 80, 1900. Dr.
Salmon addt that a sufficient appropri
ation for extending and developing for
eign markets for dairy products of the
United Stales be made, and that legis
lation be sought by which the existing
system of government inspection and
certification of meats and meat products
for export from the United State may
be extendod (with suitable mollifica
tion), to include butter, cheese and con
densed milk.
Xsrapod a Live Wire.
Spokane, Wash., Nov. 93. Wager
Ilnrlburt, aged 34, grasped an electric
light cord tonight, gave a gasp and fell
forward dead. The tragedy wat enact
ed in the bain at the residence of E. K
Reid. Tbe electric light there was out
of repair. Mr. Reid parried a lamp and
remarked that be con Id feel electricity
in the air. Ilnrlburt gar the cord a
pnll and electric sparks flew from Ms
hand. lie wat dead in an instant. A
short circuit it ascribed at th cause of
hit death, bat electrician are punted,
at they claim under any possible condi
tions tbe victim could not have received
a greater voltage than 300. Ilurlburt's
father and mother live in Uarrett
ville, O.
Old Acreeaient Kostorod.
Chicago, Nov. 38. A local financial
newt bureau announce that the passen
ger rate difficulties between the Cana
dian Pacific and Grand Trunk having
been settled, negotiations are now In
progress for the nse by the former of
the Grand Trunk' North Bay line for
Ontairo business to and from the
Northwest. Previous to th recent
rate war, the Canadian Pacific bad tha
use of th North Bay line, but thia ar
rangement wa terminated when th
rat difficulties arose.
Kloadlho Igaotodoa Story
Vanooover, B. C, Nov. 38. J. W.
Nee, of Tacoma, is her with an Inter
esting Klondike mastodon story. He
says that of a big pi I of bone found
on Sulphur creek, one wa a tooth be
tween 4 V and 6 inch long, and near
ly two inches thick at th bate. An
other was tb leg of aa ' animal from
tb knee to th ankle. - It was f feet
in length. From the ground to th an
imal's body tb distance was probably
over 10 feet. It wa eight or nin
inches through.
Mo Kerens la Works.
Constantinople, Nov. 88. Several
Turkish ministers hav submitted to
the sultan memorial pointing oat th
disturbed state of the empire, and tha
reform they consider necessary. Th
sultan Is irritated at this attitude on
the part of the ministers, and It Is ex
pected be will d ism in several, although
it will be difficult- to find substitute
who do not favor reform.
M ardor mt I'sasaal Bratallty.
Oakland. Cal., Nov. 38. Today'
developments in the case of the 16-year-old
girl, Lil'ian Brandea, who
wa found hanging to a bedpost in ber
borne at East Berkley, confirm th tot
picion that the was murdered. Her
father was arrested vetterday on tut
picion. and today her stepmother was
also taken to th polio station. Both
are detained pending tbe result of tb
coroner's inquest.
Ores;oa aad Iowa at Moatovldoo.
New York, Nov. 38. A special to
th Herald from Montevideo says: The
United States battle-thin Oregon and
Iowa and th oollier Celtic hav ar
rived here to re-coal and tak on board
applies of provisions.
Elkhart. Ind.. Nov. 38. While a
party of 33 peoute were returning from
a ball at Oti airly thia morning on
two hand car they wer struok by th
Lake Biior fast mail. William Be
benski and William K em pier wet
killed outright. Beabenlsk's two
daughter wet probably fatally in
jured. General Wood has piohlblted gam
bling In Santiago, with a penalty 4
l,000 lor Infraction of the prohibition.
London, Nov. 86. Tb Peking cor
respondent of the Daily Telegraph, re
ferring to tb "pernloloutneat of the
empress dowager's tenors of power,"
aays: "8h recently dismissed an
sbl minister, Chief Ha Yon Mel,
from tb Uong-ll-ymen,st th request
of General Tang, becsus be feared a
rebellion smotig tb Kang-Sa troop of
Paris, Nov. 38. Tha cabinet has
decided lo aathorls a loan ol 870.000.
000 franc for th purpo of Ublish
in aa Indo-Chinese railroad system la
sonaectloa with Chin railroad.
Iertla4 Market.
Wheat Walla Walla, 69(4 60c; Val
ley and lUueeteiu, 3o ' bushel.
Flour Best grade. S- 48; graham,
3; superfine, ft 14 pe' barrel
.Oata Cholc white.t40idlc choice
fctay, 8S(d3ie per boi.krvv
, Barley Feed barley, VI Mi brew
lkg, 1.3 per ton.
UlUtatitts--Hrau. lper tout mid
dlings, f.U aliurta, f 16; chop, 116.60
per ton. i
Hay Timothy, t10: clover. 7
I 8; Oregon wild liAy, ;l per ton.
Butter Fancy creauu-ry, 60t55c;
seconds, 45tjt50o; dairy, 8644&0 store,
Cheese Oregoa foil fream, ll(lo;
Young America. U'to; oew cheese,
10c per pound.
Poultry Chickens, ptiajed. f (.43.73
per doaen; hens, (X 60 J 4. 60; springs,
1.96(48; geese, fi.00(46.00 tnr old.
4.606 lor yoang; ducks. 11.00(4
6.00 per dosen; turkeys, live, 19 1,
13 V'c per pound.
Potatoes 60 J0c per tack; sweets,
Se per pound.
Vegetables Beets, 90c; turnlpe, T8e
per sack; gar I It, To per pound; cab
bage, 31 (3 1.96 sr 100 pounds; cauliflower.-
T6o per dmen; parsnip. 76a
per sack; beans Pr pound; telery,
T0(t 76o per doits; encumbers, 60c per
boat peat, S (9 3 lc pel pound.
Onion Oregsb, T&ctSfl per tack.
Hope 16(9 ITo; 1897 crop, tjtflo.
Wool Valley, 10 (J 13o per pound;
Eastern Oregon, SJtltc; mohair,
95o per pound.
Mutton Gruat, best sheep, wether
and ewe. 8 S: dressed mutton. 7c;
spring lambs. 1VC r lb.
Bogs Gross, choice heavy, ft. To;
light and leedert. ?3.00(44.00; dressed,
(3. 60 A 6. 80 per 100 pound.
Beef Gross, top steer. 8.604 S.7S;
cows, 13-60.00; dresmj beef,
6(4610 per poonil.
Veal Large, 61, (46c; amall, 6(J
THc per pound.
Sooltlo Markets.
Tomatoes, 80tA.Vs per box.
Cucamlier. 10 415c poi dot.
- Onion, 86(4 90o per 100 pounl.
rotatoea, 810(313.
Beet, per sack, f I.
Turnips, per tack, 60(4 C5c
Carrots, per sack, 65c.
Parsnips, per sack. fl. ,
Beans, green, 3 (4 So.
Qieen corn, 61. 8541-6 ' 7 r sack.
Cauliflower, 50(4 7.VJ ptr loa.
Celery. 40'40o.
Cabbage, native and California
fl. 00(91.50 per 100 pounds.
Apples. 60c(jK6c per hux.
Pears, 75c(4$l per box.
Prune, 60c per box. ,
Peaches, tic
Plums, 60o.
Butter Creamery, 37e par pound;
dairy and ranch, it if tOo per pound.
Etlgs, 80(5 SJa
Cheese Native. 11 411,0,
Poultry Old hens, I8e per pound;
spring chickens, 15c; turkeys, 6c.
Freeh meats Choice dressed beef
steers, prime, 6i($7c; cows, prime,
6V,c; motion. Ic; pork, 6(47o; veal,
Wheat Feci wheat. 331.
Oatt Choice, per ton, !3.
Hay Puget pound mixed, 19.60(9
10; choice Eastern Washington tim
othy, 13.
Corn Whole, f 33 60; cracked, 34;
feed meal, 133.60.
Barley Roried or ground, per ton,
134(336; whole, 33. .
Flonr Patent, per barrel, 13.60;
strsisbts, fS.35: California brsnds,
13.35; bockwheat flour, IS.76; graham,
per barrel, 13.70; whole wheat Hour,
3.75; rye flour, ft.
Millatuffs Bran, per ton, $14;
shorts, per ton, (16.
Feed Chopped, feed, 117831 per
ton; middlings, per ton, 117; oil cake
meal, per ton, f 35.
Saa Fraaeieeo Market.
Wool Spring Nevada. 10 (9 14c par
pound; Oregon, Eastern, 18(4 13o; Val
ley, 16 (SI 7c; Not t hern, 9 (4 11c.
Millltuffs Middlings, 1(J3I.00;
bran, 1 14. 60 -J 16.60 per ton.
Onion Yellow. 80046c per tack.
Butter Ftnry creamery. 34c;
do seconds, 31v3e33; fancy d.iiry, 31 (A
93c; do seconds. 30iH34c per pound.
Egg Store, 18(g33o; fancy ranch,
Citru Fruit Orange. Valencia, $3
(13.60; Mexican lime. 6f)6.60; Call,
fornla lemon, 13.000. 100; do choio-
$8.60(24.50; per box.
Lord Sallskary' Pharaoh.
In these dart, whan th hand of th
ntrchitt assassin it lifted againtt aov
reign and tutesmen, sari Tb Shef
field (England) Telegtaph, it I grati
fying to know that Lord Salisbury hat
a powerful lit guard aver at hi tide.
Thar I t Hatfield a cherished breed
of faithful bound of Immense strength
nd bulldog tenacity. One of these I
tl premier's close friend and aoeom
psnle bio In hi walks about Hatfield.
Bo faithful a guardian is h that Lord
Salisbury, with a touoh of hi charac
teristic playfal irony, haa called him
"Pharaoh" becaoee be will not let
th people go.
A metn rogae la Kent'und. Ind., I
warned by a farmer, who h-i inserted
this advertisement In tbe boat paper:
"I am watching for the man that
milk my Cow. . If I catch him, I In
tend to shot sty ya and hoot at i th
cow." J
Th Soltas's rutol Practise.
Anaiehlst assassins will do wsll lo
glv tb Sultaa of Torkey a wide berth.
From a eeraoa of Importance newlv re
turned from Oooitantinotil I leara that
tb gottaa, la fear for hi personal
etfety, ba takaa to revolver practice.
It shoot at a target dally, and has
become so proflolent that hs can fli
with equally fatal facility with either
his right or his left hand. ,
A sing I oyster . In season produce
about 1,000,000 young.
0lf h Movtellly la Chile.
Ad srilclt 00 th sanlUtloA of Pan
tlago In Th Revitta Chllena. ststes
that tha Sflstb raU la Clilla fiom 1886
to 1(99 was 10.1 per thousand. Snd
from 1899 to 1896, II. f. The bomber
of Illegitimate births is slo high; In
England tb pioportloo Is I to ll.whlls
la Chile It fs I to I, snd daring tbs
first smftr of th preseni yr, to
Th nstallry Is Isrger thsa la
ether countrt 48 per thomisodi la
Qrmsay It Is 0i la Engltad, 16, and
la Prtnee, It Tb Infant mortality
la cotratnondlngly high 17.74 per
cent la Safc tlago.
larorsxs tho frosldoat Thsl ih Srao-
tarda Will Sl(. th Xrm,.
Washington. Nov. 49. Throughout
the peace negotiation, which ar still !
pendlng In Paris, th prosidoiit ha el
preasenl oonlldenee that a treaty, tut Is
(actory o tho UuIlhI Htatea. tbould be
irafted and iigue.1. From time to
lime asturaiioe of substantial piosreet
lowaid that end bar been lecaived
Irom th American commissioner.
IYday advice wer received by th
president from Ml, Day, president of
Hi American commission, ia.iuraling
th assure ncet he bad pievloutly given
th president ol th early and success,
(ul conclusion ol tlieaoikol th com
mission. M
Judge Diy, It It tinderslotHxt, state
positively that th Spanish ooiumls
lionets toimally will accipt, peihaa
tomorrow, the terms of th United
Mates, and that treaty drawn along
the line of the agreement reached will
be drawn and signed In few'ds.
The dispatch from Judca Day wat th
first absolutely definite statement as to
the conclusion ot tba la hoi a ot the com
mission that had leen received, and,
quit naturally, it afforded the presi
dent and hi adviser considerable sst
Islactlon. It It probablo that th piestdent will
Jiacust In lilt message to ro..tre,
ahlcli will be delivetl ona week from
tomorrow, the successful efforts of th
tdminislration in the nsuotlalloit of a
eac tieaty, although there is a pol
hllny.that the treaty itself may uol
hav beeu signed at the time.
A Mllstsrd M.s-.l la Iho Worth AOoalls
and Now Knslood Slolos. j
New York. Nov. 99. When th pco-
plu of New York awoke this morning, j
they found theblisrard Outraged when '
they retire.1 was still in progress. The
storm, which Ivgnn with a soft, sl.x'lr
snow Saturday at noon, lncieasv.1 '
greatly as th day wore on, with heav-.-ier
snow lull and the wind blowing a .
gale at midnight. There as a sit. hi I
abatement of the wind this morning, !
but the snow still fell and drifted had- !
ly and th temperature dropped rap
Idly, j
It looked thlt morning as though the ,
Iditxard would oonUnue all day, but at '
10 o'clock tber was a breaking away
In the west, and finally tho stormi
ceased altogether, and the severest '
blisiard since the memorahla htiazard '
of March, 1NHH, came to an end. The
wind blew at the rate of 69 to 60 mttct '
an hour during the height of the I
storm. I
A number of people ar reported
fioxen to death, and the property data- i
age It heavy. -
At rtoatno.
Boston, Nov. 29. A record-breaking
November billiard swept over the
greater portion of New Flnsland last
night and today completely demoral
ising traffic of every description and
well night paralysing telegraphic au I
telephonic communication, while the
northeast gale, coming on at hlwh course
of tide, drove th ana far beyond iu
usual limit and made a maik along
shore exceeded only by the memorable
hurricane of 1861. A dosen or more
coasting vessel were driven ashore I
Boston harbor during the billiard
the great ocean steamer Ohio, of the
Wilson line, wat torn from her moor
ing and driven high and dry on Spec
tacle Island. -
shlladolthl term-ael.
Philadelphia. Nov. 39. Th Mis
ts rd whlct. cam out of th West
reached thlt city at II o'clock yester
day morning, and raged furionsly until
1 o'clock thlt morning. At onepxected
at it' wat violent, it wrought great
havoc not only her, but throughout
th en tir state.
rrooldoat MeKlBley aad Sfsay
asat aleo Oppose It.
Washington, Nov. " 39. President
McKinley will try to avoid an xtr
ration, if that I posiihl. In thit
effort h I likely to be aeoonded by
large number . of publio men both
branches of corrgrett and of both par
tie. Public policy will dictate th
desire of om ind telAthnee that ol
other. President McKinley will mskt
very effort to hav th peace treaty
laid before congress ImmedlsUly after
th holiday. II hope to hav It rat
ified before th adjournment in March.
Meanwhile, It 1 expected that a bill
will past for th reorganisation of th
army, so that garrisons for tb nsw
possessions will b provided for. Prob
ably will be passed providing for tbs
temporary government of th Philip
pine and Porto Kico, and possibly
Cub, by tha army officers command
ing In aob, ontil congress oan provld
otherwise. Then congreat will provld
tor commission! to visit tbs different
islsnds and make recorutnendatloot
for tbelr government to tha next con
gress. That I th tchame which will
b followed if there It no xlrs kessiorj,
snd if veiythlng goe through at
Added so th Wavy.
Francisco, Nov. 39. At 9:33
o'clock thit morning. In th preeeno
of a vast multitude, the bettle-thip
Wisconsin wa successfully launched at
th Union Iron work. Th Wisconsin
I the largeet of th vessel ball! for tb
United But government at lb it ship
yard. .
slltghtlog Not l Vavsv,
Denver, Nov. 89. Th committee lo
chsrge of srrangement for th coming
convention of th National Livestock
Association haa rejected a proposition
to make bullfighting a feature of th
outdoor port on that occasion. How
vr, a typical Western cowboy tonrna
men twill he given. Broncho-rldlng,
rongb riding aad loping and lassoing
of antamcd horse snd steer, and all
tb exoltlng operations ntually asaoel
ted with cowboy III mi tb plaint
will be oa tb programme.
dhosa Ordrd the VsHaara.
Canea, Nov. II. During th trlsl
today of ths marderar of th Ttangakl
family, tL deposition of Masanlmsns
wta read. It said at tba tim of th
massacres Edbem Path, tho Turkish
commander, assembled Influential'
Mossulraana snd Invited them to mas
sacre all Cbrlstitn found la Candls 14
hours after tbe meeting. Pasha's ts
tnsikt wars ttrd lo th preeno of
Major Cborcblll, commander of gend
arme, who protMted trongly and was
ordrtrJ by Edbatw Pbs to Usts lb
Italy' Asaaasloa a Tsrrtlory.
Italy ba had 194 aqasra mil ol
m ,ddJ to it territory in th last
, y,r, by n, ,vano of III (Wit of
th Po Inl-i lb Adriatic sea. Th
measurement ha boon wade by I'to-
lessor Meiluolll, who e re tolly coin
partvl th Austrian suiveys ul 1833
with th Italian surveys ol 1898. Nw
Yoik Bun.
tUatorM to Hoalth by Lydta EL
Flu khrtm'a Vosotabla Ouroiuuud.
Cm t Uf Owe Worth'
lira. Pa Tali's Daaany,
Weat Wluated, (o., write I
"Data Mr. ftasriAM: It 1 with
pleasure that I write to you of th
benefit 1 hav der! fed from using your
Wonderful Vci(etablompiind. I wa
very 111, suffered with female weak
ness and displacement of Uie womb.
" 1 could not steepat nigh t, Uadio w alk
the floor. 1 suffered so with pain In my
-aide and amall of uty back. Waa trou
bled with bloating, and at tlmea would
faint away; had a terrlbl pain tn my
heart, a bad taste In my mouth all th
time and would vtmitM bntnow, thanka
to Mr, rtukhaiu and her Vegetable
Compound. 1 feel well end alerp well,
can do my work without feeling tired;
do not bloat or have any trouble
"I sincerely thank you for the good
advice you gav me and tor what your
Suedklu baa done for sue."
raaaot fraloo II alBOOfh,
Mlaa OxnTts Irni!t,
Franklin, Neb., wrltel
' I auffcrcd for aoino time with pain
ful and Irregular tticustrual Ion, falllug
of the womb and pain In the back. , I
tried physicians, but fopnd no relief.
" I waa at last persuaded lot ry l.ydla
K I'lukham'a Vegetabl t'oniuiid,
ami cannot praise It enough for what
It haa don for me. I feel like a Dew
rieraon, aud would not part with your
Inedlcln. I hav recommended it to
aevermlof my f Honda
littg weaving I an art oiler than the
1'ha.raohs, and the hl-tory nf the lint
loom lies shrnurtivl tn otdivlon.
Rssy Work.
Toi much eeryrl lesre one prey
to soicnoe and Miffnees, hut it la easy
work for SI. (111 to g Hie
muscle back into proper shape and cur,
the disttes.
A prK-es has l,-0n recently lerfei-tel
by which thin sheets uf absolutely
. Iranspaient Celluloid are silvered by a
j similar process to that formerly uod
; on glass.
It ha, been ,id of Amcrlcins tht they.
frc "a nation of 3yt.pcptici and it iv tru
that few are entirely free from disorders
of the digestive tract. Indirection. Oyspepviv.
Stomach and Qov-tti trouble. or Conatip6,tion.
The treatment of these dise&vc
with cathartic medicines too. often ag
ravatet the trouble.
is the use of it remedy, th&t will build mo
t the $ystcm, thereby
organ to act a nature tntenoeo tncy snouia.
Such a remedy is found in Or YMIiams' Pmtv
Pills for Pale People Here is the proof.
Is rierroll rber srs frw soldiers aiort popatsr sd ends! tkaa Ms
K. DoTtrs, (rat srrgrsat of Co. . Ill hosjs Is si 4' Third A sos. Pot
foar an h ws s tuukaesprr with lbs whial 4nt( hooasol rarrasd,
Wllltosa A Clark, sad hs say i "I hava chart d ap sassy tkoowsd
roVrs fur tr. wtllUma' risk Mil fuf rt Svopla, hat esvti r kaw tht
rovth astll I aed theia fir lrr nra of ckroal dftpeptta. Far lw yvsrs
I suffrrrd sad doctored for that sggvatallas troable bat Co aid sely
helped temporarily. ,
"1 thlsk dysaep1 or th stoat staMnro of allrarats. sad theet
It srsrcsly s clerk a orlat saa hat what Is stsri ev Waa vtctlss. Buoao
dar I eoold cat aaythlag, whit at other His t wosld bs starHag.
- Those dlatreoard polo wosld force at h aalt work, t ssos Irtod aw lay
treatments sad rsmedles bat they aroold help oaly fnr a flaw. A rrtrod
tadocod aw la try Dr. Willi aw1 risk rills for rbi rvopls. aad arwv tak
tag a few doses t fbaad aisch rvllef ssd sftor asla la ral hoses I sea
' cirel, I kaow Ihess pills will cur drspeptla ef lu worst form aad I aaa
plasd lo rcoaead Ihess." Aereeal (jMWt.)yoeW. ' ,
Tht eenuinc packfHtWy bbr th rtABAg
At ill drvggim. et tnt DOitpatd on receipt f Dtutv
pr boi.Dy U Of.tiiUioms Mdicine U,SthinccUdy.H.V.
You will find Coupons like this in ...
this rotiroi
Good fot e$ A O
rut this nnt
and arail or l
bring Ul
TheWilq I. Ilia
Ot-SI 1st St.,
I'ortlsad, Or.
EVERYONK can hav a piano now, and a food ens, too.
WinboDSi Hichlnery, Chop Mills, Water Whteli.
Suppllet of all Kindt.
Ws esrrv I steek a Ursa supplr el lbs sbirs ennvsrer. both rtrhl snd UlL
ssll at sreatlr roduesd prlrea. alto all slsot ol sletslur bueku od bolls.
Writs lot prlca-llal and dlteouut.
Front fend Evrtt St.
Nn'l nf set venrssll; II Is tb
perfrei fllllns Iruaa applied In
Sesaen whleh sffests cure; th
lmrfee aevr; lout style to
seleet Irom snshles u to f nar
snia a St, or o ehars.i II rour
oriisst eo on sop in.m
orlia ns lor dlroeiloos for slf
Rieftatiromenti eorroapondeaea
eonrldentlal and trnaoea seal se
euro Irora observation. In ny
sddreo i sjioosr rlun(d II ai
silafsrlorf. tl. N. Woodsrd
A I ,., taper! Trass rittsrs, lot
Seeond St., rortlaud. Or.
sfsa and womsa srs snaklns from It at I
S7.u por day selling our eovda. No lprlnes
tw cent tains lur a Irs
e"npi. saivai m a..
mH rtrit rocras 1 A la, rrilaa, Or.
KICK A t o
A 9tae Agalait firs.
Tha craw of s steamer from Ipala 4ls
ovsrod In wild ocean that flams atrs rag
ing In th hold. Fur tan dayt they bravely
foiishl th name, ff wish would fight a
persistently alnal disorders of tha slom
ah, Ihsre wnntj bo fswar premature
death. Tht tieel wen for Such tight
is Hosteller I rilomaeh liutera,
Th total number ot chemical works
registered in all part uf Oerniauy I
6,144, with Ii6, 440 employes.
Avoid tho Mil at Sir.
Avoid the nlghl air when damp and
cold, and you a III often avoid having
neuralgia, but Hi. Jaooh till will coi.
it no matter what I th rus and tlo
matter how long It bat continued.
The height ol the mountains In the
moon has beeu ineasuied. fn lSt an
altitude of 83,000 feet, and seveial ar
upwstds of 80,0(10 loot In hnlghl. '
To 1'oro a Cvlit la rtar
tmV l.atstlvo Itrouui gulnlne TsMsta.
All trtitra lata refun.l muiiry If II falls to
The femlnind enthusiasm over Hehlay
turpasset that displayed toward llolt
anli lo tlegieo which luggesls n In
'liiisllon to iii lie distinction betwoun
lieuleiianl and an admiral.
iMillr f Wrf f0 SMne MffMMM
-r am flor us ir ir ain i.
I,. . mA
h..iil. m.l lro-. I.e. k.JL tkofa. I., two
Anil sUott, l'bll.lelhla. IX
The violet, for modesty and shy un
ohtiuiveness, isn't tn It with a' girl
a lio is wearing an old hat hn every
on elr ha on new millinery.
If you want the bet wind null, piiinpa,
tanks, plows, aaffons, Iteits td all sises
bollsra, rrtttiies, or general rnsi lilnery, sea
or writs Jull N I'oul.K, f.xit of Uorrlsoo
Iroot, I'ortUnd. lrrgiitc
"linw Tlliat"
Ws effsr Otis Hundred Ifc.ltsr Rewsnt Ier any
-,m of I lrri llisl eoa nut to ruiod Uf 1111 S
lrr(l I'oro.
f J I'lirNltY 411). rr.t . Tl-l., rt.
We Iho utlileffsisnr.i. Iire kneon Y i I'krnwf
tr the l Id rr M lellevs him BNrl.-ly
h.ntmlili. hi all lM4.lh lre,-hlt iid Its-
nrlallr M lo crrf etil iijr bUlamllua maoe
t f l.'wlr trui.
V. he e-ato 1'ruirlatS. To1eti U.
Wtiaisu, Rl.N,. M4MVIN.
Khiilmtl firugrfl.!.. t.l.l. O.
nM'frtrrh Cmt srilna
itlieetlr ui ik M,Mi sn4 mucins auri. wl
ti .trm I'rii :v rt I ul. Sot 4 by all
ur'lKi-Lla IrtlltnituUia Irer.
111 1 llutllf 1'ii Is n lb loat.
l'aer made froro sesel i a grow
ing Industry In Fiance. It is so trans-
arent that it baa bran used In pise of
l'1-..'s I'ttre fur l'rltnt plUm Ii hern
llod ared M me Win II Irltsll,
( heater. l'lir!1. e.t om l r 17. IVift.
(Hiding Is easily aplled to signs and
decoration by a new brush, which haa
a reel on the handle on ahioh Ih
metallic leaf Is wound, ona end holug
inserted on. Ier the tip cf the brush,
which slide along and deioails the
(oil 011 the surface underneath.
enabling the various
Portland Oregonlan, Tradman,
Telegram and Times I AUo In your
loeol town paper.
Be Quick About It. ti yonrs Is amnsf
th Oral lou eoui-nna rsaehlns Oa Ii will Ii
e-eeird aa part payment, under onr eaay lae
stsllmsnt plan, for a Rrsi-rlsm new piano.
. Tako Your Choice Kn. yi-her,
I. ml wis, Klnstlmrr, or llanlmaa-Uiti sr Ih
boat, KUIIel tl tJO, up.
Wrlt$ for Prlcet
whlek w wlU
Iron Works
II rnn tnads a home
stesd onlrv prior I
inn a,l7l.hitloa
than I AO aeroo.
you sr Milled to an addltloaal ootrp.
rilrH r aaiisnsiiis and aorlh something.
W Idnws snd mlmr erphsna nl deerSMyl a.,1.
dler hav sams ruhl. I olll bur It- I not
wast pnaUf anloas yoo Bads sa orlslns
ntrv as suted sl.
4 IKI COLLINS, Itstoaa, Moataaa.
cum YouRtcirt
tfaXtia.rfeaa, If ! tl ),
lirltaliftM t Ur.ihs
I Nt srjee,
PtitlhM, n4 a MriT
-pr ant if put wrpf.
I m SI 1 ad7t Vs w
Uranlavr w W
m. r. n. v.
no. -'.
WaBr? wvtllnf to adt
aaswtsso tht pp.
So advertisers ulsss
f Xm I l4ra.l
lf Sal m tMmxmn.
a feia.mai i.iaslia.
- a MiuMiki.i. nm
I .