Broad-axe. (Eugene, Lane County, Or.) 189?-19??, December 03, 1898, Image 2

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. i
! '
.Amis Son.
anr Jloa 4 m tw VeCivma Bciuima,
Cn. Viuntm inlioiiTi 1mm
KataraS at tha Ildh, UnN ruatoAU-a
. ttoi4 rlaaa mail naitvr.
jrUCKira-0!( JUTES:"1
7oromfrer -' - - - ' -Tot
l k utnthg
iLit moMbi - - .
I In variably la a.lranr )
ev rv i
THE BROAp AXE.'Oar Motl liciuwv.uvOur ItWrirtacm nol a ttqmMio.
Of aHthe popular rlelnsioiiV itli
which our people are ailiictcd, the
one most harmful, is the idea that
our is democratic, or republican
form of government. Trp.o, the
founders of the preseut government,
did not intend to give us a (pure
democratic .form of government, a
tiiat of ancient but t,n.v
made a kind of compromise between
the ItritUh form of government,
and that of Greece, and made what
is termed a reprcsntativtrrtuiio
oncy, by which representative ef
the people, were endowed nith pov-
Tbe Brovi Axe aud the Silver '! - K JWir t"'v-
... , , . . 'ttnment. And in csrrving on! in
UnigUt-aUlmsin will be furnish- ., . , ...
'detail the functions r the el. I. emit
d Uall whi s?na u 01 collar j hrallcheg ot the Ci)Vormr.tMlt it wa,
and aix bits from the date the mon-' ti,0v.ght K-vt to five the agents who
yl received until January 1, 1)0. J were elected by Xhepcjve to All
Thi a applies, to renewals and new jibe different offices und.-r the alike. Alas each'sub- ,nstituii..n, power to appe.iv.l
suVag.-nts or deputies to assj-t
tlicm in executing the duties of
their respective positions. And
thus it is seen that instead of a
Monthly Talks.
d'. v l'r r 1
I. .'1 ill XU.lU.I Wr 1 1,1
a dc'imcrstic tr 'republican g'Vt em
inent does il?
i ul to yie down to what el uikokvh wi.ovw M AT u mk
l'.r.-l iutoiuhd whi'ii r commenced j On the Continent, in France, for
thi aitcle. XVe want e.'preinMv xan;il e, the rv.i!ty, ti e iml.ility
t eall attention of our readers to i"1"1 V-""" "'a i.y
the yyKtetR now in vogue in
criber, under tbia offer, will- xe
re'ira as a premium, either a copy
of Senator Stewart's great book.
of The Functions of government of ibe people it i not
2dpoe" p "The Gentk'wotMan.n even i governruent by our mime-
.-di-ite reifeseutativcajbut is in fact
llere is an opportunity to gel a a go-er anient of the repreDentative
36-pe paper pablihed at the na
tional capitol, which for iudepeu
dence aoda thorough inowledpo of
Rational aflairs baa no equal. The
ctirriag events that are daily oc
euring, and the questions .that wll
absorb tbe alteution of ' congress,
nd the aduiinietratin ia adjusl-
of the Tetre5ntatives; or, to le
explicit, it is now a government of
appointees of apoinu-es, -a govern
ment deputies appointed by doj
uties. lfyouwill tbinlc over thl
for a minute yVu will see the truth
of our assertion I Begin at the!
president who has probably the
ing our relations with our recently i appointment either directly er re
eqaired possesttons, together with j molely of half a million of person's
the actiou of congrew on the pend-' plK'int ,0 offie0 wutu te
ing Gage bankinageheme, .-will ! inangurated
ibnd-f common iiiletctt hw" -linst
I Ik.. .... rii, ln r.J M Til.,' Iimt1.
I.. I. ..f.l ' ..... ... !" "' , -
i'i4iii h ii ii c iuoiic!,erv-c u ir . , . . i i
f-r-i,,vi. u vi . . j . i .v. tniicoiiiliin:iton
egon from the chief executive donj,0 co,lUM11" ..iiwt, Lut in the
to the uut insignificant otlice in j event of the I'ereditary siveial privi-theci-unly.
We c-uly fiant eal'.t-1 lege of th -Jf c! arc beiii threat
tention now. to the ay the system oned in 'enf c.mntry, they were
i. worked Ler? in Lane county. aided by t! eir "brethren" in nd-
From very small beginning .j unin cvintries. They knew no
und.'i a bat is oonsiiiercd a strain,! j loyality or patriotism to a country,
contructiou of ihc law, which say but gave their alUgiamv t their
i.icaellie assessor from ickess!c!li in atrt iuntrv. This is per
or other cause, is unable to per-j haps Fhe rel-.'ii why chiinte were
form his duty, may npioint a dep-! ticcoinp.tRiod by bloe-Nlfd on the
uty, i:..v hays finds himself un- Contia.Ti:, while Vng'!d, bring
able tv.i-t5s the people of tliej isolate I, atiJ not li.ivin'i the sym
. county, and proceeds to appoint pat by of tbe Catholic i . r ; i ci of
ad libitcm any number of deputies : the Cou'tineat, di lnot have t!u e
to do Uic assessing, who are paid ai ls fcr its privile.' l ebi-ses.
by the jwple for tkiing the work j Thus in F.iiilan-t r.-f.-rn ie.vel
Lif tlie assessor.-. But more if thii ; alonji aiaiJ the storm d deluf,
anon. j but not by iivmi of the. cl i.-li of
Agavn, under the law regulating arms. The l!riti-h Houseof Com
the appointment of deputy sheriff, ' mons i vcrv diff. rent from our
from what is plain and explicit la Congress. While the wrmW-r .-it
allow inj: the sluriff of this county j with their hats on, no writing nor!
to name one or more deputies which ) reading of newspapers i tolerate,!, j
the county may pay in part or in' They sit on simple benches (no
whole, or r.ont all. the sheriff ap--desks) raieJ in several tiers,' the j
points ,rt deputy who appoints, in ; opposing parties facing each other, j
effect, two d.tfen deputies. And as j Tbe Premier and miniters are'
a m.-.ttcr of ciurse, it goes without i prtsent, and they tntist answer all the different im- quwtiotis put by the oppition,'
sition. from president down thru-! and defend their cause if they esn.
;;S Get a Bicycle Free.
! A Bit; PRIZE Offcroa
an one and uol accordiuu to HiPrtfj r! "RoOfl!
.videum" A cliainMinf tlies.. e,. XVCllvls XCtJctvli
of con lifted e!vtion and elm
of corruption to a purely judi
trditinal, materiallv niilcd the end
zzz :::;! a but prize orroroa -for the Lowest
from ih iioune itH..u to a judicial List of Subscribcro by Feb. 14, 189 9.
court, would result in much p.M.d . - - NVAV- ;,0 U M. sUlSCKIHFU N (H'K l.lsf
Rut still corruption in the elet tiu ns : tl .,vtl. II ..I Feruai v, Ivi.r il in r...r to induce our friend
In England prevarld ii. rpitof ullf WW to inieiv-t tin inwlo'" in belmlf of the A xe, we hwvo eon
tliese effot. In a bill wii-. ' e. iled o l'Vii-us pii.e. a llaml in w, N lle)tle to the una
introduced that .-truck t wo dcudlv i )4 V".' ! " ,nl " V'"' 1 '' h,','':, ' UH"'n ""4W
., .... . ,. I I i'l l'i bi tmi v, InV'.i, i.r.ivnlrd liowi vt r, that mm v tn ierona
bl.wteorrurt.en. I irst, i. !-1 ,.,,,, ((,r .
Ued by means of n It vd scale the j - In ordn lh.iV-' bnli. may h ive an ripial chance with tba gen
iin.olml that n.taht l-e snent in th-ti'.'.n fir tin' Miev. le we will uladlv aecerd In the lady a l.sdie'a
chvtions, reiuirini a strict uini l'u',1 -Whifl if i-h i.-. tbe foi tiuiMte one ho veduet the icHlt-ft nuinU'r M
S'S'ounling ly iiftei an
election: "tvoinl, iteiC..'rcd detec
tion .cvrttin if corrupt practices
Here nnmipe m. w in n ;
C"p;e ol tlie i :ii er, ill il VlU fl'pplv Voll. X '
i l l nul w uli lln so c.ilni'Cl me nul a i iv.ii! .I'V liter i l -of i n-l y lining
ent l'i I v e:n b .' 'Ii, ft il'T. m tlir't sli ivl justice hhall t uvv.irvl'l tht
.! i: i wins tbe ri"r. .
ibe I'Cizi: win i... v.i;iKi vt i:sivv. rFi.i:r.KV
1 I'V l'.... ilie I i:i!MS r VKKKI I.I.V. and remnnber, fbit in :let
to IN i'U m.i-t ,u..ii.!v ufth nil tin-,"ii hi ions set ("ilh In'iti'i.
fecti'd chiefly lv p'ovnling
a:iy election procured by fi.iud -r
co-nipt p'raitiee-i wtTt1""T- oi!.
No i:i-4 it culd sit in 1'arlia'i.eiit j
if it e ul.l b" sh w n thai brib i v,
Ire.itin-:, undue inllu. nee, er any- t
tiiir.ii ele pr.'hil iled by the lavi,
had bivn ind'-.ip .l in in hi behalf, '
either by himself or by any of 1. is:
.iprnts. 'lliis pro vision ui.iVes each :
side the watcher of the ptln r sole,
and e ae!i""sid. must b p ireiM its '
own defense. Thi- law wititii t '
elV t in 1S.1, and since that t.lne
ti e elections in Fnlaud have be n
perhaps purer than faliy
other country on the j.lobv ;
sibly exreptif.g Sw itierbin.l, w hero
they have the Initiative and the
l.efercndum. Wjl.-h a glorious
victory law I A magical cbanjje
from the most' lb".
na uies. Aov go t ." w.'i ', in e.-ir , 1 1 1 1 n Hie coming montn, rin:iaiiy
lliloiieli (In' t'liri-tniilH Hoi:1!' s mid secure il birprt a list MM possi
ble, an I sen. I in Vout Inline- .nice a week si lenvt iilway itatilig that
y..i ure ccni e;n' IV Ilie I'icjele
l'i w i- linig to ti v lor I be rie -Iniitl I -ri 1 1 or 'write for sample
s of the I :i cr. al d wiU .I'll-lv Voll.A tt-Vl iicei.'lint will I'D
11. I llt. Itl
IM 'l
' I'w T'l' ". ! l''.MT lflt.1 IVSIII OK IHM
r.Ki vn axe, j
l.l ,.l. I, old -,os,
' v. ... : ..
.'ii.-f.l. .-, lit'1 $ (r uhiih s'iii u -ill flinn vdi lJt
..V''.!' .IA'.' I; tir Hi' ll; p. ieu I Util J.) HUtt rf I, l!H,:
il .1 .j ii 0 it "i i - . u it o i- e ii ti .1 ii-ii ii r-. t e O-l-O-ll l l-0 o
MMI I foslol I i .. M.Vir.
make tbe possession of the Silver
K night-Watchman a' neceseity to
every citizen who waDts to keep
gether with a paper from the na
tional eapitol, containirg a reliable
' ncconnl of the doings of congress
"and the administration. - .
Send in your club lists , to this
ort all the avenues of the public If, n any qneslion, the tiovernor' most pure-
service are filled by the friends vf fails to hold a majority, the Premier
the appointtrs. And these ap-! and ministers n'sin, and the crown
j pointers fnnii becinhiug to cud .sumtaon a leader of t.r:c
lace tbe postmaster-general lor ; liave an eye single to Blling places t to lotm a ministry. o you see
illustration, Ttr.d be has the ap-jwith parties who will serve them I the (Sovemment is constantly sc
pointing of win ltX),000 pe-strius-. iu getting into ofliec, or in holding 'couuta'alo t the repro-cntatives
. posted-lip. Here tienidaivuQ-lters, and in all tha firs: and svc-nd :onto the ofliee lilL
paralled offer to get jour home
paper, which contains all U&e local
news, and a c6ndensed fomi of the
news from all over the world, to-
class offices, . the postmaster ap- This is onlv a cursory glance at , tested
points deputies, aud this kind of srmeof the thousand and kme j How
the j..',.pi. liable tJ b.-
,t an v m mv nt.
Jiffcrent is our
' JUtional Spellino:;
Them baa been & movement - on
foot for a considerable while to in
trodace a reform In spelling many
English words, and reformers gen
erally who have rational ideas in
matter of spelling are gradually
. taking up tha matter, and are now
dropping (ugh) in many words
ending with those letters, as tho
for though; altho for although;
thru for through ; thoro ' for thor
ough; thoroly for thoroughly; and
many ublications are using these
simplified spellings, which have the
highest sanction of the best schol
ars of the age. Any one who will
take the pains to 4o ta;k a hun
dred years and cempare the mode
of spelling many English words at
that time with the present .way of
spelling the same words, will see
at once whaVa vast field for re
form in spelling lies before us.
What say our readers?
JIllls. of
thing goes on in almost all bran-j things which are running riot in Iepresoi:ta:ives! Every member
chca of the public service,' so that our boasted, free and enlightened J has a d.-sis, at whiek ha reads or
you will see that those who are en- j republic, and all these myriads of! writ"vUhs desire during v-sion,
trusted with the performance of j appoint?.' are paid by the people, or en,ja2?-Htton-ers.ition witlHiis
work for the people are lu "no way : who "say nothing and saw wood,"' neighbors and frequently numbers
responsible to the -people for the ; vote and pay taxes and -imagine; gather in groups on the fljor or
faithful performance of their duties. Uhey are tho freest ieople o earth,! around seme leader's - desk, for
They are too remote from the reo-! when, In" truth, they are the slaves c-ivcrsation. The cabinet mini -tors
pie ana are really considered re-1 or luose uiey elect and pay as ser
sponsible to the man who appoints! vants to do their business.
This does not look like much of pie," isn't itf
aro not present, s) they cannot lw
questioned nor asked to give at-
them to the sub-deputjship. . Pretty "government of tlie peo-iciunt for affairs in their depart-
Clippings and Comment cn Various Subjects.
Cottage Grove Leader: The sen
timent of the people is slowly but plieable jtenfra
lion and'ih; Zr tier it d i i. tuiwW"hw " WUule:
smaller becomes the obstaclta in "b, that the high sense nf ed
its way. .
Will the Leader
ment ; and the President is a mite
away in the White House, where
he stays till the end of bis term.
no differen4j-: h w the; vote in C-1U-4
'lhis was du-
run Mr. tils 1st. me s rreiri.r
sliip, ami was one of hi e.reateit
achieve mint, O, f.-r A l.l i-l-ton,.
oa this ido f lb,. Atlantic 1
.iMMii!iitnt Hanking
t -
Now Goods Arrive
Weckiy go you can
have a new Stock to
Select from at any
time.. Prices alwavstho Lowest
-ew lorfc Mm: ".News comes
from Emporia, Kan., that the
pre? id i. lit of the Fir.-t National,.
5'ank of that iltv-jias ritiumit'.ed
suicide, sfu-r wrvekiug thi bankj
so badly that not only tiro it cap-1
i!al and surplus gone, ltt the de-j
positors will get little or nothing I
of tfie .'sHl,iiii( owing them. As;
a ,iie'i'i'iio-f this failure the'
neighboring Madim bank ha U-eti i
oblijjed to close it el.Kir. j " r 1 " " ' -
I - - f -a., T ...I... . I - I i.r-1. f- TC . AA Ixl I Ti m S A. I ' M .
men's National llank, of this city . '
which t! roll.r..f tbe ( ur W( v;i iiM't!' Vflll tllO OlltirO Rfdflc With
fpaper the editor uses language ap-IBF-8 le upon qa-stions that w cieirin Ibmsc and f.
plicable seiraUy to official lifc! nay arise (he may l! impeach-d ,,, iM,,)v,.(t. j,,
please tell us
by the S-nate, but that has never
been done).
Uniler which of these systems do
you think reform que-tions would
reney suppose.! w as perieel y sniin l,
wa"f-ximine.l bv .1 -commitM' i,f"i l.
nnsl to
nnsitors tiave
(trial integrity of Thomas JefTcriion
ana tl)e ortier fatliers of ' he re
public woul! decend upon tue nub- have the MeUer chance? This
what it means by saying, "the sen-1 lie men of today! Then they would ' ,.u,.j,.jon can , answered bv tin-
iimeni 01 me people fn urilung to- ;.-uiibht h a ui.nunn'r umn uinn
..lJ i- selves and the'names of their fnm
noiuavviiEuiiuaiiuu. c injll ULAl i I
,. , .v. . 1 ' ilie.s to receive public money not "a4
' .honestly earned and earned too purer and much nearer to tho im-o
Luuivuua.tijg . UJ.-VI1- ex
pansion, or contraction, imperial-1 peditirgr the manner in which it
ism or pure democracy?. Theans-I'" obtained.
facts; and the fact? tire, that England
a government that is much
wunoui ineir .connivance or ex-; vie than our-. I would like to say
wer involves matters of vast im
portance. -
Peoples Press: The Broad-Axr,
What a beamiful citr might not
this capital of Oregon- bo made if
men united these principles of per
sonal integrity and public entor-
lS'ewspaper Aristocracy.
,There is no other profession in
the world that will bring out tbe
true characteristics of roan in
sharper lines than that of conduc
ting a newspaper, Ii he is a man
of brains, of broad-gauge, true
manhood he will show it. In other
words the man with bunch of
- type at is command will Sooner or
later demonstrate to the world
whether he is "aman or a mouse
or a long tailed rat" This is
shown most often upon the part of
those newspapers which are well-to-do
ia business toward the smaller
fry newspaper which is struggling
to get its head above water. And
' tMs Is shown In a way that is not
patent to the world, but is felt most
keenly by the party concerned. . If
the big paper is asked by the small
paper to "Ex." it is treated with
ilent contempt, which, in effect, is
as rade and unmannered as not to
return salutation in passing one
on the streets. And if the small
paper happens to pick up1 an Hem
-worthy - place in - the big- paper4
why nine times ' out of ten the big
paper will appropriate it without
giving credit. Meantime those big
concerns which have established
themselves as permanent fixtures
will Act toward each other as a
class, after the tame style known to
ensible people as "codfish aristoc-
' racy" nd that is justly considcr
sxi th most offensive class of hu
manity OD God Almighty's green
arth. -
i urinu-aii , ! . ,u..i .1 1: 1-
published at Lugene by Anus Ac : e 1
Son came to our table last week
marked X. Tlie publishers say: Fx press-Advance: J. F. Amis A
this paper will be devoted to the Son "0 again publishing the Broad
advocacy of direct legislation, post- i Axe in Fugene. Mr. Amis is a
al savings banks, the regulation by ', thorough reformer and a vigorous,
congress of transportation by pub-1 able and original writer. We wish
li carriers. The ownerehip of the him the success he deserves,
telegraph lines and the restoration Gantlemen. we appreciate vour
of silver to its constitutional status
as a money mcta.l. On that kind
of a platform, brother, we extend
the right hand of fellowship. Keep
the Broad-Axe sharp and send it
Ex : The uewspanman is a pub
lic stave. lie' .help to make bis
neighbor rich and dirs poor. He
helps elect candidates to fat salar
ies, gits a little patronage at star
vation prices and waits till doom's
day. for bis money. He builds up
churches, schools and other public
institutions, contributes his juite to
thojr support, and when they have
paid job work and advertising to
give, they take it somewhere or ask
for bids from those who never aid
ed them against those who did.
He credits a man for years for a
paper and when be sends in a bill
the man gets mad and quits. That's
why alt newspojiermen go to heav
en and why so many other sorts
miss the "gospel train."
Peoples Press: Home people will
take a -paper-and read it for six
ntnrrthaor year and then refuse
to uke it nnt of the postoflice and
imagine that pays - tlie bill, but
the editor who has been looking for
lot these many days for that man
to send in little remittance, that
is rather jioor consolation.
Tho Saletn Capital Journal is
just now engaged in exposing tlie
officials of Kilcin for their mis
management of affairs, and in au
article recently pul dished in that
compliment, and only wish that we
the opposite, and 1 earnestly wish
to aea Um time when I can. - Hrre
our ofQcera and representatives are
elected for a certain term, with no
accountability or responsibility to
the, 'people during tho term. In
England, not only is there a con
stant questioning and accountabil
ity as above Htatcd4ut tho House
of Common miy I dissolved and
an appeal made to The country on
some siecial question a kind of
Referendum. W'p could not do that
here, however much we might wish
deserved justly your high opinion I to do so. This reminds me of
of us. We feel at home again ' pointed remark I recently noticed
amor.g the "knights of quills," a in a contcnijiorary: "A man who
jovial, hard worked, poorly fed set
tho they" be. ;
Roseburg Review : Potiglas coun
ty stands atT'tlie head of the roll of
Oregon counties in tho production
of pruues-and j-oultry.
Dough 3 may leat Lane a few
runes, but as to poultry of tho hen
frsuaion we yield to no county'
in the state, except as to crowing
We notice the Fxpress-Advanec
is in he same row of stumps as
moot of the reform papers in the
country where the fusiordsla-Liuc-ceeded
wholly or partially in elect-
Ling their tickets, is totally ignored
in the distribution of public printing.--
1 low " l, this? " There il " no
paper in Linn county more, de
serving than the Express-Advance,
We are pleased to see it announ
ced that our old (riend Senator
"Hilly" Ftewart, as we used to call
him 'at Downicville, California,
buck in the V)s, will return his
sent as U. S. senator from Nevada,
which he Las so ably and honor
ably filled.
opposes the principle of Direct Leg
islation needs watching. There is
something wrong cither with his
head or wiih his heart ; ic"ssibly j
both." (I prcsumo that everyone
knows that Direct Legislation con
sists of the Initiative, tho Referen
dum and tho Recall.) This is a
wonderful agency to bring the gov
ernment close to the peoplo to
realize Lincoln's ideal, "a govern
ment, of, by and for tho people."
Whilo the basis of reprssentaioii
In England was radically reformed
in 1832, and thus indirectly much
bribery and other forms of cor
ruption Was stopd, yet much slill
cxlelod.ln 1S3I the first act amid
all this evil was passed, - This was
amid at bribery, treating and "un
due influence." The bribe takers
ai well as bribe-givers were to 1
punished. Rut corrupt practices
continued to prevail, and in. 1 372
the Ballot was addopted to take
the place of open voting, but still
corruption continued. Tho means
of detection were inefficient, and
the House adjudicated tbe cases,
just as our House does now, and
as we know, lh decision is a parlis-
at a-niscount -that Will
pay you to buy what you want from us..
!... II . .
- ww k . ai iiti ifiiiirsi a. ' jtm. awwwwi
not vet been paid a cent, 'and its v,iuuu iijr il vw.ui ailltUM ill AUIM'
stockholders will prolmbly lose the; -i js an(l VALUES With all CoilinctitOlS.
greater part of the money they ;'
invested in its sfmk. SPECIAL DIM ol NT OX ALL OOOD8
When the Chestnut Street Ni ClolllllllT. IKXHm. M I I .1
Racket Store
Ninth St.
Ths public will please
take notice that I am
Still at the OLD STAND
on 8th St. Eugene, Ore.
with 1 variety of Goods
too numcroas to mention.
for ljZirtfM
Street Xa-Olotliaiiir. ItOOiM.
tional i.ank of Phiiadelpha T.iib-d,' 1 1 II 1 ri !l c M M.
.. .1... 1.. - 1
th'at it 'ludls.n insolvent f,,r over! - U "Ul ,m "". of thy "Hot ShotH.
a year, thai the Comptroller of the
Currency knew it. Still, the bank
was permitted to continue doing
business and to receive deposits,
liecause, as the Comptroller di-
elared, cloning its doors might have
caused runs on other Philadelphia
banks and led to a panic.
These arc but specimens of oc
currences which happen every few-
days. The failures of national
banks are so frequent that they
excite no comment and Interest no-
body but the sufferers by tfuni
As a protection to bank creditors
the government - management of
banks is a delusion, and so would
be its protection of bank note hold
ers, if tho notes were not secured f
by ' bonds,
Vet, the bankers and the so-called
currency rtjormers want tho gov
ernment to "go out of tho bank
ing businesa" by turning over the
function of issuing circulntiun notes
exclusively to the banks, and ht
the people look to tho banks only
for their redemtion. Let it rather
go out of tho banking business by
aboliidiir.g tbe whole national bank
s j stem, leaving all bnnklng to die
supervised by the individual states,
and reserving exclusively to itself
the soverign function of Usuing cir
culating notes, which tlie banks
never should have been permitted
to usnrp"f
- The New York Run is a gold
stadard paper of the strictest sect,
and yet tho workiisof the present
national bank system Is such as
to force even the Hun to cry out
against it. The above is only a
partial account of the weekly oc
currences of the wreckage of nation
al banks entailing the loss to de
positors of millions of money, and
breaking up of thousands of our
people that inighf bo published.
Cut what's tha use.
Burg's Variety Store.
Our Great
Job Lot Wallpaper salo
is still going on. Don't
Miss it for you are Saving
from 40 to 65c on every
Dollar you spend with us.
i . ,
Goods are going fast. 3 !, fp.utiis.
Wo Ilfavts Iiitly
3tMoivMl tVOiir loud ol
Jewel- Stoves
Ranges 1
OoIImImI Iiiut ol
20 STYLUS and SIZ1IS of 11 KATKRd
1 16 - " " CAHT COOKS and UAX0E8 .
H ' " " FTEEf. KAMSKH. i
0r frlrr arc Law mn iha Qaalllr la !. tall aitie saavaci