HAS STUDIED NCQRO ONQ. atra. Mtt Beblaaoa K arh u He rsvarit Fa. ' A drm wing-room ratorUlamMt to hardly considered complets nowaday unless It Includes something by guitar or banjo performer. Among tb faw are mora popular than Mrs. Jeennett Bobtnaon Murphy of New York, beraelf a compos-ir of not a few picas! Df little songs. Her unususl tueoeaa la tba cat oral result of glrlng tba subject of ne gro eooga a great deal of attentloa Born and railed In tba Sooth, aba early Imbibed a great lore for tba peculiarly plaintive aire wltb which tba negro idea and women lighten tbelr work. Like all other Southern children of well-to-do parent aba bad "mammy,1 and it happened that tbla colored woman ;waa renowned for ber ability aa a alng r. Mr. Murphy recently aald: i "Aa a child I need to follow tbla old lored woman about when aba was ' Just to uear ber alng, caring more i aound of ber voice tban for tba et Northern mualc. Aa I grew f tan to wonder aa to tba reaaon strange fascination of the negro i for all claaaaa of people. I found It waa not merely In the morlo or worda, for the qualDteet of darky melodlee ren dered by one unfamiliar with tba ne groei Initantly loat Ita charm. I flnal Jy grew aa curious about the matter that a few years ago, In Tallahassee, I aet about to solv tba problem for my own satlsfsctlon. I found to my delight that the weird effect of tba plantation songs Is from the observance among tba darkles, probably unconsciously, of cer tain rules In regard to tba accent and breathing. They never take breath, as we do, at the end of a line or phrase, connecting tbelr sentences wltb that peculiar wavering tone so full of patboa and melancholy. Another singular thing la tba heavy accent on tbe latter was. ninm aoaixiop wvaraT. part of every monoayllabtc word, thus giving twc musical tones for each word of one syllable, with the aame, long drawn, walling aound between the tones. There are many other peculiar ities In the exact rendering of the plan tation songs, but these are'the most ea eeptlal and tba moat strongly marked that have epme to my notice." : Mrs. Murphy does not confine herself to parlor reoltals, but gives her aer- I nra4iiHniMl ia nriaAna h ita n ! ( b 1 a Dd missions. Only One Way to ties Ttolnoteera. There bad been a lack of men Joining tba ranka, And tba colonel mt visit ing a recruiting station. Inspecting the workings of blf recruiting sergeanta. - Suddenly a terrible noise of (housing' and suuiniug of feet came tbrtftgb the ' open window. Now It came from the stairway. Intermingled with! sundry loud bumps ana knock, ana It he door burst open, showing a red-fajed, pera plrlng little sergeant pusbttg, haul ing and tugging at a big ciiutry lad." Tba latter wsa doing his $st to es cape the firm grip of tbe soldier. "Halt V cried the colonvL "Uow Is tblsr be saldlo the sergeant. "Is tbla the way you secure tecrulta by force, slrT" The red-faced sergeant looked up and down, then at the colonel, and blurted out: "Sure, sir, tbe only way to get them vol unteers la by force, air." . Tralaad. "Are yon afraid, Lily, wben yon go driving with Mr. Phillips, that tba horse will ran away f , "No, Indeed. Mr. Phillip haa train ed hla bores to drive without linear- Exchange. How mixed up divorced people muat get In their kin affairs! Wben fha planet Mars 1 Dearest tba earth It la 86.000,000 miles away. a iv irriiL roa assistance. Th Bits who ta charturbl lo htmaelf w Uf tUtn ta th mats wrl fr aaalataa a atada ly Ml itoaiark, Of hia llrar. In the ahapa of StTar STaorplli qualm anil etieaay aaiiaa tiona la th raaiom af ika iiaaAa tbat mum ton alia. Hualatiar'i stoax h Silver, aay r.emr llr, or aHaa-u Ibe raaa stay ! la what yon rea-ilre. Haataa to oa. It you ara trout-'"! W l Si baarOmra, wlad In tba rlnnicb, or not Ih.t yoar aalu or tba while af your eta are labia a aalloa kue. Bona St Louis physioisns Insist tbst th antitoxin treatment will ear the consumption as wall aa the diphtheria. . DBAMK CAB HOT CtlRID ' By laca laeMratlonl. a tbry ran ant laarb the Snaaai 4 aorti-.a af tk tar. Tkara la amy ana way taaaradaatnaaa, aaS tbat la SyroaalliatliMi a. r-). liaatnaaa m rauaeai by au luSaata roaaitior) af lb aiuanaa llnirfk el Buatawhiaa 1 uka. kaa Ihta tab aaie lliSaaa yau bav S nimblla aauaS at laiaaflawt baartti m4 baa II U anllral, rtoaaS SaaliMaa la Ika raaall, ead anlaaa Ika liiflaaiaiattoa aaa ka lalr-n owl aa kta Itiha rae'ora la It aaraiai ro-aMtow, aatrii UI ba Sauroya trwarati Bine raaa aat af la ara aaiiasd by aatarrk. abloB la SMMkln bat as Inflaakes eaadluea el the raooeaa anrfaraa. Beam ia Owe Bjaadra rteMar fn any aaaaaf lirmiaa fianaaa byaalarrh) tbal aaa BatbaaaiaS by If aU' catarrh Car. Baaa to elraalan Iraa. f I CrtrxgT CO., TolaAa, 0. BaM by br,la. Tka. atail raaaiii rubef Ua kaa. I baMara Pirn's Ours as the ely atari t e'na thai will ears eanaunnttoa. Anna M. Moas, WUllsjnaaort, Pa., Nov. U, IkV FIT -ll ' aBai Iraa by lr. B ltaa taaa Marva Slralaaaa. b Staett tl a rat Sar aaaa Ian ma aaraSY Tmn'r aal a trlaj boll fraa ta nt naa ea4 a i. A Una, a a KB , rkllaaafshla. Pa. Tat GsaaBA ta taraatfaa. fraamay. haa S eaa aaaartia. baaa vaaay lull a re aatf rat aarraa aaraasj by tasiaa n Sarsaparilla The Vaat a faa th Owe tv-as ttkaaal arSaa. W f ei'f hitiaaaaaaBj. be, the. cunrt oyntTro- pilco tdsj forXhc swee up I A aongi rui InJ' CONGRESS' FAILURES lev Stewart's rartlaa tteaaarks lathe Da-Bethlag Ca(rea Before ,11 Aajearaeal. ' Mr. Stewart: Mr. President, of oouree I shall not attempt to delay the adjournment of oongresa, bnt it seems to me worthy of remark that this oou grass, coming ia aa it did with high sounding promises, baa utterly failed to redeem any of tbem. It haa left tba country In a moat deplorable condition It baa failed to pat an end to a polloy which mean ultimate ruin. We have bean for several years borrowing gold to pay Interest on borrowed money and to pay fixed charges to foreign countries; During tba present admin istration two hundred and sixty-two and a half millions dollars of bonds bav been sold to borrow gold to main tain the gold standard. It baa not maintained tba gold standard, however, because w are paying a large premium for the gold. On sixty-two and a half Billions dollars borrowed in February, 1895, wa paid $18,000,000 premium, as the president informed na On tbe sale of 1100,000,000 there was also a large premium paid, or a discount on the bonds, which is the same thing;.. These were twenty-nine year 4 per oent bonds, i and would have sold for 136 if it bad not been for the necessity of paying a premium to boy gold. As we go on, 1 and oar credit geta worse and worse, 1 tbe premium must neoeaaarlly be larger , and larger. Our farm products, whioh we export' , and upon which we must rely to buy ; gold and pay for what we import, are - depreciating In prioe in foreign markets ' year by year aa the competition with silver-stadard countries increases. Bee under what disadvantages our farmers labor aa againat tbe Asiatics, Take Knssla, for example, wbiob is on a sil ver bails. Tbe Ruaiian farmer has a hundred dollars of taxes to pay and the American farmer haa a hundred dollsrs of taxes to pay. The Russian farmer takes a hundred bushels of wheat to Liverpool and sells it for SO oents a bushel In gold. He takes tbst back to Russia, exohangea it ' for Rnaalan money, and geta flSO; pays his hun dred dollars of taxes snd has 120 with whioh to buy - tea and coffee. - Tbe American farmer sells-hia-hundred bushels of wheat for f 80 and only has 100 wben he gets borne. He applies it on his taxes and. finds himself in debt This advantags goes to all tbe Ailatlo and silver-standard oountriesaa againit the Amerioan farmer. The result is that tba Asistio bas money with which to reproduoe wheat and It does him soma good; ba haa money with whioh to reproduoe ootton and ' it does blm soma good, but tbe Amerioan farmer ia left In debt everv rear, snd still ws sav I this must go on and debt must be piled np and there muit be no relief. Nonaotion is tba order of the day. We passed through the senate a bill to J stop tba sale of bonds, whioh would have required tbe eaemitiv to ober-erte law and pay out silver, of wbichtbrT i an aoondanoe. iber are om 130,000,000 of silver coin in ttnrtrtM ury, and silver coin coming In daily. I m informed that more than half th revenue is paid in silver certificates, whioh are substantially silver coins, because the government osa convert tbem into silver eulns wben tbey come into tbe treasury. Ws bsve an abund anoe of silver coin with whioh to re deem, and there it no possible necessity for involving the country In further debt Whst remedy for our difficulties have tbe Republican of the house of repre sentatives suggested? Tbey hsv sug gested more taxation; they say all w need is more revenue. Wben we point out to them that there is s cash balance in tbe treaiur of avsilable money amounting to nearly 1370,000,000, and that one of the embarrassments of tbe country is this nnltealthy surplus, the only remedy proposed by tfcs Republi cans of the bouse, in the: bills they bsve sent u.- wss more taxation to In crease the surplus and impound more and mora money. About $15,000,000, if I reoollect aright over $130,000,000, at all events of your greenbacks are -retired in the treasury; prioea sre fall ing; times ar hard, and growing wore; and w ara going to adjourn this oongreas, for whst? In ta; New York Sou todsy there is a tiesor ption of the fight which the Republican propose. Tbsy sre to maks a light for what? For tariff. To show tbe oharao ter of the campaign upon which we ara about to enter, and for which wa ara to now adjutant, I will aak th see retary to read the artiole from tba New York Bun, a gold-etandard paper, whioh appeared today. - Mr. Uatllngef: Th New York Boa doe not apeak for tba Republican Party. Mr. Stewart: Ob, but it epeaka tba troth about tba Republioaa party, and I think yon had better bear it I should like to have tbal artiole read. Mr. Callcxn: 1 It brief T Ml Btowart: It I quite brief. Th Presiding Offloeri Withowt at Jeotton, h Ba or alary will read aa ra e; Beaked. Tb saw alary read aa fol lowat "Tba money qaeetlaa, its MoKlnley a keep on saying. Is a eaeoodary ta sse, although Important Tba Basin ten la th tariff, sad tba Repablloaa party will asake its fight on that'. This Bentlaaeal finds rapes tad ax-pa-easlnsj frosn MoKlnlsy manage and MoKtatey orgaaa la varioaa parte of th ooBBtry. It la proswanoad ao par- ; Bistantly and so asapbatidally that It Bsast aaaaa oakethlag. I Whst oaa It aseanf What Is hb j tariff ttavaa whioh U to be th principal ; leave of tfc snaslng aaaspatgar On saat will wbo ia it, or waat as it, tasi th MoKlaaly BepaMteauM spaet to gktf Oartsialy no th pi mint high pro. tentiv tortff, kMOBd by a ooagreas IlisaroTaOe ta both braaol a aa4 sl Vmrad to Iibti law by a Pesaoorali 1 1 sati! ant, wh hsvarlhalass eoBaad 1 tt a toe asroeiuosl Bvoeartlv to ra- aav kt slgwalra. The praaaat tori I la OB af btae bi(baa pvotootlv tortff j rw ta ksw U Ua Culled toa lis I vanT rata tail anort of tba araraga j reb af rave pinitog tart a , dastiav I galaiaaal a th MeKlabsy tortff, by vary , llltlsk A prsswtohHal eampalgn wsgad ta appart s the gisnsl tbonry of pr I toultssi as sgB'as gianal taanry of I tortff toaattoa ray laienvta oly ta vahl thlan. Bajoh a aaaapalara I foot raaa aa-a Pot srraal asmBBiga toratag an hta aaaa- Skoaj af wkabhsv 41 aB4 la as) any, f protection ia attarly Inconceivable to tbe ordinary mind. Yob are not going to Or np muoh enthusiasm in tba hearts of either tba forty -oners or the forty-seveners. Ia tba light to be for the rearrange ment or readjustment of tba protection afforded by the schedules of tbe sxi st ing tariff? That undertaking might involve differences of opinion important enough to start a controversy In a oom mitpte on ways and means, or even to occasion a lively debate in the house, sitting aa a oommittaee of the whole. Hardly important enough to fill and inflame the length and breadth of tba Union In a presidential year. Or la it merely to oon tend in behalf of the theory of protection, that tba warriors of MoKinleylam are aiming themselves? Do they want to smash tba last Democratic platform? Tbe enterprise ia superfluous; the Demoo raoy has smashed tbe platform already. Tba Democrats themselves hive aban doned the position whioh the MoKlnley Republicans propose to attack. The MoKlnley warriors may march forth to oocupy a stronghold whioh bas been avaonated by, Its garrison, but it la a strained nee of tbe English lsnguige to speak of such a proceeding aa a fight, muoh lees aa the principal fight of a great presidential campaign. It requires two sides to make a fight It require two political parties, both earnestly interested and hot - for the wager of battle, to make a main issue for a presidential campaign. What is the tariff Issue whioh looms before tba exolted imagination of those Republi cans who profess to regard the cause of honest money and tu gold standard a of subordinste importance?''" - , ' Nobody has yet told ui this in lan guage olear enough to be comprehensi ble." "5 ' Mr. Stewart: It will be observed by tbst artiole. whioh I think fairly diseeots the situation, how Inconse quential tbe purposes of tba Republican party are exoept to obtain tbe o Sloes. I do not know about tbe Democracy, whether the Demooratio party has any purpose or not It has been without a purpose for msny years, and whether it will ever have a purpose it is for the fnture to determine. Bo fsr as the Re publican party and the Demooratio administration are concerned, they are one and the aame; their purpose to maintain tbe gold standard by loading the nation with debt, paying a premi um for gold,' Increasing that debt J ear after year falling prines, stagnation and bard times. Tbst is their purpose. They bays indicated no othe-fpolloy. Not one gleam of bopa has oome from either the Demooratio administra tion or the Republican manager. I defy any man to suggest a proposition put forth by either wbiob by any pos sibility could relieve tbe present dis tress. On the contrary, tbey refuse to obsnge the polioy of borrowing money; they refuse to change the policy of im pounding the the greenbacks In tbe treasury; tbey refuse to obsnge tbe polioy of baying gold for - gold - rm tilers; they refuse to change the polioy of aBtraotiou; they refuse sny bop. They tie in fsvor of retiring th legal tendora. Tbey sre in favor of depriv ing the peo.le Of money. Tbey are la favor of an Asistio tariff, built np by a difference of exchange, whereby the Aiistios snd all silver-standard conn trie bsve st least 100 per oent advan tage in tbe market of Europe. oKinleylam means wbst? If mesns to mslntain tbe Asistio tariff s gainst Americsn farmer. It mean to build up for a tpeoial privileged else a tariff bigh enough to protect the manufac turers of the East It mean to make tbe neoeasarie of lifs dearer gnd dearer to tbe prodnoer of tbis ootntry. It means to msks the products of tbe un protected labor of this country cheaper and cheaper. It mesns to put tba farmer in competition Ttth 800,000, 000 coolies, who are competing with him in tbe European markets. It means to Impoverish the farmer. No one seek to protect him. I hav been protectionist snd I bar advo cated protection; but I never dreamed that tbe party to which I .belonged would abandon the prodaoer of this country and build np a protection en tirely in favor of tbe millions of oooliee and e the (truggllng masse of this country raduoed to powder. 1 never believed that Why, th first mov in protection is to equalise exchange, to giv our people money, to mak it pc sibls to manuXaf tur in different part of th ooontryv Protection with th gold-ataadard meana slsvery for the masses. It means to build np eUsae, to build up and widen th gulf be tween th laborer and tba money changers, Tba Republican party In tbe bona declared Mr. Read, who is th Repub lioaa parry of tba bona, declared that nonaotion ahoold b tbelr motto; tbat they dared not disturb th present condition of things oon traction, fall ing price, and bard times, and borrow ing gold for gold gambler and tby bav not disturbed It They ar going forth to th opamtry and aay It shall not ba diatarbed, that. tba tariff shall tariff only aboat or t par sow below tbe MoKlnley tariff. Mr. MoKlnley himself stated la savarsl speeches that perhaps bis tariff wss too high, and perhaps It was extravagant. Certainly tba praaaal tariff ia higher, on an aver age, than any other tariff wa asvs bad eaoept the hi c Kin lay tariff. It to higher than aay other la th history of tba ansa try exoept tb MoKtnlat tariff. Wa ara going forth now to igbt far what? Ta fight for tba gold ataadard. How ara wa gotag to do that? By smothering th real atuewy laaa and heaping this shss lan of tariff before tba eoaatry. Tba Mw York Ban, In tb article wbiob ha Boon read. aoribea what kind of a fight tbat U Tavay ara going to fight breawl with Both tog before ihita. Kw. as bo th Demncraiie party. If any party eoold have torn Bsora to la tar the sows try thaa II baa ob for the Las three year It woald have baa erasksthlag bbot than baasaa. 1 think lb wit of Bas ha bean eboot aahaasasd to plaaga tba tmmj las iKraaa. W'beAJker .fx party will n Mw or tent, oWa re saaa ta th Ik mb an party who da au Ua to pisssat BtBaUwa. Thar ara aBoa ta tH Dsaaosrst BBTty who do not Uka trading bhe aattoa with oabt la tiaa of aaak to boy aoU f or a W getd gawhUra, Thar ar saaai ta tba party hare ta the Boita who raea! agoiaot S strong veto at IlawniwsBi bare gta I Bad aaaaas fcaaabtkaaa I Hi. too men 'who ar opposed to sinking th oosutiy nndar th gold standard and fastening the ebalna of bondage upon th people. Taero lar men In tba Demooratio party, and In tba Kepublt eaa parry, but mor In th Demooratio party, who do not Ilka th alngla gold standard, wbo do not Ilka th Eolgiah gold standard, wbo want to restore th money of th constitution, who bliv in th mony of ta better day of the Republic, who believe that there 1 not too much of both gold and silver for us standard money. There 1 a movament In th country wbiob. If it can have expression, will sweep from th earth the polloy wbiob 1 faioting mankind. Four-fifth of th people of the United State sre in favor of the restoration of the money ,of tba fathers and th wis law of Hamilton, Jefferson and, Jackson as tbey existed prior to 1878. If they do not give expression to their sentiment It will b beoaus th leaders will manipulate and keep them apart Bnt they will come together if yon will let them. Tbey will embrao tbe oppor tunity if yon give It to tbem. Th great mas of them put country above party. They mingled together in their neighborhood and make no distinc tion a to party. 'Tbey want a party of pstriots suoh st existed In the better dsys of tb tepublia Tbey ar Bull ous to throw off this load; tbey are anxious for the restoration of peso and prosperity aa tt sx'ated In the better day of tb republic",. t xiitd . before tb maclnationsl t, a few men de stroyed one-half Cf the 'metalllo baeia of our circulation and brought on fall ing prioea and enabled a 'few money manipulator to. pool the gold In tb world, to take the circulation from th people and to oharge what they pleased for it I - . There is no golf in circulation, bnt everything to to be sold at uoh price aa Mil ajuiu aiuiia mar uiuwia. ui sold to pooled, and tb klna-t of that nrwil h,va ttalrl in hnndM mm aUvai tha ' polltlotan. of both hemispheres, who have danoed to tbe musio of the stock Jobbers, the smaller fry following on. We ar rushing to adjourn th senate for what purpose? One prty is going not tn n.w, . k... i.jiu and tweedledum. Th . Republican party cannot state an issue whioh they dare to meet W see the paper filled for day to bow they can get a Jum ble of word to deceive somebody, not how they oan express a sentiment upon whioh people may vote; bnt tbe whole discussion of the leading politicians of the day to how hey oan twist words to deceive somebody. Nobody-will be deceived this time. No juntbla of words will do. In this campaign yon must b for th singls gold standard, as th English syndiost prescribe, or you must be for tbe restoration of the money of the ooniti tnlton. Th oomom people have dropped on it; they understand it and tbey ara moviiitjjronithe lake to th gulf " and t " ,. ssrl j ..I . " j wvui uwau au iwhu auaau uuiuw tua ooast Tbey begin to ouderstand bow you hive deceived tbem. - Let me tell yon politician, who car not for 'the country but ar fixing words to deceive, the day 11 oome wben tbe common people will rias in tbelr might and resoue this govern ment from your bands and plaoe it in tbe banda of HweafVkuai plaia Eng 14h and do not boast of their power of deception. What a speouol thea newspaper present; and wa are going to adjourn oongreas to engage in fruitle struggle, a struggl that will bring no bop to anyone, a struggle that will aink a deeper and deeper in poverty.and want. I tell yon, senator, this oon gt eaa ought to stay her and grant re'ief. If the gold men bav any legislation to propose that will giv relief, let ui know it Let them proclaim it The only thing they have proposed or sug gested wa mor contraction, mere bard times, less money for tba people, lower prioea, mor debt, harder competition with tb Asistio. This ocuntry, with Its 70,000.000 people, ought to be tbe richest nation on earth, and It would ba tba richest If an Bngllah syndiost had not been allowed to rob us of our patrimony. If w could make Ameri oan law. If there wss an Amerioan sentiment here so tbst wa oon Id make laws for Amerioa and not bare them d lots ted from ths other side of the At lantic!, wa would ba an independent and free people. - ' What aa outrage It to that bar, af ter thirty year of profound peso and abundant barve W, tba opportunity for an honest, industrious maa should be worse than it hai been at any period sine th landing at Jamestowal Never In all history hsv tbsr been suoh gall ing hard times, anoh disooaraglng con ditions, so muoh despair and want and misery among th taaaae of th labor lng people, and particularly among agriculturists, as' there to today. No young maa osa go forth Into legltlmits business find raiks money, banana prioea srs falling, and If he prod aces property tt to wortbl In hi banda And tbla aoadilloB, know ot all men, ba bear troato4'';lth ridicule and oon. taaB bo this -eragreael W bav tat sajmaely bas ant never raleed a bead to raj lev tba people trosa tba bardea under which to ara groaning I I suppose wa may aa wall adjoara, for ws shall do Both Leg. This to a do nothing oon gv eaa, and it to proposed to carry oa tb hosinsas of doing Both Lag and have ao taaue a inapt aa lose to grind th peopl and to avoid flvlag those aay relv !. Tbat to all tbat la psopossd for t.a fabara, and I suppose 1 la aooor wsngiass adjourns th Tastier. I shall not prolong Ita gTo!aoaJ Reeord, Jane 10, !, A diTki frnvB At. !- Sr; o fha tiOrd'4t fitum aajra. "A li'iJ bOwalav ! par dta..oa la Bsxrraliag bwaat ' Caplaia Wlggli- sud Bema Toll as to . IU taw awaan. ot ra.Al.g Dr. Kaoataa. ' IWMwln'tlraospdiil..BtosleoBO.i lug dMrvraad. H IS agraad lU tb lab- Har I unite Ba laaa fur dlamarerina Dr. Ksaaaai. and If B Hilary It eoald be I 'b1m air aaatly sod ajaWtly tbrnb ' fr snar) errd tk- hibertsa railway. It la SMXaiaaMl 1 Mt Mr. ikakrlaiia air Ia.lana1 tu uffa kU aw.l" In AasVraa's baikaai aspadilioa la th rrval of the baMar tarmloatlag on the atartkara eraaat uf M- . ''Cspiaia Wif IBB ratiauaw that tb Haa em rVaraaai. ha)iaglrag to hll eosa- paoy sard Bo oa th Yootas rivor. arMaskt be nal IB Ua aarlM to Baa I a a vrasrs be llepe CValraakla, th sitrr-aae BiartbiB Boial f SMartiaaro Msawta. ba- Irara vaaaals fraas the wast BOB Ilia Id EctiocftteTnidee Smash-Up Xany Will Recall This Sad Affair Which Happened in 1892. v. f. Walhlaa, mt This City, Who Was lajarea) ta She Wreak TeyW Ml - Terrible lifrlil had riaol Car. Preni ths ft laminar. Baa rraaolaeo, CaL Mr. H. WaUlns Uvea st 8008 Geary street. Ban Frsncisoo. Ha to a railway ! postal olerk, and bas been in that I buslnesa for years. When seen at hi 1 homo h gladly told hla experience with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills fox Pal People. Ha narrates the faot leading np to hi trying them, the benefit he ba enjoyed by their ua and the re sult of rooommendlng them to others. H aald: "I have suffered from vVtakTi m ?H am fn jrsi At timaj f h,, been so bad that I could not raise my arm over my head. No one bad won rheumatism than I had. I got It first in tba Trucke smaih-cp. I wa laid on th snow In the wreck and then taken to th railroad hospital. Etst lino then I have suffered at times terribly, that to to aay, np till a year ago. Onoe at Redlande, in Ban Bern ardino county, I thought I should die, and. at Promontory I -Was so crippled that I bad to be carried to tbe mall oar. No on who ba not had It oan anderstand the agony. I was not able to got out o( bed at times. I had to crawl on hand and knee from th bedroom to the kitchen. "Oooaalonally when I tried to rise In th morning th pslns would seise me and I bad to be oanght to prevent my falling. I tried every kind ot medi cine. Th only thing that helped ma . year ago waa stm fear ai -. .u vr I I I was taken down In . UtahJ It was borribl stuff to take and mly eased me for a short time. - 3 "About a year ago I wenlinto the "No Peroentag Pbarmaov,' on Market street While I wss there an old man' : . Cow(1 nameo vowen, of Vallelo Junction, came In. He told an ha was going to get Pink Pills for his rheumstism. - I told bim if tbey could do him good they might help me too. . H had been np to Byron Springs and waa nearly doubled up with rheumstism. Tbe doctor told him just aa they bad told me, that mediolne would do bim no good. . Well, I didn't give up. I sm a young maa and you would not expect me to giv myself np as' a hopeless rheumatio at my age. I wa ready to try anything. I bought two or three boxes of tb pills' and began tJ take them. . The vif in whion tbey took bold of ma was simply wonderful. . I did not take msny of th pills either, and of oonrse, I am careful not to ex po myself. I have never been lams sinoe and bav never lost a night's I sleep from rbeumetiam. I recommend - , ... , , v tur ptui au uj j umuui auu a uava yet to hear from tba first one wbo bss not been benefited. A for myself, I would glsdly msks affidavit to th good they have don m, In fsot I sm only too happy to do to, for I cannot aay too muoh for th benefit I have re ceived. "Going through Vallejo Junotion on my train on day 1 saw tb old," gentleman, Mr. Cowen, and I called out to him 'bow ara the Pink rills.' He replied they are fine.' ' "I wa down In Lo Angeles and . called upon a postal olerk, a friend of mine. . He told ma tbat hi wife was great sufferer from rheumstism. I told ber to try the Pink Pills, and now there to no on In Lo Angeles wbc thinks mor ot th plUs than Mrs. ' Csrr, thst to ber name. I don't think she had rheumatism quite so badly ai I, but aha was just siln-sioui to get rid I ot it, and aha to jurt as grateful to bt well again. I "I always keep a box ot the pills handy Just In'osea I should yieed them,! though my wife will tell you bow rarely I use them now." i . Dr. Wlllisms' Plak Pills contain, to ; (B oondonasd form, all th element j necessary to give new life and richneet ; to tba blood and restore shsttered ' nerve. They ar an unfailing specific 1 for suoh dlsesse locomotor ataxia, j partial paralysis, Bt Vitus' dsnoe.j sciatica, neuralgia rheumstism, nerv-1 ous beadaoba, the after effect of la i grippe, palpitation of th heart, pair and aallow complexions, all forms ol weakneaa either In mala or female. Pink Pills ar old by all dealers, or will be sent postpaid ou ' receipt of I prioe, go cent a box or sis boxr fur j M.S0 (they ara never aold In bulk or I by tb 100), by addressing Dr. Wil lisms' Msdloine Company, Hbenootady, N. T. Mm Waa Vat a e4rabwr "People sometime ask tue," said an old soldier, "it I waa at Usttysborg. and when I tellrthem tbe fact that I wa ndt, do, vow know tbal I sort of Im agine that aum of tbm think tbal then I eooMn't bav been very much of a sol dier? I suppose it' Bstural enough loo. It to part ant ly natural that people sbrrald b BMat Impressed by tb greatest bat tles of tb war, and nataral enough ta get aa Idea that lb greate tba baule tb greater tb dsnger and tb greater tb call for bravery, but a a mailer of fact, a man oan be killed Just a dead In a little flgbl aa la a big on. " Jw Turk Baa. It to tvow claimed that foods stored ta aa ataaospbar of earbollo sold gss ara prsvad Indefinitely, tba fresh Base sad flavor being rata I Bad better thaa by tb aa of dangaroaa aatieep tiea or of too. , . , ...... to i T a1 dlsooTory baa T Dr Kraaa. ta rT"y T, , tVT to ' artng lb . The bm a who sita dowa to wait for a gud 0-prtjBlly to kaneb at hi Vror wtU aaad a thtok aoabaiai oa his , ab1- . Tba trouble with tba asaa who to si wsy talktag aboat what ba d do If no had plenty f asoswy. to tbat be Barer h any. i " Over 100.00) Bponl Swat bav beam aril par tt mfnw4. "Of fibs ar as nag ata vary than twaa saajataaasa ail uU, bars -HOITT- SCHOOL WOm BOIa. (Tsaa Cobbsscbs Atjsuit era.) "ii axoslleot InatitutloB. beaatlfully situ lad at Burlinrama, Ban Mateo Coun, ty, Cel. slaving bad occasion to investi gate the management and methods of Hultt's School, wa ara eatlsSed that for oaratul eapervislon of boys sod thorough moral, mental and physical training it has no oupanor. It has fairly, sarnad iu in orsasiiig popularity.''- . A'Mmta Pad. A temperature of 4,000 to 5,0( gree can ba produoed only betwee carbon point of aa electric arollght The next hottest ptao la th world to In th oroolbl of aa alaotrio f urn so. i The highest tobaccos is good as Everv knows there I as QOcKcCnveOITs eacn two ounce pons insiae Dagot iJUckwcU'i Durbsm. Buy a bag or this cele brated tobacco and read the coupon which of valuable to (et irt i . . - - , lOR one increases every year. will see why Walter Baker OaKlTK.0 i. , , - "Knocks Out o o I The Large Piece . and High Grade of "Battle Ax" has injurel the sale of other brands of higher prices and smaller pieces. Don't allow the dealer to impose on you by saying they are "just as good" as "Battle Ax," for he is anxious to work off his unsalable stock H th name of Wosnaa' Prieod. It to tnl ta reliving th baariiaa,bMdaches which hordes, aavd tbtwUm a woman' Broraa tasufy lor It It will giro boalla and troagth Bad taako life pteasnr. Far Bate by all druggista. bLCMAUfcat-riOaik DRUO OO, Powruian, Agent. AfiEITS WAKTtl, fc-i ta mry aw,, aar aaa af tba boat aallln aruvia Bia-ta. t'aa my aaary aaaa, wmaaaa aa ckl'4, Vraaartak laaHari Ttaaxb ara.h wlah Tmim I laaara lltarkwaat. KaSaiai bf all ika aaaillaa a4i vaar-iaua an !. la. aa I . for aa alo. Ralalhataa aaShn. B IU- nit OO , Sisaa) Markal uaa. kaa rnaama, rat. fen ftoat TM4T Ml aar Vj-mt IMai'l aa . KrLTaUmi MIJJ r7! M1 aqoTM.ws f IHiaiSa SI I SO (III 5 raaaal,kaa ia. SMiaa uanaaay i V ai ay r SSI VfgVMtOO p..J.V.taHliLiZ) f . r aaaaaanaaM 1 f . tm, a fwaae, J V W- v Waai-aaa a. a k-a . Ifn B. BBaiass tN. Co. raaa. fa. Fits rrm. w. k. -v maxkaMI ft pwVUtltT M BpUijptr, KM itbo. doubt trff ft and enra d mmrn cmm hv maf wrajaig. tt atattoaUh.-Afij;. tl of hla absolute ear, fraa to aa? surTarar aho may aaad tbalr P. O. aa4 Kipraaa addraaa, tA'a aivlaa ant .m wishing a care to addraa .. L rxtXX. V. D..aCaarat, bw Tarn claim for other "Just as f t lXt " '1 Durham." old smoker is none just gooa as o upon bog, and two con each tour ounce frivea a list presents sud how laem them. irv hundred and fifteen OS . years Walter Baker & Co. have made Cocoa and Choc olate, and the demand for it Try it and you K , s 5: Hr Br tfc & Co Ltd Dorchester, Mass. OC0Xkra0 o o All Others" The vary rstnarkabls and eavtaJB ' ranei gtvan woman try fjUUKsVa KKYEALED kt-MKD Y ba gtvwa Milanaly loocaas aad waahna Ilia. Tboaeaad1 Is tbis cbtii ails yen? a aaa a Ball a 1 a lialil k ait aaaf Baaa-VaaMa. f laaWlaaa-Oaaa. tbaa yaa kaaa DYSPEPSIA HcttTl Dvpprtl tilUtt, by atan ra.a.aa a . ..,. m-mn ta anal 9mm Tark f a-v-r I -a a , , mm mm mm sss acssa asaaiiisea. at a ft 41 M aaas) ahaUl b an avaswsr bo tho sahUaa Vuls th aUrasaK" i . r. . v. tt.-. r. . v. no. m . r. . v. no. i