Broad-axe. (Eugene, Lane County, Or.) 189?-19??, July 16, 1896, Image 2

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Publlilied TliurU by
: AMIH ho iv.
Enter..) e:it l. mlkr l lh Kuieue
Uiregun put ofliitj. .
UIHc-o In 'irungo builuuiK over Midiing'.
More; rm s. . ,
i'l lit alviie, per yi-.r .
UM niJ Ih lltrwi moutli., iier yettr . . .
Vashingtoh triumphantly, and .Sovereign, Whitehead, Taubenet:k,
.eat Mi Kinley in the j lace vacated lcbs and other landing rtfuimers.y
iy v. leviuum, anupiuuciaey.ino.coii, the tiregonian and "oilier
would lie pttually enthroned, to' l"e,ili;ig lepubli.auis denounce the
Will Hustle-Hie.
pression and once more be free and
mil. eiiueiit!
- 1 . . ... ' 5
The edit- of thiH narer ib out 1 . ,V'Tl,p. rnT,I'nl,w
, , ,ia uiiiuiu t.ireecian system, a gov-
reeuiieratingonkpencer Creek. hoe- ..,..:.,,. . i . ,i
.1 1 1 . , ,1 .r .. . . ... . . . .... ....... wj ...o iic, ,.uic a..v.
ru.e me uescei.ueiiis oi, a f..e piauonn as thoroughly jiopulistie, n. in tjie garden, pitching hay j simple. It in the relegating to the
and presided over by,'! and say the democratic party has picking black berrica and fanning rear Hif money domination and
Jefferson, Jackson, and Lihooln. I tinned populistic. So far an we : himself with' wife's doughpan. ,.We ' bringing to the front the popular
ail. v'
I I 'V HI ri'llMin Iflfl.illiil llTf " ilU'J-ftilWl au el.wl ' a mn. (,.f Liuin a-K..f
i. . . rr....... ... -i.. v.. . , ' , I .. ' f.. ... .... I if there is anything "new; vision
........ , v ......,i v,incngo. i iiiiit-iniie:ieiiineni, anu only not .similarly oiesscu an ye euuorj ar or dangerous jn t,ia teoi.les'
ti . '
The New Keiiiociar y.
When "the St. Ixmis convention
.... , ' . .... . . . r : - . ' . . ' i :
i ne ueinotrucy i.l jctlerson unit have to Hay that the iicoi.le' t artv of the 15uo.u-Axe. JHcksonit Kf-emed, was dead; hud ; has never hold to anything but the ' Meantime we want our readers
bean laid away to he knowii only . true principle of Jelfer-on, and to he mindi'iil of tho poor devil
in memory with the names of it h j Lincoln, andso far us name of whom we fmre left behind to grind
illimtrioua founders., Hut as the j parties are eonetrned, we Ulieve out your weekly grrst of things and
rehult shown, the bondholders of j that reform principles ean be just I send him ih a new subscriler
Lurope and the TianVer of U'allias good if inscribed under onelcasionallv - a'id what vou are be-
tillo us another. And iii conclu- hind with us. And until we re-
sion we think the way is plain fori turn, ta ta
! street and the five thousand "-
idfoiirned it whs . nlain to be seen ' li""ul """ks" throughout the land,
Ihatlhe republican jmrty did notia"d ""Jliey loaners together, with
inten.l to depart from its lifelong 1 1,10 I'ideut, his cabinet and one
iioliev.of foKterine the interests of 1 llU"ll''t'J thousand depemlent ap-
the clasps. theuoldbuL-. the banker. I''"K''". bave all reeTvoned without
the manufacturer, the monopolist,! t,ieir ,""t- I'emo nicy was not
.nd failed to meet the dcmund 0fjde,,d Jt WttH or)ly bej ing. Jts
the pfi.ple for a restoration of sil- j K'irlt Wi" resting iii the boHorns of
ver tits coiwlitutional privileges,! tlle d'ymlan,H( of ,,ie f'".'' rs of
tho i-cople hail no further ljope for,11' '"'""tratic And in or-
relief from the rcpublii an' party- j (1,'r Hr"UHe thut wt, 'orth
'The et.t.nirv stood in susm-iiU, fe'l- ,u"1 ".",,lh Kl'irU' ,a"!';, as
ing that the destiny of the rcpi.b-j '" tlio liet days of the republic, a
lie depended upon bow the oppo-1 tr,ll! " of theirdanger had to be
fiiion to the gold oligaiehv shoul.r r,'aliz,(l- T,lilt l'urty ")' t0
ct. That opposition wasvi.n,p..sed ''i";"!'"" "t the ""i."li Was the true
. . 1 . !w.,Ji..r;..j ..f .1... 1:1...... :. ... ..c .i...
rot three (ilcrtlit lartv ornuiiza- I " 1 ....... .w. ..i inu
4ions, which were not even a unit' "J tbe strongest friend, and
.on the issue that concerned the l!ardinii of, ibe rights of the ibdi-rfa.-oplc
more vitally. The people v,,lu;i1 ,ili-- lnt ,,wi"r? to the
mere nrnve.!' as never b fore. The j t,f '"vcry, which xist-
Mtlestion was.W',11 the i .mile etl in "", Houthernstales, and for
ill an effort to free thenr.-elyes from
rilebt-horidage and industrial sla
very? The money po( rliad now
got perfect control of the republi
can pai't., ui.d the Cleveland-Car-
" lisle regime had yiddnd implicit'
the people at St. Louis July 22,
and thai good sense and patriotism
will Idietate an indorsal, if not a
nomination of the ticket, at Chica
go. No other course is left. W ith
a union of the free silver forces
It is r.aturtl enough that con
gratulatory t'degrams should be
sent to the ''boy orator" of the
Platte' by liu.Yalo liill, Alkali Ike
and Cyclone Davis. Oregoninn.
While W.I J. Urvan is a "Uiv
victory is jmsnble; with the free orator" and a "bug eater", there are
silver forces
divided defeat
is i a lew varieties of hues of which he
J is loathe but b.1(,st especially the
If so what is ' 8"l,l'ug- A'A perhaps, if som.
oi the plutocr:Jr, webf.mted, hoary
headed, self-posiil critics of oratory!
I ii k gold reserve is now down to 'were to hear thin "child of the
flW.OUy .(0. " . Platte" thiK.webs might
really' benefici)
A hk you for sale?
the price?
government then the declarations
of the. founders of this federalj
union were falsehoods.
The declaration of independence
contains the essence of the reform
ocmands. Our forefathers heartily
I dei lured themselves free upon the
(Signature of that d.icument. Have
Mbeir seed degenerated or does the
vame loyal adoration to the goddeks
of Liberty exist?
They used to sing some time ago,
A rather plaintive song:
''Man wants but little here below,
Nor wants that little long."
Hut nowadays the song is set
With mush; to the "rhyme:
"Man wfents as much as he can get
And wants it all the time."
(live u free silver or give
gun, sword'-uud a pistol we have
tin; nerve.
tioing down the street the other
lav wu saw a vouni? fellow weav-
H'OVe h " 1 ' n '
ifin. ctrAi.l u-tfii K!u li... .... 11...
a.-sisling them , . ... , ., . I ... ,
US ai .1, , aea oi him iu'hu aoM'a.reo iijtcK-
io ineiwway nii oi i ue sea aroutxi his neck, singu:
ot shame into .which they would
bo cast
We continue to sell our entire stock of:
And in fact everything "in dtif
our itore Bt COST until further notice, to be sure end call and leara
Pri(-e. We will surprise you by Belling goods cheaper tlian you ever
bought tht-m before. I " 1 '
14 It
If the goldhug does not loose bis
grjp cpofi my throat, somebody is oracles
going to get hurt!
to the dictates of tjio same power,
.and to nil appearance all hope for :
the I
which the people of those stalls
were in no way" responsible, re
democratic party, from cinlitioiii
for which it was not resj oe.sible,
had to shoulder the o.liu f t nu-1 ' ' ," - - - .
,,. ,i I .. ; ...u.f! , Lit England hive gold if
...jii iii ii.ti.tiii, ...... .i." r.ii.i ..i ,
wants it.. We want nhir and
mean to have it if we have to (iht
for it.
Is there any grander man on"
e:i rth than W. J. Hryim, the peo
jdes' noi.iitiee for president?
cast they were not
learned enough, to" comprehend the
of Ihis modi i n Mark
the ancient ehnn h by historians,!
"It bad to lice to the wilderness";
where it remained until the t U 1 1 ,
My iwi'iMlieHrt Ih yuunzati.l U'IIiIit, -Tiie
wct'U'3t UiMt e'er wan kunwa.
An whenever 1 iii-t .in Igniter
sin- suottitM uie with uuk' sueci coin, ne.'
Now ye devil was soliloipiiiing
on the vast amoitnt nf difi'erenco
butivcf'ii this fellow's sweetheart
t.... ii 'i nl i r i land his (re devil's) paternal an-
filK Daily Capitol Journal pays , , , " . . ., 1 ,
J 1 reJiiV- Si ill pnlv I l.n niiui. ?i-il
following tribute to Win J. hj, and hastily clutchim. 'his fen-
I'.ryain, the nominee of the Chicigo cil traced down" the following elegy
convention for president. Atn li;g on tiie bosom of his shirt:
ali of our more than tiftfxchitiges j v rr iicioni. t. ii.c nmariiiinc K.-n.ter. "
which have cpoken of liryan, if ne, 1 A,, ,.e wlu. , B, . ,,,.,,
to our wav of tninkuig. b!We saidi" iii- umuii-.i me 'im j coui'in-t. msm.i.
Some people hate the
tome people love the
Some people fight the
And eome fight for the
ItHewa to Line every Time
Is there any man in these L'nited
hali so much in so few words, audi
said inore triul. Ii U .n. ! til 111' tllll JC
.State Convent ion.
lemocratic eovernnient. in
United States had Vanished. " 'v -o. .iuiy, l. -.;.. l-u,i,;g the;
But one .olitical organizationl ' , ' '' 1 M'J"'"" Slates who you would rather risk : eouraging to know that Mr. II. fcr, - x
M.h,.I out. intact against tj.e pr.e! .,h '"' 1 h . .f her ,(Ivsi,U,,t the next four years t.e editor of !,e Journal is s,-;,- . . 'LZ'L ,! ,!.
am oi uie eovi'iiani. so io sieaK.l.i ,. .. o . . M- I- :.i ..... . " ' i
. ' 1 ' ina
jgress of the goluites, the bunk men
innd protected ii'ono.olies. The
piMiple's party stood out, as it were,
oh the oulposts in solemn protest
nd earnest wai'iiii.g and cried
Jlloud. litit it was too weak and
young to command even the ra
pped, iiiucIi Il'sh the fear of plutoc.-
jracy. 1 lie money power hail cap-
lan l'.ryan?
must be a g.
It there he such, you i P""'"K r. i.,-jan mr j.resi.iein, ;.,,,,. L,, ..,, v,,,, ti,,tl as held
ifwtig. I bke ten thousanri other old Lincoln ' at Mt'.Minnviile July t)th. The
republicans uie U.'.iig: sessions lut'l nil day and tar li'to
WKfeel conlidcnt tout the dele- ' This, vnun, V..!.,-lr t nignt. (.real e.ithusiasi.i pre-
- " --
it. s to the !. Lotus,'' convention ! man of nati.ina n rotalion
. i . . ...
organization ami j from both j.oi.tilist add bjin t:i!lii: . noiniiiat.Ml h,r i.n
"go-betweens'," the ''milk and
euier iiemocrais" ot ttie Aorth,1
unlit ieialis of New Yi.rlr. unit' w,. I. ..I ...... i;. ...... i .. .1.1.. I
Tammany assumed control of
till! llemoelal If
ruled it as with an iron
until Cleveland the man
tiny- - atlcmph d to deliver
wis oorsiirsxjj : i$tjv
Doing u Lively Business and constantly getting
New and, Desirable Goods
of des
it oyer !
Wash Fabrics
I r ice ii ingniims
I I....! 1 . .. 1 I
. . , , . . ... I I V II I'M 0 I t I I H" IM
inreil 11. i v.. t .nl .1 ii-;. i. il'i rl v h. i. 1 1 -
i i i ...I ' . , , ,T , " ' I as had hi en
mud had a bill-of-sale of the demo-1 ...
. repulilicai.s.
v". J .' " loi.l-iasbi
liieiu is-iH. I'll ll.i coin 'ai-diie liar- !
r'l i l . .w . ... , . rl....
it--, i ii H-'iiim jtii-i uai nsie, on one
Vil li .i. - i
l;,s i v ,..,.t; .. .i-
W. 1 I .-WMIHOII I I 1 1 l ( 1 w ll li " ''III I
... ' tl. l .milium" nun. jiriiry M. 1 tllur. , I um ( imv nuns . itiA.
!'" '" "V i x, pliment to the great :l1',''t, T V"1 , '''T" Fi" ,)i",i,i,'S . .reduce,! from 1( and 12c to 81 to 10c
indorse l.ryan u.,.l,Wd. by! xu. t( Ult. ,i.t iIUmh I V,""'"L "r.'l,,ml K-l-graphed to Latest Gauze Org-mlies .reduced trom ito to U'a
not? The South and West must ,i, to the v..., tin lie n of the ,,. ' '" 't"",' .'veiitioii. he llossinier French trgandies reduced from ,r,0 to 3Uc
unite.. . tiou. Win. j. Bryan is a i,,,mL-1 nf ; ' .''"f tt.:.t t!,(! tnom-y 151i HU.e Calico ..,"... ,20 yards for $ I
...x.. ,.;i , ..' '"""!-' Am-ncaii u.aiile..d -the ,.,.'.,".,.., 1 -, I Ladies Ilc0 nd Undcrwfiar. v. '
.... . - . i.ria. ... ill... iiiv .1...; . .. .. ..... i Mil. i li li i. I i . . n ri ir.H . .
I lien it was that the ... i"
. . 1 1 . . .... i
' ' ' ' 111 111 tlMin-h: i f iiihiiiu
M:,,, M!':l" ' r " " ' ''''l"r " i A re,ol.,ti..n to , t,. th.. ioi,!,. 'ne Mlk csts, 'tleevel.'.s " C . . tiOe
matcliles rlnniience ami aliove all . , .. , , " . .. . , , ' . , . ,
.,,., I,;, i., , I've and icier, ndum part ottliei. Ladies' Shirt Waists.
!i i . . 1 i 'platform i.l the union bimetallic
Id oligarclv, ol the
I Vol It
Weal her
I!, . ... .i i ii. i ii
shlolii iJ ileiiiiH l'.iey i," ,.
ie;i;i oi iiii- i,j U:.' in 1 1
.'.J, t'l r,T '! ii
1 I I
if vou, don't
.i i .. .. i. ., . I '111 V .'I II V ii. now II ion IIS. llliiv;
ido and the gold syndicates on the U" U VTl"1 7.M12 business failures- aecnlinV
other, could bind the bar.,in. - "'"' the "ourage -of a , )( lhni fbe
The" people were to send their ,r"'1 lUit't'l.nUl half year, the largest si.v
representatives to Chicago and St. ' M"' "7 7? 't ' I ' the recoils
, . .... 'caimi! I nil tin' i rv of I In. lun,.1 -'
Imis in thi. month to (liciiie iii a " ' ,.,,', I 'Ve been compiled.
rfle.rri.0 ll'lil.tlii.r llm ....... ' T
... f, . .......... ...v n '"ll, )
Iho dcmiK'ratic party and the five
.-..Id ..
I-V. I. "I . '
lil:li e.i
aivver, a
free i'i'lii.';i' of silver
li'ion i T luniks nl'
I li?iien-lii leu. -y only, ali.T
. ! Kirvntiau llublu r e..t . Sli rvLsa
I .'.it .lose. . Y now 10c a ini
f F..t:tht. kM -se. .t. . .i.W , a .nt
;pei I.inFl! : . .3;U
r:ilver rt'iuolicans would submit to
the arbitrary dom mils in" European
capital and its American allies
the republican party. With breath
les anxiety the jieople turned their
veii lim-nr.l l'l.i..imr. t , ..1 u..11
j - . - .- ... ..... i.... ... nv.i
they might. What momentous re-
camp;' that the cry of the Tarn-
was heard to say: "Will
vou turn down Senator JhllY"
And theamwer came back: "We
, "Lo you mean to show no mercy
to those who have stood by you
through all these years?"
"We do," they said.
Are you going to depart from
tin ancient hi inltii:i rt 4 nl' 1 1... il..m. 1
. . ...I...... . ... .......... i... ...1.. ..... . 1
. .iti. . 1 .... 1 1 1.-. .1.1 111 1 11 in . 'ii. . t
.... ,.i 1 1 1 party, revived omIv t votes, and
1..11 ol (novel Clevi am 111 con-1 - . mi o . : ,, .
... was tabled. Some oi the ablest
s or out. , ,. . , -
: .1 ,11., . e .1 iM-iiuiri- ii.i .n il n-.i nijii rmiie uii-
is the innn 1 f the age ! 1 , , , ,: ... 1
1 - ...V.
See our
now lOe
33 i
75c, II and up
Uoi'nti-m t Asii i i.ANK, the (laugh-: " vi-' (j,,,,,
, t , ,1 iiiiceo 111 iiiis geii.rai.ioii. lie IS OI 1 1, , . ...
er o Jay (.ould, gave a sumptous u Ky j,,,.,. W(,st nj , the J ennau, n organization was
fete in I'aris last week tii.U cost UV,, 11,, u tveieal of the ., resent ' V ' ""-"J '-
10(1 nun i .,..1,1 TI... , ,v..r...,.' j f .1... ...... .Marion county I.. r chair-
..' " h ' ' . 1 nan : U". V. S. ,.1, .. .,f v...., hill
We oiler ls'tter viilu.; in this Jine than any other house in Eugene.
See our Specials C 50, CO and 75e
bimity Waists, with White Collars and C ill's from 1 to 13
producer who toils to the; I 1 l-lf..r. of ! ;;, J,. ,! Charles II.
millions piling upon the million-1 . j :""e' .Cl"' C"nv!n or 1!llk;r "M Burggraf of Marlon county assis-
millions, smiles when he) .... . . I taut secretary. J. C. C-joiht of
. ' J .r I'll II IS tile fnretll.lKt eh:, lit 1 ili.n . ' I
that he is sure of n fete of , f 1,.... i ...1 ianihill, chauniau ot state com
MIlllK tii.i.n Il,..f on,, i.....
: .. 11 . .1 .111 iis'ratic party?" they pleaded
lion. Here was to Ve the battle ..... ,; ....
..1 1 11 1 ! '1 1 ., it n an , sa 11 iiuy
flint. U'lklllll ll ,1.. ul,..ll,i.i ll, 1 J
'"v Aii, I Ih.
j'i'opie or ).iuiiK'raey siioiii.i rule.
Plutocracy md' long been in the
raddle, booted and spurred. It
Tiiid there the children
of the old democracy brought forth j in honor of tiov. M Ki nicy's wlf
the new ueiniKiacy; or, rather, u sac ri lice in accepting the noinina-
.1 ... 1 .. .... . . . . for ve.irs u- u I rin n, 1 .Lulu i 1 (i j ...ce.iiig . ,v, ami uon lor America s inn plutocratic
elfAWny and deieption, fearful' of '"i, ndau, for, as Mr. I sovereign, his pals (inou.dists)
the people who haTl not yet I,,'., i HT '! '," "Honorable could very appropriately be likened
iuir.riiM.tly weakened to risk wi.hlT 'furU '-'.'ve.,t.....: ' Th.y.nto the cLildren of Lracl, who
then, an open and divisive fontest. ,rm!' '' , "f 1 , m;',.,7'-y '", I hV "7 fr'""
The .e,, the 'Vinews of war,"! wtl,n !'U '" the hand of I'haroah, instead of re-
had .ml yet '1, in J ""if ' '' con. items turning thanks to their true l)e
lumnded in the banks and in ,he i V . " ' 1M.'' H."1' ,:' v -""hl'ons l.v. rer, moulded for themselves a
hav? ariM'li, anil we are attcmpliiig gohleii calf, and cried: "11ns is
to meet these conditions." Ilhy tiod, O Israel, which brought
And here is tile keynote to 'b't.'iee up out of the land of Egypt!"
whole situ it ion. the iner; ta'ion 1111 j . T. . ir i-- 1 ... ... .1 1": 1.
,..,,,. l , 1 . , ,, ,, . :i, .u i' 11 .hi iiniev, once me orii:iii
, r v . ' ? Unmt ,,,,,,,,r ,,i, h 1"'M" - " t''" t lo! day dawns,
instil. ..d, pr-ip.-rty lud not de- (lf r,.f..n.r lir , fl,P,,. ,....... 1, . . , .
craved in value enouel, vet. .....I .. . 7, . r . ,.nesun ... an ms sp.enuor arises
" ; il'
.ii 1.1 .. . . .. 1 1
...... ...n wunin J,.-,.lf :,, 14iro:Mlv re-1
the VMper sphere to ju stify risking ! ,,rr(a Ul nd it lvv,.M ,e wll()ll
Mil nn tfnti linttln ! .
But ..owinlhi.., ....., I..,.!. - M . "f', the
i.l. ... . in.. ..r.'.....r... I..:.
fl.'te (if , .,f in, 1 lit' lull. I.. 1 ajl.:llilll. lli.uillir
bread and butler three times a day. ! all public 11 if our country. He
' I is ti man who ;) and will unite
.It I'oim. from the newspaper gos j the silver iiien of all parties into a
sip in regard to the festivi: ies held 'solid and imitii ible phalanx
against the gol.l standard an I re
store to jthe Ain.riiJiin people fcelf-
iuer, u ih ,ti.e wngui.(H. o i.ryan froni'inath the Western f not East
ern) borion in the icrsonnel of
W.J. Bryan. I'nder the powrr-
gov'ciliuieiit ami prosperity.
(Dalits or d'old.
A .nan's conduct is an unspoken
Like a great iiuny thieves, "Tim
steals on," and .annul be arrested.
The slander of some people is as
great a recommendation as the
praise of other." .
He who pntt.'.h off his enjoy
uiittee." ,
W.-T. Jl.i.h n, Marion county.
C. S. Cl.irk, Van. bill.
J. T. Miilner, MultuomaTi.
James II. Sewell, Washington.
M' F. I'gtfb'-toii. Jackson.
M. L. Olmsted. Baker.
J. I'. Cole, Clackamas.
1 (i. Brow uell, Josephine.
W,C, Cress..v, I'olk.
. W. F. Kaleigll, Tillamook.
The delegates to the national con
tention, w hich meets in St. Ixmis,
Mo., 011 July 22, were elected n
J C: Young, Baker City.
J. C. Cooper, Mc.Minnville.
Vrank Williams, A-hlaed.
Aiiiom. Strong and. E. llofcr, Sa-
nient too long v .11 tind it mislaid :'. ,
rranK v. 1 rake, f rancis t'larno,
by the time he icU to it.
lo today's .'.u(y, fight today's
temptation. I not weaken and
distr.u't yoursel' l.ioki .rd
to things vouc.not sim-I aieTfould
not uiub rMmid 1 vou saw.
n., 1 .. .. 1 . .
I "Let me come t the cn-at M.r.i- ll.., Kast.r.. n,.r f..l... .....J. v.
1 1 to. 11 ai'Vi. ,., is. w lw ' ,,v . ., ,. .-. ;ls to .racliie you teach.
... . .. . J .' 1 111 n, 11 nine ri'ma.i.s inn u mere'
ecame liilj.aticni ami over-ronli- we say more on the inoney quest ion ! , . . . .
dent and laid aside all disguise, than' we sa y on the la rift iUii.'ti,
..1 1. .. 1 .... . .
nil no longer resorted to. l.vepti.mj 1 ''.V that if protection has slain w', '" ''" """
nil ".t.a Idle," to gnin their points, thousands, H,e gold K.Uh.rd "And heordaimd him priest for
1 t i i ,1 .! has shun its tens of thou nils. f the hiuh . laci s. ml fur the
ml accordingly demanded and wh ajl, t ,.m. ' .. 7. 1 ' 1 , , ,
wnr.l f ii,. ..,i. . 1 r m.i ' , . , devils the ram which be had
ecuren ol the leiuteri of the jv-.bixlr all these thin in ou t bit- ,
imblican party at St. Iuis an form, w hieli we believe, we to ""ule'
f.peu and explicit pledge to stMi-i'"'1" m'te we nave reslomll Tiik Onitonian insivU that Bryan
lT.rt end carry .ut European poHv;,T,",V ';"tui.,.n, H!,l vollnp (or , rdilent; tl.nt it
" . ' 1 1 . o'her insifsary n forin 1 will U' . . .' .
Ha measures, to t tic Utter neclect ...... ;i.t.. . .......... :. ...: :. .1 I reiuin M.lnetbin more than a
null 111. Ill 1 1 1 1 1 II. Ill I . t. .
there is not a reform that ran I , schoo'.lH.y orator as a iiuabti. ution
of the American ieode.
This point gained at St. Louis, a
victory aft Chicago would lie easy
(n riew Id the fact that Ch vcl.nul
Hid Carlisle, Hill, Whitney, Villa,
I accomplished.".
The tn-w den.ncratie orgnnittion
now since it riif it-elf of Cleveland
I and cut loose from it ll.l!s. t'.ir- ciatorv i. hot In. ru out bv the facts.
jamtiiaay Hull ami the lea.ler of i,l,.( Whitney, Villas and Tarn- Bryan u. 1.0 'h.Hdl.y. He has
the dentvra.y of the .northern 1(,nv K tijMt v trnr fner V,mote l.-gii-lal i vr ririeuce and
t.itee were already ned lnlily L(,,,Jd di .lire, and the ChTcairo idat-' t.ilit; y than lien. Taylor, fierce,
iy inti pan.e mfr 1111.1 ns.t ap
tured HI Ixjuis. The eopV
We are iMirn crvintr, live com-
plaining and (be ! appointed.
All Thrrr is In I'opulUui.
M. lluinn, T. ti. Strubble, E. T.
Shattuck, lilcn O. llolman, i'ort
land. W. B. Lawler, Albany.
II. L. Berkley, W.sslburn.
C. J. Curtis, Astori:..
("has. Miller, Sr., Jellereon.
II. W. Tarker. .
Win. Barlow, Barlow.
Take Your Produce to....
-V-iitl Huv Your Oroocrics of
Chas. C, Goldsmith.
Dry Hide Wanted.
1n i.
The 9th Stneet Grocer.
The Tinples' party ask for1 noth
ing new. " 1
There is noCiii g of a rhimeri. al ! . .
... . L ... .1 i the matter
..-....(..IJ IM..,. ll lllT I..IIIIPI
lb mai.ds.
The ple' prty in simply
It now appear that A I. Hitting,
sheriff of Harney county has ie
raniei and gone for Mexico, a de
faulter in (M.iiie .',!. I which his
lMinUsnei will have to tunke g.sxl.
The News of Burns, in speaking of
The Times' newn item on the
tiittinc' shortage su-taineil the
... 1 -. . , ( , 1'i.r.nir iiim m n rvri.iiiiiiK 1.1 our store w 1
mil leal com mm 1 1. m ta u,nn. si ml rumor of I J0 lieing the n i.l 1
i-oiimai loiii.Hiiauon to Mturt. f n .! Prices. If you wirh to buy good (heap now
i it uce correct amount of the deheit. and ., . , .1 ' . 1 , .
' . . . i ...... . - -.1 .1 . lome early Iwforf tb t-xk la broken. Not
' The reform i.i.Tvnipnt is onlv on in.iiury we are informeil that ., ' ,,. . , .
iiirni rut 111." rmeni is eniy a 1 j thing I.l our elore rin-t. ateh thu si.ace.
conibin.aion of ,er, who pnvse. the book eshilul total a ji r '
to rsn ie that right in the inier-' figore'1 ' the News, vi: I l,".l".7.37
for the chief magistracy of this
(great' nation. .We grant S-otl's
'premise is cornil, but his annun-
tentsof the ple further emu i f upon
The money .wer ha MeoeMled hirh ri -ls sbadi w of doubt in
!in onver:ii 'lie old jiartiei into ' ' vor vl the at., geil Uefaulter.
t.:..u . . . 1. 1 I .. . .
.u. ........ - i.i 1 ni-ii hit iiniiiir xm. I net r. llir.w. IN.iim K..,,v I VtM khtul.n. a( It.. 1....I 1 ...11 . :
J form if under the caption of -., or tir.n, had w,n , hey were in-, ii;--;;-,- Z Z!r7Z. a'S
feated t l hieago, the nKuIt .f the 4iPtM.niiisbed from a platform I "hler than Alexamb the lirrat, : and rvstore ihe ss,.ple to their ' nr. tch. or lag,er s,k iill r the
two to come oft at St. ! ,u Mt K by committee of men ! Byron, Shelley or the nivior was at j '"',';t rights and prrrocative.. j ,U,t.
t...;. ..t.I ..,..1,.,.., , ., . ' . . .........,. ., i I TheTn lurm movemei.t ia an on-
... - . 11Kf M,,Mr, t,warl, J..e., Allen, tne U,e o, u.e.r itrr.n .a, . . f , Fllll r.M..,lllg, (l, t hi. g..
if no ronsenuenre to the eo hi oil- t.ii-. . i... .1,.. I ...... .1 ii.:. 1 c. r. '"K I" I ,n " ' . . I J ..
, ...... .n, .r.,,-,, ,..-., vniii.n,j- rK .... ... . tiivevl. 1 hi T propose to ehake ronveuitwu 0:1 tne urn pf
fnvhy. It would march n iojCeu. Wtrr, "Cyvloiie" lavia, ,erM.n to rrpre-ent it. 4 ,J.a the joke 4 lloi.dage ud or wk.
On arcount of the poor health of our family we are CuTMpeUeA
to clow out our tore and leave Eugene, much to the Regret of
our-1 via end f.n.ily. But as the health of our fumilf lie- '
I mauds it, we shall commence on SATUKIUY, JL'NK li, '96,
f hiring this sale everything in our (.tore will h sold at Auction
ia your opportuniiy.
ing reaervea. A. very
We art prrpsrrd to talf Uiem in any kind of weather. X
cord ii. I invitation dtrmlej all lo viil the Studiy whtth
er in quri of picture or not. Btpwl.'uly,
KTl DIG Cur. Seventh 1 Willamette titretta, rj, .. 7