Broad-axe. (Eugene, Lane County, Or.) 189?-19??, July 16, 1896, Image 1

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( --7 J. r '
t , Owes ta tk QaJek Cvery Lick. J
. Hews to tka Liu SI veer TUm,
VOL. 3.
NO. Iff.
V i.
V- - . . V v' -
- t t . .
- . . .
o o. r jst irv
)R. E. D. McK'NNEY
Physician and Surgeon
Will give mrlal attention to .11 chronic die-
ana moreerpcciaiiy lohieropuiiatlilenaa
Olllcs over t;ity drugstore i
Physician and Surgeon
Special attention u Surgery and aorgieal 41a
tflj la CBrUauB block.
L. BltTKF. J. I. YotS
OIBc OTr Firm National Bank
laff.a.i Or.a
Will do a feneral la practice In all thsObUrta
of the ttate.
Cur., Oregon,
Attorneys at Law
Commercial atid probate biuineua.nclalty.
Olfiffe in Chris man block.
Room. 1 and 2 over Flrat National Bank.
Attorney at Law... Notary
Offle In XoClung building, op stair.
Ksgena, Oregon.'
'"fllliiett 7ti itti?oUT Eugene,.!),
All Kinds of Bread, Cakea. Pies. Etc.,
' Always on Hand.
Meals' from 15 to 25 cents. 6-cent
lunch counter in connection.
Orders receive prompt attention.
The patronage of the public respect
fully solicited.
llamette Market.
A fall turpi T of erythtnf that It kept In
flm class tab) lh ment kept here, as Beef.
Mutton. Pork and Viral, which ha will sella
low as can be afforded lu the valley.
Having (at Cattle. Ron and Hhtrn (nr aal will
do wall by for.MiUlug u. le(ore twlHna.
Shop on wuiamaiM Htrt, Young. Block,
, Bnrna, urvvun.
(sV Meau dallvared to any part of the
eli ire.
Tom Attention Is Culled to
or -
Wa are also nroparad to hak vonr meaaar for a Pnit nttia to orJe. A perfect
fitgoArant-L 8LK Ol R LARGE U.NB Of 6AMPLKS.
HOWE & RICE -' -
...EUGENE. ...
Loan and Sayings Bank
w. i. in
Vice Preeldent
B D fAl.Mt
r. W. OHHUMfl
P. A. Paine. J. B. Harris.
J. K. Isvis, . B. D. Pain.
W. E. Brown,' J. F. Robinson,
F. W. Oeburn.
' '
A Genera) Banking Business Trans
acted. Interest klloaecl on time de
posits. Highest Cash Rate Paid for
City and County Warrant.
t :
WANTED-IN IDEA some airople thing to
IaUBlf tTot'i your Heat; tbtr may brna
you wealth. Writ JOHN WKDllEKHURN
CO.. Patent Attorneya, Walking ton, I). C, lor
their tlMKI prlie offer.
' Ik, f. lata. Ra
Sleeping Cars.
Dining Cars,
r8leeping Cars
. ST. PAUL i
I M I N N E A P O JT 8
Wifm I PEC
For Information, time cards, maps
and tickets call on or write
General Agent. Eugene.
Office Rooms 2 and 4, bltelton block.
Ass't Gen. Passenger Agent.
226 Morrison, cor. Third, Portland, Or.
Eacnr.loa Rata.
Perartn.'rontemp'atlng Raatern trip. honll
not Iom .ignt o the fact that tha Northern I .
tflc Railroad will offer one (are for
the round trip nn tbe MlowingorrM.lon.:
People'. Party (on.eulion, and American
Silver CosTentki Kt Uiula. Jaly Sid.
Biic.mpment of the Urand Army of ike Ke
pul.llo.Ht. Panl.rteptember l'lh.
This la the flrat time men r.1.-. hara heen of
feml Ir m rVeln ate.. Hufflpleut limit will
be Klvea oi theae llcketa to enable ita..enger.
to make quite a vlaii. For ileutl Information,
date, ol aale, etc, call on or write
B. McMfBrnrr,
General Agent, Kutrene, Uragon.
Chairs and Rugs ,
Undertakers and
Upholstery Goods....
Oar Urge and ' Complete Lint
fnr P.M.
the Democrats.
t ' T '
He " BUeetaa tka rink Ballot
Artkar w.U. ml Mala,
Chicago. W. J. Bryan, "th boy'
orator of the Platte," and ei-oongreas-
man from Nebraska, wai nominated
by the Democratic national oonreotlon
at Chicago, upon the fifth ballot.
Ever siaoe Bryan'i brilliant ortcri-
, . 1 ....... . 4
eai enort on tne tnua oay oi tne oou-
Tention, be has been steadily gaining ;
ngth ln the convention, and after ;
first ballot furmer fupporters at-
. - - T rr . - .
ier osndldstes rapidly tranarerred
tUair allegiahoe. singly, in pairs and In !
drofw to the young statesman who 1 Rouas, a millionaire of Kew York,
bad so ably defended their free-silver ' will pay f 100,000. Tb j oflVr is open
oause in and oat of oonTention, and at ny one who may wi.h to try, man,
! all times, - - woman or child. ( ?
; After Mr. Bryan waa nominated the , The city authorities of Tacoma ln
oonTentlon unanimously ratified the dolged in another wi-e outJESR P"ty,
choice of the majority.
The decks were cleared for balloting, i
which was to begin as soon as th
Democratic national con Tention reas-t
! sembled, at 10 o'clock on the fourth
dsy. The real struggle opened with
the delegates wrought to an intense
pitch over tbe sensational develop
ments of the previous dsy, when tb(
Bryan wave swept through the con
vention, and threatened for time al
least to stampede it then and there.
! bad Usturted all iOlnnlip4 and
t'lioa'a the ranks ut Hue other tanci-
dstes into confusion. "
The Brayn forces were making thf
most of the phenomenal rise of th
young-orator of -Nebraska. The ad
journment at midnight bad given tbs
leaders of other candidates an opportu
nity to rally their forces, and it served
also to give some hours in which not
cool oounsel might prevail against thi
wave of sentiment which wks at high
tide the night before.
Delegste Miller, of Oregon, adderj
to the list of nominations the name ol
Sylvester Pennoyer, of Oregon. Th
names of Bland, Bryan, Boies, Blaok
burn, Matthews, -MoLean, Paulson an
Pennoyer were before the convention.
- There were no other nominations
and Chairman White announoed that
tbe roll-call of states for the nomina
tion of president, would proceed. Ureal
excitement swept over the bait Tlx
first ballot resulted as fellows:
Blackburn, 88; Bland, 333; Boies, 86
Bryan, 106; Campbell, 2; Hill, 1
Matthews, 87; MoLean, 64; Paulson
96; Pennoyer, 10; Russell, I; Steven
son, i; Teller, 18; Tillman, 17; no
voting 188. .
On thaiteoond ballot Maasaohnstetti
deserted Bland for Bryan, whiol
created sensation and started th
other states, and in the two follow inj
ballot Bryan kept gradually gslninf
one state after another, until the reaul
of the fourth ballot showed Bryan ii
the lead with 876, Bland having fallet
o 141. . This precipitated anotbei
demonstration which lasted for fort
minute. Twenty thousand peoplt
veiled themaalva. boars cheering tot
tb Nebraakan. Several of tb state
delegate tnea retired for consultation
and when they filed back into th bal
tb fifth ballot waa taken, resulting It
Bryan receiving tb necessary two
thirds. On gaotien it was mad nnani
Tka View-Pre eld eaey.
' A oaoews ot delegate was held antl
8:80 in tb morning, but no agreement
could be reached on th v ice-presidency
, When th convention opened in th
morning th following name were pre
anted: Bland, of Missouri; MoLean
of Ohio; Williams, of Massachusetts
Bibley, of Pennsylvania; Fithlan,
Illinois; Daniel, of Virginia; Pennoyas.
of Oregon, and Bewell, of Main.
Five ballots war taken. Up to tbs
fourth ballot Bland and McLean led.
Their name were then withdrawn,
and on tb fifth ballot Arthur 8ewlL
ot Maine, waa sleeted.
After th third ballot wa taker
Bland sent telegram to th conven
tion, asking that hi nam be with
drawn and that th noantnation N
givan to som man east ot th Missis
sippi rives.
W. J. mryaas Cars
William Jean lags Bryan, who is
popularly known a "the boy orator of
to Plat," I tb yomngas anan rt
osnlnatsd to tb ptaatdeaicy by a po
litical party in tb Calked States, ax
need lag, as a doaa. tb ag limitation
tx4 by tb aonatitatioa by esUv U
fcaea snontb Bs Is tb nditor of tk
ObbbbA Dally and Weakly Worlds Her
sld, oat of tbe landing stive organ ot
Runny year.
advocated tre aotaaaa ei atlvwr.
ViUagea npon tb island of Crete are
being pillaged by Turks.
James BUnsbnry, the
Harding the English cnanfion, on tbs
Thames. .
The neir earohlight . Barnegkt,
N. J., near New Yotk haiobr, throws
light whloh can be sees nearly itfo
milea at sea. fV
Patrick Carney, 80 yea;i f age, was
kicked to death in James
Wilson. The killing war n moat
brutal affair, the result of a family
row. - -
EnglUhbimetaltftA oonrened in Lon-
ThflT declared fnr The remooeti-
ration of aiWer. and tbluk it should be
liaooompliahed by interactional agree
j ment, '. . j
m -v. . 1 n m J
- ne nurworn i-aoino MjeiTexi were
Bim ladsmant in the wi nnnrft ill
Seattle by default agaiiVthe Seattle,
Lake Shore ft EasteVn rniod for $!,
. 1 . J 1IA A UI
. ror ine reaioraiiou n aigu. (u ui.
rapidly failing eyes, Charles Broadway
dming the progress of vruicn'tne wires
of. the Commercial K" Jtrio Light St
Power Company were ln removed,
the company having re4aoed the wirea
during the day.
The boathouse in counectlon with
(4eorge & Baker's winery, near As
toria, was Obrned, t'getber with a
two-masted plnngor and a barge.
Prompt work saved tbr.cannnry proper
from destruction. Tb fire was of in
oendiary origin. Lost sot stated.
In the federal ooirt in Beattle,
Judge Hanford, made 'an order dis
missing Oakea, House and Payne, the
old receivers of th Northern Paoifio,
ezcosing them and th Pit sureties from
further liability, and wiping ont the
charges of oontempt nf court, whloh
hve been pending against them be
cause of their failur; to show up in
oourt when they were under the fire
box, as the oourt directed.
Chrta Taj In
and P. u. Nalaoa
Near Aa.r1m.
i Astoria, Or., July 14. Chris Vejin
and . O. Nelson were murdered on
fthe Washington side of the Columbia
: river, near Point Kill-. abotJt 8 o'clock
! this morning, and si et no infuma'
tion has been obtaiUM? that points "to
the identity of th ssHMn. Vfjin i
. -V- j ..A: .1.'. I. - 1.,..
i. - i.,.
anchored near the soeua of the murder
I sinoe the fishing season opened, and j
waa also engsged in fishing. Nelson
; attended J. O. Megler'a fish station a
; short diatanoe above Point Ellis, and
I started out from the whisky scow in
j company with Veln' shortly after 1
o'clock. This wss th lsst seen of
them alive. Several shot were beard
'. near by about 1 o'olook, and at day
break the body of vejin was found in
his boat and that of hi companion
among the rocks on the shore, a short
distsnoe away. . Vejin' breast blttf"t"d 1 unfriendlinesss by a storm ot
been nieroed by a revolver bullet, and a,m opened the debate with a wildly
a similar messenger of death had pane- Ponate speech, In which he affirmed
crated th sid ot Nelson's bead. Both I battle for the restoration ot
thou bad been fired at close range, th : ,ilT"r w" wsr tor the emancipation
face of the murdered men beina now-
- At noon today Bherll Hare and Cor
oner Pohl proceeded to th soen and
brought the bodies to thi city.
The Point Klllee Disaster. -Victoria,
July 14. An aotion has
been oommenoed by Martha Kan
James against th city of Victoria for i
damagea caused by tbe death of Fran-1
ois Thomas James, which wss brought
by the negligence of the defendant in
and about Point Ellios bridge. The
plaintiff brings the aotion for tb ben
efit of herself and Maria Louis Lang'
don, Maud, Willi and Charles Thorn
as, children of tb deceased. In thi ) the psrty in career so wild that th
aotion tb tramway enmpany is not world stood aghast. With wav of
mad tb defendant, for th probable j his arm, that was full of impressive
reason that tb deceased was not on th j portent, h sounded his warning,
car, but waa crossing tt bridge on his Ex-Governor RosseU, tb keen Mas
bioyol at tb time that tb ill-fated aaohusett statesman, who has thrio
car want through the bridg May 86 ' carried th standard of Democracy to
Kist. Bo far there is only on other j victory in tb Old "Bay Mat, pleaded
ease pending for damage arising out j (or word ot eonoeasion, of concilia
ot th accident It la brought by A. 8. tion, and eonlcuded with a solemn
Potts against both th city and th j warning that th country, if not th
company. He allege; that tb city ouvntion. would listen,
was. negligent in allowing -th bridg ' Demonstrations followed at frequent
so become out of repair and tb com-! Intervals throughout th speeches, but
pany also negligent la allowing the tt was Senstor Hill who aroused the
oar to be overloaded. Th damages i gold forces to their wUdeataathuataaat,
ar named at 930.O0O. I and Bryan, th "boy orator ot tb
- Piatt," who set thssilevrman aftaaa.
Havana, Joly .It is reported from i Tb demon strati on for Hill, who
Santiago d Cuba that Jos Msoeo, tb j with oloa logio and tranohant blad
wait -known inwargem wader, and ke
tner oi Anvonio asaoeo, naa neen aiuao.
I Insistent rumor bar been circulated
that Jos Macao died in th last en
gagetnenl in which he took part in
Bantiago d Cuba.
A Twa Hear- right.
Havana, Jnly 14. A fight bevwsan
, Colonel Plnera'a foroea and anan nndr
' Oeneral Capet In tb Sas Loranao hills,
' aewr Mosoeaaa, U th Holguin distriet,
I lasted two hour and resulted in tb
j defeat of th insurgent. Tbey left
ssraa killed and carried off seventy
. killed and wounded. Tb troop bad
four killed and fifteen wonnded.
eaanija Oaahalla Ckareh ItaaUwf ed. '
. New York. July It. The Roman !
Catholi Cburoh of tn" irito'Uon, in !
. Brooklyn, with ita eonlenta, wan de I
troyd by fir tonight. The loaa is as-
timatad at 91M.0OO; liWBnuaoa, 0,- '
000. Th eaaae of th firs is aaknown. i
wavS Ova a Daaa, . i
Lawreoe. Kan., July 14. A rew-
aWM Sneew at a'akiwdi anxtaka aS
. .. " . . "
a.r. uvaa .waa
Wild Scenes Enacted in the
Chicago Coliseum.
Dele galea aaa S a eta tan Alike Carried
Away ky Kla Speaekv Staav. fa tk Mekraakaau '
Chioago. On the third day's session
'of th national Demncratio convention,
ten acres of people on th sloping side
of th Coliseum ssw th silver-helmet-ed
gladiators in the arenatverpower th
gold phalanx and plant the banner of
silver opoa tk ran parks ot Daimoerraay.
Tbey aaw what may prove th disrup
tion or th saoee of great political
party, amid aoenes of entboalaarn snob
as, perhaps, never before occurred in
rred ina
national convention.
They saw 80,000 people, w
agination inflamed by. th burning
words of passionate oratory, swayed
like wind-swept fields; tbey beard the
awfnl roar of 80,000 voice burst Ilk
volcano agaiust th reverberating dome
overhead; they aaw man (Bryan of
Nebraska) carried npon the shoulders
of other intoxicated with enthusiasm.
Amidst tb tumult and turbulence,
they listened to appeals, to threats, to
cries for mercy (from Hill of New
York), and finally, tbey watched the
jutjllant majority seat' its detogatna and
4h vanquished stalk sullenly forth into
the day. gbt The battle for supremacy
OI lmoorstio prinotpies was xougut in
7 rmtPi ion wqfii tr'm M! r:i"Cl D
morntiia ntirti Toort;
lions -d
0 oloc " klternoon.
Each side sent its champions to the
forum. Senator Tillman, of South
Carolina; Senator Jones, of Arkansas;
ex-Congressman Bryan, ot (Nebraska,
orossed swords with Senator Hill, of
New York; Senator Vilas, of Wiscon
sin, and ex-Uovernor Russell, of Mas
sachusetts. Tb sinister-looking senator from
th state of Calhoun (Tillman), with
his eye biasing defiance which msni-
m " wul1" 'TO". " we war oi ioou
bad been for tb emancipation of tbe
black slaves. Disruption of tb
Democracy bad brought one, and be in
vited another disruption if it would re
sult in this other emancipation.
He went to tb extreme of glorying
in the suggestion presented, that the
issue wss a sectional one, declaration
whloh aroused the resentment of Sena-
tor Jones, and he repudiated It In a
brief speech whloh aroused th first
demonstration of the day. Even ' th
gold delegate joined heartily in thi
demonstration against sectionalism.
Senator Vilas bitterly denounced
what he termed an attempt to launch
sought tb very heart of tb oonven
tion aa ha bitterly assailed aa tmdetno-
entia tb now creed which th ma.
; jorlty was to proclaim, lasted about
18 minute. Although
I traoted than that - whloh
Bryan, it waa of a different natnr.
j Tb latter wa tb spooUDSous out
i burst of an anthnaiaara kindled by th
toaoh of naagneti eloquanoa. Tb
star of tb brilliant young orator front
I tb plain of Nebraska has burned
; brightly on tb borisoo of tb ooavea
i tiosi for two dsy. There wer Mvwral
J densonstrattons in hi behalf tb day
before, but this wa tb first oppor
tunity h had to enow himself. Tb
aadiaoo had been wamwd SB, and
wa fall of pent-up anthaaUsm. Tb
ow auagasin needed but tb spark.
d Bryan applied it with tb skill of
geaUa. Hi vary appMrano eaptorwd
tbe- adino. Dreaaad lik plain
WaSemr, U blsok suit of alpaca,
n atood wttk a mU blayi&g over hi
stand sens a. mobile, aleai . taoa,
wkil with kpltftad hand he lnvitod
' Wa
have beaa arkiaaiad frosa a la
. . . . .
: . to 5 nil -' '-
tk I
Inn, hi ye bright, his no Roman,
bis raven hair is brushed back from hi
forehead and falls to his collar.
With well-modulated voice, which
gradually rose in pitch until it pane
bra tad tb farthermost limit of tb
ball, b wov th spell npon bis audi
ence. His speech waa a masterpiece of
fervent oratory. With, eonsummat
sloqusno hs stated th caa of silver
and parried th arguments of the gold
men. Mas Antony never applied tb
match mors effectively,
j His closing remarks weret
5 "Having behind n th commercial
Interests, tb laboring interests, and all
th toiling masses, we shall answer their
demand for the gold standard by Bay
ing, to themt 'Yon shall not pre
down npon th brow of labor this crown
of thorns. Yon shall not crucify man
kind npon tb cross of gold.' "
' Th convention took fir with enthu
siasm. It crackled as with tb war ot
Barnes. Hill" was" forgotten; all" ela
was forgotten for tb moment. Cheer
swelled to yell, yell beoam screams.
Every chair in th valley of tbe Coli
seum and every chair in tb vast wil
derness on th hillside became a dock
on whloh trantio men and women were
wildly waving handkerchiefs, -oanea,
bats and umbrellas anything movable.
Borne, like men demented,, divested
themselves "of their coat and flung
them high in th air. '
A Texas delegate uprooted the purpl
standard of his state and bore it fran
tically to th place wher rose th
Standard of Nebraska. n twinkling
others followed the' example. Two
thirds of th stat staffs were torn from
their sockets and carried as trophies to
Nebraska, wher tbey danced in mid
air. A doaen delegate rushed npon
the stag and shouldered th half -dated
orator and bor him In triumph down
th aisle. Louder and louder shrieked
th thousands, until tb' volume of
ound broke Ilk a glgantio wave, and
fell only to rise and break again.
For almost tenjninotet this madden
ed tumult continued, while the dele
gate with th state standards paraded
the lnclosura. Old political generals
were stopifled. If th ballot for the
nomination bad been taken, it would
have been a stampede.
When it was all over the vr-te were
taken first on the m'-iorltv substitute
for tbe platform Urd y Senator
Hill, which waa dV. ated 62 to 860.
Then, on the resolution to .Indorse the
administration, whloh waCaaten, 867
to 664, and laetly on tbr adoption of
the platform, which was carried, 638
to 801.
Senator Tillman, after tbe rejection
of the resolution to indorse tbe admin
istration, withdrew bis rvx'ntion to
oensur th sdmhirstraUo;-
Tka Klgar .
A ner Bigt aouiavt f-Biite1 iwe
of fully 86,000 people, tbe nominating
speeches were made, and there was a
repetition of the exciting soense of the
afternoon. Th Bryan enthusiasm
oontinued. The galleries went frantio
at every mention of bis name, and the
wild demonstrations of the afternoon
wer duplicated when he waa plaoed
in nomination by Hon. H. T. Lewis,
ot Georgis, and seconded by W. C K.
Lots, of North Carolina; George V.
Williams, of Massschnsetts, and
Thomaa J. Kern an, of Louisiana.
Senator Vert -plaoed Bland in nomin
ation, and Governor Overmeyer. of
Kansas, seconded the nomination.
Tbe name ot Claud Matthews, of In
diana, was presented by Turple, of In
diana, and seconded by Delegate Trip
pett, of California.
Fred White, of Iowa, plaoed Boles
in nomination, and the Waterloo
statesman owed a magnifioent ovation
to the enthusiasm of Miss Minnie
Murray, a young woman from Nashua,
la. , who led the Boies demonstration,
aa Miss Carson Lake did tbe Blaine
demonstration at Minneapolis four
year ago.
Dealerea for Free Cat a age af Bllver at
tka Precast Ratio af 1 ta 1.
Wa, the democrats of the I'nlted States,
In convention assembled, reaffirm our al
legiance to those great essentia! principles
of luatlce and liberty upon which our In
stitutions are founded, snd which the
democratla party baa advocated from Jet
ferson'a time to our t, own--freedom of
speech, freedom of the 'press, freedom or
conscience, the preservation of personal
lights, tk equality of all clttsena betore
tk law. and the faithful ebservancs of
oonatitutlonal limitations.
During all theae yeare th democratic
party has real. led the tendency of aeinh
Interests to tb centralisation of govern
mental power, and steadfastly maintained
th Integrity of the dual aciieme of govern
ment, aa eetabliahed by the foundera of
tbla republic of republics. I'nder Ita guld
anoe and teaching, the grat principle of
local self -gov ernnient hae found Ita beet
aspreaaloa la the malntenaece of th. rich!
of states, sad Its aaaerUon af tne neeeeeity
ef confining th general government to th.
exerctee of th powers granted by the con
stitution sf the. United States. t Recognis
ing that the money .weetloa Is paraaaount
to all others at this time, we Invite atten
tion te th fart that th federal con
stitution named stiver snd gold tncether
ss the saoney metals of the United Biates.
and that th first coinage law paeaed by
congress wnder the constitution made the
silver dollar th monetary anil and ad
mitted gold ta free coinage at a ratio based
pon the sUvev-dollar snlt.
We declare H at the act of 171. demone
tising silver without the knowledge or ap
proval af the American people, ha reetilt
d la th appreciation ef gold and cor
responding fall la Ike price of commo-tlt.
produced by the people, s heavy hv-rraee
ta th burden af taiailoa. snd ef nil dehta,
publta sad private, the enrichment af the
Beoney-lendtag eleaaes at home and abroad.
preetratlAe of Industry snd Impoverish
meal of the people.
Wa ar unalterably apposed te mono
met Ham, which has locked fast th proa
perl l y af sa Industrial peopl In the
paralyets ef hard tlmea Oold monom.t al
tera I a Prlti.h policy, aad lie adopt toe
fcas hrsusht acker nations Inta financial
sarvltad t Ladea- It at and only an
Aneerlcaa. but antl-American, and raa be
fastened aa tka I nlted mates anir by the
sinking af that ererlt sad lava af liberty
wktrB proclaimed owr political indepew
eaca la irN, aad waa It la th war ef tk
Sieve! ut law.
We Seme ad tk free and aallmlted eata
sg ef fcelS geld and SO ear al la pv.e.ut
eawl raoe af at te L wrtkawt walttae far
t ef say etaar aet aa. We
hall b full lral tender quallr wtlki
void for all debta. publla and prlvata, anS
favor guch lecBlatUin as -will prevent
for lha future th demonetiullois ef anjr
kind of lecal-teoder money by private can
We arc qppoeed to the poilry and practice'
of surrndrinc to the holder of th ob
lUcatlone of the lTnlted Stattse the option
rwetrved by law to the government of re
deeming auch obltsatione In allver or In
gold eoln. We are oppotved to the latulng of
Intereet-bcartna: bonda of the United State.-,
In time of peace, and condemn the traf
ficking with banking eyndlcatea, which. In
exchange for bonds at an enormous profit
to thvmaelvea, eupply tbe federal treaaury
with guld to maintain the policy of gold
Conjrreaa alone hae the power to cola
and laeue money, and Pre-. -lent Jackaon
declared that thla power could not be d-legated
to Incorporation or Individual. We
therefore demand that the power to laaue
note to circulate A money be taken from
the nattftnal banks. ind that all paper
money shall be lasued directly by the treas
ury department, be redeemable In coin.
and Receivable for all debts, public and
We bold that the tariff dutle should be
levied for tbe purpose of revenue, such
duties to be so read lusted as to opera is
equally throughout the country, and not
discriminate between clan or section, and
that taxation should be limited by th
need of government, honestly and eco
nomically administered.
We denounce a disturbing to business
th republican threat to restore the Mo
Klnley lsw. which hasrbeen twice con
demned by the people In national elections,
and which, enacted under the false plea of
protection to home Industries, proved a
proline breeder of trusts and monopolies,
enriched the few at the expense of the
many, restricted trade and dt-prlved the
producers of the great American stsples
of access to their natural market. Until
the money question Is settled, we are op
posed to any agitation for futher changes
tn our tariff laws, except such as are nec
essary to make up the deficit In revenues
caused by the adverse detli-lon of the su
preme court on the Income tax. Hut for
this dclnlon of the supreme court, there
would be no deficit In the revenue tinder
the iaw passed by the democratic congret.
In strict pursusnc of the uniform decision
of that court for nearly -I years, that
court having under that decision sus
tained constitutional objections to Ita
enactment which had been overruled by
the ablest judges who have ever sat on
that bench. - v
We declare that uN the duty of con
gress to use all the rbnritltuttnnal power
which remains after that fiedsion. or which
may come from Its reversal by the court
ss It may hereafter be constituted, so that
the burdens of Laxaljon may be equally
and impartially dlvM1, to the end that
we. may all bear the ltie proportion of the
expenses of government.
WeHiold that the mot efficient way of
protecting American labor Is to prevent
the Importation of foreign pauiier labor to
compete with It In the noma market, and
that the value of the home market to our
American farmers snd srtlsuns I greatly
reduced by a vicious monetary system,
which depresses the prices of their prod
ucts below the cost of production, and thus
deprives them of the means of purchas
ing the prod nets of our home manufac
tories. The absorption of wealth by th
few, the consolidation of our It-ading rail
way systems, and the format'on of trusts
and pools require a stricter control by
the federal government of those arteries of
We demand the enlargement of trie pow
ers of the Interstate coT.nif-ce commls
s on. and ?.' rt H.M'on tM nt!
In th t:or,tr.j of he r-f-iVln' aB JTI prov"
tect the people from rubbety ar.d oppres
sion. We denounce the profligate waste of
money wrung from the people by oppre-
Ive taxation, and the lavish appropria
tions of recent republican congresses,
which have kept the taxes htfh while the
labor that pays them Is unemployed, and
the products of the people's toll ar de
pressed In price until they no longer repay
the cost of production. We demand a re
turn to that simplicity and economy which
bfU a demo--ra tic government, and a re
duction In the number of usrVss offices,
the salaries of which drain the substance
of the people.
We denounce arbitrary Inteiferenc by
federal authorities in local afTnIrs as a
violation of the constitution of th United
f Slates and a crime gainst free institu
tion n, and we especially object to govern
ment Interference by injunction, as a new
and highly danireroua form of oppression,
by which federal judges. In contempt of
the laws of the states and rights of cltl
sens, become at once legislators. Judge
and executors, and we approve the bill
passed at the ..not session of the United
Putes venat, and now pending In the
house of representatives, relative to con
tempts In federal courts, and providing for
trials by Jury In certain cases of con
tempt. No discrimination should he Indulged la
ty the government of the United Stales In
favor of any of its debtors.
We approve of' the refusal of th t3d
congreiss to pans the Pad lie railroad fund
ing bill, and denounce the effort fit the
present congress to enact a similar meaa
ure. , w
Recognising the Just claim of deserving
Union oldt-re, we heartily Indorse the rule
of CommUs-ioner Murphy that no name .
shall h arbitrarily dropped froei the pen
sion rolls, and that fact of enlistment and
service should be deemed oonclualv evi
dence against disease and disability be for
enlistment. i
W favor th- admission of the territorle
of New Mexico and Axiaona Into th Union
as stntes. and we favor th early
admission of all the territorle having th
necessary population aad resources to en
title them to statehood, and while they re
maid territories we hold that the official
appointed to administer the government of
any territory, totrether with the IrUtrM of
.Toliimb.a snd Alsska, should be bona fid
residents of the territory or district tn
which then- duties are to be performed.
The oSrmCTtlc party believes la horn
rule, and that all public land of the
United Htntes should be aonrotirlated to
the Astabllehment of free boma (or Amer
ican cltlaen. -
W ncammeriV that the territory of
AUa be grantej a dlrst In ongreaa,
and that te genwal land and timber law
of the United 0 tates be extended ta aald
We extend aur sympathy tn the people of
Cuba tn their heroic struggle for U berry -and
Th federal government should care for
and Improve the Mlsaiselpppl river and
other great waterways of tbe renubllc. so
ss to secuap for the Interior state easy
snd cheap transportation to tidewater.
When any waterway ef the republic t of
siitflclent Importance to demand aid of th
government, such aid should he extended
upon a definite r lan of continuous work,
until permanent Improvement t saenred.
We are opnosdM to life tenure In nib
He servt-e We favor appointments based
upon merit, fixed terms of cnV. and such
an admtnletrt.on of the c'vll service law
ss will afford equal opportunity to all elU
ens of a certain fltnesa.
We declare It to be the unwritten law
nf thi republic. ttaM!srcd by custom and
usas of I no years and sanctioned by th
example of the area teat and !sat of
tboM who foupded and have maintained
aur government, that no man sbsll be eli
gible far a th'rd ttrm of tbe irealdanual
Confident in the fusil of eur cause and
necessity af tia ti. -- at the polls, wo
tts-eatl the foregxng dUr.tUHi of prin
ciple to the (nnal-lerste Judgment of la
Amr"cn people, w Invite t upport of
oil eltleect who approve tarem. and
to hare ihni wrtiv threug lagie
letla. for tb rlef af too snropis and tao
t.' sua
auov ef ta eevair jr eprii,