Broad-axe. (Eugene, Lane County, Or.) 189?-19??, June 25, 1896, Image 3

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    JilXO A.D-AXE.
llAiiiciHiirmi.Or., June , 101.
II'. S. ,1..rin lKAie HlKS The,
id.-clioii i over and On goii Iihm
elect' d two congrewnn and Ust
r.i.i.m. The. oianaifcr here
...i i.ur.l to ij.I Vandorbutg oil"
....I a IV..' NllvtT republican in
'I" I'..- c , J
tmt mi alllae.lory hi
urn lllllL a straiuhl and
i..l.i im hUhvh l"f. hii'I I think
that linn t li tiou ha proved it.
I ...... ix.lllilv. uher fllsioll Wl
templed on tli" Judire mi'l shcrifl,
both fusion candidate were, debat
ed iinil I bilicvo that nil populists
now agree that fusion l failure,
Kt UuihI in l.ii county. iiic-rl
Weaver advls.d n l Uto con
vention to put off our coiigrcwloiial
nomination until alter the old
pa. lie had held t'"''f convention
i,,d then nominate a free-silver
U iH-riil l' "" dMiit " fHM":
tiii- niin-r, Mini
I cloud urn Ummni which' have. A tbin,
streaming look, sometimes appear
ing like hair or carde-d wool, aim
sometime like brush or broom.
They ere highest" of ell cloud.
Cumulotis clouds ar those which
appear in round, rolling musses,
piled one blxivo another, mid soiye-tiiiM-n
lot'kiiiK like great mountains
loid with snow. .
I feel
WM at-
lulled Hllm HoaeKt(l) Houry.
(oll twit.
We have iii the. United Mates
several klmU of money gold, sil
ver, nickel, cojijM-r mid paper all
good money, he. saiiae there is be
hind it the' entire wealth mid all
tin. people of the United Htalc.
(Jold money in a full legal Under
in payment of all debts, whin of
standard weight. If below stand
ard weight it I" l Hal lender at val
uation in proportion to its actual
Kilvcr dollars sre a legal tender,
2Q Yards of
30 Days
vFor 31.
lirlef Mention
Wall Paper-latest designs. MOO
roll. F. L. Cmammkmm.
Take your egg and other produce
to Kimpo. Ho puya the l ik'" "l ;
market (irice.
In Thi Hiace Denotwi
That Your HuWriptioii
Hait Expirrd.
THII. '.
H.l. PilK !.'.
i Wf Hr
mlv.r rei.iii.u.Mi. ...... . luif j0.ArBure ,.u tender at
IH'l 1V I " , . " . -
tlifir nominal value, not extawnnn
live dolliirx in any onu i.uyuieiil.
Mlllr I'.'iliH art) a I' g l tender U
tlm amount of twenty-live wnl.
'I'liev aro red-emanle in lawful
money w hen ireeiited in mini of
not t' than I2l.
IJniteil SuU'n notea grt'eiibimka
r a legnl tender in all payment
except ilulli on i in Mirttt and inter
i ft on the pul.lii.- deht; but rinf
18751 they Imve luen rweived in
imvmrnt of dutiea. They are re-
Arc Flying!
Not Many Left !
i except when otli.TH le tlpult. (l.
Silver -oina-il mien, quarteraann
.... .I....I.I (i.'in riil Wi Hver
that thia rourao wti lieceHiiry ill
ord. r to iiiHiirn hiiccc-o; hut wi emi
kll mm now that in thia lie waa tula
tukeii. tiriienil tU.xey uh advired
l,t income t..t)ri (,mid iiodoiiht
.ur lal. . liuirinmi wna lauded
to l li. ve that l'oev would do Ui
liarm, another, mi.-Uke. 1 am fully
rnitvim-cd iiw thut Coxey made
Hinrr. votea than' H "llier KuaU-ril
l-ia-nkeraeoiiihiiied that cuiiiu to Or
,!,,, uu.l there ia nothing aurer
than that il "'y ; lill1,, Tailvi-r-
,ul.l liaveoarrii, - - .",...-...,
H 11111 nnwiuni ii l in- iiitt mi.
Frank Dunn's Shoe Palace.
tin- r. iMll.llcalia W
Difgon and el.eled l.tli-congre..-men.
To prove thin it only mw
rary to look at the result of l.inn
where oxcy
' In llHtri-huVg, where lie ihe re-ult waa truly anion
tailing. He turned a ntroi.g dem
vrntic precinct into a mpulmt vio
t..rv,i.h.ll"W: and. rhurg ( Kj ),
Myera (dun ), i republican.
1 ..nlv refer to thia tu ahow
ymtrvei' lirnrral W.awytY advice
tn not alwayn infallible, ihoutih 1
have iiod.Mibl that he and our atate
H.iiirtuan wete" Ix-th nine.' ro in be
lieving that t'ox.y would do tin
r- I,. mii than tfood. Now I muni
Hiv inal 1 l eh. ve (.eiu-ral Weaver
-.iiullv mi-taken in advmiiig a iu
tun oil ol.r el. floral ticket in No
vemUr. and 1 prolent ng.imat It.
(i rul Weaver, while at Kugene,
t..ld lr. tijih-nhy of Junction City,
who ia a .1. in.H r.itn prei.idculia.1
Uiciur.thathe lldvfed the tH-ople'n
t. .It Luti til
liariv 01 oii'i!"" " i""-
irletl..rr mid vol.- for two dem-
leneral Weaver mm. ni-
H-tr lo attend IhiIIi
St Iouia coliven-
Mluriunh nun
Mreould J
' I
CailUle'a Fhe TropowltloDji.
To Tiir. Ekitoh:
In your iaaue of the lKth inst., at
the nuggention of your corrMtxmd printed (Secretary Carlinle'a
rive proponitiona on the roimtge.
((iientioii and then attempted to an
swer the name neparately in the or
der in which they eanie. Your an
wera, Mr. Editor, are mont unnat
iafaetory to me, and the purKae of
thi artiMeis toiMintout the inher-
treaiuirer of the United Ulea at rnt wenknei-a of earh, and in fact to
Washington or New York in numa
of net lean than t"0.
1'i.ited Stalt a iioU n, ianuetl under
the Hherman law, are a full legal
tender in all pni menta4 rirrvl vhtn
othrrui ei),rtlj ttifiulnlfl in the
CHHirnrt. They are redeemable in
coin gold or silver at the option
of the secretary of the treanury. So
far It ha la-en the (aillCV or the
necrelariean pul'Tican-mid d.-liio-
cratic to rvdctiii tlu-m in' gold
tiohl and nilver rertifiaiten are
Issue) Umiii the deposit of gold i.r
silver coin with the treasurer 'of the
I'nited Stale The are not a le
gal tender.
t'Urrelicv certificate are innued
upii lle denit f I'liiletl Stiit.n
in. i. s in stilus ni' not lef Urn u f 10,-
Ot.aJ. and are made p;yuble to the 1 Uininesn exrience demonstraten
order of the depositors' I that the cheaK?r metal cannot ir-
. . . . . . . I ' . . ? I 1 ' 1- I. t .1.. ri.s
.National liana rte ire ikwi
by the United State t luitiohal
hunting roriKjrntiona at a t"st to
the hank of one -r celv one cent
for each ilollar issued.,. They are
hot a leital leiiler mil are oy i:in
luaile nt-eivalile at nr III all I arts
El ler A, M. Hweaney, of (Village
Grove, gave u a pleaaarfl call
The honeracet by tins Are depart
ment on the. Fourth will be one ol
the mokt interring features.
A I IV) Canopv Jump-neat car
riage for 'IIOI njiecial bargiln.
The patent office at Wanhington
ba-j la en fl.Midcd durinff the lant
year with invention rel itive to the
, , ,
VirBiConn. republican, waa
elected joint reprenentative of Iike
and Klamuth jcountiea by three
vote over J. Aj La rah e, p-ipulit.
Ball Bearing. Holler Bearing.
Liijht Hunnlne. Deerintt Mower
So (Jovernment (Jold Bonds.
ITtere aevex waa a gold Imnd
innued by the United HUten, but
every bond . isaued ia a coin lamd,
thai la, l-ond payable in gold or
nitver. The popuiintn aay that the
United tt ahould pay all iie
lltn exactly according to contract.
That there i a gigantic fraud U-inaj
periietrated afcainst the -.le m l en
the necretary of the treasury pay
tliem alone In gol. That thin muil
Im nU. noed. and that they muat be
ii'ii.l an they were contracted to Issi
paid In coin that ia to aay gold or
ilverft'in, theoinstitutional money
of the United Staten and that to
demonetise silver and then nay
that the contract ia abrogated, and
that coin bond must be paid iu
Sleeping CarS
Dining Card
I s
Sleeping Cara
f.t Paul
Grand Fork
Helena and
Uwrir.g Binder. 8ee the latet gold, ia a great wimll parmr'fJlroUgrh TlCket8 td
nhow they are not answer at all.
To the ltter underntanding of the
issue I ressateach proposition and
the annwer:
" Fiwt -That there in not a free
coinage country in the world today
that ia not on a nilver baai." An
nwer: " If that be true today doe
that prove thi country would to
day lon a nitver tiasii it we had
not denionetixed tilver in 1H73?"
II the mint had been kept nteadily
open to -the coinuge of the nilver
dollar on the name terms with
gold at the ratio of 16 to 1 thin
r.ninlrv would have l?en 'li
ver basin yearn ago. The price of
nilver ha steadily declined through
out the world for more than twenty
vr and all monetary nciencen, ail
that the free
will ca'rry the I'hi-
I -'nnvei'iion "
frT- nilver candidate or pri-ni'ieni
and will nsk the St. I.oum coiiven
ti.ui t name the vice president, lie
IllllV la lieve IIH plan
rarr.ed out, and a il is Veaver
plan and the only way to win.
lr. Ogb nbv in an honorable and
promin.iit man and a pn'nidential
i-lwtor on the democratic ticket.
, ami he' tld me thin in the prenence
.f K. I. Culdwell and M. S. Clcek,
- two resp imible im n of Junction
Oil v, Oregon.; '
l' .lanirrr in tin movement.
However h ft (ieheral Weaver
as..u lui ritai iiurmitnir', "
thi would lw a fatal mintake if car
ried out, and would renull in the
i ..I. ar.u rl V
(lentrticllotl Ol llie isrtH'"' I
' o not inf r fronithi thai I doubt
the honesty of Ueneral Weaver, nor
do I doubt but what we could beat
the republican il the nt heuie wa
auct'i nsfully and agreeably cwried
tint, tint there i the trouble. Il will
emtne dinsension in our ranka, and
l r..., ii., reat nrinciiile of our
unrtv would be hint nighl of in Ihe
wrmiglc for the loaves and Untie.
Will. ll due deference to Ueneral
I la-liwe there is a belter
way. Fraternally xourn,
Ex-Clim. I. P. S. C. Com. of Ore.
Foretelling JU)rm!
culate de by nid with the Jtartsr
metal. That is tire experience mid
tentinnny of every civilixed nation
on the face of the earth. The name
principle anserted itaelf when, prior
to 107:1, nilver appreciated almut 3
rent and sold drove every nil-
nf ihe United SiaU in payment of jver lUdlar out of circulation, and
taken, eariaea ami till oim r tiuen i when thai aonar was un.jr ,ryn,
the Uuite.1 Stntes,a xcept for dulies! the coinage act by the legislation
ol 1H7H there wa not a nyiver uoi
lar in circulation in the United
State; By that act not a dollar
wan loot to'thecirculating iuediuui.
To carry the argument furt.ier I
will nav that from I"S2 to 1873 but
8.030.1 iX) nilver dollars had been
coined in thi country, and the vol-
on imtHrl and 'interest on the pub
lie debt.
Make note right here; 1 he
L'niUil State inniie every dollar of
money that i put in circulation iu
the United State, anil the V iiite.1
SUten fixe the value of those dd
lam, yet there are only two kind
of money issitcd by the government i ume of that kind of money
was so
that you can comel your trelit'r
to accept in payment ol your iieni,
nud that i gold money and United
States, notes.
If tlie people the United States
can stamp a piece of metal or a
piece of jmier,' and , make them
" full legal tender in all payment
whatsoever," why cannot the name
ople the United State stamp
all it money metal and paper,
and mnke it legal tender in all pay
ments? hy make one irtoin yi
more valuable than other money
lsued ajul stamped by the name
sovereign authority the people?
Ail Eloquent PI flue.
Elder 'Z. T. 8veor.ey,of Colum
bus, Ind , on his nay from Califor
nia to meet some points where he
is billed to deliver several lectures
in Montana and other places .fur
ther east, stopiied over here Sunday
to visit Dr. J. r. Hill tamiiy,
with whom he is related by mar
rinse, and delivered two sermons at
the Christian church, at 11 and 8
When the temperature falls sud
denly tlare i a storm forming
south of you. When the tempera
Iiisa rmea mill den I v there is a storm
north of you. the wind always
blows from region of fair weather
t.iar.l a reiiioii where a storm is
tormina. . Cirrus clouds always
..ui from a renion w litre a storm
is In progress t a region of fair
.-i..r Cumulus clouds always
move from a r gion of fair weather
tit a reirion where a storm is form
ing. AV'hen cirrus clouds move
rapidly' from the north or north
earn there will le rain Inside of 24
hours, no matter how cold it U.
U'I.m.. cirrus clouds SM moving
tapfdly from the south or southeast
thoro will lie a cold ,rain storm on
i.d ... if it hb winter there
when it
Will Iff' "HW mv. ... -(
blows from the-worth, the hesvient
rain I east if voir, if it blows from
the south the heaviest rain is west
i.r vnll ! if it blows from the east the
t.. avient rain Is south of You; If it
' blow from the wesl, the heaviest
rain is north of you. The wind
,svsr iilows unless rain or snow Is
falling within 1000 milw'of yon.
Whenever heavy ot occurs
storm is forming within 1000 miles
norlh or northwest of jrou. Cirrus
The sentlemsn fully sustained
his fame a pulpit orator and
Bible critic. We do not feel able
to give .even an outline -of his
discourse. He must be heard to be
appreciated. We have heard most
of ihe eminent speakers that have
occiuded the American rostrum for
the last half century, and we do
not hesitate to say that, as an ora
tor. loaioian. and profound reason
er, we have not heard his superior,
and have seldom heard his equal.
He is certainly one of the strongest
defenders of the Christian system
of relision. of this or any other
age. It seems to US that Sweeney
can demolish the sophisms ot inn
delity and evolution with more
esse Ihnn anyone we have heard or
read of, and we have heard m tn
our modem skeptics, and have
resd all the works of the old echtad
But hefels no place to dtfCBRS
this subject. We only took up our
pencil to ask anyone and everyone
who get an ,'opimrtnnity io go ana
hear Sweeney: for if you miss it
yon will miss the pportuity of a
I.fethne. i
Boeoher ma? reason a believer
Into skenticisim. but Sweeney will
reason the tkeptio Into a belief in
ine umne origin oi viirisuam.
small that it cut hut little figure in
our money transaction. Since 1873
vant numbers of nilver mines have
been discovered, and madhinery
making easy the production of that
metal has been manufactured, and
the ability of the country to pro
duce silver today is incomparably
greater than in l8"3. n to Pn
the mint to free coin age would del
uge the country with a base money
worth tilty cents on me aouar in
the markets of the world and would
oon exoel every dollar of gold from
circulation and would necessarily
throw the country on a silver basis
and reduce the debt-paying power
of very money 60 per cent and
ruin and bankruptcy would be the
nure ronneouences. .
u Second That there ii not a gold
country in the world today that
doe not nne silver for money along
with gold." The editor admits the
i mi h f the above Droooaition, but
trie to shuffle out of the force of it
hv savins: "Silver is only used
as token money in barter, and as
any other product of industry. ;
Its volume of circulation adds no
appreciable ratio to the circulating
The above is the merest bugaboo.
Everyliody knows that the silver
dollar has the same purchasing
and deht-navins power in ordinary
" . . , t-
business transactions as goio, ior
the reason the purtly of the two
metals is maintained by the policy
ni thm mwernment to redeem every
- - t . . .1 --j
dollar in gold on aemanu, aim
while such a policy is maintained
one dollar is as good as any oiner.
We now have about hall a minion
silver dollars subject to circulation.
The claim of the editor that Egypt
and Liberia do not use considera
ble quantities of silver is untrue.
The subsidiary coin of those coun
tries is silver, and the smaller busi
ness transactions are oarrieJ on
with silver and without loss to any;
" Third That there is not a silver
standard country in the world to
day thai-uses gold sinonealong
with silver.
This proposition the editor
souarelv contradicts, but I assert
.- ... t . A . 1
thai the proposition is rue, hi.
Bhoap-Axr iiotwitdslanding. The
silver standard countries are coin
lulled by the monetary laws of the
great nations of the w.rld to pay
all their foreign obligations in gold,
or iU equivalent, but in all domes
tic transactions nilver ha undi
puled sway and sold in unknown
"F'Urlh Thst therein not a nil
ver standard country in the world
today that has more than one-
third ss much timm-v iu circula f
lion -r capita as the United Stale
has;" to which the editor make
the following annwer:
"The truth of thi assertion can
not lie Kunimrffcd any more thtn the
ssiM-rtiou could lv sustained if we
say there ia no drouth in any part
of our country where the fjrmern
ire buffi'ring fur ratttr4s-eaH there
ia plenty of water In the hci-hii to
nieel the demand of each. There
ore oceans of mohev in Wall street
and the banks, but the people have
not even enough with which to pay
their taxes. It is a monetary
Now, in all candor, I ask thJ
editor if this ansner in not an over
production? Il in unique, new nnd
novel. The maker of il i entitled
to a patent. All the statistic f tlis
whole world prove Mr. Carlisle'
statement trvie. and that is suth-
cieiit refutation !r the fourth
answer. 1 presume iu the gotnl old
duys larfore 1873 every fellow had
plenty of money and one hail
lust a much a the other and if
the beam did happen to vdi.wn a
little heavy iu one frllon's ptKket
he hnd to dig Up mid divide with
hi liuht-uiK:keU.-diieishtnir. Aud
1 tell you tniiigi were kept mighlv
even those da. Bro. Amis, try
again, please.
"Fifth Thnt there is not a silver
ntnidarl country in the world lo
iday where the lalmring man re
ceives fair pay for hi- day's work.
To this the editor make the follow ing
reply :
"This ia a curious stitement to
make in the face of tin fact that
there are million of unemployed
in our country today, and other
millions of men, women aud chil-
Iren who are working f ir the mere
it U nee of the meuns of a scanty
iivliliood. nhlleall industrial classes
sre unable to realise anything for
their products above Ihe cost of
production, and is a gold standard
This snswer is also unique. The
editor nowhere says that laborers
in any silver standard country re
ceives faif pay for his day"s work.
!S the secretary suiiemem is
taken as true. The Broad-Axe
endeavors to avoid the force of the
l.ronoSilion by asserting that mill
ions in our own cminlry are out of
employment, aud other millions
are receiving a mere pittance. I ne
editor's statement regarding the
Condition of the laboring classes
in this country is measurably true,
but not because we havn't free sil
ver. I will not discuss that phase
of the subject now, the same not
being pertinent to Ihe object and
purposes of this article While
the wage-earners of America are
not as pnperoue as any of us
would like, yet il is an undisput
able fact that wnges average
higher in the United States than
in any other country in the world,
while in England, that other staucch
gold standard country, better wages
are paid the laborer than in any
silver standard rountry on - the
globe. Why is this? Will the ed
itor answer T
In conclusion, Mr. Editor, I will
say thst in oiv humble opinion you
are no match in the discussion of
finances with Secretary Carlisle. I
believe I hsve answered your an
swers to Mr. Carlisle's five proposi
tions, and I think I am entitled to
that nilver dollar. It is worth 100
cents in a gold standard country.
Hon tarr MoMsr.
on the honest ix-ople of the? United
States which they will not pnersie. i
Mr. Carlisle says that he had to
i.nv a bonus of ten millions on
sixiy-two million bond issued in
the nprirg ol 1894 to get these bond
holders to loairgold to the govern
ment and agiee to lake their pay in
coin that is gold or silver. He
... . a a I IJ
says ii he could nave isnueo goia
bonds the governioient would have
saved U-n million dollars. If Mr.
Carlisle paid ten million dollars on
nixty-Mfo millions, and ha had to
nav the same rate of premium on
the two hundred' and sixty-two
million bonds innued in the Cleve-
land administration he ha had to
pay about forty-two million bond. j
on the two hundred and nixty-two;
million bonds isnued. Now nfurj
he has paid, forty-two million do'-;
law to get these gnldbug to Sgreej
tn tub coin bonds Mr. Carlisle TXT i
sists in paving them in gold instead j
of gold or silver, st the option ( ;
the governn ent. but if Mr. CarTsle
had exerci d his right to pay in j
silver the government would not j
have been eomelled to inue aryj
part of this vast amount of boi da j
which have lieen issued during this j
administration, and the evernmeiil i
I wotid not have increased its debt
(two hundred snd sixty-two million
!i.i lens than four vesrs nnd rnt.iii'-d
timis to fit I leering, Wood. Onborn,; this vust debt and interest on the
Empire, MeCormuck, ami several J toiling millions of this and future
other mowers, and several size- j fenerations; but no, thi would not
for each kind. Sickle Heads and ubserve the purr of thin gigan-
other extras for all above mowers. ,;c B,,id monoi-ly which is threat
inmrovedal F. L. Chambers,
A piece of horseradish root put
into a jar of pickles w ill keep the
vinegar from losing it strength and
the pickles will not be as liable to
become soft or moldy, inis is es
pecially good for tomato pickles.
Know. then, thyself presume,
not God to scan.
The proper study of mankind
is man."
The fruit crop in the Willamette
valley this yeiir, so far as we are
informed is a failure for once. Of
course the black berries are all right,
both wild and domestic.
- Buggies and Wagons. Over
three carload now in stock. Bug
gies from $42 up. At
F. L. Chambers.
New York .
Boston and all 1
Points East and South.
for .nlKfm.'ion, tlm rirrli.. isaim anil liraat
tall ou or arlia
..... R. McMURPHEY
Carnal Aanl, Luaciw.
Ofkt-t joiM t and 4 takon ULck.
OR .
Awl Octil Pis. A;eal. n Morn St. Cor. Third
The poitoffice formerly known as
Burnt Ranch-Cmok-county, Or.,
has been moved three mile west of
its old site, and it name 'changed
to Grade.- Geo. M. Cornea i post
master. J. W. Horn and little daughter,
of Hale, dropiied into our sanctum
Wednesday, and Mr. Horn did r.ot
forget to renew his subscription.
who has lieen wun us since me
day we started.
Mowers snd Binder extras, Sec-
Ulcbeol'ub Iti p.1 1. t-uifTKM B RX
L. Chambkrs
I,o, the poor Indian! Lo, Ton
Tonguel Hiss klone stlllicum,
Tom Tongm Nowitka six, uica
hiss ticka Boston, man, Thomas
Tongue. Tom Tongue tla.cli
enmg thevery
great republic.
exit U-nce of this
DraTcr Boad.
- . J
a regui.iriv orsinixn
Tliere is
conspiracy in New Englandj' call i
II . I . . l.nna t
1,, all sii.iiiifri, mi . .r-u'ii tudus. 1 .
chickaniun, Injun kluU:hutan vote j whenever these Eastern money
fur him- owitka. , im,, em want to carry a noint tolir
Judge B. J. Peters, of Mount j i-all v they atait m and pinch
iiriii-w k'r. ia said to be the ohUi interest navers (producer!.) of
At fr si Ivor HilvtMiite in the ! DroJueine sections. Ju-lee Beifo
cuitryr4s HI years tld. He was; sounded Ihe keynote lieu he said:
oersonall-' acquainted with Henry I "This sort of business must stop,
o 1 v .
("lav. went tu scIumiI with 1 homos
F. Marshall, and often heard Rob.
J. Breckinridge speak.
J. C. Oliver of the Alturas Plain-
dealer has dissolved his connec
tion with that paiier and Mr. A. fc.
Hadlev takes las place. 1 he
paper win now oe conuucicn
Wm. Thompsm and A. E. Hadley,
and run on the same line as former
ly straight populist. '
Rev. T. H. irunmiker, formerly
of Dexter, Or., informs us that he
will depart fr Lake county, Ore
eoii on the 29th inst., and will
take up his residence mv cmver
LakeOr. We regret Pi lose so
good a citixen as Bro. Hunsaker,
and we liesieak for him kind treat
ment and the choicest blessings of
life in his new home.
The office "devil" of the Broao
Ate. sssisted by a friend, succeed
ed in landing a monster craw fish
laat Sundav afternoon. The fish
after thoroughly testing the dura
bilitv of a stout hook and line,
gave the "devil" himself a pointer
on "escaping the hook," which was
imichlv annreciated in one sense
but regretted injhe other
The Alturas Plaindealer contains
the account of an arresl at Adin
Klamath county, ol a Iran, sirange
irl at that place, who gave her
" . - ii- ii -i
name as Jennie t aiaer, on n vum
of murdering her own babe, the
fruit, as the story goes, ol trie vil
lainy of a married man, propaoiy
In the vicinity of Klamath halls
or the West and South wiil be com
pelled to start a republic of their
own. in order to exist." There
more truth than poetry iu
BMford's suggestion. Mountain
air breeds not only in Switzerland
but in America as well.
i Notice
arine smilh h (wmliilir appi.inlaU
An Ad. ...
. K
There will be a "meeting of the
farmers of Lane county at Eugene,
Oregon, on Saturday, June '27, 18U6
at 10 o'clock' a. m., to discuss the
gristmill proposition. A full at
tendance ie requested.
isasl All r..fn liavlux clalnn atalPM
.aid asta: sre herv'.v uoiiiia,! t. present ti
sa-netoj F Ali.t al ihco.'lte ol lh Broart-Al
In I'.nevne. orn, wllhin six muntj. fnui
thsilate . J il. w Lolice.
M.Vi-. KlTHAI!TSm.
j Flm. A.luiiiusirao
. I
Go to The
O. "W, Knapp,
Tisalvr In1
Staple and Fncv
Highest Market Prlca Tald Tat
, Wanted.
Aig, Mtdiciiiet', Toiltt Articltt, tic,
Swear oSnnrkln an.l fl.tslna BAD TOP AC
CO. Thel in'l loo ooU (of fun 1 II
W EAR off SWEABIM1 al l toUo 11 Is
Uour own lault for bii)h. it, SW EAR (Ji L
Cor. WillawUe aud Xinth Street X k
Eugene. Ortgon.
V. 8. Land OBIra, Roabur(. Or., May 11.
-nmniaini harlna been entered at this office
tiT HMf a . Maanws aas.iw. Mw.s- ....
a au N Kid. Ml Townlunr, ranir l line touiuy. Oreon, ilh a Tlew to
the cancellation of aaid enirjr. the said panis
asr taerebr summoned to apar at the ortu-e of
ar, I'. C. C. l'oinmiiloner, on the
ssrond da of July. 1" 1 o cl.s k a. m.. to
iwpoud aud furnish testimony concernln said
.M.r.i .h.,ui.nimnL Heard. e at tlila inlica
on the testtmouir o taken on July 11. I at 10
o clock a m. Sumclenl eviaence navin, ien
?eyen thmnmnd 8forte1aploards
or fhakrs inimetliately, for which I
will pay the highest cash prioe.
Cedar preferred. Inquire at this
ofti.e, or at Rhinehart, the Ninth
street grocer.
June 25, S. E. II. IlAWKtna,
Wood and produce taken on sub
scription at thia o&ce.
he aubllcatlon
Unfoo, areordlDa to law
W.S. Sntaict.
B. M. VtATra,
U'. miKllah thefbS disagreeable items j son f.w n.Vali bis Homsstca.1 Kntry ; No.
. --- - r- . ,.. u., issH. uuou ine uww a.. i.
lor the Dene n i oi uiuk tuum u.
Mr. G. F. Bullock this wek took
his departure for' the eastern part
of our country In search ofabusi-
nss hication. He propoets visa
ing Prineville Mitchell. Canyon
City, Burns, Harney City, Vale.
and Pavette, Idaho. Mr. duhoc.
has becii a resident ot Eugene, Ore
gon for some tiiiHynd we can com
mend him to those among whom
he may locate, as a worthy citin n
and possessed of fine business
qualities. 1
Loe Bailey. Jack Smith, I-e Ed-
wards. Wm. Vanehan and family
on Monday of this week left by way
of the MeKeniie route for k.atern
Oreeon. Messrs. . Smith, Bailey
Edwards and AUeri winters a
bound for Harney valley, and Mf.
Vaughan and family are destined
for Crook county, the formers on a
USA Plus cut, TEl'IIO and M I L PI RHA'.
before DEACON DAVIS ' x
lHoil.nn-1 et of p.ioinc. W eat 1 lhth SI
S-lalf '
1000 Men W anted
At YeriiT"n's Ninth Hlreet Dm
Ptore lo rtiiv I Ms) pound of "The. I.e-'
ronlitin i"olei in the wyild" lo lottl
to 1000 horse.
Dr. K. t.. ViP.utL-liby. having ilisol
veil hi eonii.'cti'.n with lr. (iraV.'ll
sire lo Inform l.i frienl and pat'oi.
that ii tnav N- tomtil t all tmsines
Sled to show that personal "-err Ice "t"'0 be . , , ,"0Io., t,e ball, 0prite hi
I. jPl. Overton,
-Dealer la
l. ir M.i Will.crow a a nnlore-
siore, 'over M.'hing' Slurs, cor.W II
lmetle and Silt at. Olva lii.a a tuil.
Points, Window Glass,
Varnishes. Brushes
and lbs mt complete tin M WALL PAfta
-lot Iron
prosictive tour of Eastern Oregon, f -j Q pTC
Everybody that wants Tender Slk;
Vwtl Cutlet., Mutton Chop, Pcik at"
Saasaee, Fcwl and Fish, Vtnitrr
Smoked-Ha ua, ami aay and evaiy'iui t
kpt la any Maiktl, Aoywocre, cl i
thai any pines ia Esgeae, tecatl st
andi thm. Utter to liMiate iiermanent
1 if th. ramntrv suit, if not he
will return in the fill.
tUhth St S oor weal ei roteea.
np wm MEAT
a Ninth SUst and gt U