Broad-axe. (Eugene, Lane County, Or.) 189?-19??, June 25, 1896, Image 2

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    M T Tliurailaya r
' kiiteml second -etna matter at th
Orsvon pial-fifili.
OHw la Omid buU.llnt. err Xt(1 l
ton: mom X
VjIiI l i1vnr, fin y'
a iil In Him month.. e r II.JS
EUGENE. JI NK 25. ISstf..
Will They (.'It Krlirl I
It were well now a change of a J-
ininistrstion is aUut UUake place,
. mat we e cerisin a cnange 01 au
tninistration will pitHiic a change
t.f iHlicv, and to see if inx-sible
sheilwr tin change will be such as
Will R fiord the relief thai is de
manded by thejieoplc. It is confi
dently hoj'fd by the aver.ipe repub
lican that a turning out of Cleve-
land and putting in McKinh y wlljh, to ,,e u
inaufurate a line of measures that nJ evervb,H,y el!ie u wrong.
will put.thc country on the hlgh- Tha, he isl)igr,nd little -u,"
way of prosperity. Put it is dim- but lhjlthe $ hrrawej wi,hdouht
culttoeee how d;splacing Cleve- j o w,iether u c,n make iiple
land and patting in McKinley will I u ,n orJer giye f(lW to
bring the desired change, if McKm- j utteMncw he writes hi. letter
jr i in j.ursui- ure Bnimr '
fioiicy as Cievcland. " Hut," says j
Mr. Republican, "McKinley will ,
toot pursue a similar policy to that j
of Clevelaud." We reply: " I'
McKinlev carries out his nlatform i
ley is 10 pursue me same line w
McKinley carries out his platform
he w ill Mlow exactly in the foot
Heps of Cleveland as to his finan
cial policy, and the financial ques
tion is the all-absorbing one and
will surely lie tlie question which
must W settled liefore .any thj retiw, ad jjive the people a chance
question is touched"." " jof their own free will to fill their
Read the financial plank of the, I)kce9 But not so with Mr.
rcKinley iMatform and if it fore- L, , . ,
-rrr:. -M..r I :i t
..iciv...ey i.u..rm nm. .. .1 '"re-
hadows any real difference from
tie ilky of Cleveland we are wf
able to discern it. It is a pledge to I the gold standard policy I
ot Cleveland, tarnsle, German
and Reed. Po similar is the policy
jdtanctd injhe reyublicarr plat-1
... a i. . - . a :
way of think
e9 h out that
M gold-
"port the
minee for president.
-r- Jv?nlev should lie elect
ed and he undertakeirto carry n
the affairs of government under the
present policy with silver demone
tized and the goldbug in the sad
dle. Tan anv one say how the gold
reserve can be kept up without bor
rowing and issuing more bonds?
Ah! but one says we shall hav
a tariff that will bring in enough
revenue to keep up the gold reserve.
But then it is a well-known fact
that the McKinley tariff had been
in operation when Cleveland came
into power. Three years did not af
ford the revenue necessary to keep
up that gold reserve. The re
serve was exhausted and' the plates
for priniing bonds for a loan were
already prepared when Cleveland
time into power.
No, there is to he no change in
the financial policy of McKinley if
elected, and how is he if elected to
keep the gold in the . treasury
necessary to redeem the demands
that shall come against it in the
future, if the same system is pur
sued by McKinley as that pursued
by Cleveland?
In a word, isn't it clear that Wall
street is in the saddle and intends
to stay there?
Sound Money Logic for Tod.-
In answer to' the question of the
Bait Lake Tribune "If the law
should read that the government
would purchase all the silver pro
duced at the market price up to
. 11.29 what power in this world
would keep silver than at that val
uation?" the Oregon ian says:
Purchase it with what? With
gold? Then where would the treas
ury get the gold? By sale of bonds?
' How long, hen, could it do this
kind of business borrow gold on
bonds, pay interest and buy all the
silver offered in an excited market
created by this abnormal demand?
All the gold it could possibly get
would be parted with for silver, the
silver as fast as coined would take
the place of gold in our circulation
r reserve and we should he on the
silver basis at ottoe."
Now ws have always thought
that when the holder of ilvr bull
ion presented it st the mint for
mintage he would receive his pay
in silver coin, and when the holder
of gold bullion presented it st the
Saint be received for it sold coin st
at I . .a ...
the ratio of sixteen silver dollars to
one ounce of gold. But maybs ws
kn.w nothing a boot It, of coarse.
ine uregonian knows it ml
aga conven-und
4 We print in another column a
letter iron w.ii. rpangn imni
to the Arkansas Kicker, simply to,
apprise our readers that while;
Spattph ha nnouttceU tiine and
again that he was "on, o( polities" j
and had absolutely retired, even to
the extent of refusing to tall on
in rsinii in musing " tiaia. -i.
the subject to his neighbor, he is ',
in it in localities' abroad, where he j
Still Klckluf, Still al It.
is not erson'ally known, right j by the constant cry of "protection! , gapes and call in their" gohl con
along. He i the same general "protect ion!" a sort of a holdup, -tract and to refill to let any More
kicker that he ha lecii here in stand and deliver business, by money out if the people jo their
Oregon for twenty year in what-
ever organisation or association he
has leen allowed menilihip. He
shows the same spirit of fault-find-
inR tm,cmnK the management of
the state central committee and !
the course of lieneral Weaver snd 1
other speakers who came from the
F.nst to assissr us in the camnaifn. 1
that he .used to exert in the
county granges and Farmers' Alli
ance organixation years ago. He
shows all along between line that
u ... Snaueh. ex-Chm. P.
over " W. II. Spaugh, ex-Chm. P. !
p g c Com. of Oregon," which,'
i(Ijng interpreted, means', "W. H.i
?raugh, ex-chaira'an people's par- j
tT ute'Centrar committee of Ore-
And right here it may be stated
that that "ex" business cuts more
than an ordinary figure in cases of
"ex-officers." Most people become
1 ex-officers from a willingness to
Snaiurh. who humr onto the chair
o t h .
- - , ...rv-n,,,,;,, llnt;i
bf, wa9 iiterailv driTen out lt.r.jwhse affeitions and very Mill lie'people with the ri!ald jeer of, ' I
"lnri! h th" deWiM of the'in the very i-ockets of the' cold-bar-1 told you' so." IUU we rememlier.
'1wtive nd con-1
j ventiong, ' . j
This was done "simply because it
t a, J ....
ply because
was believed the very life f the
party demanded it. And it was
devoutly wished that Spaugh
would adhere to his statement and
rxtire without delay and cease to
annoy and disturb the harmony of
the party.
Spaugh was placed on the elec
torial ticket through the urgent
solicitation of a few conservative
men of the convention in Torderfo
satisfy and harmonize a certain
element known as the middle of
the road men. But as the result
proves, this was a mistake, as it
will be seen from the letter referred
I to, ths,t action has only given him
a further lease of s little influence,
which will be used to create disten
tion and strife.
It wijl be. noticed that he pro
tests against pulling of anyone
from off the electorial ticket in the
event any agreement to that effect
should be made by the national
conventions at St. Louis. It is
well enough to ray here and now
that if the party wants to poll its
full strength at the November elec
tion, it had better pull off Mr.
Spaugh ai one of the electors at all
events, as in case 1 he remains a
candidate he cannot poll the pop
ulist vote by thousands.
Glad of It.
Our gallant young knight of the
pencil, Geo. O. Knowles, says we
bave helped him in business by
what we have said in former
issues of the Broad-Axe. We are
pleased to know this as it is -a part
of our nature to build op s man
rather than tear him down. And
by way of helping George still
more; ws will say that morally he
Is good; socially, he ia better; snd
financially, we hope be is beet. But
politically, George,' you are not
worth s bean. Beans, we all k now,
are useful snd will speak for them
selves when properly used; but the
more such political beans as you are
we ha ve i n the political pot the bigger
the call it yourself.
If this dose helps you take an
other one. You are now for Mc
Kinley, we presume.
Broad -Axe Chips.'
Each chop chips a chip. Each
ad. add trade. The sharper the
axe the larger the chip. It's the
last chip that fella the tree. To iu
effectiveness ia added that, of all
that hare gone before; so, also, it is
the last ad. that is most effective.
Had it not been for the first chip
fKa 1 a AafsralI nvJ kawa twn nl
y, too, with tbs last ad. It fells
the tree of success, scattering pros
perity over tbs ground that was
barren before.
The Oregonian by way of ridi-
luium ..-..... -I-..-.......
"mining camps" and the people of
those states "uiiner" ami "silver
baron." If the Oxonian were
not known to bo in the employ of
the goldbug of Wall street we
might retaliate by calling the New ,
.... - . r
England state the "land of the .
Yankee," who live 'oft the West
which the producer of the W est
uml South have lieen keot tioor '
while the Kast has ' grown 'rich,
even rich enough to Uvonie a sv-
loud epUtle to Old Kngland, and
are all goldbugs, gold-bamns, andfleen taught that it is the only
iilead of Uing debtor Mates with
the farmer' home mortgaged, they ,
are creditor states, which manage -
'to get what profit the pnHlucer of
Kl W Utl iwiini" lli'lll --- ll III.
I. a Vl'ut lk'il-M IIMllI It!. t .1 .III ....
his mine, and.
then when the
Western farmer and the cot ton ;
planter gets ln-hind, they Isjrrow .
from the Yankee the money he has j
robbed them of by the protection j
iirovess, and give a mortgage on I
lli. ..'all... fVlll fill lll.lllslV rl.i, I
jrhaps" was realiied fim crops !
prisluced on the very place it is
niortiricixl for. . Hv this sort of j
niortgiga tor. , Hy this sort ot
thing the peoplef Massachusetts
alone have, within the last year or
two, added more wealth and capi-
tal than hi leen added in the
.., 1, .,tK ,.f rimn i,iinnl tho
same length of time to ten of the
UVi.m ili.ix rith ti iiniM th
numlier of inhabitants.' And !
1 . :. :.- 1... .i... . 1
Hence, 11 is li.i ai'liun .lint 1 11 .
land of the Yanks. New Encland. '
like Old England, is a creditor;
country, and like Old Kngland, it j he found -anywhere, and how the! We have Uen informed that
people a money loaning people, people resorted to shinplasters and i when the present treasurer of the
monopolists, bankers, Shylovks, ; wadcariimfieir a- a meansfi.rex tate central committee applied to
..i .ii.....i, ...... it.. i.un. ijirUnw We r,ninilr how the'I'r. Hendn-x for the records and
goldliug-plutivMts. Kut there isichange. We rememlier how the; it. itemin-x nr me ami
no kind of ue of talking this way ihank men, like tt e hc.inles- Shy-' funds of his olliee it was with dit
to a rarer like the Oregon i an.! lucks as thev were, ims-ked at the "hy that he was made to enter
" " T
on. Let it crow over the triumph
of the result of the St. Ixui
eon vtntion. Let it poke fun if it
willat- the !s.editig states
(mining tamps), and treat it witir alH,ut to declare their independ
seeming levity, ignoring the gravity ; ' of 1 'l" !'-nk.- and British
of the mailer, but, the. impartial, ! Hu'.v- ' A?A ,vl,iU? '' have every
sensible observer will hold the ut- faith that we' sh ,11 win a victory,
terances of the Oregonian" in con- We ,w hye . AM) banks, the
temnt. and the action of tlio.-e
"mining Ftatt-s" will lie approved.
The day o? effete Yankcedom j j
past. The "wild "and . woolly j
West " i- rising up-like a voiing I
giant, and ten thousand men like !
Harvey Scott and "temerity" j
Dolph cannot stop its grow th, its j
onward march. " Westward, the
!star of Emnire takes its wav" and
one had just as well try to stop the ,
great luminary of flay on its way !
westward, with an ostrich feather ,
as to try to stop the growth and j
progress of the West by calling!
free coinage states "minim? camns." !
c-. i
Wasn't the last congress busi-
nets Doay oi men r
The Oregonian has said it ergo,
"It must be did!"
Did you say the lower house wan ; There ha been no movement on
two-thirds goldbug republican? the .litif:al checker-board ince
- mrmmm the split in the Charleston conven-
" "Confidences" ia being restored, j t;on f jsinO so significant as that
Bill McKinley is to be president, (ef the withdrawal of the free-silver
and "sound money and McKinley j tlelegate from the St. Louis conven-
Bill will bring prosperity, and(tin. 'W hen those forty men, with
don't you forget it. ' ! SeiiHlors Teller, Cannon, Pettigrew,
, : " , , i biilioiscand the Senator from Mon-
Dosn't the gold standard, sound !tana ,t ,Wir u wn ot on,
money ilicy of the two old parties ,a fintl- ation of pnr,
work well? Well for Rothschilds ifrien,Mut t WM the pn,,,,,;,
and Wall street. Isn't it fun for aaumIpr f rt tie, ,nd lhe .gger.
the U.yj and death to the frogs? j,;n (lf a i!ubriIne 1ndeIendcnce of
; I artion, based upon principles that
How are you going to vote next , ... . . . .
, . ' 6 , , , , lie at the very foundation of our
Novemlier? For one of the M (f go;ernInenta MPrince or for yourself; Let's try jof nn the -lur of int.
voting for the people once, voting I . .i .
- , .. . , . ii-m. All bail those men, say we.
for ourselves. If it dosn't work . ,, , . ..- '
, , , All honor to those men, who we re
well we can go back to the wallow- jire o cUim WOrthjt a place in
ing in me mire again, you -Know.
What should he said of a man
like Bill Spaugh assuming to criti
cise the sayings, conduct or position
of Gen-Weaver? And what could
be Bill Hpatigh'a motive for detail-
ing. the conversation had lietween
Dr. Ogleshy and Gen. Weaver,
aa published elsewhere?
Cou Alley iumps right upon
the republican single standard
platform, and is certainly a politi
cal turncoat of the worst pro
nounced type, leaving men like
Teller, Boies, Cannon, Pettigrew,
. ' . , ,
and, parncularly, men like brave
Johnathan Bourne. The colonel
likes to work in the minority tarlv.
however, and the eoldbue fallow.
are mighty "tkass" about Baker
City. ""
What May W IaimtIi'iI
It .Wot he doubted l.ut that1,
...i ......... n.ui in..... .........p. ,
will strain every i.erve to produce
even another turn ol the tight-
letting up the tippr ml nether
JlnilUtones of oppression in the even,
the people revolt and free them
selves from the grip of the gold
..... (
barons. Already
threatening' to for.
we hear them
or.vlose their mort
free w ill restore silver to it oonsti-
tutionat Lim e in the roil lit rv. Of
course some will hide their gold
away, while others will scramble
ttr oril 1.1 iitfi 11 jr dtl fl)i.w Iiava
" ' " ixiii.jb ......
'sound monev then1 is in existence,
ami many a small golilhug will I
crushed to death hv llm larger fel
lows in their mad ruslr for gold.
There being not "t exceed over ."
...... v m. 11 . ..... ...
ier cent of cold (" sound monev"!
to t 1 er cent of "credit money",
in the country, it . an U readily
seen that there will not lie enough
to go round; tli:iU'iily live out of-'a
hundred will get cold, while ninety
of things will stir iii pandemonium
itself for a whil-v
Thiwe who rciiemlier the tussle
t iu.e who rricnnsT the tussle
j" Old Hickory ack-rtm and Tom
Hentoti and" 'their coiiii-ers had
' with the rnited res bank can
have i faint idea'ofSliat may U
1 l.v.kra for U.f.ire the 101. le con-
'looked for before the eople con-
iiuers the 'Hriti-h lion and her
whelps," as Kenton termed the bank
1 ;fJ (.:.,.,. 1.
nv us 1111-1111-. .1
The w riter hereof can rememlier !
how that there was not a dollar to
how the party liel.t to its
course and hw after a bit thecloud
iwsscd over and" clear sky appeared,
. . ... a a .
And so e Mieve the jieople are
liritish lion .nil tier wueips to
,K K " '"' l"e
i-l f . lr 1 . 1.
i-nii'ii lion ana ner wueips, a "
V r !.".T J'L" ' ""urs. "o
fear the "wiw
11 " gr..tulhog case," to Use
homely phrase, on that will not
adn,it ,,f ,M7- thmk the
harder the s,0", ,he K,ner wver-'
i Tt r !tl 1 - -II it . a -
' ne -,,,r-T " ' u,e f,,rrl"
'T ,h" 'tternes we have had to
U"e frm the dish which the plu-
tocrt4 have set In-fore us,
!'e W,M l""troy tl
We w destroy the goldbug or
We must at all
hazard be American freemen, not
serfs of Europe. Is.k in the 'face
m'ito'id then dow n on your
children and lie men, riot poor, pit-
liublo party "chumps."" ,
The Silver Bolters.
the hearts of every true American.
"To maintain the parity is to
maintain the gold standard, on
which the parity depends," says
the Oregonian. But ws think the
-y to keep up the disparity, is to
regard the gohl dollar ss "sound
money," and the silver dollar a
only a "fifty-cent dollar." If this
in t the way to do it, we do "not
kiiuw the meaning of "parity."
The people's party of Texas have
issued an address indorsing Teller
for president, and the democrats of
(list state srs willing to indorse
I ".VJ T'v t .7 . i . a
with the belief thai that would se
'Cl,r- th, invention for him. We
are waiting and hoping for a union
f ome kind on Mr. Teller, or any
othr "" Gif 0B '"s'le
handed fight and we will mop the
cround with McKinley, and kill
Rothschilds too dead to skin.
t'roin Doctor llciiilrvx.
, ""';' h,., Or., June , 'Ml
Kiiik tiM-A:
lM y,,,,. injuvmlion
tj,t IIIV. dishonest with
that "campaign fund," I have to
'".V that I gave an itemised state
that money had gone, and every
tncniWr of foinuiillt'i' by their
written signature approved the
statement. Iv.gllc me apttocrv
"thief." J. K. IllMUUX., '
We publish the above cheerfully
with the statement tluit we are not
that we have "insinuated)
mai air. iicuurcx lias acic.i ill
honeht witli, tliHt campaign fund."j
We have this to :y, however, that!
we have 1st 11 trying for mouths to
! have the do. tor give to the pub-
he 'itciine.l tali nient show mg
wnere uie monej naa gone, nut
without avail. And so far as the
doctor's statement above goes to
; inform those interested, he might
'J'"' well remaine.l silent. i
tt'l .1 I . I',
" the .lit.r. .Ii.l not give ln
j statement to the public we are t u
losii to know. 1 he itortor i not
ignorant of business methods lie
is not sui'posed to la- igiionltit of
J '" justice would impel a gentle-
i fioati im.iiii!iiiiti L tioM 1i.iIiiii tul
I I " s-
nr sm.- ..n...-n. u su... -1
j nient showing where ever v cent of
! the money that hid hrnub-
-'rileil to that fund had gone. We;
.think the'subsi'riU p. to that fund
have a rich! to know whatdisivi I
; have long sinr'e puhli-ht'd a state
j have a right to know whatdispvi j
I lion has U111 made of the money!
j that has been paid in. and to know
I also what is the status of klie
.. .
pledges that are yet n-maiuifi&i
unpaid and all almnt it.
into any kiinl of a settlement.
And we iiill insist that it
I I . I . I ..1 1.
j oe uie rurm-i u.ii n r u.e uocmr
j to give to rtui'pu'-lic u copy of that
"iten.iicd statement" to the pars
for publication. We w ill publish !
such" statement- wrthnmVnpoltigy
and without price. Will the doctor i
v. About Our Advertiser.
Our reader w ill do well to look
over th- a.lvcrtisii,j(.-.l..inti ..f ..ur
p.,, Sumlay w In n they h ive fin-1
ished up the rest of the pajier, and j
j ,ee ial ,. ( llr
j ,en have for sale, what thev are
,, and where their place of
,m,ineM ,,mt ;.,,,. vu rolc
, to twn (, m k)iow p
for what you want. There is not a
single one of our advertising cus
tomer but w hat we can most heart
ily recommend as gentlemen of
honor and business integrity, and
who are liberal with their custom
ers, anil are each a"id all perfectly
j reliable. We mean what we say,
: fvr we have proved every one of
The silver fizi is the popular hot
weather democratic drink in Ken
tucky. It will Is? succeeded in No
vemlier by the silver fizzle. Oregis
nian. j
And if that shall le true in No
vemlier with silver it will only t
what has lieen the case with Scott
for many months. Comparing hi
case with lhcilver rlrzle it would
be with Scott like tliic :jp In Dcccm
lier, 18!.r, Scott was a'lizzle when
he failed to elect Dolph senator. In
June, "JG, Scott was a fizzler when he
failed to elect Northrop to congress
n the second district on the gold
bug proMmition. And in Novem
lr,!tf!,cntt will be n fiztleislwhen
he fails to elect McKinley president.
Excursion Kates.-.
Persons contemplating Eastern
trips should not lose sight of the
fact that the Northern Pacific Hail
road will offer tickets at one fare
for the round trip on the following
Republican National Convention,
St. Louis, Mo., June lftth.
Democratic National Convention,
Chicngo, June 7th.
People' Party Convention and
American Silver Convention, '8t.
Louis, July 21.
National Convention Young Peo
ple's Sojiety "of Christian Endeavor,
W ashington, 1). C, July 7lh to 13th.
National Kducntioual Association
mee ting, Buffalo, N. Y., July 3d to
10th. '
Encampment of the Grand Army
of the Republic, St. Paul, Septem
ber Hth.
This is the first time that such
rsU-i have ever leen offered from
Western States. Sufficient limit
will be given on these ticket to en
atile pasMemrers to make quite a
visit. For detail information, dates
of !, etc., call on or write
R. McMcsshet,
General Agent, Eugene, Oregon.
Through oireiiiiit.iine, lHing iiiiiiMh to give my per
ronal atteiitinn to business this Spring nud Siiniiiier, T have detenu itetl
to oiler my entire well snorted stm-k of Merchandimi at t'ot, until Full
or further, notice. It i iiupo.!,1,i to tpiote prices 011 every nil ids in
the store, but the following arc a f.r, to give you 1111 idea of what we are
DreM Good.
w III Mm k Alt Wool Motialr . . ft t. n llr
Itl " " 7 " I....
11 in "
1 hi
II in
m in t-nl.irril
I III " .',
I l.l
I'm -i'ii.ii i B-iii'iir .mi nr. .111 .11 in H'lil
iti riiui..ii
LadlfV Shirt Waists.,.
kv -hlii w.i.i '
i r.
i .
i 1 1
I ; 'i
j ViLZ' ,u''''' '"' "'"
Iandies' Shoes
: "i
I i ami I L,
Our rut try lnt ( thM.1rnt . imUm-s mi
U.ltr llr jr rlliis (11 harp thi- tut
.f y ItememU'r this is a genuine sale of the Entire Hock of (lood
without exception, so don't mis the opHirliiuity of gi-ttlug sonic good
bnrgiiiu. ,
H tf
v i : cm jx r i ' i a i i r
lining a Lively It isims hihI
Wash Fnbrlc
Fine (iiughiitii
Fine Dimi'ies
l.nti si tiaiu.i Organdie
to-simer Fretieli Organdie
Indigo 1'ilue Calico. .
Ladies' Hose and
Kgyptian Itubber Vest, SI
rist lilai k Hose
No. ti'.et Fa ..t Hlaek Hose.
See our l.itiet'
r me Silk est,' SI.iv. hm ' IV
Ladies' Shirt Waists.
We otTi-r Is-lter value in tins line
See our Speriiil (!
Dimity Waists, with W lute C ollars
Take Your Produce to....
Vil llitv Your (rH(
Chas. C,
Dry Hides Wanted.
The 9th Street Grocer.
aa s
On acrwinntof the poor health of our family we are compelled
to close out our store and leave Eugene, much to tho regret of
ourselves and family. Hut aa the health of our family de
mands it, we shall commence on SATURDAY, JUNE 1$, 'IHJ,
During this .ale everything in our store will be sold st A action
Price. If you wish to buy good cheap now is your opportunity.
Come early Infore the stock i broken. Nothing reserved. Every
thing in our store goes. W'alch this space.
We are prepared to
cordial invitation extended to all to visit the Studio wheth
er in quest of pictures or not. ' Respectfully,
STUDIO Cor. Seventh A Willamette Streets, '
Men's and Boys' Hata.
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JMeu's and Boys Shoes.
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I Gents' Underwear.
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