i. - T - ' IT BROHD-HXE tHe broad-axe, . I (luas In Ilia Ijulik .very I Irk. J t ruinici rtrnit, j THE BROAD-AXE, I Mew. to tba LIm fcvery Tim... f "IIKW T TIIK LINK LET THE CHIPS f- a I.I. WIIKUK T1IKY MAY.' VOL. ... KUiKNI.. LANK COUNTY. OKKIiON. THURSDAY, JUNE 2W18.W. NO. I'KOKMSKINAI. CAHI'S I:. l. Mi klNNI:Y Physician and Sur'on III Sbaeial Irii'lon In sllrli'Milt- ill. lid aiiireirp. ally to bl. Pupill!.! Ii leod. mts over rity tlrtig.tn . YY. KUYKhNI AI.I...M. I. I'hvsici.in and SuiYt'on kpeetal .tirntluu la kuigeiv .ad .sCglral ll. Ill W1JUI.J1. i. IlllVgl'. J I. Y,M gll.YI.U & young Attunvys-at-Lw citric oi.i ru.i s.iiku.i n.ut kweMe. HI.IU. t H. SMI'WOKIM Attoiik'y-at-Lnv . I'l l'i . .riier.l 1. a pi.rtire lit .11 iberoarr. ef lb. .i.lr Kaira., Ili.. I ft Kimu k. r n.iilii jlNsl.Y i. MA I'M l:Y Attorneys at Liw Cunt turrets' .ad pt.il.at. Ltulu.u . .ureia.ly l.fll.e 1 , rMt.ra.ti Vlo k. I. NoitlnN ' I.AWYI-R J. K AMIS Attorney at Liw. Notary Ifee. In atiVlung hul.dliig, ap .lair. 9. -t.., Itieg.., -J10NEY TO LOAN! laa aryc D FARMS ii. I in I Hi., I.r li. I J fcj a 1 1 SEE THE IMEW STOCK -OF- -AT- DAY & HENDERSON'S. Your Attention is Called to - OF READY MADE W ir ktto Dropkrl to 'Uli your mr.nure tor a Suit mJa to onlar,- A pwlWt 01 urnU.I. 8LK OI K HOWE & RICE Sjecial Call r a Frasrs' Mee Thr hr Wen rnmori rrntl anot tht crtln trn tlon Iit Ukrn r'"-. whicb morh t-lfert. the wliol ftrminc ramnmnlty oi I.n. pointr, and kit r. olt ha.tr lnvatiirktion ol til. .kin. wn ma ! by a Committr nl Ona Hnclrd Kkrmrr. on Lit Hkto flT, and to itr lin m th. tffwt ol thrlr work, that th drm It bnt proir that a pnhlio m.rtin ol all tho Karm.rt ol count ahoold ha callnl to wwrnbU at W. 8ANDK.RS' Sloratn K.iicrna at th. rllMl fxw.Hile Uto. to r on firm th. fart, that h ill telling hit ntirattork ol Clothing, BkU, Sho and Dry tloodt rhapr than an m.rrh.nt in Kmruna. and Ui. Farmer, ol Lan. county thould . t.kt advantaga ol Hit tame whila 1 1 "The Committe W. 8ANDER8 7kra Pwn lartk of Hoffuw Iiait, Wllluitti JtrMt - 'CHICAGO BAKERY RESTAURANT Wlllimitli St , bet. 7th tad Sib. Eu.tai, Or. All Kindt Of Breed, Cek.e, Hi.t. Etc , x Always on Hand Meals (ruin 1ft In if rant. I cent nun h lounlr-r in miinn ll'in. iir.let. m4 prom id attention.- ' Tlin patrntisye ol Hi. pui.lic te.pect fully toliciloil. ' VV. O.-ZEIGLER, flior III ETON. C. I. TOUHC. PROP. A firtl u'It ut wrnlMtitf Itiau fc- In flfi p m m lblUti-riil kyi brir, h--f, li ft l atl lar 0 .Ili4 1U tli Vml f. FARMERS AND STOCKMEN It.. On fa- ( .in.. If.... .ml Sheer, fiic nla a I I d 1 a.il b roi .ill In. 11. leinte .e'l.ng a .op in Mir.m.t.a atr a', lounge Block. r.il-..e, oie.uli fW Meet, il. lrna.) la .uy lrt ol Ui. ....EUGENE. ... Loan and Sayings Bank '(in V lc r.tl.lrul ... . r..hi. r . ... . kl LKKIC W KKOft N h n nisi K. ft . I.UHL HN OMkUUM. MUKCrolKi I'. A. I'.inr, .1. R ll.rrn. J. K. Ivi. - H. I. I'in., W, K. Ilroavn. J. K. Kohinao., . W. Ocburn. PAID UP CAPITAL, $50,000.00 A (ienrrat llaiikins Ptitinr.. Tr.nn- ai'l.l Inl. MmI .II.i...I.iii lim. .1. I I lu m.i.I I .aiMlai la.ABkAAa tab . . I Willamette Market. Chairs and Rugs Undertakers and Upholstery Goods.... Our Large and Complete Line - CLOTHING. l.AKGK LINK OF BAMI'LES. PROPRIETORS the opportanitr it ofltrcd. 11 1W- of One Hundred" 11 AN ADDKESS. Nllr Man. Hi. lmli, Mu, At reaull of a ter l. of miulricuoca ln t.utu a ouu'iinlt tea .iiiuui hf tlia wx.-lliiK ller imili irf llm imtioual convent loll aud a iMiiiiiutt.e oouipow-d of rouiln.Dt 1'op ulirni. u ulilint lia. bxiU lavul fruui Ilia lii-Mluartrr. of tlio Heoplu't Fart Ualimial tuuiulllv in Ihl. oil, advla UK I'upuli.t. throuuhoul tba country to luvka llonry M. '1'cllrr. of Colorado, Ihflr ualloii.l atandard U.rer. luiujnliatwly after tb. .liver men walkrd out of tba oouvrution, thi-y p pulutud a ouuiuilllra, of which C'barl H. Iiarlin.il, of Ulunl.oa, Hcuator U. K. I'.tilKrow, of Houtb 1'akuta. Kna tnr I '.unou of I.' tab, and Houatur Kred T. Duboia, of Idaho, wnre UBmbt-ra, to ooufrr with a oomuiltuj of Populi.ta. Tbat rvruliiK. at the 1'lautert' hotel, they tuai II. If. Taubeueck, of Illiuola; Howard H. Taylor, of Chicago, aud T. hi. 1'atlrr.on, of lteovtr, of the na tional I'npuli.t otiiumltte, aud at a re mit of that and lularijoeatoouftrrnotr., tae addreaa wat laaatrd. t'hairiuau Taabvncck, in an Intrr view, taid: "lho atordinx .liver men of the Ke pubhc.d party and Aie I'ujiali.tt have, a. the rr.ult of our oonfrrcuoe, come to a perfect agreniuent at to tht future, aud we will work aluug the aaue lima." He predicted victory for a ticket with letter at lta leader. The addrea. it a. follow.: ' . "Kxpreaoly diwl.iintng any purpose or ri(,'ht to bind any party or peraon by itt viewt here ae forth, we but yield to an overpowering teuee of duly, in taying what we do to the member of the I'uople'a 1'arty, and to all other good cluieni, who, apprehending the approach of a momentoo. cri.it in our oouutry't life, are willing to avert it ! by tcU of eialted patriotlno. ' "We came to Kt Louit at cttisent, m.mbrt of the 1'eople't Party, to be-, preaeut at the meeting of the natii nal , Kepoblican convention, thai we might I determine more tfefluitely for our- j eel vet the true aim of tbat organisation j In the pre nt itruggle. We have aeen ; the "bmi" in pulltlot more aecurely , enthroned, more tervilely obeyed and : more dictatorial at to candidatea and : policy than bat ever been witneeaed lu ; the Held of national politic. t ' "(Jne mto, the perfuctionof hit typo, repreeaniing the mlUionairv. the) bai ka, the cororttiona, the tro.tt and every other teiuurteleat and plutocratic ! element in our oounlry't life, hat. through the power of money, dictated ' the nomination of Mr. McKlnley, and ' tbapad lb platform of bit party. 1 "Thin ounventlon, ilaviahly re.pund- tug 1 1 the will of the money power.: baa forced an I'tue which meat be met. It It a challenge to tbe yeomen of the land; If it aball rucoeed, tbe fetter, of ' a tyranny more grinding than that of i the cttrt and emperon, will be riveted upon the plain people of the country, fettera which moat be indefinitely worn with" the contemptible tpirit in tepartble from wilhug aerft, or in tbe end be broken with irreaittiule power of a mighty revolution. ' "That Utue it formulated in the de- J maud that 'the eiiating gold lUmlard . mutt be preaerved,' and fur the enact- j ment of 'all meaiure deaigued to : maintain. Inviolably the obligationi of j the United 8utet and all our money i either coin or paper at tbe preaeut ttandard.' "Thit meant tbat tilver tball be per manently degraded Uiti mere money of ohange, aud that it be deprived of itt legal-tender quality, except for tome paltry mm; that the national baukt thall be twollen into a power of triple their preaent ability to oontr.act the volume of money, to absorb th earn ing, of industry, and to grip the throat of all induttrial and commercial life, while from time to time it terrorize the votert into choice of itt tool, for all legitlative, judicial and admiuit trative pomtioue. "The money power hat forced tblt tatue now, becauae, in itt judgment, tbot whom itt policy would entlave are divided into boelile political lam iliet, which canuot be united in time to retitt ita ouaet It rrgardi it at im potatble thtt barmonlout action can be aecured between the different organisa tion! that favor money reform and re aittanoe to ita Intatlato greed. With Pnpuliat.. tilver .DcmocraU and inde pendent blmelalitta tupportiug differ ent nominee for president and the na tional eongreaa, it feelt aatured of vio tory, and it tat determined to prett without abatement, the advantage whloh thla apparently lamentable con dition raiaet up before yon. "In thit, tbe Dint threatening criait that hit tnenaoed the country ainoe the civil war, though aim ply citisen member of the People'a Party, we ven ture to make momentona tnggeatlon. to yon, our brethern. In doing thla we have neither deal re nor thought to im pair, In tbe leaat degre. tbe efficiency of onr noble organisation, charged at It it with tba liberties of preaent and future generation, and wboae integ rity and growth it ettentlal to tbe per j petuation of onr free inetitntlone. ! Onr couitaat aim will be to defend it from foot within and without, and to preserve It aa power eontecrated for ever to tbe defene of bnmanity'a dear- 1 eat rigbta npontha America oontinent -"In view of thla aubmiatinn by tbe ' Republican convention of tbe moat ei-' treme demand ever made upon Ameri cana by the money power.every thought of American mauhood thould, from thit hour, tend toward creating and cementing a anion between tboee who would retitt the oontplreoy of whole-' ea'.e robbery and grinding oppreaiiun. "Meaturet matt be gained or defeat ed through men. After all, the chief problem In thla erttU la to find a man anon whom patriot oaa anite, wboae life la a wltneaa that, if in ti sated with authority Over nalloi,l action tod iti euforoement, be will '1-1 every allure ueut of wtelth and very im-uao of pjwer, ataudiog anflin UwkIj by the cauM of the people in the b.ine ttrug gle tuarperably eonnacioi with the. euactment of oor prOKid financial re form. "We aee In tba prival aud official life of Henry W. Teller a Uac.n, bum-, lug brightly, warning thr tropin from the threatening abor'a f 4i.aeii.iou. He hat now publicly ahau loned the Kepoblican party, wuu which he hat been aitociated ainoe it. ftr.; rrgamza tiou VS'ben to bit otfi'-iMl record are united an untullled private life, a char acter without a blot or .lain, a grate- i ful, generout nature, a rutrioium tbat tiinwf neither itate nor t.!;tioa.wa letl that we are but performing a duty to ot beloved eouulry in thu. railing at ten i ion to Mr. Teller' un-rile and availability at a oandi'lati- for preai deut; aa one upon houall I'opaliata may conal.tcntly unite, while they ttrenuuutly preatrve and atrri:gibei the organization. ' "The neceeaity of a diipaatiouatc conaidetation of bit claim up n the .upport of the American people hat been more tpparrnt nooe the patriotic Kepublirau leadeit. who abandoned their party under thu in.pirntion, have anuouuoed him at lh-ir nuiiini.e fiar pre.ideiit f the L'niu-d Htaiit. '(!iigi)i-'ii U. E. Taubeniv-k, lllinoi.; M. C Hauikn, Indiana; Hukh U Iow ell, Tel nMe; Tboma. Kletrher, Ar k.n.ai: Homer Priure, Arki.n;- M. It. C fliu, Arkaitaaa; It. A. eiankey, Kali.au; p. 1) Pager. N.l r.-k. J 11 Davia. Teian; T. M. Patter-on, l olora do; John P. Steele, Jl.iu"!; .lolra W. D.inui lw n, Arktueaa; J. W. Ki"' ", Nebraska; C'halrrt E l'alunr, lllinoia; J U. Hcaa. llllnoit; A. Maiwtll. Illiu oia; 8 J. Wright, Tvxit.; Kugene Hmith, llllnoit; Calvin K Keifanidt, Mi.tonri; W. J. - Ftatt. Tenneatee; (leorge 11. Jackai n. Arkna; r. P. V. Arnold. Ulinoii; W. J yiuk. Mit aouri; Horace (i. Clark, Colorado; Prank E. Hichey." Kilraala Vraaa lb.' ki.rh. '"Tli public baa no time to inquire in'o tbeae wrong that are gnawing at, tbe baae of aocierr. They hare got troublea enough of th. ir own in thla age of eharp oompetiuon. Tbey know nothing about 'the condition of the great mataee of the people They only know there ia aomeihiug wrong when thair pockeibook or tneir bnauoea are touched, and then their vtrtlcta ate almoat invariably againit the tinker. Tbeae are unfortunate coiiliti6na A great many people t ay, "1 have no ftt order.' But for tbe orarjirufn. but tor the ttrikje, Amerirau workiuginen would be infinit'i'orae off than they re 4 "Jefferaon once aaid: 't.od have j mercy on u if we ever reach a point i when tbe American ba no longer that apirit uf reaiaunce to tyranny;' and.) Patrick Henry Mid thai reauunoe it obedience to tlod. "A century aco there were Torie, and we have theuf among c atill those who wanted peace at any price, who were willing to accept degrading coudition, willing to be humiliated, willing to eacntU'f the colouial honor, their integrity, tl.'W manhood. And j they taid to to Washington and Frank- i lin and Jefferaon and Paine and tbe rett ot tboee anarobitteanddemagoguea aud agitator ' Vahiugton wa. called a demagogue in his day; ha wa villi fled a no other pretident of tbe United State ever wat He it a demi god to dav. Tbe diffen-nce between a dema- o.itfna .nit a Aami-fforl ia ahnnt a nn. P r, t lurj. auere were uiuav . nu apaieu i to them and taid, 'It we have got to have war to. achit-re oor independence, i let ut have It now, tbat onr childreu j and our children' children may enjoy the bletainga of peace. They were not merely atrikeia and law-breaker, but tbey reeoited to violenoeand to riot and the deatructi. n of property. Han cock and bia compatriot did not hew tate to drea up aa Indian and go down to Boiton harbor and dump th tea into the harbor. It it a good tbiug that Judge Woo l didn't preside in tbat day." Here, yon. Mr. Silver Democrat and Mr. Silver Kepoblioan, we'll tell yon bow to "fli it." You, 'Mr. 8ilver Democrat, don't want to voti the Pop uliat ticket for ft ar it will help your old political enemy the Republican party. .And you, Mr. Silver Republi can, don't want to vote the Populiat ticket, tor fear it will kelp your old politloal enemy, the Democratic party. Pair off. Pool your iaanee, and put in two vote for frvo coinage, IS to I, without taking for or waiting the con tent ot any other nation on earth. It i. not alwne tbe arrongrat peraona who arromplirh moat, and here it a atory to prove it, which IhcBa v. Anna haw, a woman i rear Iter, told in a arr mon the other il.ir. Site aaid that one day in a prairie town where the wa preaching, the church doors being open, a big Nrwonndlund dog walked in and tat himarlf down in tbe aisle. Two or three nu n got up one after the othi-r and took hold of his paw. and tried to pull him toward the door, but the big doggie ditl not undtrstand what waa wanted of him. and he was o atmng and heavy tlmt all the pulling did not budge him an in. h. Then aoroe more rnen tink hold ot hia collar and pnllod. Tlr collar came iff over hia head, but the d. g ant gravely atilL So be w aa It ft in tla aialc, and Ihe men went back to their ar-nt.a. When everything waa quiet, a fnvkl fl boy, not more than 7 year old, reached ore and patted tin dog'a heed. The dog looked up aa If lie liked It and wagged hi tail The little boy came out of hia pew, anil atill pat ting the big. ah itcgy head, aaid, "Come, doggie!" and moved toward the door The dog went w ith him willingly, and in a moment both were out of the oh arch. The boy's coaxing bad doue what the men' fofos aooid not McKlnley fur president, Ho . tart for Vice-President. NOMINATED ON FfttST BAfcLOT Tbrltllag aeaaa. la tb. Hall Wkn fa Ka.all. Ware 4 aoaaa.adi-Mlv.r Maa ballad tba Oald aiaa4ar riaUaraa. FL Louia, Mo. Tbe Kepubl lean" na tional tonveutlon bat nailed it. prin cipal Ui the. maathaad aud plaeed tat somman' of the ahip, which la to bear It to fortune o diaaater in November, it popular idol, William McKinley, of Ohio, aud (.arret A. liobart, of New Jtrraey. but there wtt mutiny aboard, aad, before the- liuea were catt off, toot of the tnembert of tbe crew who bad ablpped on many a voyage rt-fuaed to auhecTibe to the new khipping artiole and walked down tbe gang plank. Tola by Blatea for I'ra.Uaat. ? 1 5; r. ! I: CI B7 ATI'S. -y I-': AI.?Nma ; a: ia .rn.h.iii i v 1 "li(orn.a ..' It If I Colura'lo ; h j t'u.-U,, Htut : H 7 j Plor..! , 1 iorui 1 n 3 ! Iiah ; ( ! lil-no,. ' 4 4.; I"!ina at i J iVa ; : Kaniu ii ii , Ki-ntutky . jii l'iil.iat.a 11 Ma lie : Marvlanl 1; li M xruchu&clla 21 I . Vi'ii n .i , Mlr.n'-jti 1- is .!;.-l.. (.;,! ,, 17 Ml-HO'in n 34 i . Al-m.-n . 1 ! j N-lirn'ka : li N.-va I II 1 S-w li.nii.l,lre... t.. .. ; J':itr ! .V. w York 7.- 17 ' I N'"-'! .i-..4.ll X tS' r'h I ikula H ii ! ''Mu 4-i 4 ' . iriio.i i. ' . .. ! Ii:iii-v:vin! " w 4 I SI.,).! lljr.1 r...' ' I S .-ith ,r..,.n....: L 1 :S?Hb Dakota ! Tr:Ti.. l 24 i T.lat v 3" 21 ' t;t i I Vi-rm.ipt.. k . I 'lfi:iv,a . 4 It WMhii;. i.fi ..... k i i i Truiiii. . .. l: i; I w i..-or-in . st Jl t W ..ilr " t I Ar.l jii II H IN' Mi'r.-u I rll..OI(, t 4 ! liu! n T. rrlrory.. t : li:xt. uf CuluniL.a.. I . i'.'.'.u i -i-... 2 ... ..: a ...I.... I s, s , Au.-.i .. j To,,, - , Vata by aiair. for Tlr P..MruU BTATE.V t's MS,' , aV, ; ? : ? I f ; r . s i ! ...f ' 11 i 1 "u 5.1 5 21 41 t ...... v: i ' 5 lu ."i . a IT , W 11 II , li ! 5 k i; n s 1 23 1 ' 1 J i - ii 'V"i',ii 4 1 li it ,. 4 a :t n u ' s . l a '""'!!!!!! u 1 j , ii i ; i i :::::: AJaiim.t .. j Ark.nf ' i ' olforn:. . l'i..ir4.lo .'. C nt;ei-!u-ut I ;.l .ira Klor.d i"i!K; li.h) I'l.n.v. till. ana K ll f .ll . . . K-ii:i..-kv . l..tl::.lna Ma re M,ry:ar.J M lsal'h!l.',. M..-h:tftn .. Milltu-eiitl . M:..ai.:l . Mi.mrt ... t M-tntiina .. . Nebraka .. N ( War ttinui.hr. .. New Jrrv j Near Yo- k ... Nurth Tai.-JIna ... N-:;h liko:.i iih:. Oregon I'.'iinsvlvanlH Khole I!.ir 1 . tS-uiih Cirol.nv .... B-uiih l.iko:a Tei-nr.Koa Tex l"tah 'emrlnt V.rc n;a 'Vmhlnirtnn West YTfcMllA W'lcon.lfl Wyoming- Ar'.xona New Mexico Oklahoma In.lian Ternary .. liiatrict of Columti , Aianka Total. .. vjtVL The last day of the convention was held in eeaaion for ten hour to aocoav pliah tbe w?Tk cut out for it, and the acenei at diJcrent time were tr.ic, dramatio and inspiring. Fully 1 5,000 people were in the vast auditorium to hiae or cheer by turns. The bolt of the silver men from tbe Weal furnished the most dramatic in cident of the dty. Led by Senator Teller, they had previously declared their Intention ot refusing to (ubscribe to Ufe gold plank in the platform, but, after Senator Teller had made hi ti.il appeal to the convention not to tuie tha atep which would drive him and hia oolleague out of the ranks of the party which in the past honored them, and tbey bad delighted to serve, the convention bad voted, 8l8, to 105S to stand by tbe gold declaration in the platform. When Senator Teller made hia declaration, aaying: "I must sever my conuection with the political party which make the gold plank one of the , , , . , a 1 . a -.i. ,i 1. principal artiolea of its faith, he paused ana swpei nit aye acrue. inr halL The galleries rose with a yell, and mingled with the yell was a tuai lade of blase. There wa a patbot tn tha aenator' voice, and those nearest oould detect a glimmer of tear while he aaid theie would be heartburnings and grief In the sacrifice he and hi oolleague were to make for their oon aolenoe. Cheer then came from the silver delegate and the gold men were on their feet from the admiration of the man, not of hi cause. Tbe biases were few tbl time No on who witneeard tbe scene, will target them to hi dying day, th pio- tore of Senator Prank Cannon, of ' Utah, faotng from the platform 10.000 irate, hieaing, jeering people, aa bt lead tbe valedictory of the ailver men. I The very eoaraga ditplayed by him wf bl the .dniiration which ! ootapelled ailenoa. 1 When be bad Do. ' iabed be turned and .hook band, with . . . , ... .1 tut cnalrmaa and other frianda on the i platlorm. Be than locked a nut with Henator Teller, and tbe two rueq l.ft th. tland and moved down between tbe wall of yelling delegate to where tbe ttandard of tbe Idaho delegation nood. . There tb7 were joined' by tbe bandtome, atalwart Duboia, and tbe three on tin oed their march to the main, door, their fuUowara falling in behind them aa they W the bniMiiig. 1 Carter and Mantle of Montane, kept their aeatt, tignifying their wlllingnett to abide by the plartfom. I Tbe ailver-, men who bolted imme diately perfected plant to plaoe Senator Teller La nomination at aa lalependent tilver candidate for pretidenl After thit aenaational incident tbe convention tamed to the work of aeletning tb ttandard-bearer. It wat a foregona oonaloaioo that McKinley would be tKimlnaeed.' Baldwia. of Council Blaffa, nomi nated Alliaon, Senator Lodge nominal ed Reed. Batting noaciavated jaay, Depaw aoaiioated Morton, and .For aker, in a ma.terly effort which turned tbe convention Into bedlam, nominated McKinley. Rave for the tumult that followed j Wolontt'a tpeecb placing Blaine In I nomination four year ago, tba detaoa ' atration bad no parallel in the nation, at leatt in ltngth. The 'applaoee lakted twenty-aevea minute; J art at the cloee of toe ' ahouting thOutaada were ready to tiak from beer exhaoition. Altogether tbe aoene waa a remarkable one, and testified to ; the popularity of tbe candidate who had been plicvd in tbe field. Tbe ballot wat then taken anTMo , Kinley'a vote exoeeded tbe expectation I of hit friend, a be received 81. 1 within a vote and a bait of iOO more j than a majority, and almuat three 1 tiiue a many aa hit opp-wente. -'.-a Xteji.r Wllllaaa Xfctt-Blay. The nomination wa made unanim ? on. with enthuaiaatic apeeche from tbe representative jf th other candidates. After the decision of the Piatt force not to-present tbe name of (forernor Morton, the nominati n ot Hubert, of I New Jersey, for vice president, became i : a certainty. The McKinley force wa j ; thrown for bim, which waa too potent i j to overcome, besides, it watthe general ; sense oi tbe delegate that tbe situa tion required the nomination ot an Eastern man for vice-president. Tbe nominating tpeechet were brief, Bulkley, of Connecticut; Lippitt, of Rhode Island, and iener.l Walker, of ... ... . , v irgiuia, were aiao piacea in nomini- tion, but it only required one ballot to ! determine the result. H ibart received ; 530 vote. 90 more than a majority, i Evsna, hit nearest competitor, received .-). mere were ca tie ring voie. ior , rteea, .nursion, ur.ini, uepew, Aiorton : and Brown. PLATFORM ADOPTED. rraSa.tlva T.rlir, Krclprorlty aad tba Hold Standard. . The platform adopted by the national Republican convention is at follows: "The republicans 'of the t'n!te-l 8:atet. a.e;ulleu by their re(.retH,nlal.-a in na tional convention. apiKalmit for the i.ipu Ur atul h.tonc Jua.lnc it:on of their ciaitna to i:ie mj'.chie. achievernent ct Jt) ears ol ri'pul.il.-an rule, earnestly and conn .tetilly a t.lrea. them.clve. to the aaak er.1 Inl llisen-. eMrirnce ant con 'leiice their country men, in ihe folium -.UK .lev-Iar.ition of fao:a an.l r-r.nctplea. "For ih.- tlmt time .nice me civil war. Ihe American people have a,tnee. the calamitou. i-ontiiuent-es of full anl onrc .tnclevl iemivratic control of the govern ment. It h ben a n-ord 01 uniral ;e'.el In -a'.i. ity, dishonor atvt d'a.ter. 'In a 'tn.toj.ti-Hi.va management, it h.is ruth;.iwi' aacrincel ln.l;cnab revenue, er.ta.Ieil an un.a.tn. dertctt. eke-i out or iiliuir currtai ex.pei-aia a alt lwrro.e4 money, l':..-t up tha tHihlic rlebl by t2.. H,i....i ln':me of re.ee. force.1 an a lvere 1 u..r of tra.l" aept a perpetual ro.-nace I hjr.;!na over Ihe re.lemption lutvi. paane-J Aiu-rc.n cre-iil to alien .vn.cati'.. ati rev. rrl an lha measure. and te.ults o( u.-ciifui ret.ulillcan rule. "In the b10.1l effect of lt pnllcy. It has prrc:i-;t.vel panic, bliaht-1 tnlii.try ani :ra ic a ith proloti.e.1 depremnin. clo.ed fa. lor!, a. re.iu.-e. work an.l waa-.. halted enlel-ri-e ar. I crippled .Vnii ruaa pn-luc-tion hle timulatinc fotcn p-eiuciUin for the Am-ri.-an market. tvery i.n.i.ler ation of public Mfety ant ittd'Vi.lual In-tere- dtrn.tn.i. tht tha rovi rninent .hall ! he reul from the han.1. of thoee who have ..town themselves tncaivtble to con .luct it aitheut iliu.ter al home anl dt. honor ahroa I. and .hall be r.aiored to the lr y ahi.-h for i year, a lmini.lere.1 It a th itnciiiale l .uive.. .vn 1 proiierily, an l 111 th.. conn-, lion w. heartily in.ora the via.loin. patriot i-m an.l iiic.aa of lha a.tmln.Mtai.nti of frei.lt-nt H.trr.An. 'We rep.- an.l emphaaiae our alle.ian.- lo the p-,,!,'y t pr.t. vtion a. the bulwark of Ameru-.in tn.fii.lrial in.lein.len.a and the lounlation of American d..el.pm-nt n.l pr.i(ierity this true American kiih- I m' f.ue.an pr,iu ' In.tii.trv. aivl put. Ihi 1 (orrIKI1 . ,U: it e.-u uct., enconraae. home e buriltn of revenue on k.hm.: u eoure. the American mar ket for the American rrc-iucer; it upho.. the Anvr..an .Inn. lard of a..ea for the Amem tri wotkin.man; It pma the factory ; pt i-.e i ... inr i.i.n aim i,. n r- ine I American farmer left, .lepen.lent on forei.n .lenia-i I an.l pr..-e; It diffusa eneral thrift an.l founl. ihe .tren.th of all on Ihe trena h of eiich In It. reasonable appli cation It 1 Ju-t. fair at.. I Impartial: equal ly c.pi"."l lo for.i.n oontrot and domeatle motiop..i : in .--cnoiial diiH-nniinatioa end Iti.l t i.lual favoriti.tn. "U e denounce the present demoeratle tarijr a. sectional, injurtou. to the puhlio cr. Hit n. de.truclifte to h.r-.e. enler-pr-.e We demand .u.-h an equiinl.le tar .fT on .uch larei.n Imtiort. .. coma Into competition a Ith American product., at will not only furnl.h ale)ii.ta revenua foi the nece.aary eapenaaa of the oernnient. but protect American labor from degrada tion th. w.a level of other Unda. "Wa .r not plejged 10 tny particular chedul.a. Tha ajuaatlon f rata, la e praatldal uaatl.a, I aa govainei by Us ::::;-:::-:::::: ' ' j V. , 1 them: he N f v1 I oarH. andf x j and by th I .5. 4 w ho-nlr' . .1.1 -S.M ! r. I a o'lntiuon. of rha lima ant of .roduniloai !nJlJZSti Anirr.cn UMr aa-1 iri iu.iry. Tn ruunti-r ,a"u,''dr - " " b.u.v in. rra! of ih. reciprocity Xti&nXKX? J.nr., and . iirm.n.1 ivir i.n.a.i faV iJeTrVE 'mufi!?".' .V our lr wlla afnr nation., i-.ui,,, a r-.inct.una anion now o .vm i ilia aale of Am-nraa pctiucla la Hi. port, ol ulnr aountrlaa. :.a i.'jr . niar.r I m.r. kri. tar ina iirad uc i. ut our Urinj, turaat. i an. fa.-:or... "froier.ioii and reciprocity r th. Iwla m'l.urr. of tei'Utiilran ili., an a. .and in h.nat, t.iriKTailf. r.. ha. r.-a-lm.y airu.-k dawn hum. ana &.-ITN mu.i b. i r.-e.iat,lMhi-.L tTle.-iv.in, lor vaat via ar.inc; lira .tmwiioai Vur ti fle.in. of life arnloh ao nut proVc; rrclu rooal aarramnu of inuiuai inlvraai. a-nu h ...a u-n mark!, in mm f ir our orm maraia to oihna. i'ro..a.ou buil.i. duraraiK! Indu.irv an.l lr..ie i,, aa. ttaa- ... ai iiwu-t tTT oiir.rtv.a' re- cipro-ntr btirf., .v tr tu iral. and finJa an o.iiiat (or an.- lujiplua. " ono.. .n in. nnt .lminl.tr.. lion for a. krrpina fjim wliu in. .u.ar j.to-lucr. ol tn.. couiir. Tti. JtpuLl, an party favor, aucn j.rofwllon a. mil .a io ilia tiroiliieiiun on Am.r.' an ..nl of ail ' aoaar van Ina Aintri. an twoi.lt u... am i,tr hi-i iney omrr cwuninaa mor. ihn lu...j...j annua. Jy. ' To ail of our prodnvia-io ihs.. of Ih. mina .iki fl., .a wll at lh... of tlu, ft-p mvA Ilia farinry-io h. mp, to wool, tfta jro-JiH-j of ln arat in luan. of mai-ti hu.iMn'lry. aa , to th iln..hl waoi. p:"l"'l'lSn i'rom'"' m"" araot tyar reafnrlna: the arr Am -Tic. a polkr of Ot.crlmli,al,r,ir liutl.a f,,r lh uiv lHii..m of our incri haiK inailn. nn l tlia prrrtai lion of our hi.,li. rni.r-.i to ifce rora.rn-earryin trade, .u Ani..ii ,:, lha pronuet of American laiK.r, ampiayej in Aiwrii.n .h:prar.!a. .a lm ui il-r tn. Bi.ra an.l nirlp... am manna.l, oilicer.L ai.. ownct by Amrrkam, may reala in. Th rapubllraa vunr t tnr aoun-i momy. li cauant in. ily .riauii in. ia Iirovl.liria f.ip 11. . . aumrnioa ol aecia pavmm. in r: .inc. l-n ry dollar c, b,. M eood M -ol.l; ara ara unalurah'y oi.piaoi io rvarr m...ira caltulair.J o JKI aaa our cuirncr or impair tho crcln of ... . ' eolraaa of ailver cent l,y lni.roati.imI , natlona oi tn. morM. thk-h w r.l. i.2 IWI1ICIII. WIIB ina U-l. n. . ouracive. ia "...w. ., unui auik t ilYSl in mtvUr etripfoyemenr. an4 V "": ' Ihe enaclni.nl of au-h . . . e i-t calculat.-ii. to acora th. i"rhTaVrkVh' pie,,t;' "" V. f "k 6ty' ,ne country- peril. Wa dio..nc the practice In the pefaion ""-"'""y f ttfijui.ly Carrie? on by the r.-ot aJmlnletiailon. of ra duem pen.lon. an-1 arb.ir.r.ly , rupplra name, from th. ,.n. ' ll "yyim a jetereat condenMation of ih. Amerigo ty d. :an clr.in. rniTV fe afaoiulely prote.' a 1 nr. y cost Mwrt the Morfr?-,, 'r"1; w rearTtrTTne- . i1 nl,, s''e lo alva ih. dor n-t. nv-rvapnn.tllia to the apn.-.!. of ana . ....... 1,1, ina 1 11 w : r ri , ?J2l , v1" ,ur ""ert'tlv IniervenUoi iae of Kur,.an encroachment .1. hae mil in',rt. ,ui n n 1 . . t. ... . .e.r.re v..tn the ixl.tine tio.aea.na ..... inip-an nower In lh..i.e p,w5vlor. mu.t not, n any pratexC . exienL We hopef.wiy look forwTr.J to - - ... tn..-. uru ,nn.r r. . u r ... iki. . bu I I- he evrti .1,11 wn.l lria al rf the Kiirouean ,-r. from this bemiaphere anl to th. . uhiniate union of all the Knijl :n.i-apcakinat LL"Zli,fJ1' nnnt by ha frea coiiaaul ' "i-'rom tha hour of achieving- their own j Jlv""'"-''. 'M'i'K' ,h l'n-J : . , n4ie revar led with nymiwihy tha iiiiita Lama. tnia:i of Olir Alii,'rif.in e..f . ine.ii.nvee. rrotn Kuropean domination. W. aat.h w.th deep and abi.iinn lniereat tk. nennc batila of the Cuban pitrioto aaalnat cme.ly and owreaion. an.l our b-t hope, " f" ' full HUOM of u,tir deY-r. mil.eil con wl for liberty. I ne f.vernment of Spain. h,vl.a I... .i.,eni nt 1-1,1 and belmi unnble to pro- ' property or lives of A:,";r!l?,,c, or to compiy reailent ment of the fnited State, ahould actively 11. II. Inrtuenco and ...xl oltlce. to re- ore tirac and five Independence i.l.inl. to Ui Tho peace ami security of the repuMIe anl the mamteiu.no of .ia rliehtful inau. . nee amon the nation, of the earth de man I -a nival power commetuutrute w,th .t oaitlon and reainn.tbility. We. there fore, favor in continued enl.injemeut of the navy and a complete aa,m of harbor an.l eo.con.0 defenses. "Fur the )r.u Hon of the quality of sue American citnen.hiri and the , .... . I our woramitmen aaalnsi tne fatal co.nitl- turn of kw-pnce.l labor, we demand .hat I ImmiKratmn law. be thoroughly an , forcf d and .0 extended a. to exclude froro , .n-rance to the I oited st.tea those who can neither read nor write. "The civil service law waa placed on Ita. .tstute books by the republican party. I allien ha. always sustained it. and we re . new ottr repeated declarations that It shall 1 be thoroughly ard hon.-oly enforced and I extended wherever prao Icalile. "We demand that every citlien of th. tinted Stat., ah.ii: be allowed to raat ' on. rrpe anl utit.lricted ballot, and that .uch ballot be ceunied and relumed as I cat. "Wa procl.vlm our unriiilifted conlemna tlon of ihe iiiicivihsed an.l barbarous prao. tier well known aa lynching;, or killing of human being, aimiiected or charged with crime., without process of law. "W. favor the creation of a national hoard of arbitration to settle and adjust differences which may arise between em plovers ant empisyc. engaged tn Interstate commerce. "We believe In ah Immediate return la the free homestead policy of Ihe repubil can party, and urge the piasaa. by eon of the sanefaciory free-homestead measure, which has already passed tb home and I. now pen i n. in the aeuata. "We favor tha .lmi.sion of Ih remain ing territories at Ihe earliest practlc.bl. date, having due regard to th. Int.rest of th. terrltortea and in. I'nited dtatea. A Li Ihe federal olTlcers appointed for th. lerrl torlc ahould be selected fnim bona flie re.idents thereof, and th. right of ir government should b. acoorded aa far aa pract ic.ble. We believe tb. eltlaen. of Alaska .houl-1 hava re.te.entation In the eia gre. of tha I'nited mates, to Ih. end that needful lelaiallo may be InleUigenty enacted. "W e svmpatMg. with .TI wl. ard leglit mate efforts to lessen .n.l prevent the .vlls of 'nl-m per! nee .nd promote mm-alltv. "Tha republican party t mln Uul of the rirbi. of women. Troteetion of America Inilu. tries Ire-liele. avtual opportunitiea, equal pay for equal work anil rrotactJaa to tha hi.me. asV "W. favor Ike s.lmis.ton of women ra wider sphere, of tiirfiilnesa, .nd welcom. their ei-operallon in reai-uin. lha eountry from dmocratH.' .nd popull.l rui.nia oa. ment an.1 misrule. Hiifh ara lha principle, anl poitctaa of the republic. n party. "Ily thea principle, wa will ablla. .nd these pollclea we will put Into eseeutioa. We ... for them the con.l'teral. I.l.lar-nv-nl of ih. American pe,,i. CofirVtent Ilka la lha his. 011 of our great party .nd In the justice of our eauae, ara present our platform and our can.lt. late, in lha full suurance that th. .lectio, will brinaj vlc'orr to the republican paity and pesa parlt t. U. saool. ot lbs I'aitea taWt." - . . 1 . 4 ff'"' oa oota.nal the exl.tlna l"U rtaodarj mu-l ba i,r.r "All our tilv.r a.'l paprr i-urrcn'cr rrmai " Intlo.abl). tbe obllaallona of lha tnilel Hiat.a. and all our money, ahethar c la or p-per. i th. preaent atai.dird th" of'tha'aart' m" '""K"""1 aallou. -.'r?'.."!"",.0' ,h rnlon armle. del rrrt and .houl.l re.eiv. kind trea ment !! ., r-roert.on. Whenever prartlcable they a..ouLl . . V - -- 9. " i . . "r rore!a p..i.r yriri'T l,.-..-.ii t V In . iorou and dlmrn-M. anl - i'. V ' ;il-.0.u!..,n"rV"'. '". w.aiarn kemiiph r. ' - - i I !KlV'if,nw,li.nJ houl'1 eontrvHe-1 . , V anwifl oe D"-aa a J ' -e-y a a