Broad-axe. (Eugene, Lane County, Or.) 189?-19??, June 18, 1896, Image 4

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    Of tart ami total nrOTa Rand aafaaparlll t to
Snqlie4 tm rifrin WOO
r Sar?aparilla -
Y Om Iih UKa PnrtBw. All dmtniH .
Hood's Pill ear U Uw lit. wik
a- Aeonnna ml a Wm4mM flak
rwH la Kite.
In aa article In TJebec Land und
Meer on 'Electrical Phenomena In the
Animal "World," Dr. Frolk-h tell about
a sucker flnrt found in the Nile and its
tributaries by modern scientific mm in
1881, tut veil known to the ancient
Egyptians as the 'sucker thundorvr
(Tod, " being worshiped as such in a
sucker god temple In the city of the
thunder sucker, or Orrrrhynchiis. The
reason they called it the thunder suck
er, instead of the ','thuader fish, " was
because they knew of another fUh,
known to the English speaking people
as the electric rat (fish), to the Germans
as the sitterwel, or the shad that
makes one tretuhln, It grows to a tangta
of about a foot, of which the head and
nose take up a quarter, aajd at the doep
est part measures mors than a quarter
of its length.
Just why the mMrrfl scientific men
did not" know of this fi&h before is a
question a layman finds it hard to an
swer except that the sncker is a bottonir
fish. The old Egyptians probably learned
of the animal after a Nile flood, when
some thiloscpher was meditating over
a mud paddle left by the receding wa
ter. Be saw a funny J&x struggling in
the water, and, out of a dVvire for
knowledge, reached fur the fish and'
touched it If there were any disciples
r,f the nhiloarrriher hard br. thev rortha
bly saw the philosopher art surprising
lyas the stoic Indian did when he got
hold of a galvanic battery. Thereafter
the f.-h was worshiped, hiring a name
which arcciated it with the "thunder
god of the skies. " although the ancients
knew nothing of electricity according to
the learned of today. .
A peculiar thing about the Tarious
electrical fish is that should one swim,
errn at a considerable distance from a
human bather, the bather would know
of its proximity by an "electrical sen
sation," while many of thrjp barn bat
teries actually fit to kill a hone on con
tact. The fUh are far ahead of the hu
man beings in the matter of weapons,
"for they stun their prey at a great dis
tance In the water , "
Ho Often Beallr Frightened, hat Xow aj4
, TkM rarhap a Littl Startled. -
"I "don't suppose a man in my busi
ness is apt to get frightened very much, "
said the retired burglar. "He's all the
time expecting things to. happen, and
he's always on the lookout for them.
Still, I suppose that any man, unless he
has an absolutely cast iron nerve, and
such men are Tery fw, is likely at
times to be startled. I know that I am.
For instance :
"I went into a hons one night, and
after groping around down stairs for a
w hile in the blackest kind of darkness
I went up stairs. There I found an open
door. I had located from the outside of
the house the windows of the room that
this door rpomd into, and whrn I struck
the door I knew where the bed ought to
be. It was there, and I went along the
side of it until I came to the head. I
found a chair there with a man's
piled up on it I picked up the trousers,
and as I began to feel in the pocket
br-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r! went an alarm
clock on the bureau, not a foot from my
head, and out of bed jumped a man,
bumping square against me, of course
not knowing I was th-re, but knocking
me endways and tumbling orer on the
floor himself.
"I certainly was startled by that
alarm clock, make no mistake about
that, and I have no doubt in my own
mind that the man that Jumped out of
bed was startled when he fell orer me,
but I didn't stay to ask hiia about
that. "New York Sun.
Tmm Par Ola Uttfu Mlatak.
Old Mr. and Mrs. fihnman from Bryan
went to town, and in going to the hotel
for dinner saw a crowd around the jos
tles court. The old couple, with pardon
able curiosity, inquired the cans of the
gathering. They were informed that a
dsn was on trial for beating hia wife.
Edging their way through the bystand
ers to get a look at the prisoner, the old
lady whispered to her boabantfrt
"What a murderous looking creature
tbe prisoner 1st I'd be afraid to get near
"Hush V warned bar husband. "That
Isn't tbs prisoner; he hasn't been
brought in yet"
'It isn't? Who Is it, then V
"It's the Judge I" Atlanta Constitu
tion. This world is like mint We are do
sooner cast into the fire, taken out again.
hammered, stamped and made current
bat presently we an changed, Decker
and Webster.
Tbssarrststs nfien nainfnllf- senle. When
tale I lbs mm, tha heal aln ta an sab w la
ra the loale auo tranqalllsinf nealeianreof
Hoatatiar'e Mnmark Mitiera, a superb anrrlnn.
he lean tone trial is It lor df.per.ilr, blUooa,
malarial, rheumatic, nownl and a I me? easn
n.elnt t aa will nmlelewi recvlarltr. A
wtaeflaaaf al Mors raUrinc ooofara alee.
Ths lret?e ke s teafnm staBtaea Inches
tonf."aai4 Mr, berrill. -Ami know bw ta
hold It, mo," nai4 Mr. Oerrlll. arba had bad
a tonf eortala taunts Ike nlftl bHora.
FMa MAnal a SUask
rrsf. W. B. ranks, wb
n at bin sbaohrtn Sara, fmn ta any soffarar
"T aaaa innw r. aaa sapreee addraM
Wa advlaa anvena nrieainf a enra to addram
ttna,W. aV rAaXB, V.aUSCadavM.Baw lark
M as mates a apnciaity at
HI L Epilapsy, baa witbont
tJV doubt traatad and can
I Yk ndaaoracaarathaaaay
I Q Urtn Pbyatriaa bis
IkW snacaaa la aatoalabias;.
.1 ... Zyaaka WnaavnbaaxdatcaMa
si as yearn standing
e Didn't Like Baaan, tat Re Ala
Than All Ike
Mark Twain lived cm forty years
ago. In the limits of a very wild., half
craiy frontier mining camp. This wan
divided Into two parties, the s-callcd
"Boston crowd," which contained the
better element, thouiib few lioaton nieu.
and the "Missouri crowd." which wan a
pretty bad lot, though not coniiHnwd
exclusively of natives of Missouri.
Fights to the death were of daily and
nightly occurrence. gamUIng out flu
were In constant demand. qnarrvllii.
bullying drunkards were omnipresent,
and few need water except to wli
now and then In the little mountain
stream flowing through the iligKtui:.
Despite It all there was a strict camp
etiquette, which was recognised and
considered law by all, and It i of this
etiquette that Mark Twain told me su
A "Boston man" was eating break
fast early one morning at a table near
the open dooand the unlf bar. h:ilf
reatanrant of the place, lie was'jiist
finishing his plate of pork and beau
when two "Missouri" men passed along
and saw the "Boston" m.-m and bis
breakfast. 'Tbey tted within a tool
or two.
"Look at thatr said the 'bigger of
"MJssourl" men contemptuously, "do
you see what that blauk-blaukety blank
Boston thing in enting'f Why, down In
MiftMourt, where 1 came from, we feet)
them things to our horses, Ouly the
brutes est that grub down there."
Presently the bully stepped inside and
sat down opposite the "Boston" umn, at
the same table. ,Yhen the plate of
beans had been eaten, the "Boatou"
man called out to the banender:
"Pete, give me another plateful Pile
It up. I like 'em."
When the heaped-up plate came the
"Boston man,, quick as a flash, bad
pulled oat hia revolver, bad the "Mis
souri" man covered with It. aud then,
pushing tbe full plateful of beans
across the table, told the Missouri"
man to "eat It and like It or he'd shoot
him Lke the dog that he was." The
bully had his choice between beans or
death, and be knew It. When he had
eaten every bean he was made to say
that he liked beans, and then, and not
till then, did tbe "Boston'' man pnt up
bis pistol, paid for both orders of beans
and left the saloon.
"Now." said Mark, "tbe reason the
'Missouri' man didn't whip out bis gun
and shoot as soon as the bean-eater's
back waa turned was because of camp
eliqnette Each man had his fun with
the other, and they were even. If tbe
'Boston' man bad been shot the 'Mis
souri' man, as quick as news could fly.
would hare had his body Oiled with
lead from the revolver of every man In
camp, regardless of party. You see we
were quite sticklers for fair play In
those days." New York Journal.
Why Bawley Sold Mis Cows.
Secretary Morton recently visited
Biltmore, N. C' to make a personal In
vestigation of some experiments in
arboriculture that have greatly Inter
ested him, and while there he maly ex
amination of Ueorge Vanderbilt's 3 )
OtiO-a-'re farm. Mr. Vauderbilt h is re
cently purchased and shipped to t'.iii
farm the famous herd of recnrdeC Jer
sey cattle belonging to Frank W. Hair
ley. of Plttsford farm, near ltucheMi-r.
N. Y. The cattle number, li.. and tho
herd Is tbe third In r- i and reputa
tion In the I'nltcd St.-u.j.
Mr. Hawley sold his con-s berjn j of
the recent decision of the New Vorlr
Court of Appeals confirming the right
of the State Board of Health to cont,K
cate and slaughter animals suspoctc of
tubereulolis, rvaardless of th.'Ir value
and upon careless and casual examina
tion. He claims that the decision of the
Court and the regulations of the Board
of Health are too severe and unjust
and that their tests are Imperfect and
unreliable. The Court also dciiiol the
doctrine of aristocracy In cattle. 1 1 held
that a cow is only a cow; that ono cow
ls no better than another cow, aol that
the law does not authorize the payment
of a larger sum for a hlcti-hnt! Jersey
that la condemned anl killed than for
a stump-tail, burr -covered vajrniiit that
la picked up along tbe hizbw ivs. The
regular price of a condemned cow in
New York Is $3T. and Mr. liavrloy re
cently received that sum p-r head as
compensation for a herd of przs ivin
ners that cost blra VJO.OM) when they
were heifers. Among his cattle thus
slaughtered by the Board of llenltb
was the famous Catherine of Pitlstort,
which won tbe butter tut at the
World's Pair, and was considered the
most valuable Jersey cow In the coun
try. If not In tbe world. Mr. Hawley
paid f 2,5M for her when she was a cnlf
and received $35 Indemnity when flic
was slaughtered. He claims that the
Inspectors were mistaken In their diag
nosis. After this experience Ms. Haw
ley became discouraged In his attempts
to cultivate tbe Jersey and offered his
herd to Mr. Vanderbllt by telephone.
The latter accepted the terms, the trade
was concluded in three minutes, and
the next day the stock were en route t'j
North Carolina. It Is said that tbe pur
chase price was over f 200,000.
Allowance lor Daagbtera.
There can be no doubt that tbe cus
tom of making an allowance for daugh
ter Is an excellent one. When a girl
reaches a certain age, say 17 or 18, she
should be made an allowance, paid
monthly or quarterly, out of which she
sEould be expected to provide herself
with gowns, hats, and all tbe staple re
quirements of her toilet As to luxur
ies. Ilk frirs. jewels, ball-gowns, and
ucb things, they may be left to tbe In
dividual generosity of her parents, who
need not stint themselves In that be-
. cause they give her an allowance. Too
much stress cannot be laid upon the
. fact that every girl should have an al
' lowanco, and tbua be trained to the ex
penditure of money. Many a young
girl wben she marries and goes to her
husband, excites alternately bis Irrita
tion and alarm, owing to her otter Ig
norance of money. If such a girl bad
been trained from girlhood to the re
ceipt of a stated sura out of which she
'bad to inert her heeds she would make
a better wife. 8aa Francisco Argo
naut .
A Hesdamaa with a Hl-tory.
On tbe little Island of I'stlca, forty
milea from Palermo, Italy, there died
recently a man who for years was tbe
terror of tbe people of Nsples and the
kingdom of the two Sicilies. He was
Caetana Impellitsert, once the beads-
, man onaer rerainand n. or Naples.
The Malm Mentions attributed to
il .
Impelllxtert are countless, and, wlih
the cntelty by which he showed, led
to his dt-nunctstton by Mr. Clndstoue
forty years ago In the philippics which
that statesman directed against I'er-
dlnand. The exts'titions weiv only lit
part public; It nas the executloiiK in
aecret -usually at ulglit -which
the man bis vter. It s he who i
tvnted lu San Francisco place, Ksjcs,
the I'aUbrlau Agesilits MllHiioiie. ho
on IVc. V, InVI, had made a bayonet
thrust at King Ferdinand II., and vi
trlots Innumerable hocaaie bin vwtiiiis.
When Caribaldl entt-rtHl Naples In
September. 1S1, the rxcltiM xpuhi't
went In search of the h.ttisl he.U:ii;in;'
but h carol much for his own life,
although he thought little of tint of
others, and cihI with his wife.
Ijiter he was Imprisoned on the Ut.i'. l
of l"stli"a. where he Nvame sn o'll
cr of the fort built In those d.iys to
protect the Island against plra'.es.
was In rtHvlpt of a penslou of '."
month-nnii'h more than he d tcrtisl.
He was SI yenrs old at the t in o of his
death. New Yvrk Tribune.
California's K.lll.le I.ljar.l.
There Is. Ilvtiig tn the mountainous
parts of the Mojave dcsrt s very
strange lliard. which -often reaches s
length of over a foot, aud uhlch U
ln-arly as n lie as one's hand and of a
uulform dark slate color, or even black,
while the tail Is iottcd with white
and often nearlj uniformly white. At
a distance this species, which scientist
call Sauromalur ater, look like a :ila
monster, and many people, uuavtiiialut
ed with the latter, hav supposed
them to be the same, and I think It is
due to this mistake that many people
believe the Olla monster atiSlnhahltaiit
of California. But there raHy
authentic account of the, mmfer 1-e-Ing
found lu our State. Prf Baird
siates that In his Pau'lllc rsilrad re
ports, on the authority of Kennerly
and Mollhaiisen. that it has been found
along the Mojave Hirer, but tills must
be a mistake.
The chuck walla, as the black lizard
above described Is called by the In
dians, Is almost entirely vegetarian In
Ita habits, and consequently edible.
Several specimens which were exsm
Ined contained In their stomach speci
mens of a little lotus, an ephedra and
a few bits of the gray desert tree, delea
fremontil. The Indians est s great
many of tbem, and I. for one. can testi
fy that although very repuslve to look
at. If one has not had freh meat for
three or four months, a nice, fat chuck
walla U.qute. palaiabU If properly
cooked. The meat Is very white and
tastes much like frogs' legs, which
are sold at such4'! gixnl price In our
markets. San Francisco Chronicle.
Tbe Bight or limit.
Birds are commonly credited with an
extraordinary ranj? of vision. Circum
stances lend aid to the development of
the mental factors lu their case. The
usual distance at which terrestrial sjw
cles use their eyes is limited by the
ground horizon. Itnt In the case of
the soaring birds, such as vulture and
eagle, the horizon, the natfinil limit
of sight, is enormously extended.
Macgilllvray early noted that though
birds of prvy have orbits of great size
the eyeball of the common buzzard
belnr sn Inch snd a third In diameter
they do n t, as a rulesoar when seek
ing their prey. The eagle, when hunt
ing, flies low. as do the sparrow liu v
and the henharrier. Yet the vulture
and condom, birds which do soar w hen
st klng foot, have been proved to find
carrion by sight. A carcass wa cov
ered with canvas and some offal placed
upon It. The vulture saw this, de
scended and ate It. and then sat on the
covered portion within a few Inches of
a putrid carcass. Wben a hole was
made In the covering they saw and at
tacked the food below. But th rapid
congf-catlon of vulture from a dis
tance to a carcass Is protmhly due to
their watching their nelghtiors. eaeb of
which is surveying a limited area.
. Charles Darwin pointed out that In a
level country the height of sky com
monly noticed by a mountain man Is
not more than fifteen degrees alsive the
horizon, and a vulture on tho wing at
tbe height of between three thousand
and four thousand feet, would probahly
he two miles distant and invisible.
Those which descend rapidly aud ap
pear to have come from beyond the
range of human sight, were tierhaps
hovering vertically over the hunter
when be killed hi game.
Points About Matches.
A commission appointed by the
French government has been Investi
gating the manufacture of matches,
with the object of ascertaining 1 there
waa not some sultntance whose substi
tution for phosphorus would render
that Industry one lu which men aud
women could engage without becoming
tbe victims of horrible and fatal forms
ot poisoning. The commission has Just
made Its report, apd the conclusions
reached by It are of great Interest.
There Is, the commissioners any, noth
ing that can replace phosphorus as a
quick and convenient means to-atart
combustion. Other chemicals would.
Indeed, be safer for the employes, but
none of them la even approximately as
safe or useful from the standpoint of
the public. It Is evident, therefore, that
the use of phosphorus must continue;
but, though that Is the case. It by no
means follows that the manufacture
of matches must be at the cost of hun
dreds of lives every year. By using
proper precautions, tbe commissioners
declare. In tbe ventilation of factories.
In the structure of machines and In the
personal habits of tbe work people,
practically all uanger can be removed.
In the best-regulated establishments
measures have already been taken that
put an end to the diseases that a care
less and unscientific use of phosphorus
produce In those that handle It A
startling feature of the report la Its as
sertion that the match factories owned
and conducted by tbe French govern
ment Itself are precisely those In which
tbe conditions are tbe worst
Too Mack Refernn.
Friend What Is the matter, old boj J
Judge Well, the fact la my wife and
I never get along very well and of late
the relationship has become so un
bearable that w both want a divorce.
Friend I aea. Why don't yon get
Jodge (sadly) I have sent all th
bogus divorce lawyers to tbe peniten
tiary. New Tork Weekly.
Tbe women can always depend npon
this: that a man at bis meals will ask
for something that la Dot on tbe table.
How tb Verrhnnta lthana Job era
1 toorkttt It t'Hin a XUltor.
I A large, good looking and evidently
1 cod imturcd man milked Into the ex
: clmnge riHim lu yie Itwiitl of Trade
bull. ling the other l iv nn.l was soon an
liilcrcntcd, not to say snvlous, spet-ta-tor
of what rs kuow u on 't'liaugeas "the
hat trick." '
The large man 'wore a glossy new
derby hat.
A member of the exchange walked up
to him. neatly l!fu i!ie hat on bis head,
and lu a moment tliy newcomer saw
what ho supposed nil hi bat flying
across the rootu.
It had Nvn propeltl by a kick. Pev
rrnl others made a rush nt It, and It
wa a,-nt hither and thither like a foot
ball. The man looked on In amsicment
Presently the hat cqmo his way and he
sclniM It. He gave flic now dilapldattsl
hendgenr a brush or two w nh his elbow,
Usikisl It oxer dubiously, tlieu put It ou
and start ed luirri.vlly for the exit.
Before he eoul.l make lus escape the
hat was again seized aud .ignlu became
the cei'tcr of a nihil.
Hiiiv more IIm lenu g. he hat. clap
ped It ou hi -Ilea.!, and was rushing
away when he Inter, optedfhy th
man who had originally takeu Jl frou
the x Initor s lien. I.
With great pobteiiess tte joker hand
ed over the visitor's own lint, as glossy
and perfect as If It Iki.I Just com from
the batter's blovk, and t..k the old bnt
in return. .
The visitor's surprise increased. He
scrutinized the new hat. It xva cer
tainly his. Then he Joined tn the gu
eral laugh. He had simply two Init
iated Into the, myntrries of trie Board of
Trade hat trie, tlv tlrM (mint In which
Is a bit of sleight of hand work by
which hats are cluutge.1 and the stock
hat. kept for the purpose. 1 kicked Into
the ring of jokers -Buffalo Commer
cial. Vanished ft-oni Human Ken.
, Wliu strikes us mot markedly In
reading the Ixvik of t!ie rock I not so
much the strange fortrs wldei are or
tra.ved In It uio. :i the tact thai so
many of them are etni. t. indeed, ex
cept 111 tnu very iuu.i uf furiosi Low
It Is extremely rare to come upoj any
foruis which run eieti approximately
lie considered Identical with aur now
living on the face of the earth.
All are vanished species. Whit Is
nnre, when we once et "clear of any
formation It Is the nrest possible o
currence exer again to see any of the
seeles of fossils characteristic of It.
fcit.'h period of tU world's history had
its ow n fauna ami t1"ia Hint Is, It -w n
assemblage of anltiiiils an. J plant and
oint" they dlsap"ttr - are gone for
ever". Vet, within tie" historic period,
we know of th extermination of only
a few animals, and of u speojc of
plants at all. Kvca tiien the rxtlnct
animals have. In eery Instance, met
their fate at the h:inl of man.
The dod.1. a curitm Krd of Mauritius,
and the solitaries of the Islnnds of Re
union and Rodriguez w . re exterminated
by ruthless senim u wnlun the lust two
centuries. The inon of Jiew Zealand
lived long after the Maori reached
these islands. The great auk and the
Ijtbrador duck have ccacd to exist,
fntiii su 1. 1. cause, within the
memory of man. The Philip Island
parrot Is a still more recent hws, whi'e
the only ma-imnnl which can heaald for
certain to have been Utterly destroyed
from off the face of the earth I the
gigantic sea co.v (rhytlnni of Retiring
Strait, though, alien It was first dis
covered, and t.4i the taste of the sea
men who liked oily Isw-f, Its niimlHT
were small, and emed on the wane.
These, and a few other ecle of les
Interest, form the total extinctions of
which history irecrvc any record.
But In the rorkt composing the earth's
crust there are the remains of thou
sand, which disappeared ages and
ages !efore man came Ukui the earth,
Our Earth and Ita Story.
A Veteran Woman's Ileal It.
With the "frontier" fast disappear
ing, even in tin- further West. It seems
a fur cry hack to the days of the fron
tier in the further Fast, but there are
yet In Maine while people who are
living link uliti those day. Mrs.
Sibyl Iiow, wliu died In East Dover,
Me., a few days ago, at the age of ill
years, was su.'li a link. 8be wa the
llfth white child born In tbe region
which Is now Piscataquis County,
Maine. Two years before she was born
her father. Kll Towne, moved from
New Hampshire, crossed the Piscata
quis River, made clearing In the
primeval forest, and built there a log
cabin. In whh'a Mrs. Dow was born.
He was rne of the first band of white
people who settled In the wilderness,
and Dover now- stands on the site of
his cabin, Mrt Dow. waa the first
white child bora In the present town
limits of Dover.
Forest of Hpaln.
Ppaln Is waking np to tbe necessity
of -renfforesting ber mountains. The
little king reei ntly went to a village a
few iuilLS east tf Madrid and planted
a pine sapling, after which 2,000 chil
dren selected from tbe Madrid schools
each planted a tree. Medals were dis
tributed among them, with tbe Inscrip
tion "First arbor day Instituted In the
reign of Alfonso XIII, 1800." Similar
festivals are to lie held yearly In dlf-fernnt-plrirps
nrxl the children are to be
taken out to how thf Ir trees grow.
In the hope that they will foster tree
planting In their districts.
Ionr pflwa,
"F.npec played a mean trick on bis
wife while she was away." '
"Taught the parrot to scream, Ton
talk too mueh!"' Exchange.
Mi Kaii
Iiilkln- How do you make
Heidi, Mis Vtssar?
Mis Vanar-Call him an Irishman;
If that doseu't make him hot I don't
know sny thing that will. Exchange.
Aftvertl.lng la lyondow.
It Is'estlmated that i4.000,000 Is spent
In advertisements and that something
like I. ,V if i.iks i,i ua I copies of newspaper
are sold In Indoo every year.
An Interpreter,
Mr. Nupop-Ob, you must com and
bear lailiy talk.
I'm le Boh-1 shall bs delighted but
you must act it Interpreter. Truth.
Tbe lets a girl trie to b Blow, tba
alcer she Is. f .
Congressman Powers Enthusiastic Over Palno's Celery Com'
pound, tho Greatest Spring Remedy.
Jodge Powers, who today represents
, Vermont in oongress, entered the ua
tionsl house with a msguiflceut record
as lawyer and judge ot ths supremo
ooort of Vermont.
lis is a One type of lbs cartfii!,
learned. New England lawyer.
Though but 68 years of age, he was
a member of tbe Vermont legislator
a third of a century sgo, and agsin In
1 874, when be wss speaker of tbs
nous. He has been slate censor, a
member of the costitutional convention
and of tbe state seoste. In 174 he
became jodge of the supreme court of
Vermont, and reamlned on .-the bench
until lStfO, when he took' his sesl in
oongress. Judge Powers presided St
many of the most notable trials In tbe
history of the state, and la th author
of msny of tbe most Importsnl opinions
to be found In Vermont reports.
No Judge on tbe supreme bench in
any ot our states hss reputation for
more clearly and unimstakably expres
sing bis opinions. His unqualified in
dorsement of Paloe's celery oom pound
in the following letter is asstalghtfor
ward and concise ss any one of hi
c ' PcsLtsotn, Cal.
"This xrri!ent Institution eloan Ita fifth
ar accredited at both of onr universities,
i-diat Huperinundent Holtt la. well
known in educational matters. Tba men
tion of bia asm a master of th school I
a guarantee to all who know him, that
nun but first -clams teachera am employed
and thst lb ohool under hi management
rank among th flrnt of It kind. Nowhere
r boy bellar cared for." tlao Francisco
Plso's Cur tor Consumption ha bean a
family medtnln with n since Iw-V K.
Madieoo, 24UU 42d Av., Chicago, 111.
Dr. Peters, the African explorer, is
abont to undertake a new exploration
of Bomslilsnd under the auspioea of a
number of wealthy Americana.
W off-r On Bnndrnd Dollar Reward for any
eaa ol Catarrh that caanol h cured by iiall'a
Catarrh Cure. -
r. J.CHE!T A CO., rrop., Toledo, 0.
Wn,th anderslfiied, ha?e known f. J. Cheney
for toe laat U years, and ballet aim perb-ctly
honorable In all bnameaa tratiaciluiie, and
financially abl to carry oat any oblUjallon
Bade by their Una. .
WierATsCaX, '
Wbeleaale lrattata, Toledo, O.
WaLDISU, Kissss a Mvis,
H holeel rtiffgUta, lolado, O.
Rail's Catarrh Car la laseu luternally.artlnt
dlrantiy npon the blond and mnsa antiacne of
th areteni. prtr ;.vi frt bottl. Sold by ail
llmrlliu. Teatlenontala free.
UaXr Utnlly plus are the beat.
FITS. All ( a etopned tree by lr. Kilns'
Great Narva Keatorer. Mo Ilia af ut tt Oret
day'ana. Marvelooa cure. 1 rratlM aod tl 00
trial bottle free to Fit eaaea. Sand to Dr. kiln,
ail Arch St., fnlladelpbla, r.
Tst Ossasa lor breakfast.
By a special permit, and in mailing
packages approved by the poatofflo de
partment, bacteria or disease tissues
may now be sent through tba malls to
United Btatea or municipal laboratories.
Blackwell's Gonuino
Tan wa fa aw mean testae m I enwe ka aa Mr eaaae tamla eaea I wan ta.
Bmf s sag, inn ta u i aa 4 mm Sew a ant fon aaaea af ts.a la jiaiiala.
thoughtful charges to a Jury:
i Hunan of l(fprsenttlm, I" S. I
Washington. II. '., Feb I'l. ll i
I br for aevaral yoara lMn nr.ianilt
j with th inrdlr.liist quahtlr of l ain a
I oeltrr compound, snd ran aiithiiilaiU.Jill j
-iitotsa a apacltio in many oaira lit
J which Ita ua I recommended hy tie pro
prietor. 11. Ulnar Hosana,
I let i'.at. VI.
I By far the beet ue thst any ird or
, ailing person ran make of these prnci
' ou aprlng days Is to purify th blood
1 and regulate their nerves with Pslne's
. celery com pound. ll is plain to any
' obaervant poraon thai th beat remedy
for neuralgia, peniiitnnt headache
and ineh ltk Indications of low nerv
; oos vigor, is the one that most rapidly
' snd oompletely nourishes th worn oat
parts. ll Is not in U power ot soy
other remedy to do tho vigorooi work of
Paine' onlery oomound in itrergthen
- ing the jaded tyitem, and in bringing It
back to an enrrgetio, healthy condi
tion. The real dsngnr that Hares sick peo.
: pi in the face 1 th potting off at
! tending - to sicklies and dlsess, nd
letting clip Aims health inviting
'One Cup
One Cent
Less than a cent in fact ancl all frvna
pure Cocoa no chemicals. That describes
Walter Baker & Co.'s
It the name of Woman's Friend Tt la
Jul In rel.evlng tbe backaches, headaches
which burden and shorten a woman's Ia i, i.-in C "i..
win ins onauiQ sna itrengtn
and make life a pleasure. For sals by all drnraista.
Everything for th Printer. PORTLAND, OR...
- rod CHiLoaaM tkkthino
ranaaUaraliaiawa'a. B Van w n neatla.
.agsw foarco
O w vj
J I istraxii
f 0 PConi THAT Ml SICK er
"Juat Don't a4 Well,"
en in. one Thine te
Only On for Ooae.
la kr niastaua i. a aa
aaantea Frna, Aahrwe ll.e.
aka BtaaCa fan.. 1-a.
is the
very best
spring dy,whn everything soetrong
r fsvor gottlug well. This gvsalasg
of all aprlng rained! la doing an s
touuhiif amuuui of good theaa day
smong aick poop's snd Ihoaa rnl-lB-,
all.ta who rn "run down" by Ue
long, trying - winter, or worn out aait
ftllcted hy d I am as.
Tl' soul nd life of oond health la
a wall-nourlihed nnrvous syslesa.
I'.-ilue'a oelrry compiund repair thsy
wom, nrrvAo aratcm a nothing else
can do, tl I ths on onrtatn snd per-
tusiixnl com tor sleeplensnnta. nyalorl,'
nrrvoua debility snd eihauslion, ibeo
niittlatn. 'neuralgia aud Ilia various
manifestation of an unhealthy bodily
ootiilillon, such ss languor, Uorvooe
nes, heart palpitation, .Iism of 0h
snd nrnntal depression.
With I'aVur' onlery oompoond, re
turning alrength and ohnerf aluess soon
how that on i undoubtedly on th
right road to health.
Falun' celery compound I th on
real spring remedy known today thai
ttnvnr - falls-to - benefit.- tint i'slns's
celery oompoond, snd only Psinsa'
celerv eomrxiond If vim wiah to bn wall.
Breakfast Cocoa.
Dorchester, rUsa. -
in very remarkable and certain
relief given woman by HOOKK'8
ii E V KA LEI) It K M t l)Y baa glvm
onlforutly soccus
and weakness
nr. t- i a
. . "" '""usnnoaoi
T$ ibis wbat ails you?!
ava va a jHa J
weitat in the 1
ee-- Blaallef (
eftrr,atte ejetra
leelaVaaiM. I
nM - NeartSnn
S.S T.M. la Ike
Meal la Ike Mara- 1
aac-eeleMMlea eM
UeelM at Meawrk
-liMmt Heatk (
Ga. la tea i
-Un a( riMk ;
rirble AeatneJ
Nssnt IrrMekta '
Celtte f t
Die tllWm
.e,b. j
Ua er Otarrkaal i
Then ran nave
la eee er Ma wear fcrwa, Tk. aa aaalUea aan
mw tkla leru-Me( eewatalet la
Hckcr't Dvspcpsl4 CaMeu,
an. (naala,
rnai.aa ttiant. Itnal 1
i ar: - I ei.n.rKl nornhla f r. n, lrarinla, hui
, . Tabl.u.Ukrari.r nMaa.aaraeura na "
AbtllS WiH I ID, ut4 K MKaa,
In r verr " tor nnl the neat aalllnt arllele l ied br err man, woman aod nniid,
rrnnerlrke eanltare Tawth Mrnah with
Tnnnna lanalnf Allaaawaal,
rnito.erd f.jr all lke learftn ybralrlan
ileiifUla. en4 IBa. Inr aampla. Kiallafc See
aiidsnn. wu.L a FINK CO ,
l-J0 Market tlraet. Baa rranetano, CL
sTfTv. k. W4,, r. y. y. y in