Broad-axe. (Eugene, Lane County, Or.) 189?-19??, June 18, 1896, Image 3

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    lilXO A.D-.A.3CE.
J. It. On ley (.1 ili.. I'iltHl.urK
1-c.nler pats It, giving 1 1 1 n rt 11 1 n tin' imiuiiiiiiinu of Ex-lb. v.
I'ci r: Will n(i allow tln
wnler (.1 iionitn.ito Ir president of
III.' Culled Sin. l (inv. I'llill'.y-
tr i.f I r g"ii, t'"'
mayor l I'.'i tlnii.l, Ir , ami mIi.i
nil hcil g Pilot, I ml. I . 111. it l.lgai,
lllx I. I'M hi It V lulling hit i'iWH
III V initio, n . luring il li.nn VMM I
In fJ.'.H'l ,e ,I.S done (,,
l.lllltf I' I. III. ' lllll.'l.lU' Prt
i inn ii n vi i w nil mi ... n.'j lac.ip i
, , . . - . . 't'i.i. n.ii.i.nii.i niut'
Vilioliii. In . ii r. .lu'n in.iic llian M,,ii,,.M
..i.e-lu.lf iujLHrT nines. Ii, no,,,- J , , A' hi,
limlUir ...v. I c y. r f..r l''-,,,1..,, ,.flv. r Ui, rotnilri..
t.tyut, as Mg,,,nat II..- ,,l,t N,,-( w ,,,. J ,,,,.,.
t; hanks llml have II,,. I. .1,1 lo, that .. ,irl4f ,if (jf,
n" i;,,,,'V ' "" ,''7;p.rc.,,rd,ieb, the prevailing ma
well i..:il.lirI..M claims. ..r the suf-!,',, ,,,.,, Jllf ,,,,
r,HK--of III- glial mass of II,.- M ,, ' ., .,,,,,. , .
A ,,...ri. ....... .-.,.l l
, 1 ' ..............
tlltn PIlllM ll l". ."Ill rtppeel .r llll',,r
It'll. im rlll. ii, c--eiuly Unit clio-p
. . . r i .i
noM.,., p ion.,,.. ,.,
i4iH(r i- i" tii-.. i iii 1 1 if p nun ,
Imll, tli- r..M-ln.tnr ,,rrrN.f
l, l, imotli. r (,,,.1 l.v U, uvv j
.-..I.'.,, j .1,.,,, t.,.ii..rl
1 '
Mini iiiilmnnl m. ii. in. ill-. ; itt, ur
tl.'rni V even n.'T' r...n.'i..ilf llnin
tint wlii.'lii.iir K. o'.i,i,o,iury unit
r-Volleil HKH'-t It l proMlHit
illJ " tlH'PC Vlll lout. goVel llln.'litt to
lluiruMi, iis .ii i'. aii'kfr. '!. I.'x
lioVerlior I'ennoer i tlie lirl pule
lie in.. II to -him lliut l.e i, ) i . t lln
Mate mi l tin .'..inlit, ,,, or Uk l.iU.r-
Iiik .'III.- k inyini Ii if they
I, nve int. IIiiiki- .t-noiih f.r piHf
Jovi run,' nt Mill t'l i m ill Mt-oinl
the l.oliilniill.'li an. I rnlly to
Mlppolt m,ii lit 1 r 1. I lip lllllll he
in iii-tltf i rei.l-nti:il rtinir. "I tit
' ' .
Imo l-ll.r ...Hi. lor twoj
g. n
I he
t inll i-
..i k..l the i.u-k. l i.n
ik.. i in. rut k. i ii
in- have i, hit uili
thn-rijrrrii. V .jil' i.'l. to
the v.,1. rrM.f the 'nation ,
I'.ilin.' l-tu i a I "t virtue with
the American t o.-. me ap-
u-al to t'l. if t iii-hii' itt :- one .'mil
f. a-oii why thy choiild vi'te for
l'i lili'.V' l. The municipal, tat.
feud, national trea-uiitn art- Ine
t let rut 11,111- r in Mill !, (o .'pi rate
t.fclay. No gold, mlver. had, toat
or ore iiiii.. 'It. r ru h l :ggiugnit
tlo our nnl'l'c ..(l i t K nl .'lie hull'
lh ... in... I.i.u I m . I 11 l,t 111. -It
, ,, - r . .- l -
h linn , I .... .I...,. I I.V ia.,.1 I.I 1...I,
. . .. - , . ' I
Iinuse t.olitlt uii" l.iii.kiui.t our.
, ' ,
Hon riilnt nl wiicii we i .itiiitil mak
ua jiuaJi-4iuiuev.--w-- t'rtit by n
.'tiring lht- o tin tit litTie half the
lilc-ent nt
' 1
till.- II, I- ll" of lh"
place canrit'l from our lal.r rnnkr
N- liil'.l with a -Mipetior in an.
(VniioVi r hat .l.-uion-li at. .1 by hi-
t.wu Mice. I lint be i n lar hih r- "
bf man to to tin- in.'-l in it I,
for- 1 1 tv t fti t- i i . the republican
pill I v. I I. if wa a t. ad failure;
the nl lit r a fiic.'i f-lul liutini-ft man.
I'eiinovt rt inlinini-tratioii will,
ion. pan- f.itttr. with M. Kml. v'
The", e ihi.r that he ha- a true,
c.'iiipr.ln nt ion of ih- I. ii-iin i-t tt--:
tpiireiiieiitt net . -ary to rein ve our
Inilioiiul, tti' Httd ttiiMiirtinl gov'"1
. rnnit nil. Iroiu il.en i u,!,. r.o-M il
fomliliii,, without maktnjr-rrr-rit ;
all our induftrial chifM-a. ' Ex- I
(ioverii'.r I'eiinovt r boW a be in in!
hvinpathv with our tit iimm ralic iir '
Milutioio.; that be recognict tl,.-
. i . .i . .i i
.rue irint' in l ie pei aiu-1
, ,, . , , . , , , i
enoiini nui it! aoiivu ui. ir iiuuh. 4
Here I an oi....i tunil v for nun.
Working n.f.ilofhow their capacity ,,,;,,.',,,,,, , WlirU(.r, a
for sell-government and to throw j
.ir an ollicial rirt.r,uy that is M o10r ,
fend has b.4,, for more than a th.r.l , filll)r miiJ iw , iU)(',
..f a century fattened upon the pub-, )( ,.. ., ,S,MH ,)f j,,,,,,,,
!'" r,b, S UaU ' r n1n" , I" '"' l'rli.-..lnr the worker is in
I,.,,,,.,. iH.Utual .lvf..l.i..-.s ";'"'! p, fr.., the extra tuxca such
ny olln r jmnrnon fiti.-tt. tlmt ,Krtlst nw-.itto.
"V?,"1 l 've carte bla.i, he to y- mM , ,?- .
fe lifelong pull ..,,11,.. nicil t.utTl ,iitt. inl , Mrinjieneit's
lliirt IVnnoyiT t'Xn m pit to hltak
i iii ii ii .. ..i ... p, j.,..
ni er n..H.t man .wc.vep. .v .p
....I... I... ........... 1....1 .),. a,,,.......
tllll toe fClitlilot l... itit- ... "rj-i,
tiers have thrown around the Mt
house politicians makes voters
fall d.i'vn and worship them. You
tulelhem to vour homage. Let us Hivrr KniKht-Watcbn,,,,., Wash
lake .geof ll.e present-aJls- . (. f Mttnnl
turb d o.n.l.lio.i to throw off tl,.- vt Hilv,.r nlltli, 12(r2 1Vn1. Hint pre oiinrettlntr Us and I . ...
" . . " . i
making slaves r a brave people.
Pernio, er's principle) will bring
prosperity to our oppressed indus
tries, relieve our iml.iplrial interest
"fend remove the sheriff sale from
the homes of our topIi. Who
will second llie nomination, and
name hi running inateT -
One Way lo Uuy the lUilroads.
The railroad could be. bought
and paid lor within twenty, year
lilt of the net earning and savings,
Without taxing I ho jM-ople tuiecent,
or increasing the present rate of
freight or pasaciigcr tralno. ' But
tho people are already taxed on
tvery dollar of capital rcpr. aentetl
by railroad bonds ami stocks to the
extent of ten th.iusxnd million dol
lar, My the New York Coiiitliof
Wealth. They are taxed iu freight
mid passenger rates, which they
have lo pay the railroad companies.
What th people' party desire ii
that the money which now goes to
pay dividends on slock nd inter
est on bond shall go toward pur
chasing the railroads, and evetitu
ally owning operating then) at
greatly reduued ralei.
Frro hllvr and Itff It r Time.
Mr K. V. Ware write th ,
lrl.hiu Iti. in In got reason for it
stand mi tin." subject of free silver.
Mr. Wurti tliiukii that free, silver
might "invite almost certain disaa
l.'r to tailoring M i..le by decreasing
llit'ir pnr. Iiiisiug,pwcr." Hi- tln-ii
kks for literature on thu suljo. t.
Kiee silu-r, instead of inviting r among thr workT tf the
country, would haVc-a'b. tally op
posite cUci-r, lt would ini-rcilrc
t.uiiu siv-wagea HiiJ ilt-iiiHii'l for
jt w( jrr,.HM, tint volume of
.,.,.,...,.... .. i. ...iii,. :. ..
i---n---i- - -
( 1 1 1 t WollM il,t
I, J, ll,e.,cej! lilj
iniiilUlit.ltijreK II' olltu tllioll !
Well I. It I'.'I, lllelllltf far (II prului U J
.,,,, ,. ',, ,,.,. a
. . . ... 1 . . . .
i, ...I ...... It.. i i ; - .... .e
',;,, )1(W l(.r,. ,.
, B
i.,,,,,,!,,..,.,,,,,,,.! ,.v WlluW
r..iiil it ..r more of ur U,
Lliu flu I'hiv iitir inoru l.iUr.
oik i..t n Mould
piiv i, ,.,. for mk-Ii
produf it, hut '
tin rti run.e Uoikiui ll Mould In: '
; thai, npai.l Lv the iere,i . ,
, I . inn ii. J ..i III ir lulM.r, Cinnloy-
. ,, r... , , . V ;
III) lit ol I'll. Initio.", an. I co,,re.Ui-lit
I., tier w. g.r .In.- to iIiih ealra tie-
. n.iiii'l.
. It iniitt. ra l;ttte how low t-.t
th,,.. ,e to the lahonr if he Inn.
iio u i.g, to luiv with.
1 And ,1 a' ,H.riv.. eertaintv
that In-t' titnol t Mug.-eu he,, the,
i n . en. pl .y mi nt or demand fur .
: Iiim ..rlf I
-.-,, ,.,.. ,v.w.1Pk..
r ' ... . :
,,.,,.,. lV c,r -.MUt.N rulh.-ieiit
. .... , , .i , .. . t .. . .-:
. . luui ut .j..t . ...r tt t.ttT-i iiiytiii. tl. :
l)U(l.r w.k,.f. , , vill(, -(., . ,
, ..... ....
ii ui uirin filf.
raleit low prirea fi r r.i.lut tii that
" " " ."""r:-- '"
." in. nl of labor prmli icing mh I,
pi hIucIk, tiioiu. iil ,e iblr..yit
inn on ii M.ig. a in throwing hi f I
jv work, r out of eiiiph ym4l.
Evt-r.v Worker kuowa that be miirl
rii p. rf pl niH that M-riir.t the gr. at
-Nt emplovineut of lalior. j
He knows that the greater the
ilettiatj'i - t"r-intwir the iilithcr Hit-
average wage.
I,. ,.. i . . , ,
lit" R11IIW h I,
wit that when niiv large
i.nmlier "I woikertare throw ii out '
of wtrk that bin on, i show for good ;
wagep,iir. hlemly noik , i Ining'
illicit, u. .1 or ilnpeiille.1.
hilu t iiiim r. sav that there are ,
five t in Ih.p country w here l our country. V. are, therefore,
neitily all the Iiiimiiip carrietl onlup4i.d lotlio fr.c and Unlimited
,t tit eii'linl i: jMin the woikii.g of j coinage of silver, except by inter
silver mines. i tial ioual ar.-emeul, which we favor,
Towns and villages in those Mates . and " Ulttlt such agreement can- In
ure. lion .). populated and in ruins ol.lained the existing gold stirndnrd
Is-cau-e of the p-t -s-nt maiiipulat. d should Im- preserved. We favor the
I -r i feilvcr biilh.ii,.. use of nlv.-r as currency, but to the
II.. restoration of the price of t xlenl only that its purity with
sliv. r to itt old par value, un.l. r a ; gold can ! maiiitaiuetl, and we fa
free siher Ian , at once employs all j V.r lueasiires designed to v.i-l ii.iinb.-r of hihorcis. ill vi'olat.le the in.Miey of the United
Tins employment helps every ' Stat, s, w hi th. r coin or paper, the
n ..rker i, i the country b iucreiiting standard of the must elilighlened
the no, ills r of consumer of tin- nations of the earth,
pr-ni'ictt of eacl.. ' - .- - ...
While it iniiilit not Ip-ml vantage-1 According to a Fort Worth (Tex.) to u n t r 1 1 a cui reiii'v if js ril , di.tpaUh the Panhandle w bent crop
t xi-tt tl, but it dH s not for the . is Is-ing harvested. The acreage of
sake of silver mine workers, the w heat in (hut section itlaue is placed
. . . , . . .
ell.-i I tn MTlnetl Ip lllt ltli
tt in le
"i tii.igiveii In re iim a rt-HM.n for free
Mil.-r !l ..V. Li... ..., ..r i d iti.t...i
.i."ii ir,i.,e aim iihiii worat-rs
by the corm rera of money ho con-
,rrt(.t ,,,,,
,.. j, (, , ,
. . . .
Wall-street sharks from manipulat
ing this natioVs tuoncy so that
they can at will, hv mean of con
traction, control this nation's buii-
svivani:. avenue, snie -uv. lie can
learn of nil (be literature mi the
siiltj.-ct that is in print.
TIM' T ll iMtir of fn-e llVrr IHOne
of gold on the one side and human
it v on the other.
Il is even deeper than that, for it!
is seir preservation on the part of ,n,i,rt rM, ,,. ,,,,, m,p roo
humanity on the one side and ever- win nt in iheftmtiii.tsoi .h. miiirrrnr.
lasting Ismdage on the other. J.'"i tt$ my virw. At h tim th
M lt....-l,el..r i.. tl,. I",..l..l..l,i . , l-olu. nl.l not,p.. Ik u.l.lrn hit
There waa unusual activity in
silver sM-culti.m the first of the
month Ii, Wall street. It ia attrib
uted, tn Variety of causes, partly
js.lititutl and partly commercial.
There it a steady incressiug de
mand lr Anierican silver in
France and S.ain. Large ship
ment of silver to Frautw U now
Iwing made to enable the mints lo
fulfill a contract with Russia to
coin twenty five million roubles.
Spain is using great deal of silver
just now in the production of sub
sidiary coin for use In paying it
army in Cuba.
Nothing can bring you peaoe but
yourself; nothing ran bring you
peace but the triumph of principle.
2Q Yards of
SO Days Only.
Arc Flying !
Frank Dunn's
Nlralhj Out (iolil Standard.
)ii.t( hep from St. loui of the
l-lh iiift. imvh the following La
,H'" "K""' i'P" " money
plunk of the repuhlicaii coiiveiition,
ai.,1 in i liiiineil im a vielorv lor the
...i.i.ii Wert, hut in irf.t'tly ratin
, ... .. , .
f.uU.rv to the extreme Eat. It i
(' Um" rtan-lard -ped ti
free nml Unliii.ile.l I'oiiiHgi of fil-
ver, except hv interna' agtee-
,ri,ir j,, otl r wri. Ull,i t,c
, ,, ,, ft,
H'H'"!?-."f Hr.-elt.iiil It-.n-
'"" """ t for iik t" foin up the
priMhu-U of our f ilvi r mimai. .
II- .... .1 11..
... . . , .
Iji-nrl i V g"l llie ninvi i.lioii line
.f . . 1
i.rer nl-. lir inattcrjo. that there
i- no n.Utakil.g the Hili.,i, of the
v.. t... ,i
I' in il t i' t nil j'oi w ir hm i
.e,u.M-r..tif, (H.putirt or bimrtallM,
onii,. ,,e irrHO. ho e a .1 titeet
them in Novell, ln-r and left the
matter fa lily and noiarel v, w hether
the" t.f tliit nation fliall Im-
cotitrollcd . furtln r by Kotbrchiltl
THK I'l.tSK. !
The republican party in llnrcserv-
cilly for m.uii.I moiiev.
II C.-ltlret
the ennctin. nt of the law providing
lor tlie r.-ninii.ti'.ii -i. iM-cie pav-
incuts iu 1ST'.': i-iiicc tht ii everv
lollar bat im-cii as good as gold.
We-are un alterably opposed to
everv iiicaurc Calculated l.i debate
our currency or impair the credit of
le;at :?(X),(KHI acres and . the general
average yield will Ik nlxiut ten
b.iphelt to the acre, limiting a crop
of :i,iMM),UH) bushels, a smnik yield.
The estimate of cotton for the same
section i placid. at loO.OOO acres.
The crop is in excellent condition,
but is needing rain badly.
Xho Utah populists last week
met in convention. They re
affirmed the (linaha platform, de
manded fr.t t-oiiiHse of .silver, lb to
j i,lraetl the- nuniU-rs . con
j press and condemned the issuance
of bonds.
Views of Carlisle and Sherman on the Hone
tary-duestion -in -1878.
Shrrman In 1S?8.
PrSi Tn (list part o( ;onr ll iff nl th
I.UL , u . 1 .kt.K . k t - . k
,(.r mnAiM Intht mm.rr fotntnU-Inn I
havfli Kitn drllfHiry In re0yhg vrjr fulljr.
I Hiring the immrurjr confefrne In Pari a, hrn
llvrr in otit conn try -piMu1l lrtm rlrru
ol.llvrr. or lhrl ol oi (ha. Pa oernrrttl.
Thl nrf.ilal.ity nl Ih rrla.lon hrtaran th
twamrtaU M on m th t hirl am.imrnu In la-
vor ol mnnotnrulllr tina, hnl other a u-
inta, showing th dnro flrrt upon In.
dii.lrjr hy Snipping on ol Ih prrrln.. ntrlal
from lit alandard nl Tain, outweigh la Btjr
anlii4.aU thromlral ohjrr ta-ta h MmrUlllr
y.tmp. I am thoroughly ronvln.rd thai It 11
wr pnMlhw lor Ih klng rommrrrlal
tlona to M agntrmen. aa arl.ltrary rrla.lon
hrtrn llrr ami gold. vn thoitga th mar-
k. alu might Tary anmrwhat front tlm lo
lliu. II would M a mraaur of the grratoa.
(nod M all nation. My rant, drain, tt that
you may urrrrd In doing thla.
Yop ara a trrll Info d npnw thM tih)r1
thai II h. not worth whll lot ai Jo nlarg
p pop It. Th atalmnrKt and dorumvn.a ant
you by lit dlt lor of to mint will glr In
aUMnulr form mot.ot.h aiatartal laru wh.rU
arar upon lh question, and your op tnrst.
gallon .jtn th atlret entniplMtoa will, I aw
quit lira, (upply any ttaflctaary. Vary Irulr
W. . OfMMC K. tra. riaelaaatt. O
For 31.
Not Many Loft !
Shoe Palace.
Tuklus Cure f the Boy.
A bov ahiMilii ! kept hinty every
inotiient if bin Waking life, not'
working, of course, hut Ihihv. Tra-
(inioii arm exjeru-iiee i.-iicn no
... . i
truer lefaon man inal oi tne iiroau
..!.. .1 . . . . .
Ft .IM- or ine oevn it einpiovuiriii
ollii.-e. Tt keep ahead, of itit, aTt! j
to anticipate iu wiler,replirea
eternal vigiUiiee. ,
HlUle txt'lipalion; omi-lliilig mat
.- . .. ..
lu,s coutinuetl interert; ...melhing
t .In the bift thing in tli" morn-
liigMHt King elioej-, it u.lmg lire,
cleaning cellar, .r I, or walk.!
i-Hrrviug milk or p.ira. liive ;
him' hammer. liaiN and all kin. I '
of toola. He will turill learn lo
handle them without C' ltintf hurt.
Entourage, him J., making - ihingvi
I pl..y houses, box-s c.rtt. ilerncks. ,
wive nun a irar-i. n i- cum vai.-.
........... ..a........., v.'.l.Tllcu
H-ts to take cure-.f: give him sou,e-jOI, We.lelav of this week,
thing to do that he w ill do ls-caute ,.", , -
interest,. What, ver VoU .!.. , A,"'Ut "V niU,tLon i",J t'twk
don't punish the ,H,r-f,.rtimeh ,rt,y-
things, l.-cause in many m-taticct
parents chastise when it it ready
unnecessary ami tlie ehil.l in that;
ca-e know ing that it d.-s not de- j
serve clu,stiteiii.-,it IS only iumle ilavxl le.lin T this city, aged
todirlike the parent. A Is.y w U alpmt O-'i years, made an untucoerp.
is indol.-nt, contrary, di-ols-dient'. ful aitempv at Miiei le Sunday last
anil incorrigible to thrs parents w ho' by shooting himself with a 22-cali-are
kind and lenient w ill, him is ( ber revolv. r. Il!nes of long dura
alway improvetl ami n-iiailv ! tn.ii is uupptted "to be the cause,
develoii into a bright, useful Is.v i t,, . i . i .u
i , . - i . i
V llng kept under the strict tbs-
: .. r . ii i 1
cipltne tif his parents aided with
. 1 . . .
the bickorv awitdi
We wit-h our friend Ca'rtwrighl,
of the Harrisburg Keview, would
step -over and see iIr. Hendr.-x
again and ark him when he (Cart
wright) mutt read Us another lec
ture on "Political Tricksters."
Meantime, atk the Doctor, cx
feasurer of the state exetutive
committee of the peoples party,
what he has done with that "cam-1 qU(.nl U.M, the ivpublfear.'conven
paign fund," if "his health w ill j tion isj.ver we shall get something
permit of answering. Since hejelse in the Or.gonian. Our head
dictated that address to the people I Keting giddy. We dream ol Mi-
of Hurrisburg and vicinity to turn K".'l:'. Kr' Alhson nights
, . , ;nd "single gold standard and
out to "hear t.en. Coxey "lal ' d "sound money " haunts us by
we should think he might Is? well day. (.Jive us a rest. Oh, give us
enough to let those who contributed . a rest!
to that fund know what he hasj Sunday last, on the North I'm
done w ith the money. We under- J qua, near Mount Scott, James Dix
rtund he turned over to his succes-. K'1 H. .n of'J. K. Dixon,
. . : tr. .i . .'shot and almost instantly killed
eor in office, the present treasurer.,., , D. j o- tl
, . r .... lharles Ru e, aged 2o vcars. The
1160, but the question is, ha Ph,Mig hapjned at a ball game,
has becone of the rest of the mon j Dixon was keeping score. They
ey? We have seen Ho "education- j gtt into a,n altercation; when Rice's
al literature" or any other item of ,,,,a Dixon shot him under
... . V. . .- , left arm. Trnrv were relatives by
cxpediture bv whK-h some fJoO of t . ,. '
, marriage: lvth single.
thM ffi.nil ln.s itit'tr.risrtHl
, ' . , . . ...
wnan ine mosi oxciung iHiie;Sm,J;lv morning. A irortion of
thing? iA dog light.
Carlisle tn 1S78.
I hall Pot rnlrr Into a xamlrrattoa ol th
twuPr Whirl. ht eovit.tnrJ to drpPKiaiP th
rrlallr talti lilvrr, anil to appr lata the
Taluolfoldnnr It?, but I am on ol Ih.-r
who ballrr that Ihry era transient and tern-
porary la Ihrlr nalurp, an t that wha thr
half pawed ar or hav brrn raatoved hf
Ih arearal or nnltr.1 ar.inn of th nation
Most drrply lnit-rvMr.1 la the iuh)rt, thold
ratio of at-iual and .rlatlrf lw lll tw re-
rt.ahll.hd on a flrmrr Inumlaltoa than atr.
I know (ha. ih worl.l stork nl pi lou lnr.
aUta Pon too larar. and I r no rraana to
apprvhrnd that II will r brroin an. Map-
kind will h lortnna.a. I.idrrd. If hm apnukl
pmdiirtlna nt rold and ilvr ruaa shall kp
par with th annual tnrrraa of population.
mm mere and In.Vmr. Arrnrdlng to atj
tmw of th tiMrrl, lh ron.plrary tthtrh
arrm. ioiat brrn formed hrr and la Kurnp
to dratmy h Iral.lalloa an.1 othortrta from
Ihrar-arrrntha to otM-oall Ih WHHalltr monry
ol Um world . f fjrantlc mm ul thwi
a any other gr.
Th ronximma.lnn of anra arbm would
wlllmalrly ralall nor ntaor wpoa Ih khmaa
far than all Ih wan. fwatllara and fa tain
.ha. rr orr unrd la Ih hl.tory ol th worht.
Thahotul and luxantanonu dtrarlloa of
hall lh awvahl pnprriy ol th world. Inrlud-
kng hofaaa, hi,-. rilnda ad all othor appll
anrr for rarrtlng on entnmtr, whll M would
h Irl. BMrilrnslMy al thatesgnt, would not
arod-.M anything Ilk lb pfnlonfed 4wtfa
and of society that moat wlt
ably result frosa lh pppnl aanlhllaUon el
n-hall of th atrMllle asonsy of th world.
rh si. in. tout caairstt
Lrli f Mrnliun.
Cull lit F. E. Dunn' Kmrtorium.
NV. Hmnlerii want all tl.o hittem
Lurk in Ln county. Jiriii)( it in.
- I ruin, (my Hint fruit croi.i nre
ni"Mt .roii'ii-inj; in enry Mctinn'of
KhhIc;!! Oregon thin y-r.
If. ill. H tKkiiiM arwl C. II.
formerly of liiiHly, lientoi, (ounty,
(rave thi ojl.c- a nle.ixant chII Hat-ttf-lrty.
' .
Two ),anIome hrir-k luillingH
and tvral ft'nc n-hi'kr.Mi are un
der iiit,Hiru tion in Eugene at the
j,rr-iit time.
Tlie wool market at The Dalles
i not very hrirk only M-ven ent.
1 he K,ni,K flip in junt Uginmrg
to come in ay The llle paraJ
, Eane county peoj.le are junt now
erijoj ii'.gthe motil pleaant weather.
Neither too hot nor too cold juat
betwixt jut right. lo lie pleasant.
'In El'ck. The Kigit-ler man hits
had a roll of butter presented ,in
t rpread on hii biscuit- Send him
aoine roo to tit over bin "later"
next time.-
A hand of hnrwc, (55 in i
belonging Ui A B
croon county, arrived ijjiig.-re
Wediiepd.iy. by the MyHCelieitf route
il'ftlnnl for vnllex loMita.
Hon. J. C. V'oung. chairman of
i.i . . i
uie i . i . exeruiive committee ol i
i'irgon,wana citlli-r ai llill Olljee .
'I-.. l...e l.i".-. .
i uu.iy , w linn ine eoitor aotei,l
in tlie country, we tegret to my.
Make . ()te ,jf y,,, ad
Somei price,, are quoted that. is of
importance to all.- Something
l.,,, ,r.u f .:.. .. ,,'
tentiuIl j jieciaily called to thw
Huggn-8 and agonH
lurcti arioioitt i:ow in.rtocfc
K'f from til up. At
F. Lt Ch AMBKkfl.-
The l;il l-
fuil of membrt of
W'tsslmrii of the Wort.rfrom a .lis-?
tare j attendance on iheconveu-ia
,.,. ,.f ,i. ., . i, .... .............. 1 1
- " ' ,
', ',.J, 4 "''
r "'" f"r 'een 1.2... !
for Lton sheep, 1.;J.
. lie i"i' 'i v'i ufru,uni in iii e ci.
. ... , I. ir
1-ouis Convention have declared 4i
,, . i, .., ...... w . i . i
tlie L.til.l siun.lar.i. ...ul.-r v. ho
Isirst s "de colored gem en '' in th- ir
lb lils-rations? and w here did they
hold tli. ir ineetiiigt? 'iot in the Si.
Iy..llis hotelt, we reckon.
.Jl.iut-rs and - Binder extras,- See
ti.'iis I i tit D.4riiig, WotsN, Osls.rii,
Empire, McCormu.-k, and several
other limners,, and several sizes
f.-r each kind. Sickle Heads and
other extras for all above mowers.
- F. L. Chambers.
j Perhaps after the agony conse
j The Stewart cattle, 691 head,
were shipiK-d on a special tram
I them goes to Montana, and the
balance tt. Minnesota. They were
one, two, and three-vear-old steers,
Mr. Mew art informs us that this
band of cattle finishes up the coil-
tracts be has for cattle the present
season. lie says tie paid out tor
cattle this season about 115,000,
against $35,000 he paid out last
Excursion Hates.
Persona contemplating Eastern
Irii.a tlioiil.t out I. . aiulit of . lie
( ITIpS SllOUItl IIOI lllSB Slglll Ol llie
, r;,ct ,,, ,i,e ort,crn Pacific Rail
road will ofTer ticket at one fare
for the round trip on the following
Republican National Convention,
St. Iioui, Mo., June 16th.
lVn.ocratii" National Convention,
j Chicago, June. 7th.
I eople s t arty Convention ami
American Silver Convention, St.
luiis, July 22i.
National Couvcntii'O Young Peo
ple's Sti'ietv of Chtisiian Endeavor,
Washington, D. C, July 7th to loth.
National Educational Asstwiation
meeting, Butr..lo,wY July-ilti to
Encampment of the Grand Army
of the Republic, St. Paul, Septem
ber Hlli.
4- This is the first time that such
rates have ever leen offered from
Western Slates. Suflltient limit,
will be given on these tickets to en-J
a Lie u.senaer to make quite
visit, ror detail Information
of aale, etc., call on or w rite
j R. MrMi'uruFY, i
i General Agent, Kuene, Oregon.
In Thin'Sj.aee Denote'
I hat Your Kulcriplioti
Ilaa Expired. t
Wall l'ap;r l.itt d. -ini, MX)
roliii. F. I.. Chamkkhh.
A. V. Feter i :loting,out g.xxla
elienper tJimn ever.
Two lHnk1n Cheney, Wafhini
ton, rUHt-i,ded June loth. 'VThft
nent banking aycteui," you know.
Cleveland ha gone fiehing nj?iiin.
Thia 'tltne to Iehurg, Va.' Nery
i;r.Jed. ' ,
Ball Bearing. Holier Bearing,
Eight ICunning. (leering Mower.
luring Binder. See th intent
niruvi-u Hi r. 11. U II AM DC Kit.
Take your egga and other prolure
to Kuipp. lie ayt the hightut
market price.
A 1150 Canopy Juinp-aeat car
riage for IKX-eeiti Imrgnin.
F. Ij. Chambkkh.
Buy your rheata of Voung.
Can't do better, i
There will be a meeting! 'of the
farmer of i-me count v at Eugene,
Oregon, on Saturday, June 27, 1H9B,
at -10 o'clock., m., to dietiM the
grirtmill proxi tion.
A full at
U-'lnlance is retitiested.
l!aHtern Oregon Notes.
Hftrnrf Coontr !trwi.
'The lake i slowly rising, with
plenty of snow in the mountains
J. C. Wooley arriveil from Port
land MotnlaT evening, wfcere he left
Ben Brown. , , .
A lirger acreage of grain and
gardej truck ba been planted thi.-t
Bea.on than usual. " .
The ' pops " are .still wearing
overalls," but are not trnuhled-with
swelled head on 'account of it.
Hay will be a short crop n The
Narrow hntvery pb-ntiful eisi
where. Low. prices will prevail.
Sheep'rhearinir is in full rning
ami Uams are fitting up for the an
nunl trips ,,e railr.wd, hauling
Ll .
A No. 40. Chilled
hh extra
An 8 inch C:..-t Sb el
. . , . Hum
Plow ,
extra Share
A 5 tooth Steel Frame Culti
- vat'.r.
A No 8 Cook Stove (full
' S:ie) 1200
A 10 quaI Milk Pail r.rr. .15
A U quart Di?h Pan .'2o
A full size Wash Boiler, cop-
. per lKttoin .1 85
1 dzen 6uartlMilk. Pans.". ' .70
1 garden Hoe. I . 25
1 long handle Aeel Shovel. . .50
1 handled Axel
Painted BarbcJ wire
(ialvanized Babed wire
No. 12 plain 0alv. wire
No. 14 Balinzjwire. . . .
SectionsniliTuards ftr all the
leading mowing machines and
Binder at Reduced Prices. Steel
Cut nails 10 d to 60-d 14.00 per
Steel Wire Naila 10-d to 60-d
14.15 per Vet.
Tinware at Rcduecd Prices. Lots
of new Pattern of Wall Piier
at 12 to 50c. Come and see us.
Cash in hand.
Griffin Hardware Co.
Go to The
- - i
Drug, Medicine, Tvilet Article, etc.
Ctr- WiHnmeile-trttti -Ninth-Stint
Eugene. Oregon.
C. ft. Land Ofllr. Kosrburg. tr., Vtr 11. "wi.
Complaint having brrn en.rrrd at.hlnttt
bT -M Wagnrte aealn.t torrr H. Thon.p-
n of-,,Min.m,s hl Horn tra.1 Kn.rr .o.
sn7. .laml May I. INM. upon the lots I and 1,
and S.v. NK1,. iVr, Townsb.p IT. S ran 2
r.att. .1. .Jinr loiiniy, i -von, won a.irw io
vtitr,'. thr n,d patiir
to aeiar al the ont.r m I
Jrl Ware, I. S. t. t toiunilM.loi.rr, on uie
r.-li.l .lay ol July, ink at 10 o rlt-k a m . to
n".,t.n.l and lunilah latimoi.r ronrrrning Mid
ailrvni aiMll.l....t.r-ii. iirwrii'V at lint .'.i.
t.T publlraihn in thr hnwUii u t-Ugrue,
orgoii, arrenllug to law.
R. M.
Vht. a,
R.S. Saiaiuts.
, Rrrrlver.
L.A. Overton,
-Deal. In-
Paints, Window Class,
Varnishes. Brushes
ndihaiost renpleta lino al WALL PAPER
lor from
12iCTS. UP
KlatiMl at door et Pare o.
on Hi irMlmonv amTTrrMT71tTy ll. lv a. H I veil hit i-onn.-i li.-lt ills lr. f irav, tie
orlmka. at. Stiihcln.. evl.Wiir. hs.lng l-n , j f , f.. U .oi. I t a.ror.
Klr.1 to shoo that (t-noual wrik-r laim. Iw """ ."
....... II 1. h.rahv onlrrr.) that arr. Irr Im ' that tie flirt V h lulliul lf all lllltlf.-
r. o i"
tl. V HOt K
Sleeping Car9
Pining Cars
Sleeping Cara
St. Paul
riinrifvipoliai i
Dulutli .
Far fo
TO " i Grand Porks
! Crooks ton
I Wu...iiet
'-'Gloria and
Throuirh Tickets to on . ".
New York
Boston and all
Points Eatt .ml South.
r..r tiif.iriiipun. lijii i'rU. m
ell 01. or r.ic .
(i-ncrai A,n,
Genl la. A;"l M tn S. Cof; ThirJ
FOII Tl. M, O II r. vJ O .
UJhittem bae
- ntgiist r,r, frr. r ;i'i f..r"ciii rri:3 li.ikk
O U.NO lo
Frog In Tour Threat. .
Notice To Creditors.
f- .
3.. ; prii.e .-niilti htt !t-n .lulv ai poiuu-l
3-- ! mini. trans .1 llirt-tplc el Mr J MiUOi.
1 J Yi.rl All Imtinc t . 1.11111,
Q )() .ait et.nteur her-t ti . - : i i t. ertiit .hi.
I ... J f Aniii. al Un- "f - t.f it:- nr.t.1 Ae
3...KJ ; In t-.tieeite. otf.-"ti. uulnti ..ix motitiia fretn
tlirlHle .-I t .la jutH-r.
Mr i-. lv. . K ith .i:in s smith.
Jt'Ati-. I . A.hati.wlfttUX.
Auuruey. Iw.-
Gr. lT. Knapp
, Itnlfrin "
Staiue and F aov
) Hiflirtl Market t'rU'O l'pi-1 l'r
Ol 1 IT 1 r. i"TlTl
mi a i 1 11 n .4
Spfarnfffmotin n.l i limine HAIiToHAf
CO. Tl.hel lun't i s--t l..r tt"t 11
W EAR tiff SW KAlMMi 1 'l l.ilf t-n- I. l
rrnir own tan t.T ' '.:.U:. 11. i '.ML.nt HIT
cnlna to ..lorr. liore tlit-y .l..n't It e fttl
tohami. SWr.vR t-r I'll-lll
KENTl HUT SMi M AI. ..( N"l
Hit il A Id I
USA r if' in. mil HI I.I. I'l KIIAW
lirfoni DEACON DAVIS at ll.-rv . Uloeh.
twoKtrs rasl ol V'.t.Hife. Wesi l.ililu M.
Us tl
1000 Moil Wiiiiled
At YeTiiitftmi's Nin!li Slreel 1 n4
Store l In. v 1-W u j.,.. in, It of "Tlie U l
I on. lit'.. II 1''i in the wo, id" It teed
to 1000
I'df Uo aII ill I.I.
Ir. M. I.. Wii'..n.-lil)v,' ilissol-
j liours just aeo-s ll.e hull, ,nile Iii
foi mer oil.. , in I l.e nt. in teeeiitly tMi-m1
tied l.v Mra iii.ei. itt a milliner
piore, t.rer M. rlii'v's Sore, .or. Wil
Lunette and Si It sit. lifTe I'.i.a a call.
Everybody that wanta Trcder
Vial Cntleta, Mutton CLcpr, Pe.k t4
SaasaKCa, Fowl and Fish, Venirrr,
Smoked-llama, anil atj ertry Bir,
kspt ia any Maikrt, i f , cl ti j
tbaa aay pl ice In Cnr;rp, to call at
a KiirtM L. a.t at H .