Fiibllihvd Tbandayibf am in & mo is. Kniotvd miii1-yl matter at th Eacan Orirun post otti a. OlSca In Oralis bulMui.. tr McCttin'i tora; torn 1 ( TT.KVS OF l"l"SCRIITtON. -yMd In advatwa, wr aT .... ft ft iaJ4 In lhn taotiUia, frt .I. KriiENE,' jt'SE If, 18.6. Hioe Five, l'ohits Ak'ainr A friend of ouri and a pronoun CftT-old standard man ha handed the editor of this paper "Carlisle' Five Points" on the free coinage rroition, and offers u a silver dollar if we will print them in our pajT and answer the same. ' Now we will try to comply with our friend" request, promising that our aiwm-itr ii-iiKt iiit..siii ril t lw liL-A the "live points " referred to, dog matic assertions withtut evidence to sustain them. But assuming that our word i equally entitled . to the fame consideration a Mr. Carlisle's, and knowing that the truth of the facta to sustain our statement canl ascertained by projier investigation, we hope, our -ifrieiid will do ,hin.iself " and the! cause of truth the justice to inves ' tigate both fide of the question thoroughly before he passe hi judgment on this the most vital -question that is now before the American people. '. i Here are the five propositions as laid down by Carlisle in ais speech at Bowling Green, Ky., May 23, lS9--: First That there is not a free r-.-ii .i .... rnnnlrr 111 1 1 . n ttrftrlit 1 1 ki 1 -1 1." that is not on a silver basis. Svond That there is not a gold standard country in the world ' t'Hiay that does not use silver. for money along with gold. Third That there is not a silver i - i ; .1. . . .I I ridllUillu tvuiiu i in 1111 ni'iivi tr- day that uses gold as money along w-ith silver. . Fourth Tliat there is not a sil " fer standard country in the world today that has mora than one third as much money in circula tion per capita as the United Mates Las: and .(.Fifth That the--ivaolsilver ' dav where the lalHrflng' Hian re ceives fair pay for his daj-'s wurk. And here is ou.r-angwrr: ' First If that be true Umijv, does that prove.thi. country wount . todav, be on a silver basis if wr Kvond That is also true, but ' silver is only used as token money in barter, and as any other product of industry, and is valued by gold as the standard. Like any other ' - 1 1 1 t commixiny, us vutume -oi circula tion adds no appreciable ratio to the ciieulating medTtnn, and does not lenefit the people or effect the goldbugs who have a corner on gold. But we might say here that it is not true that every gold stand- ard country in the worfd today Q5es silver for money along with gold, arS" Egypt and Liberia, for " instance. . Third This is absolutely false, in the sense. that we understand ' the use of gold as money, as gold is used as money in Mexico, Japan, China and India and other silver Standard countries. - Fourth The truth of this asser tion cannot lie sustained any more than the assertion could be sub- tained if we say there is no drouth in any part of our country where the - farmers are suffering for rain, because there is plenty of water in the ocean to furnish per capita all the water to meet trie demands ol each. There are oceans of money m Wall street and the banks, but the people have not even enough with which to pay their taxes. It - u a monetary drouth. Fifth This jm a cunousstate- meni 10 uiukc hi um ince ui 111c fact that there are millions of un employed in our obuntry today, and other millions of men, women and children who are working for the mere pittance of the means of a scanty livlihood, while all indus trial classes are. .unable to realize anything for their products above th) cost of production, arid is a gold standard country. ' , . And now we have tried to com ply with the request of oar friend, not without misgivings as to the good it will do him, for we bare learned to regard the goldbug at wedded to his idols, who will turn deaf ear to the voice of reason l and shut hit eve to object lessons nil around of the truths of what we have been "trying to show him. And we know our friend is honest in his convictions as we are honest in ours, -and now to conclude we demand the silver dollar he prom ised ui if we would dare try to answer "Carlhde' Fire Monetary Aloms.w ' We have answer-., them hurried- 1, and we bN and uow offer to, return the silver dollar back to our i friend if he will .rswer our answer ilo our satisfaction through the columns of the 1hoad !liuuitdiate future, 1 Some uohtious Answered. To tiik;Bkoai-Axk. Will you. kindly inform your r.mrsl..w-m.ieh money Jim Me- ranaim, me squaw man, receiveu from Sheriff Johnsoit for his serv - ict-s and inrhunce during election and did "Mr. Johnson tau'd by Jim rarland, the squaw man, received ana iieip nyn out ol ms asi si rar ts jonn KotK'rts a regular tieputv v - : i , p - i . ......... - - - - it'ward for his v.t!u.iU service er formed in helpng to elect Johnson? . arise irm conditions that l no Was Ed McClanahan a regular dcp". ; means can be rciiod on as pernia uiy sheriff when he was .hiiiiiif twut, a large ter cent, of his vote deer hutes contrarv to law, and how . . ... .1 1 ,. , 1 11 . , j. - . coniiiitf trolil the d sa tec cd ller- nillfli ns In fi !),. in (VMirtT lours p . respocttuny, A . itizkx. i We regret that we are not pre pared to give our corresjtuident all the information he desire. First, ' we are not able to say how iruch 1 money Johnson gave Jim McFar land,"the squaw man," for his serv - ices and influence during "'election times. But we are informed that 1 w L i i- t ... juniiMMt ii.'iiu nini tHime money, nui t 1 the ainonnt is not known to the to look the matter squarely in the Broad-A.k, and it is presumed Mr. ,iUe H,lJ 1h? 1'repared. for restilta Johnson helped McFarland out oithi,t r, l,lor than likely fo tveur his last scrape as a cinsideration , at t, NuvemU-r election in case a for his influence in securing John-! -light out populist. ticket is put son's elccion, as Mr. Johnson, it iul' a,lli tn' ,1',u on ,,,iit said, never fonrets a friend in cases ' Vl"- -N'hing can U- clearer to our of this sort. And as to Mr Roberts being a regular deputy sheriff we are un- able to give any information, but it; is more than likely that his ease I does not vary much from McFar - land's in respect toelection matters If it be true that Robert did help is. fair to pre- .i. .1 sumo that Johnson would re quite Mr. Roberts for his service? a-id friendship, and pa v McFar- tanu iui juo , icrs.- dui no art: not prepared to say that Roberts supported Johnson. And now as to Ed McClanahan. It is safe to sa.y that he was doing some business in contraband deer hidts at the same time he w&s act ing as deputy sheriff. But thati , l"a . .r Lu'iilhdu Juhn WUriUthaU4 Kan u . . :. .v . t i Knew anymingaiioui t.o scrtoKeu-i4S. i ness in the skin" business. Ed Is! t - t , " , r n- t, , TorrKA, June 11. John . Iin- known to be "on the make," like! UeIl,hai. chairman of the populist! the Yankee school niartu was down : statv tee, says there is a! Snuth. during the war, where she i prnsix-ct of a fu.-ioti uf silvtr men! set up a school tojeach you: g nig- v "U l'a"'e' in the presidential gers free of charge on grounds vflf11 ''"i "',u , . : j . : lists will be willing to yield some- chan-y, but on ground of business ; Hilitl , tbe dem.--rats' and silver' cu-:rd ait (he tratlic would bear. And it is quite likely that Ed, so tu speak, was ready to reach with one hand for a deer hide w hile he served raiioH ith t,i,t)ii.rr,n mm. mwi,i ' t - - v ; fellow for killing a pheasant to feed ! nis lamuy. xou see, is always ! l . 1 well enough for people to mix uum- ness with pleasure and be on the make, you know. And another a- , . , . j ,. ; him to his wiL'wam, iiitrtMiiii-etl him thing, officers are not supposed t, stay, and it will ultimately ai-com , hi, .laughter, l is Wicista.N.Tta, swerve.from performing their duty, plish all the reforms which it was ( II1,..u,il,j; wi,,i rat BIl(1 ,)ff,.r,.u They are to arrest a man for violat- ur8,inllw! to accompl;.-h; but an f(r a wi. at the low price of two ing the game and fish law, even i,?H'"y to give to the cuniry ; -, ,. lVa ant, lllll(jh.r they violate the law themselves. ! 13 VaT , .1. , linedl.ut M All.,- TbiL now fashionable among re- the itfcrt publican othce holders, you see 'in their l-werto.unite. our for.esTw ,'.,: . t, mnrh h wouU1 uklV They take the oath of othce, it is 1 .!,. i.:.l .u' . u:a - wicm ..oW , uujr net. Uiuc, pneasantorcattnansnoutot sea- son. Not it, Itnly requires them to kD their eve on the other fel-1 . . . low who violates the law where by . . . , , - flinnir aA it ian liatlirnm lnariiiinnt r. - - of the deputy warden at the ex-1 pense of the taxpayers. But we 1 must desist and request that our friend Ed, ex-deputy game warden,! leller. would .n,,t ,,f;aU8e l'e 1 V s ,runi trAlii n lilvnr alut. " be not too harshly condemned, lie is not alone in his glory- There is Jim Lotan and Mulkey of Portland h r.,.,.,-.wi m..;. ,.m. ! , , . v,...v0 to private account, and why not Ed I try hie band in a emali wayr L d was caught, and like a little man walked up and paid his fine. But in -this connection we wish it understood that Mr. Mc Clanahan ia deserving of credit for the manner in which he has seen that the game law haa been enforced against some while"he was conspir ing with others to violate it. Ws take the following from tbe Guard of the 13t h, which will prob-1 ably give the information desired by our correspondent: Under Abrest Aoaix. E. J. Mc Clanahan, late deputy game war den, and who was. .fined the other day $50, which be paid, on an in dictment for transporting deer bides, 1 wae arrested by Sheriff Johnson on s second indictment this afternoon, charirinf him with the aama prima charging him with the same crime on another count. Mr. McClana h nrwe-un derttaridrirl 1 1 "contert this indictment, and tbe matter will be continued to the next term of circuit court. Later. McClanahan appeared in court at 3 o'clock this afternoon ; And ai n t S a r.laa ..f iniiltv Ia Ik charge and was fined 15 and costs, which he paid. Thi Vote In Oregon. A close analv.i of the recent vote iu Oregon, we think, will flu i that the result U not as favoruldc'T V.a u" to gains for the popuiisis it a cur :eorv view would indicate. For in- maiiec, the- p r cent, of inervarc in - lw. v,e (t,r ,u,mvml , - . , , . v ,, , . ,"' and ,quuti. -euung ; crease arises from the fact that the. vote opKsed to populist va di- j Tj,led Mwcvn Kllis-Xorthrui. . . ,. . ., , . " t ublican and . beimet th niocrat, i hilo Mr. Vatulerhurg inen-ase t :. 1.1. , 11 ..:.i iiuitiie ami t lie .a. 1. .as., neiiner of w hiclcaii he relied on as a per manent addition to the rank of the jople parly. Another evidence of this is m'n in the slicht iucrrase in the num- ;UroflHTulilt nien.Ur who were ; elected he legislature at this election. So we think it well Bii.innK f..r ,1.- r..f..i.i., ..f i )..... , - .. . mind, H three ticket ure in the. judge are ready to find etentua- h'ld, than that the gold standard : ting circum.-tance in his ftvor, 1-"V "y - . Uut" lf'f dfat 4"' om prent indication there i-: iKa?; M",r tha llkt"'y to I m Ml . honest stock magnate is all-wed to ! bimetallic jieople, including pop- j ulisls, demiK-rats and republican,! j throughout the whole union in one jeon.pact organization in op,iii..,r l .i t I -t ...... i ..... I ... .1.11..... ..a.. " H"ntiuij; English tHUidholtlers. Such an evt'nl is devoutly fo be hoped AscorroUirativeof what is .-tatt d ' aKive relative to w hat is likely to , take place, we publish the follow ing dispatch from Topcka, Kansas, touching what the chairman of the ; ppulist Kansas state committee k.uiiU.iil.u.i Tli.Fa,.iu ..."., ... .. i . . . " ii v in1 fr inwiimi nmn in iru . . . republicans if the democratic con vention should nominate the " riyht kind of a uian. ' " I do nt mean," he Faid intervietr IimIiv "ili-it ..up i.upivi .. I wouiu consent lo lay aside its party organization or that we would "1 ! ll..l . "1 I '""" principles tor l"c '" r'"cV ,".ea" w,al "e , -.ou.ti, . it i..e suite oi silver, noi I I I I .1 I.- , "I .1 wun irieni. -vsaeu 10 name me man wnom he thought the po, ulists would I wUIiiib to indorse. Br e entha sa t " ell, there is Morgan of Ala- J bama, a democrat, ir Judge Cahl-1 Wc,1 a republican. I believe the! . . .,J . . ' 1 ,K T. 7. u ..7U,V? 10 """11 icuner 01 mem. uiaiiu, 100, Oil Bill . . . - . w IM! Hccepianie, " Boies is not a silver man, and therefore out of the question. Don I vaeron was from too far East, and ; . 1 . .. . . 1 We are oreoibfy informed that our extreme m7ddle-of-th-road- Omaha platform tKmuIist, 8. C, c. - o: - ... VUI.IIB LIU I n't I".7LrUIISl. O. Vy. Sparks, of Blue River, voted the rerultiliran ttekvt at tti nx-otit Jr.ui.i;' n ticket at the recent riwfrnr This" is not news to us. We understand that most of those other fellows who met in the court honse caucus the night liefore the first populist convention of last February voted more or less of the republican ticket election day. A Prophenj. 'Hie Journal i.redir-t that Mc!w,u' m" cr'nkisms I not . Kinlerwill be nominated on the first ballot. But not after ..ini,l"e '"an. tjuard. struggle over th platform, which 1 Why ustoiiishiugT Would you wiil he a straddle 011 ike money ' be astoniMhed at any utterance the question. Capital Journal. . i'rlHllj Muml... Mercury should And we predict that .the Capital Journal will, without "a struggle,' jump right upon that plfttfjrui after I all its professions for free and un- ! . iimiiea coinage of silver, even tiuiuihlltxjuiill-iiiounta t Ljh tin- .... .1.. .:!. ..i.i "'il. ! An ." "l. IIW .. V H" 1U standard side of the fcner. The "prtHperity breeie" from the rank, of the republican camp always carries a stench that' flits land a certain little bird loveth to j revel in. In JuMirr ltlliid t A feeling fxni among the rmr- limits lorctgn pot illation of thin en among me " lower ritH'i of .nix ! it huh lluniMives, sav t'olilcr Mecklv, that the luw in noi impartially ml - miinstereo. an lietceu the rich and l'T, If the daughter ot a prominent puWio otlit iul m her hot-hauled iasU. htH,., a,ul klllll l)Hr ,,1V w.Ki ehild-liko,, trie to Mval "a lew apple from Iter orchard, she puMio otlicial her hot-h4ided onfv Ii.ts to submit to a few hour' unprisoif.nent iu the private apart - uicHts o: i no jailer tv wav ol pun-' 1 l'Ut.- tshlin-Ht. W hen a Hla.l is caught si.oplifnng, h,r s.vial stand,, is iininetliately taken hs a proof t hat siii' i a Kiepioiiiiimai' and lu. a comuion, t rdinary thief. Thereup on . proMvutii-j: attorney and judgts, ashamed almo-t of having to intlict the indignity of appear uno in a police court linon the culprit, hasten to secure her a sjHt dy acquittal. When a pour victim ul the. hard times, unable to obtain the scant - iest employment by hicli be can provide for hi little ones, steals a Mvure her '' cents Worth tf ftnid, he is 1 prom pi i j m'ui in prison so that the -. ..- - .. Ian 11 v ina v snftiT t t 1 tiiiir ti iii.u. tlurably on accouiTT -f his absence. ; rise f the t'olumhia with a I'roornTTi f- But mark the difference when a -man is accused of s iinllinif his '! 'lwo -I t in F.arh. i :- I rtners out ,.f millions of dollar,! of wickedly, unjustly or ma - liciously comiucting his bil"ines.-!" I'ocs he gti to prison" No. Svcdiihanttf lawyer and go free on some it gal tivhnit ality. Two young women, daughter of ,,,K;,,.,l,"i,,p,-.,',i,n V" S" vr - -fhrr,'' Vne '..f . - ... lUfn, .(,,!,. il w a-mt. (. clothe 'and trinket nl other society J-ople 'who were their neighUtrs. It I. tioumiui il any tnrilier i r.cetlirc will U- taken ag un.-t these ymu g l, 1M ,i.,.mel t.. lire ti. M nkl. v and l.t.lies, I in' tin are "well eon- Kius. v, h.t U tit t vt rv eiiei'gv m uectetl." It set -ui", therefore, that their del't use. Hut ..ti the t'tli. r the const rut lion put upon Midi ; hand lnow n ntl Wilkin ap ain eases is that a pern to If an act-j,, ,H ,, t. .1 that ti ts tial criminal imi-t U ptmr, n'ol turtl should nt r.--pr the ItiM that ' if he or she U-loiig to tit' i,..-ii;,ltv .f titt : lietter clas-s their unlawful in tion must t!ue to a teiunorarv . . aoe L-rratioii of mriiil. Mystified by a Conjuror, Xothirg si cTiiplrtrly niy-'tities-an lntliau as Jo uiii.ess tlico; t ru lioli uf s,,j iiinerant sleight tif haud performer, many of whom find their way into the spar-elv set tled portions of the North west, where they are always sun- to reap a got id harvest. Prof. McAllister, the ma git-!an,once visited a eaiiii iled of river , . jL'toWitill the VflloWstol.l!Taltd a in an',.., .,,.r.i,,.., ..,;..., - ......bu ..i . . . card ami other articles trom the trars, necks, nnses and garment uf the a-toiiishetl Indians, was invited , fea!.t , rH(i, aIlU ,, thtr !.; T... I!.. 1 1.. u-aL ' Villi........., I...-!-.. delicacies. CI inmress.l bv the preat i.i.-ili. ine , , . .. .. . , i-.i 1 111. n''lCi at 111c mine tiiiiv; piiiiii- ; r ' ini? the I, rule lwn ihe back to his i tail length, and ench tfrne taking a ( iiainiiiii 111 iiiiiiipv irt.iii 1 tie ei.ii in , 1 Ir..i . t i at.. ..1 . hj, tail ' nJm y'ry vailuable dog " said ! McAllister, i.ii Llntr s'eiiin mil nf hi- " Two p poniea for him, ' '..1, :f;t jCliiei. . I The Indian., with eves as bis as ' ,imj 1 -. ..,1 1. : ,, ,,,wt ,i,:, i..... r ! ler mVaIHsiit had thi v , ,.,-! rd tlie ,n,.r dog down to the river' .. . T . . ii,iu a, 1.1 ..ii, ... ..... i.ii, ,i.n r-iiiv, 111 111111 Vll.i lUfc tl.C goose had i.og dden egg, ami they : Went slowly hack tOCallip as colli-!"1; pletely, diiiiibfiunded and as sol . , . -. 'V1' ,,U",R" ! ' Mhy AstonlNhiogf b """" " Wi find the following astonish ing editorial in the Register: ' l't n noyer is as clever an old rascal a. was ever left outside the Oregon ienileiitlary. He may again cut els 01 vtlimt tir 4tJ pniiuils. nf cot quite a figure in t)regtn isditics be- ton. In 18!)5 he must pnrt with fore many iiiiMins.'' Sylvester I'en i 2" bushels of wheat or aUuit K) iioytr is an hmiest man and the jiountls of cotton in order to secure H-ople of Oregon admire ami have Ids tax receipt. Just remember confidence 111 him. He is blessed i this when the-rtmtt who savs "a .. - . ... .1.11 :i. . . ?. ""r"' 11 Mif-Rrity or Honesty 1 (. m make? Or would you be aston- irhed to me Sheriff Johnson stirt off to Salem with the editor of the u,.0,. " " a a fit iniitaUi of Dr. . ,.:.. :.,;.,:...,. i.,,. ,. - ,i..r.u,..t i;....;.. TT.T .,iain ' lUIIPt t--tv m a -a, v. amount of brain before he can go crary. He rosy g to the en thougli having any amount of brain. The man who stole a step-ladder pleaile.1 that he bail only taken j steps lu uiaku a lillli nioi.ey. 1'Uh Destroy I ui Meadows. A rancher whose place in on the Imttnui alongthe illameitc slough. ' dt low llolluiii'k station, is Irvine to uiiii out wueuicr ne iiiih miv re entire HiXllllNl till. I llll.ul Stlifefai ; I'ihIi 'iiiiuii-ioii (or the introduction -of ear into the- river ot I 1,1m section. He uv lliese li-h ure tlcsl rovmil his meailoNv by ivitlng hit grass wml griiblimg tip the root. As iln ater ovtitlows hi lueatlow the euro follow it up in thousands, i,e finall tlies Welching about I lir pounds j ui-1 a i ti their way up w -here j the water is only three im lies or so in Uitli aiul rliiirin fl hU vi p tat ion, mi t hut w lien I he Water re- cede he ill have mud ttat. in ,he ( place of meadow. " lie sav that Idle locking at the lislt eating his grass on Sutiilay he got so nr.itl llijtt he t..nk oil hi sli.H' and stiH'kiugs ami went out into the shallow water and attacked them with a hoe. lie slashed a lot ot them in t wo, but w lieu t he drove Urame alarmeti ami made for deep water they humped their lio-es ' against his shins a ml came near ; kins king him off his (.ft, and his 1 ankles are all black ami blue from ' the thumping he got. A tor tlriv- lug tlte carnawav he savs he ininiit i n i t ,.. ! it 1 n 1 1. i ri...l i.t ..u- . ...L i ... Oh StruTTtv' .f l.i-t week' Ju.L-.. - Fullerton neiitenee.l the'iwo li..t. John I-oster and John Martin, to . lu.i in ii. in in., i.. I. it ..i. 1 1.. .1- r.. ' i" ".' the crinmW nnmj of which this 'paper made nieiilion last week. In ooiitiecthiii with this c.tse a tni'ie than ortiiiiitry in( rot was maui t'isleil hv the spiclators, bar and , coil it, on at'Uitlnt of the niius.ial character nl the crime. I li- court appointed Attorneys M.itkli v ami lvi:.seV to tl. t, n.l th- . and Ihstricl Attorney Itrtiwu called to hi assistance voiing Mr. ll . km in the piosi-ctition. I'ulilic ; si-i.t.ini nt sti'iu 1 to ilemand that the should be denied: even the forinalitv -ol a li lt ,l.rnl.l . .l. with .. r,Ii- Ai.,1 lu-n it . Iw ni.i.n.S.ri t.i ,, il,,n u t,'..,, :,... I , i : ItreeK then eomt-s. the tug of tar. I j But all . the -ingenuity of the lw: - ...r- ........ Voiing ittliiriii ) l.tilitl t f ctiuvinr li g the juty Unit Hie accused ui if not gtnity. The. -iti!f had noth ing to fear ill this case, ua ihe.v hair Messrs. lir.'W n mid Wilkin to pro-j tet tin ir interest And so alter the arijiiiciiti vi ere made ni.d the ease siilunitl" d, the jtiry blotlght in a Vi rilict i, I until v. as staled above. llul Jute K.n-eV ... Imt .exactly s.iti-ti-l tail his client h atl hail a Jair atrial, anil- iMcticn came fi.rlh In fore the court uitli a ' Inotioii to s.t a-iite. the vtrdict on 1 the ground of." newly di-cmered" fact lliat " uinii.e H-iice " had lieeff brought to hear tll Hie jury till lll'ciiUIll of coiuineiit 'f the ' iicwspa4.rt pai t-icul trly referring tu tins 1 .i.t r .is sa inn the criminals tiesi-rved beinp." The judge closed' 'hi uiguiiieid lor a new hearing by hoving under the court's iio-c the BkoaIi Axk, the (itiard and the liepster, as evidence of wluit he had stated uIh.uI cmmenU of tin se mjM'rs. In this coiiiii vtimi it may be staled that the State Journal was Hbs-nl i, this tnrt-asmn and we uur.. .....,U ... .. .....I... .. 1...1 n ..... T - Burger, Inalui.. r of the ,1.1 Lite Journal, nan 1w.11 doing llotv. fiiill'r. .Mr Itrntt.i uaa iir.niil in IUm - . ........ ... occasion and came to the pai-crs re- '''' a" "fxpr nl plea in defense Of tho- tiress, Hlld lialil a ,nK tntnite to each of the three iilierB llivtiiieii itMtiisa 11 , I 1 1" t Kinsey. Ami just here we want to ackuowlet ue the comiilnnent of the district attorney and sav that Mr. Brow 11 has made tinny 'friend in - -V """ ..... L ....... ... I.... .t . . -..u nu ai i.i. i n i.iiL t-aiir. an Liieir scntf nent when we say ir.- nil nun -tun reurei anil isii utni ioiik "c miu a prosperous career ill his profession. - The two prisoners are now safely landed i- il- jsstttt tttinrri Jind Remember. ThLt- The farmer or planter who had to raise'tlt) for taxes in 18lM could cancel that amount with five bush r win more map never "-i comes aroumi 10 y.nir cn.. bouse. There are certain fixitl charge, whichmust lie paid, and falling price, mean tint the pn tlucer must part with more of his products to cancel them. Correrlloit. In our edition of last week in tbe official return, for Lane county it was stated that the vote cast for Holland, populist candidate for assessor, was 1317, wiien it should have been 8."0. Also Cheshire precinct gave iJriver 8 votes, Skip worth 22, Baker 2.r; while, in fact, Skip worth got 25 votes and Baker .22. This increases Skipworths I vote to 14'.I5 and reduces Driver', j majority to 30. - A. V. PETERS I Through imavoid ible cuvum--tnuc.', being iinnhln o give my prf sotwl attention to Imsini - Spring and Summer, I have th term in. i , , ,. , . . : f' ' ' " r""r" 7" t-r ftirlli. r in ti. e. It is nnio.sil... tin,- Mon, hut the folkming area lew, loing : Dreaa Goods. .W In LU. k Ml ,n,I M..,.lr 4.1 III il III ' III " r II In i.i In nttirvl " JA III nitr. " I ' trg li,.. Ilr '.1 '"Si a.", .., I I l'r i I- III I w linr I aml'Mr an.l rlr. k III all U ,uM ' al a Krv.t rf.luvilii i LhiIIos Shirt Wulata. ,,. , , , a. sutrf tt,iit ..i i in i .ii ' ...i;'": ?' TV;! 'If.l '"''" f "' I - - T.nlla" fihnna i nnr KM sti. l.-r 1 ,i j t I ' I . ami I I .ian.1 I a inifi.:a !. fur Ot.r riiilii- Ilna .l ImiIiihi lli-ai , sii.a . .laiiai'tvr rlill;rr'i .. mum. ami a III .li.i ll. Ki nit nil r this-i" a genuine it ...ot . kc , ,,u so do,,! mis tile . - ,' bargains. f H If W 10 (M).TI . I-TIC.. Ut-NY. J l.,ilii a Lively IIisint'KK ami coiistaiit ly getting Now and Desirable (ioods." ktote: these pricesj Wash Fabrics " Fine Giughuiu Fine Ihiiiilii-H . . . Latest t iauie Or i; unlit tio-niiiit r r ri ncli t Irnandu a-. - - Indigo Blue Calico jLadies' Hose and Underwea K!yptl.tll Klllila-r Vest, Sleeveless. Kat k Hose - No. f.'.e.l Fast Ithn k Hose. . . . . - ee our Sh-i i tl l ine ( Fine Silk Vests, "" C - Ln dies' Shirt Waists, We oiler U'tt'-r vnliii. in thin line than nn v other liouse in Etigi-m-. Se r Si. rials C ....... till ami T.lrt Pimity Saists, nith White Collars and V. ill's from il to J S. Take Your Produce to ... . - -.Vntl Isuv A'oui- .roMM'i 4 Chas. C. Goldsmith, r Dry Hides Wanted. ' , Ian J. . f The 9th Street Grocer. 1KUUKNE. J. D. MATLOCK & CO. RETIRING FROM DUSINECO. On noniunlof the poor health of our family we are come.led tti close out our store ami leave Kugenc, much to the. regret of ourselves and. family. But as the health of our family de mands it, we shall commence 011 8ATUUDAY, JUNlC-l.l, 'UK, - OUR GREAT CLOCING OUT GALE, During this sale everything in our store will be sold at Auction' Prices. If you wish to buy good, cheap now i. your opportunity Come early before the stock is broken. Nothing reserved; Every tliinp, iu our .tore goes. Watch this .pace. We are prepared to take them in any kind of weather. A cordial invitation extended to all to visit the SHsdio wheth er in quest of pictures or not. ' v Respectftdly, STUDIO Cor. Heventh It Willamette Street.. AT - . , . . "f r' 111 o qnole prife lise at (ot, until Fall, on everv article in togtV ymi an of what we are Men's and Boys' Hats'. I M n-, J Jl l.ll.t il . J' "I (I"iI'.ii.I,t W.rtil 1 M " I '"'I I Mai k mlfni.I'iml II Mr .iiii l at nt I i.i I U,i fi.l..iaal tit t in, rlti.h Ittn.Jatirt Mt,. i H.a jn, li. ll nlrll.a.k nut Mill Hal.. '. tiai Iri.i. i i ti 4. Mom's and Boys' Shoes. Mi-ll . - i.i fliir Calf i,a at HI . It. " lrt ir Ml . I l II..I. !- - ' rl Ml mi iii.ii an. I Ik. i. , aiM as . rl...i-.l in IM. ..i In i Gents' Underwear, " Man a HI. 4 "liliu ai..l 1 i,, ,( m n.ia l.v M ' li " U Ml Mriiaamt WM " '. IV ra " r autl. Mi n'. aii I I...1.' Mitrt, "-k.. tuaralla a"al 1 JuiMtf. a III ! mM at nia, sale of the Entile Slock of tJnodl v of getting tun .MK A. V. PETERS. retlm , rtililced froMi 't to l(Vj d fr lit and l.V hi tu Kkj . redneetl Imiu '2S to lto rnltlfrd from Ml tu :5tkT" . '.'0 jurJn fur $f . new 0d ii, Hr a pair now I.Jc a WrV . r . :i;:to .i'iIK- T.V, I ami iiy H. FRIENDLY. ORKC.ON Tue&rvts