Broad-axe. (Eugene, Lane County, Or.) 189?-19??, June 18, 1896, Image 1

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    " 17 "
11 I (h fwri''mH,M7'!'M
X la Ik Uulrk ,arv I. Irk.
J Haw la Ik Llae Bvary Tla..
vol. :;.
NO. 11.
I.. I). Mi k'NM:Y
I'liyskun atul Surgeon
III IW'UI allrllll'm In llihroulr ilit
Suasaml mm, fuvi.llf ui hi. ri.illll li l.uil.
1'Hlctir.r ( II) ilrufiiu
YV, MnklNhAI I., M. I). and
ar.,.1.1 .lUfiHun lo Hutgrry anil Mirgir.l ill.
1 1 u ( Llm-a
t Mil Til'
1311. M il &
J Vutf
liHlr rir.l N.H.HI.J II. nk
I I ilt. .nri.l laa .iatlr. In tl thvrmrl.
ut Hi.
r.M,e. llfrgNH.
Attorneys at Law
otutriri.lal i4 tnnll. bM.lnM .prvlall)-.
f nm. ii rhrum.n tiio
.-. AVIS
Attorney at Lw... Notary
i ft' In Mrctuug bnlldlnr. up tir
(, Or .
rm a liuM or vtAH
bllER WOOD OUKH. tu1r.. Or
lUtii? fri'tr" u' (-'rati ih mT
V ull' Wrii Jit Unl-lmi MlUN 4
III P ))' 1 Al ifin , W abtufU!), p l1 , lor
'II ri rt
Chairs and Rugs
' ..Undertakers and
Upholstery Goods....
Your Attention is' Called to
- OK
We are also prepared to Itake vour measure for a Pnit made to ordsr.
' . . .- .ti'ia.erBrM
III fiiaranlee.1. - Pr.r, UI K
Call for a Farmers
There have been mm or recently set afloat that certain transac
tion have taken place, which very much effect the whole farming
community of l-ane eonntr, and as a renlt a hasty investigation of
the same wa ma le by a Committee of One Hundred Farmers on last
hat unlay, and so atari ling waa the effect of their work, that they deem
It bnt nrooer that a public meeting of all the Farmer ot l-ane county
honld be railed to asaemble at W. fAMKRS' Store In Kngene al
the earliest pol hie date, to ton firm the fact, that he is selling his
entire shirk of Clothing, Boots, fhoe and Dry Oood cheaper than
anv merchant in Kngene, and the Farmer of l-ane ronnly should
take advantage of the Mine while the opportunity is oflered. 11 1M.
"The Committe
Tim Dtor. lortk if Hoffau Binii, f intuitu Strut lajtoi, Ortfoi
Wlllimitti SI , bet. 711 tod 81I1. Eu.idi. Or.
All Kind of Bread, Csa.s. Hm
:k.S. Fiat.
Hand. I
Always 01 Hi
Meals from 15 lo 25 cent. rent
in ih'Ii rotmh-r in roiiiiM'tton.
itnler reiane iroinil attention.
Tli" atroii of li.o piiMic ro't
fully solicited.
Willamette Market.
C. I. T0U1G, PROP.
A full BUpl'ljr nf frr?tt,tng thftt t 1m ft
lift c iiiluiiittrtit kl Itrrr, m Hl,
Muiiwn. .r aitJ . t.trh ii alll tutu
iu M tti tm Motittti m Ilk lallrjr.
Hului fa I utt'i
4 H l rit ul lui lit iriir 11) tic
HUOp fit W 4itT.r, Ywuitf
f. itvfnv, irMun . - -
Mtrsla dvllfrrfMj to tny n of
ci) irr.
- . ...EUGENE. ...
Loan and Savings Bank
li. ri.lrul .
w w iikiiM n
H l PAlM
r. w. uwi'KN
A. I'aine.
K. I 'a via.
. K. llron.
J. IV llarri.
II. 1. I'aine.
J. K. Kobinaon.
V. Oaburn,
PAID UP CAPITAL, $60,000,00 '
A lieneral lUnklng Iluiin. Trana-
.... . i i. ii . . j -i- t
lUnklng IliKima Trana-
ai iru. inu-rmi un 11.11 " " '
Iliglieal Cah Kati-e 1'aid for
' '
" j
City and L'ooolr Warrant a.
Oar Large and Complete Line
A perfect
t.AKur mac ur ArLi,,-
of One Hundred
Hi NarauR K.aal.a.
Ttia people ara lamentably ignorant
of th way thing ara going ou la thia
0 luulr of oura. Tba Democrat ara
trying to I'jok plaaaaut and think time
ara Improving, whtlo tin Krpubllcaui
ara blaming ararrthing to tba iJein
ooratic unuilnl.tratiou. Yet for all
that, w bava uerar aoen tba II run
when th MMipfe wnra ao roadjr to ain
braoa i'eouia'a 1'arty principle. letno
emu aud Kepublluaui, altka, adnjit
that our guvuruuinuul tuacbiue ii
rltkotr aorna plaue, that the bole need
new packltig, and that bolt and anrew
need tlKhteniUK. but th"T d'''t know
bow lo go to work to put tba nacbluu
in order. it 'em to iua( to oeut
In thia pupa-r and it will aet them to
The railroad of (treat Britain em
ploy help to tbe amount of $,000 per
mile auuually. In thia country tbe
railroad pay their help 3,22. TlM-re
they employ eighteen men to the mile;
here Ave. There their average pay la
38. per annum; here it I fft.'ii. There
the boor ate ahorU r and tbe work
much eaaier. Tber ou aixteen of the
leading line the groa earning are
fl.OQU. Tbe average n-t earn III (ft on
tbe llriliah line per annum are ll'ifi;
hire they are ?20. A H llut, Lar
rabee in hi great work, "Tbe Kailroad
ynfNitlon," baa well ald: "If Amerl
oan labor i tnore eiprnalve. It I alo
more efficient than labor la ebtewbere. "
"Tbe reported valuation of all prop
erly in tbe United State by tbe
!of 11W0 wa l5,03;,(i!M,m, or 1,UJ5
per captu lur me wuoiu population.
Yet aome have none of it and other
bondred of million of it. Any meth
od that would even up matU-r a little
would 1 belter than the praent no
matter what it would be called.
We are in favor cf the free coinage
of ailver, a of gold, in tbe ratio of 1
lo I, ao long a we bave gold but we
j bold ' that law make money (not the
! material of - wbu& tbe mono it ocua
j poaexl) and the cbeapeat anit moat con
I venlent material ia tbe cbeapeat and
beat. Tbal material i paper; tbe money
being iaaued eicluaively by tbe govern-
m.ut; a full legal tender in pay mint
of all drbte, public and private!
"old Abe" got a alary of 125,000 a
year, when wheat wa worth f a
buahel ao, we II ay be got a aalary of
13,600 buahel of wheat. Dictator
Orcver get a (alary of 150,000 with
wheat at AO cent, or cue hundred
tbouaand buahel of wheat "Old Abe"
fiidu't bave much to do but be trern-
bled for the aafely of tbia fx pnblio.
It diflereut with (irov. Sometitrv
the Oah dun't bite-and then, again.
there'a the aored gold reaerve. It'
ardooua, don'tcberknow, lo iue
luiiifl. I4rnve. thnui-h. 'doe it the
, h . h ,,.,
,, . r , . v.. , . v , . i
tuilng for bills. Wrove haa lots of
friends, (Irov has! They are rich
fellow, loo, no mudsill truck. A au
acoommodalion to (irove they 11 casb
bond at par and then ell 'em at LSI.
"A public office 1 a public trust"
and a tnsp In those who kuow bow to
work it. "Tbe pablio be d d!"
and, yea, tbe republic be d d, too!
"There 1 a great deal of gratuitous
advice being given tbe fanners by the
preea, both city and oountry, telling
tbem to bold their wheat or not to
bold it. Joat according to the individ
ual opinion of the writer. However,
it la about all pure waste ot apace,
every farmer who can do ao will keep
hi wheat until prices are better or
worse than now, and the advice is of
little value lo those who most bave
money lo pay Jebta." Springfield, 8.
1)., Time. Ah, there you are again.
Brother Young. It's Joat as we ex
pected. We bave been watching your
report of big orop in old Bon Homme
county "There's pleuty ot money in
tbe country, if you bave anything to
ell!" but, perhaps tbe people are
living on money and -have no need of
wheat. Away last spring, yon will
reuif ruber, you published an item to
tbe effect thnt tbe people about Spring
field were anxlons for tbe government
to pay Its dues to the Indiana of tbe
San tee reservation; that it wonld put
some muncy - in circulation .out - tbare
and make things lively, for awhile at
least We copied the article; aaid
"Amen" In effect, aud pointed out that
more money waa what we needed all
over tbe oountry, and bow more money
wonld make thing boom throughout
the land. Yon ran back at n with
tbe stock argument tbat there was
plenty of money in the oountry, if yon
had anything to sell and that tbe
Free Trader was an anarchist sheet.
anyway! Well yon now have plenty
of wheat Why In Halifax don't yon
sell it, and step your whining, yon
calamity bowler yon?
July 4th, 1893, the reople's party in
national convention assembled, at
Omaha, adopted tbe following silver
plank as a part ot ita platform: "We
demand free and unlimited coinage of
silver and gold al the present ratio of
16 to 1." Short, but oh, bow sweet!
Btralgbt to the point Bays wbst It
means, and means what it says. And
every Populist in this broad land be
lieves in it, and advocate it And
what a ocniraat between that plank
and tbe planks of the two old parties!
Neither of the two old parties dare take
an unequivocal stand on anything and
every thinking man knows this 10 be
true. And neither Of tbe tWO Old
parties ar in favor ot free silver coin-
age or we wouio. nave . mat uugi.
to be easily understood, and yet you,
Mr. Sliver Demoorat and yon, Mr. Sll-
ver Republican, pretend to believe in
silver, and really expect to get it bv
voting a goldbng ticket! Hire a mo 1
and let him kiok yon awhilel Throw
off old party cloaks. Join bands, and
onm to th eamp of th party ot and
for th people.
Tb Chicago later Ocean has Uea for
two year on of Hi moat etierg-t e
howler for free (liver in the country.
We bave been watrking it. At brat
we did uot aeebow it eirald poaaibly re
main with the old- fxrty, but we have
beeu ui!ol0U"Of It allaloug. Now 11
haa chaugej Ita tone; ud it ia no mote
honnat than tbe rest of the big paper
It li now bowling for protection, and
i blaming everything to tbe Wi'laou
tariff law. Thl( la a preaideutial year
and the I. O. i (imply getting back
into the trace; Ubt' ill. If the K ,
publican ' party aliooM declare for
gold a tbe coluiive money of th--oountry,
and (hoold o lr fur abao
lute free trade with ail the natiou of
the earth, the I. O. would till itick
to the Kupulbican party and a woold
all the reat of .the big Kepubhuan pa
r. Principle hi nnlMng to do ith
their editorial matter
It ia, of oourae, ti tb n.U r
ent of all tboas who tvill b'md and
nortgKa to make tbe dollar a valu
able aa pMwilbe or, a t."a-;li- Hjlon
ChiiM-, of Maine, need Ui aay. "aviuees
more hog into tbe dollar. " Hot it
dot em a if the fallow bad an
uulimit-rd amount of gull, and of coiifl
denue in the credulity of the urmi-r-,
to appeal to tbem ta vote for the
maintenance of tbe "enatiug gold
alamUrd of value." ' Thia tri'-k of ap
pealing to I he farmer .h. worked in
the paat. lie ha been to bom-at bim-
ai'lf that for many Jtiia be did not
miatruit tbe rogue who were robbing
him band over flat: but ain-.-e b- ba
found it diRlcult to k'p up even in
trreat and t axe (if be baa been veu
ih.t tnrmn.iM ha h. !.., Hi.. .1
little thiuikng for bm.telf-v.-t stilt
there are lota and lot of who
ill still behove tbat tb hard time
are caused by tbe Wibrjn tariff law
(wihcb has made, no change in the
"protection" afforded hum, or by oor
"unbound" money! bonie people are
j foolish tbat the word "foolish"
don't express it And if some g jlTbug
should come along and tell tht-m bean
were potatoes they woslil Iwheve him
and no argument could convince
them to tbe contrary.
Honest Republican and Democrat
ought to know by this time that their
respective parties bave long ago drifted
away from' their moorings. They no
longer represent tbe principle which
brought tbem into exist. The Be
publican party i no lougrr republican
and the Uemocratio party i uo longer
democratic. Both are plutocratic.
And yet million upon millions of
votei still stiok to the ul.f parties when
tbey know full well that aeither ot the
old parties have passed a law lu tbe in
teres! of the people in the Uxt thirty
year. Lvcry session oi ooae;re goes
to show tbat both factions of tbe plu
tocratic prtie. are simply playing for
political effect Tbe Republican fac
tion will not belp the IXmocrutio fac
tion pasa a law to benefit tbe people
for fear it will give the Democratic
faction the votes of the people, and the
offices. Let a good lull be introduced
by a Republican aud instantly every
Deinocratio vote it against it, or st
least enough to tli ftat the meure.
But it plutocracy huU a thing done.
that' different. Kuough traih-r to
the people can be found who will do
tbe bidding of lobbyist. The initia
tive and referendum woold settle all
thia. Corporations wonld not spend
money in bribing legislator if they
knew the measure was to be voted upon
by the people. I
Certain interest, bave made it their
bunineas to undertake a movement
looking to the retirement of green
back. Tbey do thin on tbe principle
tbat what is everybody's business is
nobody's businoft and onlesi some per
sou make a busiueis of seeing that
greenbacks are retired they will not be
retired. Chicago Tribune. "Certain
interest have tuale it their business to
undertake a movtmeut looking to tbe
retirement of the greenbacks" so tbat
they may have a mououpoly of the is
sue of all paper mouey, and full Con
trol of the volume of nil money. These
"certain iuterrct" made it their busi
ness to kick aKitiuat the greenback
from the very moment of tbe first pro
posal to issue them. These interests
tabbed tbe giwutuck with tbe excep
tion clause on the greenback. These
interest made it their budness to fond
the non-interest bearing debt of tbe
government into long time bonds
Then they made it their bnsineas to
have the public credit strengthened by
having tbe baud made payable in
coin. .Tlien tbey demonetised silver, la
'73. And these interests make it their
business to run the old party machines
in their interest, and diotate the nomi
nations ot both old parties. And
these Interests nixke it their business,
too, to pay good fat price for just snob
dirty work aa the Chicago Tribune is
doing. '
The experiment ot electrical traction
in tbe Baltimore tunnel, has now been
tried about a year, with results ao far
to the advantage ot tbe eleotrie motors
over those propelled by steam.
Sunlight is superior to artificial light
beouase ita action upon tbe eye Is
eqnsble snd unvarying, benoe it may
be need long without lattgoe.
In Egypt there are annually eighteen
mora births than deaths to 1,000 ot
population, and the net Increase ha
been 1,600,000 in twelve years.
p,ri, n , Turikhs bath establish
mmt where horses snd doss ara traased
0 y,, nlnry They are said to anjoy
wnCQ y,,, Rot use to It
Washington woman, after twenty
, rear' litigation tor damage with tbe
Balltomr ft Ohio railroad, baa secured
, verdlol ot one cent damage,
According to Electricity clothing
manufacturer ha invented maohtne
for catting cloth which. Is capable of
coiling 100 to isO uit a flay.
Epitome of the Telegraphic
Newt ot the World.
la Inl.ra.tlng ( ell.rtlu of Itaeaa Fraaa
i " Twe ll.iul.h.r.. 1'r.M.U.
In a CendaaaMl Cwrui.
A violent winrt and rin atoro vill
ed Newark, N.I.. mid did damage to
the amount of Avi (X().
rtutatan engineer have been Is
i'biladttlpbia and bave made orntract
for ISOO.VJO worth of macblnert there,
Mr. Annie Dyrr. tbe baby (farmer,
of Kudbig, Eng., arrested on March 9
on tbe obargd of murdering many, in
fant intruited to ber care, wa banged
la Newgate priaon,
Tbe three-ma ted achooner Edward
C Allentrne, Captain McLaughlin,
from Baltimore tor Portland, aank off
Job's neck, on tbe sooth eide of tbi
laiand, near Vineyard Haven, Haa.
From tbe fact thai the Teasel' boat
bave eome aahore in piece and ar
ticle of clothing have been picked up
ll i feared that all on board were lose
Sixty cloakmaker employed by a
Chios go Arm, were thrown into a panio
by Are, and it eeemed for a time that
soma of tbem woold be trampled to
esth in the ecTsmble to escape. Tbe
waa In the aulrway on the second
noor ana eecape waa nuaiiy eueoiea oj
rushing through tbe flames. It was
soon extinguiabed with but little dam
sam -
O. F. Tyler, a eon of President Tyler,
I a prisoner in Richmond, V., charg
ed, with shooting with intent to kill
Jack Carr, a young negro. Tyler i a
dairyman residing near Richmond.
He went to the assistance ot another
person who got into a difficulty with
Carr. and aay the shooting was in
elf-defense. The socused wa sent to
tbe grand jury and allowed ball. '
One hundred and eighty can of
dynamite exploded about a mile below
Lilly, Pa., with frightful result. One
man wa killed by tbe explosion, snd
even other fatally injured. Con
tractor McManus' workmen on the
Pennaylvsnia railway were getting
ready to make a blast wben a prema
ture explotlon occurred, burying tb
even men beneath sand and rock. .
Jamea Creelan, tbe war correspond
ent who bad to leave Cuba recently by
order of General Weyler, says he
think, there will be a war with Spain.
He say the American people will be
thunderstruck when tbe document In
tbe possession of the state department
are made public. - Spain ia anxious foi
war. Twenty-five million dollars'
worth of American property ha been
destroyed in Cub and many Ameri
can killed without provocation.
Since the col lapse of the "brick
trust" at tbe close cf May. tbe local
brick market iu Chicago ba been de
moralized. The demoralisation has
reached inch a point that. common
brick were sold at ft. 10 per 1.000.
A Peoria, 111., dispatch states that
Daniel Anderson, who was nominated
for Uuited State cenator by the Pro
hibitionists t their Spricgtield con
veition, ba withdrawn from the raoe
and tbe party.
A foor-cent fare ordinance wa passed
in Milwaukee. Thirty days' time is
given ia which to allow tbe companies
to print regulation ticket and make ar- j
rangements f.r carrying out the term
if the ordinance. The company will
dairy the matter to the ooorts.
While two doxen people crowded on
a portioo were witneasing a circus
parade iu Ottawa, Kan., the structure
gae way, precipitating men, women
and children fifteen feet to the walk
below. Seventeen were injured Mrs.
David Day, of Rntoul, vill probably
die ot injuria.
An Astori dispatch say tbe body ot
Gu Notburg, foreman of th Fisher
men's cannery, v. bo was reported miss
ing, and also that of a Russian Finn
named Crick, who is supposed to bave
been out in the river with him, were
found in tbe river below Tongue Point
It is not so far known bosr their death
occurred, but the conjecture it tbat
tbey were both accidentally drowned.
Tbe mi per or of -China - baa mtifled
hi appreciation ot the gallantry showa
by the bluejacket of the ' American
warship in rescuing drowning person
tn the recent terrible disaster resulting
from a collision at Woonsong between
the atesmer Onwo and Newcbwang,
by presenting to the captain of each ot
Code Barn's cruisers in Asiatio water
an elaborately engraved and highly
complimentary testimonial
Tbe onoe beautiful little village ot
Lake City, Cel., at tbe head ot Sur
prise valley, in Modoc county, is a
scene of devastation, rain and disaster.
What wa once a brisk and lively burg
of 800 inhabitant with neat snd cosy
dwelling 1 now but a vista ot tangled
wreckage, nearly every building la
town being wholly or partially de
molished. It was (truck by a water
spout a veritable water cyclone.
A Cat la tirinl.a Rata.
Chicago. Th Union Paoifio Com
pany haa givea notice that it intend
to Ignore th aotlon of the other trans
continental and Western road ia de
clining to msk a reduced rat for tba
TJtah schoolteachers, who ara anxious
to com East to spend their vsoatioa.
It will tak Independent aotlon la tbe
matter, and will make a one-far tor
the round trip lor tie taacoera.
Haw Shah Kathraaa. '
Taberaa, Persia. Masaffar Eddin.
th nw shah of Persia, has beaa form
ally an throned.
th department of Oregon ia holding ll i
encampment la .Independence, Or. i alao
the Woman's Belief Corp and Boos of """
Veteran. Tb citlxens bave given tbe Property Lot Will Reach
town a very attractive appearance by
exleniiv decoration of the boiane
bouse and residence. A large num
ber are in attendance.
Crash T.l al4.
A dispatch from Canea, Creta, aay
another Greek vessel, loaded with
munition and provision for the Insur
gents, ba been seised by tbe Turk! ah
officials. Tb Vrencb gaavdafatp
started for Valova with i7.00 to pay
tbe ransom of two French ladle recent
ly captured near tbal place by tb
( Tk Nasi Was Tarrtfela.
A special from Bombay aay
British seeond-class. twin-screw Bona-
venture, the flagship of tba East Indian
squsdron, flying th flag of Rear-Admiral
Edmund Drummond, lost seven
ty men by unuok on a voyage from
Colombo to Pondicherry.
' R.urisalsallea the Kertberm.
There i much disco asiota ta New
York among those eonoerned in tbe re
organisation of the Northera Pacific,
as to tbe form of charter tbe company
is to hare or whether it is adriaable to
foreclraw tbe property al rteaent. In
view of tbe fact that th present con
greaa ba failed to give tbe eompanj
axtew charter. t
A Three Tlaa.a Xara.m ag4.
John Craig, a three time murderer,
w banged in Folsom priaon. Tber
could not bave been s mors perfect
sxecution it is said. Tba coodemned
man waa completely resigned to bis
' Dd wslked to tb gallows as
eooiy as though going to a wedding.
A ratal fir.
At a fire in a tenement bsaa in
Pittaburg. Pa., Mrs. Zones hhoudl
Garbeia, aged 74, waa killed, by Jump
ing from a window. Frank Garbeia,
sged o. vu suffocated to death, Lot
tie Garbeia, aged 11, was lnwjraally
hurt, sod may die. Frank Barbel
wat badly ' burned. The Are was
caused by the explosion of a barrel of
Their rrs railed Th.
Forty mile east of Charleston, W.
Vs.. masked men boarded an express
train at midnight and crawled over
th engine tender into tbe cab with
revolvers drawn. Th engineer stopped
the trsin. He was .commanded to oat
loose tbe express car. Tbia was dona.
Tbe" passenger were awakened and the
Ughta were sxtiai-uiahed. Attar tea
minute work, the bandits became
frightened, and escaped to tbe moun
tain. T riaal th lad.btedM.
A member of on of tb largest bank-'
Ing house in Honolulu 1 in thi coun
try for tbe purpose of interesting cap
italist in tb refunding of the Ha
waiian government' indebtedness.
The government ba $3,096,000 of
bond drawing 6 per cent interest out
standing at present, which it is pro
posed to pay and issue in their stead
bonds drawing interest at tbe rat of 4
par cent '
His D.alh m Bf j.t.r7.
Tbe body of a man with his bead
split open, waa discovered floating in
the Columbia river near Wallace's
island. ' It is not known how he was
Tailed ta riv flaga.
The trustee of tb university of Illi
nois were arretted in Champaign and
bold in 200 bail to answer to th
grand jury the charge of failing to fly
the flag from all nniveristy buildings
Governor Altgeld is a member of tbe
roar ravor CIU
Except Savanah. the capitals of th
new states of Wyoming, Montana and
Utah are tbe only places that got ap
propriations for publio buildings at
this session of oongrea. Th bouse
polioy has been to report no bills for
aew buildings.
hti riai.
Tbe Hammond incident ia finally
settled. At a special meeting of the
xecotive council held ia Pretoria, it
wa deaided to release John Hay Ham
mond, Cecil Rhode, George Farrar
and J. W. Leonard, tb leaders of tb
Johannesburg reform committee, upon
payment of a fine of ?xS,000 each, or
tn default, fifteen years' banishment
Kill. HI. Br-thr-ta-law.
Ben Dice, a ranches living oa the
Tula river, twenty mile southeast of
Visalia. Cel.. killed hi brother-in-law.
Grant Smith. Tbey quarreled about
vint in an irrigating ditoh, and Dice's
wife sttempted to remove tb dam ia
tbe ditch on Smith's plsoe.
reu.ntir niot
Three thousand Harvard men, en
couraged by the pbenomen&l event of a
Harvard victory, fought 100 policemen
ia the streets of historic old Cam-
bfidge. ll wat the biggest riot that
tne university has ever seen. Many
students and policemen were Injured
in the melee, hot the blueooau finally
came out victorious and the students
wer locked up.
A Mralal Ma.d.r.
In a drunken rag John Wolter, of
Chicago, made an nninooetsful attempt
to kill hi wit. He thea shot and
killed one stepdaughter and woaaded
another ao aerioualy that she stay dia,
Mrs. Wolter i possessed of property
.valued at 11.800. left by ber first bua-
Vband. It eero to bar been Wolter'
iurpoa to get control of it
Being un
able to make ny headway la tbi dl-
rectiou, he becam dismtisfied and be-
gaa drinking to excess and was under
tb influeno of liquor whea k com-
mined tb assault upon his wlft aad
One Hundred Thousand.
.. Weaaaa a4 Child r. Tara Oal
ta right .h laaaa-Orlgtasia4
la a Laaaw atsplodlag.
Hope, Idabo.'june 16. A fir trek
out here thi afternoon about 8:80,
originating in tba Northern Faoifio
s. -am laundry, owned by the dining
car department Tbe town ia built on
tba mountain side, and in a tw B-O-menta.
tbe flames spread to tba build
ings on Main street snd Kailroad ave
nue. Although men, womenaod
children turned oat and fought th fits, 1
bo I few building west and north of.
tbe laundry were saved for a district
over a block.
The Pend de'Orlell hotel, owned by
E. Wanemakar, was on of tb first
buildings destroyed. His large gen
eral merchandise itore, tbe town ball,
warehouse, batcher shop, and a build
ing occupied by Mrs. Mills as a dress
making parlor and residence, burned.
Tbet next waa a small building used
by N. (i. bisson a a warehouse. Next
to tbi building wa the Examiner
printing office of J. W. Settle, black's
tailor shop, tbe Odd Fellows' hall, A.
O. U. W., O. R. C, and K. O. J. M .
were destroyed, a Bible and a (mail
stand being all tbal was saved.
Dr. Martin lost all bis stock of drugs,
men's furnishing goods, notions, etc.',
together with all his household snd
kitchea furniture.
N. G. Siason, proprietor of a large
lu-ivuauui mo awn, tvai PQUIU,
household good a and kitchen furniture,
and almost everything lu the store.
Tbe Twin Wo Co., merchants, lost a
large two-story building, marohand'ae,
etc O. C Bmitb lost his residence, a
lodging-house, a tenement hooae and a -building
occupied by Chinese a
gambling and lodging-bouaet
Among tbe building and content '
destroyed were tbe steam laundry,
Mr. Head' lodging-boose, J. C Mo
Dougall' residence, W. J. Piling's
residence, Ed (Jinn's residence. Perry
Morgan raldence, C T. McElvaney'
residence, several small shacks and a
section bouse. Very little furniture
n saved from sny of these buildings.
Tbe residence on Highland avenue,
owned by T. F. Roby. Conductor
(juinn. Rev. MrRtfEb, Fiafcuajt flga.
sob atr -rrxjwsri3iVoydr
wita inTarror wrft ocunteatat? AJJ ui'
tbe type, job presses, stationery and
some of the household good in tba
Examiner offioe were saved.
One hundred thousand dollars will
not cove tb lossu Giant powder wa
used to good advantage in blowing up
several email balding, thus stopping
tb ravages of tbe flame.
Ta rtwvBl CorlLtaa. '
Washington, June 16. The presi
dent having approved the act passed by
congress at the instance of tbe Ameri
can delegates to the International mar
itime conference, relative to the pre
vention of collisions at sea, the state
department has taken step promptly
to aoquaint tbe British government
with the fact that the amendmenta to
rule suggested by it bave been made,
and it it hoped there will be no delay
in potting the rule into operation by
proclamation. Tbe acceptance of tbe '
change by a third maritime power 1
necessary to tbe inauguration ot the
rule, but a Germany in April 1804,
brought forward th earn propositiona
as those recently ratified, no doubt la
entertained of that oountry 'a adher
ence. Oatraces mm Cahaa W.m.a.
Key West, Fla., Jnn 16. An
American citisen, writing to a friend
here, give an account ot outrage per
petrated on Cuban women, who obeyed
Weyler' order requiring them to pre
sent themselves at the Spanish fortress
snd camps. Ha waa an eyewitness ot
one of tbe ourtagea. Recently Benorita
Mar tinea and bar 13-yaar old daughter
appeared at a Spanish camp. After
addressing Insulting remarks to thim,
the officer ia command tore the oloth
ing from the girl and exposed her to
the soldier. Then, at tbe point of the
bayonet the nude girl wa forced to
To escape dishonor by the Spaniard,
hundred of Cuban women are joining
tb insurgent army.
AM far Arnaalaa Orphane.
London, June 16. A dispatch to tba
Chronicle from Constantinople r porta
that an American lady from Maraah
make th following statement: "Hav
ing mid arrangements with charitable
person at Constantinople for home
nd eduoation for eighty orphan! '
Maraab and Carta, I am prepared to
bring tbem to Constantinople. Tbe
Turkish authorities absolutely refused
to allow tbem to leave, ll waa only
with the greatest difficulty, tbat I ob
tained permission to bring my own
children, a th offioial said that, be
ing born ia Turkey, tbey were Turkish
although thaii-parvnt were Ameri
cana" Th Jraheprv rt(a.
South Bend, Intl., June 16. Grasi
hopper ara doing immense damage la
portiona of thi county. Alexander
KmltH of - tnwnaMn V.. alW
a ore of wheat from which every blade
ba been eaten ap entire, a well aa .
fifteen acre of - potatoes and a large
field of oat.
PPIrmta I growers ia sll pan
Boathwaetara Michlgsa say thai
-TPP?' . fJT
P" Jd rl ail will son-
. stably , J
Vt!l 1 t. . 4, W