1. " siowirioAHCB or a at OVIICOAT Vftm la InartM), yiknwn(M ot th akt aa! Mil, UUIM ft ttil UDamaU.fwM bia. ib rigtitntM ftutf aboi4-r blort, t that t-v lr" unaVr bimMi -1 rr min t I lar HmltiWr i HUMnack Hlilvra, htrh aloewrt C'Siltaaua oonaiipAiUMi, oy Bp pat a, i.mi- liTi - Ma.. t Oh.ahaa At- of Ihe frtwnda m mv ymiio. Ha 1 dl4u't hr tab oM tiii. Two bottltw of Pio't Cur for Cooaump tto carwd nit of a btJ lung trouble Mr J. Nicbol. rniroetou, lad., Mar. W, HWft. IKWAKI Or OlTMCNT FOR CA tARRN TBAT CONTAIN MEKt'CRT, Aa mrmrf will nrlr datm th mnm ol oaili ud oail(rljr drut ih whol wbn euieiiiic 11 throiurb lb macoua attrlaatm. Hui'b Mtli-lfa aiiould iMvr be ward except nm Srsaofiptlor Iron rau table rbyaifiaaa, a t a malt ny wtll do ia ten fold U th food yow ra MMtllr dwiT from loewi Haifa t-wlfcirb Cura, BMUHtMCturwd by r. J. Lbenvy A lo tado. 0..oniAin no saorrurr. and 1 tak at. in- Iffrnallf, ftrUof dlncilf m lb blood ih1 wuooiu turtwera of llioayatrm. I bavin Hals' Catarrh i ura b twr you re U ranulo U t taken lntni ;, and mo in Tote-da, Ohio, by 9. J. 1'boDy A Co. TwatimonUU free hold by driifriaU, prtc 75c per bottl. Hail' fatally PiUa arw the hmt. riTB.-Att It Mjppn tr by Or. Ktlwo' Oraat V-wrvw ittror. Ma ta Am Um rai da? a aaa. alarwKa cairaw, Ttpouaa aad f&t irtaa bottl trav o Pit naaaa ftee b Pt. WMm si Arc rmua ipiaift. r Tat Oiuia tor brAfi. -That Extreme Ursd feeling (Diets nearly every body at this season. Tb hastier eras to path, th tiraleta grow waary, It enr (etie boom cnwraSad.- You know jat what wa bu. Soma men and women eodeaTor lmrarily to orarcooi that Tired FeWing ay'gnat forca of will. But thu ia unsafe, aa it fulli powerfully upon tb narrona Tf1am, which will not long stand aorh train. Too man; people "work on their nerrea," and the result is seen in an fortunate wrecks marked "nerrous pros tration," in erenr direciion. That tired Feel- ing is a positive proof of thin, weak, im pure blood: for, if the blood ia.hch, red. vitalised and rii.roaj, it imparts life ar.d enentr to ererT nerre. orfran and tissue of tbe body. The neoejity of taking Hood' SavsapanlU for that tired feeling is, therefore, apparent to erery one, and the good It will do you is equally beyond question. Remembei that G3oo(dl!s S.arsaparilla It the On Trne Blood Purifier. AU drorrlsov n. Preparad oniy byCL Uuoi Co.. Unwell, Hw Hood's Pills ft PEOPlt THAT ARE tiC "Just Ootl't Fnl w4i," &o7aUlYIR FILLS anJk Om Txtm -ao. Only Orwo for m Dowo. foM r ZrriaWa at fSC. bet Aa&tlas BaulsA fw aftiixwa Or. ami Ms Ms, c. Phiia. pa. FRAZER AXLE CREASE EST IB THE WOltt. lis wrartns; (jaalitiessre ansurpeaae-l.artually cniiiaaiiuff ian ooxes or any nther brand rn Irom Anim.l Olia. T fHI ulllXf. roK MAUT BY OkIl,OM AND 4TJS-WAIT01 MKKCRAHTS-V and Dealers generally. : WHO C1RR1EX TIE LARGEST Liu of CuUery. RportfntcQoods, fiwvrber Qpplie.Dd BaMsuOood? Wby, dow t yon snow TMt WILL A FIMCft COMPANY T They will raoply yoa with anythfof yon wvnt t loweac maxlt pricBv. tond forOenerw tv low or Catalntrue of Hportinf jooda or Baxtr oppue. KsV Market mroet, AaJi rinciw, Ctu If Your Dealer will not sell you the at-s,SV BIA5 VELVETEEN SKIRT BINDINOS we will. Write us for free samples showing labels and materials. Home Dressmaking.' a new book fey Miss Emma M. Hooper, of ths Ladies' Home Journal. leXng how la put on Bias Visia Zkm B'o4 Inpt sent (or 2&c.. postage paid. 5. II. M. Ca.. P. O. Bes v, N. V. CKy. osV wmsiow's Hwj ! s 'Oaj CHILAavACH tccthiwo raaotoll I I Rave eae a fatfhat ) still I l I l I wrtsM a n MawZ I i-Bta.Btas ( if IfTAl Vrl estarestss BMrk- HT -L-t- r-f kM ml a M-VmK '( IZw'nXf''I . j ' f IvJ mn- i I Kli l V a4 TaMa as taw J 1 1 1 Maark la ttM Marw J M L X f iC ! Palettaetoe a ' I tw an MtoDw r P J0r5L -Catame Maatk C llriTiT is ts f JVI 1 IiTK. taaa at Paraa 5kl riJmrp Hcais iiiim r 19 - l Siinial IrrHaMa 'af-D VV X CaaSKIaa S ttoa 'i'TS V HM4 - Maslaaaa- V r' lnal Claris. I etiaa m aiatiaaal V DYSPEPSIA ' as aa af tta uat larsM. Tk aaa saaltlis sars ( Sat taw tut, , aaaalaun at J I Jlckcr'i DvtpcrsU DMm, 3 ST salt seasaM aa eaatast f Sf seats C raaataa S,.it. ItntH tiapenal. Kvw rt. 3ara: '- aSrv4 .ivTinir trm rl-!ta. btill V Aaaat'sTaaaia.laaarwriaaatbararresr.''N - ( ACItl tDlflll CO. IS Caawaafs .. 1. THEIR THKMK PKACE CONFERENCE ON INTERNATIONAL AR BITRATION TO BE HELD.' WIU t naM la April-Mas ClUea Hat ls4ara4 lb aVstessw- af (a grass A re la raswr at tK ! Ttae lla Prasaaai- WaaMa(tas ttae rtaea. An ioleeeehug meeting wraa held re reully in Waahiiigtoit of Ih ooruniittew appomtod lately to co-operate with aim ilar committev in otarr ritie in for Wttrmur of Ike plan fir a wraanetit treaty of arbitration between Ureal Brit aiu ruid the I'nitetl Stale. - This plan, inaugnrattxl, by niemlwrs of tb New York chamber of oomim-rof. baa nnt taiih much fasr. t'tuiuitt bavtt Iteeu orv'anistM in C'hu-aito and New Yolk, au'i it is pro(wl 10 lake like an im iu lli..u am) 1'hilaiielpbia and elsevthcre as soou aa Kiile. HveHitually tl is hotwi Ihe system of ar bitration proposed uiar be exteuded to all the riviliatot nations, as well as Great Britain. There was an interesting geueral dis cnaviouof tbe mode of nrvattttire and Ihe rope of tbe pkui of arhitration, in which nieu of the wide eiperituico iu diplomatic affair of Mr. J. W. Fater and Mr. John A. Kafxon were able to teak many raluahle ni-atioiiv U l pr'pid to have a ciniforeiK in Wathiiia?ton iu April, at whi h deleiiatea from each of the stattM and tcrntoiie, iudept iidetl of wmt or v-etHl, Mill be preweut. Or. I'liamN rliu if New Voik baa been in omull.in.ni with numbers of rnntnfi. with a new of arcertainiug the iiKt available meu for df legatee in each aectiou. He sjoke of having re oeived very hearty encouragement from members of i-uiigte whom be had met. The arrantiemeuta will be iu charge of executive rommitteea of fire from each local committee, and at the conference) tbe whole cooix of action will be set tled op-m. - - Tbe meeting was moat satisfactory in bowing that the co-operative movement fur geueial arbitration will receive a very hearty and influential backing in tbe city of Washington. In the nonrsa of the meeting Dr. (Cbamberlin gave an intelligent expuau- tiou of - the pun and progiea of the movement. He said in this connection: Tbe spontaneous, independent move ment in Chicago, Philadelphia, Balti more, New York and other place in tbe iutereet of a permanent provision for aome wine methods of arbitration between Ihe United tate and Ureat Britain have now become one enthusi astic movement in favor uf a national oonference. Tbe purpose of the confer ence) ia both patriot 10 and philanthropic It I clearly understood that there arw questions, soch as those of national sov ereignty and tbe integrity of the) na tional domain, which no state will con,-. sent to arbitrate, but fur Ihe great class of disagree met. (s which are debatable. and which the usual methods of diplo macy fail to adjust, there well may be a resort to an arbitrating tribunal in stead of tbe waste and bitterness oft war. It would appear, moreover, that a noble atep in tbe advance of civilisation would be taken, should there be be tween th two great nations which are akin in language, iarisprudnc), legal tnethoda and essential love of right a treaty of arbitration, designating tb clawa of issue to be referred and deter mining certain methods of procedure in constituting and convening tbe tribu nal, a well as certain essential rule gov erning the presentation of evidence. There would thus be a presumption and practical facility favorable to arbi tration soch as do not now exist and bave not heretofore existed. The whole effect would certainly be on the side of peace with honor and justice with good will. It U not too much to say that such a treaty or convention between this conn try and Great Britain would tend to ward tbe adoption of international ar bitration throughout tbe civilized world. Washington War. "Ob, isn't be just too sweet !" sighed a gentle voice in tbe gallery, and than she and ber friend fastened their lor gnettes on Mr. Foot cf New York, who was propped in pictnreenne attitude against the wall, his iron gray hair in Its usual studied ctmfuaion and Ihe car nation of deepest scarlet in hi lapel setting off bis style of beauty quite ef fectively. If the feminine voter la to count, Mr. Foots would probably tak tb medal a the handsomest man in tbe bouse. Washington Star. Gladness Comes With better unorrMandinir of the transient nature of the many phys ical ills, which vaniali before prfijwr ef fort gentle effort plestant e ftoTta rightly directed. There la comfort in the knowledge, that so many form of ickneee are not due tu ant actual dis ease, but aimply to a eontipt-l condi tion of the avstrm, which the pleaasnt family laxative, hyrnpof Kiga. prompt ly remove. That ia why H la the only remedy with millkanaof familtai, and is everywhere nrtermrd so highly by all who valne good health. Its beneficial effects are due to the fact, that it la the cms remedy which prrnnotea internal cleanliness without debilitating the organs on which it acta. It is therefore all important, in order to get its bene ficial effects, to note when yon pur chae, that you have the penuine arti cle, which I mannfactnrra by the Cali fornia Fig Kyrnp Co. only and Bold by all reputable druggists. If in Mis rnjnvmrnt of good health, and the system la regular, laxatives or other remedies arw then not needed. If afflicted with any actual dihrae, one may be eommended to the moat skillful phyalcisna, tint if in need of a Isxative. one should bare tbe heat, and with the well-informed evervwlwre, Hyrnn of figs stands highest and la nvsti largely tard and gives must ge rural astUf set ion. SURE CURE rot PILES lyin, tal MttJ sa-sas. m rrmmw.tm rife ssktAkg mm i BURIAL MACHINE. An I avestlos lateadeal ta l'rvt Af cMcsta at fe aarrala, A contrlvanie for lowering ctffl'ia In- to grave la being ripcrliuciAed wil l Iu New ork at prrwnt. ami for whlc'i ' a (out baa Wu granted. Tbe invcti-; tor la a woman. ho letl to ileair-n j tbe affitlr on aittuint of au accident : that hiciiisl nt Ihe dentb of a dctit ' fru n.l. Many niidcrtakera throughout the itxintry "hnve placej orders for th miii'hluc. The .levli-e work autumn:. It-ally, aud ruaMc a mau of very alight AiiovATic araiAi. invksvioh. stature to bury a very heavy cottiu !ui eaa. It Is Ineaut to do a nay witttLe grewsome association of seeiies if burial as far aa possible. The apiiAratua tvusUts of a noodeii frame about six Inches s.imre. wliiih fits exactly on the hcttd of tlie i:rnte. Inside this franienoik l an iifeu'ous piece of nitvhauiKin with au arraiui meat of tMgs and pulleys whi.li hv worktM by hydraulie ptiwer. The inn cbine is opomted by mean of t hy draulic cylinder, fllltd with clieiiiii-uliy piire glyeerine. a iuu frtvxing com pound, and rtNiuln-s no refilling rnr a number of years. All the ailive iiits are wtthtn The rranierand are ina.Ie either of steel or of bronxe. Th: in aurra lightness and durability. - At a burial tbe framework is pl.Kvl by the islse of the grave. The r.nket la placed In the waterpritof hei. h traps, which rtin uaneiely ncres tbe fmmewnrk. Ttiene utnips wltt near a weigh) of 2.i"(l poiiinN. so that 11.1 accldenj from breaks tie eim mliy occur. At a given sisual the i.nerntor place his foot on a trt-aille. as shown in the Illustration, and the iiittln i low. ered Into ihe grave, withoiit Jar or StopiMige. " . The s:tM-st cap W re.'tilatetl at "will. and while its iWvtit eau Ih- made in ' twenty fire second. It may lie r-Kit. latcd so a to take a minute or more. When tbe coffin baa settled at the Un ion), a pull at the cords attached ; toe strap hooks release them, and the str(t are worked lw k on their rtdlew by mean of a lever. Puring all th!4 ! time the frame remain" closed. No machiaery is seen In oN-ratioo. Tiie frame la removetl after the grave lias been closed. NOVEL HEADACHE CURE. Which rravaa That It's aa III Wlas That Blow Mowed fiood. The latest "cure" suggested for tb relief of headache is a liair cut. A cer tain physician in London baa met with great success lately iu his treatment of persistent cases of "nervoitf headache, and bs has finally discled the secret. Ii had in each case, he says, after tbe patient - t" ' Roraima hd tremeuilons start to glide in and out of ths bay Ilk Bg nt Uul ,.r.' s i i.l nf ' of the p la below. Hers comes ths al- urea ou a mimio singe. leepless nights and miserabl4ays-he P"1 KT"nu, ' ll,e I'ol"t'"' '' aThe sun had ascended aoms 90 degrees prescribed, brieflv, a simple haTV cut. ll ! Prul ,!U ,h uiysterious irtx.tt.iu above ths horixon before ths novsl aigbt ia not neevjesary that tbe bair aboul-l be ! 1 "",t ,n,,r" fauna onlikc any diuppe.retl by ths molting of this at cropped off .hort, after the fa.hiou of tou,"i ''"'hers. form, of life that long leuuuted anuw bank. rVameu nuts saoh convicts. - jiince disuptiesred from other parts of occurrence in ths gulf stream, where Thecurative property of the treatment U baaed on tbe fact that tbe tube which is contained in each single hair is sever ed in tbe process, and tbe brain "bleeds," s the barbers say, thereby opening a safety valve for ths cuugestetl cranium. A commentator in the Lundoii society press, in referring to this cure, ays: "Try tbe curs when next attacked by headache, and if the result Irs not Miv factory rest assured that it i not the fault of ths prescript loo, but that the head is so wooden that it 'wooden V act. " WllHOUl ICE. This lavastwr Has a e w Pro a far aalpBla atst Aroaad Ihs Werld. . Contracts were drawn up at Chicago recently by means of which it is prom ised that packers and shipper of perish able food product will iu future get long without ice. Dr. A. T. Perkins, now a resident of Chicago, h petented a process of keep ing meat, fruit and perishable pnsl net during transportation by the use cf terilizsd air. Hi patents extend to the antipsde. Tbe contract waa hetweeu him and J. M. Smart of Melbourne, manager of the Australian Meat Trans-, port st n hi corporation, limited, for tbe use cf the pwes In the seven colonies of Australia. ' A corpia-ation i aleo shout to be formed, with beadtmartar in Chicago, to control tbe protw over the railroad- lines of this continent and the steam ship lines running from the port of North and rkroth America. Th aessatsfs Charltahl Mot Ira. "I am certain," said the election manager, "that you voted in another ward early this morning. " "How come you ter think so.oulonel?" " Because I saw you." "You'esho' er dat?" Quite rare. "Well, colonel, ter tell He truth. I d,d j , , . . . . , . . . te in ds rust w d, but I only done I vnm in u ansa ws u. oili s oil IT aorie itonlercharitr." ' , "Ont of charityr' Yea, run. You see, bit was di wsy. colonel : De man what keep de polls had done bin dar eence dsyligbt, en business was so (low, en lie lisik so lonesome dat I dea give him one ( ter start' de ball a-rollin, dat's all." Chicago Time- xieraia. t arsi ts Ttassa. Henperk Hsve you "Mr. c.,,11... Curtain Lecture" 1 .,ni oilier l vk of ' 'r "w "m 10 ' DW,P tbs t sort T 1 pr stating that a German physician Bookseller I'll ae sir. I wa going todie. and he wished to make 1 -wish yon w.i Id, f I want to get ' a syioil night' rest. " I 'What has that to do with it?" t "Everything. My wife died a few , aay ago, and 1. think if I read a few of 'Mrs. Csudls' I won't miss bar. " Philsdelphla Record. Paper banging, for us on walla, were lntrodaoed Into Europe from tbe east la 117. A KKlilON OF WONDER THE MYSTERIOI'S COUNTRY NEAR TMt SCHOVtURGK LINE. m I'lalMi Wit a ITalsltMa aid Whlrn Medara Mas llaa SWa I'uhl ta aeal-ajsj Taataia frehlslvrla Aalaaala aad Tt lrt-4 a s larfe. lVrh.p. the rtutl of lh.Ve4,erael. i ; Ivtundury cMiunnvW. work will hs tb solving of one of ihe moat remark-1 able geoltigicwl eio'na Iu the wmld and Ihe exploration cf what i regarded aa a unii(ue ualnru! wonderland. This' remarkable region it a number of rle-; rated ami flolialii1 aieaa of Land, aim- aletl tm what the Rutichcall llriliah Guiana' axnithwt'H. ni bonudnry, which is iu the disputed territory, ll ia ou the British side of the S-hombuigk line, A British Guiana tvupr dtcrile tbi ngiin, as fur s- it is known, aud sxproeaes Ihe hop Ida I ill Dual settle. tnent of the bouud.iTy tMiilMversy will leave it well within lirilndi bound. i Should tlHTS ts anoibrr rtxsult, how ever, the newspaper aays, Ih region should be made an international park, omething ou the Isti of ths Yellow- : stuns park twervati. a. ' Ths regiou ia called by th Indian . "Roraiuia." bnl ihe several istdatiHl area are kuowu by distiucliv uaiiiea. Kach consists of what might be called an .isolated mountain, but la really a tableland, comprising an area of 100 or more sonar miles, t'levntett sevrrsl thouannd feet shove Ilia surrounding country. The rocky stiles of tbe moun tains at s as perpcuitict. lar a the Hud son river Palisades ami finitely hare of vegetation and have 1ofi.il all attempts to scale them. The level summits are covered with tree and ether vegetation, sud down the rocky sulfa fall a large number of cascade of considerable sise, indicating the certain eii-teno of riv ers and stream on the aiysterioue sum mits, and probably uf iokea that feed tbe rivers. Tbe iminuiits have been ob- served with tslesropes. and ar known ' to be as full of plain life aa ths tropic- al plain below, but beyond this nothing i known. Because so little is kiin of the con dition of thtwa tablcUiiil tax-asiiin ia given for all manner of sieculaiion aa to what exist there. That th vegeta tion is quits different fr iu that ou ths plains below ths teli-si-epa shows, snd that it should be so is mute natural, Ihe tableland are 2,' or more .feet bigher than the plains. While ths ell- mate uf tbs plains tr i al. that of ths tablelands must N temierate, not only because of their elevation, but also' because of the free play the winds bar brrot tbem. Of tb geology of the regim this ex- P'anatioo 1 given: This part of .South America rose slowly frun the sea. through uccessive and reninte agea. T,he Roraima mountains were formed pre cisely as was the rest of the land, and are not the result of vnlcanio art ion. Hence they must bave been above the Ocean long before the surrounding plain appeared. They bi J, 000 feet above the sea level wl.en the neighbor ing mountain tn were but islands In In the course of a period. difficult to appreciate, tbe adjaocut val- leys and plaiua appeared abov ths ws- . tr snt beesin oovere.1 with vegetation . and arfimal life. Bnt tbe isolated pla ! " v"r'". "ut remaiuea tne. same on thess summits because unaffected by tbs influences of communication with the outer world. All sorts of wild guesses bave la-en hazarded regarding the exist ence of strange reptile and animals among the stream and forest .uf Ro raima. The ca--acles falling from tbe sum mits are among the highest in tb rid. One i i.(HK) feet high, and i mad enotvb to le risible 30 mile away. It falls sheer, w ll bout a break, smeared with b dark brown substance. The mountain f n ru wbR h these raa- - which wa clearly dirt of some) sort, but cade fall form the dividing watershed just what no one waa a'ble to say. cf the Amazon, tli Orinoco snd the Tbia dust storm began, about 90 mio Eeaetioibo, the three great rivers of ulea to 7 o'clock and was al fltst rather Honth America, ami the water of Ihe cascade flow some to one and some to another cf these river. Il ia argued that lo supply these waterfalls there must be a considerable body ot water on the mountain platesus, and it I nat ural to ronrlartnj tbat where there are large bodies of water there are fish aud reptiles. The resulting conclusion tbat, J irxb. New York Herald, because tbese firh and reptile must : have beeu isolai d ou the mountain Ths last few days, whenever snow bst top for agea tb. y sr likely to be dif- fallen in Halt Lake City, a white edl ferent from any known specie, is re- ment lias been left wherever tbe snow garded as quite narnraL Tbe mountain touched. There baa been muckxpecula "pUteaus fimn pra'-tically little conn trie ' lion aa to the actual cause; the local by themselves like island, but more i scientists bar been and ar now divided isolated because he ocean of air tbat upon tbat point. There ar those who surrounds tbem d not afford ths fa- j insist that tbe sediment was taken up ci lit les for communication with other from the bostrm of Great Bait Lake, Islands that Ihs waters of the Ocean do. There are nthan-awlui rlia lnaitiiwll f One of these plateaus, known a Ku- i sulphate of soda, which ia thrown np i keoham, which ia better situated for ob- 'on the shores of Giest Bait Lake during I servstion than any of ths others, I esti- the winter by tbe action of tb cold mated to have an area of S00 sonar weather on tbe briny waters. Be that as 1 miles nr more. Tbe smallest, which as it may, tbe bouses facing north, tb bean tbe name common to tbe group; ttseet car windows and evwry piece of I Roraima, ia estimated to contain 60 to g Use exposed haa become Incrosled. Pe 1 40 stjnsre mile. deatrian who happened lo be out In tbe Tbe story of this mysterious region I atorm did not notice anything out uf the not new, at least in British Guiana. It : way nntil their clothing dried, when it is many year since any srieutiflo men were in the region, but chance traveler f,"M TT. 'rs tl odd times, and whe they return to n aa tutu rj k ., , , , - rmerBra they add their little atore of information and mystiflcation to tb rest. Hcbomburgk pointed out the grest Importance uf the region to Great Brit ain, a it ia tbe dividing watershed, but th writer ia the British Guiana news paper does uot ssy whether tb explor ing botanist bad much to tay about the wonder and mysteries of the Roraima t region. Nw York Ban. A corresnt'Ddenl writes that about sit knfm '" discovery be bad made in re-1 " ha Ireetrneot of msd- dar ' Wt"- Th Parrlptloa be never knew to. na " "r " I "itisno -- """" D,BP,7 wh tb wowoo as soon ss pos- alb) in a little warat vinegar and wa ter, and mt a few drop uf muriatic acid Into the wound. Thi will neutral la tb poison and rjtwveot tbe diaease wbioh .usually wvjjai , fattl- 6TORIE8 OF THE OAY. laaiaraaali Waalhar fheaaaaaas II as ssalag la Thaws Ik&s. A curious phenomenon ticcurred at Hartford Ih olber night, resulting from a high wtud aud a alight fall of moiat now on an icy aurfiir.' Tbs- wiud caught tb suow arid rolled it up til to thousands of ano ba 1 la. Huutlnmla of balls wars whirled up and srnl rolllug U7'-,b'"uowL"; oh1 ,ur n.U sscli loaviug it uiarked trail behind. Tn- f Uu,, mtttMuam 1'rinlty co)U)rt waa on ttrkl of rolling snowballa. -Jkr. Ntmufl Hail thus tie- scribe ths ptivnomcuou : "Tbs rotary wiud flaw ralcbes th ruow aud rolls it up like a muff Iu cy- Hudrical form. Moat that 1 aaw wer bout eight iui lie wide and eight inche lu Uiaiuelet, hollowtHl at tbs two euda. They ar Iu effect Isoaoeln triangles of suow rollml tip ou the vertex." Th asms pheuoiueuou tavurred about IS ywara ago. tvun of tbs wiud madu snowball were as large aa half bat re la Chicago was vlaited by a nit singu lar meteorological phvuomeuou a few tiight siuce. Black auow, yellow suow and tirtiwu anuvr felt m blinding rlond over the entire city, and reports fiu'u suburban town brtiughl lire w that tli varitMloted storm waa not au exclu sive Chicago production. Ths chief of Ih weather bureau at Waabiugt'ou Buys: "Tb black snow that baa lately fallen in Chicago and the uttfthwrat la similar to ths great fall of Jauuary, lrva, the Pa(r uf which was th.iroughly inveali gated by I ho weather bureau at thai time. Notwithstanding Ihe theoretical ; suggestion that 111 black deposit on last 1 January might have euluo fioiu lieyoud Uie etirtb aud might be uieleorio or co met ic, or might even be the volcauio ' dust frtxn Alaska or Japan, careful in veatigsliou shtiwed that It waa dus to , none of the canoe. "Chi th cotilraty, mictscoiki exami nation proved that His black dcptatil contained about 4 per ceut of Ihe moat delicate orgauio structure (such a dia toms and spores t and shout W per orui uf ths tlueat poasibls luoragnlc mstlor, such as tuakea up' the otdinary One silt and clay soils. All this fiua inalertal I ily caught up by ths dry winds when ever Ibry rxrteed iiO miles per hour aud ia carried to great distances befors II Titles on tbs ground, ll is easily brought down iu large unanlriir by snow or rain, but ia ouly perieived by the ordinary observer w hers there ia a clean surface, of snow for H to fall upon. tavrve partiousuf country front Nebraska southward to th gulf srs covered by this fine suil. whose depth sumellmes is loo foeL A "gals of wind has been known to carry away six inches of th surface soil from a freshly cultivated Held and spread II over ths land 100 miles away. Tb blackness is do lo ths fineness of ths sill snd not lo any mag uelio iron." New York fuu. Dark snow fell iu many localities In 'Indiana reotmlly. It varied inculorfrom brown to jet black. A remarkable atmiatpberia phoneme- i Don occurred early tb other morning over the ocean, near Cape May. The trusty air there was filled for sign! HO 1 teat oven with lue ctystsla. Ih froasn svspurstlon of the warmer water of tbs 1 ses. All tbs fleecy, flaky characteristic of drifting steiw were present.- On this tank Ihs shipping uf the tufflug seemed ; us wsrm water of tbe ocean is etapo- rated and frozen near its urfes on frosty morning when tbe air I stilL Philadelphia Ledger. A remarkable phenomenon wa wit nessed at Chicago ihs other night fur which the Culled Mates signal service can offer no solution or reason. It wa a dust storm which prevailed until far in the night in tbe midst of a mow- norm. Everything touched waa be- violent, tbe wind being strong, but after an bonr or so subsided somewhat. Kb port from southern Wlnconsiu, eastern Iowa and western Indiana show tbat tbe form also prevailed Ibsro. In some uf ths places where tbe storm prevailed (be browu dust covered the 1 mow to tbe depth of au eighth of an wa discerned that the apparel waa lib erally sprinkled with what appeared to be (alt Tbe deposit ia of a saline nature. Tbat waa discovered by tbe application of the tongue. It ia a phenomenon that frequently oo cur in halt Lsk City, and especially during the winter season, but a good deal of work waa nsosasary to remove tbs (tain left on tb windows. There bas not been snowstorm within tbe last ten day when tbe deposit of tb ediineot bss not occurred. Tb savants are still guessing. Cb tea go Chroniol. in oetaua, atu., a ouhg iwpiaipa tresi almut twenty feet tall, la grow ing with a section nf a coal stove grate firmly attached near Ita root. The tree ha grown through tbe bar of tbe p,,. from , hr ,,. , ,B di.m.,, In) wooi, Uipp 0Ter M unAer the bare, holding It aa In vise. Tbe grate wa lifted off th ground sev seal Inche aa tbe growth of tbe tree progressed. Do Kot Know It, Very few dsodIs know the aonnrl r their own voice. When they hear It la phoaograpk tby u Bock lurpriMd. ALL CHICAGO KNOWS HIM. W. W.. Watson, Leading Real Ettito Mnn, Roatored Health b Paino'a Coiory Compound, jfc r " Chioago. May JX Mr. W. W. Wst oil's te,iuUll ll througlioul the Wrst for unerring judgnienl In I be valuation .( laud has made htm foremost among Ihe iu tat ponaervstlva, careful class nf iiivi-at us in Chicago. Cnlik many hard driven bualueaa nen, Ihe owuer of "Alpiuw Heights." that splendid suburb of I'htnago, haa uot neglected hi health on account of hi exacting business Ths following iuretuceted staleineut from Mr. Wat- i n Bhnws how onualsient wit) hi life long, careful, onnaulrnllou aud suoneaw- ful business babiu ha beeu hi atlen ttnu lo getting wall. H autes in th runes I lei a Id : "L'poo ths reoommsndalion of a Irrend. I ued l'sln's oslery rnnixiund , l'hla, M. 1 , LL I) , of lajrlinoulh for headaohes, oonsllpattoa, indlgeation , College Professor Phelps wa for a ' tnd loss of sleep, and found il all It long lime oonvinrtrtl thai miid nalri waa reborn meurle.1 lo be 1 so (Tor no lion wss th keystone of Arm health, U'lre from headaches, deep snun llv al aud thai where there were sign of ntghl. snd sm now in perfect health. ' prasrly nourished uerve tissues, and of Tni is Ih only medicine thai I havs thin, pals onlred bl.l. some mean ever taken for thess ootaplalnla, which must bs devised to supply these dentil hss Iteuerlietl ma al all. """anolea briskly and rapidly. Profesaor "W W WATSON. IJi liesrborn st " . Phelps prepamd Pslnn'e oslery com' Busy men aud women srs spl lo pound on this basis. It has proved an think Ihsr is always Um to get well , liivigorator. sirrngthener and a great Tbe faot )hal only on parson in a hun- spring puriuer, such as the world has dred die of old ag shows bow reck- never eooyel before our day. lesaly men and women postpone, at-.: Tomorrow, nr next day. or ths day tending to lh!r health and allow 11 lo after la not suon enough lo look about go to pieces whlle.they devote them-! getting rid f wrakuea or dlseaaa. selves heart and soul to affairs thai are ' Take Paint's celery compound lodav. ".rifling in comparison. Wires and There la no tune equal lo these early m rt hers havs no greater dulv than to spring dav fur throwing off poor see that thoss Hear to them do not be. health. There are few person who di Dome so absorbed In the work of provid not need to take a spring remedy. ing for tbe hnuahnld Al To loss thetr health and shone t their dsya. No mors thoughtful step eoold lie taken during ths spi Ing day that sp now hers than to urge such tired and often Irritable boms provider to take Paine's oelerv eompouud 1 Tbeis are thousands of homes whersovef wak hss Oraaaneala la I ad la. In India, fur the mass of the people. Ihe purchase of otuamruts is almiwl Iba one form cf Indulgence to which a man who haa mad a little money treata him self. Ordinarily Iba man who baa saved a few rupees does not change th nature uf hi fissl or the style uf his clothing, nor diaw he Invest iu articles cf furni ture.' What he dors if h I of a cautiirn and saving nature I to put hi rupees in a hiding place, but If be is inclined for show be ludulges his fancy by put ting gold err silver omsmenison tb per son i of hi wife and children. These ornament are the very last things to be parted with on a reverse of fortune, and even In the lowest sts-lal depth they are not put cm the market until the last piece of coined money baa vanished and no household utensil of bras nr copper are left with which to obtain a roiu. met er BLACRWCLCa Durham tobacco Company. To EL lo Hot1 il TOBACCO. Durham, n. c Dear . affsrww for a Umttai tlane, aa order to-eUy. Yastra vary traly, BLACIUVCLL'C DUHHAM TOOA00O COMPAMY. ' a ra havs say difftsall ss ss 11 sag s si I aaa, asrl earl (has sxssa aad wd sf mMM awar rssr la rar wlsssls iln. '. ?7 T. Jlalaalsasaa.ii 11 i . se rV.-.aAXl. tZTu Z-T. V I I ass. If t' ViJ-!"r- "er Aa.s. la. Tel a. Se. - - Jk Ae I 1. .k . . , . ... a isavva. UMVO VI TV vniaVB W nSDO. It M lYtL tb-ckarib-Uihs, WDOlwal Maf ulr MOV Ii- It will ka..iW .a a w , ; , we bbb aAa euajawAwU BUa1 WrWUWa ud make Ufa a plaaaare. For tale by all drnmita SLUsaAUIB-rBAJtlk DRU0 CO., Poti!a in, Agents." to leil t i worrting, fretting ntld ileaoind encv, thai inti.1 oi.lt I'slne'a oelrry isniixiiind to lianiah Ihe uuhe.ilthy at tn sphere ami .ihtke tlnuks bright aud eheetful again' It Is the okl spring reiiio.ly uul vi tsally prest rtlxxl br p'ltalel in. It i make people well by giving them a ' hearty appetite and a rcllali for their dasl. Hard-worked lueii and women, Ihe nervous, weak and debilitated, gel i new strength, frrah nerve eneigy and i putrr. mere vigonma blisid supply . from Cains' orlnry compound Tbi raiwi valuable nerve and brain tntlgoralor and rsstnrer prsrllcally deinoiislrate the I if clung mm vie I inn of its eminent dlsoovrrvr. Professor Many not dowuriglil aiek, but llred ot ailing, wunl l Im Immensely bene- Htet by taking I'slim's ot-lery coin. ttomid. rp.flly al Hits particularly favorable . n of Ihe year Tbi grest cotntHiuti'l will banlah that Itrvd feeling, rlrslise the blood aud regnlale ths nerves. Scrofula XtJ 1- 'atlas Dells Stereo, of nnaina.Msa antes! I ha slwsrs auftvrrsl frts berstlnary sa-rolula. bar whb-b I Irted varKais reriMsih. ami sasnf iwlishls aaieaelaaa,bii wrlarrat aaa. Alter ai Isrtlkwnl ? lass sow welL I aaa very grateful la vow, as I I eel that It saved sm Insa a Ilia cm! an. old astax. aal shall tak rdesanps IB siwaklni smnls of praian tor Ihe wiaxlrrf al sr trie, sad la r Treat lee en nilln ll an Bit, - CURED Bhmd aad eia In mam sulle.1 Iras la say ail' 3rf 1 swan tpeane CO, It. P. N. U. No. Ml M. K. N. U. N'n.7SH Stri SSSB Yost ara an titled to recetra iH C yotir wkoleaaM dealer, JgHITt 8TAR 80 AP wPJi al! Blackwell'g Genuine Bnrhani RTTiftiriTig TobaCCO yori b-y. One bar of aoay Praa with aach pound, a wnsther 16 aa., os., 4 ox., or a ox., pacaaAcaa. ' Wa ttawa aotrflag rrary whole aals aeatler ia tba Ualtad Stats taast wa wtl atran'y than with soap to five yoa FFCC. Order a rood apply af a&rViM8 DLRMAMat oaca, aasl taaist on (atUag your aoap. Owabaraf fa-RrC wlth poand yoei bar. Sosa 1. t-Aarxrnia. ra. Tha very remarkable and certain relief riven woman hysMOORK'H ttAUt.u KfcMEDT haa given aWa--Wai .saasasaaw aaaasBsaaBaasw wiailfn 1- TPOTP Vn J?Z7Z h i t Ar 1 i 3