1 1 BROHd-HXE I "... A , ' 7 ' . , " HKW TO THK LINK LET TqK CHIPS Mi l. Whmk TIIKY MAY." ' -- ..." KU(jKNK. LANK COUNTY. OltKGON. THURSDAY, MAY M. 18. I C ' ) mm rri.ft' fAfKM, THE BROAD-AXE, X tiaes la Ik UhI4i Kvarr l.lfia. 1 J j tnk riiirLU't rtrcn, : THE BROAD-AXE, A. X Mw t Ik IJH lCtfry TIm. 1 VOL. .5. NO. 11. I'UOKKHHlM.SAI, CAKHH. QM. L. U. Mi kl.NNhY Physician and Surgeon V. III ( liwlal allriillua l.i .11 rbwiltr SIS w. .lil Mult rrr 'ally to eUtlll.l li lul I'lUc over Cliy drus!"' W KUYkr.NDAI.I.. M. I). Physician an J Curntvm tll atlantliiu la eurserjr aa aitrgleal 1la irtlns In chriaiuau blu-k. I MiLVac. VI U & YOUNG 1 I V.. Attmnoys-at-Liw l 1r v.. t lir.t National Hauk Org.te I. Skll'VVOKIM Attorney-at-Liw ' Wl I t a i.nrral law pwllca In all teaman. tif lit llalf S. '. tllllllT L'lsl Y & MAI'kLLY Attorneys at Law tMaswrelal and nbau saainaaaaapreialti tfti In Chrlaman blnrk- ; 1. NORTON' LAWYER Husm. I uii 1 orr Pint National Bask j. : i Attorney at Law... Notary In Mrclnuc bullillnf. up atalra K8ee. Orasae. MONEY TO LOAN! ON IMPROVED FARMS rtt im ir vkah SHERWOOD BURR. Eugene. Or WAITED -IN lOEi:, .impl llilus itt pate-tllf Clttirl vmr !. . I h-T may ttr n. Tu aaaJlk. Write JollN W al'iKUMl.bN i r.iMi Alioroxa, Maahluflua, ti I' , liw Ib.tf i,a srlw ii.r SEE THE NEW STOCK -OK- -AT- DAY & HENDERSON'S- Yonr Attention is Galled to - READY MADE CLOTHING. W are also propared to Uk vonr meaanr lor a Pnlt mad to order. fit guaranteed. BKK OUR LA HUE LINE OF 8AMI'LKS. HOWE & RICE SDecial Call for a Farmers' Meeflnn There have been ramort recently set afloat tbat cerUln trsnaar tiona bsv uken pUca, which veiy mneh effects the whole (arming rommnnity of ln coartv, and aa r alt hasty Investlgatiari of thsssni was ma t by a Committee of On Hundred Farmer on last Xslorday, and sosunllng was the effect 6f their work, that they deem it but nroner that a public meeting of all the Farmers of ln rountv "herald hg Catted US assemDl alv. thsesrllest postl Hi dale, to lonfinu the fart, filial lie Is selling hit' entire ttirk of Clothing, Boots, Hhos and Dry Uooda cheaper than anv merchant In F.ngene, and the Farmer oil Lane county shonld tali advantag of tb sams whll tb opportanity 11 oflcred. 11 11. "The Committe ..W. 8ANDER8. Tkru Doon Rortk of Htffmu Host, Illliniitti Stmt CHICAGO BAKERY RESTAURANT Wlllimttti St , bel. 7tk tod Sib. Eugene, Or. All Kindt of Br. ad. Cake. Piet. Etc.. Always on Hand. f Meals from 15 to 2' cent. 6 cent lunrh counter in conn, lion. Orxlera receive prompt attention. Tit patronage of ths public respect lallr solicited. W. 0. ZEfGLER, ' CtUtrKIK'OK. an C. 1. JOUIG, PROP. A full ai.pt nf vrtthlnc thai U ktt In llrMriM wUhlUhmritl Bcpt lir ft Hsr?!, Mtoii. Port .tl W..I. whtrb to w I U Nllu iu fr tan tm sflutl4 lu U FARMERS AND STOCKMEN rUvtbi UM'alilt. HtHT mwi Hhe-t ftrf mIi wl I 4o ly ri ftulilug tit 'vfur villus inioi oti tiiM,ti mrt, Yvm HIMfc, I UfMlM lVaiatill llTr. mmu ilrllwrvd in .any pn ol lb . ...EUGENE. ... Loan and Sayings Bank I rrxIWul Vh. fnaUMil..... W HHOWM ft l fAIN UIIIW. IlKIl'TOKII: t. A. J. K. W. K I'alnr, 1SVID. . Brown, J. R. Ilarri.. H. D. I'ainf. J. K. Kolnnaon, IHiburn. K. W PAID UP CAPITAL. $50,000.00! A lieneral Kanklng Itutint-ss Trans arte.1. InU-reat allosr.1 on time ilr ixM.it.. Highest t'aah Kate I'aid for t'ity and Connty Warrants. Market Chairs and Rugs Undertakers and Upholstery Goods.... Onr Large and Complete Line OF - A perfert PROPRIETORS BAKPERS Ptor in hnaena at of One Hundred" Eu(iD(, Ortfoi ItAP'S JIOT-SIIOT. Tbo OiioKgo luUr-Ooean uj "Whxrnba. tb Auinrlcan gold guoaf Wall Ui bulk of It bi ba mnt broad to pay fur imported gooda which aboold hare bnan mad In Amur loan tiurtutii. Nothing ia plain rtliantbaL" In the langQag of Horace Oriwly, "Yoo lie, fon 'IIIUd, 70a lie I" It baa gone abroad to pa tutrreat on bond, murtgagxe and the like. And what lit tle la lft la binf oorneittd by yoor auppurtora and held for tbe pnrpoae of luvmtment lu booila, either by them, or by thoee who chooee to pay a pre mium for It. In uthr buainxaa a.ide from tbe Da tional baukiug boalnnaa, that we are aware of, can a man eat hi. cake and till hare It or make a double tnroat tunl wiih tbe Mine money. Kur In atanoe, oorporatlon oan lnreat 1100, IXHI in bond; deposit tbem witb Uncle Ham, and Uncle-Ham will gUe tbe cor poration f 10,000 witb wblub to do a banking' bu.ineea. Tbe boaiueaa man who haJ 11,000 and aboold inreat it in a f 1,00(1 bond, and propoee to depo.it it witb L'nclo Ham aud aspect ft gel 1 .100 in currency with wbicb to do boa iueaa, aud the aame time , ooutiune to draw internal on bia boud.woold be ar realed aa a "crank." Those who know anything aud are ttlking about an international agree ment as to the ratio between gold and atWer know foil well there will be no j International agreement. England, I for Instance, ia "not bollt that way." j Her - cltiarna bold aome twenty-live ; billion dollars worth of tbe securities of other natlona, it ia to her tntortat to hare aa many of the natlona on a gold basis aa poaailbe for it make ber holdings all tba more valuable. Tbe $500,000 that Ernst Bryd apent in tbia country waf a mighty good tuveetmeut fur her Hbylocka It wet bread cast upon tba watera and has returned tbem many fold ainoa then. Tbe people are lamentably ignorant of the way things are going on in ihis oonntry of oars. Tbe DemocrataVr trying to look pleasant and think thnea are improving, wbile the Kepoblloan are blaming everything to tbe Demo oratio administration. Yet, for all that, we hare never seen the time when tbe people were so ready to em brace ' . People's Party principles. Democrats and Republicans, alike, ad mit that our governmental machine ia rickety aome place, that tba bosea nerd new parking, and tbe bolts and screws! otKHj uKatvame;, pat twy nun t iwin buw to go to work to pat the macalne In ordsr. Uet m to invest ton cents in Uils paper and it will aet them to Friend Democrat: You bowled for ( rover and tariff reform, and you voted for (trover and tariff reform; now, didn't you? ' And you aipected.t too, tbat Old 4 rover would call a apecial session of oougreaa "right away quick" to knock out the robber tariff aa aoon aa he was Inaugurated, now didn't you? And then wben be did call tb apecial evasion, it waa to knock out silver, in stead of tb robber uriff. Ob, don't lay it on drover. He waa tbe ring leader, that's true, but tb moat of your Demo- eiatio leaden wer pi eater not pa- triou or statesmen, and still you want another chanoe. And still, there's tb bond business, and ths packed supreme court to kuock out tb income Ui. Why. if Tom Jefferson was aliv now be would be the rankest kind of a Pop ulist and still some of yon prats about being Tom Jefferson Dynocrata. "Old Abe" got a eflary of 126.000 a year, wben wheat waa worth II a bushel so. we 11 17 be got a salary of 13,500 bushels of wheat DioUtcr Orover gets a salary of (50,000 with wheat at (0 oeuu. or 100,000 bushels of wheat. '"Old Abe" didn't have much to do but b trembled for tb safety of this republic. It's different with Orove. Sometimes tb fish don't bite and then, again, there's tb aaorsd gold reserve. . lt'a real arduous, don't cherknow, to issue bonds. Urove, though, doe It tb eaaieat way b knowa bow. He don't go to all tb fuss and bother of advertising for bids, drove hat loU of friends, Orov hast They are i loh fellows, too, no mudsill truck. Aa an accommodation to Urova they'll cash bonds at par and then sell them at l.SS. A publio office ia a nubllo trust" and a "anap" to those who know how to work it "The pub lio be d dt" and, yea, tb republio b d d, toot Every man who baa a tblmblefull of brains, and eiercises them In ths least degree, knowa full well that neither of th old parties will ever give ut free oo Intra of ellvsr. Thsy know, too, that if either of the old parties win this year 11 la probable tbat 1360,000,000 of non-Interest bearing debt (greenbacks) will b fnndud into a long time Inter t-bearing debt (bonds). Tb present administration openly advocates It, and baa been working with that and In vlsw. Th great majority of tba lead ing Republioaaa endaras tb policy indeed, Cleveland has berii simply ear rlyng out tb policy of (ha Harrison ad sainUUra tioa. -. Both old partiee ar ownd by Bhylook, and baksep up tb two merely for tb purpose of deluding tba people. H baa sooceeded to wall that tot wanA7ara tha iuol, people have basm-jumping troaa on old pasty frying pan into tn other old party Br, and then back again, in tb rain hop of obtaining relief. Tb only thing that ssve th greenback tog th present la tb approaching campaign the Republicans knowing full well that should they help tba sound money Democrat carry oat thslr policy thers would aot be th ghost of a show tot itbr ot tb old parties la tb net! leotioa. And It la atrang that th people do aot "ostoo onto tn racket. W may add that 'a return to th policy ot prossctloa will qnlokaa tb dsmsnd for vT7thlng raised Amerioan faro. , or from Ami-. mioea, or that is produced by Aim mills, forges, fuuudrles, or f.4':tiri- C'bioago loler-Ooaan, January ai, -,. I ' (4o to. bow I The editor of th l.-i. ! knows full wall that a portwtire untl ; la not the) remedy; tbat it wiulil not open the market to aootbrr huli of ' wheat or barrel of pork. Mm know, full well that there ia no p"iiw:tton iu a tariff on things whlcn we u, not im port, nut eipurt. 11 oui, 100, thai there la praotioally no differenoe irj thT" protection to farm product, under tba present law and the taifT on thee products under tbe M.-Kiuley law. It knowa, loo, that farm pr ducta are lower now than under the MoKinley law, and that lb? were low er under tbe MoKinley law than they bad been for a quarter of a oen- tury. Tba I.-O. knowa full well what's tbe matter, and still it will uuibhle! Tb I.-O. and all tb other big pauers ar ournali.tio prostitute their edi torial opinions being for hire. The l.-O. ia uttering a da tana bis falsehood wben it assert that a return to MnKm- ley lam would quicken the demand for everything raised on American farms, la (setting down to a gold basis has raised bade with tb farmers, at it baa' witb every other legitimate busi es, and tba L-O. know., too, tbat s return to 50 per capita would giva us 3 wheat no matter what ths state of tb tariff. SENSATIONAL StRMON. lr Aetna frsdicta Koluii..a la Tkla - Coaavry. Seattle, May tn. ll. H. Acton, pas tor of tbe First Unitarian church, in preaching th baooalaareate mrmon in tb university of Wabington today, de-1 eloped a aenaatioa by picturing tbe present condition of the world in tb dsrlsust possible colors, sod prophesy ing a speudy resolution iu the United 8 UK-a, which, be aald, would be ao- ooinpllahed "at tb cannon's mouth, if ne-d be, and which he predicted would overturn tb esiatmg order of things, and radically modify national government. Comparing the eountry with tbe Roman empire, be said: lum oould levy tan s st tbe will of ber ruler, deolar any complaint treason, marry ber daughters for money and tiUaa,rpanlsb a aervsnt'a Urdlneaa with death, let tbe thief and mayderer go free with a mild reproof, and make slaves of tb profouadest philosopher. Whsl lea than this is America doing today? Rome's moral poverty snaled j (nw.j her doom. Ob, my country. Is it true The last appeal of an out raged nation ia revolution. Fur America now tbVre it no uther redi-eaa. It must come. We do not want new bands at the helm, but a new ship' Revolution is at Land, but it uevd not be national ruin. Foundations loug oonaidered diviue will be torn up; con stitutions loug ooniilvred .acred will be changed. Tbia w ill not oume ar the echo of a patriotic song. There it great ruin aud low and upheaval near at hand. Do you ik me how these great- raidical reforms, are to I in augurate'!? I will tell yoo. By tbe power of. intelli(iit decision; by the eiplosiouof eipandiug indignation; by the dual climax of a fruitless) patience, which hat at luff culminated in the re sistless fury of the tempesf." Tbe sermon ban provoked scTt-re criticism, s it i known tbst no such , sentiment are cherishes in the uui- vernity, and it waa thought out of place ! fur Dr. Actou to air his peculiar view from the commencement rostrum. i Hold la,h r..r Liberty. ' Sac.rauieuto.May 25. Ernest Geiger, a convict in prison at Folaom. semng twenty years frjin Napa 'Couuty for burglary", wad an attempt to escape this morning. He baa been in prisou slnoe last January, uetger wss work- ing on the nn-kcrunher. outside of tbe prison grounds. He mad a dsah and plunge into the American river, and. although two guard, commanded him tn atop, he oontinoed to swim toward lb opposite shore. Then tb gusrds began Bring, snd Golfer received two bulleu in the right sbonloer. Whirl ing about hn aurted to swim back toward tbe guards, holding up on hand and motioning them not to shoot again. He wat pulled out of the river and Uken to the boapiUL Hit wounda ar dangerous, but not fataL - - Wanted la Llrk Oaraatt, Little Hock. Ark , May 16. Pugi list Corbel t narrowly aaoaped losing hla life at the hands of a wild-eyed crank, armed with a revolver, at Hot Springs yeoterdsy. Aa b waa walking along Central avenue, a man suddenly sprang from a doorway, and, facing th pugilist, dcuiaiiciM to Know II hla nam waa t'rtctt. If you arc Jim Cor belt," tb crank orled, "I Aa going to hok yoa right her." Corbrtt hctitHted a moment, and the crank, with a quick movement, drew a revolver from bis pocket and potntM it at Corbctt's breatt. Corbett struck lb weapon out cf th crank's baad, and, aelsing the man, held him until an officer arrived. - - - a 1Mb. I. t la lellMes. Birminghsiu. Al., Msy 16 Eu gene V. D.bt, prt.ident of tb Amerl osn Railwsy I'nioii, said tonight: I will ttate for th publio print that I wtH w.4 suit la a pulbio offloe. and do not mre tcr held -evre. Politic and labor ate two different Institu tions, and 1 i'.l not giv up labor for oolitic. The two don't go well to gether, and I heliev I am ot mur use In labor. No, I win not go tnot poli tic, and will ut accept tba nomina tion for preidevt.'i , ... a 4rleae la law a. Kauaaa City, May 16. Tb Times hsa informal!. ot a cyclone having wept ovsr Psltrl, Iowa, flfteen mile orth of Dps Moinea. win persons ar reported killed and a number in jured. Partii-alara ar not obtainable. ElEVmS'OF THE DAY Epitome of the Telegraphic News or the World. IKKtfK TK.KH KKOM THE VVIttlW te Inlarsatlac CalUetlee r iteaas Vwmtm la a CaaaaaaaOj rra. Wurd baa beeo received of tbe mur- der in CuU of Walton E. Bulle, an Amerhsu, fur bia money. Archduke Cbarlos Louis of Austria, ! eldest brother of v1 Emperor Krancis Joseph, died in Vienna, aged 64. j Tom Lintoa, a Wel.hman, beat tbe j oicycie record from tba firth mil up-1 ward, in Psris. ooverins thirty mile within on hour. , John D. Jones, who tumped to death ; in a tit of anger Mrs. Meodenball. at ' ne Anna, 111., lair last fall, was banged st Murphy aboro. He prufeaaed repeutanoe. The Western Federation of 'Miners bat decided to amalgamate witb the American Federation of Labor, and wil elnct delegate o tbe, convention. 01 me utter body. k Dr. TbomaaRena was shot by b;t wife in Chicago. Tie woman Bred five times. Two bulleu entered tbe doc-'. tor's bead and he will probably die. ; Jealousy was tbe cause. James Dazzle (colored), was taken from tbe jail in bt. Bernard's pariah. , uooinana, snd lynched. He wss ar- rested fur attempting to outrage a 1 white woman near tbe Patterson plan tation. .. Harry Jorea and Frank Jeffereaa, two con view at ban (oentin, got into a qusrrel during which Jeffe; subbed Joaea with a knife, indicting ; lading. KTSidenoes and business build a wound from which Jonas died ahortlv . ngs on high, level ground were flood- afterward. ' General Vicuna, the Spanish com mander, ia dead of yellow fever,- at Corral Falso, in Msunaaa, where he has been sick for several dsys pstt Hit body, will be buried in tbe city of ; ilaunaaa. Lillian Russell, wbile riding her golden wheel near Central Park, New York, collided witb an unknown cycl-, ist. and was thrown to th pavement. : Her ooatly wheel waa smtisbed and ber ankle wss hurt. Mrs. Louise A. Speetsen, sn attrac tive and entertaining,' woman, laughed ' herself to death ia Oakland, .Cat Tbe : case wat a peculiar one, and attracted the attention of a number of Oakland 1 pbyaioiana, who attended tbe lady. Th ttriking firemen of tbe Armour packing plant, of Kanaaa City, who ! went out .May s for increased wage and fewer hours, ..have oom promised their affairs and lifted their boycott I againal tb oompany'a meats and re turned to work. I A London dispatch ssys th British , foreign offloe hss decided upon the . sue of a aupplemenUry blue book rela j tive to Venezuela, very shortly. Tb forthcoming volume will con U in im i porunt additional historical evidence ! in support of the British case. What ia claimed to be th large.! atrike ever made in the Aintworth, a j C, camp waa nnoovered on th Termi- The London Chronicle a Kom cor nut, owned by Spukane parties. At ! respondent says: News ha bean re thr end ot a 200-foot tunnel a 40-foot ' ceivd from Valparaie-tht oa tb in led ge waa struck of high-grade ore, av- itiative of Chile, it haa been decided to eraging fit? per too gold and silver, iesteblish between Brasil. Cbil and a mt. .. ' Argentina another commercial agree- Pyramid Lake Indian reservation. May ; hg. Indian Sam Small deliberately shot hla wife and her paramour with a i pistol which he stole from a policeman. lbe woman-died inaUntly, but tbe man, George Meterve, an Indian, is still alive, though dangerously shot A Cairo dispatch says a death from j cholera ia reported among tba Egyptian troop at Tourba. A regular cholera miasma ia brooding over Cairo with the heavy air and tbe hot winds. Th virulence of the disease ia almost un paralleled at auoh an early aUge of via iution. The percentege ot deaths it 00. In Nabant, Mass., an incipient blase from a painter'a lamp at the summer cottage once occupied be th poet Long Mlow, on Willow road, was th bit ginning ot a fierce fire, which fanned by a strong southwest gal, devoured five handsome summer residences and- oontents, entailing a loa of about 1100,000. A apecial from Caracas aaya: Th Veneaeula government haa offered to release th schooner New Day, but th owner refus to aocept under condi tions attached. Tbe English govern ment wiU posh th claim of th own er. Tbia makea new complication! in th relations betweea England and Veoeauela. The flood aituatinn in Crookston, Minn , 1 becoming very serioua, th rise la th Red Lake river having been very rapid by reason of continuous and copious raina. Tbe flood ia gaining, and th water la two or three feet deep oa aom of th principal street, wbil ia soms of th residence district entire Boors hsv been flooded. The Aretes - eiplorer, - Lieutenant Peary, Is going Kurth again this sum mer, and a steamer ia now being ar- rangde la St John's. N. F., for that purpose. Th object ot th expedition ia believed to be to aeoure far the Philadelphia academy ot aolsno th 40-ton meteorite near Cap York, which Peary discovered last year. A dispatch haa been received in Lon don from Governor Sir Heroule Rob inson relative to th sentence Imposed upon th reformer at Pretoria, which aaya a number ot th prisoner will b released Immediately, and other la three moitha. A third lot of th prlt- oners will bsv their cases ousjaidered and passed upon after flv months, and a fourth portion after on year. Tbe bouse committee on public landa baa ordered a favorable report on tb bill for the maintenance of schools of mines ia pulbto land stales and terri tories, by granting each state from tbe proceeds from the sal of mineral iands 15,0x for tb current year and an annual increase of ft, 000 per year for ten years. Whit Buffalo, captain of Indian police on the Cheyenne reservation, hat applied for a pension, on account of la- ' June sustained wbile a member of the inira VDitea Bute cavalry, and Ex amining Physician Hurley asyt the in juries are such aa would give a wbile man a pension. White Buffalo ia a son of Hitting Bull, and baa alwaya been loyal to tbe white aa a policeman and soldier. , Upon representation of Indian Agent 8 touch, at Tongue River agency. Mont, tranamittad thrrmvh and ia. dorsed by tbe interior department, lb w,r department sent order, to General Brooke, commanding tb department of Dakou. to send troop from Fort Cotter to tb agency to preserv order and stop tbe killing of cattl by th In diana. Probably two troops of th Tantb cavalry will b sent, but Gen eral Brook ia allowed to use discre tion. ," " New York ha tb first daily' paper 1",?. to ""lt published in tb tb English langusge. It ia called Daily American Wheelman. Tbe General Trans Atlantiqus Com- ; pany has advanoed freight rate on specie one-eighth per cent on lota of (500,000 or over, either gold or silver. Tbe North Oerman Uaaett ssyt: , The government is desirous of the total , abolition of the sugsr import bounties, ; provided the other state enter an , agreement to tak similar action. A cloudburst occurred near Perry, U. T.. eisbt to twelve inches ol rain ed, while bouses along Cow creek were washed away. Lieutenant Luther B. Baker, who, aa an officer in tbe government detee- 4 tive setvice, bsd charge of th party which captured J. Wllke Booth, the aaeatein of President Lincoln, died in Lansing, Micbv aged 66 years. Juhn Taggart, of Big Stone Gap, Ky., waa killed, and twelve other dangerously wounded in a gat explo sion in the mines near Big Ston Gap. Part of tbe mine caved is. It is be lieved six of the injured will die. Tbe boiler in Davidson Bros. ' atw- mill, near Marietu, Ind., exploded with terrific forae. faullv iniurinc : Eunice Davidson, Thomas I3avtdeonvi and Frank Battraa. Six other wer more or less injured. Near Atlantic, Ia., th combination train on tbe Griswold branch of tbe Rock Island waa ditched by striking a mule. All the -ear and engine went i B-. Kat. Ai& VfcSI Okaa SUaBrlk aVk WeT ft SW. " .i.- track. (Several were injured, but nne seriously. The property a Elisabeth, N. J., of th defunct United Sutea Cordage Company, haa been sold by tba sheriff of Union county, N. J., to aatiafy a mortgage held by tbe United btetea Trust Company, of New York. The P'""- wnicn w" 7' " T" f 1.000.000 waa sold for ISO.000. waa valued PP-T"f principle Munro" doctrine to South Am menca. Henrv Walker, residing near Broken Bow, Neb., murdered hia wife, his ex cuse being that eh had attempted to poison him, and be killerKker as a mat- ter of self protection. H purchased a revolver and deliberately ar aoged all the details. Tbe murderer ia a ; wealthy farmer, prominent and well '. known. . - Tbe ooal product ot th United. Sutea, for the calendar year 1896. shows the output ot the Northwest sutes to be: Oregon, 73,685 abort tons product, valued at 347.01; Washing ton, 1,191.410 short tons, with 'a valua tion ot I. 677, 958; Montana, 1,489,193 abort tona, valued at (J, 816,906. ' a dispatch from Baas Terr. Island of Guadloupe.Weat Indies, aaya: Jap anese immigranu ar again in rebel lion. Tb uprising haa beoom ao for midable aa to cause planter grave anx iety. Th colonial government adopting drastio measures to suppress on th coal mines operated by the Unit th Insurrection, notwithstanding tb i coal Company and th Citisena stipulation, of tb treaty. ! Cotl Company. The strik wss caused General Luoius Fairohild, eommanth er-in-cbUf of th Loyal Legion and as- commander-in-chief of the G. A. R., died at hia reaidenoa in Madison, Wat. General Fairohild had Buffered from the effect of th gripp for several weeks, and a month ago the ailment waa complicated by kidney trouble. Until flv day age, it waa thought be would recover. Th senate oommitte on interatat oommsro haa authorised th reportiag ot a bill tor tbe uniform classification of railroad freight rate framed oa th line recommended by th national board of trad. It will require an in terstat oommerc commission to pre pare and publish a classification which shall apply to all sections of th country. . - A Msana aispatcn says: in cones- queao of the lepreaenutiona mad by th American government, the Spanish eabinet will try to Indue Captain Ocraral Weyler to reconsider hia pro fcibitioa if the export of leaf tobacco to foreign eouutris. The edict haa been welcomed la 8 pa la and Havana, a a clever blow dealt at th peopl who ar eonsi dared to b oh!f abettor of th insurrection. . . TORE THROUGH IOWA' Halt a Hundred Lives Lost In a Cyclone. STORIES TOLD BY EYKWIT5ES8M Whale rsailllas Wis Oat ef slateaee . -Toraase waat ICaat Thraaaa llllaela aa Mlshlaaa. Dea Moines, la.. May 87. Forty three killed, a sour of faulty Injured and about Bfty people seriously hurt is, aa near aa can b estimated tonight., tb result of th destructive torvntdowhtob -swept portions of Iowa, Illinois and Kansas last nigbt. Tb property loss ia heavy, but accurate estimates thus far ar impossible. The list of killed stands aa follows: Jasper county, Iowa, 10; Polk coun ty, Iowa, 8; Rockford county, Iowa, 4; Elgin county, Iowa, I; North Mo-1 Gregor. Iowa.' Hi Durango, Iowa, 6; Fort Scott, Kan., 1. Tb storm wrought Ita greatest havoc la Iowa, wber th counties of Polk and Jasper war devasUted by two tornadoes. Ths loss of lite was beariest there. Tb storm originated near th town of Ankeny, ninety-flv mile north of Da Moinea. Aa near aa can be sscer Utned from those who saw th sight, two clouds, on from th northwest" and one from th eon tb west, mat and dropped down on tn earth and wrought their havoc on all that waa loos and fast. Th storm moved northeastward. Near th town of Bondursnl it killed iu Brat vlcums, the members of th Bailey family. Tb atorm waa eeen oomina from Bondurant. Manv farm- t era who bad attended th church aerv- ' ioea had bees unable to get horn before : tb storm, and their Uvea were thus 'saved. Th track of th tornado at tbia point was about a quarter of a mile wide. It passed onward, going north of th town of Santiago. All along th course th fences and build ings, crop and tree wer completely destroyed. In place balk was peeled from th trees, houses wer lifted up . and hurled down and broken into splin ters; cellars vera heaped full of mud, 'and debris, often partially covering those who had Uken refuge la tbem. Thoae who had fled to caves wer in variably aaved, but ao sudden waa th approach of tb atorm that many war unable to find that shelter, though th oaves were only a few rods from them. Pass is g onward tbe storm struck Va- The railroad bridge on tb Chi Great Western waa the first object wissaiaa wua. la. tsnag waa i pletely oemolisbed, and the rail, were I twisted and bent out ot shape. Tb ! town waa almost completely ruined.! ' ! Tb building were demolished whed they stood in ths full force of the storm, and those which stood along the ' edges of tb atorm were moved and twisted, and in other waya injured. A acboolbouserss Uken away bodily, and fragmenu of it have ao far escaped discovery. There were soms strange pranks played near thit town. An old man holding a babe was. lifted up snd dropped into an adjoining field without th least injury being don to either him or the child. Leaving the wrecked town, the atorm moved forward, laying the country bare, wrecking, house and killing th inmates. On observer near Valeria, who saw tbe storm find observed it carefully, aaya that the cloud appeared to be a high balloon, dark green in color, witn a light streak in tb cen ter. It traveled at a tremendous rate, tearing up the largest tree by tb roots or stripping them clean off, driving posU into th earth, twiating buildings in tb edge of iu track, end first, spat tering the house close to it with mod and sand, atrippiog hedge and licking th grata from tb fields. From Vale ria the storm moved on, passing near the town of Mingo. Later in the evening, a tornado seems to have struck near Manchester, in Delaware county, although report ar very meager from there. It ia possible that this waa the same atorm, and tbat, , after traveling 150 mile in th air, it once more dipped down to tbe earth and laid bare a atrip half a mil wide and aix or eight mile long. i " Ceiareae Mlavra atria. Denver. May 17. A apecial to tbe Rocky Mountain Newa from Louis ville. Colo., states that the Western ' i Federation of Miners has called a strik ! by tb discharge of eight men at the 8impon mincacd wss over an old ' ! trouble with tbe company in refusing to reiotute twenty-two men who were discharged, tb company declining to adopt the schedule under which the. men were working. About 600 miners are affected. aeatea la Perm. New York, May 17. A Herald dl patch from Buenos Ayr Bays: The HerslTs correspondent in Manaoa, Brasil, aenda word that a boat krrlvtaa; thers from Iquitos, Pern bring new tbat Colonel Semlnartoa, leader of th movement to uit ke tbe depsi tin out of Lore to. Per, aa independent state, haa called into th field all persona abl to -carry anna Colonel Seminarioa hat raised about 8.000 men to resist th troops of President Pierola. They have only old sty Is ansa. A small see star haa been-armed lor aarvio on the A mason river. Betnlnsrtos ha iassd a proclamation declaring th tadapsadi no ot th aw state. Dr. Paters, the African Tplorv, ia about to anoertak a new xplora tioa of Somalllaad uadar th aasplset of a Basso of wealthy AaMtHeaa. - li I)