Broad-axe. (Eugene, Lane County, Or.) 189?-19??, May 21, 1896, Image 3

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Populist Stit8 Ticket.
Fur oimrnM lit lilaiilrt,
VAMirl.l.l lm i (
'W. .
XyJ.o-Hia JikImV
Josf l'll ttAaloN. . .. . rwto4
IH.Irt.l Jmliir.
41 ll I Hal ,
"Midi I Hat.,
lat lllal
Jlul lll.l
ifi HUt
tlh I'l.l
Mil l.lal
'Mil I'lH ,
1 aih iai ,
r. II. Ji'lllMiS , , I'.aii.imI
M. J SI.ATF.II ... Il.kff ( It)
Inalrftt All. a.
'J M mim. .
M.nv .. .
laa I'miuly
. .. 1-iirtlaiMl
W I Ml
rl K ollirNFV
Slat Hoard A F.iiatiiaMi. lHtrUt. t Willi! Ikmiilaa
I'tratilaiilal KWlora.
HARK, W. II SPAt TM Stall' Mctiillia I V.iMilllr.
HON. J. I'. Yol'Stl
'r4al Senator,
C. ll n.KF.ii, .
JJ,S al'THF!.!'.
'W . NktLXY,
iiMim JiMa. .
JOMH M. Mvll'lN.
r r. i ai.mvki.i. . ..
HnM.lK IHMITos . .....
A. PATTMrr-ri, ....
. JuiH-iii-h
Mulia 1
.tair, ,
l A IIOI.I.AM1. fnUif,
Siirvr)..., (
Mrll.atl tl.rrlll."t'trlit,
himi MAiHKWH. , rur-
I OTMtltvr tai.ntt1r'. .
Mn 'V. ll MiKKSSFV. A I'.tni.KMiN.
MUl.Llll.S J.Mg.-a.4 FHAMi Milk 4 aitifHilvll t'illlllittlMitian.
(a i. f uiu.
4 ni it tv t ul lliv IXatiiitWp I tiiumlltv
1 11. H. l.AkIS ,
"XW, your ('oMimittM on platform,
Uitf li-rtVC till follotung
I. e renflirm the filiwlanieiilal
prim-ipll'li of the Omaha plnll'oriu
rid inHtril.'l our to "the
,. i .-. i-
l.ntional convention to iciullilr-t nnv
, , J,
iKIriU, if MmhIe, liii.uch . loriii
that all reform rlementR can unite
on one platl.m ami on out, nation,
al ticket. , i
" " .
2. Wo favor elm our'im-'
ionnl coi.rlitutioii tm to provide :
otm form of direct ! itinlat ioti, ami
the early Rifrniiiion trf ii..Hirt.tfil '
national itlertiou l.t the people. '
X oir lia-
... -r .ll
llollill nevipe i.oiie lil.t.l
v . .
lor the eileclive proteclloil of Anier- .
lean InUir from the ruiuou tuniipu- ;
'niiiuin iniKir. Itieinfniia riL-tii reiric-
' i ' , . .
Tion riiiI r ii'liiHinc il tiecc it.rv of
- - - J
f iretxi. .....n.Krat.ou. - -
' a f r . i uu.
Coanty TiokilA
a.... , . . ii.'... r 'f .'i " ' v . o riiina iiiu.eit , utei twilll
e dcnftliif the rcpnhhean par- violated it tint v in tin refix-ct I fr carrvinis Oreiioii in June. I he , ... . , , ,,
... .. . i , , ' , . ui i i ' i . . . . i i an . . inn. l ii ior ill itw ii ium tiie
Y for it entire failure to i rform a vile ami unwarru ntctl htatetnent. Silver Kuicl.t Wiilt lnnan propose j,,,,;,.,, .,i,M, j, to n-k hi
any prontine il made to the people '. antl i of a piece with Mr. Know le' to meet Mr. i:irlr half way. The ',.,.,(,, , ,'.v,. j, nn)e j f
vX Oregon in tire vcar and comlu. t in Fiipportinx hi "old Silver w ill take .J Hurr.liiititi n'irf naturt 1 ha!l be
. Iiold il whollv renkinihl fur the friend, E. O. Totter," with vilunn one hundred of the. harc, Mr. j, ,.,.,v ,,, -d, nl, vthine ' 1 can to
y:kl,M.R extravagance of the tax-. lie olliced during hi lay in En- j OArber lake one, ivhi. h mak, one . ,,; ,,(.Hire-fr iltr..rn.ti..n.
payeM inoneV hy the 1.1, ene, during convention w,..k. , .; l.u..dred and one har,. taken. , , of w ,
Riiwiiihly of the ).ar IS'.l.i. - .- I he Silver kmuht-U all hm.-.n do- hl.t ...... T. tt ... , . '.liaii:.
2. We pledge our Miidi.latim for A v.m: forjlanu.t.u. i a vote . r.ate Ihi one thotian.! dollara ; "..'l: .' ' t ...1 n '. . I . i.
he I, giU tire to vote for - th.- aU, : I-r Watch, rememlHT. If 'you' it ...utrilunion to tl.e Or. g-n cam- -...tin.!
.. i u. ...... k i t. v k .. i . t ii itiiil Hie coinmumtv. ami then
it ion of all hwIcmi oommi'.monii !at to help Mr. catch and tho.paign lim.l. 1 here are now one .:, ,.,....,, a i.. ..i,,.....
and b.Nir.1, for the anlarv avletn caue of reform vote for Hampton, ; hundred and fortvnine hhurc M ? '.' . . ' " r ' 1
Vf paying pul.lie ollkew. f.r a' Mate i a?' I rue a reform.-r in all U- taken in the coi.tri'i'.itioii. and " ' ". " , ,othiV." . V f .i ro.'--"
ajuiroprialion lull nrovidirtg onlv thing a anv one in the coniitv.'anvlnHlv h.i theiiltrtv to take a , .' ., ' ' , .. i
or the rontitutiont Ralar.e ami . Johnon i a reformer, Iini. Hut man v a he may ,e tit. A if ' o !v t'lVv . ,V rrV . .V C .ll'vvr
againtanv appropriation for net- ' r,-frm from had to w,.re-'--lmreH are taken it will I ,., " "! l.U lT i.lli lH - VL T.
taVian institution.. . f-nu at .Tie rate- of IJ.Vkl ,K.r an- n,.,l in tl.e column ,.f thl pa - . ' " -Jit" 'd.a m If our
. Wed ami the reduction of, "'. 't ia he forma l.ig hill ! per. If wri.honr,riJ to find men feHH
Vmcil nalariea to corre, with again! the counly for deputy hire, ' enough to take up these hhaic we 1" . he know n t !(!! oil hi i.
the rtxluction in the wage of laU.r ctc and reform the hill into-will atill do our part in proportion " i h' i" 1 .AT.iv L I
nd the priceaof protluel, of laltor. ; n-ney .hi ket the a,ne. I,.i taken. I ,,im .n ou7o? hi
4, We renew our demand for . - TT".7 Oentl. in. u. if you arc in earnest .... .. ... Wni ...ll. S I
. . m l . .. .1.
nti eiwctiv Riailllioil oi nil 1111
. .. ... .i
- iM,m nm wnrrin, ami nTm ;
f. tt, .1... ...I t t... '
j. ii r (iriuiiiMi (iir in-viint;niiiiiv
1f the mortgage U I la.
a . I ' r I . .
n. nriivw mi i" I
xur atate rtonsiuution provi'ioig lor.v t t ,,,, ,,.
the initiative and referendum. w,,, nm. j v ,, ..RH.M. f.,r
iltt OH to thrO'urthfrn lUrlflf
f ljrr.
The chnii'Tof time, viX the North
frnpRcillo and rtiirliiigUm route, j
it..:.. C.....I... i..r;i 1)1 1. 1
y..CT..,.-ui...nj, ,.... .
, ., . " , i;. . I.. 1
iei" . ?2P-.5 noon thmiha 4 I V I
Neb., at Uif noon, Oman ,
. Joseph 5:.r0,, Atchison fli.'IO;
J, , ' fVai
C.tyHiOr, on the evening ut the ,
., m ... . t ....... v... ...!, v. ...,
iniru nay: viiiu-iko
Iouis7:l'J on the morning of the
fourth day. You can see from this
that the Northern Pacif.11 reaches
Omaha in two days and 2:1 ho'irs,
t'htcngo and St. Iiuis :t days,
which equals the fastest run made
lijr sny other road. If you will
compare our schedule Iroin Port
land to Lincoln, St. Joseph, Atchi
aonIeRVen worth and Kansas City
you will we that the Northern Pa
cific and Burlington via Hillings,
boats all other roads into Lincoln
four honrs; Hi. Joecph 12 hours
lour noun, nv. .rr... ..vm.-,
.!.. xtt. t ................ 1. ii
Aicninon intiurK, ii. . - 1
hours, ami nasasiaiy sou
45 minutes, where Immediate con-
neclions are made in union depots
for all points East and South.
Kyerybndy knows that the "North
tn I .! tin Yellowstone Hoilte'' is
. - - . - rt ?
the finest equipped ratlrostl In tUnlcinent of Johnson exiendi
America for rII classes of travelers. ,t tires, taken from the record pub-
l lieretnre, neiore sinning r.nsv j
don't hiiy a ticket Until yon have i
I. ... 1 1... I ........ I). l A. I
il UIMill H; Mo-
wrilien ... or vnii.-ii ut.i
Murphey, General Ageut, Eugene,
Oregoh. ;
Jo I lie V, H lit i 111. wlm resided
thnii milts iind ii half southwest of
EU"I0, l'ltl'IHI'l tlllM lift! Oil
Wiiliicwhiy. May .t, I H'Ml. The
subjsel of IIiIh i.ntire wns Ixirn in
'i.... l'... i... i i.
it 'iv.i.i I i ....
'21. 1H:',II iiiul H im i liirifiirir.ll ii.iim!
..I nn U.t kVl.fuurv ll.. in.u i... !
t.i manhood then, mi. I was married
tn Mi Kiltie While of Manchester,
Ky., iii 111 tir llif rxm idute
of n liioli k Ih tii iiilm mttl
Mr.. Hmitli n li ud iiiyit In
i'tiiiiniiy tit Ctilniii'l Ji'lin I.ih'hk'
rt'Kiiiii'iit, lici'Titl (iiirruril'M drifx
mlu of Jkiiltit'ky trmit, nii'l nmiin
wvcraf li:trl l.(lil i-liKiii-iiifiitu,
nni;iiy tint) of I't-r'r.vvillc, K-n-liii'ky'.
U'liilit in tin i-rviff Mr.
Hmitli rtniitr.ti'ti-il 'liriiii' Im ii,
of nl.icli lie ni'vi-r ciilirt'ly ri'-iv-
Mr. Hmitli rtuovil to'iiiinliiin,
Inii.iiiii, in tltu yi'ur h7J, Hlid r--iintiiicil
tli'Tn until tin' yi tr I SH.'t,
a I ii-ii In ri-nin fil to (Iri'tfiiii mi'l
wV,)Tl(Mll x-ttli-d on the i!ufi tt lti r". ho iin-K
V I 4)'ntnriliiil lev' r iik lln iiiiim ill
. Wallar 'tf I UIIHH of III' llilttll. It IIIII V Im
A Malmi ! aaiif of J. W". Sl.tllll tllltt ll WI1H II
'ifoiKl'iimn.ii i:tli loiic i'ilix ii, u ki-ii -HnnlmnrM
'crntm iirigltlior, n ftlllifill liimli unl,
'hii iniluL'ri.t i.ur'iit mi'l Iniiiililf
(.'III IhtiHII. Ill lll'Tf lllilll tin-
nvrrMkti- man. Kivr i it wt-ri'
tin- fruit of Mr. it. i.! Mri. Sinill.'
! 1. 1.. ii. it tf....
i i"iu-, imii
; tlllll IIIK I H lllilll. I, III. J IM'll irtUII-
; i ..i i v.i:.. i ill
, llic iconii win, killwl Miti lt
:kll, Ori'itoii, Ki hrttury II. IV.IJ, f..r
I tilt icli hm linn ili'icr at 'i.i in t't ( 1
til the ih nit. ntuirv for I.f". Un it
nnl A 1 1 1,1. .1 Rim iat ui lltirntat ;
ILirncy county, llri-.n, aj d tin-
otlicr nin inline I''ii1 U-ing at.
: liiiiia itml il jjroitn. Kittii, ll.
j t. I . tw i.f tin- ill j,:u tr I, hi the uyiit- .
. path? of her iii-ijjiiliora, w v uro aurr,
jai.d Ihi writer of tin w -linen rx - -
Iriid hi ii n of a very
, lira r n lat iviini lit in. Mr Smilh
I wan nn lioiioit-il Max.n of till-1hI;i
ol thin 1 1- nti'l incinhcr of the.
. A- H. pot hi rt'. I
liii i t bT. our fhoil cnri'i-r hk ri
iiett hpRper man it hart fnln'ti to our
,.t to write initio, of the death of
a Jfool many of ortr I'rifii.U. Well,
ml Tilwayn hn thin. I'.ye
hii. I hie i.ittr)oiie will write our
, , . . . .,, . ,,
ohiluirv. And what will he nav.
. Ar(. M,:llt,.,! frilll, l(lr t
hmir making material' for our own
(ir. lilt I
oi utiai , -a i.i.-ii nan ...iiiy .. ik pui!am, ,M,,,uiitn li.ive n kI majority i
toK''lher U the f.,itl,fuL.Lma,n thnt Ktnrrnn.rttiirpr-.M.. r wo.'k i
ill MlIP lid U hull kl .1 lull ll.Mt 1. .a a .. I ' 1
... ... .. . . 1
We think f i.
It i" ll"t t rili', :i the Wet -irt!',
that the .executive cnn'tiitte wa"
i ...
I.iriiu, Hill .
to till nut the tu ki t 111
ill tlid (tut uciept of
- ........
t h nioTj .ti it tfoii Irom
convuiii ton. .or win l lie comiini-
;.,..,.,..i..,i ... r.n . ., .., i.. ..
.... ... n.., in. . n-
Vancy that ...1.1 ..-cur, and the the committee ha ai i.iACfre i ' i f.T npnwa. 1
' '
- ;
in iiii ; -
. 1 Bm ohlig.-rl to keep fiom two t-.j
. I I
r,,Ur liore lo . .. I uofk itimi.
' traveling, horse Iced, etc., attending
jtho shenU" l.uincs were 'for the
'M, ""'J " V, .) y I
ul r tml-amoul,t
Eugene tiuard: One
iHtor cay-
use iMnv coultl lo all the work
1 " W-
, ... i,,,-..!,.,,,,.:..-
all the work
'term of olhce, lie luis-depiilies
1.. ..r l
bv the taxpivers) that do
(f w
; 1.:.
exiH-ns. for running the
office has cost him 1250 ht year.
That would bo a estimate.
We are ready to testify that if
eVcf we saw Johnson on a horse we
do not remember when it was,
though . doubtless he has ridden
some. lie hns had from two to a
d jxen deputies, however, riding in
the different piwlncU nil the time
Rt the charge of the taxpayers,
Johnson taking rare to Rppnint
- . . .
tl'h men his di.ntllin. as Ins in-
- :i ..j . :.----.t,ii j ,
7 . . ; . . . 1
terest for reH-lcction demanded;
having locality and the influence,
said deputy oould wield constantly
in view. How will his statement
given above tally with Ihe itemized
nsiieii in nuoiner coiuiuu r vi men
see. By the way, does snybody - ..f I..1..... (.
b-lievo one ' word of Johnson
statementf (io to his stable and
lev Low many horses too Will find.
UtttpH ami Appniiilnieul fur Hip
Mouth of May.
ficnrrnl Weaver will address the
oilij if Oregon at th; following
times R 111 i lice
,: 2.5?
county, May '2'Hll
!'' county, M, '.'III.
Itlltl J 'ill I
linn. Morliitiir Wliiti-lnail, lute
l.'clurcr of (l)H NtitioiiHl (ruii)!i,1
iluti'n iin.l iiii.imtnirnt:
(iriii.U 1'nrii, Xl;Iy '?lnl; Hour
I urn, Dakliinil tr lrin. 2 Ll;
Ktii. in-, J.'itli ; I'o.iIuikI. -.'.iilt, 1
1 1. in ; ton, 'jTtli u..l 2MI.;
I. it (Jrun.l, J'.MIi mi'l :',0it.
lion. J. . Hovi-.t ig.i'n d:tti- ti i . . 1
Jin.rti.i.i City, Mhv 21ft; Sil V4-r-.
t Ti I, I'orthiii.l, itn.l -iUU
Ni n Id ig, ''til
Mi Mii.iivill.s '.'lUli; I
D.ill.o. .'Til.
;,,rS,,te. VnU., '.''i
Hon. J. II. I jivin (Jali-c it... I
i, . . ..... . .
I, i.illi lon. M.-ty 'J-.M. a.'M. '.Mtl.
int. I '.''ill.; I. i (irnn.l, '.'(ill., '.'7(1. ami
tltlt, I'nioii an. J Wnltort.i; It.ikur,
y.iiU .....I :;nP..
Semitor itiiil. I Ix ru'ii ilaU.M an. I
M,, I ... . .
'." V.'VV."'5'1 "Jr.1,-1''; :,y.'.;,i':K
: ' . ... .
ainook; J7th; Nurlli Vumliill, "Jlli
irvalli, 2fh ; I ol. do, ::Hii ; New
. ort, .'iM. i
Senator Crow of Washington,
lat. n im.r H.-.ii.lii.rntv.
lt.ilt!' iinkc. May Jlt, 1 p. in ;
Crn-i-wcll, I'Jd, 1 p. in.';. Cottar
I trove, !Md. I p. in.; lor.un-, 2-Vh, 1
p.m.; Hadloy villc, '.Mth, I p.m.;
l'ilstlln Church, 27lli, I p. fn;
Sinitl.'i' l'l, Stli, 1 p. in ; lot.a
Tin, 'J'.Uh, I p. in ; Irvine. -' t It . I
p. in.; Jui'ction City, !Jt!i,
p. m.
1iiimii tanct of Hie ( ampaicu
The frien.l-.of r form nil over tin
country nre feilicjt a inti-rifl
in tl.. I iiejr.ii. c.iin..iiii , ui il i the,
Ii ret utile to hold itn el I tioil this
year. The Uri'ij'.n election coiuen ;
..IF early in . I tine an. I ill net the
pace for the otHer Southern and
Western t-tatcn. Tin filler nun
hih! ornno ttioii iitKtiien that t-tntc
r( IW
for iht nl the j . 1 1 1 1 -1 ii n I i
mlvvr p.titiep at St. I.otm, J nly '22l. '
if we cart carry tin atatc in June.
We hre in re.ei't of a letter from i
Mr J. L. Ii.trl r of Sidney, Oliio. '
in which he propo-ca tt le oni'i4
two. Inn i. in .( ami futv men to mli- '
n. 'rtli' ten dollar each for ten iImhi-
vtnrl Silvi'l K'm)(lil-Walt Inn. in to.
la 'wnt to that many voter Tor)
. .... . ...i i : .i ..... .i
inrcc iiionin rejjt.iariT, in ine miiic
. . , . , . . i ' : t .
l .Ml'-'.... .Ill.liUllt I ttlllioitoi-
ly a tKililuian and an lion-
ei rcionner, anil wc tie ncc khv
nioi i.-..."v i.oi. iiiiiiii;. n.-n .r.
i ... . i...... :..
i . . i t. :
w.r mm. f' n"
Illfa.a.i.l...i4 a. I ilka lr..if.aI'St l It) Hi -
I'uitcd State.
. .
Silv,r K,,iS''1-
Moot-hrnrt'M Fat Job.
Saturday' Salem Journal (rep.):
f.. ..r 1 ...... Iri.. I.. m.t .....
l(f ht )i0 ,iirt,Ktl ,!. ,.gi.
bituro l.y saying some one told hiin
to do it. If any one did he gave,
him had advice which M.xirli. ad
wa 11 fool to follow. Bui no lion-
est man favored such jobs, or was
connectetl with any. and .Moor heat!
com iccted
".,.1 v lies I lie rewiiln.
tiou, hatl it n-fcrred til the lgus ' places where they last spoke; also!
committee on1 resolutions mid re-1 hotel 1II. This is reasonable. I
Mified back the last hour of he'Nov L t each (Hipulist in Iiiine I
last session of the liit day whei all county send in to A. S. Patterson,
was confusion and half the inMiilcri trea-urcr of count v executive coin-
were packed up ready to leave for,
home. A few voted aye, n few
Voted no, and so Moorhcad got the
MiHirheatl says it was a fat job
and he would like to get it again.
If the people up there do their duty
they will not give this juyhawker
tiic chance to sell them out and rob
them ngai.t.
( On inquiry we lenrn that 1-evi
lireer has not acct ntetl nf llie iilace
l" '" r " . . 1 "ll ' I'"" 11 ",l P'Rce
tiT; thr-Txreutive mm1
lniltto 1 11 a do vacant by the dec
lination of Hon. Nat Martin.
Hence there is a vacancy on our
legislative ticket, which cannot
now hu supplied on the clli.-inl
billot, tht tluiti for Unit, expiring
May ltti h.
Any one who receives this paper.
.1....: . . 1 ... ..
not having ordered it, mav know-
that it has been paid for, and that
it w ill be stopped w licit the time for
which it Is paid expires.
fir - ShobS
We are Selling More Shoes Every Day.
. huhim:sn iScin-iANixi !
We are iIi
FRANK VSS in th- in in U
""1- Ut 'f- '
Mr J II V. t i.f PI. .uiu.
i w - - - . .... . ... ( .Ill 'I'D HU
tl.llM-r Ulfli M rt-fttU'Vt in l.rili ami n-fiiiuk;! t, jL.pii
: l" ""l "' irfuh.l.. in yur n-j
uii'i p'k um: '.ihh: ui iin- i m
it iir.iir.A7. i hit iiiiu.-rn m i.nin coiiiuy nave coin. i inea ana nfzr'-J.
..... iil. il...,H, in ,.l h?i i. ...i......i.i.. ,.:
ii ....... . r i-i :n ... . t t
tii.c.. & I 1... ..I . .
' " a.. a. . v oi.iih., "
lrl re, I wo, the firm, r of
olirai-Ivei not to tatrniiie unv iif tin
it. ..i i... r. r
I"'"" " o .r, nun
on..l,u.l.,!..f minlnmtalile wheat, of -10 -pound,, a. ha. U'
!c,..ton,Rry, tl,r.l,v tending to further oppre,, the L. Theref-re.
n n. .'i ini'ivi iin .i. viiii-iuii.. a nn.ii.vir in anv oi ino caiil a-"K'
N a vr..
I' I
Elu INK. May l'.'i, is; l. .
To tiik Ehitou:
In lour it-.iv of la-t week you
a'.tid: " ll i.e.inirn..nly rumored
that E K. Skii'W irtli rent a proxy
to the Male duiuiJcraUc-cnli'iittii
with i u -1 rti. t ii- to vote to iudorre
the till. tu. ill jf.iiv of til nl in in irt
tr.ition and f. r a l.l rtandard."
The Mittl nini'.r i without the liiht-e-t
foiiutiatinli. I i 1 1 1- in I 1 to (:
to tl.e c.'IIVl litioll Up to the la.-t
111. .Un lit, then tuuii.l I could not at-
I.....I .Ii.l ....I ..... n ..r.... ...
' ' t".' m iii".! ,iu
iinvooily, ami it any oi.e vol. a in
the convention in iiw tit end il wa
W'ltirn authority from me tlire. tly
or iii'lin-ctiy. I invito the ftricl
cM inveti;.'ition of tin truth of Uii
ftateineiil 1 repeut. lite rumor ia
f.ilro in every p.n lirnfar: "
K. H. Skii-ivokth.
r,. ..... i...o iv.i.
! '-l '.uki '.
- .r ,
IOJ,,v,,:.,.BM,nt of
. ., ,. . .n)
. . .
: snail
ippy not only to answer
:WmcT,nrFtions - tul" K nut.w a
" but ti" ask "sonic u
II. L. Boarpmax.
j L
Attention, Populists.
j Hon. J. II. Sovereign, who ad-
- tl.e lieilltl. ikf ......n l v
i luih, nnd Mortimer WhiUhcad," t'x-,
lecturer mitional grange, to spenK
in r.ugene Slav- Joth, are men of
national repute, and have come to
u to help in the cause of llhcrtv
and righteousness. The national;
executive ciHiui.ittce will pay their
I lare i. ami irom tins state, lut tx-!
HH't IIS railroad fum
mittec. such contribution a he can
Please do not s iy "I can't." Send
. !
each of you, a ten cent piece vttu
can nil tlo tin, ami this sum will
pav all bills al..i;e this line.
John SiTHtsRi.ANrn
Chairn.nn Lane Co, Ex. Com.
Cottage IS rove, May 11, 18'.H).
Ye nok now ledge rith thanks the
favor of the Ullard for the tabulated
, statement of the amounts drawn
from the treasury in payment of
tin1 sliei ilT and cit i k of this county
contained in this issue;
We notice Thorp, of tho Cottage
(.rove Leader, has quit his pigs
ami gone into politic; has joined
the party that every Iwdy i quit
ting. The political gush ami re
publican slu-h, wlneli that iaK-r
Contained last wee, is eitouth bi
. . . . , .
turn the stomach f a butiard
Thorp, how do you stand . it?
Every-loan, we-are told; has his
price. What is Thorp's price, please?
tt-t xxl (rJ from.
Tr, i;
"f ' -
-j -
tl... r..u.... i.i .n.i
tive i.eiKi.u..rh.Rj f.r mki.rIuip,
h:j iri-ni iiii.i ui i iramtr i ri ill r
....... i I : j .1 i:
. i-. i j i
9 iniuil.lF. Ol llll l IIU 11 Ljl I III' III HI 1 1 Pi
.. " -
.a,d Lane coi.nty, do hereby pledge
wiiiri aw.ii.f i..n milld nnU.
r.... . ..... ii . .
iwrii.i r, mai e win noi fioie any
(itiard pleai-e cojiy. Ed.
Xo -AUv ice ided.
We notice an editorial paragraph !
in the. Tulare County New, a xclM-
col..titlllel ofliiiil ori'in of ti.e
populi.-t partv f California and
copied in the Hej-inter, wherein
(lint paper "mait the Oregon jnip-
ulist on iIih fusion... nti..n
We have epace only to ay we,80"" ami 8et fir,,t el'''1--
are orry for the populist" ofCali-j ' Ike Baum
f. rnia, "if the Tulare County News ; April 23. '06. tf -
i tlie je.t the party can uu in the '
way of an "otticial organ." vj
T-he ie.iile of thix vicinity are
.,,. ii .:... .1
vactuiiikiv nr.. nc.iuai.iieu
wttli the editor of tht paper to
U'lieve he is cotnetent to give, the
populist of Oregon any advice on
political or ''fusion question"
too well acquainted with him in
fact tohelieve him capable of duiirff
iir.i.Ti tTse than run a Sunday !
school das Sunday. And, Brother)
l!iliri.i ti-liAn l.A ...... ..i;..a ..I i
Oretzon want rmtr mlrirp n to h..r'
to conduct tlf.etr affairV, they, we
presume, will let vou know until
then "mind ycr Lusine and eat
yer crut." Arn't you too nhort at
one eiul to fill the "altitude of your j
measure as calculate! ly your
Thk A. P. As. daiin they have!
7H) member -in Lane county, lfj
so that make that n.irtv onlv 700
strone. Last vcar the renublican
lulled l.H.V) vote, ihe jwipu
list !..-) ami the democrat a:rout
1. 100, n an average. Sothe A. P. A.
parly i away in the minority yet.
1 hen-fore it will not elect U ticket.
f nhi -h Driver i the head. If
Hrivcr had walked out so soin astkeg.
he aw tliat iK To-.-uiion hii.1 pro-T' Steel Vire . Nails 10-d to 60-d
criptToTfT:r the n .man Catholic
wa it mam purjiose, as did Char
ley B.ik'T. he might have got to Sa
lem a a m.-mlierof the senate. As
it is now he is m ire apt to get to
the asylum.
Everyb.tly ami hear White
head seak in, Eugene Monday
next at 1 o'clock p. 111.
Take your egg and other produce
to Knapp. He pays the highest
market price.
... Stack -1
Having recently ecured 1 10.000 il,wk of Cvnrril Mrr-
iinnxrupi piock oi uemrai 'er-
!.. l:. in -ilr i,f Yiirk I a ri lirrr'iy auinin.iiMxl lo afpnar al inanfll. r of
Chan n.-e u me jt tu .ew iorK,iJilr ,. s ,. ,-.iimia.i..i.rr. on tu
I alii.ll f..p th.. nail at ibvl olT.-r n"nd of JiiIt. tsrl at lo-l. k a. m , ta.
l snail lor me ncx- .nj uajs ouir tc.1Ml ,,, flinllh ,,, )T)1HrII1
tho entira atiwk al nricpa nevSr he. alid an.l."imeiil llrarli.c al iln. ..M
ii.e enure siocx i prices never "-',B,)tl1nT takra on July ii. tv atw
fore heard of in Eugene.
Th folliwing. ii tle 're niniitiiiK
ijatca And Jil.ti ftt tu bj fillcil ill the j
cm. vhiih:
M.i.lftn, ThurmUy, May ait,
at 1 p. m. ' ' .
Clitliif r, Friday, May 2-'d, Rt 1
I. m.
. . KlmiM, Haturd.ty, May 2JJJ. Rt 1
V- 1,1 '
I!.fi.-Wl, Monday, May 2tb.
at I . r
l-oi.K Torn, Tuesday, May 20th,
at 1 . in.
I 'Junction, Wednesday, May 27th,
at 1 . m.
Irvinir, ilitiiUy, Muy-2th,it 1
p. in. " .
Kuirno, Friday, May "Hh, at 1
p '" -
j We in-e in our paper this k
lth! ad.lrc of K. K. .4ii. worth fur
'cirouliuioii, which in paid for a an
; in' tSRdJrtVwh
.will r-rr in our next iVue. The:
I I oriii in u I o 1 1 1 1 b I i i . u a . . f f I.
! n gard unfiiir, and wanting more
aiiaii the bare ufuertiou's of Mr.
'l Siptrorth U RuUuiitiate. Mr.
. .., , liu-mu t-ii.iii vo piace
liiiifelf in line with tht free coin
: ri: teiitiinetit jif the iieoiile 'doe
Violence to hi known xfition on
1 1... ........... i ... . c ,t
tiutrt la-wlr
! ' ' ,
i . r o 1"
i il
ud harem.ideaKair.rt Mn.n
w t r ....
' I t. : -t tt .
' "Zr l t
J !. iX"1 "f'a .'J
' CAKVKo lM KltiMirnAl II1IB.
l... f ft r i i . i
fl(.u ,, 6'nrt Qnnd ai' :
'"f. iioi.inu. ee
r.ol.ind. See the HllOAD AXE
.j ju'arj of thin week.
I hereby arnnon nee m-gIf an In-
dependent candidate for the office
'of C'ounlv Treasurer for 1
Lai.e conn-
tr, Ojerni, at the ensiling election J
J. (t. t.KA-r,
Ecjene, Or., April 20, 1S'J6.
Clutliiittj and men' furnirliinji
"" a ' half .rie: "iM. Haum'n
i "'' i"-u.i y inr, iiiiu t
j now old at the old Hand. Cornel
A No. 40. Chilled Plow, with ektra
. Share ?10.00
An 8 inch Cast Steel Plow
4cx Ua Slmre. . . 6.00
A 5-tooth Steel Frame Culti
vator. . . .' t. .". . . .
A a
Cook Stove (full
' S?iie)
; A lOrjtinrt Milk Pail. 77777
j A 14 quart Di.-h Pan .
! A full nire Vah Boiler, con
per bottom .
1 dozen 6 quart Milk Pans.
1 garden Hi .
1 long handle Steel Shovel, .
1 handled Axe
Painted Barbed wire
.25 1
59 !
3.75 j
U?alvaniied Barixd wire, .
No. 12 plain tialv. wire
No. 14 Baling wire 3.."0
Sections and Guard for all tl.e
leading mowing mauhmea and
Binders at Reduced Price. Steel
: Cut nails 10 d to 60-d 4.00 per
1 4.15 per keg.
Tinware at Hiduecd Prices. Lots
of new Patterns of ' Wall Paper
at 12 J to 50c. Come and see us.
Cash in hand.
C:(f: PTi'"'" ?" hu" l..r buying -tt, SWEAR OFf
riinn , rictruwctre vo. .ittis to ji.rr. hr tiy .i..n-i krp ..!
Go to The
ni(7, Molinae, Toilet Artirlen, ete.
Cor. iri7rmil'f and .YlrtfA -S7
Eugene. Oregon.
Hm A, Overton,
Paints, Window Glass,
-Varnishes Brushes
ami lb moat romplrla Una of WALL PATER
I.-T fmm
Kichth St. .Wt aSat ol riaHofllSa.
I 8. IjrIH. Dlttf. Knat-hUhi. Or., MaT U, XV.
rompUlnl hm In bvn rnleril althln1ir?
ltuy M Mairnr c ti't'-t (ntrK II llioinp- ,
asm tar In line hw Htmtrtai l-.nirr Nn.
::;;V;!;". rfo,h;p,7U,; V.:Vi V
" ' 'iuiily. onwii. with a . h t.
..j fh M Mrll
oVI'irk a. ut. HnlTtr.rnl rvMs-nr haliitr ln
men in niw inai r-f-ntntiai trrvi rannitt !
Orrsun. arroralng la law.
... i - - --- - - - - -
K. Jl. 1 K AT.'.
r. oiki:
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping fcars
St. Paul
Fargo . .
Grand Forks -Crookston
Helena and
iThrouh Tickets tb
j fA'SIL
i New York
Boston and all
Points East and South.
Fot Infurniatlon, ttma ranla. maiia slid UrkeU
rail uH or w rti
;r. mcmurpheyj
OtMral A,ml, Eugan.
OaV-Roaaia a aod 4 Shakoa Block.
OR ..
i . . - -- -
wpa.. c. n.i.4
POHTI.A1D, Alirf'0!.
lllhesl Caati CiWpaM fr flUTIEM A IKK
Frog In Your Throat.
. XT. Knaooi
. -DMler hv-
Staile and F noy '
lllghcal M.rku ITtea lld For
SwraronTamoklnn and rhr Inrr BAR ToUAC
CO. Ttaetit Ifit'l too itno.1 hr yon la hf
.1 r . u ail v iuivj: .. . . . . . . .. ..
tilirro. SW KAR by I'll tR HKIIISK K
LISA l lii Cut. HtllKO aul BI LL Dl'RIIAM
la-liira DEACON DAVIS at llovev'a Blurk
I tol..r muI of puatuttiev, Weal Klmith SC
a-i it
Notice to Creditors
Notice h htby flvii that ocorm Bryant
ha. Jtrtt duly a'l.itr.l by the r-snety iotirt
of Lanerouaty .muIik al lb lat.' ol Vat
thrar Smith, tarnxd. All nrrn.a kavlnl
j rlaima anlnal aai! atat aro tiurvby 'imlltli.! to
I prwnt th ..its lo Die cxrrutnr at hla kum
j In Sntithtlflil. Ij4 eoutity, Ottbiih, or lo E. R'
Skij'wortn at hla fi!tlr In F.iutrnv, Orrmm alts
IS lx HHilh. Imtn th data ot Ibla iiiMUa.
Hate.1 Not. 2S. Ik
t. R. Sarrwnam, Gsoanx ItTSTv ,
Alton. vf Folate. Wieri.torl '
lOOl) Moil Wauled ;
At Yerlni-ton's Ninth Street' hixii
Store lo biiy 1NS) p.niil of "The l.t
Comlilion l'oader in the world" li fel
to lliO horses.
Pr. B. I.,
veil his ronneclHin wiili lr. (iray,
aires to inform Iii frien.l ami a!toi.
Iliat lie may N fottml. si all linsinet.
Iionr jittat ac.o-i tl.e hall, .cwiie Iii
former ofliee, in Ilie room recently tM-;ur
piett liv Mrs. Witlierow sa milliner
lore, over Mi-i'hing's Ston, ror. rt iii
Istitette and Kilt si. (Jive Iii. a rail.
Mil i
Avars' rrisi).
Everybody that wants Tender Steaks!
Vaal CatlcU, Matton-Chopt, Poik oi
Saasaget; Fowl nnl Fih, Vtnio
. . M
"r "n7
and aay sad evtrytbti
Market, ojfwbarc.ctitapt
UM AfiJ pluCt UI EllftM; tOCftll At
irn. .rri'i.x , r
H. t'. rAIRK.
f 7
a Ninth Strsat ana gtt tt