Broad-axe. (Eugene, Lane County, Or.) 189?-19??, May 21, 1896, Image 2

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    .1 :
I their aCuom mi-kriwly Ir tlie first j
TUHik of 1
Hciitou i'ountj.rops aud DeiiMts.
, J Mr-
Jal4UbW Tnafadav liy
WntisMsl wMmA-rm n0 ( h Rnarii
For the office f nWiff:
i at....
Offlr In Oram e VulVluta, tt MrClutiaf m
turn; ttiom 1. ).
trrns or sitwriitios.
J It ..tl4 In 4vnc, prr year
II M ii'l t Iblva iNoutWi sr r . .
EUGENE. MAV 21, 18t.
Jotilioii ..
HtMTi ;
K.klil ....
Hen .-I ,
JohltMXI .......
K"o. ..
V T V.sMm...
W T Kiikm...
V T tfakra...
W T Kakin
JotlltMltl.. ,
12.' ,Kvl, itit.
Voters, Lei Rcasoa Tuseluer-
We are aware that during elv
. ' . . .
ti n liiwe when men are striving
to secure rote lor themselves or
their respective favorites, they will
use extrayagar.t charges 'against
those they wish to defeat. T
often it' is that candidate are lied
Vut and subject to most unjust
erith-isni. This ha become so uni
versally the cat that but little
heed i paid to what is -said of a
candidate, whether' lruebr false.
The average fSier says "It? a cam
paign lie," and will go ami vote for
' his man. And this often works
great wrong lo the. eomtunnity, as
the scamp is just as certain of ike
vote of his party as thegood wan.'
Now this is all wrong. It U the
logical resul:,of the growing disre
gard newspiners . and campaign
w hoopers have for honor and truth.
BaF' for ourself as a newspaper
man, it has been our purjHs to
not fall into the common error of ! June
many and resort to falsehood and
unjustifiable - statements almut p
political opponent, so that alien
we made a etate-ment cotu-erning
anyone it would always War the
light of investigation and be sus
tained y truth.
Now it will be remembered that
' this paper has forlhe last two years
kill, wlUnt.
Jn'itlnoM .
JtiWml ..
- T.
" 7.
Jairaary II.
- II.
" 21.
Felirusrv e.
" 6. .
It W V
J 8K'. lmt .
4 llllDOll.
j It is cnoujih to reiniml the
""Jh 5 l'l0 repitUicHU ml
. k" ti tli'itun'rats have three tornieti,
"'li !2i , lJ'crsSivorth and Uilyeu,
JA ', and one' ijva.ler. lr. lriver, on
"'j' v'!' t-T- tii kets., AVhile thi may Mol
,.. f." to. dt-tract- anythtitj; fr. n thow iiten
"' - hi fWh'incn, stiU it tatds to rva
! K n that tl-y catiiiot I very vhnely
" 55. iJentilitHl with the 'agriculturist.
O- 4 i ,
in mud brvAil winrtrs"trt"it Th!
v t uif tt a . tr 1 . in i'iiiuN4.
it.V " V "
which li. none Jayer ami
mi ui
It is refrvsUir-j in these Jays of
e iuin! ouPvact rti ity of the
iiMiiikrity piutie in tnpn to lay
A Hohmmi W liy.
v Htrii( reason why you should
chvt 'lluinpton sheril'l is that he
proios-s i run the ollice for the
down their trty prvjndices and 'Salary 'allowed by law, while if
unite to hurt uon I'lace thecoma JoUnson in elected he w ill nynke the
inon enemy, to e how iiuielly amP. county pty his . t depiitiesSor do
harutoniously the jmi ami demo- jinn the work while )ie sit around
vrnts of old Ileuton and Jo.-ephine ' the court-houM a nwre tiurrhcad
counties have jtvnie aloiit things in diving the Iminc. Miall we mver
a businesslike way Miid united on see that nil oiliriaU ierfrm the
a common. tk Vel to Mnborse and.1 work of their otlnes for their law
drive friun Mwvr the republicans, ' fill faluries? W hat sense ii then
who haw tone tin iroin bud to ! in ia vitii; l.orl and the mvrt larv
ever so many preachers in that j
Uxiy. We iI.mi t tliitik it w m vo
"iZ ill with the lakpayvrs of tlie ;
t i Mtmty irappftipriatiiu l;rge uioney
Al ( . . :'n .1. A f... 1
Through unavoidable rircnniotntirfjOieing unable to oive my per
worse in taking uioiier from the! of state U,iHH to l.',mk mlai v "onal attention to biminiss (liia Jpriliu and Summer, I have dctiniin-A
pockets vl the jieople mid putting when I he l'oiitituti.n lives thxl "Her myvtitireiwell asmuted Mock of Merelinnirlse n lit, until Kll
it in the pockets of a lni.nd of sab "ll eat h? And w hy pay the ; "r furl U r notice. ' It is imnwNible to ipiolc prices on every nlh lo in
ary grabU-rs, jwitil forln araiue i clerk ami 'sheriff from I,IHU to the st"n, Iml 4u folloniiiK are a few, to give Von aw idea of what ww ar
JoIiiiwni sum as sure as; iinn is nunle of iron, if ;
Fkn'." !!" ! AO lo",''r of gentlemen are ehvt-:
JuIiiikoii reinir cd he will do his U-st to have that
tj'W rlte
Jllll IIHOtl
Johnson .......
Jolmmtii '.
Jotuisira ...... ..
.AO How Un.l ...
'V H llowUnd..
J T K..ln,1 ..
W T Kd
Vinril K..Mnd
Johiiaoti .
Kakin ...
. illl iVkl tt..o.ri itt.. ..i.
.. " co tinucd for the university. We sy
""tufi eS ' "" ' those approj. riatrns are
.... 75 w..o be cut off as nM iiihs(ausiblv
.. .. 5i m .
M ne'essary to cover ruiuiinm
.... mi tin of ihe government wonotnicallv :il
'" o "M ' uiinisterHl let that nniversity item
."" 4 co f jfikVW pn, as well as the ',
?5 tW item for the Oregon National
.... 5 i0 liuard, railroad couunission and so
.... 2S I
....liM 70 i ii
75 00 1 -.,.. .i i .i . ..1 '. . ..
jt is siaieii nun me n iicui .ni
lemocratic candidates out he-
vasl to U a. virtue. j f-VVXl each w hen the law saV" their j "'ing
The Times of 1'orvallis, is just p v vjjhH 'U' only J,t H K I each j:
makine the fnvi.ui it. .lit f Whv will rcnublica ns vole for t)n il'
any papr that cime to our table. . men Uvatiselhej are on the ticket Dre OooJi.
We Uli our, frlci.ds in l?enton ' What ha- the
iiu " success.'
done for yon? Iml either Jihnn
I or Jenningvever benefit one
republican party Hj w?.' AIVW""
Mn'a and Boya IlaU.
r .. i. 1,1 " "
I J Oil , ,,.,.rv. ..
.viorttmrr ........ t ,
rrf Vwr. m ir Mrn ir fr l.t. F.tola 1 . M
,a k,v i ' i .i i.i..a ii ' rlir i . ii
Comk and hear Mr.
Whitehead on Monday the "J"vth, the dog ami vote for men
ami von are ir.i.,U..l a ir. ,.i those that
I til I.Urk .l.l l
tk)k w Mm I et.iiH t
. I. In r-
ISi,- miU nU'
i.l M
Out s, i tlr Kii.l rl Jl U W ""la
I i:r..l m-Iii. tli.n
which will, (it is said, eo,ual
Sovereign's adlre-s
work for the laniul
II 1 1 1 lot in thr '.. ..." " . " " .
k l,;n. - j Lnd Ion' Shirt WalaU. jMcm'a and Boy. Shoet.
Is. i, l mirsillt Ul., a. ! Ilir(
trm It ii..
1 AV slilrl W m.l I. it
I . "
All ll
I J Merhrmon .Vi
. i . . .. ...
..linpnii ....." f , . .. . . . . . . '
7 iii lore iiie ie'pie in mis couinv nave
Kokin. .
V H Kowland
J Koeh
Jolinsou S3 15 i irsistentTcilession of loval'v to
M.I'henuM! S7 51 ., '7 .a...- !
rsi to hterallv crowded
In On . , .
,5 u, stump in their
our Ihivs off the
vehemence aud
JolllUKMI .
J T Kow'land...
V H "irotis.
liJi iWV,r suvrr coinage ui in to i, aim
75 (i evidently "trving to hold frv silver
5ti no . , ., . , .
torces tnat are nreaung on irom
6s -7 th.-ir
25: There's no more talk now of
ranks on thai
Virgil Itowlnnd...- 8 75 ,jt dollars" and "sound m.-niev'l
it was two wars ag. This, in
face of the Cleveland-lurli-le-John
U you want lo turn dow n repub
licanism in this coi'mty vote for tlie
tinted biinctallic party. It is the
only organized free-silver party in
Aa.criciv the only reform jwrty.
Ik you want a repetition of two
years ago, with all it attending
evils, vote f.r- the party that-you
elected ..two yea rs " ag. - vote for V.i, i .. ...t
P..I... l.,l..w i i ti.... rK of "'VWly.- wanderer
:ti i .i... . :Vagal.ond
n.. . i-.vic nir imi. - I i .
( Uespisett outcast, tmi low for
it v herself to notice,
- '
I ''
I 4
I ,'
Mrii tin nurl all "It.m at
S I o l.
la " i
i IUi)a' I til "
I i
I'mnc rati. u4 c4 Hrl rlianra, Iimi llivt alrt tin, . .a.l I...-- u . . ,.V .
in. .1 th.a. .cl.-. , rlii.lnl In I la. ..I. '
Lndics Shoes
1W Una Kl.l
5K Kt
74 00 fs
.! total.
Ii' Sherniaii nlievoigo!dstamlanlisiii,
.; 4.2SO 21 is to sav the least triJIins: with the
been, as it were, .inconstant kicker Here are the figures for the first ; intelligence of the people. If they ;
at the court-htHise officials for their ' VMr f. A. l Jennings' term taken are sincere aid rtauv want lotto.
. ;f.... lk .. l. v , .... ... .,..'
"-- - - 'j soiiieiinng towaru me
A s Jvnnlng.
Vore forKa iwwiii. ii f..r ....iii .it.1 i
... ,. , --T'ortr;,-nni I somelodv
of l.ugetie ircciuct. 1 here s no. .
one on any ticket that ean eompnre
to him in any resiei t. Me is an
Ir H a hi Iii r. mi. piece of ni'iv
sense for our yotiui: and promising i
trieml ot Uie Mate Journal to at
tempt either witticism, rcaon or'
rhyme as a journalist until lie es
tablishes his character, tir.-l for-
truth, second for honor, ami third
for integrity. Tin three virtues i n.i i u ii.iui sii,. ir
.'cinjLdi'.-utute in om-aml he ssioe
vo'Vit. .man, what hoi- is there
for him; but fhat which re-' ,-
mains to one ostracized from the j
and 1 ' KeiiietutM r Xht( is a itenuilie sale of the Kntire Moek of (tiHsJa
in the' social 'world,- a without exception, so don't niisg the opprtitiiity of getting soniw gd
har- , li:iriniii. "
..talK llra.jr
. llllliiUMIf.
I w
I Jt au.l I .
tiltrv Itin .4 rMMrvn niTaava' aii.t
sli.m Mill aliarv thv aaiu
,GentV Underwear.
Urn rtti it SMrta anil tifawrra. tt miiow 4 f A
" O ' Mra
Vra bull " i Ivrt
' W " .Va-rA
" ' " ' ta- ar ami
! Mi ll a au.l !' alilrta .-. Orrrall ail4
; iimih m a III la .'KI al rvaal a
I .VI 4 tf
various malpractices, all in the line lro,u ,n? t: -
.if misappropriation of money' by j AufUsl
tlie county to nnianut ana uupusi Sept.
purposes. From time . to time, it
. will be rcmemltered, we have point
ed out that M. Johnson "and Mr.
Jennings were being allowed un
necessary deputies at outrageously
extravagant salaries salaries that
were out of all Jroportio. to the
wages of others. We pointed out
that the law did not contemplate
'any sucji allowances: that those
K I. liililw..
JrlKlitiga .........
flRfl C5 inc of the equality of silver, whw
HO 141 , . ., i , "I
ltk ti-1 t they join the reform lorces,.
-lr.wbich alone stands now and al-J
liw ij trays have stissF for the rights of t
loo .i the daddr dollar? Hut whv not
.1 IMI 1
IWS s test thesr free silver republican-.
enterrising farmer ami horticul
turist living a few miles we-t of
Kvtgenc, and yu will make no mis
take by viiting for him. t
15. MCV.iiTjdk.... 5M)0 and detms- rats a little further on
7 Jenuing ............ 15 G-V . .... , .
UibOn...-: Haj o reiorm measures. v ny noiask
J-nninga - 1W u those fellows h..w ther stand on
Olhlw luo on. ., . ... . i , " i I
Mat and Hetty , j the initiative and referendum, ala-
Jsnuintrs and M ' t lition of nati banks and banks
Whits 4 00 . . . . ...
Jeniiiiitr Vm c; , oi issur income tax, p-stai
J W I ----- - I . . v i.ifiii.i. ............ 1 ' f i fi a- ' I
oflifsyrs einlild haye h''r" their OWl : .. . (tititaa.,, i JoUa vine Uettk s, gi ivertltt'tttlt TwnrTJ
, , (March 6 Gibbs In" no . . . ,
lh yof rememler- the sprei lies
and promises of J. II. Mct'lmig in
the campaign of 1VM? Ibiw he
talked " tariff," ' cotidence," M ad
justment of conditions," and prom
ised retrenchmcn't and reform? And
do you remember that iils.ut his
last move in the senate at its la.-t
session was that the pay of the
clerks should ! I7..V) j sr day, and
that MeCIung had two daughters
as clerks iii-tliat lunlv-at444c tin,
...ii . i
or you win ne:ii aiowii upon as a
"Nalicy Nobody" nobody will'
notice, even though you forsake. the ;
early le-son of your father audi
fetch up a f'.tll-rlcdged republican.;
iTSlk aUiiit. political f ii rni'oat, eh!
(What's a coat of tint kind cost?
! And talk alxuit llamiltoii -atch
'not (wing able to read or write, and
; put . Vour chief to" the trouble to
;deny U-ing th atithorof such eluff, j
and yet yoVljIive . not giiiuplinn j
enough to s(t. tin: rebuke Mr. Kin
caid admiiiistert t v.'ii. .
f youths on
Spencer ami
help, paying their deputies reason
able wages and still cleared a rea
sonable salary for themselves. But
as the following figures will show,
taken from the records, Mr. Jen
nings and Mr. Johnson have been
allowed more money each for dep
uty hire than the lawallows those
officers lor their own salaries, thus
making those offices cost the pco-j
pie. considerably more than 14,000)
each, whereas the law prescribe
that the sheriff and clerk of Lanej
county " shall have 12,000 each and ;
no more. this is absolutely as
tonishing, taking into considera
Total .
ltiil e5 rttlV ,fi transportation ana tcie-
itJeuniriF 13. no graph, and recovery of the public
Allontl 24 On f , . . . - . i y
t'Je!iDhiK...... SI i lands for .mines for the. -ople.'
ShiHit this at them a little this
, Mat Jennings
. K A
A t'Je!lDlllR
Mat Jemilug
Mat Jennings '
(JiIiIm, witness
Jeiniiiiita. jtnesa
' Oiits
ic . MH,t this at
Jim mi .,, , , ,
160 &i w,' try how far they represent the
'"4 no caUl l1!''6- 1'rivethetn to
49 o) i the wall on those points. 'Theyi
JJ have not . had their instructions '
I Ml from their old-party losse.4 on ,
luo no those isunts, and vou w ill put thetu-
lmi no '
100 70 j a" adrift, if you fire these "funda- I
mental principles ot the iimaliai
TllKHK are a coiipli
the dctiiiKTatic ticket
I hdl and -- w ho have no other idea
in the world than tin v will Ik-
Tbev ! i in.'i t their staiiTbT
iug U fore the from the '
standard of their own vanity and!
egoti-ttt They cannot wee how it
more ib-erving than '. can lw po-.-ibJe that people cannot
ratterson. candidate see that lh"y are tlie ino-j coiope-
Put-1 tent fellows in the world for the
Cloth., Coats, Capes
And "Jackets
Our Slocks are Complete, and nil
Fresh New Stuff ami We Offer
Them at Trices lo Suit any
Man's Pocket -hook.-.
re lb
a ji.i ea
w I , . ,, ..... ri . ii. .: '
. jnuiioriii ineiii. llieoiu parlies :
What the cost-will-be for the j bH;e ,i,e Omaha platform like thei
b ..W.i. i . a uickcns hates holy water,
Butlf they are elected for a second I 3
term, and they succeed in securing .-
tion the pretensions of those gen-; a court that they can bull-doze Prok. II-kxand, democratic can-J
tlemen when soliciting the people' I into allowing their illegal demands i(jjjate or 1,,1 Kinasriritenderit
votes and the platform of their t as in the past, why we had just as, , , , '
. . ... ; n ... . i, ...does not deserve . the sui.i,ort of
ynsij mu jmo ajr iiuiicing. ivit uu o m vaxmjirr rani ine.i ,
the dates and items of the several jot her day we would do if the,tl,l'er a l-.fulii-t or democrat, f-r
allowances it will he seen that! republicans succeeded' in June:
Johnson's deputies drew pay for
- the time they were out at the sea-
44e and in the mountains rustica
ting, during the heated season of
I8J5. Eakin.'we' think.' was gone
cast of the Cascades over a month
in July, while Scott was at the
seaside nearly so long. Johnson
and his dog kept the office during
tiw while. Notice also that Jen
nings' deputies got a long ways
better than "kitchen girl wages,"
and that Jennings let no oppor
tunity escape to gouge the tax
payers, lie even charged the
county witness fees and mileage for
testifying in his own case where he
had only to go Irom his office in
. the court-house bp stairs in the
same building, a distance of some
fifty steps, and which occupied!
. atHiut nltven minutes' time; yet be
charges and is allowed f 1.50 as for
a day's attendance, and 20 cents
( mileage, as if he had traveled two
. miles to apjear before court.
Hut we slate that this HjO-R.V)
d i not show by several hundred
dollars what Jennings received
daring the. ieriod covered by
the following table of allow
ances. There are emoluments
lie gets mat there is no
"I'ick up what we can carry in -our
nanus. and leave the state."
l'reciuf t Office.
.. ... ... .
tne position, liecause he is simply
bidding onto the position to defeat
Koss Matthews. This is kitowni
from statements made to us by ,
the gentlemen himself. He said
he knew there was no hope for hisj
or Mr. Ross' election if Isith re-
brought before Wheeler without
reference to distance or what ex
pense theproceedingsincurrcd. And
aivount kept of, such as copying "7 i stances parties have been
and certifying to papers of record M,und over to t,,e court for frivi
for privat parties taking proof of lu offenses, and in default of bail
fin.l settlement of land ehuius and j have gone to jail to be fed by John-
marriage cereiiiuiiies,
The same may be said of John
son. The' table here published
dea not show how much he re
ceived of the people's money for
conveying prisoners and insane
rirsons toHalemButhere iol.
v iws tables showing the amount of
luoueya actually drawn out of the
rfwtry. treasury by Johnson awd
The nomination by the populists
of the Eugene precinct of J. 1 Gill j mained oh the ticket, and professed j
for justice of the peare, and L. B. great willingness to bave one or!
Roseman for constable, have been ! the olhe withdraw; but when put!
filed with the clerk. These are . to the test he would not withdraw.
important offices. There is no j And when i told that populists'
other" office in Eugene which re-'iild not be exj-jcted to su.pnrt'
quires reforms more than that of him, since the populists had
justice of the peace. Had a more 'already adopted the county judge'
careful man been in Mr. Wheeler's ! nd the candidate for sheriff. But J
place we do not hesitate to say that! while he acknowledged the truth;
a saving of probably thousands to and reasonableness of this, he .ah-!
to the county would have been the! rtdutely refused to entertain any!
result. 1 It is a well-known fact j pr-msition to withdraw. Another
that through the manipulation of forcible illustration of the fact that
Wheeler and Deputy Prosecuting !"U democratic professions of a dc-
Altorney Williams, , most of the "ire to Uni,e forces, are not sincere
criminal proceedings which have i rc hollow-hearted. This Prof.!
occurred in the county were! Holland, four years ago, posed as a
Kpulist, and was pbicttl on the!
P. P. ticket for a position, we nn-
, dcrstand, and then went back on
the party and denied that he gave
any one any authority to use his
name. No; Holland should be
snowed under for keeps.
TitKUF. is no one U-fore
pie for their suffrages in I
next June
Hon A.
for count v treasuier. . Mr.
terson has leen a resident- ofoJliies to which they aspire. They
Lane county sine S."2. Crown ure eeMain everybody wall vote for
incajiacitated for lals.r by age anil them, w hen, alas', and alatk! the
the- iosa of one nrin,ote for Al Jeopie, on the fir-t Monday in
Patterson. jJune . will lell " tho-e yutiiig
i ; friemls that they have simplysiic-
Hon. J. II. So'. KHI I'iM Spoke at i-ceded. ill elei lil.If JeliniliL's und
the court-hoi:e Saturday to a largei Hunt, the republican, camliilates, j
audience. A svimp-is of his stx-cch ' ti.-u.nn
ii . . . . two years.
would not give any adiiate idea I , . ana ..nil s!....A...t .... 1 .. ...1 :
, , i ,.i i i V. r . ,! .vs the Huard: "Vote for Skip- ' .
Justly at the head of list 'f ; wort h, a man who will work f.-r r-1 H rv TI hi iW WllH toil
public speakers in America. Al- ! form measures, ami will protect the ait3 " UUllU'
ways eloquent, bgiea and foreible, interests of the l:. of O. j " "
intcre.-t never Iag. It is seldom '-'If Mr. Skipworth has no other
that any speaker has filled the quality to recommend him for .
plare whore owe stool IlelazeYi scat in the legislature than to pro-1 . . -
Smith, Col. Kd baker, (Jen. Lane tcct the interests of the l'niver-ity.
and.llave .Logaur so- well -lil tJreg.m Jie-trtipht wclrlie 1cfT
Soveivign on las Saturday. at home. We think the legislature
. j should cciiscto iinH(s. a (ax (,f :(,
It is conceded on all sides that COO annually upon the wople. in
our candidates, Charley Baker for j order that a lot of teachers, jani
the slate senate, and John Smther- j tors and unnecessary attaches shall
land for representative, ably do-i be paid exh irbitant salaries. We
fend our cause at every oint where favor rejiealing all laws whereby
they speak, ami make an aggres-people are taxed for sjKi'ial and
sive warfare on the old parties j K' '"'ritl IT.W-s.
wherever any opponent dares their! .
i .
... 9mSt
Take Your Produce to . . . . - -
Chas. C. Goldsmith & Co.-
tan ..'.
These gentlemen are sure
O.NK ieeuliar charaeteristfcof the
average candidate is that it is al-
of their fleeliim All our en rid i
a f ...,. . I i i . ' ways imiMissiblc for him tosee him
dates, from top t'lbittom, arc lalior- 1 , , .. .
ing men whose intercbnd sympa
thies are with the -eople.
sen ns otiiers se him. 1 for in
stance, there is l)r. I river, who cer
tainly looks upon himself as a pea
cock regards himself, With spreading
tail and wings, when if he could
only see himself as others see him
jJcnL,.-. as th cost of running the peaoe.
son at the exense of hundreds of
dollars to tlie county, in some in
only to be released by the grand
jury or by the trial jury at court.
Now this is a crying shame that
il should be so, and we think the
people ought to correct this matter
by voting for Dr. Gill for justice of
It sounds like echoes from the
for months at a stretch,' regions of despair to hear oor Ira
Camplav-11 trying to encourage the
candidates on the democratic ticket
with hope of suecess. Ira djes very
well to lead a forlorn hope. It is
said it requires greater skill in a
general to conduct a retreat than to
I lead on a charge.
his feet. Would it not bcln Dr.
Dtiver a little bit If he would lower
the range of his vision and look
at, his feet?
Taluklr, tulnki. lr. ! ,
lluw we wonar who )riiu Im.
l alaiv fnnt Irllnwa an lilth,
l.lka prank In llij!
Ik we are to make the fight in
Oregon this year on the qncsjion of
finance alone wbut tuallern it wlmt
has Wen the former politics of a , f't rs would wilt like the jsra.
man if be stands with the free sil-lcork'H "M'-i'lf" l"-n he sees
verites and for the initiative ami
referendum? l-Vt he just the man
we want? Isn'i he the man we
must deeiid upon f()r success in
this battle? Thru why kick and
talk alsiut your reform record? We
boj to keep jiir reform, principles
intact without abating one jot or
tittle. But for the present we are
fighting for one plank of the plat
form, that of free ilrer and the
referendum. This was the test of
loeinU rsdip in the county conven
tion, and any one who will act with
us on that test is h much entitled
to recognition in the "party as any
The 9th Street Grocer!
I.M addition lo win. Johnson cost
the county lo Hln the sheriffs ofliee
the first year of his term the sum
of ( 1st). "1 should Iss counted, which
tlm county paid Dsn Linton, con
stable, le $100, what Witter got as
constable for the year previous;
while Mr. Nolaud was sheriff, his
deputies doini( the work, Mr. No
land paying tlioui for it out of his
own isjckcl. i
Ve are prepared to take them in any kind of weather. A
cordial invitation extended ( all to visit the Studio whclh
er in quest of pictures or not. Respectfully,
STUDIO Cor. Seventh & Willamette Streets.