Broad-axe. (Eugene, Lane County, Or.) 189?-19??, May 21, 1896, Image 1

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    J 17
v V .
2 .J- - H.-.. Id Ll Krf TIm,
VOL. .1. ;
NO. 10.
- -
)l. I:. I). Mi KINNLY
I'liyskijn an J Surnim
lll (l.a.parl.l .lla-iitt.intn all rhTiilr 411
""li'l mu. r .lly lo hi. P-ull.l Mrnil.
oitli uv.f Clljf lmittt a -
KUVRtNOAl I.. M.' I.
I'hyski.m anJ Suron
Nir.l.l .tfllltaHl IS Ulgytf U1 lirllsl 41.
KUH Ol ntl.U.
oai In l.hrl.m.u hWk.
I. lmar
J t Vim i
, . nt flfrf Halluaal Bank
will 4a a natal law wrartiaw la
of Ik .law.
W. Kiaaar
M. It. I1HUI
Attorneys at Law
law w.i.UI a4 kfnaala al a venial l.
OAIm U t'ktlaaa Mora.
knam. I si4 J oTc rirl National it
Attorney at l-aw... Notary
l'i la Mm lung bul dmt. ap.taln.
K (. .
rii irn r vra
i. I' , aw
Your Attention is Called to
OK -
We are 1 pmpared to 'take ronr meaaure for a (nit maita to onlrr.
tit guarantretl. HKE OI K l.AKOE LINK OK 8AMTI.K8.
Special Call for a Farmers Meeii
There liava hern minora recently ert afloat that certain tranaac
tlona hare taken place, which reiy inach eflecta the whole farming
conimonlty of lna co intv. ami aa a re nit a haaly Inveatigation of
thaaama wa ma a by a Committee nf One llnndrexl Farmera on laat
ralo dr, and aoatar ling wan the effect of their work, that they deem
it but proiwr that a public meeting ol all the Karmera of lne county
ehould ha called to aeaemhle at W. 8AMK.KS' (Store la Knrene at
tilt aliratpaaalUe4eMLtmfnn the tart, that ha tl Mttlnf h!l
entire atm k of Clothing, Boot, Hhoea and Dry Ooode cheaper than
any merchant In Kuiiene, and the Karmera of Ine coonty ahoulil
Uka advantage of the aame while the opportunity ia offered. 11 114.
"The Committe
Tefii Door. Hort. of' Bolaiu Homo, ff lllnitti Strut .
mu .
WllUmitto St., fel. Hi ni Ilk. Iu,ti, Or.
All Kindt of Bread. Csks.
Always on Hand.
Piaa. Etc..
Meal from 1ft Ui iti rent a. 6 oent
lumli mtmtar in runiMM'tion.
Orders rn-eivs prompt attention.
Tlia alronage u( Hi public rapwl
lull sol Id lad.
lliette Mel.
tail aawwlr a wvarylkln. last l k4 la
anM i.bli.h nl krpt k.r., u
Mwtioa. faca s4 Wal, wale a will asii aa
tew M tea h sJurae la th rail.! .
Matins lal Cecil.. In, aa baw lat aal will
do wall ammMmi m iIuw aMltwg.
Mfcow m WliiaaMita HU.a', TwaBat Block,
r. nrt. i Moa.
Xw- Maata 4allrard la aaf wait a! taa
nil lta
: ...EUGENE. ...
Loan and Savings Bank
V Ira rrvitaul.. ......
r on
l rl
w.. r. W. OMHLKN
A. I'alnr.
K. Ifevla,
. K. Ilrown.
K. W
J. B. llama.'
B. I). I'ain.
J. K. Kobinaoa,
, Oabnrn.
CAPITAL, t,000.00.?"T,"h-,tr
. helped tbe nation throagh ita eriaia,
and yet the Kepablican party ia now
A fienrral Hanking Huiint-aa Trana
artl. InU'rwwt alkel on time ile
ijla. Iliglirat Caali RaU-a I'aiJ for
V'ity and loonlr arrania.
Chairs and Rugs
Undertakers and
Upholstery Goods..
Oar Large and Complete Line
A perfect
of One Hundred"
Eajt.o, Ort.oi
Proapwritj wua't tttorD aotlt It't
ltualneaa knnpa rlgbt oa lmpTOTlog
fur lb kbariffi aod auorUblML
Tb kllrar man who vutaa althwr of
tba old part tlckaU li Dt I ailrar
lluwr inauy mora tin ara yoa guion
to rota tba old ticket " juat ouoa mora"?
Tbli eoantry woald ba La bet tar
ahapa tuday bait tbera not beao a law
paaaod In tba laat thirty yaara.
Tbla ta'a rlob mia'i gorarDmant
Tba pour can pay tba taaaa. look aa
ploaaaot aa tbey oaa, aod b d d !
Mutiatloa abow that tba araraiw
daily product of aaob worker 1 worth
$11. But tba workaia don't (at It
Unota Ham la a mighty tick man, aod
tba prvaaut dootora It la plain to ba
afwn. ara la leagoa with tba fcu'jr
aakwr. Pupoliata do not baltava In "prl
mary" monny, or that ona kind of
moowy aboold ba radeomad in any kind
uf monay.
If yoo don't Ilka tbla piper don't do
a thing for it If yoa Ilka U, do aoma
thing. Hobacriba youraelf, and nrga
othera to do Ukawlae. Haa?
Labor haa 80 par east of tba .votea
and ooald aleot men to offioa wbo
woald ba aarranta of tba people. In
ataad of loo la for tba eorporationa.
- Tba guTernineul mot iwaoe all the
monay. If aurputatioaa or iadiTidoala
want to do a banking boaineaa let tbam
do It on their own legitimate capital.
Don't forget that tba beat timer thit
eonntry erer aaw waa daring a time
wbaa there waa na gold, or ailrer, bat
plenty of greenbacka la otrenlation.
Stattatioe prora thai laaa than half
tba people own Be par oent of the
wealth of tba ooonkry. la high time
that more than half the people got
their ayea open.
We had a "dirtl of fight" t4 tree
4.000,000 blaok alarea. Bat it eeera
'thai not many ara troubling themaalTaa
Rabont tba 4, 000,000 tram pa la tbla
6uan try today.
The Tiiggeet of all trnata ta tba money
tmat and it la not only robbing the
people bet plundering Caele Bam aa
wall. Jaor the . fool people do not
''There'a plenty, of - monay la the
country, it yon have anything to aell
nnlaaa there'! aa overproduction, and
then 'nobody wanta ke bay. The
' farmer eatcbea it, both going and
Tbe Kepablioan party waa the "dad-
the frlrnd of gold, which skulked awi y
and hid.
The aoundeat money tbia eonntry
oan have ia a paper money eicln lively
by tbe government, and "bottomed
upon taiea" a fall legal tender In
payment of all debt, poblio and pri
vate. t
We are a Thomaa Jefferaon, Andrew
Jackaun Democrat and an Abe Linooln
RepDbltoan, all In one. What tbe dace
are yoo? A John 8herman Democrat,
or a H rover Cleveland Republican
It ia aafe to ray that at leaat two
tbirda of tba people of tbia country
believe in the free soinage pf ailver In
the ratio of 16 to 1. Bat tbey will
never aerate free coinage of ailver by
voting tbe old party ticketa.
Tbe gold-baga prate a boot gold being
tbe money of the world, when it ia not
money of tbe world, but merely a com
modity the world over ao ia wheat
and ao are diamond. There 1 no aoch
tiling aa money of the world.
If we bad tbe iniative and referen
dum Inbnyiita about oar legislative
hall woald be
laws woald be
and -toglalatora
known no more. All
referred to the people,
ooald not aell out their
Proeperity will not return till tbe
people learn to vote right Hence thoee
I wno nave even uie ugni ougn ao are
I tbe neoeaaity of vowing the eaed and
preading the light. 'to the end that
otbera may aee tbe light, too.
Both old partiea have had their
obauoe to do aometbing for tba people
bat neither would renounce their al
leglanoe to the troata and corporation
ong enough to fulfill any of their
I pledgee to the people.
If tba rich man'a money waa "dratt
ed" tbe aame a a poor man'a life there
would be fewer war and leaa talk of
war. Tbe money (hark thrive and
fatten on debt growing oat of ware.
In moat caana it 1 a rich man'a war
bat a poor man'a fight
Btatiatioa go to ahow that eaoh work
er adda eleven dollar day to the
wealth of tbe eonntry. And yet tbe
worker get ao httla of that wealth 1
Ian't it about time the worker Instated
upon having what tbey produoed and
let tbe drone get to work or atarreT
Yon will aea IS oent wheat in this
eonntry If yon don't look oat Better
"eow the weed and spread tba light'
Work tor the paper that ara fighting
your battlee and quitaupportlng thoee
paper whioh are In the employ of the
gold bag, and advocating a policy
whioh, It (uooeaafal, willbe aare to ran
wheat down to It oenta.
There la only one plaoe f Tom Jeffer
aon Democrats and Aba Linooln Repob-
lioana, and that la la tba Populist
party. Bat tbey will never learn Pao
pla'a party prlnclplea by reeding old
party paper. The Pope of every Iowa
in tbe land ahonld aend in I0 and the
name of on baadred "target" and
wa will fill 'em fall of hot ehot once a
week for three months.
Retire tbe greeabaok aad bank
note, and gold and ailver eerMSoataa.
and let th govern man I la a kv paper
eorrier. "redeemable" only in Uina,
and fall legal tenanr in the payment
of all debt, peblie (nd private. Abol
ish the gold reeerva and b ire no b"uds
nor bank note fonmr: That woald
reetor ouaOdenoa aad g.jod tirnne would
oome again.
The peoplt do not want tbe green
back redeemed In any other kind uf
money. Tbey pieftir greenabek to
either gold or ailver. No one bat Hhy
look want them redmmed, and be
only for gambling parp'iar. And it ia
a pity that tbia goveurnient trim iu
financial policy to suit hbylock a
again tbe interesta of all tbe reat uf
tba people.
Tbe Popaliata will gladly weloome
ailver men to their ranks bat Popul
ism ia not for a day, and it mean
more than aimply the free coinage of
ailver. Tbe aware reooKnUion of ailver
ga ona of tba mosey met l dues not
eettle the money question. Banka of
issue most be aappii3, and tbe right
to iaeue money restored to tbe govern
ment . It ia Interesting to note that accord
ing to eenao reports, oorporate invest
ment per mile ia railroad outside of
New England are three time what
they ara In the New Kngland state.
It ia not ben owe tbe railroad oral lea
ia New Eogland, but becaqae tbey
were bnilt before the corporation
caught onto tbe trick of watering their
atoek. Tbat'a tba little joker in the
Mr. Republloao; Yoa blame Dem
ocracy for tbe hard time we are hav
ing near aa If we didn't have bard
timea when the Republican party waa
in fall awing. Qmver has simply fol
lowed oot tbe financial policy of Ben
Harrieoa. Harriaoa, Keed, McKinley,
John (Sherman, aad all tbe reat of your
big leader endorse O rover financial
policy. Tbeea ara facta beyond dis
Bnppoaa a aaaa bad a safe fall of
money green becks, bank notes, ailver
and ailver ear till wta. but .only a little
gold. Aad eappoee a creditor should
noma la with a thouand dollar claim
aad reqoeet gold. Wouldn't tbe man
be a obnmp to beetle around town and
borrow tbe gold oa, say, twenty year'
time, at 4. or any other per oent of in
ert? Caol 8am. 1 doing thi kind
of bealaeae, J
Thoee wbo ara now in the gold bog
crowd are tba aame fellow wbo doriDg
tbe war denoaaced the greenbacka a
Lincoln' rage," "flat truth," etc
aad yet these aame "rags" saved the
nation while cowardly gold and ailver
alonk away oat of light And we never
had raor prosperous time In this ooun
try than wbea there waa not a gold
dollar nor a ailver dollar la cireula-
i.' Tkaa aare facta known 16 every
middle-aged man in thi ooantry.
Old Shylock thinks by having bonds
saoed he I paving tbe way for a bank
currency, and eipeot to use tne Donna
aa a basis for bia nosea That i. be
eipecta to have tbe greenback retired,
ailver knocked in tbe bead; and then
he expect to depoait the bond with
'nele Bam. draw interest on them.
and alao endorse bia noteato at least 60
per cent of the faoe value of tbe bonds,
and these note loan oet to tbe people
a money.
On every band there are people who
are pretty thoroughly disgusted with
tbe old partiea. Tbey realize that
aometbing or tbe other ia out of joint
with tbe governmental machine.
Tbey I
have read in their old party paper
that the Popaliata ara eraay fool and
narvhiata and they let it go at that
Now, we hold that every Populist
ought to make these fellow to sub
scribe for tbia paper, and then tbey
ill find out what alia the old ma
W are In favor of the free ootnage
of ailver, aa of gold. In the ration of
10 to I, ao long aa we have gold but
we hold that law makea money (not tbe
material of which th money is com
posed) and the cheapest and moat oon
veninet material ia the eheapeat and
beat That material ia paper; tbe
money bolng laaned axolaaively by the
government; a full leeral tender In pay
ment of all de'bts, pnblio and private!
From time to time w run a crow
people wbo aay: "Oh, politic don't
bovber n.e, I don't trouble myeelf
about them." It I too bad that thi
class of people art allowed to vol at
all for when they do vova it 1 a Tote
against some man who doe think, and
trie to tote for th benefit of all the
people Tbia ba been tba trouble with
tbia eonntry and tba result la that
thoee wbo prod oca th wealth of tbe
ooantry don't have it, while those who
produce nothing ara getting inordi
nately rich. The maa who aay he
takes no interest ta politioa confeaeee
himself an as.
If, aa aome people argue, we meat
have gold (and diver) to ase In nettling
balance with foreign eonntriea, we
ean atill abip them tbeea metala. For
oonvenleno aske tha government
might ran them into bar, stamping
eaoh with it weight and flnaneae and
the loaa through abrasion and "coin
age" would be far lea than now. Pot
eigner do not tak oar gold or silver
coin a money but by weight, aa they
do our wheat, pork, or any other oom-
modit.r. . t
England ia on a gold baala. Sh ta
the creditor nation of th world. Sh
hold from, twenty, to-twenty a ve tril
lion dollar of forelga bond, mort
gage and the like. It 1 to her inter
est to inorease the vain and power of
her inveetnieute in every way poselble.
Henoa it 1 that she wans) tbla eonntry
on a gold basis. W have mora Toriea
la this eonntry today than la th day
of Benedict Arnold aad aha pay
them for their dirty work. too. Th
ana divided np aometbing like five
hundred thousand dollar for knocking
oat ailver in '73 and they haven't
been forgotten line than, either.
In Ronmania woman both itody
aad practio medioine.
" '
Epitome or the
New ol the World.
ta latareatlaa Celleetlaa wf llaaas fraai
lb. Tws HaaaleplMree PmnUS
la a Cwudaasa4 Vortm.
lit. Balmoo, tbe oldest Krnemaaun !
in the world, died in London. He waa
104 year old.
Tbe laat clean-up of tbe Apollo mine ,
at Unga, Alaska, waa 17.600, the
product of a three months' ran.
A coord in g to the monthly crop report
just issued, tbe average condition of ;
winter wheat i M il in May,. 13. -'
Anti-miasinnary riot ' have broken
oat in Kiang Yin. Tbe Birtish mission
wa looted and burned. Tbe mission
ary escaped.
The dockers' strike in Rotterdam
baf aaaomed an ugly aspect Tbe civic
guard, polioe and marines have been
called out to protect tba workers.
William Deering, tbe reaper manu-,
facturer, ba made a donation to tbe
Northwestern university amounting to
til 5,000. Tbe gift 1 in real ettate
and bond.
Miaa Mane Todd, aged so, daughter -of
Dr. Lyman P. Todd, was killed in
Lexington, Ky. , by a trolley car wbile
she wsa bicycling. Bee wa a cousin
of Hubert Lincoln.
Tbe preaident baa approved tbe act '
making provisions fur the deportation
to Canada of tbe Crte Indiana fiom .
Montana, and their delivery to the
Canadian authorities.
The Abysainians in Maaeowab have
liberated the Italian wbo were made
prisoner at Agama, and it ia aaid that
Kaa Mangascia will liberate tbe re
mainder within a week. " j
. Ma thus Jensen, of Astoria, baa in-,
veated a machine for tbe manufacture
of gillneta which, be claims, will knit .
600 fathoms of net In ten hour. He
intend to apply for a patent
JaCk B. Alexander, a great nephew
of Jeff Davis, waa abot and mortally
wounded at bia saloon in Paris, Ky.,
by John Steers, taakeman. He had re
fused to trust Steer for a drink.
Henry Curler Banner, editor of Puck,
died at his residence in Nntley, N. J.,
from tubercular consumption. Mrs.
Banner and three children were t hi
bedside when death came.
Carl Albrechi, The man wbo brutally
murdered bia wife upon tbe struct of
Marabfleld. Or.. February 18, ba been
sentenced by Judge Fullerton to be
hanged June SA, at Empire City.
Tbe Spanish caravel which came
over daring the world 'a fair have been
given to the Field museum, in Chicago,
and hereafter float In the lagoon
directly in front of the museum build
ing. A cave-in of the Standard mine at
Burke, Idaho, Instantly killed a miner
named Schofield AxteL Tbe deceased
waa about 30, and (ingle. He bad
been in the Coear d'Alene aeveral
' The senate paased Mitchell' bill
pensioning the veterans of Indian war.
Thi bill will pension all who served
in the early Indian wars in Washington
and Oregon, their widow and depend
ent aurvivore.
Tbe supreme court at Pendleton ha
decided that women are not eligible a
candidate for the office of county
achool aaperintendent Tbere are at
present fifteen women candidate tor
thi office in the atate.
In Van Boren, Ark., Jailer Stamp
waa assaulted by two prisoner, wbo.
after beating him insensible, took hi
keyi and liberated five othera. Sump
ia probably fatally injured. Tbe pri
soner were nut captured.
D. W. Watson, a wood-dealer, wa
instantly killed in Seatlte in a runa
way. In falling vff his leg was caught
and torn off. Uia body wa dragged
about 100 feo, bia leg being left be- j
hind. He died inaUntly. j
Tbe increase In the prioe of bolts
and nota in tbe iron trade the past
three week i the evidence of a report-1
ed gigaotio pool of manufacturer in .
these goods, the organisation of which
ia now in progress in Boston. j
- While the 9-year-old daughter of i
William Aahby, of Pine valley, was
crossing Pioneer creek on a footbridge
ia company with another child, both
were precipitated into the water and
th Aahby obild waa drowned.
At Ean de Vie, Ma, while sitting
op with ber ick child near the open
fireplace, Mra John Edward' clothe
caught fire, and the flame communi
cated to tbe cradle. Tbe baby waa ore
mated and the woman aerlooaly burned.
A convention of the Western Federa
tion of Miner met in Denver, Colo.
Colorado. Idaho and Montana were
largely represented, and delegate were
present from most of tbe Western
atate and from British Columbia.
Over 600 anion carpenters in De
troit, Mioh., struck for eight hoar a
day at SS cent per. hoax The bosses
are' willing to make the minimum
wage 30 oenta per hour and promise
to concede the eight boar day on Janu
ary I next
Ex Polioe Captain Edward B. Car
penter, of New i ork haa 'wen sen
tenced to three montna in tne pen i ten
tiarv and to pay a fin of 11.600. Car-
nnter pleaded guilty to having reoeiv
d bribes of l,O00' from th Liquor
Dealer' Association.
Aa effort wa made to barn tha large
Banker Hill concentrator at Wardner,
Idaho. Tha concentrator waa fired and
a portion et tbe flame blowa ap at th
same moment, extinguishing th lights
and stopping all tbe machinery. Tbe
j fire waa promptly extingolabed by one
I of the mill band. No arrests have
been made.
Hank Bonkolkan, while fishing in
the lake at Weal Lake Park, near Los
Angelea, brought to tbe surface the
body of a well dressed young woman,
about 20 yeara of age. Tbe body had
evidently been in the water only a
abort time. Tbe Identity of tbe girl la
not yet diaoovered.
Tbe atrika cf forty-four firemen of
the Armour packing plant. In Kanaaa
City, ba amumed international pro
portions, and there ia no telling where
or bow it will end. Tbe striker have
already petitioned tbe national council
of tbe Federation of Labor to declare
an international boycott againet tbe
Armour products.
All road in tbe Central Passenger
Association will hereafter carry bi
cycle free.
Alfred C Field, a negro, convicteo
of the murder of Mr. Randolph, waa
banged in Chicago.
The schooner Mary Ayer waa sunk
in collision with the steamer Okano,
In Lake Michigan, off Oroaae point,
and five of her crew were drowned,
two being saved. .
An explosion at Bida, in the Nup
country, west coast of Africa, on the
Niger, ba rased to tbe ground tbe
palace of tbe Emir Melekt. and baa
killed 300 people.
The Seattle, Lake Shore Sc. Eastern '
railroad waa aold at auction in Seattle
and waswaschaaed by Judge H. U.
Strove, representing tbe bondholdesr'
committee, fur 91,000,000.
Tie piled on tbe Chicago, Milwau
kee dt Kt Paul railroad al Waldo, a
few mile sooth of Milwaukee, Wia.,
derails I a aouth-bound freight train.
Three men were killed and two Injured.
At the -Eliot Square building In
Buffalo, N. Y.. Thomas Pnrdy and Val
Jenly were working at the bottom of
tbe elevator abaft when workingmen
at tbe top dropped down an iron bolt,
killing both.
In Querela ro, Mexico, a cave-in oc
curred at the opal mine and ten men
were buried with earth and atone.
Word wa brought from tbe scene that
toxif of tbe minora were killed and
aeveral other Injured.
The Uaulois published in Paris, aaya
that Sen or Canovaa del Castillo, tbe
Spanish premier, ia about to aak tbe
intervention of tbe European power
with regard to the interference of tbe
United State in Cuban affair.
At th lEecrrcial Exposition in pro
gress in New York a message waa
Hashed over the wires of tbe Western
Cnion'andPaciflo Postal companies,
covering a distance of 16jOO mi lee,
and a reply received ia four minutes.
Tbe frui'erower of Snake river are
considering tbe formation of a onion,
- au that trail can be bandied at amaller
coat than previously. Tbe plan ia to
nave a Spokane oommiaaion boose
handle tbe fruit direct from tbe river.
Forty men were let out in the Qem
minea, in Wallace, Idaho, and will not
be re-emptdyed until development work 1
is finished. Thi ia aaid by some to be
ignificant on account of the recent ex
plosion at tbe Banker Hill and Sul
livan minea.
Catherine A. Lacy, S3 yeara of age,
of Phoenix, Aria., waa burned to
death. She bad risen at 4 o'clock, and
in lighting a fire ignited tbe curtaine.
From tbia her clothing caught, and
before help arrived ahe' waa fairly
cooked, dying in a few minute."
A dispatch from Vladivoatock aaya:
Uniet ha been restored at Seoul,
Corea, and tbe king will
return to nia
palace from the Russian legation,
where be haa been since th disposi
tion and massacre of the late ministry.
The Russian marine are re torn log to
their vessel.
Tbe steamer - Mexico juat arrived in
the Sjund, bring the following Alaa-
ka news: " The North American Com
mercial Company's schooner Seventy
Six, which left Kodiak December 11
last fur Wood island, ia loat with all
band. A heavy gale sprang up juat
after she left, and ahe haa not been
beard of ainoe. -
Trouble between th Indian on the
1 Tongue river reservation, in Montana,
! and the white settler in the neighbor
hood i probable, and troop have been
. aaked tor to avert a possible outbreak.
Tbia is tbe result of depredations oom-
mitted by tbe Indiana on th cattle
j of tbe white. t
Nearly half tbe business portion of
! the suburban town of Blue Island,
j near Chicago, 111 . waa destroyed by
j fire. Altogether twenty-six buildings
i were consumed, entailing a total loss
jof about 9160.000. A shifting wind
1 waa blowing almoat a hurricane at lb
i time of th lire, and it spread rapidly.
a J. Curite, editor of th Weekly
Herald, of Astoria. Or., and W. H.
Weeks, candidate for recorder on tbe
Populist ticket, engaged in fistic an
I oounter, in which Carti earn onl sec-
ond beat Weeka waa tbe aggressor.
j and tbe provocation waa an article in
tbe Herald in which Week waa tbe
victim of an abusive attaok.
I Secretary of State Price haa juat re-
oeievd In diploma medal awarded the
tat of Washington at the world' fair
for arains and grasses. Tbe medal Is a
brons piece, on th face of Whioh is
the figure of Colombea, inclosed in a
handsome aluminum case. Th diplo
ma i awarded for tbe yield and gene
era 1 excellence of variety of grain and
raaae exhibited
At meeting of th Col sm bis River
Fishermen' Protective Union held in
Astoria, it wa decided ananimonrly to
r loci the proposition of tba Soandina
vian Packing Company to giv 4 V,
cent per pound for salmon. ' Tba sen
timent ot th meeting waa atrongly
against any compromise, th men re
maining just where tbey Mood at th
opening ot th aea son, and war firm la
their demand for 6 oenta par pound.
Sixty Persons Killed in Sher
man, Texas, by a Cyclone.
Xfaataf Thaw Will AUa Dis-Th Tar.
aaa I aaaa Wltheat Warala
. flaws Tarawa th Tswa.
Sherman, Texas, May 1 8. Juat few
minutee before 6 o'clock thie afternoon,
a cyclone, not exceeding two block in
width, bat carrying widespread destruc
tion and death in ita wake, awept
thorugh tbe western half of the city,
traveling almost directly north. Tbe
approach of tbe terrific whirlwind waa
announced by a deep rumbling noiae,
not unlike reverberating thunder. A
fierce and driving rain accompanied it
It ia very conservative to estimate '
that the list of fataliitee will reach 00,
wbile the injured will reach 100. Al
least fifty bouse ara wrecked. Most
of them were small cottage, except In
Fairview and Washington aveaoe,
where the handsome residence of L.
F. Ely, Captain 3. O. Bailer, Mrs. Pal
Mattingly and Jamea Fa 11a alao aoo-
oambed. Tbe loss will reach at leaat
1 160, 000, ' aad bat littl if any of it
waa covered by cyclone Insurance.
About the most graphle . description
given by any of the injured was that
of W. & Boatwick. wbo aaid:
"I was at John Irvine' house when
I beard tba noise of th approaching
storm. Just aa I looked out. I saw
Captain Brge' bones Wawn into tbe
air. and then Mr. 6be2rer' house.
Th air waa filled with great tree and
timber and every conceivable article.
It was a black, eerpentine cloud, twist
ing, writhing in the center, bat at tbe
bottom it seemed to be moving stead
ily. Then came aa awful crash, a
sense of suffocation, and when it wa
over the house waa gone and myaelf
and family were scattered about the
yard and under tbe debris." .
(JBt Louis, May 18. A special to
the Republio f rom Deniaon, Texaa,
says: -Additional particular of tbe
cyclone have been received. . After
passing over Sherman, it went south- .
east At Carpenter bluff, aeven milea
east of here, the dVellng of John De
vant waa blown down and Devant atd
wife, hi hised man, named Armour,
and a little child received iajairen from
whioh they may die. ; "
Howe. Texaa. May. 18. Today' ter-
riDie cycie strucx ini town, leaving
death and rain in ita wake. Tbe path
of tbe cyclone at thi point was a quar
ter of a mile wide. 'Ten farmhouses
and aa many baroa ' were wrecked.
Eight persons were killed outright and
many injured. Bark waa ripped from
trees and much stock wa killed.
Denton, Texas, May 18. A cyclone
truck the town of Uribble Spring,
eighteen milea north of Denton, thi
afternoon. Several person were killed
and many wounded ao badly tbey can
not liye. The property loaa U great.
Bsalwwa Cwatlwawa Dwll aw rawtwrw
laaa la Alt Part, mt th e.atrj.
New York, May 18. Bradatreet'a
weekly review of trade aaya: General
trade throughout tbe ooantry remains
quiet, wholesale merchant continue
conservative and distribution of gen
eral merchandise ia almoat of a band-to-mouth
character. Sooth and South
west both remain dull and tea tor leaa
and uncharged from last week. At
larger Eastern oentere traveler at
preparing to start out, bat unfavorable
feature in recent week with respect
to cotton and woolen and steel and iron
induetriea show no change. Collec
tion in moat direction continue satis
factory. Demand for iron and steel ia
diaappolnting and quotation for Berne
mer pig bav been aaaded.
Export of wheat, flour included aa
wheat, from boA ooasts ot tbe United
States, this week amount to 1,827,000
again! 1,188.000 laat week; .8t)7,O00
in tbe corresponding week one year
ago, 3,430,000 two yeara ago, aod aa
compared ;rith 3 887,000 in tbe like
week in 1893. Tbe recent average
weekly commercial death rate ia con
tinued at a total of 363 boaineaa fail
urea throughout the United State tbla
week, against 366 laal week, 310 ia
tbe week a year ago. 186 in the ourre
aponding week of 1894 and aa compared
with 868 in the like week in May,
1803. ,
There are 34 buainea failure
trougboot Canada thi week,
week the total wa 88.
Csasdlwa atach Shipper.
Toronto, Msy 18. Cattle exporter
her ara making a vigorous fight
gaiart an attempt now being made to
ahlp American eattle to European porta
by way of Montreal. It Sa claimed
thi woald aerioasly Injure 1 th Cana
dian export trad ia Franc, what i
Canadian live oattl are now permitted '
to be landed. Borne Canadian oat la
bav been shut oat of England, and
exporter have built ap a large trad
with Franc. Thiar they aay. will be
entirely rained if American cattle ara
shipped with Canadian stock. Th
Cattle Feeder' Association met la
secret today and decided to aeed a dep. -autioa
to Ottawa to lay before tba
government aa emphatic protest against
the admiaatoa of An.artcan eattl lata
Canadian porta
Cwsgrwaa ml AatUaa a.saaHaa.
London, May 18 Th Time Rt
da Janeiro dispatch aay the' press
dent's mesas g oa tha opening of en
greaa (apport tba Idaa of a eongres o( '
American rapnblloa.