J) BROHD-HXE TMK 1'Kuri.K' t THE bno,AET Haws la iba Mm Sver- Tlas. X MIIIM THE BROAD-AXE, ' " IIKW T TMK LINK LET TMK CHIP Mi l. WIlr.kK THEY MAY." KlHiKNI.. LANK COUNTY. OUKGO.V. THURSDAY, MAY 7, 18. VOL. X NO. 8. flKlH.NSHi.NAI. I 'A KIM. I.. U. Mi KINDLY " . I'hysk'i in .uul Suri'on M III l iihm Ul U IHI..II In all hr la ill. aaaa ant tiiLta i.Milly lo hi. ruiiilll Manila onitT iirr, I'll)- ilriig.ln a Ml.kLNhAI I , M. 1). I'liyK i in aiul Survn .IJ ll.'iillwii iu H,n,rr tail .urfli Hi ilia in women. A l 111 I llllllll.ll I.I'M I. Kline .. . J I V.H no 3 1 1 MM & YUUVi Att'iiu'tt-l.:iv Urn. ui.i fir.t S.IIiii.I hails t aTuaM", It.cgo a AttnriH'V-;il-I.:nv 1 I .' nun! lm if Uf Mi fcl! Ilir rour t f tiim, (rfaarit, t- klhilT S tlif JINnI V & M AI'Kl .1: Yy AttMU'VN .it LlW I tunu-rcM u. .ft.t.tt .ml.in iyi..: ly . , ffijr I i htiini, .,U k I t It.-MHU'OX i yi:i It I 4J.-I ; i.rf .f.t NtltiliI .Ulik I K AMIS Attorney nt Liv...Ni.iry m in Mi itiutf tnitiiiif . n)ttttt MONEY TO LOAN! ON IMPROVED FARMS 'ii x nim r ir iK SHERWOOD BURR. Engine. Or WKTEO AN IDEA 1-a.U-BlT riolw i . iif the fnf tiirfc P-.-.i kitatutH-hnvm ii i , (.'!"'. HifhMt 1Mb Htr I'-ud tor iitir ri imtr , SEE THE NEW STOCK, -OK AT- DAY & HENDERSON'S. Your Attention is Called to -OK- READY MADE Ife are also pronared to )take vour meeaare lor a "nit mada In order. A perfect tit guaranteed. HK'K Ul'R LARGE LINE OK 8AMP1.K.I. HOWE k RICE" Snecial Call for a Farmers There havt been minora reetntly tet afloat that certain traaaar llont have taken pla-e, which vary morh effects the whole farming community o( lna eountv, and aa a re nit a hatty investigation of the aama waa ma la hv a Committee o( One Hundred Farmeri on laat hatniday, and so atariling aa the effect nf their work, that they deem it but proner that a public mewling of all the farmers of ln county should he ralle-l to aaaeruhle at W. BANDERS' More la Eocene at the earliest pnealhle date, to ion firm the fart, that he ia tailing hit entire stork of Clothing, Boot. Shoes and Dry Goodi chtaper than any merchant in Kngena, and the Karmera of I -ana county should lake al van tag of tha aama while the opportunity it oflered. 11 1M. uThc : Committe .'T.ru Doort Hortk Man Bnsi, I lllir CHICAGO BAKERY RESTAURANT WllliDille SI , 7ll tod 8th. Bu(n, Or. All Kindt of Bread. Cakea, Plat. tic. Always on Hand. Meal Iniiii 15 to 26 rente. caul nun Ii riiiin tr la runnm-tion. OnUta rwua pminpt atinlinD. Tlia alroiia of ttia ulltc fanpirl fully a-iln lUid. W. O. ZEIGLER. Willamette Met. C. I. TOURC. PROP. A full ui'fly if rrrtt.ht lht.1 l kvpi In Html MfaUlUhmvul kLl hmr, M Miitfim, fur u4 1. wt.U-ti b will -! FARMERS AND STOCKMEN Mt tur f' rati'. H..f atil Hh p fr wl.l In b roi.tuUlug u tfor Mlilli. Nhnf. tii Wiuti. ttUtM, VvuDg Vloek, f itrrtif, 1 rrtit VJri .Ullvfa1 lo may wrt of lb rllj 7ft V . ...EUGENE. ... Loan and Sayings Bank Hf.l l.til I lc rrr.lijrul l aaal.r . I I. K N K m r inmiK H l PA IN B r w iittriiM lltROUN. UIIICIIIII': l. A. l ain. . J. II Mama. J. K. Iau.y B. I. I'tiw, W. K. Ilrurn J. K. KobiDa. K.W.abarn. ' PAID UP CAPITAL, $40,000.00 A'f.tnrral Hankint Hutinean Trana- arUvl. Inlrml allol on lima da- ujr mmi katouxj rrni. Chairs and Rugs Undertakers and Upholstery Goods.... Oar Large and Complete Line CLOTHING. PROPRIETORS of One Hundred Meeti W. 8ANp-.R0 ,. v Iim, Ortf.i SILVER AND COTTON I Tho ataodarl coin of lu lu In tlio ill I ti r ropoe, ejoialiil. t Die ! k1 ra- Our Cotton Mu.t Compete In t'"v,Ztu ?,,u"Bf jS'TI' ""I" the Liverpool Market. : i his. let ua a mi w;uii bur I throe iioonda uf oottuo Ttm ytu-M I ; uatt it uulj matter of illmiiratiou and AHl.K I'AI'KK II Y 1IKNHY JONtS Aaicrhma C'artWN l'lr4 In f umiimIIIIwm Will, t'olluu Mold at tha l.ulil frlra r ull.ar Mullluu. The diimonctixatioii of ailver baa bud more iuflueuue upon the price of cjttou in reapnit Ut IU (lix:linu aluce than all other cauaxa put t'lgether. Tina ia a fairt rapable of deuionatration. 'ot ton ia univfraallj an article of eipirt from the couutry which prxlaop it. The price of cotton, therefore, muat be Died at eoui veutral .point where all the e i port cotton of Ujat world meta fi Hud a marknt All pnraona in any way (overaant with the eubjnct know that Una oentral market ia the , Li verpoul 'market, and that the priw 'which ob taint for oottou in Liverpool ia the price whi'ih reprewnta all the cottou ralaHd in Ibn world. The price of oot tou, therefore, in tne Hoothxru auut of America it the Liverpool prionala the coat of transportation fnin the plantation to Liverpool. Hinoe we have bad cable communication witb Ureal jlriuiu the cloainar rrioe at Llvrrpool. reoeived here Uiree bourt earlier (ow- lug to difference in timt-i, coutrola hba.1 price of all the oottou that day in tha 1 Uuiled HUlee Supply and demand ! alone flint that price, and if all couou producing oounuiea bad the taint ' atandard of value, the prioe would be eipreaaed lu tbe aame terma It it a fact, however, which ought alwayt to 1 pound in gold, aelllng for 8 oenta a Mr. La bouiaae gave all tbt autistic be kept iu tutud, that vip irturaof ooin-. pound iu g ld, while the Kaat Indian be could gather on tbia point, and tbt muditiee moat be, and always are, paid cotton grower got tbe very imt price figure! of the New Orleans eotton ex in the mouey of their oountry. Tb v silver in IH'Ji that he receixed in change are aa reliable at one can ob. local currency of any country it thtj Leaving every ot ler pertiLent Uiu. Tbey thow that the prioe of onlv kiud of monev which auv man in i fact out of tbe qa-wtion, tht Ameri- : cotton d pends at well noon the auoolv any particular counti'ym:eivra fjr i what be sella, and ia the only ' kind of money which be payt out for what be buys. Tbia fact playt no part, provid. al tha miinn u( linn nionirt ia trana- ; ferable into tbe-money of the other oountry upon terma of exact equality; lu other words, that there ia a par of eichange between the two countrie in lha miliar nl mimar. Thia Bar uf el. Thia par of ex- change existed between gold-ataudaxd -At once the bullion prii of ailver tbe oountrte and silver standard jppntriet ' wt rid over w uld rise to the coining alwaya before and up to l7Sbut was price iu the I'uited r-lat that ia, dlalooMld that year by tbe demonetita : f I an oonoe. No better tviilence tion of silver and ia now more disturb of this certain bappeningcan be offered ed than it aver waa Speaking of this than a reference to the prioe of silver matter In hie aunoal report uf I KM. , juat after the paaaegr of the bullion Hon Dsn lei Manning, secretary of the ; purchaee act of July" 14, 16.0, of tea treasury, taid: nailed the Sherman act Tb director It la a direct ooiieniuenoe of the mou etary dialocatioii that wheat of ludit, which there fetched 8 rupee per quin tal fourteen years ago and there futchet 8 rupee per quintal today, can be told 111 London fur aa little aa the gold price of 8 rupee today a fall of 85 per oriit. Tbia lowered price of wheat in London haa bad to be met by a lower price of tbe American wheat in London. Tbe price of our turplut wheat determine the prioe of the whole wheat crop in tbe United State So that the mouelary dialocatioii hat already coat our farming population of the United State, an almoat inootnpat ible turn a loat of miliont upou mil lions of dollars every year. Secretary Manning tpoke of thit dil turbanoe in exchange in it relation 1 1 wheat, but it appllea tt well to all other article ot export which have to find A market abroad, and to .110 com- modity more thau to oottou. Thia country export more cotton, in proportion to lb quantity it produce. than of any other crop la tbe years 1872 to 18tt4, inclusive, according to the bureau of statistics, the amalleet percentage of export wat 64.68 in 1886 tnd the largeat 71.88 in 1878. In 18. 1 it waa 71.80 per oent, to that more than two-thirds of tht orop it annosllv told abroad tome times nearly three fourth a - In thit latter year wt n-H ported 6,807.609 bale, weighing 8.. 688,888,886 pounds, of which 8,628.. 820.888 want to Europe and 1,485,. 461,486 to Ureal Dritain. In thit great Liverpool market oar cotton earn in direct competition with the oolton of tha world, grown ia Eaat India, Weat India, Egypt, Smyrna, Braxil and elsewhere. When all thit cotton met ia thit open market the lowest prica at whioh any consider ible part of it oould be told, due al lowance being made fa grade and olaaa, fixed the prioe faj the whole. ' Thit prioe wtt paid 16 the bom money of the ahipper ia gold, if be raited hit cotton la a gold tuodird oountry, and ia tilver, If he tent hit ootton from tilver-ttandard oountry. Tha monetary dlaloactioa referred to by Secretary Manning occurred because tha demonetisation of tilver in Europe and Ameri oa bad no influence what ever upon tilver-naing oonntriet of tha East. It wat ex pec tod that tbe effect of demonetisation would be to uni versal that price would adjutt them telvet to the gold itandard all over the world; In "other word a, that price in tllver-nalog oonntriet wonld rite to at to conform themselves to tha gold priot of tilver bullion. Instead ot thit re sult of European and Amerioan leg illa tion, tha demonetisation of tilver had do effect upon prior in tbe tilver-niing conntlret of the East The tilver money of India, China. Japan, aud Tha Strait will buy at much at home now at It did la and before 1871 Consequent?, the oonntriet can afford to tell, and actually do tell, all com moo me lor virtaally the tame price la tilver they got ia and before 1871. Tht Kngliah buyer payt for oot ton ia gold, jutt at ht did before 1878. He used bit gold ia 1871 and 1804 in tha aama way; tbat It, ht purchased txohangt with it ailver asobtng in remitting to tilvar-uslng countries and gold )iuhaDKin remitting u, k'M oiIhk ouootriM. K" a piac- tHl tlloatratlou. MiuarlaiD, and it o-a u't uiatu-r ' wbutuer or nut I am err. t, althnunb J it avj happeoa that tht aHra(K prion of i oU"U in Liverpool In 1 H 7 -i wai orr It t peooe ' pouDd. Tbia cottou mi ajld ! iu Liverpool fur the RoM j rn of the ailvcr rup. HllvrrbeiDK at lht time I a fall mon7 metal, opoo Utuii of p. r ' font njaalHT with goM, thx Kiitflish 1 burir bad to pay iH oeuta iu k,1 for , every rupee be pld to Ioduiu bill of 'eiobMOge. Tb Amrrioau Uuu r a od lug coto.n to Uvefpool foon 1 hiaiatlf iu oomptitlon-witn Eaat luduu cotton atlOotnta a pond in gild. At tbia I oompettng oottou vu of lufarlor grade ' : to hia own, of oourae the prioe wuiub ' be gut eooM not fall below Ui 14 oeuu. i In Ihtfl the Et Indian cotton grow ' er bad the aamtr grade of ootton to k!1 at the very tame print for it uiuit be alwayt burne in mind tint pricea in India bave out changed the amine amount of ailver rope'. lie thippod hla oottiin ti Liverpool, ju.t at be did mort than twenty year before, and tht then, compare tbe two poaiiiont. We Eogliabinan paid for it in gold, juat at find that aa between 1847-48 and 186 be did more than twenty yeart before. 60, a period of twelve ycart, tht tupply but when tha Engliaboian waul to buy increased nearly hi per cent and tht Kaat Indian eiobange, payable at L'al. average price tdvanoed over 60 per cutU in rupeea, be found that be oould ' oeutwwblle between 1859-C0 and 18WS- buy a rupx for the gold price of the ailver bullion in the rupee. which made hia Eaat bidijin exchange owt bim 2 oanU. iuttead of W cut, a rupee, The American ei porter it cottnu then eutered tbe Liverpool market and found the aame grade of Eaat Indian 0'tton, : whlcn told in I818 for. sy. 16 oenta a on planter bad to take one-half for hit collun tolely on eoooant of competition with tilver-naing oounuiea which bave nevtr felt ailver dernnnetixation and maintain me tame surer prioe at they did in and before ISIS. Huppoae we ahoold harg 4he free coinage of ailver upon terms of perfect ' equality witb gold, tt wat the fact be-' fore 17S. What WOUld be the effect? fore.l73, what would be the effect or tb mint tella ut that on July 14 ute London prioe of silver wit4ul. peuoe an ounce (eqaal to f 1. 0726) and the New York price waa 11.08 per fine ounoa. Cm AuguM IV ailver bullion waa worth II 31 per fine ounce in New York, and on September 8 it waa worth 64 5-8 pence per flue ouuoe in London (equivalent to I1.1U75I. At tbe coining ' price of ailver bullion it II. 8924 per ouuoe. it It teen that tht prioe of bullion went up to within 8 centa of coinage price aim ply because it waa supposed that tbe Harrison ad ministration was friendly to ailver an 1 tbat the Sherman act waa to result eventually in freeooinage At toon at it waa learned that the administration wai opposed to ailver coinage, tbe gold .prioe of tilver bullion went down, ai it naturaally would If the bop, and ' perhaps expectation, of independent free coinage by the United State wat sufficient to raiae the prioe of tilver bulliou to f 1.81. is it not an aba Mute certainty that independent frte ooin age of ailver by the United Statea on equal terms with gold would fetch tbe price up to f 1 ay.y an ounce? Now, what would be the effect on ootton? Our East Indian competitor would go into the Liverpool market witb the aauie old grade of ootton at I Ibe tame old prioe indifferent, aa b tore, to tlMH gold prioe of ailver. All he wants it a rupee for three pounds of ootton. He gets it, jutt aa be haa got- ten it since and before 1878. But the Englishman, when ht goet to bit bank to buy hit exchange, flndt that tilver bullion la worth tbe ooinlng prioe and that be hat to pay 48 oenta in gold tor every rupee a worth 01 exchange he sends to India. Right her oomet tbe Amerioan planter be, too, with the J tame old grade of ootton and finds that Eaat Indian cotton ia fetching 10 oent a pound in gold, inrtead of 8 oenta, thai being the lowest prioe against which be hat to ooropeta. At onoe bt it able to obtain abont twioe 1 much ai be otherwise would, and thit independently of all other fao - tort affectiug tb cotton trade, How oan an actual faot ia commerce Be demonstrated any better than 1 have ahown the absolute connection between the prioe of cotton and the bullion prioe of ailver? If the ailver oonntriet of the Orient had felt the demonetisa tion of tilver end responded thereto by a rite in price as eipreaaed la tb til ver money they use, oar planter would not nave bad to meet to long at tilver prior bold in the Eait and there ia no probability of their rising wt have got to sell every pound of Amerioanv cotton in cloae competition with ootton old at the gold prio of bullion tilver. There it no escape from thia ooaolunion. But It ia said that tb low prioe ot ootton it in a large measure dst (to heavy crops, or what it called over production. In looking over a reoord ot more than fifty year I find tha low cat avtragt Liverpool qooUtiona for anyone year to be ia 1847-48, when the prioe ranged from 1.68 to 6.75 pence a pound sn averaga of 4 88 pen oe a pound. This waa just bfeort tha diacoverie of gold ia California and Australia, and may bt aooonnted for by the aoarcity of primary money. Tha itaplt never want to low again until. I'lVa-wi, when tbe price ran from 8. 71 to 4.75 pence a pound in Liver, pool an averaga of 4 35 pence a pound. The crop of 18611 SO, tbe larg eat, by nearly WM,000 balee, fetched on MU average 8.01 peooe in Liverpool Let ua oompare IHiV with IfcoO, and IHM with lHii and aea what conclo ioni are to be forced upon 01 tt to tbt iiiatUT of overproduction. Bo far aa we have any at all reliable autiatict, tbe cotton aopply of tht world waa in 1H47-4H. 8,CU7.000 balee; in HI59-60, S,7l,bJ00 balet; in l8-4, 11,00V,. 000 be lea. , In making tbia compariton I quote from an article wbicb Mr. J W. La bouiaae, lately preaident of tbt New Orleana cotton ezcbanie. waa kind enough to furniah tl the Atlanta Coo ttitution Hayt Mr. La bouiaae: ! "We bave teen that the total tupply 1 it IHff9 60 waa 0,710.000 balea. at againat 8,e'J7,O000 balet In 1647-8, i while the average prioe bad riaen from I 4 S H pence to 0.0 1 pence. In I898-94 I tbe tupply bad riann to 1100W,000 bale, at againat 6,718,000 In 1868 00. I that tbowing an increaeed tupply of ', nearly 73 per cent Meanwhile, hw- j ever, tbe average price bad declined , from 6 01 peooe in.18511-00 to 4 ?6 pence in 18US-B4, wbile at between 1847-48 tnd I85U-00 the prioe bad rites ! from 4.24 penc4to 6 61 pence. Let nt. 14, t period of thirtj.four yean, dor I ing wnicn u world bat prtinmmblj ! been growing aa much aa in tbe former period, the increase in the tupply bat only been about 78 per cent. But tbe prioe instead of advtncing 60 per cent, it it did in tbt earlier period, bat de- clined orer W5 per cent," of mocey at upon tbe tupply of oottou. . Something may happen o raise tern- ! poraiily the price oLoottou. A failure : of the crop else here would most as- Surudlv Work to tha idiiniiM nf tha 'American planter, but, do matter whether the price be high or low 00m parativelv. be will have to eell hianron in tbe Liverpool market for aa little at the irold nrice of the aiWar rmllinn I the gold price of the ailver bullion nee-! easary to pay v.. auuiau WJlrJU at tbe time silver priot it told for more than twenty year ago, when til ver wat recognised at a money metal tbe world over. There can never be any I permanent advance in tha prica of cotton-any la-ting benefit to tbe Amerioan cotton planter nntil silver it fully rettored to itt old position at a money menl of full legal-tender power. Tbia can be done and ought to be doue, by tbe United Statea, . in tbe ex eroiae of tbat to ve reign power granted by the oonttitntion, acting at a free, independent. and telf-reapeoting nation, mindful, abort all other things, of tbe best tnd highest interest of itt own citiiena. . ASTRONOMICAL RESEARCH. Pro'vaaor Lowell aail His Party nil Hrgla Work la Mea'leo la Jalj. Chicago, May 5 Sixty thousand dollar baa beeu expenled in the con struction and equipment ot a great ob- tervttory, tud a number of years of the valuable time of two noted aatron- j omen tnd their astiitauti will be de-1 voted to what it expected to prove t'u ; moat important astronomical expedi-. tii n of the century. Pecival Lowell, 1 of Boatou, bit built tbe observatory ' and great telescope, and will be one of 1 the priucipal scent 1st ou the expedi. ! tion. Dr. T. J. See, of tbe university ; ot Chicago, will be the other. Both are scientist of renown. j Their operations will begin in July , from the movable observatory to be erected on the lofty Mexican plateau near the City of Mexico, and will p rob- 1 ably be continued in 1898, some w here , down in Peru. 1 The object of the expedition are twofold. Mr. Lowell will ttudy tbe ' planet Mart in a ayttematic way, that ' hat seldom been-pursued and Dr. See j will search the southern heavens for double ttart in the hop of doing there wbat Burnhim, of Chicago, haa dont for tht northern akie. Tht observatory will have one of the most powerful telescope in the world, second only to the Lick,' and the yet tnmounted Yerke instrument, the moat powerful in the oounrr . The ' twenty -four inch lent bat jutt been finished by A Win Clarke, the teletoop ; maker of Cambric1 geport. Matt., an ' ia the teat it wat tbown to be tuperior to the twenty-tit inch glial al the na val obtcrvatory in Waabington. j Tlot l at MllwaakM. I Milwaukee, May 6 The ttrikt of i tht 900 employe of tbe Milwtuke j Electrio Railway ft Light Company , waa Inauguarted tonight, and at each I ear wat run into the barn, motormen j and oond uc tors left them, not to return 1 until the demanda of tht onion for in created pay, recognition ot the em ploye' organlaalton, and severs I minor ooaoeaaioca a fa granted. Bill Tavler Maai. Carrollton, May 4. William Taylor who, with hia brother, Ueorge, mur dered the Meeka family, waa hanged a few minute before 1 1 A. M. today. Taylor walked firmly to the scaffold. oarrying orooiflx. H wat ttolid to tha last. At he appeared before 800 spectators admitted to the stockade, an audible expression of gralifloation arose from tht avenged Carrolltonite. Bher Iff Stanley pulled the trap at 10:47, tnd Taylor ahot through to death Not a muscle quivered. la eleven minute he wat pronounced dead. Old Mr. Meekt, who stood near tht teat fold, almost fainted. EVENTS "OF THE DAY: - -4 r . , . i Epitome of the Telegraphic! News ot the World. TKKSK T1CKM fHOM THK WIRES a a Iataraatleg Cellaatloa t Itaaaa Fraaa tha T Hial.pk.na fraaaataal' la a C4..m4 reraa. A caae of leproty bat been diaoover ed in California. Tbe afflicted peraon it a girl of 15. Henry liottbarde von Treitachke, the Herman historian, died lu Berlin. He waa born in 1844. Lord Dunraven deniee tbe report that Mr. H. MoCalmont it nowtheaole owner of Valkyrie III. Rev. C. O. Brown bat given up tbe flgbt and reaigned bit paatoratt of tha Yirat Congregational church of Han rranciaoo. A (Jennan force) defeated a large body of Hottentot re be la in Oamarand. on April 6, killing forty til of them. Tbe Uertnan lott wat small. Daring a fete at tbe town of Let Sanier, France, an anarcbial stab bad tnd killed tbe mayor. Tbe motive for tbe on me wat political hatred. '.A general ttrike on the line of the . , . , 7r w , . John Helneta, " .u. ,3 auu m tmmmM aa knt. a Ofi J Jamea Davit, aged about 71, inuauoil- ora. mimna? near lielta i a I w... riro.n.4 .hi), n.a.i.. .1.- . boat A A i atvwaa lrW wrn A tkaina a. a. ....L.. nnn a in. kaa i i. ,i' u Vasileon district of Crete. It la alleged twenty Turks were killed and thirty wounded. Allot Rieuflt blew out tbe brains of bit wife, Julia, while the slept at hit aide, in their room at the Peaae lodg Ug-bouae, Seattle, and then killed bim telf. Jealousy wtt tbe oauae. ! Sir William Robinton, governor of ! Hong Kong, telegraphs that there bat .. 1 . " "vearr-nvs tew can 01 diimim.io, Wia.. and all the lowlandt u T- veniy-nve aeaut irom " """II tbe d the past week. . r .v T i .a .w- lAiiuuiauucf uwuiaiu(;icr, Ul vne Salvation Army, while out tlumming in ! New York, wat arrested and taken to ' the Elizabeth -street police ttation. Bail wit fixed at $1,000, which wtt . s.. w o ' a ' , ' ' A Pretoria. Sonth Africa, eiapath T,: Tbe Mota of death imposed ' nDon John flr Hammond, the Rnodea, brotner of tbe former premier of Cape Colony; Lionel Philips, presi dent of the chamber of mines, Johan nesburg, and tieorge Farrar, proprietor of Conn try Life, ot Johannesburg, havt been aommnted. Tbe announcement it made that M. Meline bad tuajeeded in forming hit cabinet at follows: M. Meline, pre mier and minister of tgricnlture; M. Barthou, minister ot foreign affairs, M. Cochery, finance; M. Lebon, colo nies; M. Valle, commerce; General Billet, war; M. Darlan, juatioe; Ad miral Bernard, marine; M. Laoombe; public worki; M. Rambau, public in- ttruction The Old Dominion teamen Wyanoke, ' tte disease. Japan 1 taking elaborate when miking for New Port Newt pier P"ntiont to prevent the In trod uo near Norfolk, Va., struck the prow of tioa ot he plague. .L. , - ; J a jvi l : ' A n .ttamiit araa maita .ii Snrn An. lying it anchor, and had a bole cut in the forward part ot the starboard tide. She sank in aixty feet of water. AH the Wyanoke'i passenger and crew were tared, but their baggage, and probably the cargo, wat loat. Two fire men were badly scalded. Cripple Creek, Colo., wat again visited by fire, and now from 8,000 to 4,000 peopla aro bomeleaa in a city of .a,l..i. ..k I. . . j inaviaHvii, " aw auuna a, vun au.ua no food to tupply the daily wants. One life wat loat The bn tinea por tion of the city left standing ia lea than would cover a block. The resi dence section ia confined to what were formerly the tuburba. Relief parties are being organlaed in Denver and Colorado Springs. Tbe battleship Oregon, wbioh waa Maantla Mnii.l.lnil a . Y.a ITaiaa HH wlrkt ia a lncisoo. bat placed in the drydock to be craped, in preparation for tht final teat ot speed required by the navy department. The Oregon will bt the moat formidable battle-ship in tha American navy wood turned over to tha government. A tpeoial to the Denver Time from El Paso, Tex , tayt tha governor of Chihnahua hat tent a regimen of troops to MinaViejo to compel the peoot to open tbe mint and rescue tha min- era. Ht bad the polio gather all tbe anemnloved men ia the citritreet and march them to tha mine to work. Of the sixty -one entombed miners fifty were tsken out dead. Tb disaster wit caused by tht encnaohing for ore on tha pillar tupporting tha roof. Tht Spanish gunboat Menaagerj hat captured and brought into Havana the Amerioan schooner Competitor, of Key Weat, loaded with anna and ammuni tion. In command of her were Alfredo Larode, Dr. Bedia and three newspaper oorretpondente, who era held aa piraon era. Some of tb filibuster are said to havt auooeeded in jumping overboard and awimmtng a ah or. Other who jumped into tha tea were drowned. Tht insurgent general M on son, wat a member of tbt expedition. Inatractiont oame from tha treasury department ordering the commanders of tb revenue cutters of tht Bearing ta patrol fleet, equipping la tha 8oBd not to take any tpirltuoua lln-- -fleet waa ready to aallw,- were leaned and tbt offlosra were eom. pelled to land their prlvaU and meat liquor tupply. Tbt oaptaint them telvet. while ia tbt North, muat livt like probibltioniau. aa thav will an a vM.u...uutM, mm tutj wilt BOl be allowed to barton board tbt mild- eat of tntojlcating beveragea. The following unique challenge baa been aent to Colonel Hubert (J. Inger oil, by Tbomaa Kanyon, reaidanl of frovidenoe, K. L: "I, tbt andertign. ed. challenge Robert M. Ingeraoll to a joint debate .before three judge and two timekeeper!, tan minntea each, for potntaon hit (Ingertoll't) Blblt leo. toree. in any ball in New York or any large city, but New York preferred. The one gaining the moat poinU mnat receive 05 per cent of tbe net reoeipta after paying ezpensea. Thomat Ken. yon." Colonel Ingeraoll will probably ecoept the challenge Hpaniah authoritiet ia New York and Waabington have recently diaoov ered a oonapiracy, which waa formed by Cabana, to blow op a Hpaniah war- 'P a0(1 a ,ba aama tim intercept a P00'00!' mail ateamer and rob her of a large quantity of gold intended for tbe government troops on tbt island. Tht plot further included tha capture of the seaport town of Naovitaa, and contemplated certain demonstrations along tha toast of the eaatern Cuban provinces. n order to precipitate a rnab of troop from tbe weat and effect a weakening of tbt military trocba croaa Pinar del Rio . J. 2- Sommert, a mlllionalrt banker Of Krtrntr la killi I . . 1 - " .inn ut a mm in iLt union depot at Darlington. " The tiz-Btorr baildln of the Junior . . .... u, KtlllaVlelDhia. Waa antiral natroaat DT nra. Iaiaa ahnnt BIIA AAA Columbia university will- tend Columbia band of naturalist to explore tbe Paget bound region.- Tht txpeditioa will ? om hvw York Jane 10. Tht Pari Dewrpanert confirm tha rumor that M. Hebete, French ambas sador to (iermany, will at ono return to Berlin, to preaenl bit lettert of re call. Mary. wife of William Shore, leaped from a bridge into Elkborn river, near Waabington, W. Va.. fifty feet, to ea cape a paaaing engine. She wtt res cued bnt will die. Rain fell for 84 - hour in Ocon- flooded. IThe city it neatly inundated and the river reached the highest mark to 1 it nt lor years. Wtrren Fisher, who cam into ' prominence in 1870 through bit con nection with the investigation of charge directed s gainst Jamea U. Blaine, died at bit home la Roxbory, N. Y. Pnnoeaa Beatrice, tha youngest daughter of (Jueen Victoria, and widow of Prince Henry of Batten burg,-haa been appointed governor of tbe Isle of Wight, the office prerioualy held by her husband. I Word bat been received in Waabing ton by telegraph tbat the Canadian government haa adopted an order in council exempting American veaaela from entry and clearance charge at Canadian porta. A ditpaotb from Madrid aayt: The Spanish government ha declined the pope's mediation in -Cuban affairs, on the ground tbat acceptance would be tantamount to roeogniiing America's right to interfere. The black plague ia still prevalent , at Hong Kong and Canton. Two En j ropean children have been attacked by derson. Cat, by saturating a number of buildings with coal oiL The plot, wat frustrated by the discovery of the fire five minutes after it wat itarted, when it wat toon extinguished. I .An explosion, by which 100 persona are believed to have perished, hat oc curred tt Micklefleld. Yorkshire, Eng land. Tbe exploaioa took plioe in a rvil 1 ir v ant tw.ntv tninrwi raaraona r"i""r::-t.-t:..' ue-jn ui mo auait. An !'X" ray will kill the bacteria ot diphtheria- The electrical department of the university of Missouri, at Co lumbia, announce! thit, after exten sive experiments, diphtheria germt had been killed by the Roentgen light. Seven hundred men were thrown out of work by a ttrikt of tht employe in Sherman A Company't iron mine in Port Henry, N. Y., whose demand for 1 ino" ' f W" m""" wel "ul OOWB- j In WWdltnd. Cal . two armed men atood "P Jailer Labrie in the Jailyard ana ueTea nim 01 ie in oasu ana a i wtch cna- The official had occasion IK Into tht jailyard for a moment, I ana leu u is pissoiana mis in sue omor. ; . . M. Coubertin, preaident 01 to inter- Ba"on- committee 01 tne uiympio ! mes. writes to tht lxmnoa Timet Ku"m 1900 wiU he,d ln 1 "DU l" w" betweea New -ork. Berlin and ! 8lorEnolm The little 8-year-old ton of Mr. Ford, a tralnmtn on th Sampler Valley railroad, Baker City, Or., walked on the track aa the engine and two oar came along. Ht waa unobserved and the trsin passed over him. Hit skull was badly fractured, and the child will die. William A. Holoomb, one of tha beet known boiinett men of tht Paaiflo coast, president of tha Saa Frsocisoo Prodast and Merehantt' Exchange, died at hit residence la Oakland. Mr. Holoomb had been ill for torn til moo tha with aa affection of tha kid neve. - v Jamea Bealt, a ttovt dealer, of I ron ton, u., ahot and fatally woaadod hia wife. Th eowple had been oat walk ing, and i " "oi their retain - 1 w