Broad-axe. (Eugene, Lane County, Or.) 189?-19??, April 30, 1896, Image 4

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State Chemist, California:
The Royal fulfils all the require
ments. Our tests
leavening power
latrrsstla Washing.
An amusing little story i told" in rxn
section with a French Journalist, wbo
In hi early day aa a reporter had a
deeply Rooted aversion to the regulation
notebook of hii order, and hit upon a
method of taking uotea which afforded
him groat satisfaction.
Ha wore large white linen cuff, and
upon them, by the aid of a tiny peucil,
be tor.k dowu bit note and impression
In all sort of place, tiuohsrcd by
those around him.
At first hii laundress waa greatly pui
led by these peculiar ornamentations,
but ai time weut on abe learned to de
cipher many of them, and gathered the
newt of the week from her patron
cuff, much to her delight.
One night, when fhe took home the
washing, the journalist chanced to be
coming out of hia room aa she eutered.
"Ab, monsieur," the (aid, dropping a
courtesy, "your laat washing waa very
Interesting, hut we had less political
newa than the week before. I-, not so?"
Loudon Tit- Bit.
Carlo lawiiWi
A curious form of life insurance it
rpringmg up in French manufacturing
towns nudcr the name of La Fuuraii
(the ant). The peculiarity ia that the
longer a man live the less be become
entitled to. Tbe payment of (1 a month
nature tbe payment of $ 1,000 to tbe
heir of a man dying before the age of
88, the payment diminishing propor
tionately to $310 at 51. Tbe idea seem
to be that if a man die young hia chil
dren araalikley to be in want, but that
when be i SO they will be able to earn
-their liTing. - J
' Young Wife John, mother cay the
want to I cremated.
Young Hoi band Tell ber if she'll get
on her thing I'll take ber there ton
morning. Spare Momenta.
IXitha better understanding of the
V transient nature of the many phys
ical ilia, which vanish before proper ef
fort gentle effort pleaanl e Sorts
rightly directed. There Is comfort in
the knowledge, that ao many forms of
sickness are not due to any actual dit- but simply to a coruipated condi
tion of the system, which the pleasant
family laxative, Bjropoi 1 is. prompt
ly removes. That ia whT it to the only
remedy wiw miuiotisoi iamuies, ana is
everywhere esteemed EO highly bv all
who value good health. Its beneficial
effects are due to the fact, that it is the
one remedy which promotes internal
cleanliness without debilitating the
" nrgans on which it acts. It is therefore
all important, in order to get its bene
ficial effects, to note when yon pur
chase, that you have the genuine arti
cle, which is manufactured by the Cali
fornia Fig- Syrup Co. only and sold by
all reputable druggists.
If in the enjoyment of good health,
and the system is retrular, hucatives or
other remedies are then not needed. If
. afflicted with any actual dioea.. one
may be commended to the most skillful
physicians, but if in need cf a laxative,
one should have the best, and with the
Well-informed everywhere. Syrup of
Vigs stands highest aud It moKt largely
5d and give must gvneral satis fact ion.
E rrom early
r chad-
laPCMlV Bood-nallwuf
Lultl.lll sr.-M
trying to core nst
of this disease. I visited Hot Springs
and was treated bv the best medical J
men. bat was not betvefited When'
all things bad fl ff f faaed I do- J
termined to la I ff 1 1 1 1 try S.S.S.l
and in four lUUlal Bolhs was
: entrrerr cured. Tbe terribli
' was (one, not a stcn of it left
general nealttt Duut CD. and 1 1
I never had any return of the
d any return ot the disease,
. I have of tea ,
i edSJiAand
I bar aevar
. vai kavwa a failure to runt.
juau. . IKWiH. Irwta. rs.
. Never raiM to ears,
svea wae all other
. Oar
kla rlxiaii ' sttiled
fra to aay titilriaa. i
mTUUfK to-, mini, oa.
VX. vewMdlaa
met ee
Blackwcll's Dunham tobacco Company.
. mm mmt tbts mm
year erear e year
show it has greater
than any other.
J '
Too Native lull of rra t
t lb W bit ln
A Terr palatable dili is made of an
elephant's fool by potting it in a hole, ,
building a tire around and over It and
keeping it goiug for tire or six hours.
Elephant's tail i said to N tyry deli
cious wheu wsohe. scraped trtnl fritvl'
nntil it it a rich brown. A nvvel way
of making a stew is pnu-flcisl by one
tribe, who nre the animal's kin as a re
ceptacle.for water. lut in tbia water
vegetsl'V-s and pieces of meat and then
add mi lot stone. This generate vast
quantities of fleam and makes the wa
ter boil withont injuring greatly the
surrounding hiJeT- At the end of an
hour the contents are cooked and the
water bat become a vety fair soup, bnt
a little peculiar on account of the
amount of cinder, sand and fragment
of atone it contains. Mill another tribe
cook locuxts. gram-hoppers, katydids su.l
tbe like, sud say they tatte a great deal
like au overcooked shrimp. None i f the
name tribes, so far as known, erer eat
the lion, but they hsve no such feeling
toward other caruivora.
The jackal, wolf and foi are mere or
less popular, and are reported lagiTe a.
very palatable meat. Where our people
hang mutton, game and the immortal
goose to esou it aud give it a rich
flavor, many South American tribe se
cure tbe same result by burying meat
in tbe earth and leaving it there for
several days. o civilised man has ever
been able to eat it in this condition,
but the savages pronounce it a delicacy
cf extraordinary merit. Not alone i
cannibalism practiced to a large extent,
but our Darwinian consiu of the mon
key tribe share tbe same fate, lu she
district where they ere employed at
food they are very timid and fly at tbe
tight cf a bnuian being even at great
distance. In other territories, where
they are unmolested, they are about as
tame and fearle aa in South America
or India. In nearly all of these tribe
the woman is the cook and the waiter,
very often tbe butcher and sometime
the hunter. New York Mail and Ex
press. Newly married people do nol go futo
society much until they are tired Of
each other.
V. A. auaaas Otm Vm Boa Tn Bot-
tWa froo of Hla Bay tm tare
CMoaatM Mi AH Laag Troables
-Aa KUair of Lire.
Nothing could be fairer, more phi ao
tbropic or carry more joy in it wake than
the offer ot T. A. Hlocam. U. C, oi 1A3
fearl sirset. Mew York. Perfectly eonn
deut thst he baa sn'sbaoluts remedy for
ths cur ol consumption and all pulmon
ary oodi plaints, he otters through this pa
per to send two bottlsa free to any reauer
who is suffering from lung trouble or eon-
nmptiun, also lors of tlesb and all condi
tion of wasting. He invite those desir
ous of obtaining this remedy to send their
express and postomce address, and to re
ceive in return the two bottles free, which
will arrest the approach of death. Already
this remedy, by its timely use, has per
manentiy cored thousands of cases which
wer given up, and death was loo sad upon
at an early visitor.
Knowing his remedy as he does, and be
ing so proof-positive of its beneficent re
sults. Dr. Slocum considers it his religious
duty, a duty which he owes to humanity,
to donate hia infallible remedy where it
will assault tbe enemy in iu citadel, and,
bv Its inherent potency, itay the current
of dissolution, bringing joy to homes over
which the sbadow ot the grave has been
gradually growing more strongly defined,
causing fond beans to grieve. The cheap
ness of the remedy offered freely apart
from it inherent strength, ia enongh to
commend it, and more so is tbe perfect
confidence of the great chemist making tbe
offer, who holds out life to those already
becoming emaciated, and says: "Be
Tbe invitation la certainly worthy of the
consideration ot the afflicted, who, for
years, harv been taking nauseous nostrums
without effect; who bare ostracised them
selves from boms and fneods to lire in
more salubrious climes, where the atmos
phere ia more congenial to weakened lonrs.
and who have fought aaainat death with
all the weapon and strength in their
bands. There will be no anistak in send
ing for these fret bottle the mistake will
bt in passing the invitation by.
FITS.-All nu mnpvt Cm by lr.
rat KTervs svatorar. Ha r sfur Uu srm
ears aaa. Marv-loaa earaa. Timiiii a4
inal hauls frte to VU run tm Dr. BUlae,
SU Ana as. Paiiaosipaia. re.
We will forfeit ft f if any of oar pub
: lUhed testimonial sre proTrn to be not
genuine. . Tat Puo Co., Warren, Ps.
f j Tst esaaaa lor breakfast.
Rztrart from catalogue of lending; library ;
ia w nQTfu inq luirin ntnm wud an aa
terts, tb bai pr couple tl nsrrwd st to
Dtstf 5Ui '-
Yeti are) awtHled to racatvw
srprjfj frotsi yowr wholraal dealer,
Blackwell'i Genuine
Dnrhani Cnoldng
Tobacco yo bay. Or bar
of soap Fraa wtth oacll potJBd,
whether 16 oc. 8 4 ox., or
a og.( psrkitras.
Ws ttars oUfletl rrsry whoU
. sskt dealer la to Ualtad States
that ws will ssrpry thwia with soap
to give yoa FREE, Ordor a good
appljr of OtWlRe DURHAM at
' oaca, sad tasist oa fettlar year
soap. OfW bar af Soap FREE "Hh
,wJ poernd yoej bay. Soap la
cfferad for a Umltatl tiasa, s erdar
to-4ay. Ytari vary traly.
V WWIallHIll
tarn mn4 SMt at wtta)
Th P.k. of WiTeler 1. A-.ra.
rj (hat IHetlarlten.
Ida grace the Puke of Westminster,
honest man. ehvpa easily. Though hla
ehlldrcu iiiimlxr some toi rii living, ami
be has grMiisVhlldrvn ih tnauy to t
revkoucd readily. ei he lias no fear fur
jr""TIie morrow. The tltikt la probably the
'31 .. i.. .i it a ti -
ncneai mail iu me wouo. 1.1 iiuug
Chang linn txvn raied higher, and
Americans lu their pride claim greater
wesllh for Mr KiH-kcfeller, lut. ev
erj tiling tvtilvlersl. the luke of West-
nuror nintits.
mluiKter's I.0I1I1U1: will doubtless top
thoNe of the t'liiiiiiiiisn slid the Ameri
can, lie I vi-t.Mul)Jlu' heaviest o u
er of estate In the world. There
Is considerable uncirt:itnty as to the
title of property In t'lilmi. It Is the
subject's tiv.liiy: It may te the em
peror's or It may N psret-le.! out among
other citizens to-tnorrow. Mr. ItiKke-
TtTIers mT.irgoTv iu stiieka nuJ '
curltles. The duke's Is prinel ally rvnl
estate. Its Milne :iu. earnings are lit
tle affo'ted by outiile i-num-s. For a
century Indeed the only variation has
Im'U an ItK-reao' of value nnd rentals.
The duke. Is interested In many com
mercial enterprises and railway and
Other (vrHimtuui. but. a was said,
tbe bulk of Ms ImI.iikIhus Is in the
nature of real extiite. btirlness blocka,
market pl.Kfs. houses nnd farms. Ilia
Inoinie miiges from fl.mii.'"1 to
0t0.(" atiuiislly. It Is not so great aa
that of several American. wlic ag
gregate aealth Is much h-sa than that
of Westminster, but if their n tunis sre
larger their risk Is greater. The duke's
belotigiugs. real and iiersoiial. amount
to alut lT.Vs .'.
The duke's popularity is as great at
his wealth. If his sillon wen1 elec
tive nud he were to resign, lie would be
returned again at the next election.
He Is a truly democratic peer - making
the true distinction lietween deiiio'nicy
and the vulgarity anl victnusness of
Ajlesfonl. yiicH'tislx-rry and other no
torious aristocrat dead aud alive, lie
is beloved of hi tenantry and admired
by people of all t'Ltsses whether they
are his dependants or otherwise. Ills
popularity was not guiued lu pnlith-s
or In diplomacy, but fi-oui asso-iatlou.
nis bopitiility Is IxiuiKlless and hla
many ancestral -ats arc always nihil
.with guests. The tire Is alight the
year round. It is In the huntlug field
that bis grace fiuds greatest Joy. He la
a true sportsman, and Is
whether fanners or princes i-otiip.iiij-hlm
In the chase. It is the game' he
seeks, not iety. He I tlie N-st judge
of a horse iu the l ulled Kingdom, and
la nt wholly theoretical in hla Informa
tion. He can tit a racing plate to a
horse's foot with the skill of a unisier
smith. Hi horse are the pride of hit
life. Ills stud farm la the estate on
which his principal country sent. Kston
Hall, ia sitiint'-d. This 1 In t'liester.
near Hawunleii. the home f (Hail
stone. The lord of the stud are the
great Ken d'lir and Ormonde.
The duke, who d. w riU-s himself as
, being In the prime of life, was born
October IS, ivjr, and is now In bis
seventy-first year. He )ins been mar
ried twice, the first time in IS" 2. Hit
wife waa I-ad.v Constance tiertrude
Leweson- jower, dn lighter of ticorge
Granville, duke of Sutherland. They
had eleven cliiMn-n. of whom six are
now living. The first duchess died in
1SS0. and In sst the duke married
Katherlne Caroline Cavendish, daugh
ter of Iord Cheshnin. They have three
In discussing the democratic ways
-of -the duke Englishmen relate: Ihe
' story of a atrnnger who desired to see
the art treasures of Katon Hall. II
met an elderly man walking about the
ground, and from hi dress, which whs
a seiuihiititing imtuii.e irnj not too
new, thought the uiau to In a retainer
of the duke. The atrnnger asked the
-man to-sitow him about the -place,
. which the lemon did, Milntlug out. ex
plaining and listening to the visitor's
comment on the duke and the family
with Interest and received with thank
a half sovereign to n-qulte him for lilt
trouble. The following day the visitor
rode out to the hunt and lu the muster
of the bound, who was also lord lleu
1 tenant of the county aud Imke of West
minster, he rerfigulxed lils gulde of the
day before. It la explained by the en
' tbtMhiHtic fellow countrymen of the
duke that the reason the great man did
Dot decline the "tip" given 111 lit by the
- visitor was hla fear of disconcerting
tbe stranger. It would have Ix-cu s
; utterly out of character for an F.iulish
i servant to decline money that the Ix-or
' would have Ix-cn obliged to dlw-lnse hit
Identity to explain hla refusal.
It la a reiicfVven to those who scorn
to lielleve In the aupernatijsl when a
supposed ghost la clearly proved lo lie
of earthly origin. One of the most fa
mous murder cases In Australia was
discovered by the ghost of the murder
ed man sitting on a rail of a mini tAtis
tralian for horsepondi Into which hit
body bad Irecn thrown. NiiiiiImtIcss
people aaw It, and the crime was duly
brought home. the skeptical ad
mitted that this ghost seemed lo Ire an
authentic one. Hut some year after,
a dying man tusking hi confession sab
that he Invented the ghost, lie wit
nessed the crime but was threatened
with death If he divulged II a he wish
ed to, and the only way he aaw out of
the Impaaae' was to affect to see the
ghost where tbe body was found. A
soon a be started the story, such la the
power of nervousness tbat nuiiieroiia
other people began lo see It, until It
fame reached such dimensions that a
search waa made aud the Issly found,
sud the murderers brought to Justice.
lias Kiss a from a t'ranut Hot to Hla
l'rat lualtl.n, Msla
Mis Uwa Mraiua Hi I'olltU-al Aaabl
tloaUadar Kralraint.
Sal Ml tear.
8euator Hat 1.1 licmictt Mill will be
M Aug. '.11. lie la a New Yorker by
birth, and hla juwiiHe ds weiv sient
on a fnrm. Ilia mot her s left a wld
im, and I'avld. her cl.l.-l son. waa coiii-IH-llisI
to go lu work alien ery ninll. i
At the age of he .wiuuem-ed to sell
liewtiMra. candy, pcniiut. etc., oil j
the New York tYutral trnius. aud ytti
probably the lli: nrchlu who ever eu
ggcl lu Hint luistiici. Ill the I'lillerl
Young Hill coiuiiiciKvd to mske nion- '
ey at the Btnrt. and aoine years later ou
llou. I uclua Kotinoii. afterward tier-
f Atoii i n. mt t.
ernor of the State. u so attractml by
the hid that he took him Into hia law
otlii-e at F.lnilra. Step by step Hill be- ,
gau to climb the ladder of fme.(uiitll
he was tloveruor of New York .three1
time, and then went to the Setiato,
where he has taken front rank aa a de
Iwicr aud worker.
The Senator is a Kichelor. and la
given up aa a tioel-s .ate, so far
venturing Uon the matrimonial sea Is -concerned:
Mr. Hill give fretjueiit
laeheor dinner and entertains a num- ;
N-r of the prinlnent meu from vatioua
Mirtioiis of tbe country from time to !
time. For ao-lety he has no use, and I
avoids the ordinary dinner and reee,- ;
lions, putting iu most of hla time lu i
work and study. F.vldcutl.v be thinks j
that nun aud women waste a gr.'itt
deal of valuable time, for not long aluctv-
when complaining thst Cooktcss aus
doing so little, he made the point that
the men might te able to do uioie wor'l
lu Washlugton if all tl women were
seut away while Congress wns in ses-slou.-
Mr. Hill dmlares to his friends tbat
he will make tin effort this year to se
cure the president ml nomination. He
a.s-ms to think that this Isu't his year.
It is his Intention, through, to take an
active mrt In the campaign, no matter
who I nomln.-irVl. ami he ihssa uot take
a gloomy
ros (sects.
Aiitnlsslon tisyonini unity or luetic r.
It is tio a community of writers, but
a cotnmuTiity of letters. One gets ad
mission, not In-chumc he write -write
he never s cleverly, like a gentleman
sud a 11.1111 "f w it - but iN-cause he la
literate, a true initiate into the secret
craft and mystery of letters. What
that secret I a man may kuow, even
though he ennnot practise or appropri
ate It. If a man cau see the permanent
element In tliing--the true sources of
laughter, the real fountains of tears,
the motives that strike along the main
line of conduct, the acts which dis
play the veritable characters of men.
the trifles that are significant, the de
tails that make the mass If he knew
these things, and can also choose j
words w ith a like knowledge of their j
power to illt.-e.ilnate and reveal, give
color to the eye and pasalon lo the
cht. the -ret Is his, and an en-
. , ,
re to tliat lllllliortal Communion.
- "
Not the Ha me.
A terse nnd clever characterization
was that by which Mcrauger. tbe poet,
" Hummed up Victor llugo'a relation to
'the great republican spirit of France.
Hugo, although It la said that he was
not a republican -at the very tregin
nlng of his, enroer, Ixt-anie a most en
thusiastic and outspoken one. He rep
resented the pictorial, dramatic side
of popular feeling and Irccame ao pic
tnresiie a tignre-in French politic
' thill ne could not have failed to serve
I aa a isituilar Idol.
llera tiger, who was a republican of
the slinph-st type, not withstanding hla
share lu estalillahlug Ixiuls i'hlllpire ou
the throne, defined the poet's stiltnd
In one line. t
fine day. says tbe Contemiorary Ile
vlew. shortly after the revolution
j w hich overtoppled the throne, an sc
qiiuilitntice of Iters nger met hlin coin
l lug out of the ratals Bourbon. "I shall
! feel obliged." said the poet. " If you will
! see rue home, for I do Dot feel at sll
i well. Those violent scenes Inside are
I there are tint to my taste. I am not at
'nil well." he continued, with a wistful
, smile; " have been accused of having
1 held the pUnk over which Ixiuls I'hil
! Ip went to the Tullerles. I wish I
i could be lly bridge Bcnsss the Channel
'on whlr-h he would return. Certaln
jly I would have liked a republic, but
not such s s are having In there.",.
He pointer) to the home of the Con
stituent Assembly. "You ought to lie
j .leaed." said hla friend. "Victor Hu
go Is In the same regiment with yoa."
I "Victor Hugo Is not In the regiment."
wns the (juh-t reply. "Urn Is In the
y T Wept.
Talker' When I lectured there was
not a dry eye In tb audience.
Walker -Indeed, and what waa your
laubjM-t? , i
j Talker-1 had been addressing a
school of cookery and giving a prae
I Ileal Illustration of how lo peel an
onion.-Kan Francisco Kxamlner.
i Mra. Iiukane "The women of dlffer
' cut cities ,ar(l their own particular
fad." Mrs. i;well-"What I the wo
men's fsd In Chicago r Mrs. Dtigane
I "lluabsudry."-llltsbur( Chronic!.
ro'Ul'M at a Toan se Maasare la
la the laws lgta'alaiw.
Among the extraordinary niaure
Introduced Into the general assembly of
Iowa during Ih Aral week of It ealat
eiHHtwaa a bill sent tu I he senate com-
uilttc ou the suppresalou of lntenier
' ance, which irovide that any peris n
' wishing lo tudulg iu tiitoilcathig ftij-
uor shall first pro-urti a regular llcenae
' from the municipal government under
! which he live lefiv-a being allowed to
buy at dreiuahopa ami mulct saloon.
The Idea of the proposed law it to dla
vourt drunkeniiese by forolua drink
er toexhllut their desire In public aud
fo disgust them by forcing theru loshow
to the bartender a parchment Willi a
' grwu aeal and blue rlhtsnta befiatt Is
U-g allowed In drink In potiou.
rienator I'crrin Introduccil the bilL
lie repriweuta a constituency which la
earnestly in favor of prohibition. He
liimself Is clinirnian ot the senate cotu
iiultee tai the Mippiesslon of tnteinprr
ance, aud he votml for the mulct mod'
iflcatlou of tho stste wide prohibitory
law two years agiv His introduction of
the bill wsa a surprise lo hi friend.
The bill provides that every person
wishing to take a drink shall secure a
liceuse from the city council of the city
or town tu which he lives' For such
license city councils are empowered to
charge fi, the privilege conferred there
under being extended for a period ot II
months by the provmou ou the face of
the license issued
The license shall bo used lo secure
drink, which ia to he consumed at a
bar in the usunt manner. The ltceneu I
not transferable. Any relative over II
or any friend of the applicant for a ll
cenae to drink tiiuy apply to the cily
council and protest against the Issuance
ot the Iiihhis. tnhstt keepers shall ni
sell to any person u having, a license,
and for each sale lo persona not having
a hceus to drink. Uie aithain keejier
shall U fin, I $10 aud the cost of suit.
Chicago Keoord.
a'onsi'a SCMu.Iln.
Rev. I.e in 'Il irrlso'i. a prominent
Jewish ruMo of this city, is delivering
a series of h tuies m " Mie NVw W,,iu
an. " He thinks 1 h it the true solo-re of
tbe Imslern i 111.1:1 is It l lo in I ' I 011
the north by the its.kiu st ivi. 'mi the
south by the rr.idli. "ii t!ie -l r Ih
hallns'iu Hint on the west I t the b.irg.m
counter The c Ii x.H I 'll I snv i- uu
outlier 1 ne c 1 n x.-iM':i 1 niivi'iiii
ry may be luen-i.rnl lytlf' s'aielini:
swrdwl I 1 v.ii-in ;i. We .o lo-l.iy on
he verge i f f unv -l.-.iig ii.:i:igca. yel
kuow not what li t r o-,;t- me will I
We behi . Id : r st ! v. s t. i g nil Uil
hitherto doriiiint n-t:.-i if ths cm
mninty. . ' Ailunt J
flit MtlltlNU.
i From Ih runn ng of the mapl trough
i lo ths Spring to the boiling of th apple
' butter pot in th fall, and all the house-
iuld boiling beteean times, there are a
! thousand etianres of very lever scald and
j burn. In all household work, am tar and
uiunier, in great factories and in nursansa.
! where carslra cbildrsn play aitb matches,
j there i used ol something to be alway on
i hand in such amergencira, and at. Jacob
!(il til ibal want lo th letter. With
1 rarvful atunlion to direction for aa.
i there ia noOittt mora aikulhlns. haadll.s
j ,nd curative than tbl great rrnwdy for
1 pain. It curse promptly, and, making a
naar lunac. iiwvea no scars. 1 n psin 01
aralds or Hums is seat and torturing, and
th rcl.ef by the useol lb Oil I Immediate
and ur.
I'hfsfrUn-Tsks bet wau-r and a Hula autar
tbrrs1 limr-. a ilsy aisl rtnir .iinat h trMihi will
f-wast Hlltliia Ysa. dcs-Uir, bill ll !lacri-a
b.a viuff lu taka. can't I bat a Hula aomrUilua
r ik ami ratiTri i.
Aa Ihs W la, tl la alien ais'arlnu But It I,
plraaaiit to know thai a enmpauul aalstuar,!
In the ahaps of Httallrr'a slumarh IUllr
tllala. whit b aliaahllalr nullloss lb selsrm nt
m iibl Vlisu-rn tsuu-l vsalaianta shnld l-ar
thla In siltid nr ahoul.l If I lrasten, the
Hltlrrs la a alerlli.t rrmrty fr ijais(Wls, bll-l.-uanraa.
roiiatlpatlnn. Ildntr aud as-rvoaa
complaloU and rbamatlia.
-! rannnt tell a lis." Mil h,
Aa a-ulll sffu.l hla bmwl
An'l M,inlfsl an lb cherry Use
Bui Ibaraacbaatuut uow.
Ai 1 .srenry will stint 7 riatrr th aenae 1st jua e,oiiplrUly drranca lb wholaysiai
"r eetent II Ihrouth the msrnua an riser
Sue b article abiall iwvrr ha sard atrspl o
ylrm, rlptloi,. lr..m rnuul.l phyalrlana, as Ih
damasa Ihey will do la ln f. ,1.1 lo Ih sst yoa
ran wusslUy oVMy from tbrm. Hall i Uauvrrb
are. maioilaetarxl by t. i. I banry a i o , To
,r (n,iiianii a, inrreary, nu is IAS an III
Unially, arloif Olfrrlly npon U bliH anrt
mueniiaaartaea, nltheant as. lo baylni Haifa
I ausrrh Cum t sura yira gal lha t'-natu. It la
laien iniaroauy, anl ssarlc In Tnl,o, Ob to, by
T. i. cbaney A i n. Tsaiimnnlala Ir
HrilrJ hy dmnlars, prlvm Ar pr botti.
111. 'a Kaailiy Hllla am ths lisat.
rcople dixl Just tlie help tliey so much
need, in Hood's Sarsaparilla. It fur
nlahcs the desired strength by puri
fylnjr, vitalizing and enriching the
blood, and Uint bnllds op tlte ncrvet,
tones Uie stomach and regulates the)
whole system, j llrad tiilt:
"I want to prsls Hood't Harsaparilla.
My health ran dowa, tad I had tb grip.
After tbat, my heart aad nervosa system
were badly affected, so tbat I soald aot do
aay owa work. Oar physician gave m
soma alp, bat did aot ear. I decided
to try Hood't Bar part lis. Boot I oourd
do sll ray owa hoasework. I have tsksa
Hood's Pills with Hood's Ssrsaparllla,
aad they have dons me moca good. I
will not ba wit boat tbm. IbaveUkeall
bottle of Hood' Bars psrlll, tad throogh
tb blessing of Ood, It ha eared me.
I worked hard at ever tb past tarn
Ber, snd I am thankful to say I am
wall. Hood's Pills whsa tsksa with
Hood's Barsaparllla kelp very much."
Mas. M. M. Masasaoaa, Freehold, paa.
. Tbl sad maay other Sara prove that
b In On True Mined rurtfter. All drncrltt It,
frvpared only by C. I. Hood a Oo, Lowell, Mas.
Hood's Pills 13.;
act lly, arnniptry sad
i . ! -t t, H. . a. m -i i.l,. rn . jwm as -
Or. VOIAN-RO'I PILf RIMtoV. --t-'
.a, a -m Maul -' I n.. .i.a,..f"i fr
as. fc'srsM"- mt 0H. U9-A.M.. I'.lt-, l'i
I I 5s ri I
Tho Crest Financier Found Health In Palno's
Celery Compound.
F t: ys' '
I'romtuent among the New Knglaud t m employe,! constantly Indoor. Th
men whose brslnt and energy have j need Ih alvoluts necrilyof a
helped to make the wealern slate rich genuine Ingivorator at Ihtt spring sea
aud powerful i Uenersl lUvi.i T. json list Impreaaed itself ou tbe slteu
Ileal, president of the I'nlou nllonftl"U of sll thiuklllg ieople
hank of Kansas t'tly. Suaful In hiNf In the fstnou Isborst ry of Dsrt
man uiLsrurlae. he live today lu a 1 mouth Medloal HoJi.kiI. Frof Kilward
flu mansion at the ooruer of Indepen
dence aud Wabaah avca
The work Snd the respoiiaibility In
cumlssnl upon the president of so Im
lior sut a banking Institution a the
Union nations! would endanger the
tatdleat health Wen. Heals' clear-,
headodneas surl good senan were a
manifest In the choice of a remedy aa
in hi hostile enterprise It
strengthened his tired nervous ylnn I
by the as of Pslne't celery oompound j
Iu Invigorating, health' giving effects.,
Joan fled hit etpeoutions. and showed j
In his own case the remarkable power '
ot thla much rliacasawd remedy for thisr-
oughly realoting and strengthening the
"run-down" tyteu.
"I found I'aine't celery mnsnnd
n agreeable tojlo sod asdhlug to the
nerve," sayt llnral Ileal
' The ar th ooncien word f com
mendatton cha'acterlttc of the oou-
servsttv builne man and th influen-
tisl banker, who ha lerud to weigh
well hia words.
The scanty tunltghl and the .stag
nant, used op air of living nsim dor
ng Ih winter reduce th strength
and nervou energy, especially of per-
LX'-rX I Ta2i'ti aa ( Taf san, .iiifss sss LX
It) 1 i lmtm. aaa rw e .. . asasas f .i. ..1 Va u s aw a y
I tf MaMSaiT sa 1d,stsIM s S.1 s. is. I ll
r laiiauTta taaaii7s ws, siai m . rai
It th name of Woman's Friend. It la sj is.. unilornily occesa
fnl In relieving tbe bckache,halache C JCtT n weakness
hicb burden and ehorten a woman's hie. Thousand of
women testify for it. It will sir health end strength
sad make Ills a nleasnre. For sal
ULUMAUEtt-FUANki VUVO CO., I'obtlaso, Agents.
IHBTrreat I'olula or lew,
-Two girl friend met on the strecj and
ttoped .o shake lis ml
"Ho glad t iii'i'l you, I i race," sold
the tailor-made Alice. "Wa ut nu
my way In ask you, aa my oldest fi lend,
to tss one of my bridi-etiiahU."
"Itrldcaiiiahl! How lovely! I did nol
know you were engaged," replied Hie
On de-sleele tirarre.
"It's sudden, very -sudden; but he's
awfully In hive, and la Just loo lovely
to live. Will you acir
"Act? Of course. I ll he charmed.
But," moving forwarl and speaking
In sn undertone, "do come rouu I ih
.orner and tell me sll slmut It. There
come that Idiotic, Irrepressible ass,
lltn llertnn. He's grinning s though
he meant to atop, and I don't care lo Is
seen talking lo him."
"Jim llertnn T lie's tbe man l'n going
lo marry T'
Ha Triad II a Sr rsad Tina.
A new ttory of ths lats John P.
Ppanldlng, Illustrating hla unlimited
generalty and original tnethoda of dis
tributing It, was told ths Saonterar th
other day.
The"ingar king" of "Broad street wa
a conflrniod bachelor, a everybody well
knew. Hit bather, the lata Mahlon D.
Hpaulding. osed lo live lu IJeaoon ttreet,
and wat the father nf a harpy family.
At the birth of the first child word was
sent to Hie rich ancle that the boy had
been turned after lilm, "John P. Hpauld
ing, 3d." I'm le John responded with a
check fur 1 1 0,000. A couple of year
later another heir wat horn, this time a
girl, snd Uncle John waa again notified
that the little daughter had been named
after him. Tbit was a stickler fur the
ancle, sud fa wrote fi particulars. A
day or two afterward fas received a re
ply, something In those words t "There
is really Do mistake. Ws named our lit
tle daughter 'epsoldlng' after you."
Uncle Jobn tent an other 1 10,000 check.
m. winslow:s novTr7a
Paw amis ay all i -i V 4 a a ml.
K I'help. M I) . l.U I , discovered
the formula of I'allie'a celery com
pound, a remedy that baa become the
standard nerve real irer. hhssl purtfiar.
Slid strengtheuer from one end of the
oountry to tb oilier, s preparation that
atsudt onrlvallrxl a lha medicine that
make people well.
It ia fact much commented upon
that man aud women of national repu
Ullisa aud promt nonoe, like Deo.
Ilealt, Htats Treaa t'olvln of New
York, Mr. t'srlisle't privet secretary.
Mayor Methane of Montreal, Kev. Kr.
Ilnallnt. 1'iu Howell, ei -Minister lo
Auatria Johu M. Kraseta, and a h'srt of
other who are careful what they em
ploy when tick, and bevo th amplest
opportunities for flndtag osl what Is
lsMr sarars rnnrnwn snsss " rai-
4er deacrlbtng fully Ihelr rsMrnaaeat
leoovery from rheatnatUm. heart weak
news, tlrepleaaneaa, debility, kidney
. irouhle. and. dl
of the stomach
Bnd liver In aP
Iheae case I'alna't
! celery oompound was th remedy that
wa able to cnmpieuiiy ana pnrraaa
jenlly bring liack health, mak poor
i blood again rich and pure, and rego
1 1st and build up tasv. nervoo aytlem
' wheu weakened and deranged.
LASSl-l-MIA. r
Ths very remarksbl and certain
relief given woman bv MtHlKK'H
H K V KA I I ll K M K f Y baa g I v en
br all dramtta. ir I 1 I ts
av ooaat BPOMOtHO with
Merchant v
who tries to make you believe
some other skirt binding is as
0U Velveteen Skirt Mmling
should be taught a lesson
buy it elsewhere.
Lookor S. H.& M" en th Label,
ami take no other.
If your dealer will not supply you
we will.
a..j fu .i.ui.. i.i.i. ..j ., . i .
lois 3 H fc M Co P O I'm . N, York C.
fOR t 0tt TNT Ml SICK ar
'yl Bos'l Saax Wall,"
"""""""""n Navt vsa a asllls C
tl'IM'ltl S
aW. ( MMsAaiMltaa f
kH ICTV 't aaaraslla Irtl- J
'T -I'CmK IssWWIs VaasM,
t VrTfwtsP'.' I '" ' a sia.
11, 'VI s X' ' ' aasnbarsv-
I lKf(' XH S Tsaa ss las J
j I IN Malk Is Ika Hsra- j
4J L L If I 1st I'alsMsllsa W
j T1rsl o is, N,ait.a uss, r
IP m ) lasakwi si Slaasa.
ftj fS " tsskad Haatk C
jr fT i . 1 a lbs Ssarala f
.JVl :x - tsaa ' 1 - J
fm S. wkls AawHMs - 1
' I U I X IrrfMS IrrMakM
ij.p Sflv (ssns.a at IS,
' NasSscbs lasso.
J KM ar llarrbr C
f baa vsa bavt J
( m ersf IU 4Wtm T fyMlllft rart I
l 9 4l4itwlf tsdal.t la
' Jlcker's DvipcptU CaM(t$,
I ttf mmlt ppm4 rrtlf fMt I
( tmumf R- ar, Ht. I t.Mna. -w Tirfe, 1
I . ' I lltll rwIMtrB frsstM fwrMI, but,
C Ark'f iTllilfM Ukrhlllfl MrM,alfHriM." )
I UIM MiniClftlCO . Ml l ChWr IM.. 1.
W. P. H. U. Ha. 47c-. f. If, JJ, Ba, IU