Broad-axe. (Eugene, Lane County, Or.) 189?-19??, April 30, 1896, Image 2

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MIXr.DtJl.Nll'IN SKm.KDi 0a. of llihci I'mis.
lb.Mil IIm A. I
A HIM Ac tIV. '
. W.. mm mm. ,mm I rUmm m ml 19 Ik Rllim
Oia am Wa.
ltmm I, ;ra ImiMlmf. uf MeOnaji'i '
ln; NM t. or n-nt Rims.
II t-mi4 i a4 , pr rear V '
II ii MaaM la ihrr nMiilk.wt n- .
- - 1
KUUKXE, Al'Ull'f :W, IS'.NT.
I'Jrdiceand Pr-i-furuiaiif.
Two yearn ago the republican
tvirtr nominated and eleeted a full
pet f county oflww for Un
. aUil. .J-.l.!n-
""".' " r t "'1lnHt eonstanttT nmler lue wav
tbetii t a retrenchment and eono-
iuj; jwn Mien a ilatfrm as they!
are now trying r ...a ... .......
1I..W did it wotU? Let
u fee,
Our rtate xuator anil ineiuhern of,
the legislature, were to ls foand
constantly violating their implied
pledtfi'S hy voting dilligently
against any reduction in ofhcial
eitx.ltmicntts and in favor of all
manner of extravagnnt appropria
tions, to nay nothing pf pU.'ing
their female relative at the feed
tnjMgh'f the jullic treasury, in
the intuition of clerk for theni
olve. The sheriff, who wa then
elected,-wa well aware of the
amount of the salary and fee pnv
vided hy law for that official, and
wa nvorethan anziou to ohtain
the position, with the pecftied
, emluinent attached; yet, More
he fairly got hi neat warmed he
legan to insist upon the county
court alkwing him more fee, mile
age, e:c, and refused to jierforni
Kme of the clearly denned dutie
of hi office without further pay,
titus inrmng over me wore ne wasij, wiU tuiey necessarv that
called upon by law to perform to either Mr. S,ener or Varneli shall
constable, who, of vure, collected ! withdraw; and we feel assured that
1 1 . 1 r i i- i 1.1 .
ana pncaeieu me lee suouiu
the assurance to ask for another
... , jt ...,v. I
. ,.m o . i
.1 t rnnnlnV 1 lih I
at present running the republican ,
, t:, ,v,
party, renominate him through !
the influence of the ahtri.? chief ;
deputy, and asks an outraged con
stituenev to re-elei-f him. Whv?
Because hi chief deputy is an A.
t . , ,
I A . nn1 aranta nia flennrvshm '
continued indefinitely. The same rhance to ay who shall le .herift, : M x"x ,,f , the li,rBIO,,.v 'hat pre
wl.h th. ..,,),. L-ne-'.h,. then we do not know of what kind ! vailed, and of the large element of
. ," . . j,
amount of wtlarv he was to receive! '
and wa wild to get the4 office and
the salary." lie had been on an in
vestigatinf committee; had badly
suurcnea a democratic nenn, ana
whitewashed a republican clerk;
hence, the party, to recompense
him for hi dirty work, foited him
on the county, well know ing' he
wa entirely incompetent for the
position, which ha been proven
by hi work in the office every day
hi nee he took hi seat. How did it
come about that .he Pas renomin
ated in the face of recognised in
competency? The answer i sim
ple. A few week More the con
vention he baited the A. P. A. He
ia narrow-guageman; onarrow,in this, one of the most important t "ensationa down their pme.It
in fact, that hi mental vision i!m'-e in the county. The people l made u feel strong, brave, coiira-f.a-used
uta. and cannot reach on ? ,h3,1 .mt e i KWUH- 11 u" the ,uM asM,f-
. t - i - iv. I
Are the ioile of Lane county!
ready to endorse such high-handed
pr.ajeeding, such an utter, subver
sion of the rights of good citizens,
in obedience to the command of a
secret jaditical order, whose only
principle is religious ana race
prejudice? We trut not.
What a Shame! What a Iitj!
T. ebiirg I'laindealer: Dr. Pri
ver aid:, "So infidel's progeny le-K-ends
trt the fifth generation. (k1
Almighty determined they should
not extend the curse so fa;. Four
liolcd infidels, who came to this
roast in an early day yix: Hani
Culver, Jesse Applegate, Pengra,
and Senator Nesniith, all died in
tsne after (13 years of age. Chris
tians on the contrary die sane."
Driver' Lecture at Koseburg.
Whether it la true or not, a to
the descent of the infidel's progeny
to f he fifth generation, we believe
it had been better for the world if
soiae proteased .Christian minister'
progeny that we know of had never
had a beginning. And Dr. Driver
will excase if we My we Mieve
the gentlemen whose memory he
vlur, never saw a day when ' they
were not aa deeply respected as he;
and that the ira press 'in is abniad
that ha himself must be on the
verge insanity or he would never
have applitd tutUt language aa the . tb.iM) honored citizens,
3 fur republican frieud air some
it excited over the rumor that
Ihf candidate .for idierirT on I lit-,
democratic and populist ticket and
those for clerk mi the same tickets
have concluded to arrange matters 1
i that Johnson and Jeni ing will
have a single opponent each to
fijihl. This should U the ease by
all mean. -Hi titer Janser or
Yarticll should withdraw. Thin i j
demanded Jv everv consideration
of cronotnr j ami justii
to the
eountrT. Jeni:iiit! ha
niv.niis n cni'inHi
not le than $'tl to hiinm'lf ami
family for the term." Hi girls,
' V....!... I.:. LI.. 1.... ..... I
, . ... ,... i,;-t...r . ikm .
u. .,, ...
. . . . "
in hi offiee', at the ounfyV rx
mii In.W.1 il inr JiM.niin'
, . . - .,4,,, e lV.
h.iii naiil 0111 iJl" Jiia lua kel one cent ,
viionox of ihi e.ii to
paving for a ltaget.-,mp,-w-loJ liean politician in Oregon at , iwea,
not knoV when it wa. He ha. !e:U. owing to the. conduct of Ithe j
Uen alloweil hv that countv court
that county court
at the expense of. th county dejni-
tie for every, occasion, while the
law enteni-tlates. h h uld pay
hi deputies' himself. He could i
have done this and t'ln rtnde'ly
more money out of hi offi.e than j on ni tariu, or m. re ,
man any larnier na Keen. an.e u iior , inver, as iiuuisier ami
make on a 2V' farm in the j p..litu ian, it would he about
same length of time. j correct. The answer shows
The people d.i'not want Jenning- Icon-iderahle ingenuity and study."
and his family of girl in th-clerk' i "The answer of Mr Hrow n," con
office another day after July, l"'.5. ! tinned the teacher, "taken literally,
The peple are willing to try par- , may le considered a little off, hut
tie who are wi
Iling to take '"kitchen I
girl VSges" awhile. f Hence, coin-
inon seiise and every consideration !
m-C I
of busine ay that Venning and
hi familv, and Mr. Cil.lw and hi
family should he turned out and
down. And in order to insure this.
everv j,j uxpaver who is not
''.. . . '. . . rl
1 10 tne tour wind witrt iartvi
the fur wind with
J'" m J j
those countv office. There is no
. , . , ,
politic in the business. It i pure-!
ly a matter of business interest to ;
the taxpayer of the county. t.usines .matiti.-ation than that
. A to Johnson! Well, if Mr. convention showed. Our political
Veatch or Mr. Hampton doe not i.pjMinent were greatly li-ap.irit-tull
off and cive the maioritv of i i 1 . . i- . . i
. . t
ih mi or nf ,Ka mmtv ava..1
of stuff thev are composed. Vii
.. . . ' ;r
iiim -u:ilv, lueiu'llllg "'U'ilcon
..ierk ahJ ,,, haye iieen run!,'
" '"f.uJl" '.'r.Cr.n.r!r!..r ai
l .l 1 m
uawjvi hi ui iuc i 'rttri vi lire iwiiru,!'
office were filled bv a minority of ;
" w j trail uiatiii. a iiipt i
iietween lour hundred and hve;now before the iieople.
nunared voters-that is, the com-1 .deasing event in our work, Micve.lln the free coinage of silver
tilttT er the door o, our house , -r. to I. ignored by the single
K.putist candidate for the same ! oncd wide to the newcomers standard gold power and eff.vtu
office in 1804, wa 2,4-Vi votes, I we gave them the ut.pernit seats j ally read out of the party. As Mr.
s .u.i. .....j -'
v.)tes, thus showing Mrr John-
on wa not elected by the wish of
a maioritv of the vote of the conn- i
ty by 4M1 vote. X..r will a
(jorityofthe people of the courfty j
say in
June Johnson should I j
imirrin. nence, me voier snouia
tw mn-maA ainVk.nJui nii
"i" UIK r ln uuues m ine!afM.e 0f a well-founded hoi tlie
omce, one who w.ii not H.ift the
niltl faff tltal infA t Ka KonHal
pf the town constable, and the '
people be made to pay the consta-'
Uefordoing the werk that Mr. !
jonnson snoum nave, ana lor j
which he was paid his tatarv to do. '
tv . ,-, ,
The republicans may well 1 ex-
cited. The iople are determined
to hold etery man responsible to
the strictest account for every
nickle he has wrongfullv wrung
from the hand of the taxpaver.
Indeed, inability to pay interest
on the mortgaged home and taxes
demanded that Ihoae tax-looters
and well-fed, high-toned, high-salaried
deputies should lie sent adrift.
This is a fine year for such thing. I
So party consideration should I j
taken into account.
Mr. Drler, 1) I) a a Hepubllca
Since when did Driver lacotne a
He ha. prior to his
nomination by the A. P. A. and a
few republicans, been heard to .a
frequently that he was neither
democrat or a republican. In his
speeches in Lane and Marion coun
ties in 1HH8 he slated distinctly
that he was neither a democrat or
a republican; that he voted fori
whom he pleased, and
talking to democrats U.asted of the r4oiw I m Y.m X.mA m...t rt
for. Hince the reverend has
placed on the republican ticket hy
the special effort of that secret,
I.iihmi, miiriniuuu .irxaoiaaiion,
the A. 1. A., he is loud in his
boast that he i a republican of
rriuiiuueiui. iir n mm pnmpw-i
tIM it . .
ofollict prwnti ituclf to the IkI
tor, tncont r not perm tot
M-nhi r the
I. IV I). I. u.
Teacher - V'l v
on iv stand un
on ladllical ecen-
hit do tin ini-
ti ll letters 1. D
P. P. P. stand
Kir! pnpil "Naar
Doctor of Divini rv."
Sc-ond Hiil I
P. Driver
P. Priver.
Dead Duck."
.Iracher- "Next:
mtiMpHpu - i
I well, Vm
a Pead Puck, Pamnitl ami IVliv
ernl. ' ,
T... "I ..iil.l i.f II...
'. I i il.-i the am.wer of Mr. Jone
..,., .... th,.t
. ;. . ..
l itnon oi man; a nniMieti u .nr.j
Priver More he retired . from the
litieiah '
miuistrv and Ks'iime a I
, f,.w w,Vk, Bn. Hut no man can
a few week a 00.
I lie a tlia-tor of divil'ut V ami a rei'llh- i
i last Ong.m legislature and' the
t last Oregon
invent going t the n-p
j primaries in I'urtland. Hence hi
awer is not Correct. The answer
- of Mr. Sniithappruche niore near
the correct thing. Applying '
Kx-President -Andrew Johnson's .
meaning o, .....a j
taken figuratively it must l coji-
sidered correct. A a ministe; ami
ilitirian Pr. I. P. Priver niut he
considered a Pead Puck, Pijlivered
ami Pamne.1, which in scripture
meaning i condemned."
"The class will take their seats!
It Was Harmouiou.
ing were conducted wth theI
c. ..i:n
loiin-Fi ki-wiii
am! harmony,
Then- was never a similar UhIv of
t. hi- .- "
men who. assembled in hugviie,
wl,u showed more good sense and
eu at me resuu uisaj.jioiiiieu on
recruits that'eame into the
convention from lth the duno-
cratic and republican partie, and
joined hand with ua on the wage
r i
cratic, goldbug the only, issue.
It wa a
.ana mtue inem inrice welcome, i
. Thii, a ,hrijj of :.. t(J ,lt.
, ... ,, , , ,!
iieari oi tne oiu iav wno nan.
ma-'gne through the heat and toil of
the day, to receive those who came
in at the eleventh hour. onrjgt in rank with the only organized
, :.u..,i ..t,:ii
, , j . .
id f h d f h
Uownuii oi misrule in mi county
It was the bow-of promise to the
taxpayer, and the j dark cloud of
ainpair to the coiirt-lioufe ring of
, . .i. ...; .,.
tax-uesjiler, our sheriffs, our
, , ...
clerks and their well-fed deputies,
who have forthelattwoyear,satas
j ornament and figure-head in.their
j ,,1 offices, while the tax-
payer have jiaid other to do the
work of Una oflicew. .
In short, it wa a precursor of
the certain downfall of those public
servants who have treated the peo
ple as if they the people's serv
ants were the Isolde's masters!
a W'm ftfklil.t mum tnantr man in tl.til
;conventi(,nt who ,,nd un re,i(lentH
in Iane county for thirty to forty
I hw hj deIlie(, ,,e right of
I representation for years on. the
-V election laiard and juries, just lie
s' . r ...i:.: u..
.lun: ill m.,ivi. r, will. ne
thought' largan to exhibit a differ
ent leari ng the liearing of an
I American citizen instead of the
down-trodden slave of a tettv
i.artv Ivrantt-
, I J 'J
I Rut this theme is inexhaustible.
! We shall have to stou-more of it
', hereafter. Think of these things
I voter. Look at the ticket; every
I one is wonny. t ora lor II I mm
top u tum. We must not sia-ak
of one to the exclusion of the
. a ai aa a
oiriv-Tr. i ney are an eotta men
All of ihfni art Utmer, lionet
toiler of the wil9 the KMre.t paid
m-t - w-.s, .-v....
IntliitU t R,. I. P. Driver, l D. ap
proached, not Imip hiiii'i lion. A.
(J. Zuuiwalt, who was formerly a
r publican 'but who i now u o u-
list, an. I Miitl to Kim: " i
,.j,s j
Jaek, v.uir iwirty
pom- cijiv
I low i tliat?)',fiiil .Ink. j
.a. .
I .
1 IK
Hv, find pr.vrr, vour imriv
t f V 1 111? Ub A niMi lniU. '
artr after limluig fault
me turreiur ivi'm, ami:
I nearly
vi ry tiling in I lie' govein-
it laM ulrtiiioii.Hl il .oi-;"'
tion ami h imw m;:.n:eil in trying ,
to mwul ama.liiiie. . ami io,i ute the t'atli.ilie eitiA lt
"Whit kiml of n inailiine?" Hrti.laU, ,l,.v him hi" riglit n an
ZnniM ill , , i i
'A 'chim'," wi.l Priver'toe
'' ' (wimll out of Iwuiwi
the women can eat th. m.
Priver tell the aUve torv a
l,,u' "h jiri at fiiihto, ami
laugh lou.lly every tune lie tell
tf is.upe, Priver i an adept
'" "linemen., i-"t in
"-' ...,...., ......
Vi olwHTve that -Mr - Haker, our
candid ite for state leiiator i al
j ready Unng made the oh-
; ject of atta-k
. ,,,,
RVi 01 Kii.tric ir.wn itio iwit ttiii
.t 11
,K,, . M.,, MriUr v,.rv
,UM. ting their tongue V
tongui nv at
j Mr, Itaker. Yet ther is not one of
. them who d ire to g,i to to his f:,-,.
j and utter one word deiog.itory to
his Hime. I,et the Jtitotn
Axk say to you wh exnvt to
make anything for your party by
I thi course toward Hon. t II. Ha
j ker, it will lw like gnawing a tile,
jor like trying to peuctr ate the
.steel plate armor of an 'imp'roveil
line o' battle n ival vessel, wi: It a
pound bras cannon! There
was no man in the last legislature
who stood np f.r".fhe 'ple a
against the Portland gang of cor
rupti.Miists v manfully as Mr. lin
ker --there i no man in alt Ore
gon who exercised lnore 'power "and
iiHuenee to defeat, that gang than
It.tker, und there is no man in
Line countv who hold a higher
j place in the estimation of the plain
common eople. jciv Utcrcoi.
j The o.iistituliou of Oregon ilc-
We denm-rats using a ar- clares "That .ill men shall lie secure
gument why i.oj.le sup- ' tln ir natural right lo wor-hip
jH.rt Mr. Raker, t liar he suffered Almighty lb s according to the die
the people's par'v to u.-e his name tal-f ow ueo-isi ience that
for a jsitiou oAhf. tiekct so soon ! I1" TIlttsJall in any case whatever
after the use J T jiame by the control the free exercise. ami eii
republican yflou for the same " ment of religious opinioiis
"fhVe for which
as a cart
didate on the js.pnli.t ti. k.-t. Mr.
Raker se.vered hi connection Irmii
the republican organization lha:
t , .
t a made at the republican conn-
; ty convention, that those
w ho be-
" ."-
straddle the .,u.sion every man
, , .. .. ;.i '
" 1 " "c !-.-"
or the other." Mr. Raker chose,'
1 1'ke an honorable sensible man, to j
party on that question the unly ;
party that i oil the right
t tie feme on this question, and j
at ttie urgent request pf many of
hi fellow citizens lavame a camli- j
date for the State Senate. Rut 1
aside (r ra consideration of thi '
I (,',rt. 'n answer to the charge t. Sat i
! Mr. Raker should not be supMtrteil
by Ipulist lieeause ol In recent
conversion, what havelemrrat to
say als.ut their central committee H'ny ofliee in the gil t of the Aim ri
in effect adopting Joe tirny for Jean ,cop-; said that I w ill not vote
county treasurer, who wa defeated- f,,r r ,;,,Utise others Ut voto for
in the recent republican convention any Roman Catholic, tut will tote
for the same oilice? The only cliff -. only for a Protestant ; that I will
erence we can see in the twolase J endeavor at all time to plaw the
i that Mr. Raker wa nominated i political Hisilions of this govern
lecause he wa a populist in prin- incut in the hand of Trot, slant,
ciple and adopted the platform and j to the entire exi lut-ion of the Roman
came in under 'he indendent hi-
metallic union movement, while
the democrat took Joe in as a Si
mon pure republican sorehead and
recommends hint to the auprt of
deima rts, while if the republican
convention had gratified Joe',
wishes and gave him the nomina
tion the democrats would Ia3 fight
ing him for vote in behalf of Ren
F. Dorris, who they put on the
ticket for the office of treasurer
That's it! Co slow Niys, go slow.
I).n't ths..w mud. You've nothing
to gain on this line. "That's a
: " predestiiiurian a Udiever in lore
The People's Party State ( I rdinatioit and predestination
Committ.-e is railed to meet at the
HoU l Portland on May 5, to elect a
i Stale Kx.-cutiva Cominitt- and
tr.insact such other biisinaae aa
tnay come In fore the meeting.
Ounity Chairmen should bear it in
uinJ and be. present if ossible.
fn btet week's Ak wo gave whotl
ti iuml a l rU i nt ion if li
pitl ciplca i tiio .. I; V. niuiiiiiia -
. I r
A1if A nmrrU tlmt "nlii
hum, iia our A. P. A. fiicmW ti tin J
it, we tliiuk it a mring of I'liiiiiing-
ly lviin MiitriHif , having nnvny !
ml. I . . 91
mi'h 'ma ii ri it
iii'iliil vln..(i mi my. .'.I ... ,. - a. a
L.,,.,,., N M, iMl, , 1)irU , ,
.uiiirtl ami uiiwairanietl t'niitlition
"'. "H U"Iin to IhihI hhmii
'ht of tin
loo l.iton to
' i. , ".'tn
nog.knl (o our Country, Iml mi the
ii.iitrary, nun h minchii f, JTe fwl
justlti.d in the ass.tioii that if you
lake the feature of religion pro-
m ripti i out of tin' A. I'. A platf. no
in.' or, I. r would f ill to pnv in
ninety d.iv time In fact, lie.
Mr. U..arJ,.,t.r. pre.i. her in ch uge
ol the l.apl.-t church in rg-ne, a
ineinU r of the oiflcr, said in sub
stance to us.thai if the Papa, v had
nod. siirn to e. t control of the civil
s.i-r in th- I ii itt-il States, the A.
P. A. had no place in this counlrv.
Wc subjoin Mllur i xtract f,..,',,
the constiiutjvns of the I'nited
Mate and the State of
which we think every loyal citiien
is bound to respect, together with a
passage . Iioin one of President
(ir iut's message, which should le
'Yeg-ildeil with no less t'rtit-in, hay
1 i.ig we think, di' irt la'aiing upon
the ipiestiou under considei.ilion,
and close by publishing a part of
- the obligation of the A. P. A., a'ml
ask tin- candid reader to Ttii'lv w. 11
w h it he due when he csiiisi the
cause o?he A. P. A. .
AUi.U.'f the c. institution of
the lnjt.s States leads :
"No I religious test, shall le re-
ipiir.iUas a iU;ilitie itimi to any
oili.e or public trust under the
I" int. d States. ' . , .
' .... . 1 . '
I 1 lie lirrt anieiiiluielit to tne ( ou
stitution read a follows:
"'I'oiigi is shall make no law re:
speeting the t stab!ihiuent of re
Hgiou or prohibiting the free ex. r-
er int.ifere with the. rights
eonscien. that in. r. ligimis Ii
, sia" l-r"oiri-l as a iiaii(icitioii
-y "IUch f ,r.t or profit."-
t . i
I and -I of . t'onsti-
tutiott of Oregon
follow it thv laugu.tgn of
(.rant: I
, "Allsecnt oath tnin.t, p'liti'nl
partie ar.'daiigernus tunny nation,!
no mftr how pure or patriotic
twe lin.tTvei
i s ami priueipb-s, which
nrst .nring tlieiu .getli. r. No sh
lilical pan v can or ought to exist,
w h. .. if it- t. ;
--- --- i-
I"'''"'! to freedom ef thought, and
I to the right to Uoirhip (ind neis.r,.
ing to the du tatis of ones conrci-
vUiv aecrding to the crc-d of auv
religious denomination whatever."
Xow lake Ute follow ing, part nf
tlieobligation of the A. P. A. and!
tVn if possible reconcile the .i-'
lion of that order w ith tlie duties I
and obligation of a true nt.d loyal
American cilucii, if vi.u cjiii: "I
furthermore promise ami swear,
"that I will not countenance the
uomiiiatioii in any caucus tr con
vtnlion, of a Roman ralhidic. for
j Catholic Church,, or the meinlsT
thereof. To all of w hich 1 do most
sobiiinly promise ami swe-ur, so
help me tiod,"
I. D. Driver a I'redewtliiariaa.
In his lecture on Ingersol at
Roweburg re.-enlly, Dr. Ilriver said,
"I fal had nrilninnl that 'no infidel
progeny' descend to the fifth gen
eration." And in a conversation
with several gentlemen recently,
said: "The saloon was anlninnl
of Cod. It was nrilmnr,! fur a
purie for the purpose of getting
away with whores and whoremon
gers." Kvidently, the Doctor is a
Rut it seems to us, the better way
to get away with prostitute and
lilaTtines, won Id I to decree that
i their progeny, as in the case of in-
i fiflpln ulii.tlhl ilfM.n.l In i.nlv t.
( ilultHi generation or nit at all.
j Rut Dr. Driver may do a Ingersol
iy Mi did -make mistakes.
IV c are prepared to 'tare lliein in any kind f weather. - A
...... k .. 1 ' - - '
i . , . .
. r 111 iiili'nl of iik tiirra
!TI PI( l'r.Si-nlli J, WlllmnrMi- Htrrrtn.
am i. a iillli an.) i l.ri. I" IIVt'TolIll
I'll 1llU,l l-ll I t.H. Bm .r t.ll.U l
" " '
v..n. i.. ,.u. .. i..r n.i- i.. ...)
"i H t-t nir.ii miiM.a
I K xl 1 l!k v "N" Hl "' solum iio
. I MttI I III, I ? .ll aii.l III I I. OI Hll IM OIIACUM DAVia ! Il"' ""
l...l...l a ,., ....itr. Wvl Kliihlh at.
at LANE'S. '
, W offer fop 00 A m b
ij 35 per can- ff.T,
, PULLER'S Phcoulz, tutd
YATE S Pure Puints.
I 1 w u 1. i.u k .i i i., iv ...
t: ti.t xn.
'I V. . .-ill.
f.tJM 4Mh Hit rlnl
''' "
, Buy YonrPolntt at Coit at
1 ,A N K'S
I'li--.w. of.Kin.
l ASH stl.t)
fr'rt hi Tli
i'oKNKit pi:rc stork
Viijm, Mfiliriurt, T'l'l .1 1'lVfn, ttr.
V. IIKM'KN V AY, Pimc.
filhimrilf nmi .VinlA ' Slirtl
CldtJn", Coats, Capes
' '.Arid.
Our SttK'ks arc Onnplctc, niul all
Fresh New Stuir and Wy Oiler
Them at Prices to - Suit any
Man's l'ofkct-book.
Take Your Produce to....
Vlltl ItllV "V'OIH il,IM'IM,ll'M f
C. C. Goldsmith & Cos.
Dry Hides' Want itl.
Ian V .
. -
The 9th Street grocer.
Soma people hat the
m people lev the
Some people fight the
anal aeme fight far the
- i
fmWtlTI'lUII ii'irnrTi T i I 1 1 -
, ., , ., '
tir iMit. Ksiwi'Lrull V.
A No.
in im.iuv will.
IMIM 'I "W n i ana
" . M(K
-Vli M inch fast
. ealia Shan
Hhad Plow
I -
A tooth Sis. I Frame t'ulti
valor ....... .
A No fo..k Store (full
Si.e). . .
A lOipi-i.t Milk Pail
A M 'piarl Pislr Pan
A full sine lloik r, co.-
H'r Uittoiii
1 doxi-n (i.imrt Milk Pan .
I garden Hoc ...
1 long handle Steel Shovel ,
I handled Axe
Piiiiiled It.irU il w ire
I ilvunici RarlN-d w ire' .
No. 'l plain (i.ilv wire....
No 1 1 Italiiig wire'. . . .T'.
I -,r'
:t vi
all llin.
Sections ami tiuanl for
leading mowing mnehinea ami'
Kinder at' RrduVed PrnvM. Steel
I'ut nail 10.1 to -d. Il.tXI x t
k-g, - Wire Nuil ID-d hi r.'M
I 1" per keg.
Tinware at Reduced Prices, l'ta
of new Patterns of Wall Paper
at 12) to .Vc. Come a ml see in.
. t'ash in luiiid .
Criffin Hardware
It Haws to Una vryTlm