Broad-axe. (Eugene, Lane County, Or.) 189?-19??, April 16, 1896, Image 1

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,ll 11 w
X (lues ta Ike Vlrh rrr I. lab.
f ta tk LIm atver Tlas.
vol. ...
NO. 5.
I'lftr KSSIu.S Al, CAHIS.
)K. I-:. I). Mi MNNI.Y
I'liysicun ;mj Surgeon
III a'a nwlal alt. mm,, ii In all , linmli- ilia
eaaasaml linn, i . ,11,, ,,,1,1, -,,,i,hal Manila
om.a i,,, i, ,triit.i
i'liyskhti ami Suiyyoii
lall H, tuH.iii.ry anil anrlial it la
wmwm in w "
nm lu l liilaiuan til a .
j r V'h m
3H. M l! & YOU.Vi
11 01 r Viral Nafliina.1 sail
Basaac. Hltf
0 Attorney-at-Law
I I 4n a iruaral la wscllra in all Uirronr't
ol the alala
. MmiLII
Attorneys at Law
utaanvrvLa u j.ri.lti bMlbM i-rr
Roajna I anil ? mat Viral Salliinal Sana
Attorney at l-jv... Notary
fftr In Mr4 lung bulliltnff. tti llr )
. " rwii a ii kv ur r.K
KliEKWOOD BUKK. Euftmc. Or
iu inn h. en
ihluk ol
H IUL1 a uilm l-
ii.i, t
UUT rmliri . ui l-ca. . ih. ma. t.r nc
fU all Mrllc JnllN e I ' I K I: H I ) a
III Talent Afli.rtli'ia. Maanlulull. i
Ihalr ti. irur uffrr
Tour Attention is Called - to
OK -
W are also troparl to '.take
fit guars ntceil, rKK
Sgecial Call for a Fnrs Meetinn
There have been rumor recently set afloat that certain transac
tions have taken place, which' very much effecta the whole fanning
community of lne county, and as a re nit a haaty Investigation of
the same waa ma le by a Committee of One Hundred Kartner on last
Hatunlay, and an auriling aa the effect ol their work, that they deem
it but aroiwr that a public meeting of all the Farmer of lane county
should b called to assemble at W. KANPKRS' Store in Eugene at
the earliest possible date, to lonflrmlh fact, that he It selling hi
entire (Ux-k of Clothing, Boots, Shoe, anil Dry Ooodt cheaper than
aay merchant In Eugene, and the Parmer of Lan county ahonld
lak advantage of th same while the opportunity it offered. II 114.
'The Committe
.W. 0ANDER0.
Urn Peon Rortk if Holou Bust, Vllliaitti Jlrwt
A Nil
Wlllimitti SI , bet. 7th lod Sib. Iu.idi, Or.
All Kindt of Bread. Cakd, Plat. Etc.
Alwayt on Hand.
Miala from A In 2fi rents. 6 cent
lunrti counter in ronnet'tioii.
Orders rei-eue prompt attention.
Tlir-patruuaya ol tlia pulilic respect
fully anllrlUnl.
Willamette Market.
A full iuudIv of vrvthlntf that U hr&t In
flfil twtal.tUhttrnt '-It here, u rWl.
Hu tutu. I.if u. ttlitrh tj wilt itilti
in u ran it tt"t44 la tit f.
lUvliit laM'tlM. Hisa4 he Ux m Mil
tin II t) roi Biil Ini u stfof Brllibff
(! cm Wllinti tf.,
I ui"i, frou
part of tt
rllj In.
Loan and Savings Bank
ffl 'ml
!- Irlilcnl
1 ahl. r
Ill.((,. .
. ' flKO N
H l r-AlMT
r. w tKi kn
l. A. I'alnr.
J. K. l-avia.
J. H llama.
K. D. I'aitif.
J. K. KubinauD,
V. K. Iltoan.
K. W
PAID UP CAPITAL, $50,000.00
A tienrral Hanking tsini- Trans
ai'tnl. Intirent alios e.1 on time tie
ita. Ilinheat Cali Iiali'S l'aid (or
City and t'oonty Warrani.
"Chairsand Rugs
Undertakers and
Upholstery Goods....
Oar -Large and Complete Line
measure for a Suit maite to order.
A perfect
of One Hundred"
10(111, OrtfOI
Challenged by the Tories of
the Gold-Loving East.
Til Miaaian f lha MaHarbwalU Ka.
publican 4'uataullwn Mock Ika
TrMi Tory llaatana who miityl the
Maakawhuaotta HtiuublicuD ouuvrutinn
! uudnr KutWhil'I'a eaatcirn Kural and
a : dintator of the buuaa of rnjiroaciutatiTni
Idtifjr l) Auiaricaa (temple and inixk at
I tha oatlemititie of a dlatrnaaed ouontrjr
' lo lha fultuwtag inanlant lDKOa:,
T "Wa rard the ailter aKitatioo aa
I hnrtfol U bualuea and doatrocllre of
I ouufldnuoa, and aa haa rcoi-utljr bnen
, ahowu, huatlle to all tariff lKilaiton
j dnaiKimd tujijlTa prcUxitluu to our iu
: iluatrlna and rovenua to oor trraaary.
We are entln-lj oppoand ffUie frae
and nullmiUtd ooiuaK" of ailvrr, and ta chuD(o lo fie eiUtiotf gold aUnilt
ard tiiorpt by international agreement.
Kacb dollar muat be kept aa (nod at
every Mbnr dollar Tbe credit of tbe
United Kutoa muat be maintained at
tbe highMt point, ao that it cannot be
qoeatioued anywbera, either at b'ltne
ur abrfeaf. ICvery prouiiae moat be rig
idly kept and erery obligation redeem-
able in 00m moat be paid In gold.
" Wa are oppiaard to tbe ooaoond ani
! daugeroaa fjamin "6f Ui t-aiika. We
j aopport the national babking tyatem
and beliere Ibat it abould befao amend
ed aa to give it mob for eipanaiun aud
opportunity to meet the deinanda of tha
growing lauaiuraa and population of the
ooantry. "
Thia la the language of the Eaat to
tbe Weet and South. 'It ia the lan
guage of dictation and threat. Tbla ia
tbe language of the mouopoliaa of the
Kaat created by tbe special privilege
wbu-h the Kaat baa aeenred by the gen
erosity of the West and Booth. What
pret-nee la there left for tbla aaaem
blage of turiea to claim royalty to the
ounatitntioa and lawa of the United
Hutre after aaying: " We are entirely
uppoatrd to tbe free and unlimited coin-1 Jlooatoo, Tel., April IS. At Milli
age of ailver, and to any change In the ' can. few mtnotea after I thia morn-
eilating gold aundard, eioept by Inter-
national agreement." What would
bare bn-o aald in the better day of the
republic to an Eatu-rn cabal which
ahoubl have duclared that Europe alone
should legislate for thia country? The
constitution make It the duty of eon
great to ooin moury ud regulate the
value thereof. Tbeae Eastern toriea
aay that lb gt-vernmrnl aha 11 not coin
! money without the consent of Europe.
The state, before tjjr formation of the
i eonalitution, each had a right to coin
I money, but that right was aurrvudtwd
( to the geutral govcrunirut, which un
dertook to. oiun money fiir all the
stalo. liut Kothachild eud Keed
Maaaachuapttt lories aay that Europe
slone shall coin iin-iit'T for this ciun
try. They aay thry are opposed to any
change In our coinage laws without
tbe consent of Europe. If tbia ia not
alien torvism: if thia it not in viols-
I lion of thn principle of the const i to-
I tlon: if thia la not a threat to betray
i the country, what ia iO
i Thia European assemblage of Maasa -
'chusett further avi: "Everv promise
must l rigidly keptrand every obliga
tlon rediemable in coin must be-paid
in gold." The statu ta of tbe United
SUtea declare that every obligation of
the government, except gold certifi
es tea, it payable in either gold or sli
ver, at the option, of the United States.
Tbe Maseachueetu convention aay
that th government and the people
hall be robbed ot that option, and it
aball be given to alien and tory con
spirators who furnish money to buy
tbe preaa, to pack conventions, and to
rob the people. The obligation of
Prance and Germany were payable the
aame at our, in either gold or wlver.
l urro jraia aKu uie nuiuacnuns want-,
ed one hundred and fifty milliona, with
Kothachild want -
which to convert the debt of Aoatria
Into gold obligations. No country in
Europe would furnish it But the tory
Heaaiant of this country, using Ufover
Cleveland, who happened to be theii
servant at the time, raided our treas
ury for gold to supply those alietLgam
involved the country in nearly three
hundred million of debt to buy gold, I sense that it bound together and given statement come xrom nnquettion
when by law be wa required to pay ; tbe name of 'Bilbo.' ed antboirty.
our obligations In silver. Maaaacha-
setts says "Amen."
We have told the people of the Wast
and the South that the Republicans ot
New England have indorsed every vio ( Endeavorer it that they don't giro : Johnson's oourt in Salem. Tbe evi
ls tlon of law wbioa. haa disgraced my argumenU consideration. If they 1 &t00t proved that the shooting waa in
Cleveland's administration. The did they would agree with me. Here- ' Mif defense,
charge ha been denied. We thank tofore they have (imply aaid: 'Ob, I . ... . .
God for the oonfceion W thank Ingersoll, be ulk for money I There U, At the city election in Cimmaron.
God Ibat MaetaohuBBtU ba indorsed I nothing In what be says.' They did I Kan., Mrs. U A. Curtt wa eleoted
the bond infamy. Wa thank God1 not listen to m with any intention of mTor by amall majority over Dr.
that MaaaaohuaelU ba indorsed Cleve
land' usurpation, Cleveland' perver
sion! ot th tutotea, Cleveland's rob
bery of the people for the purpose of
enriching the bondholders.
MasaachusetU aayt that the ailver
agitation it destructive of tariff legiala
tlon Ignoring the fact that there can t
no boueat tariff legitlation without tbe
rehabilitation of silver the difference
of exohange being a tariff ot 100 per "It i a striking commentary, how
cent against us and in favor of silver eev, on the change of time, this
standard countries New England re-' method of battling m. There wa a
fused to remove that difference of ex- time noi long ago when a man who ex
change, but demand a tariff blgb pressed the opinion that 1 do Would
enough to be exclusively tor ber special ' have been totrued to death. . Nowa-
benent, without regard to the interest
of any other seotiisj of th country. It
I not silver agitation ot the West and
South that is injuring the tariff. It 1
th gold conspiracy of tb Eaat, that
ba already robbed tbe West and
South, prostrated the country, produced
universal distress, and threatens to sub
vert tb institution of th Fathers.
The Impudence of tb Eatt. because tha
vll Inflicted by lb goldbug legtU
tlon of KogUod aa4 Naw Kogland
haVe beootae oennurable, and Ijeuam
tbe Weat and ooutn are ootnpelled to
ria up In elf.defaaa Kinit their de
apoilera, U aaptrallled, ouulde of the
Infamil Murtlllll. It ail alia. Ob,...
.H.V.MM. " ' " p..Hv.T j
oalty ol ua VYeaa oo mjum.witn iLeir 1
long forbearanoa, that baa allowed '
New England lo V ruin over thia !
country; that baa alluwed New Kug-
laod to fuater bar manufacturee while ,
ah baa rained lb Weal and hVjutb. I
We aa to ber bow. we thank her for i
making tb latme Hrely. We, thank ;
her for declaring mat te u tbe friend
of our alien asemlM, and the frl&ud' of .
Kothacbllda. W . thank ber for pro
olaimicg that ab I oppoeed to floan
olal leglalation under the oomtitution;
that aha ia in. feof of baTing Kunipean ,
eRta)alloa for 'Amwica We thank i
ber for oomtng trot under ber true
We aay to the Kaat, at onoe, that
tha Weat and 8oj will meet ber
cballeng. Wa tail ber that tb tim - robbed the crap game of the btrnk roll,
1 not far dtetant when thing will be ' mounting to $580.
boneatly qnalliai In tbia country, j An eiploaion oororred In tbe engine
and when tha arrogant New Kogland ' room cf Uj Morphy VarnUh work, in
goldbug of cootracUoa and oonoaca- chioaga Several men wera aerioualy
tlon will learn that the Weet d ' bnrt and two fatally.
a.. a Aiai aaa.a.. J a. ,
EXiOia IOT wivir afig'ii iui aarv v
IUBU1UI UlOtaVa lugs; U J UiW
k. .nnn aaf tk. in,.!,, tV.. mj
I.I .-A aaaTTlf II If... k..
-a... r.1,.-.w-, . " i
oeaaed lo be a virum. fi nere ia no vir
tue now left to tbe Weat and Mouth and
to all American patriot but that virtue
which reaUta wrong, opprewion, oat
rage and robbery. When the Eaat
tar. "We will rob tbe Weat and South
of their property and mock at their
ealamitiea;" when the Eat aay.
"Europe aball legiaUte for thia coun
try, beoaoae wa bate the oonititutioo;"
when tb Eaat eaya, "We delight In tbe
ml aery of the American people if our
peolal privilege nan b maintained;"
when tbe. Eaat aaye "We will crutb
lb Wel And Sooth nnla they will
bow tbe knaa to a, and allow u to
rale through the aid of thrir enemiea
on tbe other aid of the Atlantlo"
then tha Weal and Bouth moat defy
the enemiea of their country and reeiat
them to the bitter end.
1 1 Ilea IU DMfattar. Waaada
Lever, mm Thee
lag, John Brook ghot and killed hi
j daughter, Molli Brook, and aerionaly
wounded ber (weetheart, A. C Wor-
rela, and then oommitted suioide.
Worrela and Mis Brook
. lover. nd bad made tp their mind
to marry in opposition to tb wiabe of
the young woman' father. When tbe
north bound Centrtl train, due ber at
a:03 A. at., atoppsaTWIhe-ataUon. the
young people were nsoj su irei
board and run away. Worrela helped
atiaa It rooks opon tbe first step of the
platform, and just a she got' up, ber
father, who stepped form tbe other side
of the car, fired upon her, shooting her
through the ri'.;t bnast, the bullet '
paating through her body, bbe fell
backward into tbe arm of her lover,
with the words, "Oh. mother, father
ha killed me!" and expired.
At Worrela bent down to lay her on
tbe platform, Brooka fired upon him
unJer the car, the hall paating through
bla neck and making a terioos and
, probably fatal wound.
) After the shooting. Brooks, who ba
been employed at the rock-quarry of
Green & Olive, went to tbe quarry and
tried to borrow a pistol, but oould not
pt't oue. Be then went to tbe powder
house, secured a box of dynamite, and,
going away about 100 yards, tat down
; upon it and applied a match. A ter
' rifio explosion followed, which tore
blm to piece, not enough being gath
ered up to fill a cigar box. '
. lagaraull lal.til.ata tk Eflarta f
Cleveland, O., April IS. Robert J.
. Ingersoll, who lectured here latt night,
waa interviewed on the effort of the
vieveisuu v-u.ia..u ouuraimmi "
.oonverl blm to Christianity by con-
'Cleveland Christian
oerted prayer.
I "The Christian Endeavor people."
aaid be, "are all right. I pity hem.
as I pity all the other misguided. In
the aame way I pity tb man who
think be ba solved tbe perpetual mo
tion problem; I pity the 'young girl
all who have faith ia tbe tissue of non-
"It wa good natured on their part
I to pray for tue, and that act alone lead
. me to believe that there ia still hops for
them. The trouble with th Cbrtitian
giving a fair and impartial verdict.
Their decision was give, beforehand.
'Thing, ar changing now. 1 waa
alone in my belief 10 year ago; now I
bar a good deal of ootnpany. Aa far
a tbe prayer of ered np for ma are
I concerned, ao far at I ant able to learn
they have done me no barm, and if
they bare done me any good I don't
know of it
day, they pray for one.
."After all. to what do the Chrlttlini
object in my doctrine? I simply point
oat what is obvious to all honest
thinker the inoonsiatenoiea, untruth,
and Impoasibtltie of th Bible. It U
U right It they gsia consols tins from
their belief, but o far a I have ob
served, tha Christian religion bring
nothing but psin, while my ballet
bring happlnnta "
EvenU ot the Day in
deosed Form.
iteaa f laap
u rrai(B
m tk Olaaatteke.
New baa been received that 1,500
immigrant are about lo leave Naple
fur tha United Bute.
Governor MoGraw of Waablngton,
ba lamed procUmaMon dealgnating
April 24 aa Arbor day for tbayaar leW.
aa nimred tha laloun
of Char Us Wlrkha, In AatorU, and
Count Mattel, the diaooverer of the
. M I . u I ..u w.. . . k.i.
mj wjaa va mjwi .v laav
l - -J
! waa a development of homeopathy.
,. a devel
Philip Heppner, a well-known ware
houseman of Arlington, Or., committed
uioide by shooting himself through
tbe brain with a 8 -call ber revolver.
Tbe boose committee on .military
affair baa decided to report nvorably
tbe eolation to bestow the rank of
lieutenant-general on General Nelson
A. ktilea. -
Tbe expedition of the Russian Geo
graphical Society, equipped for the ex
ploration of the Irkutsk region of Si
beria, baa started, and will be absent
thtee yean,
W. IL M. Christie, astonomer royal,
will leave London in July next, and
pas through British Columbia en root
to Japan iu order to witness the ecllpe
there in the autumn.
Tbe drat leport of the battle at
Mount Mocran, April 3, stated that the
.Italian lost 100 killed and wounded.
Now it i admitted thai ten officer and
800 men were killed.
- Canada baa, taken), official action in
regard to the Cree Indian matver, and
the present outlook,! that all Cree in
the United . SutbeSrUl be deported
within tb next four week.
Charles Parkin and Patrick Cardi
gan, two members ot a wrecking crew,
. were truck by a fast freight train on
the Penney lvania road near Bowning-
ton, Pa., and instantly killed.
; Th eir York Assembly baa paased
the bill limiting tbe boar of labor of
women and children to sixty hour per
aa- .ta -., .it ..i.i,i.iH .
week, and put all etabliahment un
der ooutrol of tbe board of health.
The secretary of the treasury ba
asked for an appropriation of 13,000 to
be expended under the direction of the
United States marshal of Alaska for
the repair of public building in Al
aska. The navy department hat received a
report from Paased Aatistant Engineer
W. P. Arnold, that the black plague
bat made iu appearanoe in Hong Kong,
but that the fact is being concealed for
business reason. ,
Tbe board of health of San FrnoUooi
hat been notified that a Chines pas
senger on the Gaelic died at Yoko
hama March 81 of the plague. Tbe
steamer (ailed for San Franciaoo the
am day. She will be quarantined
1 on her arrival. ,
i The ataamer Empress of Japan, from
Tokohsma, bring word that Mount
; Kiriahima was in eruption Mafb 15.
' M. Lievre, of the French warship Kar
falt, waa ascending the mountain when
the crater broke forth, and was seri
ously wounded, his guide being in
untly killed.
The instruction to United State
i revenue vessel for the patrol of tb
Wmten during the coming eaon
bav been completed by the treasury
dMrtme, .nd wiU .wtlv be iasued
to the captains of tbe v ease la . .They
are substantially toe tamt as tnote ol
last year.
- The Northern Paoiflo office in 8po
k an hat advice that a getxcal ad
vance in freight rate to tbe ooaat o r
tbe tranaoontinenul line of about lb
P oent will be made in a lew weea.
i Jame L Dosier. on bis preliminary
eXAminaticn on a charge of kiUing
' frank Kelly at Butteville. Or., on
' Uarnh II. waa acouitted in Justice
; a-wrrnoo. .u.e.n. .
P" of women, who were out in full
I loroe. Mrs. Curti. 1. over 60 year of
nd u .nite wealthy.
a French reaidenl of Cuba writing
, to a London paper aay that a band of
I volunteer, infuriated by the reeolu
i tlon ot the American senate, snot six
j tons of an American farmer at Cast-
guea. The L niteo eta tea consul gen
earl is inquiring into the matter.
A terrlflo explosion, entailing tb loa
of seven live and tha wounding of
several other, occurred in the canyon.
four milea from Ogtlen, Utah. Tbe
men were employed by the Pioneer
Dam Copmany, and were about to pre
pare a blast, when a premature explo
sion occurred.
Dispatches from Constantinople aay
that an imperial trade ba decreed the
wholeeale expulsion ot all Christian
ml as ion arte from Armenia, who ar
mainly French, and all Protestants.
It 1 still possible, says tb report, by
Immediate pi ass are to prevent tb ate
cutlon of the decree, bat do time 1 to
William Biggerataff, tbe murderer,
wa hanger 4 In Helena, kf out , for tb
murder of Bicbard Jobnaon, tb cham
pion lighter of kf cm tana. Ha exhibit
ed an unlooked-for ooolneaa. Tb eie
cntion waa moat aooceaafuL Hi neck
wa broken, and be waa proooanoed
dead i i m ma tea after jerking ap
tbe body. aw
Beplying to tha Colled Bute charge
d'affalre. John W. Riddle, tbe grand
riiier and tbe minister of foreign
affair of Constantinople nave both de
clared that they have received bo In
formation regarding tbe alleged espial,
ton of Rev. Ueorge W. Koapp. tb
American missionary, from Bulla. It
1 (tated that Knapp baa already ar
rived at Diarbeklr. Tbe local author!-
tiea wlahed to eipel bia aacretly.
Kiddle i now awaiting instructions "
f wTabiniton 7 " w ,'ltoiba banaflt of lb Bpanlarda r the
Tbe state of Ohio, on and after July
I, will Inflict capital punishment by
electricity, the bill having passed both
houses. "S
(Justs v Kotrner, ax-lien tenant-governor
of Illinoia, and ex-mln(ster - to
Spain, died in SL Lou I aged 87. He
bad a good war record.
The bona committee on territories
ba voted to report favorably tbe New
Mexioo statehood bill to tbe bona, and
also decided to defer action on tbe Ari
ooa bill..
Tbe Rome correspondent of tbe Lon
don Chronicle say the pope sanctioned
tb publication of the appeal for arbi
tration by Cardinala Vaughn, Lbgne
and Gibbons.
Senator OaUiager baa introduced la
the senate a bill for .tbe creation of a
United State commission to treat with
commissions from other Christian na
tion for tb correction of intolerable
evil in tbe Ottoman empire.
Baron von Schrader, master of cere
monie at the Prussian court, 1 dead
from injurie in 11 io ted by Count von
Kots, formerly one of tbe oourt cham
berlains, in a duel fought in tbe vicin
ity of the Neos Pal la, at Potsdam,
Prussia. .
American Intending to travel in
Germany and Russia tbia summer are
advised to obtain pass porta at Wash
ington, aa the new rale make identifi
cation indispensable before tbe pass
ports are leaned from tbe American
embassies In Europe.
Deputy Game Warden Brewster, o(
Grand Rapida, Mich., ha, begun
wholesale arrest of fishermen and aeia-
are of their net upon tbe charge that
tbe mealies are smaller than tbe law
ful sise. Nearly every fishing Ann in
Grand Haven ia complained against.
Tbe first bier Ice militia Company in
10 a" " organise., u.
Taooma by - twenty-five member of
Company C,
tain Howell.
under command of
The member
are prae
ticing the cycling movemenu adopted
by the United State army.
By the explosion of 800 pound of
powder in a magasine on tbe 1,1 00-foot
level of the St, Laiwrence mine in
Butte, Mont, six men lost their live.
Their name are Con G. Lowney, John
Quinlan, Ed Shield. Janae Dwyer,
John McVeigh and Patrick O'Bourke.
The Taylor brother, the condemned
murderer of the Meek family, broke
from the county jail in Carrolton, Ma
George Taylor made hi escape, but;
Bill wa retaken, and it again behind
the bars in jail, in which the two
brother were to. have been banged to
gether on April 80.
In Philadelphia a regularly organ
ised and equipped military bicycle
corps it now-engaged in drilling and
other work preparatory to embarking
for Cuba. About 160 member are en
rolled. Officers have been elected,
and tbe baggage and munition of war
are now being secured. They are all
Robert W. Edgren, ot the universit?
of California, has again oeaten the
world's hammer-throwing record.
From the regulation seven-foot ring he
burled a 16-pound hammer the aston
ishing distance ot 148 feet 5 Inches.
This wss over three feet farther than
the world's record and a foot farther
than Edgren'a previous best trial
throw. : "
A coord in g to a telegram form Vladi-
to lock to the Novo Vremya, the last
new from Seoul aay that the Corean
are deteimined to exterminate tbe Jap
anese, holding them responsibl for th
murder "of tbe queen. Band of men
have been organised to threaten the
Japanese factories. Japan ba tent
warship to Foaan, and other polnU on
tbe coast.
Premier Bowel 1 hss introduced a bill
ia the Canadian senate respecting the
Bearing sea claims, the object of whiob
U to confer on the commivaionert who
may ba appointed to investigaw and
prepare the claim that will become
doe under the Paris award tbe full
power of judges, with respect to the
summoning of witnesses, while adjudi
cating upon th claims.
The situation In Gloucester, Eng.
lsnd, where tbe virulent smallpox is
rsging. is so serious that tb govern
ment is likely to take charge. Up to
March IS there wera 700 cast, and
since then there hat been an increase
of fifty weekly. Tb percentage ot
death it twenty-five, and tbe town it
in a eat ot panic Tbe dean of Glou
cotter ba issued aa appeal for assist
ance, i ..
Heavy drif U of Arctic Ice drove along
the shot la tbe neighborhood of St.
Johns, N. F. and crowds ot fishermen
started on tbe floe in search ot seals.
A wild snowstorm overtook tbe fisher'
men. It it feared that many ot them
have been eaagbt and will ba nnable
to return. Much anxiety prevalla for
their safety. When snob Moral swept
th to field year ago, 10 Uvea ware
lost In similar way.
Crisis In Cuban Affairs Said
to Be Approaching.
rillkaalerlea; Saesllae Takes k gpeaM
isaa a aaaai
tr laesv t .
rest. V
tenia eaal Saaaataiat
ta A keerklsg Taste
New Otieana, April It The' Pica
yune print tb following letter fraxa
iu special eorreepondetil at Havana:
The eonditlon of affair Ueoutinaiag
to draw to a erlsia, and aoon there wiU
be a clash which will either redoead
official new be been ' given oat at tbe
capuia-generar office, and rumor are
received of a battle in which tbe in-
argent were victorious. No detail
can be learned, bat there ba been eon
dderable harrying and . carrying
aroand the palace.
Tbe landing of tbe expedition have
caused a bad effect here, especially as
the coast was supposed to b ao well
guarded. .1 am informed of tbe real
detail of tbe Collaao expedition. It
Bent that while, tbe expedition waa
landing it arma and ammunition, a
cruiser bov in light and tbe vessel car.
rying tbe expedition pat to eea, being .
pursued by tbe eralaer, whose anarch
light waa aaed lo discover tbe vassal.
In the meantime, tbe force of tbe ooaat
patrol came up and captured a aoore of
rifle boxes, and carried them to tbe
nearest town, which wa Cardenas, and
placed them In a warehouse on tbe oat
skirt of tb town. During tb nigbt -the
Cuban forces, which were to pro
tect tb landing of tb xped' Hon, and
who bad been itrbarjaed of tbe .vrieenoe
of tbe afma, overpowered tbe 'guard
at tbe Srarehouae, and before reinforce
ment came, recaptured tbe arm and
carried them away, while a guard of
insurgent protected the retreat and
held tb Spanish troop in check.
There are two absorbing topic at
present. One 1 the attitude of tbe
United State, and tbe other I tbe ac
tion that President Cleveland will
A Haw Cs Sal tai Have lata
far tk Catka4 star.
Chicago, April 15. Porfessor W. B.
Pratt and Hugh W'lghtman,' tbe electro-therapeutic
and the baotsriologist,
of Bnntt college, ot thi dry, claim
lu have prsCTJbxlly proved within tha
last week that epidemics, will be im
possible in tb future. . Tbey claim
that Aitatio cholera is to be no more
feared than other aches, and that dip-
theria, glanders snd typhoid must all
yitld to the new remedy, the Roentgen
rays. The various germs were grown -in
tubes in proper media. Magnetic
means ot force from the Crook rt tubes
were "paased through them. The ap
plication lasted two hours. Cholera
was the easiest destroyed and appear
to have been wiped out entirely. - Dip
theria ba been treated very tenderly
and favorably, but after eight days has.
failed, to show the (lightest signs of
life.- There baa been no activity in tbe
bactetria of tha other diseases, and,
with certain modification a, th doctor
are now ready to announce that the
ray, properly applied, will destroy any
form ot infection or contagion germ.
Thi ia indorsed by tbe oollege faculty,
and the entire electrical equipments,
tbe beat in tbe Wert, will be turned
over hi week for future proof of th
discovery, which la now maintained to
be a fact.
Peaallaaa Itallaa laaaalgraate
- lata) tk Csaatrr..
. New York, April 16. Tbe
thi morning says: .
Th steamer Bolivia, of the Anchor
Una, arrived from Genoa and Naple
yeaterday. She brought 1,178 Italian
immigrants. Six hundred of them
wera detained at Ellia island on tb
ground that tbey are likely to beoome
charges.. Ot thia number none bad
more than a dollar or so, wbil many
ot them war practically penniless.
Dr. Senner said that only about 10 par
cent of those detained would ba al
lowed to land.
The steamer Alesia, of the Fa bra Una,
lto from Naples, reached the bar at 10
o'clock laat night with 1,064 mora on
board. Tha immigrant authorities art
appalled at the great influx of Italian
paupers. More than 18.000 have al
ready arrived, and advice have been
received that 18,000 mora are about to
ail from Naples,
Chicago, April 15 A special to lha
Tribun from St Paul aay : Mot
long ago it wa announced that Pan!
Sohulse, general agent of tb Nortbsrn
Pacifio land department, who com
mitted sutclds at Taooma, had eat.
besaled 11,500,000. This revealed tha
fact that ba bad taken $600,000 from
a St Paul tyndioat. L. C. Dillatan,
of 8pokane, Waab , tb principal aista-
ber of the ay nd ion to, said last night:
"I have for years been on used of
having scored large sums wrong tally
from tha 8t Paal land syndicate which
bought the Northern Pacifto land at
Spokane, and of which I was general
manager. Until now I oould say noth
ing, but tb Norther Padua has seal
me a statement, that say affair are
straight ftcbalae charged the tyndi.
sale over f 600, 000 more thaa tbe di '
reotora ot tb road asked for th
Spokan land, which lanreded CUC
Park, Shantytowa and ether landa.
German scientist rsport that milk
aay be aterUiaad by litallf.
ar '-'