Broad-axe. (Eugene, Lane County, Or.) 189?-19??, June 15, 1895, Image 2

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    J I
"' .
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' Published Evsyy 8tnrdy by
i'VAMIS &.
OdWcovrr McClung'i stor; Grange
handing ; Room 2.
ntarol as cw J cIsm fitter at the
Eugene, Ore.on pott office.
V.vatxt, 0., tUTVKDAr, J fine 15, 183.
tebms or scascaiprioa ;
One rear, (in advance) 1 11.00
fi Months, 6f)
Throe Months; 25
Una Month, 10
cfcbbiso: iute:
Club of G to one post office, one
to geller up of cluli, f 4.50
Cli b of 10. and one to tetter up of
i-lnh, .... 17.50
Advertising rates given on application
' i Smells Of Fusion
' Ed. Broad AeTIio IjkI Issue of
tour ;auer biirca to noties Hie fact I lint
you are dissatisfied with .the Omaha
platform a it now aland, and that x
nlista are persuing a suicidal con rue in
twisting in going hefore the peoule in
Wt with all the demands of the Auiuha
platform. And yon further a(Iiriii"liy
in dorsing the article ot tlie 'Seio I'rei,"
tjfat you fivor a "fusion of jntciests with
r-form republicans anrl democrats that
a e ao solicitous about the country's
welfare, if some policy of refoioi can he
greed upon that will constitute a cum
mnn ground upon which the people may
stand. 1
I will not now attempt to discuss this
proiKMition, for I can conceive of no
audi "ground" where republicans dem
ocrats and populiHts can "stand" on
Vinciple hut perhaps you can, and us
populist are ko deply in earnest for
audi a desideratum . you will have
them under an evorlaating obligation of
lirattilucle, you ' will plainly point out
and locate that "common ground' giv
ing its metes and bonmU. Or in other
words, tell the eoplo in specific terms
just what part of the Oinnha platform
you would cut otl', and whut part oi the
republicn aim demociulic "lefirin pol
1 icy" you would aihl to "conwtituto a
common ground uhii which (lie people
may stand." Do this and we are ready
und atund Uit're if it is
3. F. IIknuhix.
The above communication is puT7
lished at the request of Bro Met;
drix, not for controversy,
simply that he in common with
. others may have his opinion, go be
fore our readers on the vital ques-
tion of harmonizing the great mass
of people who aro opposed to the
Kold oligarchy, who now have con
trol of tho government. "And wo
t ate notso particular as to how, or
by what nieans, or tinder whut par
ticular party banner this may he
achieved, as wc aro about, making
sure that wo make no mituke in
consolidating the forces (it our dis
posal, and so arranging lliem in the
plan of battle as to insure a victory.
The brother may 1l of Ihonc who be
lieve, we can go into the contest of
Vd on tho Omaha platform without
modification, and win. We do not
Ix'lievo so. We havo sonic in our
ranks who believe that the moun
tniii will oomo to Mohammed; but
v.r arc not of those. " We believe that
vlmt the goldocrats want is lo keep
nil the forces who oppose them di-
Viueii ill which case, Lining ioi
led by the popular vote, tho elec
tion would go into the house, which
i. ill insure their success. We do
iiol want to risk any such ,olicy.
We are afraid we have already
n.-ked too much. Wo think that if
aver disaffected republican and
democrat of today were unittd with
tlie people's party, and were working
vhoulder to shoulder in one united
iurl to overthrow tho gold oli
gafitby, it is doubtful if we can rua
c ed. - We hourly and sinccrily
lK'lieve thai ibe inoplc of this na
1'iou cannot U)re annothcr five
Tajs VjxHiliou cf kV policy of the
w jfjve years. We Link their
patiesysp ji.ktr.iot isiu &.u4 endurance
have lxs) airaiiMtd iV ihrirtutmosl
ension. Ilnuce .we are ilhng, if,
need U ,without.tiy J.latf .rw to go
Jorth nitb no(Jswg but a asked ,
ruMonn uanu wjuime 4ioi oi
"d.snii with plutoerry.Ati4 brought. At this writing to in-
willfiW joplo"as tW tuu -rfj, hav. Ikvii found, one
iliigninst SteplH-na for burglariiing
If we,rflB wiaaNt this, t for one' jiW Mr(ikl(j olle agsilt 3xtM AM mug oi our Je -
lorrustlurtfcttr on, Fadnig V W
pluUHMcy M xcjinjw defeit, ail
iroiM)Tsrtfrin. Heating I'lutosr
ueiUkd orutiui ausaur are at.av
iblq. JJLis sii Mlli in 4lrialisist
t ha ,UkX Xno" liwuiatf wo that jw
jioaiUiaJi i'Mn.
"f Ihat be Vkmh 4he aair
th lHtt.4if it UVd- mA aUsr
any jnn la .Lr l-UrT rfortr
thii. e re,-, far as ondor-tsiial
thppriici)Ml the wojlra xuif.
Uua dtf swat uudJLiiid thai svs)
hsuid ls!onth jtriitripleatiTf bt
jmqi1cW dparti, JV'di iu
' .(uaiiteMiW, if we were o lar mmj
.orftUaMif drau-Mli a'tde atU-
JiUJllttusteaa indicated. Bt f4
vary eartaia that witk a 4mfci
w rti the opinion and itiw if tit
tVTjral fjctioni whlh hare Wokeji
off from lh; two old parties ire ean
bring them to aiii'Mr- with u with
out fusing with ilthet "lie of tbein
or adopting any of their pai i :-.lar
old party creed. And here we may
answer i( we have not already
done so, Brother Ilendrix qucs
tion ai to pointing out and locating
that "common ground" giving the
metes and bound; telling the peo
ple in specified terms just what
part of, the Omaha platfoini we
would cut offhand say- that we
would not cut off any part of it, if
all the opposing elements to plutoc
racy would unite with us on that
declaration of principles. We be
lieve they would unite wih us on
etjery fundamental essential de
mand of the old fashioned Jefferson
i:in and Lincoln republicanism of
the past, lint we think there arc
some demands in the Omaha plat
form, if insisted upon will oper
ate as an effectual barrier against
hosts of good people joining us.
And, not stopping here to jMiint out
at this time, what particular tni
of tho platform we would cut off,
not being engaged in platform ma
king just yet, wc will closo by ask
ing Brother Ilendrix if he insists
on going into tho next fight with all
the planks of the platform In tact?: rich and the very poor will be un
Does he favor the ownership by J fathomable and impassable, and 70,
thq government, all the , means of j 000,000 tieople will be slaves to a
trnristiortutlon both bv land and
water, by railroad, by steam ship,
and sail, on Sea, and by tteamboat
on tho water way? And does the
doctor endorse the sub-treaury plant
And finally we think we had better
limit our demand on' the traiisjtor
tation and define it by metes and
We think our plank on the qucs-
' tioil of finance should be adhered to
ftn, ,i,at u forceB f)f opposition to
gold'Kiracy wi'd endur.-o it. We
ownerdiin of tho telegraph and tel-f
ephonc wiirineetlIio approval T,
-he people and that our position as"" desires the praise of th
' to the land- of the people i correct
. .
(iur portion on the .Swiss system of
legir-lalioii known as the initiative,
rcfcrciidunf, imperial mandate and
proportional representation.
We have tried to answer Brother
Ilendrix, fully and honestly. And
will extend to him the courtesy of
our columns for a reply of the same
space we havo taken, reserving the
right to close the matter by a re
joinder of half the spaco here occu
That Mitchell 1'ost Offirp.
It is announced that J. II. Oakes
has beer, removed ns piM-t master of
Mitchell Or. and tint W II. Nasser
has been appointed post muster of
that city. This is well. Jim Oakes
was successor lo I. N. Sargent who
held the pot-t office at that place for
a dozen years prior to Oakes hold
ing it. Both Sargent and Oakes
are uncompromising republicans.
Sargent held the officii all through
Cleveland's fust administration,
and now it is but mete that Oakes
a very bitter southern republican
should be remembered, ibo more so
because bo did mil havo the politi
cal independent to step down and
out, and give place to tho party
and will U indorsed. And finally j I"''"" lor ms reieanves, n lib
we are sure that the hots of oppo- neart longs for the smiles and syc
Fitioii to idutocracv will endorse ' ophantic fa niiik's of the nristocrV
who said by their action trie jnist . senators and congressmen. Nom
ollices should bo tilled by dem-! en of unsavory reputation join the
ocrats. Hill Sasscr is a good man j disreputable men and lobby with
but he will never make any inipiove-1 our law -makers. The trusts are
uient on Oakes as iHwt master. We ! represented by shrewd, scheming
congratulate him cvru though he is 'agent, and the railroads keep a
too (Hair to take tho Hhoad Axe. I "ctnmliiiR army" of eorruplionists.
Circuit court of Ijme county is
in session this week. The docket
1 . i:i.. ...... ...i i... r...., ....... t....
t IW limit tfiic. fiiiu uui ii-n I I T nil-
p,,rUant r-, hHVl. Urn ttdjmlicatnl.
,,ut fi.w (onxotmt 9Ultt werw lrmif
nn,i the u,al nun.U r of suits
i,r ,w,uV,,rv f .,.,. t,. K,Pn for ault on a little girl
,.,iti. ,rt ,....;. i,.,lh
jdeJel guilty. Not ytt sciitenotd.
DmAy Seymour a t old O. A. U.
iua.0 i Aoiiie, has Utely eau.e out
llike jUJttiy I'thtr old oldave aro do
ing, Jor (he , populist parly, ou U
iug akd by on of lite tt. O. l''a
Vwhat a pat) u list was?" Answer, d
by MVUif "a ouilist is rebubli
can with hiaryra open."
Wo CtUMleud the w isjoiu
i liit old auiJier.
Information Wanted.
A litila LiU lMik the Florene kTsat
.uj i. arwiid puidWk Hmmwsi
t Urn saUJ lepwttlH-ew club 4 Flor-
vacw. U'eliaJM W waiting iMilWall?
ir4lia)Mwiko( iliasaid IU. V
reaaaiviialo aw l!iU lii. Ths i.'s
! Uial af Asa eomeahal bl a
cluh Uiaiaulvea, J'-II lint Alley Iu4 ,
out tiW at irij list T
TIIE " DEA DLY CANKER, uafaiChful servant from the capi'
' . - Itol, eveu fta Christ scourged the
tofttBOsAAFt iiuwiBD toiii. moneychanger trim theteyspl? of
a THae reoPf.e' ETyrtiaieiji. . Now It ha.Con.e'a
' ".
Cr Maitrrairs aa4 ataaeaa
Uri iha mait Tkaswlit
Maa win Ws Our La
t ram Ik Sal a at Haiacf
N'ew York, May 6. Tlie great is
sue of the future is plutocracy
against democracy. 1 do not mean
democracy as represented by tno so-
called democratic party, but true,!
genuine democracy the democra
cv that stands for a government of,
for and by the people. I do not
mean thj democracy of G rover
Cleveland, for it is only plutocracy
masquerading in a stolen costume.
I mean the democracy of Thomas
Jefferson,' Andrew Jackson and Ab
raham Lincoln. The issue is now
clearly defined and it s to be the
greatest, the most stupendious srug
! gl" 'f the age. It is the upris
, g of the people against thfr-HHwfrfr , 6ur
cy power, today we nave the rule
of money as opposed to a govern
ment by the people and just n little
more strengthening of its bulwarks
and plutocracy will be invincible,
and the gulf fixed between the very
f?W thousand
The ieople are awakening with ajcKwedJ The ,vatcrit.r)!Were startled,
start and looking about in wild ,d th believe tlrcir eves, or
alarm as they re:UiM how perilous
is their condition. They now see
that while they have slumbered and
slept t'no money power has bound
them hand and footanJ turned
away tluii1 wealth.
Washinglon is tho seat of the
strtiiiulo tl::tt is now cnng on.
When a man enters coiigrecs, he j
mu.t enlist himself on one Hide or
tho other if this conflict lie can-
'" remain neutral. It he wishes
lo UL' courted and feled'by "society;
i pluto-
t,ri,t'C press, it lie is looking lor me
'i.. j . i . i .:...: r I.:,.
ey of wealth, if he has agrc:dto.
possess riches even hey one) tli j H,,. whc.lo. The ciirrMplion, the pn
d reams of averice, he has only to lu j grvvn, Aprons spots have so covered,
the wiliing tool of plutocracy, the ' mltj tt instated the whole svs
minion of the trusts and corpora- tul jtIin eiily iie insfjf cure is
lli-s Bi iwt twe VWv ftrejUw.y
.'f, on the other hand, he
' "'";
pious the cause of tip) people and
stands up for the toilers of the na
tion and antagonizes the money
barons and shy locks, who are en
slaving th-J honest yeomanry of the
country, he will lie called u crank, vou amV HUU, corruption in .illi
an agitator and nn am rchist.- L.m ,igli places? Do you not real
lie will be siwirncd by -iH'ciety, jZu ti,,a it i-s jryi,,g up. ti e very
maligned, abused and ridiculed by I lif -blood of our dearly bought lib
the plutocratic press and treated j Cl tys That it is sowing the seed of
discourteously and snublsd by , dissolatencBS anl debauchcrv. and
those in power and given to under
stand that bo has no influence with
tho administration.
These are the condition which
confront every man when he goes
to Washington, and he inut be-1
Come the ally of plutocracy jind tie
sert the coplc or stand up and
fight the money po.ver and incur
its bitter hatred.
The cnpitolof our nation is reek
ing with brila-ry, licentiousness and
corruption. A swarm of lobbyists
till the corridor and offer bribe to
Lidibying has Ut'ome a profes
sion for scores of ex-senators and ex
copgressinen who have failed of re
election. Indeed I would be nearer
the truth to ciass it with the fino
arts, f r the cin rt lobbyist is cer
tainly an nrlir-t in his line.
Ci rut tIoiiand"" bribery wslk
han.l iu hand with luxury and li
centiouMicioj. When a nun yields
to pressure I rought to I ear on him
and betrays the ople, he become
an easy prey to vicious habit.
Once started ciithe downward rowd
there is ho alopping, and he ends
his day in siiame and infamy a
veritable Benedict Arnold.
The deadly canker-worm of cor
ruption, born of plutocracy, ha en-
trred into the very heart of our
lady politic and and is now gnaw
ing at the nation's tula. We itavd
not hojm for r-foTm wherv pluloo
raov govrrn. W nel not rxecl
just, wholesofue law wnila lb very
iiirii who arc to mak law hnv
old thrtrtselve bmly and SuoJ to
the money poaer.
We ran iievrr get a pure streero
from an impure s-Kircw. we
ran hop fir relivf w mtul fr
'throw pluloercy aitd xmr J-t
....... iiroi ut r.8aia, Jaa-M, la darim a flaa at '
lioiii,u, lb proalit itc tud all tbtstrvwjtb, rvbth4 of ur liberty and .ofaiMa aitOfr orgsaliiUca 1
IiiIuhmis, th kttyiU, Ui ruf ru
Tjcritable den of thieves. Let us
loans y me . uweuiug piace oi
liberty and purity. ,
' My earnest desire in writing my
book "If Christ Came to Congress,"
was to" reveal to the American peo
ple the most shocking state uf cor-
kulH iol, which, ever 'existed and to
(shutout the danger which men-
i)Ce 0I)r liberty.
The plutocratic press all over the
country U heaping abuse oiy me for
telrTfig the truth and sounding the
jjpjlef warling, but so long as my
wnsuoiicx approves ui iny cvuioe
I willcoiilitiue lo antagonize pluto
crur vilh its endless chain of cor
ruption and fight the battle of the
m 'rll give one or two passages
froiu'iffv book as a slight example
tuiiMirse which rtlutiH-racv has
"11 next arrival was a cabinet
oflVjvbut we will notdcsibe him
j propensities are so well
tnWashiiigton at least that
oe -readily recognized. He
A r3
til u' ladi
Inm one of the npst beau-
tifuj ladies of Washington, and they
wtrl hiih giwd humor' and very
micb in love, and were toying with
each mhfr bv the time the door was
was lIJIs some hallucination? Could
it be sible that a member of the
president's cabinet would come
hereTYes, it was true, and they
saw Ytvu go to a room with his fair
companion and heard the door lock.
"Bdt we will draw the curtain
andjsjyw no moref.ijos tonight.
Surely tins is as much as the
American people can endure at
,,nt.e. -In future chapters we will
iift tle T);i Bllj fntw the rotten old
CJrcllM wdiuj, a feBtering and Veik
t, woJTJi fetid fuWs until it Jias
become n stench in tho
norils of
honest "people. There . is a little
leaven! the senate and in the
house of reprcsenntives and high
ollieini life, but not enough to leave
toU-- uddctfff Uo b-tf
If tlie f'SJlr l)Urei
the (teople
viTl )e
If the rulers arc cor
rupt Hndhcentious, the people will
be con opt and licentious. Chris
tians of America, honest men and
virtuous women, ho.iv long will
thatsooii wo will be a nation of such
men and women as these vou have
sctn tonight? These are your lead
ers, and shall we follow their exam
ple? Or shall we tear all such Icp-
rou8 wretches from power and till
their places with real men -men
who resj.Hjct, honor and love the puri-
ty of our mothers, our wives and our
daughter i men who, lnsU aU ol j
trying to unig our women uown to
be coiniiioii prostitutes, will seat a
high example of morality and puri
ty; uion w ho, instead of making our
beloved city of - Washington, in
which every American feel a pride,
the hotbed of lic-nliousnss, liber
tinuon, fraud, dishone-oy and theft
will make it thu svnoyin of all that
U pan-, sod unsullied. '
"If Christ came to congress tn
nijfiland should Hiid tbe sergeanl
t -arms forth into the city to find a
quorum of senators and rcpn scn
allies, where would he have
to, search? In such place as
tht one friends visited this
evt.iiiig. Ask Bessie " Ijngey
wkere to find them. She can
tell you. Go to the gambling hells.
There you will gt information
wkieh will aid you in your search,
if t' cams to iho house of lies
i La gh-y tonight, ha would wit
nf s such a sight aa would make
tlK- angle wetD.
!"JJk-len to tha midnight rvel.
ijear tho popping of hamaign
oil ks and the click of (las. LisUn
w- aw
if He
i rll
io oo of ucl, tha rilald
rih.' This' I the example, men
id woidu of Aiu- rica, which your
ie o
dwrw you to f4low. The9 are
oorrupl moral principle which
would sow broadcast, to blight
a4 rum uur opl. IKn oUhss
ur eye lo the danger lo igt-r, but
t4 up and by our ballot awerp
hm from kwr. Our liberty, lb
tU purity nf our homes, art men-
tmi, and unle w at lika Chn
l aai iiwn sltould theu w simply
I Uoe iHirsvlv lit lha hand of h
bill-tiiM-e to ba bwn of uur
dcprivd of our virtue. -... ..
"No-peti can begin to portray 'the
evjJs, the viceNind profligacy which
are today blotting our (uir escutch-1
eou. May GoVI strike down the foul
monster of libertinism before he
has so b.ackened our pure name
that ill old time luster can only be
restored by batliing it in blood." ,
me conclude with a picture
of tle closing scenes of the session
oftongrcm which expired March 4.
It was the holy- Sabbath day, and
the church bells were ringing mer
rily over the city. In the capttol
champagne flowed like water. Com
in i tee room became temporary
brothels. Women of ill repute
swarmed the corridors and sang
songs iu the public restaurants with
inebriated congressmen. "I have
75 dozen glasses out," said Tom
Murray, the disgusted caterer of the
house restaurant. That tells the
slory of the committee rooms better
tha any words;! can litter.
Y-frot- f -th muiiv xlooris-o.
pe.fjct cloud of gentlemen interes
ted in legislation. Borne of the
faces are faniilli ir and have been
'or the last 2X3 years, home are
comparatively new. Thousands
and hundreds of dollars are-to be
won or lost within the next few
Around at the other uoor are
more lobbyist and among them are
somo women. Backed up against
the marble pillars everywhere are
members buttonholed and on the
defensive, tjome of the women are
notorious. The very fact that they
are brought to bear upon any item
of legislation is enough to stamp it
with condemnation. 1
There were poker games in the
committee rooms, and the side
boards were stocked with the best
liquid refreshments which could be
bought with the contingent fund.
There were the house and senate
bars, where every one, fron), tl'.e
most-respected citizen to the lowest
strumpet, could obtain a drink.
An aged senator passed into a
private room with a hilarious niem
of the demimonde on each arm.
A congressman was carried away
by friends fighting drunk. A wom
an, with her diiittily booted foot el-
evuU-d-uji a committee table and a
huipagn) elevated in her
s m. merrsonifc
ozuu memis-rs an!) their
at around smoking and en
ic society of the real lady.
But this is enough. I will cease.
All. of this beneath the jeweled
dome, between the marble walls of
the temple of liberty, amid the roy
al surrounding of art expressed in
bronze and marble and the exuis-itv-
touch ot th painter's brush.
G'kI pity the people when such
scenes as these arc possible. "When
the wicked rule, the cople mourn."
Sois of sire bled for lilierty, lie
ware, for even now. if you will only
listen, you may hear the clunk of
slavery's chain which are being
forged for you and your posteiity
Toilers of America, this is a good
ly land. e are vastly suiierior in
,,0,,,., to the hosts of shyU.ks, so
rt u go up aj p,tt. jt
Ere it is too
late let us vote for
M. W. Howard.
Tiu'Bston, Juno 10, '9o.
E. BaoAD-Aza: In your last iaau-,
you give -oni.leitle aoaee in your
pupwr to an ailicle f loro the 8viu l'ras
with your iiiiluraciimiil. It ia lo be
huuej that tlie aeiitnuetila espi emu-U in
Ilia article mentio:ie I, will bo the means
of blinKing to to Iro-it, lite feulinya of
Ilia reiuriu furvea ot Lane cuiiuijr. li
loea hh-iu to ma lo he a little late in the
la) lor mam-ieie oi tlie pHW' paitt
to criticise a platform which waa ailopt
J with ao much unanimity in vonven
tioas ami Inter ratifle-l by 200,000,00.)
vvlia. Now Air, t.htor, it seems Hint
soma of your ohjevtiona are a lullu wau
fjr. You y Hi Uiaaha plalfo. ui, a a
liol, la a wiae production. lUra
atraiahtway you voutleum the aul-trea-ary
plan with all ol ila bem-flcirtit pro
visions for our delH-.klilea poople. Nor
Jo yoa delieve ll eipeihehl, or rvea da
sualila (or iruM-iiiuirnt owiwniliip oi
iilnia.. In lite name ot Vmry I'rmV
ell, wlial ia sour platform T Aod is it
the aieiuurr ij our party who
defeat lor tl peolea' part'T Or at it
Ilia fellow Miboul a Job oo the ooiskW
u ho frols sulaat-li ok-itud for Ih sue
era of thr pWita-a' party T
Kay yoa O'ualt boy, hew woild it do
to way-fur a a ha with ess h of IIm
liiors lhal tb HtHnnsry, or snme
kwtler ptm with aowrnanml eimnlup
ef railroad will be n-tail in our iwil
P. t. idaUonaf Doa'l all ay "V mi
TH brat way lo saraswr on's weiew
W aMIity to apurvrUle lba bvawSt
of the OwaHa 4altsrm, aottl.1 be U as
ply il a icawHiaa; baustt la saw' aril.
H. C. Vraaaa.
' - - ..
A tMti-r boat rUex Si(h lnf.ira as
lhal Ute eaafMiaw famd U now ma.le un
and lba I a nno nag ,4 l ha l.aoniaa of
tha snvrral rwato t voajtmtmra wilt n,e-l
In ttaiaia Janvrvl, to dariaa a plan af
friends r
joying n
'!? El T.I
Court, for Lane County, -
and taxpayers of the county aforesaid, humbly pray your honorable
court, at the July term thereof, to readjust the amounts of pay for dep
uties for the Clerk ami .lieciff of Lane County, so as to nay lor deputy
sheriff hire not more thui $75.00 (seventy- rive dollars per month, and .
the same sum per month tothe clerk, for clerical assistance. And your
petitioners, as in duty bound, will ever pray. , ' .
Names of Petitioners N-iai) of Pdtltljnars .
:::: ::::::::
' x .
A Beautiful Picture Zmir l
J. W. WHITE, Proprietor.
Hay. Oat. Wheat. Corn, Flour and Mill Feed of all
Kinds kept on band. Wilt pay t'asli for (train oi exchance Keed or Floor
for Grain. WOOD o( all kinds fol Sale Hememiier the place,
Cor. 7th and Willamette Sts.. - - Eugene, Oregon
Vch S l -
Hpurlcliiigr "Witli NewnoNsJi...
Brisk' With BiiMiuoHS.
III las 1lf are bought to sell. No heir looms in our v .
IMLasVV Stock. There is a heavy ndvance in
many lines of goods eppecially in all
I eather Goods and Cottons; but we bought early and
ahead of the advance, and we propose to give our Custom- "
era tl.e advantage of our low purchases. Our Stock is. .
complete and our prices right. Call md see us.
.T. II. 3tcCIl.IJIVO
Ini'iineo .Tops -Anl Hop l"iio."
"V;; fire -A-fTfoiitw for tli best Hop
Stov5 in AnicticH.' -
We are still in position to make to onler the best ont-Hts for drying pops of any
itonaw in the Valley.
fr -
Hoey Bed Lounge . 9 50
Sii pie Lou nee
Woven Ma it res .......
Wool' "
Small 'Cane Rockers. . .
Large Cane Rockers.
Bedstead . . . '. :
Window Shades
O ik Cent, r Table
5 00
1 50
2 50
1 25
2 00
1 25
2 50
2 25
30 to
Maple CenterTHble.
Oak hook case writing ds'k 10 00
MM " Cor. 7tl nnd Willimiotto 5Stw.'
TIIUIl !-arIOf , '- OUliGOX.
Keeps constantly on hand a well selected stock of General Merchandise,
and will sell at Eugene prices, or as cheap ns any olher place in Ian
county. For Cash. Give me atrial and be convinced for yourself. "
Travelers can. receive the beet of accommodation here, and at
prices below the of Eugene. j
Kor. Sir
lacallaj to our Urge
We are also prepared to take your meas
ure for a suit made to order. A perfect fit
rt oi;) lawci usj or aaatr
HOWIJ Ac ItIC12a IVoprlntor.
ruGEiisrE: photo ro
The 8th Street gnr
riTC rv r
We your Petitioners, citzent
2r K
& PeLANO'w A 14xl8opy. ;
of PKRAI LT'S Famou. Painting, the
"AwakiMilneT' H begUen with each Bot
tle of Mellin's FootTpurchased at(BURN
& DbLAXO'S. Ltsik In their Show Window
and vou will TxT convinced that this is a
grand Offer.
ta m . a
a, - m n-a aiir-K-
Sale P(pTces
Maple book case and writing $
desk - 7 00
Ingrain Carpet, all wisd. .. 55
C. C. Carpet 40
Three Ply Carpet .... 55 to - 80
llardwnod Bedroom Set.... 14 50
Hardwood Hotel bedroom set 10 00
Sheval Bedroom Set', Ash... 21 00
Ash Bedroom Set 17 00
Ash Extension Tabk ti foot 4 50
1 Book Case or Slinks 1 50 to ' 6 5(1
anl emnpiet Una ol . J
. f
l ..: r