Broad-axe. (Eugene, Lane County, Or.) 189?-19??, June 15, 1895, Image 1

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' Two Short Line Receivers for
That Circuit. , ;
The I'nloa PanlUe Ometa.' ueeee.fol I
Having- sa .dJ With Mr.
one 12. Judge
MerrittT1 tbB district court, handed
Line & Utah Northern tase today. He
appoints John M. Egan; of t. Paul,
and W. H. Baucroft, of Suit Lake, re
ceivers of the entire property within
the jurisdiction of the ouurt This is
upou the condition that interest now
due on mortgage shall be paid by July
1, and all interest falling due there
after be paid within thirty days from
maturity. Otherwise the property
shall be surrendered to the receivers of
the Union Paciflo road.
No reference was made to issuing re
ceivers' certificates.
The Trust company made a strong
fight for a single receiver, olaiming
that the appointment of an associate
receiver would defeat the objects of the
suit In some quarters it is claimed
that the loan and trust company will
not accept the condition imposed by the
court.. This opinion is in part shared
by Mr. Egan himself.
Bancroft, the associate receiver, is
general superintendent of the mountain
division of the Union Pacific. His
friends point to his clean and success
ful management of the Bio Grande
western road during his six years as
reoeiver and general superintendent;
fiiso to the various imorovsments made
aim on the Short Line, and thiuk
association with such an able man-
age as Egan.- oould not fail to brinir
iisfaotory results to every interest
ved. . .
Egan left for the East tonight,
an behator Thurston will go to Idaho
for avfeV days' recreation.
ijnlen. Iaelttc OnWIals Plnd.
Onwba, Jane 18. It was a foregone
oonclqtjliln that the Short Line & Utah
Norther would be placed ...under ...the.
control of a separate recejrer, the only
hope of the interests ant-fconistio to the
lAmericsn Loan & Trust Company be-
ig to secur--. a coreceiver who would
fair to tne Union Pacific, which has
ow beeuavteomDlLshed trv the annoint-
. Utah., n
I j ment oC W. H. Bancroft General
Ltlaaagep Dickin oil y aa elated over
i, N"ift.'s appct .it-nnt7i whom he re- j
" f the separated pi)operty. He
'BTdo not believe -MrEgan will
aooept the K',s of the' transfer, em
bodying as it does the Utan Southern,
s property which has not paid "operat
ing expenses. ' Our people feeTsatisfied
with the terms of the order as made by
Judge Merritt, and if it is accepted by
- the American Loan & Trust Company
- it must be dpud at great cost to them.
AUU fliUVl IV w uuv ...... ,
through its ' attorneys, has fought the
coreceivewhip idea from the beginning
and this, coupled with the interest fea
ture of the order, which is along the
lines outlined by the attorneys for the
first mortgage interests receivers of
the Union Pacific and Short Line, will
probably prove too much a load for the
receivers to carry. Should Ir. Egan
accept, it. wilT not affect the" forces at
Union Pacific headquarters to the ex
tent of more ' than thirty men, ud as
for our meohanical force they are re
do&jd to a minimum. It has been my
idea, however, all the way through
that if the two receivers were accredit
ed to the property and the contentions
of attorneys for the first mortgage 'and
the other interests followed, that the
successor receiver could not oonsistent-
ly take the property. Mr. Egan will
now operate the properties in the eighth
and ninth cir Aits, but I can scarcely
believe this, Tor Ogden is the key to
the situation, and it would leave Mr.
Egan the ends of the line to operate,
while the great middle would be oper
ated by the present receiver, for I take
It that Mr. .Bancroft would refuse to
take the road if bis associate should
object to the order. "
There was much satisfaction ex
pressed about headquarters when the
terms of the order became known, for
the majority of the heads of the de
partments felt that Egan would not
take the fchort Line, loaded down with
non-paying divisions, as iu the case of
the Utah Southern and Utah Southern
Tk Mm t !
ttunta Rosa. CaL, Jnua 10. Ben
Buckler, the famous .Sonoma county
M man, is now tn the limn in-
limvKor the past twenty
years Buckley ha -Uwn Jiviug in an
opon pen on the Cunningham ranch,
tn BUeher Talloy. He refused to leave
tha nlaoa eve in a the wont part of
ah. rainr eaarm, snd was conteut to
lie iu a hole In the
gouna oaring ma
k.niMi rain atorm. When the iHi),r, without conflicting with the
ru o hnP o bun nr wouiu oa i
it Ml with bis hat He lived mostly
on canned '' Da sxinom c.(
nay till I' imagined hlnierlf to m
th prwiidtil f th United Sutra, alid
aatd he had boon president "inoo ll
tints of WanlilngUiit. The (u of bis
ballacinalloa was a blow rwlwl
the bend twmty yrs rs while on
nieil koine otie maht II was -
salted by rooin ana woinj
A t-neky Toeonn lrl.
" Teoooui, June 11-News wss re
el rod today that Mim ( Wtrude Mo
Ate, of Ibis city, syd I, has fallen
''If to a larn-o ftartuo Ml by het aged
who died nwnlly at hi. Vary's.
Vile made bis will In her
ader aha wont bora to take
'ea, and a weak after was
Ji paralysis.
Attempt to Fore. a A nerleu Cltlsca
to Srr la tn (Imu A nor
fcath, Me., June 13. David Roths
child, a leading business man of ;Bath,
has received a letter from hia brother,
Myrris, who went to Germany last
rfonth, stating that' an attempt was
made to force him into the German
army. He reached bis father's house
at Eiahtitten, the latter part of May.
Alter being there week he waa ar
rested and kept in prison forty-eight
hours, despite bis protests that be was
a citizen of the United States, and of
fered bis passports and naturalization
papers in proof. At the end Of two
days he was brought before military
court and examined and found eliglWo
for servioe in the German army. Hia
papers were taken from bim and ' be
was sentenced to sfx weeks in prison,
at the end of which time heniust begin
a three years' term in the army. David
Greismer, of New York, who ao
oonpanied Rothschild, employed a
lawyer, who laid the facts before the
military authorities with the result
that the sentence was changed to a fine
of S00 marks, and hia papers were for
warded to the war department at Ber
lin, which will decide whether Roths
child shall serve his army term.
Rothschild paid the fine, pending a de
cision frbm the war department and
has gone to Switzerland where be now
is. David Rothschild will communi
cate at once with the state department
iu Washington regarding thwrnatter.
One of the papers taken from Roths
child and forwarded to Berlin was a
regular passport from the United States
bearing the signature of Secretary
Gresham.- '
Rich DI.eoverlea Sali to Hmv Been
Made in the Territory.
' Guthrie, O. T., June 12. For sev
eral days rumors have been current
that gold has been discovered in paying
quantities bn Boggy creek, fourteen
miles southwest from Arapahoe, G coun
ty. Last Friday Tominie Boll came
into town and stated some very rich
leads had been found and that people
were flocking into the mineral region
from all points of - the compass. In
tess -than ' two-hoTir8BeveTalpartle8
wem equipped and on the road to the
field. Lee Wells and Alex Henshaw
returned today and reported very rich
finds, aud that hundreds of men were
on the ground staking off claims. They
say that a vein "running from Cobb
creek, in the Caddo country, to the
head of the Bngv, a distance of forty
Irpiles, and ltoigin ; fro j threeVoeloven,
!TL-: --;. j ' :f mt-.ii-
idnjfb wiuu, una ueeu ujauuvciuu vveue
and Henshaw brought back some speci
mens, which have been tested by Mr.
Cramer, an experienced miner and as
sayist, who reports the specimens are
very rich in the precious metal. The
stratum of gold is found on an average
of about seven feet below the surface,
and is very easily taken out. A min
ing town has been laid out and platted
under the townsite laws. Reports say
that people are coming in and staking
out claims at the rate of 100 per day.
nifn's Frnlt Crop Will Be Dli-
iA.H.d of nt Good Prices.
. San Jose, June 12. The Santa Clara
county fruit exchange is in possession
of advices annoucing that the French
crop of prunes will be reduced fully- a
third from the amount proudced last
year. This means in the neighborhood
of 20,000,000 pounds less of that pro
du'.'t on the market Loudon (ind1 Bor
deaux advices indicate that the grape
crop has been injured 75 per pent,
peaches from 25 to 40 per cent, and
cherries 20 per cent Li the vicinity
of New York and in Michigan small
fruit farms have been fiamaged extensively.-
The season is too early for the
formation of reliable opinion regarding
the apple crop. These reports are of
great consequence to the fruitgrowers
of this valley, Snd mean that .good
prices will prevail for all that is
grown, not alone in this valley, but
throughout the state. From the var
ious prune-growing sections of Califor
nia reports are, that the crop will be a
good average one. Other fruits do not
show material decrease, and on the
whole the prospect is considered bright
Sales in the East are encouraging and
the outlook for disposing of this val
ley's output at good prices wss never
. Krln-s rio on Feni-th of Jnl y.
San Francisco, June 10. The execa
tive committee of the Fourth of July
coU-hratioa committee baa, in answer
tJ a Communication, informed i
eia'ii'VT of the Anoient Order of
liai'jt. tAnt it niiiy carry in theprocra-
of ''btbd, it made in the
)iitvt, suiqwnded from crss poles and
lvt.m.t as a banner of a fraternal or-
uHiitu that no nas otber tnan Uie atars
tad srtipes wtu be allowed to be car-
tnr. Uulrsa so made and unrd as a
tnnnr, no fisg of any dcription will
' afkrwed tn the exercisea.
TIrtleae of rhlaeee.
Lid.m, June 11. A sprcisl from
Shanghai ears U is slraont Pertain that
( B naMr ot all the perwma ronnwted
wltk) the English. French and Ameri
re a iniaaiona at Chang Tn has occurred.
Neither men, wmesi nor children have
1 berti spared, sonrxl I n g to the report It
Is admitted that teh-granae have
tntnvrd by Ihe eo-eiuPMtit, the ob- j fiwmstory. baa been selected as the
Jwt bring to cewrol the awa of the -wrsxdea for th United States peaitenti
ssaaaaaro. A Freewh gwahoat is . ary at Fort Leavenworth, wtxta that
roots to Wee. Cfcaag to tavsatigato the inotitsUoa comes under th jurisdiction
Existing Complications With
Foreign Governments.,
ThU Is the Brlti.h-VeaesaeUn Qa
tion, Buiih of It. Involving
the Monroe Doctrine.
Washington, Jnne 11. Secretary of
State Olncy is expected to take the oath
fof office tomorrow. There will be no
undue baste, however on the part of
the new chief of the state department
Mr. Olney baa given much close study
to the larger law questions before his
department and it will take some time
for bim to put the work aside and for
the new attorney -general to grows into
it Mr. Olney, moreover, is equipped
in advance for the duties of his new
office, as he has been consulted con
stantly during the last year on the
various complications over Venezuela,
Nicaragua, Behring sea, the Waller
case, foreign tariff retaliation, Jthe Japanese-Chinese
troubles, Spain 's oonflict
with Cuba, and the lesser questions Ju
which the United States baa been
brought in relation with the rest of the
The last year has been unusually
fruitful in foreign complications.
Some of these were closed by Mr.
Gresham, pr advanced to such a state
that they V ill not require much further
attention. Among these were the Brit-
ittih-Nicaraguan incident, ,in which the
uuiinj otaves mueu vuwaxu seiue-
meci; the Japan-China treaty of peace,
t) which was effected as a result of the
Kwuiy luwrvenuon Dy cue uniroa
States, and the friction .with Hawaii
as the result of the demand for the re
call of Minister Thurston. The other
foreign questions which attracted ;nb-
Uo attention during Mr. GreshamV ad
ministration of the department are f ill
pending. With Great Britain uere
are two questions of importance to be
adjusted, those affecting Behring sea
and the Vennezuelan boundary. A
Behring sea conference will be held in
Washington in October next, Sir Julian
Paunoefote having effected the' prelim'
mary arrangements with Mr.' Gresham.
The purpose is to draft a new treaty by
which the claims of Canadian .senlers
for allegd seizures and losses will be
submitted to a commission. The con
ference will not take up the awe im-
portant question of readjusting the
Behring sea-regulations iV order to
, " w.- j -v-
ittie; uuwvTDr,iau pruiuisu uj ua(l out
a vigorous legal and diplomatic contro-
The British-Venezuelan question is
mainly significant in involving the
Monroe doctrine. The United States
has asked Great Britain to arbitrate the
question. So far as is known fo defi
nite answer has been made to Ambassa
dor Bayard, who presented the request
of this country. The British foreign
office has positively declined to oonsider
similar requests by Pope Loo and by
the International Arbitration Associa
tion, and it is not doubted that in duo
time a declination will come to the
United States. It will then remain for
the state department to determine to
what extent British aggression in Ven
ezuela is compatible with the Monroe
doctrine. Mr. Gresham bad made a
special study of the subject, regarding
it as of more importance than any of
the foreign questions under considera
tion. Mr. Ulney was called into con
ference, and for several weeks prior
to his selection for the secretary of state
Ire was bnsy investigating this compli
cated question. It is probable that a
definite issue will be reached when
Ambassador Bayard sends Britain's
answer. , . j
With France the only question of
oonseqnence pending is as to the im
prisonment of ex-Consul-Genersl Wal
ler. Ambassador Enstis has been in
structed to make inquiries with a view
of securing for Waller all the rights of
an American citizen abroad, including
a trial by a civil court
Germany, Austria and Denmark are
having numerous tariff complications
with the United States which threaten
ed at one time to' bring about radical
retaliation by this country. The read
justment haa proceeded largely through
the state department Germany and
Denmark continue their exclusion of
American meats, but there are pros
pects that a satisfactory settlement
will be effected. The discriminating
duties levied sgainst the beet sugar of
Germany and Austria brought on the
conflict and Denmark followed the lead
of her influential neighbors.
The Cuban revolution promises to be
a source of controversy with Spain.
Minister Dupny de Lome haa already
asked the state department to appre
hend those sending arms to Cuba, and
the suggestion is msde that Spain will
make a claim against the United States
based on the precedent of the Alabama
claims. Officials are not solicitous.
however, as to this claim, and the inti
mation is made that it is inspired by
British sources -out of resentment for
the Alabama decision.
Tfce Manner and Mnrohy Match
New York, Jane 1 1. It has been de
cided that Walter Sanger and Charles
Murphy will ride series of mstota
racoa, beat two tn three, one-mile Beats,
: Menhmttan hooch, m RatnrdaT. Jhh
19. The match will be under the ans-
pices of the King's county wheelmen.
Warden nt Fort Leavenworth.
Waahington, Jon 1 1. Superintend
eat McGlaocberr. M tbe Pontine
j ot the) aopartsaeat of jnstioe, July L
A Walla Walls Benedict and HU Dkr
Bride Coated. '
Walla Walla, Wash., June H
Early this morning fifty masked men,
heavily armed, took Joseph Fossati and
Robie Allen, a colored woman who
runs a bouse of ill repute, and gave
them a coat of tar and feather Boon
after midnight the men, all -wearing
masks over their faces, T- t1 "
house occupied by the woman! in an
alley between Main and Rose streets.
A hack followed them and stoW-'v-in
front of the house. The met .e
open the door. ' They dragged lussati
and the woman from the bvL.. ajd car
ried them to the hack, whiWpg-s
driven rapidly to the outskirt '
city. The clothes of th two , re torn
off, and a heavy ooat of tar ' wtj-
ed to leave the city. ' ' t
The job was well planned aa exe
cnted. The thoroughfare through
whioh the back passed was th "
guarded by armed men, am ; w i
tempt to stop them wonld hi l.iwp 'n
lutiie. two minutes alter tnei , v
less approach they were out rr " .ftC
aud before large number of bp a tors
recovered from their astonishrmft
Fossa ti is the son of a b
'6 111
speciea iamny, ana nas naa L i ,
average advantages of life. He has
persisted in living with this woman.
Friday they went to Dayton sad were
married. They returned berf ! Satur
day. Mrs. D. Foasati, the mother of
Young Fossati, Is prostrated w3b grief
and is in a precarious conditio
dlven an Ofllolnl Teat by the Govern
ment at Sandy Mook - .
New York, June 11. The govern
ment steamer Ordnance took a sargo of
experts snd othprs to the government
'proving ground at Sandy Hoo?y'ester
day, and an offioial test of the Maxim
machine gun, whioh can be fired 600
times a minute, was made, first of
all Mr. Huber fired fifty shot The
little feat occupied 6 4-5 socouds. The
light gun is used by the inf.intry. It
is important to learn how quickly it
can be taken from the packing ease and
put into action. Expert Hnirr- hung
it over hia shoulder in marching order,
and, at a .word .from Captiu Hatch,
he began to take out the gun. He put
it together, unpacked his -cartridges
snd fired bis first shot fifty-eight . sec
onds after the alarm was given.' For
third test a duplicate aet was put up,
and the first shot wss fired - fu 26 2-5
seconds. The fourth te(. wat jhanging
barrels CF. action.. TSf nn, between
.i i . t. ... :
,iinn waa ujb new one
13 2-6 seconds. yl f -.-
The National Bv V
Washington, June 1 l.xne abstracts
of the report by the controller of the
currency, showing the oondition of all
the national banks of the United States
May 7, shows the total resources to be
$3,610,491, an increase of $31,499,952
since March 6, when the last call was
made. The amount of loans and dis
counts increased from $1,951,846,832
to $1,976,604,445. The lawful reserve
was $364,105,767 (decrease of $173,
000), of which $177,000,000 was gold
coin and gold certificates, $41000,000
silver and ailver certificates snd $145,
000,000 legal tenders. The amount of
individual deposits had increased from
$1,667,845,886 to1Tl,'690,961,399. The
showing is considered good. The loans
and discounts increased about $25,000,
000 and deposits about $21,000,000.
The gold holdings are practically un
changed. Workmen and I'ollce.
Vienna, June 11. The long expect
ed conflict between workmen and po
lice took plaoe today. Ten thousand
laborers gathered on the streets of the
city according to preconcerted arrange
ment, and Deputy Pernerstorger and
other socialist leaders made speeches to
tbe crowd. Upon the arrival of the
polioe they declared the meeting ille
gal, and requested the audience to dis
perse. The crowd noisily separated,
but the arrest of a man named Feigl
caused a collisions between the police
and socialists, who tried to rescue the
prisoner. The police were stoned, and
many small fights occurred in various
portions of the city all the morning.
One mounted inspector had his uni
form torn form him and was nearly
pulled off bia horse. Another infpector
wss thrown snd kicked in the abdo
men. Three policemen were injured
by stones. Nineteen socialist have
been placed under arrest
Grain In California.
San Francisco, June 8. The Ssn
Francisco Produce .Exchange today is
sued its usual statement of the amount
of grain, etc. on hand in this state
Jane 1. The report shows thst there
sre 61,607 barrels of flour, against 80,'
810 for June 1, 1894. There are 6.306,
$40 centals of wheat tn store. This is
over 1,000,000 centals leas than were
in store at the .same time last year.
There are 731,440 centals of barley.
against 1, 370,305 for Jane 1894. In
oats there are 1,089,760 centals, to, 000
mars than last year. Last year there
were 134.300 sacks of beans, bat this
year the figures bsre dropped to 65,
819. There is a decrease in the supply
of corn also, the figures being 61.340
for this year, and 94.800 In 1894. Rye
baa dropped from 6,885 centals, in
June, 1894 to 4,480 centals this rear.
The SaeentnMon'e Death Blew.
Chicago, Jan 10. The Atchison
Topeka A Santa Fa and the 8c bonis
A Saa Francisco roads filed notices of
withdrawal ffota the South wear
traffic aasoriatlosi in St Louis trtUy
This actiou byj the Asrhisna St Toprks
gives the deat blow to the asanrisoou.
which Borers IM trafflo teKwiaai 8t
Low is and Taxaa points. K early all
eofmsaodity rakes have beam eat trass 60
Condensed Telegraphic Re
ports ot Late Events.
Hnppenlnca of Interest In the Towns and
Cities of Oregon, Waahlnton
nnd Idaho.
Wenatchee, Wash. , has lowered her
liquor lioense from $400 to $300 per
The perple of Tbe Dalles, Or., are
working bard for a road from that city
to FossiL (
Dr. Bryant is after the coal in the
vicinity of Yaquina bay Or., with a
diamond drilL
'The State Bar Association will meet
in Spokane July 1 7, and the session
will last three days.
An appeal has been taken- to the su
perior court from the appraisal of the
tide lands in Seattle.
Only about $9,oWremliins delin
quent on taxes in Lane oounty, Or.,
$109,014 having been collected.
Burns, Or., has promised to raise
$2,600 a a bonus for the extension of
the telephone line from Canyon City,
Or., to that place.
The new mill company at Spokane
has already contracted for 8.000.000
feet of logs that are now cut and wait
ing to be floated down.
An ordinanoe has been passed by the
Spokane city council awarding the is
sue of water-works warrants to Theis
& Barroll, of that city.
Port Towsend, Wash., voted 467 to
28, to legalize its outstanding indebted
ness, and the town's credit is thought
to be greatly strengthened. f
Mayor Belt, of Spokane, will sign
the ordinance for the issuance of war
rants for water works, but there has
been no capitulation in his church
Tho Centennial Mill Company, of
Spokane, has 150 carloads of wheat
in the Northern Pacific yards for which
it paid 83 cents a bushel. The com
pany has been offered 44 cents for the
same wheat - - -f- -
Brigadier James M. Ashtou has re
signed from the oommand of the First
brigade of the National Guard of
Washington, his private business be
ing too exacting to prevent his attend
ing to the duties of the offioe.
J. J. Boon baa taken the trouble to
r n quainli r of Tnqnlaa b'i- Oysters
on floats and is feeding thfcJ fo the
summer trade. These oysters are taken
from their artificial beds and placed on
the floats to keep them from spawning.
The administration building of the
grioultural college at Pullman, Wash.,
is to be dedicated June 26. Governor
MoGraw will preside, and James Ham
ilton Lewis, of Seattle, will deliver the
oration. Excursions will be run from
neighboring towns.
Floyd L. Moore, a student i at the
Pullman agricultural college, has been
arrested, charged with adultery with
the wife of John Saddler, a prominefrt
citizen. Mrs. Saddler, who is the
mother of three children, is with her
parents in Puyallup, Wash. .
They are holding mass meetings in
Arlington, Or., to discuss ways snd
means for holding the trade which
Dalles City promises to get sway by
means of a new road which is project
ed. One measure thought favorably of
bonus for telephone connection
with Fossil.
E. T. Wade, is hauling in bis wool
from Alba, Or. Shearing has just been
completed and 12,000 pounds of wool
is the result of the clip. He drove bis
sheep into the mountains during March
and they are in fine condition. In the
vicinity of Alba the shearing season is
just finished.
The water ia so high at the Cascades,
Or., that little work can be done until
the river recedes to the normal stage.
One section of the second gate is placed
in position, and as soon aa the water
goes down the other gates will be erect
ed, the remaining walls built and the
upper bulkhead taken out
The Valley Transcript snd its pub
lisher, A. V. R. Snyder, sfter six years
of newspaper life in Dallas, where the
publisher made a living "which failed
to satisfy the cravings of humsn na
ture," said good-bye to Dallas last
week snd will move to McMinnville,
where Mr. Snyder led a happy snd
prosperous newspaper life for fourteen
years. .
Tbe people of Juniper Flat, Or., and
the country between Wamio and Wa-
pinitia, will be glad to know that the
contract for renewing the work on the
big irrigation ditch has been relet, and
work will begin at once, E. Owens,
of North Yakima, Wash., ia to com
plete the job in sevejity-six days from
Msy 17 last
Colfax. Wash., dealers received an
other supply of strychnine for squirrel
poison, but their orders were only
partly filled, and the supply is not a
Urge one. One druggist who ordered
600 ounces received only 100, with the
information that tbe factories were un
able to supply the unprecedented de
mand. Tbe price of it has rone up to
90 cents and $1 per ounce, as against
75 and 80 oenta earlier ia tbe season.
The penitentiary directors at Walla
Walla, Wash., have awarded Mm con
tracts for supplies) to the following
named bidders: H. P. Isaacs,
and feed; J. P. Kent, tallow;
and aaediciaea, James Oalloway; bard
ware, w. u. vauea; paints aad oils, ;
Schwsbnrher Company; grocorw. the
Oaa A. Winckler Company; leather. 1
Patrick Mastoraoa At Co., Portland,
dry goods, Kysrr 4k Foster and tha'
"Ism ling "
The Attorney-General Named for the
Secretary of State.
Washington, June 10, President
Cleveland haa annonuoed the following
cabinet appoinments:
Secretary of state, Richard Olney, of
Massachusetts; attorney-general, Jud
son Harmon, of Cincinnati.
The announcement, which was msde
late this afternoon, created no surprise
here, for it has been well understood
for several days that Olney would suc
ceed to the first plaoe in the cabinet,
made vacant by the death of Secretary
The president at one time contem
plated other changes in his cabinet and
a rearrangement of several portfolios,
and in this oousjojion consideration
waa given to the transfer 01 secretary
Smith to the department of justice, but
this and other transfers were finally
abandoned, and the president concluded
that the simplest plan would be merely
to fill the vacancy caused by Mr. Ol
ney 's promotion.
---The appointment of Judge Judsou
Harmon, of Cincinnati, as attorney
general, came in the nature of a sur
prise. His name had not even been
canvassed as among the probabilities.
There is the best anthority f ir 'the
statement that the president had sev
eral names nnder consideration, and
that the portfolio of justice might have
been had by James C. Carter, of New
York, and by Frederick R. Coudert, of
New York, had- they been disposed to
Secretary Carlisle knows Judge Har
mon personally, and vadmires and re
spects his ability. It was he, probably,
who first presented his name to Presi
dent Cleveland. Ex-Governor Camp
bell, of Ohio, a close friend of Judge
Harmon, also warmly supported him,
and tbe president also secured from ex
Governor Hoadley, of Ohio, who is
now living in New York, and whose
law partner Mr. Harmon was, most
favorable reports as to his ability and
standing. After eanvii.ssiug the situa
tion thoroughly, tiio president offered
the portfolio to Judge Harmon by wire
this afternoon, 'and immediately upon
receiving a favorable reply annonuoed
the appointments. -
Soniethlus; About Olney. Suecea.or.
Cincinnati, June 10. When the ap
pointment of Judge Judson Harmon
became known here, attorneys from
the courts and their offices rushed to
the offioe of Harmon, Colestone, Gold
smith & Hoadley to congratulate the
new attorney-general and ask for a
date for a farewell dinner from the bar.
Jodao Harmon said he had reoeired a
letter from President Cleveland 'today
and replied to it by wire. He had no
knowledge of his appointment till ad
vices by the press dispatches. Ho
went to Columbus tonight on business
and does not know when he will go to
Washington. Judge Harmon is not
only recognized as one of the foremost
lawyers and jurists in the state, but
also as one of the most popular oitizens
of Ohio. f
He was born near this city 49 years
ago. Cincinnati has "always been his
home aud lie is known by all. His
father, the Rev. B. F. Harmon, waf a
Baptist minister, well known through
out the Ohio valley. Young Harmon
graduated at Denison university, a
Baptist institution at Granville, Ohio,
in 1866, and began the practice of law
in Cincinnati in 1869. ... He was a Re
publican until 1872, when be "Gree
leyized." As a Democrat he was
elected common pleas judge on tbe
Tilden ticket in 1876. He was elected
superior judge in 1878, re-elected in
1883, and when ex-Governor George
Hoadley went to New York in 1887
Judge Harmon resigned from the bench
to become the head of the firm of Har
mon, Coldstone, Goldsmith & Hoadley,
which represents many railroads and
other corporations and with which firm
he will continue his connection.
When Judge Harmon resigned, in 1887,
Governor Foraker appointed Jndge
William Taft, now United States cir
cuit judge and formerly solicitor-gen
eral to the vacany. - "
Mrs. Harmon is an accomplished
lady, the daughter of the late Dr. Sco
bey, of Hamilton. They have three
daughters, Mrs. Edman Wright, jr., of
Philadelphia; Miss Elizabeth, a recog
nized society leader, and Margerie, the
youngest of the family, who is 14
years old
The Decision Denounced at Omaha.
Omaha, Jnne 11. A mass meeting
of the workingmen of Omaha was held
this evening to take action on the re
cent refusal of the supreme court to
grant writ of habeas corpus in the
case of Eugene V. Debs. The hsll was
packed with workingmen. Speeches
were made by August Bierman, the
Rev. Alexander F. Irvine and "Gen
eral" Kelly, of industrial army re
nown. The following resolution, offer
ed by Kelly, was adopted:
' "Resolved, That we, the working
men of Omaha, in mass meeting assem
bled, denounce the action of the court
aa arbitrary and unjust and calculated
to destroy tbe confidence of the mssses
in the integrity of the judiciary of the
United States."
An Italian Urate.
Ssn Rsfel. CsL, Jane 8. Victor
Cslzacia, an Italian laborer, was re
leased from jail today, where he baa
served a term for patting ganpowdVr
in the strrvs of s hotel kept by Mrs.
Bravo. The woman was the principal
witness, aad Ca lands swore revenge.
Aa Boost as released frosa lail . today ha
' sought Mrs. Bravo and threw her down
t 1.. f, ..... . Ma
; a nigni as avoirs into ine biwl j neo
. w-r. woe
pre"ited by spectators. Mr. Bravo
is ia a critical ouaditioa. Her face ia
badly battered, bet bom is broken, and
t( t( feared that sh is hurt Internally.
Calancia has tins arrested.
Revolutionists in This Coun
try Ready to Act,
To Start From a I'oint South of Charles
ton nnd to Be Complete In
Kvery Fnrtlcnlnr.
Fernandina, FU., June 8. The mas
ter stroke of the Cuban revolutionary
movement in this country will occur
within three days. The principal lead
ers of the party in the . United StaU-s '
gathered at Jacksonville two days sgo,
but yesterday quietly slipped over here
aud took carriages and went to Ocean
Beach, whore they stepped at the
Strathmore hotel. From an adjoining
room a correspondent overheard the
whole of the deliberations, which begau '
at 8 P- M and lasted until a late hour.
As appeared frpin the conversation,
most of the expeditions hitherto have
gone from San Domingo, but tlio next
bold move must be from ( the United
States south of Charleston. A fleet ot
light-draught vessels oould get unno
ticed through Bahama channel, and
then at night make short runs for the
northern coast of Cuba, where there
are many bays easy of aooess for an ex
pedition, and poorly guarded. Thu
plans of the insurrectionists, so far as
completed, are as follows:
"That as all plans tor the carrying
on of the insurrection in Cuba have
heretofore worked most satisfactorily,
the western half being ripe for rebel
lion, the nonsuiting board has decided
that the expedition should be madu
ready at onoe; that it should sail from
a point be w teen Brunswick, Ga., and
Mayport, Fla.; that it should be com
manded by Colonel Enrique Collao, the
war-scarred veteran of 1868-78, and
that the fleet should be guarded by
throe newly-built torpedo boats of tho
latest pattern, of great speod and man
ned by experienced seamen.' Lieuten
ant Tomas Collao ia to bo the staff offi
cer, and Colonel Collao's small army
is to be recruited from tho " Cubans in "
the United States and picked Ameri
cans from the Southern states. Men
already collected by Henry Brooks,
whols now in Now York city, aud who
is to accompany the expedition as a
member of Colloa's staff, are also to bo
enrolled. Colloa ia to land the expedi
tion at some point in the province of
Puerto Principe, where forces collected
by Gomes and Marti will oryiparaUu
The expedition ia to laud in Cuba with
in thirty days."
In sddition to this plan of operation,
general infomation was given during
the deliberations- The province of Pi
nas del Orras has risen, and the insur
gents have made more progress in tho
present" rising of three months' dura
tion than was made in the seven years
commencing in 18U8. It is believed
that yithin a month the whole island
will be in arms for the Cubans, and
that Captain-Oeueral Campos is exert
ing every effort to be recalled to Mad
rid before the arrival of the disaster,
which he believes is sure to overwhelm
the Spanish armies in Cuba very soon.
It was stated moreover, that Jose Marti
would be in Florida within the next
ten days.
More of I'nnl echulae.
Tacoma, June 7. J. O. Armour and
P. D. Armour, jr., of Chicago, filed to
day in the federal court a petition al
leging that the late Paul Schulze ,
fraudulently and oollusively conspired
with the Northwest Thomson-Houston
Electrio Company to transfer to it
stocks snd bonds of the Tscoma Rail
way & Motor Company, without re
ceiving full consideration; that for $1,
250,000 bonds of face value and a large
block of stock, the street railwsy com
pany received in money and property
only $800,000. They claim that
Schulze paid the electrio company
$350,000 for the Steilaooom road, a su
burban line worth but $60,000. On
sccount of these transactions they de
clare the company has an equitable off
set against the Thomson-Houston Elec
trio Company of $746,000, and ask that
the amount due it and its assignees on
the bonded indebtedness be reduced by
that amount The bonded debt la $!,
350,000. The Armours sre stockhold
ers and do not want to see the stock
wiped out
L tier
an Veeael rired en the Chin
Hong Kong, Jane 8. Advioes from
Taipeh Fa, Formosa, describe affairs
in thst town as still in a chaotic, con
dition. The native quarter has been
burned. During the amflsgration a
magazine exploded killing ninety Chi- .
nese. The German gunboat Itlis fired
on the Chinese forts at Hobe, presuma
bly because a merchant steamer' with
Tsng, the former president of the so
cslled republic of Formosa, on board
with a numbrr of refugee lliimse sol
dier, waa not allowed to lcav. The
forta were silenced by the fits of the
gunboat Subsequently tbe mirchsnt
steamer proceeded. The British cruiser
Rainbow left thla morning.
Oerar Wilde Is Met Ineone.
. London, June 7. The Morning
Times denies the report thst Oncar
Wilde ia insane, and claims' he baa
never been confined In a padded ' room. .
It instated that Wilde was started to
work in the treadmill according to tbe
nrual prlemn discipline. After J few
days be was sent to the infirmary,
where it was found thst be wss suffer
nl"' melanch-ilia and triable of
the -ach. The disorder! tif the
stunseh erased after two da;' ouufino
ment ia tha hospital, and .Wilds re
turned to the prison feeling' gently lot
poved. His melancholia sxaUiiBoa.